Suzana Canhasi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Suzana Canhasi

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında İstek Kipleri

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Görümce, Elti ve Kayınlara Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları

Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Sa... more Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları Kosovall Türk gelinlerinin kullandıkları saygı hitapları Kosova'da yaşayan diğer kültürlerde kullanılmayan sözlük birimlerdir. Bu konuyla ilgili yapılmış bir çalışmaya denk gelmeyişimiz bu saygı sıfatlarının Rumeli'nin diğer Türk topluluklarında veya Türkiye'deki şehir kültüründe kullanılıp kullanılmadığı konusunda bir yargıya varmamıza imkan vermemektedir. Ancak Kosova Türk ailesinin Kosova'da diğer topluluk mensupları ailelerinden ayırmaya yarayan önemli bir etkendir. Yani bu geleneğin Kosovalı Türk ailelerinde nasıl oluştuğu veya nereden nakledildiği konusunda bir malumatımız bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmadamada gelinlerin evlenme yoluyla akrabalık ilişkisi kurduğu görümce, elti ve kayınlara yönelik kullandıkları hitap sıfatların çeşitleri, bu sıfatların belirlenirken varılan mutabakat şekli ve sıfatların verildikleri kişilerin fiziksel ve mizaç özellikleri ile aile içerisindeki statüsünü nasıl belirlediği üzerinde durulacaktır. Ancak çalışmayı daha anlamlı kılabilmek amacıyla Kosova'nın çeşitli yerleşim yerlerinden derlenen örnekler üzerinde yapılacak tahlillerin yanı sıra Kosova Türklerinin aile yapısı ve konumuzla ilgili akrabalık ilişkilerinden, gelin isteme geleneklerinden ve gelinin evlendikten sonra sahip olduğu görev ve sorumluluklarmdan bahsedilecektir. Makalemizin son kısmmda çeşitli etmenlerin etkisiyle Kosova'da Türk aile yapısının geçirdiği degişime paralel olarak bu geleneğinin terk edilmeye başlandığı üzerine bir değerlendirme yapıp bir neden sonuç ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışıIacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kosova Türkleri, Aile Yapısı, Gelin, Saygı Sıfatları Kosovo Turkish Community Brides use to address respect adjectives for brother -in -law and sister-in-law Respect Adjectives used by Kosovo Turkish brides are unused units for other cultures living in Kosovo. Regarding this we couldn't find studies which are corresponding this issue. So we cannot come to any conclusion about other Turkish communities who are living in region of Rumelia or in Turkey. However, this issue is important factor which separates Kosovo Turkish families from other Kosovo communities. But we don't have any information about how this tradition was conveyed or composed to Kosovo Turkish Families. In this study will be discussed about how brides established family relations through marriage with sister-in-law, brother-in-law and addressing the variety attributes, regarding the status of persons in the family and how to identify the physical and temperament characteristics of the family member. However in order to make more meaningful our work, we carried out samples from various settlements throughout Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Turks family structure and the positioning of kinship relations. Also will be discussed about wedding ceremony, after marriage traditions and about her duties and responsibilities. The last part of this study will be focused on the effect of various factors in Kosovo, which effects on the changes in the structure of the Turkish family in line were tradition starting already to be abandoned. Also this study will make an attempt to establish a relationship on cause and effects. Keywords: Kosovo Turks, Family Structure, Bride, Respect Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarında Hal Eleri

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarına Arnavut Dilin Etkisi



Kosovo Turkish dialects constitute a significant part of Rumelia Turkish dialects. Kosovo Turkish dialects noun suffixes have not been studied thus far. This study aims the analysis of noun suffixes in miscellaneous texts. The texts we have used are from the doctoral studies (the numbers are from the same texts). Kosovo Turkish dialects may include forms violating the grammar of Turkey Turkish language. These various forms can be seen in the root of the word and the case suffixes. In addition to the situations such as omissions, extensions, and consonant and vowels exchanges in the suffixes, the impact of other languages, such as Serbian and Albanian, play the extended role as well. We aimed the clarification of such variations. Turkish language spoken in Kosovo is accepted as a dialect of Turkey Turkish language. The first salient thing between the Kosovo Turkish dialects and Turkey Turkish language is the difference in the phones and structure. When we mention Kosovo Turkish dialects we mean Pristina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gilan, Vucitern, Dobercan and Mamusa dialect. There are some differences in the Turkish versions used in these places. To exemplify, Mitrovica population used to consist of mainly Serbians and Bosnians thus we see their influence. While in Pristina and Prizren the influence of Albanian language is more evident. These influences can often be research subjects of philologists. Nonetheless, we centered upon the differences from the case suffixes viewpoint. Case suffixes are the noun declension suffixes which are very common and influencing the sentence meaning. In the process of our analysis of the noun suffixes, we identified the influence of other languages, phonetic changes and the functions of the suffixes. The study equally embraced, the sorting of the cases by the Kosovo philologists as well as examined the cases separately.

STRUCTURED ABSTRACT The vast majority of native Kosovars live in the cities and towns where multiple languages are spoken simultaneously. This indicates the fact that Kosovo Turks speak at least one more language other than Turkish. In this study we aimed to show the changes in the practice of the noun suffixes used in the Kosovo Turkish dialects and their different functions. In the light of the opinions and personal observations put forward in this study, it has been found that the use of noun suffixes in Kosovo Turkish dialects has a common feature in terms of the change of functions. Even though some studies have been done thus far on the classification of Turkish dialects spoken in the Balkans, there has not been given a satisfactory clarification of this significant issue. In this regard, the reputed Hungarian Turkologist Nemeth, while doing a
Kosova Türk Ağızlarında Durum Ekleri 177

Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 12/15
comparative analysis, divided all the Rumelia Turkish dialects in two groups: West and East group. The Western group included all the dialects of the Turks living in the former Yugoslavia. On the other side, in Banguoğlu’s division of the Anatolia dialects only the Macedonian Turkish dialect was used, not mentioning the Kosovo dialect. Based on the outcomes of our study on the dialects of the region, there are noticed some differences between Kosovo and Macedonian Turkish dialects. We consider that Western Rumelia Turkish Dialects should be further divided into two subgroups as separate Kosovo and Macedonia Turkish dialect. There is also no unity obtained on the noun suffixes among regional Turkologists conducting research of these dialects. The noun cases accepted by the regional Turkologists are the five forms as noun suffixes of nominative, dative, accusative, locative and ablative. However, some researches’ recognition of the genitive case created divergence between them. The reputed Balkan Turkologist Sürreya Yusuf in his study “The Number of Cases in Turkish language” supports the opinion of five cases in Turkish language where among others, writes: “Noun case cannot be compared with the possessive construction; This is the reason why they name the nouns taking -in suffix as genitive. Whereas, in order to learn the cases of one language, in particular a language from different source, you should not fall under the influence of any other language, hence it is necessary to descend into laws and rules deriving from its own self.” Prof. Dr. İrfan Morina in his work entitled “Morphological features of Mamusha dialect” observes six cases in Turkish language. Whereas Prof. Dr. Nimetullah Hafız in his work “Features of Prizren Turk Dialect” he mentions five cases, while in his other work “Main Features of Kosovo Mitroviça, Vuçitiırn and Pristina Turk dialects” he writes of six cases. There is a difference between the opinions of the Turkologist of Macedonia. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Hasan in his work “Turkish dialect in Tetova” accepts the five cases. MA Nazim İbrahim in his MA thesis “Vrapçişte and the Region”-Turkish Dialect (Macedonia), hold the opinion of five cases without nominative. While Janos Eckeman in his two studies on Macedonia dialects writes of six cases. According to our detections, Kosovo Turkish dialects use all the cases used in Turkish language of Turkey. There are many reasons on creation of Kosovo dialects as one of a part of Rumelian Turkish Dialects. The development of Kosovo Turkish Dialect started after the Turks settled in this area. The Turks settling in this region from Anatolia formed the foundation of Balkan Turkishness, thus is accepted as the last East branch of Anatolia Turkish language. As a result of the contact of Turkish language with other Balkan languages derives the Region of Balkan Linguistics as one of the most important linguistic areas. Region of Linguistics is created as a result of the contact rather than the genetic roots or heritage, thus sharing structural similarities of at least three languages.

Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 12/15
Turkish language used in Kosovo is accepted as a dialect of Turkey Turkish language. The first thing that can be noticed in the Kosovo Turkish dialects is the phonic and structural difference from the Turkey Turkish language. When we speak of Kosovo Turkish dialects we mean dialects of Pristina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gilan, Vushtri/Vuçitirn, Doburçan and Mamusha. This study had its focal point in the Kosovo Turkish dialects as a form which presents differences from Turkey Turkish language as well as Anatolian dialects, where we were attentive to its case changes due to the linguistic, political, social and cultural influences of two or more languages in its area. As a result we came to following conclusions as the differences between Kosovo Turkish dialects and Turkey Turkish language: As there are neither changes nor suffixes added in the nominative form we did not include the same in our research. In the suffixed genitive in opposition to the vocal harmony, it is used suffix – (n) (ı )n. Thus genitive suffixes seen in the Kosovo Turkish dialects are not in vocal harmony. In the Prizren dialect the genitive suffix is changeable. If the last syllable has round vowels the suffix must be with round vowel as well: - çocogon anasi hastalani. The accusative suffix used in Kosovo Turkish dialect is suffix –i. This suffix does not change according to its depth in the vocal harmony. In the words ending in consonant the accusative form is against the vocal harmony and with +i. When it is added to the words ending in vowels there is used a protecting y. The most common position changing in the noun suffixes in Kosovo Turkish dialects is seen in accusative and dative case. There are cases of usage of locative case instead of ablative case: - Çim cidecek alsın bi odun balkanda. It is simultaneously used in place of other cases. KTD includes the instrumental case which is used in different ways. Prizren, Dobirçan, Mamuşa and occasionally Pristina use +len suffix. While other places use –le after the vowels. As noticed in the thus far given examples, KTD uses six noun cases: Nominative, Genitive, Accusative, Dative, Locative and Ablative Keywords: Kosovo, dialects, noun suffixes, Balkans

Research paper thumbnail of Ndikimi Gjuhes Shqipe Ne Te Folmet Turke Ne Kosove


Kosova’da Türkçe eğitim Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kosova’ya gelmesiyle başlamıştır. Bu dönemde ba... more Kosova’da Türkçe eğitim Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kosova’ya gelmesiyle başlamıştır.
Bu dönemde başlayan Türkçe öğretim Osmanlı Devlet’inin Balkanlardan çekilmesine
kadar, diğer bölgelere göre herhangi bir fark gözetilmeksizin, Kosova’da da aynı düzeyde
sürdürülmüştür. Kosova’nın hemen hemen tüm şehirlerinde, özellikle Mitroviça’da, hatta büyük
köylerinde bile Türkçe okullar açılarak eğitime devam edilmiştir. XIX. yüzyılda salnamelerin
yayımlanmasıyla Kosova’da Türkçe eğitimin hangi okullarda yapıldığı, öğretmenlerin
kimler olduğu ve öğrenci sayıları hakkında bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1896 yılında
yayımlanan Okullar Yasası’ndan sonra genelde Kosova’da, özelde Mitroviça’da Türkçe
eğitimin seyri incelenmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Eğitim, Kosova, okullar, Mitroviça, Osmanlı


Abstract Turkish Education during Ottoman rule in the Mitrovica in Kosovo Turkish education was o... more Abstract
Turkish Education during Ottoman rule in the Mitrovica in Kosovo Turkish education
was own befor arrival empire Ottoman in Kosovo . From that time until the withdrawal of the
Ottoman Empire from the Balkans , without any difference compared to other areas of teaching
, has been maintained at the same level in Kosovo . In almost all cities of Kosovo ,especially
Mitrovica, even in larger villages have continued their education even opened . XIX.century
yearbooks was published from that time was known the all Turkish education institutions
in Kosovo ,what kind of schools and how these schools are working who are working in who
is teaching , the number of students reached their information . During the Ottoman Empire
Just in Kosovo in this yearbook was education in the Turkish language in the Kosovo schools
,began, in 1896 we can see that with the publication of the Law Schools. After this date, Kosovo
is working to explain the development of their training .
Key words: Education, Kosovo, schools, Mitrovica, Ottoman


Research paper thumbnail of  Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Görümce, Elti ve Kayınlara Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları

İnternational CongressTurkish Culture Eskişehir 2013

Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları ... more Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları
Saygı Sıfatları
Kosovall Türk gelinlerinin kullandıkları saygı hitapları Kosova'da yaşayan diğer kültürlerde kullanılmayan sözlük birimlerdir. Bu konuyla ilgili yapılmış bir çalışmaya denk gelmeyişimiz bu saygı sıfatlarının Rumeli'nin diğer Türk topluluklarında veya Türkiye'deki şehir kültüründe kullanılıp kullanılmadığı konusunda bir yargıya varmamıza imkan vermemektedir. Ancak Kosova Türk ailesinin Kosova'da diğer topluluk mensupları ailelerinden ayırmaya yarayan önemli bir etkendir. Yani bu geleneğin Kosovalı Türk ailelerinde nasıl oluştuğu veya nereden nakledildiği konusunda bir malumatımız bulunmamaktadır.
Bu çalışmadamada gelinlerin evlenme yoluyla akrabalık ilişkisi kurduğu görümce, elti ve kayınlara yönelik kullandıkları hitap sıfatların çeşitleri, bu sıfatların belirlenirken varılan mutabakat şekli ve sıfatların verildikleri kişilerin fiziksel ve mizaç özellikleri ile aile içerisindeki statüsünü nasıl belirlediği üzerinde durulacaktır. Ancak çalışmayı daha anlamlı kılabilmek amacıyla Kosova'nın çeşitli yerleşim yerlerinden derlenen örnekler üzerinde yapılacak tahlillerin yanı sıra Kosova Türklerinin aile yapısı ve konumuzla ilgili akrabalık ilişkilerinden, gelin isteme geleneklerinden ve gelinin evlendikten sonra sahip olduğu görev ve sorumluluklarmdan bahsedilecektir.
Makalemizin son kısmmda çeşitli etmenlerin etkisiyle Kosova'da Türk aile yapısının geçirdiği degişime paralel olarak bu geleneğinin terk edilmeye başlandığı üzerine bir değerlendirme yapıp bir neden sonuç ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışıIacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kosova Türkleri, Aile Yapısı, Gelin, Saygı Sıfatları
Kosovo Turkish Community Brides use to address respect adjectives for brother -in -law and sister-in-law
Respect Adjectives used by Kosovo Turkish brides are unused units for other cultures living in
Regarding this we couldn't find studies which are corresponding this issue. So we cannot come to any conclusion about other Turkish communities who are living in region of Rumelia or in Turkey. However, this issue is important factor which separates Kosovo Turkish families from other Kosovo communities. But we don't have any information about how this tradition was conveyed or composed to Kosovo Turkish Families.
In this study will be discussed about how brides established family relations through marriage with sister-in-law, brother-in-law and addressing the variety attributes, regarding the status of persons in the family and how to identify the physical and temperament characteristics of the family member.
However in order to make more meaningful our work, we carried out samples from various settlements throughout Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Turks family structure and the positioning of kinship relations. Also will be discussed about wedding ceremony, after marriage traditions and about her duties and responsibilities.
The last part of this study will be focused on the effect of various factors in Kosovo, which effects on the changes in the structure of the Turkish family in line were tradition starting already to be abandoned. Also this study will make an attempt to establish a relationship on cause and effects.

Keywords: Kosovo Turks, Family Structure, Bride, Respect Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarına Arnavut Dilinin Etkisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında İstek Kipi

Research paper thumbnail of Uticaj Bosanskog Jezika Na Kosovski Turski Govor

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında Eklerin Değişikliği

Books by Suzana Canhasi

Research paper thumbnail of 21. Yüzyılda Mehmet Akif'i Yeniden Okumak

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında İstek Kipleri

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Görümce, Elti ve Kayınlara Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları

Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Sa... more Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları Kosovall Türk gelinlerinin kullandıkları saygı hitapları Kosova'da yaşayan diğer kültürlerde kullanılmayan sözlük birimlerdir. Bu konuyla ilgili yapılmış bir çalışmaya denk gelmeyişimiz bu saygı sıfatlarının Rumeli'nin diğer Türk topluluklarında veya Türkiye'deki şehir kültüründe kullanılıp kullanılmadığı konusunda bir yargıya varmamıza imkan vermemektedir. Ancak Kosova Türk ailesinin Kosova'da diğer topluluk mensupları ailelerinden ayırmaya yarayan önemli bir etkendir. Yani bu geleneğin Kosovalı Türk ailelerinde nasıl oluştuğu veya nereden nakledildiği konusunda bir malumatımız bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmadamada gelinlerin evlenme yoluyla akrabalık ilişkisi kurduğu görümce, elti ve kayınlara yönelik kullandıkları hitap sıfatların çeşitleri, bu sıfatların belirlenirken varılan mutabakat şekli ve sıfatların verildikleri kişilerin fiziksel ve mizaç özellikleri ile aile içerisindeki statüsünü nasıl belirlediği üzerinde durulacaktır. Ancak çalışmayı daha anlamlı kılabilmek amacıyla Kosova'nın çeşitli yerleşim yerlerinden derlenen örnekler üzerinde yapılacak tahlillerin yanı sıra Kosova Türklerinin aile yapısı ve konumuzla ilgili akrabalık ilişkilerinden, gelin isteme geleneklerinden ve gelinin evlendikten sonra sahip olduğu görev ve sorumluluklarmdan bahsedilecektir. Makalemizin son kısmmda çeşitli etmenlerin etkisiyle Kosova'da Türk aile yapısının geçirdiği degişime paralel olarak bu geleneğinin terk edilmeye başlandığı üzerine bir değerlendirme yapıp bir neden sonuç ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışıIacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kosova Türkleri, Aile Yapısı, Gelin, Saygı Sıfatları Kosovo Turkish Community Brides use to address respect adjectives for brother -in -law and sister-in-law Respect Adjectives used by Kosovo Turkish brides are unused units for other cultures living in Kosovo. Regarding this we couldn't find studies which are corresponding this issue. So we cannot come to any conclusion about other Turkish communities who are living in region of Rumelia or in Turkey. However, this issue is important factor which separates Kosovo Turkish families from other Kosovo communities. But we don't have any information about how this tradition was conveyed or composed to Kosovo Turkish Families. In this study will be discussed about how brides established family relations through marriage with sister-in-law, brother-in-law and addressing the variety attributes, regarding the status of persons in the family and how to identify the physical and temperament characteristics of the family member. However in order to make more meaningful our work, we carried out samples from various settlements throughout Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Turks family structure and the positioning of kinship relations. Also will be discussed about wedding ceremony, after marriage traditions and about her duties and responsibilities. The last part of this study will be focused on the effect of various factors in Kosovo, which effects on the changes in the structure of the Turkish family in line were tradition starting already to be abandoned. Also this study will make an attempt to establish a relationship on cause and effects. Keywords: Kosovo Turks, Family Structure, Bride, Respect Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarında Hal Eleri

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarına Arnavut Dilin Etkisi



Kosovo Turkish dialects constitute a significant part of Rumelia Turkish dialects. Kosovo Turkish dialects noun suffixes have not been studied thus far. This study aims the analysis of noun suffixes in miscellaneous texts. The texts we have used are from the doctoral studies (the numbers are from the same texts). Kosovo Turkish dialects may include forms violating the grammar of Turkey Turkish language. These various forms can be seen in the root of the word and the case suffixes. In addition to the situations such as omissions, extensions, and consonant and vowels exchanges in the suffixes, the impact of other languages, such as Serbian and Albanian, play the extended role as well. We aimed the clarification of such variations. Turkish language spoken in Kosovo is accepted as a dialect of Turkey Turkish language. The first salient thing between the Kosovo Turkish dialects and Turkey Turkish language is the difference in the phones and structure. When we mention Kosovo Turkish dialects we mean Pristina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gilan, Vucitern, Dobercan and Mamusa dialect. There are some differences in the Turkish versions used in these places. To exemplify, Mitrovica population used to consist of mainly Serbians and Bosnians thus we see their influence. While in Pristina and Prizren the influence of Albanian language is more evident. These influences can often be research subjects of philologists. Nonetheless, we centered upon the differences from the case suffixes viewpoint. Case suffixes are the noun declension suffixes which are very common and influencing the sentence meaning. In the process of our analysis of the noun suffixes, we identified the influence of other languages, phonetic changes and the functions of the suffixes. The study equally embraced, the sorting of the cases by the Kosovo philologists as well as examined the cases separately.

STRUCTURED ABSTRACT The vast majority of native Kosovars live in the cities and towns where multiple languages are spoken simultaneously. This indicates the fact that Kosovo Turks speak at least one more language other than Turkish. In this study we aimed to show the changes in the practice of the noun suffixes used in the Kosovo Turkish dialects and their different functions. In the light of the opinions and personal observations put forward in this study, it has been found that the use of noun suffixes in Kosovo Turkish dialects has a common feature in terms of the change of functions. Even though some studies have been done thus far on the classification of Turkish dialects spoken in the Balkans, there has not been given a satisfactory clarification of this significant issue. In this regard, the reputed Hungarian Turkologist Nemeth, while doing a
Kosova Türk Ağızlarında Durum Ekleri 177

Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 12/15
comparative analysis, divided all the Rumelia Turkish dialects in two groups: West and East group. The Western group included all the dialects of the Turks living in the former Yugoslavia. On the other side, in Banguoğlu’s division of the Anatolia dialects only the Macedonian Turkish dialect was used, not mentioning the Kosovo dialect. Based on the outcomes of our study on the dialects of the region, there are noticed some differences between Kosovo and Macedonian Turkish dialects. We consider that Western Rumelia Turkish Dialects should be further divided into two subgroups as separate Kosovo and Macedonia Turkish dialect. There is also no unity obtained on the noun suffixes among regional Turkologists conducting research of these dialects. The noun cases accepted by the regional Turkologists are the five forms as noun suffixes of nominative, dative, accusative, locative and ablative. However, some researches’ recognition of the genitive case created divergence between them. The reputed Balkan Turkologist Sürreya Yusuf in his study “The Number of Cases in Turkish language” supports the opinion of five cases in Turkish language where among others, writes: “Noun case cannot be compared with the possessive construction; This is the reason why they name the nouns taking -in suffix as genitive. Whereas, in order to learn the cases of one language, in particular a language from different source, you should not fall under the influence of any other language, hence it is necessary to descend into laws and rules deriving from its own self.” Prof. Dr. İrfan Morina in his work entitled “Morphological features of Mamusha dialect” observes six cases in Turkish language. Whereas Prof. Dr. Nimetullah Hafız in his work “Features of Prizren Turk Dialect” he mentions five cases, while in his other work “Main Features of Kosovo Mitroviça, Vuçitiırn and Pristina Turk dialects” he writes of six cases. There is a difference between the opinions of the Turkologist of Macedonia. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Hasan in his work “Turkish dialect in Tetova” accepts the five cases. MA Nazim İbrahim in his MA thesis “Vrapçişte and the Region”-Turkish Dialect (Macedonia), hold the opinion of five cases without nominative. While Janos Eckeman in his two studies on Macedonia dialects writes of six cases. According to our detections, Kosovo Turkish dialects use all the cases used in Turkish language of Turkey. There are many reasons on creation of Kosovo dialects as one of a part of Rumelian Turkish Dialects. The development of Kosovo Turkish Dialect started after the Turks settled in this area. The Turks settling in this region from Anatolia formed the foundation of Balkan Turkishness, thus is accepted as the last East branch of Anatolia Turkish language. As a result of the contact of Turkish language with other Balkan languages derives the Region of Balkan Linguistics as one of the most important linguistic areas. Region of Linguistics is created as a result of the contact rather than the genetic roots or heritage, thus sharing structural similarities of at least three languages.

Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 12/15
Turkish language used in Kosovo is accepted as a dialect of Turkey Turkish language. The first thing that can be noticed in the Kosovo Turkish dialects is the phonic and structural difference from the Turkey Turkish language. When we speak of Kosovo Turkish dialects we mean dialects of Pristina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gilan, Vushtri/Vuçitirn, Doburçan and Mamusha. This study had its focal point in the Kosovo Turkish dialects as a form which presents differences from Turkey Turkish language as well as Anatolian dialects, where we were attentive to its case changes due to the linguistic, political, social and cultural influences of two or more languages in its area. As a result we came to following conclusions as the differences between Kosovo Turkish dialects and Turkey Turkish language: As there are neither changes nor suffixes added in the nominative form we did not include the same in our research. In the suffixed genitive in opposition to the vocal harmony, it is used suffix – (n) (ı )n. Thus genitive suffixes seen in the Kosovo Turkish dialects are not in vocal harmony. In the Prizren dialect the genitive suffix is changeable. If the last syllable has round vowels the suffix must be with round vowel as well: - çocogon anasi hastalani. The accusative suffix used in Kosovo Turkish dialect is suffix –i. This suffix does not change according to its depth in the vocal harmony. In the words ending in consonant the accusative form is against the vocal harmony and with +i. When it is added to the words ending in vowels there is used a protecting y. The most common position changing in the noun suffixes in Kosovo Turkish dialects is seen in accusative and dative case. There are cases of usage of locative case instead of ablative case: - Çim cidecek alsın bi odun balkanda. It is simultaneously used in place of other cases. KTD includes the instrumental case which is used in different ways. Prizren, Dobirçan, Mamuşa and occasionally Pristina use +len suffix. While other places use –le after the vowels. As noticed in the thus far given examples, KTD uses six noun cases: Nominative, Genitive, Accusative, Dative, Locative and Ablative Keywords: Kosovo, dialects, noun suffixes, Balkans

Research paper thumbnail of Ndikimi Gjuhes Shqipe Ne Te Folmet Turke Ne Kosove


Kosova’da Türkçe eğitim Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kosova’ya gelmesiyle başlamıştır. Bu dönemde ba... more Kosova’da Türkçe eğitim Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kosova’ya gelmesiyle başlamıştır.
Bu dönemde başlayan Türkçe öğretim Osmanlı Devlet’inin Balkanlardan çekilmesine
kadar, diğer bölgelere göre herhangi bir fark gözetilmeksizin, Kosova’da da aynı düzeyde
sürdürülmüştür. Kosova’nın hemen hemen tüm şehirlerinde, özellikle Mitroviça’da, hatta büyük
köylerinde bile Türkçe okullar açılarak eğitime devam edilmiştir. XIX. yüzyılda salnamelerin
yayımlanmasıyla Kosova’da Türkçe eğitimin hangi okullarda yapıldığı, öğretmenlerin
kimler olduğu ve öğrenci sayıları hakkında bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1896 yılında
yayımlanan Okullar Yasası’ndan sonra genelde Kosova’da, özelde Mitroviça’da Türkçe
eğitimin seyri incelenmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Eğitim, Kosova, okullar, Mitroviça, Osmanlı


Abstract Turkish Education during Ottoman rule in the Mitrovica in Kosovo Turkish education was o... more Abstract
Turkish Education during Ottoman rule in the Mitrovica in Kosovo Turkish education
was own befor arrival empire Ottoman in Kosovo . From that time until the withdrawal of the
Ottoman Empire from the Balkans , without any difference compared to other areas of teaching
, has been maintained at the same level in Kosovo . In almost all cities of Kosovo ,especially
Mitrovica, even in larger villages have continued their education even opened . XIX.century
yearbooks was published from that time was known the all Turkish education institutions
in Kosovo ,what kind of schools and how these schools are working who are working in who
is teaching , the number of students reached their information . During the Ottoman Empire
Just in Kosovo in this yearbook was education in the Turkish language in the Kosovo schools
,began, in 1896 we can see that with the publication of the Law Schools. After this date, Kosovo
is working to explain the development of their training .
Key words: Education, Kosovo, schools, Mitrovica, Ottoman


Research paper thumbnail of  Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Görümce, Elti ve Kayınlara Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları Saygı Sıfatları

İnternational CongressTurkish Culture Eskişehir 2013

Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları ... more Kosova Türk Topluluğunda Gelinlerin Kayın, Görümce ve Eltilere Hitap Etmek Üzere Kullandıkları
Saygı Sıfatları
Kosovall Türk gelinlerinin kullandıkları saygı hitapları Kosova'da yaşayan diğer kültürlerde kullanılmayan sözlük birimlerdir. Bu konuyla ilgili yapılmış bir çalışmaya denk gelmeyişimiz bu saygı sıfatlarının Rumeli'nin diğer Türk topluluklarında veya Türkiye'deki şehir kültüründe kullanılıp kullanılmadığı konusunda bir yargıya varmamıza imkan vermemektedir. Ancak Kosova Türk ailesinin Kosova'da diğer topluluk mensupları ailelerinden ayırmaya yarayan önemli bir etkendir. Yani bu geleneğin Kosovalı Türk ailelerinde nasıl oluştuğu veya nereden nakledildiği konusunda bir malumatımız bulunmamaktadır.
Bu çalışmadamada gelinlerin evlenme yoluyla akrabalık ilişkisi kurduğu görümce, elti ve kayınlara yönelik kullandıkları hitap sıfatların çeşitleri, bu sıfatların belirlenirken varılan mutabakat şekli ve sıfatların verildikleri kişilerin fiziksel ve mizaç özellikleri ile aile içerisindeki statüsünü nasıl belirlediği üzerinde durulacaktır. Ancak çalışmayı daha anlamlı kılabilmek amacıyla Kosova'nın çeşitli yerleşim yerlerinden derlenen örnekler üzerinde yapılacak tahlillerin yanı sıra Kosova Türklerinin aile yapısı ve konumuzla ilgili akrabalık ilişkilerinden, gelin isteme geleneklerinden ve gelinin evlendikten sonra sahip olduğu görev ve sorumluluklarmdan bahsedilecektir.
Makalemizin son kısmmda çeşitli etmenlerin etkisiyle Kosova'da Türk aile yapısının geçirdiği degişime paralel olarak bu geleneğinin terk edilmeye başlandığı üzerine bir değerlendirme yapıp bir neden sonuç ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışıIacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kosova Türkleri, Aile Yapısı, Gelin, Saygı Sıfatları
Kosovo Turkish Community Brides use to address respect adjectives for brother -in -law and sister-in-law
Respect Adjectives used by Kosovo Turkish brides are unused units for other cultures living in
Regarding this we couldn't find studies which are corresponding this issue. So we cannot come to any conclusion about other Turkish communities who are living in region of Rumelia or in Turkey. However, this issue is important factor which separates Kosovo Turkish families from other Kosovo communities. But we don't have any information about how this tradition was conveyed or composed to Kosovo Turkish Families.
In this study will be discussed about how brides established family relations through marriage with sister-in-law, brother-in-law and addressing the variety attributes, regarding the status of persons in the family and how to identify the physical and temperament characteristics of the family member.
However in order to make more meaningful our work, we carried out samples from various settlements throughout Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Turks family structure and the positioning of kinship relations. Also will be discussed about wedding ceremony, after marriage traditions and about her duties and responsibilities.
The last part of this study will be focused on the effect of various factors in Kosovo, which effects on the changes in the structure of the Turkish family in line were tradition starting already to be abandoned. Also this study will make an attempt to establish a relationship on cause and effects.

Keywords: Kosovo Turks, Family Structure, Bride, Respect Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova Türk Ağızlarına Arnavut Dilinin Etkisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında İstek Kipi

Research paper thumbnail of Uticaj Bosanskog Jezika Na Kosovski Turski Govor

Research paper thumbnail of Kosova ve Makedonya Türk Ağızlarında Eklerin Değişikliği

Research paper thumbnail of 21. Yüzyılda Mehmet Akif'i Yeniden Okumak

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, 2016