Svitlana Matvieieva - (original) (raw)

Papers by Svitlana Matvieieva

Research paper thumbnail of Terminological Synonymy: Corpus-Driven Translation

The article deals with the problems of terminological synonymy in special legal texts. The purpos... more The article deals with the problems of terminological synonymy in special legal texts. The purpose of the article is to study the specificity of translation of legal terms by synonyms using the corpus approach. The author analyses the legal terms ‘implementation’ and ‘petitions’ in English and their translation into Ukrainian. The material of the research is a parallel corpus of legal texts. The objectivity of the results obtained in the study is proved by quantitative calculations.

Research paper thumbnail of Post-Editing Decisions in Machine Translation of Legal Contracts

Naukovij časopis Nacìonalʹnogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 09. Sučasnì tendencìï rozvitku mov, Dec 29, 2023

Legal translation requires special language use. It has therefore been many a time credited to be... more Legal translation requires special language use. It has therefore been many a time credited to be one of the most difficult genres to translate. Post-editing of machine translation is becoming more and widely employed in the translation industry. Even in languages that cannot boast huge amounts of resources, translating texts of certain genres is rarely conducted without resorting to machine translation, as the resulting quality seems to be approaching parity with human translation. This study attempts to analyze and compare post-editing decisions in machine translated legal contracts from English to Lithuanian and from English to Ukrainian. Legal contracts are part of the legal discourse with language characterized as being archaic, complex, culturally bound and typically stocked with formulaic phrases, specialized terms, and Latinisms. Being a technical type of discourse, legal translation may benefit from machine translation. The conclusions of the study are based on the findings of assessment of machine translation post-editing decisions made by professional translators. The findings demonstrate and support the results of previous research with other languages that the main trends are as follows: changes in noun and verb phrases in both languages, coreference and reordering changes. Further study of the stated problem will allow expanding (targeting and detailing) the typology of post-editing actions, considering the specifics of Baltic (Lithuanian) and Slavic (Ukrainian) languages.


Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, Jul 14, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Verification of the Cognitive Terminological Structure Refugee / Біженець in the English-Ukrainian Legal Parallel Corpus

Research paper thumbnail of Сайт як жанр Інтернет-комунікації (на матеріалі персональних сайтів учених)

The thesis is a complex communicative and linguistic research of a site (in particular, a scienti... more The thesis is a complex communicative and linguistic research of a site (in particular, a scientist's personal site) as one of the most widespread genres of the Internet-communication on the material of the Ukrainian, Russian, English, and German languages. The modern site is a hypertext product of electronic communicative activity which is continuously developing and is realized in the combination of interconnected (in subject, semantics, intentions and physical location) web-pages. The analysis of genre formative communicative and linguistic characteristics of a site (compositional, semantic and stylistic, paralinguistic) is suggested. The peculiarities of a scientist's personal site are described. They are: 1) the presence of structural components for establishing and realizing of communicative interaction (address, name, epigraph, greeting, preface; forum, guest book, electronic mail); 2) orientation toward definite genre norm of the Internet-communicative interaction; 3) creolization.

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical Unit Refugee as the Main Verbalizer of the REFUGEE Concept in Modern Ukrainian Legal Discourse

Вісник Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of English-Ukrainian Parallel Corpus: Prerequisites for Building and Practical Use in Translation Studies

Studies About Languages, Jul 13, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Discourse as a Semiotic Construction of a Professional Communicative Space

Zakarpatsʹkì fìlologìčnì studìï, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Frame Theory of Terminological Nominations and Definitions: Translation Aspect

Naukovij vìsnik Mìžnarodnogo gumanìtarnono unìversitetu, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Linguo-Cognitive Modelling of Professional Language Worldview

Včenì zapiski Tavrìjsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo, 2020

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова ЛІНГВОКОГНІТИВНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОФЕС... more Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова ЛІНГВОКОГНІТИВНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ МОВНОЇ КАРТИНИ СВІТУ Статтю присвячено дослідженню професійної мовної картини світу як певного способу концептуалізації дійсності, а також репрезентації результатів пізнання цієї дійсності через мовні знаки. Одним із способів реконструкції мовної картини світу автор називає лінгвокогнітивне моделювання, яке отримує додаткову специфіку, коли йдеться про носія професійної метамови. Мета запропонованої розвідки полягає в обґрунтуванні доцільності лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу як дієвого засобу виокремлення специфіки пізнавальної діяльності людини в конкретній спеціальній галузі. Завданнями, що сприяли досягненню поставленої мети, є такі: 1) огляд наукових тенденцій щодо вивчення моделювання картини світу у міждисциплінарному аспекті; 2) уточнення понять «лінгвокогнітивне моделювання» і «професійна мовна картина світу»; 3) формулювання базових положень лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу. Огляд наукових тенденцій щодо вивчення моделювання картини світу у міждисциплінарному аспекті та уточнення понять «лінгвокогнітивне моделювання» і «професійна мовна картина світу» заклали підвалини для формулювання базових принципів лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу. Реконструкція професійної мовної картини світу через лінгвокогнітивне моделювання дозволяє простежити певні закономірності реалізації когнітивних терміноструктур через мовні одиниці різних рівнів та конструювання термінологічних тезаурусів. Ці положення мають безпосередню практичну спрямованість, оскільки акцентують на когнітивних процесах, механізмах і стратегіях, які відбуваються в мозку людини під час формування професійної мовної картини світу, а специфіка такої вербалізації професійних ментальних образів відбиває мовно-когнітивну модель професійного простору. Ключові слова: лінгвокогнітивне моделювання, професійна мовна картина світу, концептуалізація, когнітивна терміноструктура, термінознак.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaic archetypes and symbols of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples: to debunk the myth of a single people

Revista Amazonía investiga, Dec 15, 2022

The article models the protocultural fields of the archetypal-mythological memory of Ukrainians a... more The article models the protocultural fields of the archetypal-mythological memory of Ukrainians and Russians as consisting of divergent elements. The core of the fields are archaic cultural archetypes and archetypal motifs "mother", "field", "plowman", "labor", "individualism", and "equality" for Ukrainians, and "father",

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Migration Terminology: From ‘Illegal Migrant’ to ‘Irregular Migrant’ (English-Ukrainian Aspect)

Review of European and Comparative Law

This article deals with the study of the semantic transformation of terminological units for migr... more This article deals with the study of the semantic transformation of terminological units for migration law. The question of standardization of national terminology, as well as inter- and intra-linguistic harmonization and unification of migration units is raised and substantiated. It is noted that changes in English terminology cause difficulties in national terminology due to, on the one hand, the need to find the most accurate and correct equivalent of the unit of the source language, and on the other – differences in the semantic volume of units of different languages. The article considers English terms for migrants: illegal migrant, irregular migrant, undocumented migrant. Analysis of international normative and advisory documents, as well as data from lexicographic sources of English and Ukrainian languages allow the authors to provide recommendations for the use of the Ukrainian equivalent to these terms – мігрант із неврегульованим статусом. At the same time, the authors not...

Research paper thumbnail of Вербалізація семантики карантинних заборон і обмежень в українській мові

Forum Filologiczne Ateneum

The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restriction... more The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restrictions in quarantine-epidemiological texts. The object is the category of prohibition, the subject is the specifics of the verbalization of this category, namely the structural and semantic content, pragmatic and discursive features of the functioning of the verbal representatives of the semantics of the prohibition. The actual material for this paper is the texts of informational messages in the Ukrainian language, which refer to the prohibition on visiting public places without protective masks. Lexical, syntactic, graphic means of textual organization of prohibition announcements were studied. Special attention is paid to the categories of addressant and addressee, methods of explication of these discursive elements, specific creolization of the studied advertisement texts.

Research paper thumbnail of Concept Human Age as Archetypal and Stereotypical Mental Structure in the Consciousness of Ukrainian, Russian, and English Native Speakers

Studies about Languages

The paper offers a new complex methodology for analyzing the linguocultural concept HUMAN AGE as ... more The paper offers a new complex methodology for analyzing the linguocultural concept HUMAN AGE as a multidimensional archetypal and stereotypical mental structure of human consciousness. To recognize the systemic essence of the Ukrainian, Russian, and English native speakers’ world mapping and their cultural stereotypes, the concept HUMAN AGE is studied by considering its realization through lexical, phraseological, and paremiological units. The study assumes the analysis of such concept structure components as an etymological/historical layer that reflects the essential notional features of the concept, an additional layer, formed as a result of the concept in growth, and an active layer that is regarded relevant for the modern native speakers and represented by axio-notional, axio-figurative, and axio-evaluative stereotypes that help forward mentalizing the concept in the Ukrainian, Russian, and English native speakers’ consciousness. The archetypal basis of the concept is identifi...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Terminological Structure as a Unit of the Professional Worldview

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 9. Current Trends in Language Development

The article deals with the problem of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring professiona... more The article deals with the problem of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring professional information with the help of language means and the formation of a system of professional knowledge. The paper substantiates the term ‘cognitive terminological structure’ proposed by the authors to denote a unit of professional consciousness, in which a fragment of the professional worldview is concentrated and which is verbalized through terms. The formation of such a cognitive unit is the speaker’s reaction and reflection to the phenomena of the scientific world. Understanding of these phenomena is formed in the mind with the acquisition of knowledge about them, and ideas about them are continuously transformed by added professional and relevant information, are stored in professional memory and verbalized in the form of a term. Terminological units are associated with the cognitive terminological structures they verbalize. Such cognitive terminological structures are clumps of infor...

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic Reconstruction of the Legal Term PERSECUTION

The article deals with the problems of terminological nomination and definition in special legal ... more The article deals with the problems of terminological nomination and definition in special legal discourse. The purpose of the article is to make linguistic reconstruction of the legal term ‘persecution’. The author analyses the etymology, semantics and thesaurus network of the legal term ‘persecution’ in English to prove its terminological nature.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture vs Stereotypical Thinking vs Language Facts

Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The paper considers the topical issue of contemporary Intercultural Communication, Linguoculturol... more The paper considers the topical issue of contemporary Intercultural Communication, Linguoculturology, Psycholinguistics, Psychology, dealing with importance of an individual’s awareness of cultural factors of different nations, specificity of national thinking (stereotypical in particular), ability of different languages to reflect reality differently, as well as establishing their interrelation. The findings prove close (integral and interdependent) relations among culture, stereotypical thinking, and language facts. It is stated that all the cultural universals contain a kind of deep structures of human consciousness which correlate with national peculiarities of each separate culture. Any changes in society always cause changes of vital senses and values fixed in cultural universals. Language is a prerequisite and “a verbal expression” of culture. As a sociocultural factor language helps to gain and organize human experience, and any national culture depends upon the character an...

Research paper thumbnail of Лінгвістична реконструкція когнітивної терміноструктури REFUGEE / БІЖЕНЕЦЬ в англо-українському корпусі юридичних текстів

Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Сайт як жанр Інтернет-комунікації (на матеріалі персональних сайтів учених)


Research paper thumbnail of Terminological Synonymy: Corpus-Driven Translation

The article deals with the problems of terminological synonymy in special legal texts. The purpos... more The article deals with the problems of terminological synonymy in special legal texts. The purpose of the article is to study the specificity of translation of legal terms by synonyms using the corpus approach. The author analyses the legal terms ‘implementation’ and ‘petitions’ in English and their translation into Ukrainian. The material of the research is a parallel corpus of legal texts. The objectivity of the results obtained in the study is proved by quantitative calculations.

Research paper thumbnail of Post-Editing Decisions in Machine Translation of Legal Contracts

Naukovij časopis Nacìonalʹnogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 09. Sučasnì tendencìï rozvitku mov, Dec 29, 2023

Legal translation requires special language use. It has therefore been many a time credited to be... more Legal translation requires special language use. It has therefore been many a time credited to be one of the most difficult genres to translate. Post-editing of machine translation is becoming more and widely employed in the translation industry. Even in languages that cannot boast huge amounts of resources, translating texts of certain genres is rarely conducted without resorting to machine translation, as the resulting quality seems to be approaching parity with human translation. This study attempts to analyze and compare post-editing decisions in machine translated legal contracts from English to Lithuanian and from English to Ukrainian. Legal contracts are part of the legal discourse with language characterized as being archaic, complex, culturally bound and typically stocked with formulaic phrases, specialized terms, and Latinisms. Being a technical type of discourse, legal translation may benefit from machine translation. The conclusions of the study are based on the findings of assessment of machine translation post-editing decisions made by professional translators. The findings demonstrate and support the results of previous research with other languages that the main trends are as follows: changes in noun and verb phrases in both languages, coreference and reordering changes. Further study of the stated problem will allow expanding (targeting and detailing) the typology of post-editing actions, considering the specifics of Baltic (Lithuanian) and Slavic (Ukrainian) languages.


Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, Jul 14, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Verification of the Cognitive Terminological Structure Refugee / Біженець in the English-Ukrainian Legal Parallel Corpus

Research paper thumbnail of Сайт як жанр Інтернет-комунікації (на матеріалі персональних сайтів учених)

The thesis is a complex communicative and linguistic research of a site (in particular, a scienti... more The thesis is a complex communicative and linguistic research of a site (in particular, a scientist's personal site) as one of the most widespread genres of the Internet-communication on the material of the Ukrainian, Russian, English, and German languages. The modern site is a hypertext product of electronic communicative activity which is continuously developing and is realized in the combination of interconnected (in subject, semantics, intentions and physical location) web-pages. The analysis of genre formative communicative and linguistic characteristics of a site (compositional, semantic and stylistic, paralinguistic) is suggested. The peculiarities of a scientist's personal site are described. They are: 1) the presence of structural components for establishing and realizing of communicative interaction (address, name, epigraph, greeting, preface; forum, guest book, electronic mail); 2) orientation toward definite genre norm of the Internet-communicative interaction; 3) creolization.

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical Unit Refugee as the Main Verbalizer of the REFUGEE Concept in Modern Ukrainian Legal Discourse

Вісник Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of English-Ukrainian Parallel Corpus: Prerequisites for Building and Practical Use in Translation Studies

Studies About Languages, Jul 13, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Discourse as a Semiotic Construction of a Professional Communicative Space

Zakarpatsʹkì fìlologìčnì studìï, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Frame Theory of Terminological Nominations and Definitions: Translation Aspect

Naukovij vìsnik Mìžnarodnogo gumanìtarnono unìversitetu, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Linguo-Cognitive Modelling of Professional Language Worldview

Včenì zapiski Tavrìjsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo, 2020

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова ЛІНГВОКОГНІТИВНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОФЕС... more Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова ЛІНГВОКОГНІТИВНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ МОВНОЇ КАРТИНИ СВІТУ Статтю присвячено дослідженню професійної мовної картини світу як певного способу концептуалізації дійсності, а також репрезентації результатів пізнання цієї дійсності через мовні знаки. Одним із способів реконструкції мовної картини світу автор називає лінгвокогнітивне моделювання, яке отримує додаткову специфіку, коли йдеться про носія професійної метамови. Мета запропонованої розвідки полягає в обґрунтуванні доцільності лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу як дієвого засобу виокремлення специфіки пізнавальної діяльності людини в конкретній спеціальній галузі. Завданнями, що сприяли досягненню поставленої мети, є такі: 1) огляд наукових тенденцій щодо вивчення моделювання картини світу у міждисциплінарному аспекті; 2) уточнення понять «лінгвокогнітивне моделювання» і «професійна мовна картина світу»; 3) формулювання базових положень лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу. Огляд наукових тенденцій щодо вивчення моделювання картини світу у міждисциплінарному аспекті та уточнення понять «лінгвокогнітивне моделювання» і «професійна мовна картина світу» заклали підвалини для формулювання базових принципів лінгвокогнітивного моделювання професійних мовних картин світу. Реконструкція професійної мовної картини світу через лінгвокогнітивне моделювання дозволяє простежити певні закономірності реалізації когнітивних терміноструктур через мовні одиниці різних рівнів та конструювання термінологічних тезаурусів. Ці положення мають безпосередню практичну спрямованість, оскільки акцентують на когнітивних процесах, механізмах і стратегіях, які відбуваються в мозку людини під час формування професійної мовної картини світу, а специфіка такої вербалізації професійних ментальних образів відбиває мовно-когнітивну модель професійного простору. Ключові слова: лінгвокогнітивне моделювання, професійна мовна картина світу, концептуалізація, когнітивна терміноструктура, термінознак.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaic archetypes and symbols of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples: to debunk the myth of a single people

Revista Amazonía investiga, Dec 15, 2022

The article models the protocultural fields of the archetypal-mythological memory of Ukrainians a... more The article models the protocultural fields of the archetypal-mythological memory of Ukrainians and Russians as consisting of divergent elements. The core of the fields are archaic cultural archetypes and archetypal motifs "mother", "field", "plowman", "labor", "individualism", and "equality" for Ukrainians, and "father",

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Migration Terminology: From ‘Illegal Migrant’ to ‘Irregular Migrant’ (English-Ukrainian Aspect)

Review of European and Comparative Law

This article deals with the study of the semantic transformation of terminological units for migr... more This article deals with the study of the semantic transformation of terminological units for migration law. The question of standardization of national terminology, as well as inter- and intra-linguistic harmonization and unification of migration units is raised and substantiated. It is noted that changes in English terminology cause difficulties in national terminology due to, on the one hand, the need to find the most accurate and correct equivalent of the unit of the source language, and on the other – differences in the semantic volume of units of different languages. The article considers English terms for migrants: illegal migrant, irregular migrant, undocumented migrant. Analysis of international normative and advisory documents, as well as data from lexicographic sources of English and Ukrainian languages allow the authors to provide recommendations for the use of the Ukrainian equivalent to these terms – мігрант із неврегульованим статусом. At the same time, the authors not...

Research paper thumbnail of Вербалізація семантики карантинних заборон і обмежень в українській мові

Forum Filologiczne Ateneum

The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restriction... more The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restrictions in quarantine-epidemiological texts. The object is the category of prohibition, the subject is the specifics of the verbalization of this category, namely the structural and semantic content, pragmatic and discursive features of the functioning of the verbal representatives of the semantics of the prohibition. The actual material for this paper is the texts of informational messages in the Ukrainian language, which refer to the prohibition on visiting public places without protective masks. Lexical, syntactic, graphic means of textual organization of prohibition announcements were studied. Special attention is paid to the categories of addressant and addressee, methods of explication of these discursive elements, specific creolization of the studied advertisement texts.

Research paper thumbnail of Concept Human Age as Archetypal and Stereotypical Mental Structure in the Consciousness of Ukrainian, Russian, and English Native Speakers

Studies about Languages

The paper offers a new complex methodology for analyzing the linguocultural concept HUMAN AGE as ... more The paper offers a new complex methodology for analyzing the linguocultural concept HUMAN AGE as a multidimensional archetypal and stereotypical mental structure of human consciousness. To recognize the systemic essence of the Ukrainian, Russian, and English native speakers’ world mapping and their cultural stereotypes, the concept HUMAN AGE is studied by considering its realization through lexical, phraseological, and paremiological units. The study assumes the analysis of such concept structure components as an etymological/historical layer that reflects the essential notional features of the concept, an additional layer, formed as a result of the concept in growth, and an active layer that is regarded relevant for the modern native speakers and represented by axio-notional, axio-figurative, and axio-evaluative stereotypes that help forward mentalizing the concept in the Ukrainian, Russian, and English native speakers’ consciousness. The archetypal basis of the concept is identifi...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Terminological Structure as a Unit of the Professional Worldview

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 9. Current Trends in Language Development

The article deals with the problem of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring professiona... more The article deals with the problem of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring professional information with the help of language means and the formation of a system of professional knowledge. The paper substantiates the term ‘cognitive terminological structure’ proposed by the authors to denote a unit of professional consciousness, in which a fragment of the professional worldview is concentrated and which is verbalized through terms. The formation of such a cognitive unit is the speaker’s reaction and reflection to the phenomena of the scientific world. Understanding of these phenomena is formed in the mind with the acquisition of knowledge about them, and ideas about them are continuously transformed by added professional and relevant information, are stored in professional memory and verbalized in the form of a term. Terminological units are associated with the cognitive terminological structures they verbalize. Such cognitive terminological structures are clumps of infor...

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic Reconstruction of the Legal Term PERSECUTION

The article deals with the problems of terminological nomination and definition in special legal ... more The article deals with the problems of terminological nomination and definition in special legal discourse. The purpose of the article is to make linguistic reconstruction of the legal term ‘persecution’. The author analyses the etymology, semantics and thesaurus network of the legal term ‘persecution’ in English to prove its terminological nature.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture vs Stereotypical Thinking vs Language Facts

Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The paper considers the topical issue of contemporary Intercultural Communication, Linguoculturol... more The paper considers the topical issue of contemporary Intercultural Communication, Linguoculturology, Psycholinguistics, Psychology, dealing with importance of an individual’s awareness of cultural factors of different nations, specificity of national thinking (stereotypical in particular), ability of different languages to reflect reality differently, as well as establishing their interrelation. The findings prove close (integral and interdependent) relations among culture, stereotypical thinking, and language facts. It is stated that all the cultural universals contain a kind of deep structures of human consciousness which correlate with national peculiarities of each separate culture. Any changes in society always cause changes of vital senses and values fixed in cultural universals. Language is a prerequisite and “a verbal expression” of culture. As a sociocultural factor language helps to gain and organize human experience, and any national culture depends upon the character an...

Research paper thumbnail of Лінгвістична реконструкція когнітивної терміноструктури REFUGEE / БІЖЕНЕЦЬ в англо-українському корпусі юридичних текстів

Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Сайт як жанр Інтернет-комунікації (на матеріалі персональних сайтів учених)