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Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Attitude is an aspect that needs attention because it is a polemic problem in children today. Thi... more Attitude is an aspect that needs attention because it is a polemic problem in children today. This article aims to initiate the concept of art learning as a social emotional learning program. It can be said that art education has a further meaning than just a process of transferring knowledge and skills, but art education can be used as an effort to develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) this is because art education itself is based on mental (moral), analysis, and synthesis, besides that art is seen as having the essential value to touch one's emotional plain. Literature review is the method in this research with data collection techniques from keyword searches: (1) social emotional learning and (2) art learning for children through Google Scholar. The results of the study found that social emotional learning through art education is seen as something interesting and crucial to be studied and further formulated into a formulation, where the concepts of Art Le...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Pedagogika, Jul 11, 2018
Learning Merak Dance For Lightweight Students Of Disabilities At SLB C Cipaganti Bandung.This res... more Learning Merak Dance For Lightweight Students Of Disabilities At SLB C Cipaganti Bandung.This research is the background of the difficulty of dance learning for children with lightweight disabilities. Learning dance at SLB C Cipaganti Bandung has a high level of difficulty when compared with dance learning in ordinary schools, Because the students are lightweight children with disabilities,who have difficulty in motor and concentration, while in dancing is needed strong motion, concentration and memory On every movement on a dance. This study aims to determine the Learning Process, Media, Methods and evaluation used in Learning Dance Merak For Students lightweight disabilities in SLB C Cipaganti Bandung. Approach in this research is qualitative with research method used is Descriptive. The result of the research shows that in the learning of Merak dance in SLB C Cipagati Bandung from learning process, media and methods and learning evaluation have not run well where the dance teacher is not from dance education, the teacher does not make the learning planning, the learning is done according to his experience. And Besides, the lack of interest in learning
Implementation of a learning requires methods that are appropriate to the condition of the class,... more Implementation of a learning requires methods that are appropriate to the condition of the class, material and goals that achieved. The scientific method contained in the curriculum year 2013 can enhance students' creativity in learning traditional art, and able preserve local wisdom. This research aims to test the scientific method in learning Likok Pulo dance as an effort in increasing students' creativity in school. The learning is held in 5 meetings, consisting of pre-test, treatment, and post-test through observing, asking, associating, exploring, and communicating. This research uses quantitative paradigm, interdisciplinary approach and quasi experiment method with time series design pattern. As for the sample are the students class X MIPA 7 as many as 32 people. The theories used as an indicator of creativity are: imagine, invest, improve, and incubate. Research findings prove that there is an influence on the improvement of student's creativity through the result of t test that is t count > t table, with result 10 > 1.696.
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Dec 28, 2021
The dynamics of the development of Jaipongan dance in West Java have undergone several metamorpho... more The dynamics of the development of Jaipongan dance in West Java have undergone several metamorphosis processes and the evolution of presentation forms as a manifestation of wise reflection on the openness of external cultural influences on the development of jaipongan dance to date. The jaipongan dance is an important part of the process of cultural inheritance in West Java, which has worldwide existence. The findings show that the form of presenting the jaipongan dance has now undergone many changes from its form and function in society. This change is a manifestation of the wise attitude of the jaipongan dance creators in seeing the potential for socio-cultural change that must be positively addressed in the jaipongan dance works they create. The color of the jaipongan dance presentation has changed, but local values are still strong.
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Oct 24, 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.
Zapin dance was one of the groups of Malay dances that had been influenced by the Arabs. The word... more Zapin dance was one of the groups of Malay dances that had been influenced by the Arabs. The word Zapin came from the Arabic word "Zafn" which meant the movement of the foot quickly following the beat. The Zapin dance developed in the Malay indigenous community, which used to be performed only by male dancers. The Zapin dance was divided into three parts, the first was the opening movement, the second was the core movement, and the last was the closing movement, some of which contained philosophical values. Zapin dance had an educational and entertaining purpose because the music and dance contained educational elements and it was used as a medium for Islamic preaching. The purpose of this study was to discuss where the unique movements in the Zapin Dance were located. This study employed a qualitative approach using descriptive-analytical research methods. The data was collected by analyzing journals and literature, and documentation studies. The results of this study explained that the uniqueness of Zapin Dance lied in the choreography, namely the direction of motion and rhythmic stomping of the feet.
This research was conducted to find out how the Performing Arts at Saung Angklung Udjo became an ... more This research was conducted to find out how the Performing Arts at Saung Angklung Udjo became an Art Tourism in Bandung. The aim is to examine how the art performance presented at Saung Angklung Udjo and how the art performance becomes an attractive tour for local and foreign tourists. This study uses a qualitative research design and descriptive analysis method, researchers obtain data and examine it further for analysis. Data obtained from research instruments namely observation, interview, literature review and study documentation. After the data is obtained, its validity will be processed by triangulation. Findings of this research show that Saung Angklung Udjo not only displays angklung performances, but also presents other art performances such as dance and puppet show demonstrations, involved the visitors in the angklung show, giving tourists the direct experience of playing angklung. Saung Angklung Udjo is one of the biggest and most well-known art tourism destinations in Bandung which also supports the tourism sector in Bandung.
Naturalistic : jurnal kajian dan penelitian pendidikan dan pembelajaran, Apr 30, 2023
Education is an educational process to educate children. Education does not only make children sm... more Education is an educational process to educate children. Education does not only make children smart and skilled, but education also has a more important goal, namely to make children have a good attitude. This change in attitude occurs because of the veil of values through character education. Currently, character values in children have begun to fade due to the influence of various technological advances in all fields. This will certainly facilitate and speed up the entry of foreign values and culture that are not yet known about the good and bad for children. Efforts to cover national character can be done by combining aspects of education and aspects of local culture. In practice, local coloring is colored with a variety of positive values that can be used as meaning in living life. This study aims to analyze the character values contained in the Sundanese seren taun ceremony. The method used is descriptive analysis. Data collection was obtained by conducting direct review of documents, photos, videos. The seren tau ceremony is a cultural activity in West Java. In its implementation, the ceremony has a variety of cultural activities in which it has its own value and meaning. These activities can be used as educational media for elementary school students as an effort to build character.
Performing arts is one of creative industry subsectors in Indonesia. To develop value added of pe... more Performing arts is one of creative industry subsectors in Indonesia. To develop value added of performing arts creative products and entrepreneurship, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) collaborates with local government of Bandung city has established Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (BIPAF). The festival uses the concept of performing arts market. The purpose of this article is to discuss a festival model which promotes performing arts community to share knowledge and ideas, creative products, and network with stakeholders. Applying a qualitative approach, the research used a projectbased research method. The procedure of this research began with diagnosing the problems, making a plan to conduct the festival in Bandung, conducting the festival, and evaluation. Data were collected by observation, interview, documentary study, focus-group discussion, and personal reflection. The research resulted in a model of a festival as performing arts market using a site-specific stage with Villa Isola in Bandung as the background, rendering the festival as a means to build performing arts community who concerns with achieving value added socially, culturally, and economically. This festival has a strategic value to community that can develop the creative industry in Indonesia
This study aims to improve the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut, especially in respect, crea... more This study aims to improve the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut, especially in respect, creative and confident through creation dance learning using project-based learning. In the implementation process, used the steps of composition theory such as exploration, improvisation, evaluation and composition. The learning method that is implemented at each meeting uses a project-based learning by the steps start with the essential question, design a plan for the project, create a schedule, monitor the students and the progress of the project, and evaluate the experience. The research method used is an experimental method with a quantitative research paradigm. The results of this study prove the hypothesis that the learning of creation dance using project-based learning can build the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut to respect each other, creative, and confidence. Obtaining a pretest score of 67 and increase after being given treatment obtained a posttest score 81. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for the use of dance learning methods and materials in high school education, and can be an idea of developing art learning methods dance for further research.
Edukatif, Aug 11, 2023
Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma adalah sebuah sanggar yang bergerak dibidang seni khususnya ... more Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma adalah sebuah sanggar yang bergerak dibidang seni khususnya terdapat kegiatan pembelajaran tari. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah terkait struktur kurikulum, perencanaan kurikulum dan implementasi kurikulum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kurikulum pembelajaran tari di Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma. Pendekatannya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Partisipan yang terlibat yakni pelatih dan pimpinan Padepokan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, teknik wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa di Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma memiliki struktur administrasi kurikulum yang cukup lengkap. Terdapat komponen pembelajaran seperti capaian pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, teknik evaluasi pembelajaran. Selain itu juga terdapat biografi sejarah Padepokan. Implikasinya, Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma merupakan sanggar tari yang kurikulumnya mengacu pada sistem pendidikan formal dengan penyajian kegiatan pembelajaran yang konsisten sebagai upaya peningkatan pelayanan serta kepercayaan masyarakat.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, Dec 13, 2019
Entrepreneurship, in the context of the development of art education tourism programs in higher e... more Entrepreneurship, in the context of the development of art education tourism programs in higher education, is regarded as a serious concern in reflecting the role of universities in developing the tourism industry. This is considered as the universities' efforts of innovation and creativity to improve the competitiveness of higher education goals through the development of entrepreneurship in the field of educational tourism. This paper discusses the role of tertiary institutions in developing educational tourism entrepreneurship, which in its implementation empowers potential students by providing entrepreneurship training for them to be able to manage art education tourism program events. The data were obtained by test and questionnaire were given to 30 students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who were involved in the activities of entrepreneurial training programs in the management of tourism education through the art business. The program was established by cooperating with universities, the local government, as well as non-governmental institutions.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, Dec 27, 2020
The implementation of tourism activities not only has a purpose for traveling or entertainment. I... more The implementation of tourism activities not only has a purpose for traveling or entertainment. In education, tourism can have a function as a learning activity carried out by someone in their visit to a tourist attraction location. This study aims to determine the effect of organizing an art education tour on the interest in learning art for high school students. This study uses a quantitative research approach with a sample of 84 students who took part in an art education tourism program held at UPI (Indonesian University of Education). This study took a sample using total sampling techniques in which all respondents were taken into consideration the analysis of research data. Data collection used in this study is to use a closed questionnaire in the form of a scale. Research data analysis uses simple regression test data analysis techniques to find out whether there is an influence of art education tourism activities on high school students' interest in learning art at school. The results of the study can be concluded that educational tours have an influence on high school students' interest in learning art; this is indicated from the results of the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.479, which implies that the influence of educational programs on the dependent variable (interest in learning art) is 47.9%. The results of the analysis show how much the independent variable (X) can affect the dependent variable (Y).
Wanita merupakan sesuatu yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Begitu pula dengan tarsiyem, salah sat... more Wanita merupakan sesuatu yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Begitu pula dengan tarsiyem, salah satu ronggeng yang hidup di Lelea. Sebutan ronggeng menjadikannya milik umum. Guna mengupas kehidupannya penulis menggunakan pendekatan antropologi dengan mengamati perilaku Tarsiyem melalui pola hidup dan pola kerja yang dianutnya
Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya
Upacara adat bakti purnamasari dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat Sunda tidak lepas dari ungkapan... more Upacara adat bakti purnamasari dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat Sunda tidak lepas dari ungkapan rasa syukur, begitu pula pertunjukan tari yang masih menjadi bagian ungkapan kebahagiaan. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hasil penelitian mengenai bentuk pertunjukan tari serta nilai-nilai kerifan lokal yang terdapat pada pertunjukan tari dalam upacara adat bakti purnamasari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif analisis dengan paradigma kualitatif, partisipan penelitian yaitu tokoh budaya di Kota Sukabumi dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk pertunjukan tari dalam upacara adat ini termasuk kedalam fungsi hiburan dan termasuk kedalam rumpun tari tayub. Nilai kearifan lokal yang terdapat didalamnya terbagi kedalam dua bentuk yaitu nilai kearifan lokal yang mengangkat falsafah manus...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Attitude is an aspect that needs attention because it is a polemic problem in children today. Thi... more Attitude is an aspect that needs attention because it is a polemic problem in children today. This article aims to initiate the concept of art learning as a social emotional learning program. It can be said that art education has a further meaning than just a process of transferring knowledge and skills, but art education can be used as an effort to develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intellectual (IQ) this is because art education itself is based on mental (moral), analysis, and synthesis, besides that art is seen as having the essential value to touch one's emotional plain. Literature review is the method in this research with data collection techniques from keyword searches: (1) social emotional learning and (2) art learning for children through Google Scholar. The results of the study found that social emotional learning through art education is seen as something interesting and crucial to be studied and further formulated into a formulation, where the concepts of Art Le...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Pedagogika, Jul 11, 2018
Learning Merak Dance For Lightweight Students Of Disabilities At SLB C Cipaganti Bandung.This res... more Learning Merak Dance For Lightweight Students Of Disabilities At SLB C Cipaganti Bandung.This research is the background of the difficulty of dance learning for children with lightweight disabilities. Learning dance at SLB C Cipaganti Bandung has a high level of difficulty when compared with dance learning in ordinary schools, Because the students are lightweight children with disabilities,who have difficulty in motor and concentration, while in dancing is needed strong motion, concentration and memory On every movement on a dance. This study aims to determine the Learning Process, Media, Methods and evaluation used in Learning Dance Merak For Students lightweight disabilities in SLB C Cipaganti Bandung. Approach in this research is qualitative with research method used is Descriptive. The result of the research shows that in the learning of Merak dance in SLB C Cipagati Bandung from learning process, media and methods and learning evaluation have not run well where the dance teacher is not from dance education, the teacher does not make the learning planning, the learning is done according to his experience. And Besides, the lack of interest in learning
Implementation of a learning requires methods that are appropriate to the condition of the class,... more Implementation of a learning requires methods that are appropriate to the condition of the class, material and goals that achieved. The scientific method contained in the curriculum year 2013 can enhance students' creativity in learning traditional art, and able preserve local wisdom. This research aims to test the scientific method in learning Likok Pulo dance as an effort in increasing students' creativity in school. The learning is held in 5 meetings, consisting of pre-test, treatment, and post-test through observing, asking, associating, exploring, and communicating. This research uses quantitative paradigm, interdisciplinary approach and quasi experiment method with time series design pattern. As for the sample are the students class X MIPA 7 as many as 32 people. The theories used as an indicator of creativity are: imagine, invest, improve, and incubate. Research findings prove that there is an influence on the improvement of student's creativity through the result of t test that is t count > t table, with result 10 > 1.696.
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Dec 28, 2021
The dynamics of the development of Jaipongan dance in West Java have undergone several metamorpho... more The dynamics of the development of Jaipongan dance in West Java have undergone several metamorphosis processes and the evolution of presentation forms as a manifestation of wise reflection on the openness of external cultural influences on the development of jaipongan dance to date. The jaipongan dance is an important part of the process of cultural inheritance in West Java, which has worldwide existence. The findings show that the form of presenting the jaipongan dance has now undergone many changes from its form and function in society. This change is a manifestation of the wise attitude of the jaipongan dance creators in seeing the potential for socio-cultural change that must be positively addressed in the jaipongan dance works they create. The color of the jaipongan dance presentation has changed, but local values are still strong.
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Oct 24, 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.
Zapin dance was one of the groups of Malay dances that had been influenced by the Arabs. The word... more Zapin dance was one of the groups of Malay dances that had been influenced by the Arabs. The word Zapin came from the Arabic word "Zafn" which meant the movement of the foot quickly following the beat. The Zapin dance developed in the Malay indigenous community, which used to be performed only by male dancers. The Zapin dance was divided into three parts, the first was the opening movement, the second was the core movement, and the last was the closing movement, some of which contained philosophical values. Zapin dance had an educational and entertaining purpose because the music and dance contained educational elements and it was used as a medium for Islamic preaching. The purpose of this study was to discuss where the unique movements in the Zapin Dance were located. This study employed a qualitative approach using descriptive-analytical research methods. The data was collected by analyzing journals and literature, and documentation studies. The results of this study explained that the uniqueness of Zapin Dance lied in the choreography, namely the direction of motion and rhythmic stomping of the feet.
This research was conducted to find out how the Performing Arts at Saung Angklung Udjo became an ... more This research was conducted to find out how the Performing Arts at Saung Angklung Udjo became an Art Tourism in Bandung. The aim is to examine how the art performance presented at Saung Angklung Udjo and how the art performance becomes an attractive tour for local and foreign tourists. This study uses a qualitative research design and descriptive analysis method, researchers obtain data and examine it further for analysis. Data obtained from research instruments namely observation, interview, literature review and study documentation. After the data is obtained, its validity will be processed by triangulation. Findings of this research show that Saung Angklung Udjo not only displays angklung performances, but also presents other art performances such as dance and puppet show demonstrations, involved the visitors in the angklung show, giving tourists the direct experience of playing angklung. Saung Angklung Udjo is one of the biggest and most well-known art tourism destinations in Bandung which also supports the tourism sector in Bandung.
Naturalistic : jurnal kajian dan penelitian pendidikan dan pembelajaran, Apr 30, 2023
Education is an educational process to educate children. Education does not only make children sm... more Education is an educational process to educate children. Education does not only make children smart and skilled, but education also has a more important goal, namely to make children have a good attitude. This change in attitude occurs because of the veil of values through character education. Currently, character values in children have begun to fade due to the influence of various technological advances in all fields. This will certainly facilitate and speed up the entry of foreign values and culture that are not yet known about the good and bad for children. Efforts to cover national character can be done by combining aspects of education and aspects of local culture. In practice, local coloring is colored with a variety of positive values that can be used as meaning in living life. This study aims to analyze the character values contained in the Sundanese seren taun ceremony. The method used is descriptive analysis. Data collection was obtained by conducting direct review of documents, photos, videos. The seren tau ceremony is a cultural activity in West Java. In its implementation, the ceremony has a variety of cultural activities in which it has its own value and meaning. These activities can be used as educational media for elementary school students as an effort to build character.
Performing arts is one of creative industry subsectors in Indonesia. To develop value added of pe... more Performing arts is one of creative industry subsectors in Indonesia. To develop value added of performing arts creative products and entrepreneurship, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) collaborates with local government of Bandung city has established Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (BIPAF). The festival uses the concept of performing arts market. The purpose of this article is to discuss a festival model which promotes performing arts community to share knowledge and ideas, creative products, and network with stakeholders. Applying a qualitative approach, the research used a projectbased research method. The procedure of this research began with diagnosing the problems, making a plan to conduct the festival in Bandung, conducting the festival, and evaluation. Data were collected by observation, interview, documentary study, focus-group discussion, and personal reflection. The research resulted in a model of a festival as performing arts market using a site-specific stage with Villa Isola in Bandung as the background, rendering the festival as a means to build performing arts community who concerns with achieving value added socially, culturally, and economically. This festival has a strategic value to community that can develop the creative industry in Indonesia
This study aims to improve the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut, especially in respect, crea... more This study aims to improve the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut, especially in respect, creative and confident through creation dance learning using project-based learning. In the implementation process, used the steps of composition theory such as exploration, improvisation, evaluation and composition. The learning method that is implemented at each meeting uses a project-based learning by the steps start with the essential question, design a plan for the project, create a schedule, monitor the students and the progress of the project, and evaluate the experience. The research method used is an experimental method with a quantitative research paradigm. The results of this study prove the hypothesis that the learning of creation dance using project-based learning can build the character of students of SMAN 1 Garut to respect each other, creative, and confidence. Obtaining a pretest score of 67 and increase after being given treatment obtained a posttest score 81. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for the use of dance learning methods and materials in high school education, and can be an idea of developing art learning methods dance for further research.
Edukatif, Aug 11, 2023
Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma adalah sebuah sanggar yang bergerak dibidang seni khususnya ... more Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma adalah sebuah sanggar yang bergerak dibidang seni khususnya terdapat kegiatan pembelajaran tari. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah terkait struktur kurikulum, perencanaan kurikulum dan implementasi kurikulum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kurikulum pembelajaran tari di Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma. Pendekatannya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Partisipan yang terlibat yakni pelatih dan pimpinan Padepokan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, teknik wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa di Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma memiliki struktur administrasi kurikulum yang cukup lengkap. Terdapat komponen pembelajaran seperti capaian pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, teknik evaluasi pembelajaran. Selain itu juga terdapat biografi sejarah Padepokan. Implikasinya, Padepokan Surya Medal Putera Wirahma merupakan sanggar tari yang kurikulumnya mengacu pada sistem pendidikan formal dengan penyajian kegiatan pembelajaran yang konsisten sebagai upaya peningkatan pelayanan serta kepercayaan masyarakat.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, Dec 13, 2019
Entrepreneurship, in the context of the development of art education tourism programs in higher e... more Entrepreneurship, in the context of the development of art education tourism programs in higher education, is regarded as a serious concern in reflecting the role of universities in developing the tourism industry. This is considered as the universities' efforts of innovation and creativity to improve the competitiveness of higher education goals through the development of entrepreneurship in the field of educational tourism. This paper discusses the role of tertiary institutions in developing educational tourism entrepreneurship, which in its implementation empowers potential students by providing entrepreneurship training for them to be able to manage art education tourism program events. The data were obtained by test and questionnaire were given to 30 students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who were involved in the activities of entrepreneurial training programs in the management of tourism education through the art business. The program was established by cooperating with universities, the local government, as well as non-governmental institutions.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, Dec 27, 2020
The implementation of tourism activities not only has a purpose for traveling or entertainment. I... more The implementation of tourism activities not only has a purpose for traveling or entertainment. In education, tourism can have a function as a learning activity carried out by someone in their visit to a tourist attraction location. This study aims to determine the effect of organizing an art education tour on the interest in learning art for high school students. This study uses a quantitative research approach with a sample of 84 students who took part in an art education tourism program held at UPI (Indonesian University of Education). This study took a sample using total sampling techniques in which all respondents were taken into consideration the analysis of research data. Data collection used in this study is to use a closed questionnaire in the form of a scale. Research data analysis uses simple regression test data analysis techniques to find out whether there is an influence of art education tourism activities on high school students' interest in learning art at school. The results of the study can be concluded that educational tours have an influence on high school students' interest in learning art; this is indicated from the results of the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.479, which implies that the influence of educational programs on the dependent variable (interest in learning art) is 47.9%. The results of the analysis show how much the independent variable (X) can affect the dependent variable (Y).
Wanita merupakan sesuatu yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Begitu pula dengan tarsiyem, salah sat... more Wanita merupakan sesuatu yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Begitu pula dengan tarsiyem, salah satu ronggeng yang hidup di Lelea. Sebutan ronggeng menjadikannya milik umum. Guna mengupas kehidupannya penulis menggunakan pendekatan antropologi dengan mengamati perilaku Tarsiyem melalui pola hidup dan pola kerja yang dianutnya
Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya
Upacara adat bakti purnamasari dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat Sunda tidak lepas dari ungkapan... more Upacara adat bakti purnamasari dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat Sunda tidak lepas dari ungkapan rasa syukur, begitu pula pertunjukan tari yang masih menjadi bagian ungkapan kebahagiaan. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hasil penelitian mengenai bentuk pertunjukan tari serta nilai-nilai kerifan lokal yang terdapat pada pertunjukan tari dalam upacara adat bakti purnamasari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif analisis dengan paradigma kualitatif, partisipan penelitian yaitu tokoh budaya di Kota Sukabumi dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk pertunjukan tari dalam upacara adat ini termasuk kedalam fungsi hiburan dan termasuk kedalam rumpun tari tayub. Nilai kearifan lokal yang terdapat didalamnya terbagi kedalam dua bentuk yaitu nilai kearifan lokal yang mengangkat falsafah manus...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research