Tõnu Tender - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Tõnu Tender
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Väitekiri koosneb katuspeatükist nin... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Väitekiri koosneb katuspeatükist ning kaheksast artiklist (seitse avaldatud ja üks ilmumas). Töö põhieesmärk on selgitada Eesti mitmekeelsuse arendamise poliitilisi ja sotsiokultuurilisi eeldusi ning võimalusi Euroopa Liidu (EL) mitmekeelsuse ideaali ning tegeliku poliitika taustal. Töö vaatleb ELi mitmekeelsuspoliitikat: mitmekeelsuse-alaseid eesmärke, tegevusi ja dokumente, millist kaalu need liikmesriikidele omavad ja millise õiguslik-poliitilise ruumi loovad; kuidas on ELi institutsioonides korraldatud mitmekeelne asjaajamine; milliseid võimalusi annab liikmesriigi kodanikele ELi ametliku keele staatus; milliseid keelepoliitilisi visioone on EL seadnud ning millised on tegelikud võimalused nende elluviimiseks. Samuti käsitleb töö Eesti mitmekeelsuspoliitikat ELi keelelise mitmekesisuse ning mitmekeelsuse väärtusest lähtuvalt. Analüüsitud on Eesti elanike suhtumist võõrkeeltesse (mitmekeelsusse), vaadeldud, kas Eesti pr...
ähtsaim eesti keele auhind-teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propage... more ähtsaim eesti keele auhind-teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propageerimisel või kasutamisel-kannab väljapaistva keeleteadlase Ferdinand Johann Wiedemanni (1805-1887) nime. 1 Keeleauhinna algatamise mõttele tulid 1988. aasta sügisel Irma ja Jüri Sild. Esimene keeleauhind anti üle 1989. aastal. Esialgu andis auhinda välja Energia kolhoos, Nõukogude korra ja kolhooside lõppemise järel rahastasid auhinna väljaandmist Jüri Sild (kolhoosi endine esimees), seejärel Väike-Maarja vald ja Eesti Keele Sihtasutus ning eraalgatusliku keeleauhinna paaril viimasel korral Haridus-ja Teadus ministeerium.
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2020
Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymo... more Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymologies (etyma). Two of them form a rhyme correspondence. Three of them form an onset correspondence. These regular sound changes validate the genetic connection between Sinitic and Uralic. The Sino-Finnic term for 'moon, month' is among these four etyma. It is demonstrated that this term should be aboriginal in Sino-Uralic languages.
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2013
Abstract. The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumpt... more Abstract. The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that analysing motivations for foreign language learning could help to understand the changes in social space. Using Estonia as an empirical example we are arguing that the country is moving from a transitional phase of social space to a post-transitional phase, i.e. the fast changes in language learning motivations and curricula, as well as the increasing number of personal or mediated contacts with different countries are replaced by a relative ‘calming down ’ of social space, where the individual relationships with the geo-cultural world are developing. Using qualitative in-depth interviews as the empirical basis, the analysis found four different individual linguistic-spatial strategies – spatial production based on unchanging morphologies; spatial production based on historical and power connotations; spatial production based on connotations of con-sumerism and spatial productio...
Siinne dissertatsioon koosneb alljärgnevatest artiklitest ning neile on tekstis viidatud rooma nu... more Siinne dissertatsioon koosneb alljärgnevatest artiklitest ning neile on tekstis viidatud rooma numbritega. I Tender, Tõnu and Vihalemm, Triin (2009). "Two languages in addition to mother tongue"-will this policy preserve linguistic diversity in Europe? Trames:
This article discusses the problem of the maintenance of linguistic diversity in Europe, on the b... more This article discusses the problem of the maintenance of linguistic diversity in Europe, on the basis of an analysis of the European Commission's multilingualism strategy and a qualitative study among language experts from the member states of the Council of Europe. The problem is that the strategy allows the language environment of Europe to be regulated by market logic. The Less Widely Used Languages (LWULs) are expected to take care of themselves. The results of this study suggest that the European Commission's policy "mother tongue plus two foreign languages" will foster the formation of a "language market" within Europe and a hegemony of widely used languages. In order to preserve multilingualism in Europe, groups who carry the cultural value of language, rather than single individuals, should be clearly addressed in the language strategy. The LWULs ought to be supported by language planning initiated partly by the Council of Europe and the central institutions of the European Union.
… Cultural, Economic & …, 2007
The present paper concentrates on associations between geo-cultural mobility (travelling, contact... more The present paper concentrates on associations between geo-cultural mobility (travelling, contacts with different countries) and linguistic capital (foreign languages skills and usage) in the transition country Estonia. This enables analyzing the cultural consequences of ...
... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Est... more ... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Estonia. I am a last year PhD student in University of Tartu, Estonia. In my PhD-thesis I am observing the reception of multilingualism and the linguistic capital of the Estonian Society. ...
... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Est... more ... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Estonia. I am a last year PhD student in University of Tartu, Estonia. In my PhD-thesis I am observing the reception of multilingualism and the linguistic capital of the Estonian Society. ...
Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008
The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that a... more The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that analysing motivations for foreign language learning could help to understand the changes in social space. Using Estonia as an empirical example we are arguing that the country is moving from a transitional phase of social space to a posttransitional phase, i.e. the fast changes in language learning motivations and curricula, as well as the increasing number of personal or mediated contacts with different countries are replaced by a relative 'calming down' of social space, where the individual relationships with the geo-cultural world are developing. Using qualitative in-depth interviews as the empirical basis, the analysis found four different individual linguistic-spatial strategiesspatial production based on unchanging morphologies; spatial production based on historical and power connotations; spatial production based on connotations of consumerism and spatial production based on cultural meanings. In our opinion, the last strategy supports social change most positively. Taking into account the importance of the consumerist and spatial meanings of language, we believe that these aspects should be taken into account in developing language policies.
Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
Artefaktinimed on traditsiooniliselt liigitatud kultuurnimede alaliigiks, mis hõlmab inimese lood... more Artefaktinimed on traditsiooniliselt liigitatud kultuurnimede alaliigiks, mis hõlmab inimese loodud rajatiste nimesid. Inimtekkeliste objektide hulk on tänapäeval aga üha suurem ja erinäolisem, eriti linlikus keskkonnas, mistõttu vajab traditsioonilise kohanimede klassifikatsiooni artefaktinimede rühma kirjeldus täpsustamist ja täiendamist. Artikkel vaatleb artefaktinimesid kolmes kasutussfääris: maapiirkonnas, linnapiirkonnas ja slängis. Ruraalsete artefaktinimede puhul on analüüsitud Harjumaa Jüri ja Kose kihelkonna kohanimistuid, urbonüümide alusandmed pärinevad KNABist ning keskenduvad suures osas Tallinna nimedele. Slänginimede puhul on esitatud valdavalt Tallinna ja Tartu näited, mis pärinevad eri aegadel valminud teadustöödest, artiklitest ning internetist. . Tiina Laansalu, Peeter Päll, and Tõnu Tender: An attempt to describe artefact names. Artefact names have been traditionally classified as a subtype of cultural names designating names of man-made facilities. The number o...
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2013
While some census categories are not devised with an academic purpose (Arel 2002), census data ... more While some census categories are not devised with an academic purpose (Arel 2002), census data include many self-reported variables of languages and national or ethnicidentity. Census categories have been influenced by past practices and pre-censuspolitics in most countries involved in enumeration.The paper briefly outlines some ideological and political aspects of censuses and the history of censuses in Estonia. Based on the census data the paper focuses on two issues: 1) what (foreign) languages Estonian residents master and how the share of those languages has changed over the years; 2) what can be concluded from the 2011 enumeration of local varieties. Compared to 1934, the bigger share of Estonian residents has indicated the knowledge of foreign languages in 2011. English has remarkable prominence compared to other language, except Russian, which has gained speakers by immigration. 15% of permanent residents with Estonian as the mother tongue also claimed the proficiency of Estonian dialects. As the bigger share of speakers of island, Mulgi and Võru dialects reside outside the traditional dialect area, the question arises: whether the term „dialect” is appropriate after all. Finally we propose two terms – dominant and non-dominant languages – borrowed from Benson and Kosonen (2012) for a wider use.
Journal Papers by Tõnu Tender
Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies, 2020
Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymo... more Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymologies (etyma). Two of them form a rhyme correspondence. Three of them form an onset correspondence. These regular sound changes validate the genetic connection between Sinitic and Uralic. The Sino-Finnic term for 'moon, month' is among these four etyma. It is demonstrated that this term should be aboriginal in Sino-Uralic languages.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Väitekiri koosneb katuspeatükist nin... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Väitekiri koosneb katuspeatükist ning kaheksast artiklist (seitse avaldatud ja üks ilmumas). Töö põhieesmärk on selgitada Eesti mitmekeelsuse arendamise poliitilisi ja sotsiokultuurilisi eeldusi ning võimalusi Euroopa Liidu (EL) mitmekeelsuse ideaali ning tegeliku poliitika taustal. Töö vaatleb ELi mitmekeelsuspoliitikat: mitmekeelsuse-alaseid eesmärke, tegevusi ja dokumente, millist kaalu need liikmesriikidele omavad ja millise õiguslik-poliitilise ruumi loovad; kuidas on ELi institutsioonides korraldatud mitmekeelne asjaajamine; milliseid võimalusi annab liikmesriigi kodanikele ELi ametliku keele staatus; milliseid keelepoliitilisi visioone on EL seadnud ning millised on tegelikud võimalused nende elluviimiseks. Samuti käsitleb töö Eesti mitmekeelsuspoliitikat ELi keelelise mitmekesisuse ning mitmekeelsuse väärtusest lähtuvalt. Analüüsitud on Eesti elanike suhtumist võõrkeeltesse (mitmekeelsusse), vaadeldud, kas Eesti pr...
ähtsaim eesti keele auhind-teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propage... more ähtsaim eesti keele auhind-teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propageerimisel või kasutamisel-kannab väljapaistva keeleteadlase Ferdinand Johann Wiedemanni (1805-1887) nime. 1 Keeleauhinna algatamise mõttele tulid 1988. aasta sügisel Irma ja Jüri Sild. Esimene keeleauhind anti üle 1989. aastal. Esialgu andis auhinda välja Energia kolhoos, Nõukogude korra ja kolhooside lõppemise järel rahastasid auhinna väljaandmist Jüri Sild (kolhoosi endine esimees), seejärel Väike-Maarja vald ja Eesti Keele Sihtasutus ning eraalgatusliku keeleauhinna paaril viimasel korral Haridus-ja Teadus ministeerium.
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2020
Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymo... more Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymologies (etyma). Two of them form a rhyme correspondence. Three of them form an onset correspondence. These regular sound changes validate the genetic connection between Sinitic and Uralic. The Sino-Finnic term for 'moon, month' is among these four etyma. It is demonstrated that this term should be aboriginal in Sino-Uralic languages.
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2013
Abstract. The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumpt... more Abstract. The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that analysing motivations for foreign language learning could help to understand the changes in social space. Using Estonia as an empirical example we are arguing that the country is moving from a transitional phase of social space to a post-transitional phase, i.e. the fast changes in language learning motivations and curricula, as well as the increasing number of personal or mediated contacts with different countries are replaced by a relative ‘calming down ’ of social space, where the individual relationships with the geo-cultural world are developing. Using qualitative in-depth interviews as the empirical basis, the analysis found four different individual linguistic-spatial strategies – spatial production based on unchanging morphologies; spatial production based on historical and power connotations; spatial production based on connotations of con-sumerism and spatial productio...
Siinne dissertatsioon koosneb alljärgnevatest artiklitest ning neile on tekstis viidatud rooma nu... more Siinne dissertatsioon koosneb alljärgnevatest artiklitest ning neile on tekstis viidatud rooma numbritega. I Tender, Tõnu and Vihalemm, Triin (2009). "Two languages in addition to mother tongue"-will this policy preserve linguistic diversity in Europe? Trames:
This article discusses the problem of the maintenance of linguistic diversity in Europe, on the b... more This article discusses the problem of the maintenance of linguistic diversity in Europe, on the basis of an analysis of the European Commission's multilingualism strategy and a qualitative study among language experts from the member states of the Council of Europe. The problem is that the strategy allows the language environment of Europe to be regulated by market logic. The Less Widely Used Languages (LWULs) are expected to take care of themselves. The results of this study suggest that the European Commission's policy "mother tongue plus two foreign languages" will foster the formation of a "language market" within Europe and a hegemony of widely used languages. In order to preserve multilingualism in Europe, groups who carry the cultural value of language, rather than single individuals, should be clearly addressed in the language strategy. The LWULs ought to be supported by language planning initiated partly by the Council of Europe and the central institutions of the European Union.
… Cultural, Economic & …, 2007
The present paper concentrates on associations between geo-cultural mobility (travelling, contact... more The present paper concentrates on associations between geo-cultural mobility (travelling, contacts with different countries) and linguistic capital (foreign languages skills and usage) in the transition country Estonia. This enables analyzing the cultural consequences of ...
... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Est... more ... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Estonia. I am a last year PhD student in University of Tartu, Estonia. In my PhD-thesis I am observing the reception of multilingualism and the linguistic capital of the Estonian Society. ...
... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Est... more ... Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.217MB). Anu Masso. ... Tõnu Tender. University of Tartu, Estonia. I am a last year PhD student in University of Tartu, Estonia. In my PhD-thesis I am observing the reception of multilingualism and the linguistic capital of the Estonian Society. ...
Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008
The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that a... more The article uses a theory of social space by Henri Lefebvre and is based on the assumption that analysing motivations for foreign language learning could help to understand the changes in social space. Using Estonia as an empirical example we are arguing that the country is moving from a transitional phase of social space to a posttransitional phase, i.e. the fast changes in language learning motivations and curricula, as well as the increasing number of personal or mediated contacts with different countries are replaced by a relative 'calming down' of social space, where the individual relationships with the geo-cultural world are developing. Using qualitative in-depth interviews as the empirical basis, the analysis found four different individual linguistic-spatial strategiesspatial production based on unchanging morphologies; spatial production based on historical and power connotations; spatial production based on connotations of consumerism and spatial production based on cultural meanings. In our opinion, the last strategy supports social change most positively. Taking into account the importance of the consumerist and spatial meanings of language, we believe that these aspects should be taken into account in developing language policies.
Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
Artefaktinimed on traditsiooniliselt liigitatud kultuurnimede alaliigiks, mis hõlmab inimese lood... more Artefaktinimed on traditsiooniliselt liigitatud kultuurnimede alaliigiks, mis hõlmab inimese loodud rajatiste nimesid. Inimtekkeliste objektide hulk on tänapäeval aga üha suurem ja erinäolisem, eriti linlikus keskkonnas, mistõttu vajab traditsioonilise kohanimede klassifikatsiooni artefaktinimede rühma kirjeldus täpsustamist ja täiendamist. Artikkel vaatleb artefaktinimesid kolmes kasutussfääris: maapiirkonnas, linnapiirkonnas ja slängis. Ruraalsete artefaktinimede puhul on analüüsitud Harjumaa Jüri ja Kose kihelkonna kohanimistuid, urbonüümide alusandmed pärinevad KNABist ning keskenduvad suures osas Tallinna nimedele. Slänginimede puhul on esitatud valdavalt Tallinna ja Tartu näited, mis pärinevad eri aegadel valminud teadustöödest, artiklitest ning internetist. . Tiina Laansalu, Peeter Päll, and Tõnu Tender: An attempt to describe artefact names. Artefact names have been traditionally classified as a subtype of cultural names designating names of man-made facilities. The number o...
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society, 2013
While some census categories are not devised with an academic purpose (Arel 2002), census data ... more While some census categories are not devised with an academic purpose (Arel 2002), census data include many self-reported variables of languages and national or ethnicidentity. Census categories have been influenced by past practices and pre-censuspolitics in most countries involved in enumeration.The paper briefly outlines some ideological and political aspects of censuses and the history of censuses in Estonia. Based on the census data the paper focuses on two issues: 1) what (foreign) languages Estonian residents master and how the share of those languages has changed over the years; 2) what can be concluded from the 2011 enumeration of local varieties. Compared to 1934, the bigger share of Estonian residents has indicated the knowledge of foreign languages in 2011. English has remarkable prominence compared to other language, except Russian, which has gained speakers by immigration. 15% of permanent residents with Estonian as the mother tongue also claimed the proficiency of Estonian dialects. As the bigger share of speakers of island, Mulgi and Võru dialects reside outside the traditional dialect area, the question arises: whether the term „dialect” is appropriate after all. Finally we propose two terms – dominant and non-dominant languages – borrowed from Benson and Kosonen (2012) for a wider use.
Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies, 2020
Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymo... more Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Uralic shared etymologies (etyma). Two of them form a rhyme correspondence. Three of them form an onset correspondence. These regular sound changes validate the genetic connection between Sinitic and Uralic. The Sino-Finnic term for 'moon, month' is among these four etyma. It is demonstrated that this term should be aboriginal in Sino-Uralic languages.