Sylvie Chollet - (original) (raw)


Papers by Sylvie Chollet

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of pH on (zinc) protoporphyrin IX formation in dry fermented sausages assessed using a fast screening method

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Germination and Fermentation Process on the Antioxidant Compounds of Quinoa Seeds

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, Jul 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of sensory characteristics of cider according to their biochemical composition: Use of a central composite design and external validation by cider professionals

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, Apr 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Sparse Multiple Correspondence Analysis

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of naturally occurring pigments during the production of nitrite-free dry fermented sausages

Meat Science, Apr 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Entraînement individuel versus entraînement en groupe, experts versus novices : quelles sont les différences ? Application au domaine de la bière

L'objectif de cette these etait double. D'une part, deux methodes d'entrainement a l&... more L'objectif de cette these etait double. D'une part, deux methodes d'entrainement a l'identification de composes de la biere ont ete comparees : l'une ou les sujets travaillaient en groupe et l'autre ou les sujets travaillaient individuellement, seuls face a un automate. Dans la methode en groupe, les concentrations des composes evalues par les sujets etaient fonction de la reponse donnee par la majorite du groupe. Dans la methode individuelle, l'adaptation des concentrations des composes etait fonction de la reponse du sujet lui-meme. Les resultats ont montre que les deux methodes etaient efficaces, mais quasiment equivalentes. Seules quelques differences ont pu etre mises en evidence : les sujets en groupe ont tendance a identifier un nombre plus important de composes ajoutes dans la biere et a etre plus surs, que les sujets en individuel. En revanche, l'entrainement en groupe favorise le fait que les sujets identifient un compose alors qu'aucun n'est present. Finalement, la difference la plus importante entre les deux methodes est la motivation des sujets. D'autre part, les sujets entraines ont ete compares a des novices, a differents stades de leur entrainement, lors de trois epreuves : une de tri, une de communication referentielle et une de description. De plus, a la fin de leur entrainement, l'aptitude des sujets entraines a generaliser leur savoir a d'autres taches non apprises et a d'autres produits non familiers, a ete evaluee lors d'une epreuve d'appariement et de discrimination. Les resultats ont montre que les sujets entraines ont acquis une meilleure capacite a communiquer sur les bieres et qu'ils semblent avoir des representations perceptives legerement differentes de celles des novices. Il apparait egalement que l'entrainement a l'identification de composes de la biere ameliore les performances des sujets dans une tache de discrimination, mais uniquement avec les bieres sur lesquelles ils ont ete entraines.

Research paper thumbnail of pH Dependence of (zinc) protoporphyrin IX formation in nitrite-free dry fermented sausages

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of apple procyanidins on sensory perception in model cider (part 1): Polymerisation degree and concentration

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, Jun 1, 2014

ABSTRACT The impact of the degree of polymerization and of the concentration of procyanidins in a... more ABSTRACT The impact of the degree of polymerization and of the concentration of procyanidins in a model solution of French cider was investigated. Four purified fractions of procyanidins at three concentrations were added in a solution containing water, ethanol, fructose and malic acid. The four studied sensory characteristics (bitterness, astringency, sweetness and sourness) were modified according to the concentration of procyanidins. The degree of polymerization (DP) of procyanidins influenced only bitterness and astringency but this impact was not the same for all concentrations. Despite the fact that pH, fructose and malic acid concentrations were the same in all samples, the perception of sweetness and sourness were modified according to the concentration of procyanidins.

Research paper thumbnail of Representation of wine and beer: influence of expertise

Current opinion in food science, Jun 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability labels: a key component of food quality? Impact of food-processing information on the appreciation of bread

Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học Công nghệ, Sep 30, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Quick and dirty but still pretty good: a review of new descriptive methods in food science

International Journal of Food Science and Technology, May 22, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Do trained assessors generalize their knowledge to new stimuli?

Food Quality and Preference, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding apple consumers’ expectations in terms of likes and dislikes. Use of comment analysis in a cross-cultural study

Research paper thumbnail of Projective Mapping & Sorting Tasks

John Wiley & Sons, Ltd eBooks, Jan 26, 2018

Projective mapping and sorting tasks—often called “Holistic” Methods—are methods that directly ob... more Projective mapping and sorting tasks—often called “Holistic” Methods—are methods that directly obtain similarity measurements between products by asking participants (who could be novices, trained assessors, or experts, adults or children) to provide a global evaluation of a set of products of interest. In projective mapping, each participant is asked to place products on a sheet of paper in such a way that the positions of the products express the products’ similarity structure. In the sorting task, each participant is asked to sort the products in groups such that similar products are sorted together. For both projective mapping and sorting—in order to derive a better understanding of the similarity structure between the products—participants are also sometimes asked to verbally describe products or groups of products. The statistical analysis of projective mapping and sorting tasks used well know techniques such as: (multiple and simple) correspondence analysis, multiple factor analysis, principal component analysis, multidimensional scaling, and DISTATIS.

Research paper thumbnail of Out of sight, out of mind: Effect of geographical environment on consumer’s representations

International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, Jul 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Les mots du vin : experts et novices diffèrent-ils quand ils décrivent des vins ?

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Training on Beer Flavor Perception and Description: Are Trained and Untrained Subjects Really Different?

Journal of Sensory Studies, Dec 1, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Zinc protoporphyrin IX formation in dry fermented sausages

Research paper thumbnail of Invited review Quick and dirty but still pretty good: a review of new descriptive methods in food science

Research paper thumbnail of Relevance of Image Analysis as a screening tool to verify the presence of zinc protoporphyrin IX in dry fermented sausages

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of pH on (zinc) protoporphyrin IX formation in dry fermented sausages assessed using a fast screening method

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Germination and Fermentation Process on the Antioxidant Compounds of Quinoa Seeds

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, Jul 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of sensory characteristics of cider according to their biochemical composition: Use of a central composite design and external validation by cider professionals

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, Apr 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Sparse Multiple Correspondence Analysis

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of naturally occurring pigments during the production of nitrite-free dry fermented sausages

Meat Science, Apr 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Entraînement individuel versus entraînement en groupe, experts versus novices : quelles sont les différences ? Application au domaine de la bière

L'objectif de cette these etait double. D'une part, deux methodes d'entrainement a l&... more L'objectif de cette these etait double. D'une part, deux methodes d'entrainement a l'identification de composes de la biere ont ete comparees : l'une ou les sujets travaillaient en groupe et l'autre ou les sujets travaillaient individuellement, seuls face a un automate. Dans la methode en groupe, les concentrations des composes evalues par les sujets etaient fonction de la reponse donnee par la majorite du groupe. Dans la methode individuelle, l'adaptation des concentrations des composes etait fonction de la reponse du sujet lui-meme. Les resultats ont montre que les deux methodes etaient efficaces, mais quasiment equivalentes. Seules quelques differences ont pu etre mises en evidence : les sujets en groupe ont tendance a identifier un nombre plus important de composes ajoutes dans la biere et a etre plus surs, que les sujets en individuel. En revanche, l'entrainement en groupe favorise le fait que les sujets identifient un compose alors qu'aucun n'est present. Finalement, la difference la plus importante entre les deux methodes est la motivation des sujets. D'autre part, les sujets entraines ont ete compares a des novices, a differents stades de leur entrainement, lors de trois epreuves : une de tri, une de communication referentielle et une de description. De plus, a la fin de leur entrainement, l'aptitude des sujets entraines a generaliser leur savoir a d'autres taches non apprises et a d'autres produits non familiers, a ete evaluee lors d'une epreuve d'appariement et de discrimination. Les resultats ont montre que les sujets entraines ont acquis une meilleure capacite a communiquer sur les bieres et qu'ils semblent avoir des representations perceptives legerement differentes de celles des novices. Il apparait egalement que l'entrainement a l'identification de composes de la biere ameliore les performances des sujets dans une tache de discrimination, mais uniquement avec les bieres sur lesquelles ils ont ete entraines.

Research paper thumbnail of pH Dependence of (zinc) protoporphyrin IX formation in nitrite-free dry fermented sausages

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of apple procyanidins on sensory perception in model cider (part 1): Polymerisation degree and concentration

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, Jun 1, 2014

ABSTRACT The impact of the degree of polymerization and of the concentration of procyanidins in a... more ABSTRACT The impact of the degree of polymerization and of the concentration of procyanidins in a model solution of French cider was investigated. Four purified fractions of procyanidins at three concentrations were added in a solution containing water, ethanol, fructose and malic acid. The four studied sensory characteristics (bitterness, astringency, sweetness and sourness) were modified according to the concentration of procyanidins. The degree of polymerization (DP) of procyanidins influenced only bitterness and astringency but this impact was not the same for all concentrations. Despite the fact that pH, fructose and malic acid concentrations were the same in all samples, the perception of sweetness and sourness were modified according to the concentration of procyanidins.

Research paper thumbnail of Representation of wine and beer: influence of expertise

Current opinion in food science, Jun 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability labels: a key component of food quality? Impact of food-processing information on the appreciation of bread

Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học Công nghệ, Sep 30, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Quick and dirty but still pretty good: a review of new descriptive methods in food science

International Journal of Food Science and Technology, May 22, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Do trained assessors generalize their knowledge to new stimuli?

Food Quality and Preference, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding apple consumers’ expectations in terms of likes and dislikes. Use of comment analysis in a cross-cultural study

Research paper thumbnail of Projective Mapping & Sorting Tasks

John Wiley & Sons, Ltd eBooks, Jan 26, 2018

Projective mapping and sorting tasks—often called “Holistic” Methods—are methods that directly ob... more Projective mapping and sorting tasks—often called “Holistic” Methods—are methods that directly obtain similarity measurements between products by asking participants (who could be novices, trained assessors, or experts, adults or children) to provide a global evaluation of a set of products of interest. In projective mapping, each participant is asked to place products on a sheet of paper in such a way that the positions of the products express the products’ similarity structure. In the sorting task, each participant is asked to sort the products in groups such that similar products are sorted together. For both projective mapping and sorting—in order to derive a better understanding of the similarity structure between the products—participants are also sometimes asked to verbally describe products or groups of products. The statistical analysis of projective mapping and sorting tasks used well know techniques such as: (multiple and simple) correspondence analysis, multiple factor analysis, principal component analysis, multidimensional scaling, and DISTATIS.

Research paper thumbnail of Out of sight, out of mind: Effect of geographical environment on consumer’s representations

International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, Jul 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Les mots du vin : experts et novices diffèrent-ils quand ils décrivent des vins ?

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Training on Beer Flavor Perception and Description: Are Trained and Untrained Subjects Really Different?

Journal of Sensory Studies, Dec 1, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Zinc protoporphyrin IX formation in dry fermented sausages

Research paper thumbnail of Invited review Quick and dirty but still pretty good: a review of new descriptive methods in food science

Research paper thumbnail of Relevance of Image Analysis as a screening tool to verify the presence of zinc protoporphyrin IX in dry fermented sausages

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