Tamara Burdisso - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Tamara Burdisso

Research paper thumbnail of Panel Time Series: Review of the Methodological Evolution

The Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata, 2016

In this article, we discuss the econometric treatment of macropanels, also known as panel time se... more In this article, we discuss the econometric treatment of macropanels, also known as panel time series. This new approach rejects the assumption of slope homogeneity and handles nonstationarity. It also recognizes that cross-section dependence (that is, some correlation structure in the error term between units due to unobservable common factors) squanders efficiency gains by operating with a panel. This approach uses a new set of estimators known in the literature as the common correlated effect, which essentially consists of increasing the model to be fit by adding the averages of the individuals in each time t, of both the dependent variable and the specific regressors of each individual. We present two commands developed for the evaluation and treatment of cross-section dependence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Very preliminary

Using data from the Argentine Central Banks ’ Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs ... more Using data from the Argentine Central Banks ’ Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs and to larger firms over the period July 1998 to 2000. We consider three definitions of SMEs: system wide debt of less than $2.5 million, less than 200 workers, and a bivarate definitions that combines those two ones. We compare lending to SMEs by banks in groups determined by geographical and ownership characteristics and find little bias against SMEs from bank consolidation or from increased international ownership. We did find that during the business downturn delimited by our data, that large firm borrowing crowded out SMEs in the early period and government borrowing crowded out private borrowing over the whole period. Credit quality of bank portfolios has been worse than portfolios of larger firms and has worsened during the downturn. Portfolios of government owned banks have had worse credit quality than private banks for both small and large firms. JEL Classification: G21, E51

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Research paper thumbnail of El ajuste estacional y los efectos del calendario doméstico en un agregado monetario para Argentina

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Research paper thumbnail of Incertidumbre y dolarización de cartera: el caso argentino en el último medio siglo

Monetaria, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Programa de Estudios 2009 en Econom�a Monetaria y Financiera

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Research paper thumbnail of Quintas Jornadas de Economía Monetaria e Internacional

The Argentine banking industry has experienced,a deep restructuring process since the beginning o... more The Argentine banking industry has experienced,a deep restructuring process since the beginning of Convertibility, when the industry was opened to competition and new prudential regulations were put in place in order to improve its solvency. Jointly with a dramatic increase in banking output, prompted by macroeconomic stability, the number of firms operating in the industry declined significantly. We analyze

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank competition in Argentina: 1997-1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Uncertainty and portfolio dollarization. The argentine case in the last half century

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Research paper thumbnail of Una clasificación de los bancos privados argentinos

Economica, Dec 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?

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Research paper thumbnail of Privatización de bancos en Argentina:¿ El camino hacia una banca más eficiente?

Documento de Trabajo Nro, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Estimation of Money Demand with Forecasting Purposes: Argentina, 1993-2005

Ensayos Economicos, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of How much do SMEs borrow from the banking system in Argentina?

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Research paper thumbnail of Prudential regulations, restructuring and competition: the case of the Argentine banking industry

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Research paper thumbnail of The Argentine Banking and Exchange rate crisis of 2001: Can we learn something new from Financial Crises?" 1

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Research paper thumbnail of Credit vs. Payment Services: Financial Development and Economic Activity Revisited

Documentos De Trabajo, May 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Uncertainty and Portfolio Dollarization. The Argentine Case in the Last Half Century

Ensayos Economicos, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of How much do SMEs borrow from the banking system in Argentina?

Using data from the Argentine Central Banks' Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SM... more Using data from the Argentine Central Banks' Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs and to larger firms over the period July 1998 to 2000. We consider three definitions of SMEs: system wide debt of less than $2.5 million, less than 200 workers, and a bivarate definitions that combines those two ones. We compare lending to SMEs by banks in groups determined by geographical and ownership characteristics and find little bias against SMEs from bank consolidation or from increased international ownership. We did find that during the business downturn delimited by our data, that large firm borrowing crowded out SMEs in the early period and government borrowing crowded out private borrowing over the whole period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank Competition in Argentina: 1997-1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Dangerous Liaisons? An Empirical Assessment of Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Regimes

The role of the exchange rate under inflation targeting (IT) remains an unresolved issue in liter... more The role of the exchange rate under inflation targeting (IT) remains an unresolved issue in literature and policy discussions -and a challenge for central banks implementing IT, especially in developing countries. This paper aims at assessing whether there is a relation between the nominal exchange rate regime and inflation performance in IT countries. We use a panel of 22 countries

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Research paper thumbnail of Panel Time Series: Review of the Methodological Evolution

The Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata, 2016

In this article, we discuss the econometric treatment of macropanels, also known as panel time se... more In this article, we discuss the econometric treatment of macropanels, also known as panel time series. This new approach rejects the assumption of slope homogeneity and handles nonstationarity. It also recognizes that cross-section dependence (that is, some correlation structure in the error term between units due to unobservable common factors) squanders efficiency gains by operating with a panel. This approach uses a new set of estimators known in the literature as the common correlated effect, which essentially consists of increasing the model to be fit by adding the averages of the individuals in each time t, of both the dependent variable and the specific regressors of each individual. We present two commands developed for the evaluation and treatment of cross-section dependence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Very preliminary

Using data from the Argentine Central Banks ’ Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs ... more Using data from the Argentine Central Banks ’ Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs and to larger firms over the period July 1998 to 2000. We consider three definitions of SMEs: system wide debt of less than $2.5 million, less than 200 workers, and a bivarate definitions that combines those two ones. We compare lending to SMEs by banks in groups determined by geographical and ownership characteristics and find little bias against SMEs from bank consolidation or from increased international ownership. We did find that during the business downturn delimited by our data, that large firm borrowing crowded out SMEs in the early period and government borrowing crowded out private borrowing over the whole period. Credit quality of bank portfolios has been worse than portfolios of larger firms and has worsened during the downturn. Portfolios of government owned banks have had worse credit quality than private banks for both small and large firms. JEL Classification: G21, E51

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Research paper thumbnail of El ajuste estacional y los efectos del calendario doméstico en un agregado monetario para Argentina

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Research paper thumbnail of Incertidumbre y dolarización de cartera: el caso argentino en el último medio siglo

Monetaria, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Programa de Estudios 2009 en Econom�a Monetaria y Financiera

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Research paper thumbnail of Quintas Jornadas de Economía Monetaria e Internacional

The Argentine banking industry has experienced,a deep restructuring process since the beginning o... more The Argentine banking industry has experienced,a deep restructuring process since the beginning of Convertibility, when the industry was opened to competition and new prudential regulations were put in place in order to improve its solvency. Jointly with a dramatic increase in banking output, prompted by macroeconomic stability, the number of firms operating in the industry declined significantly. We analyze

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank competition in Argentina: 1997-1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Uncertainty and portfolio dollarization. The argentine case in the last half century

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Research paper thumbnail of Una clasificación de los bancos privados argentinos

Economica, Dec 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?

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Research paper thumbnail of Privatización de bancos en Argentina:¿ El camino hacia una banca más eficiente?

Documento de Trabajo Nro, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Estimation of Money Demand with Forecasting Purposes: Argentina, 1993-2005

Ensayos Economicos, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of How much do SMEs borrow from the banking system in Argentina?

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Research paper thumbnail of Prudential regulations, restructuring and competition: the case of the Argentine banking industry

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Research paper thumbnail of The Argentine Banking and Exchange rate crisis of 2001: Can we learn something new from Financial Crises?" 1

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Research paper thumbnail of Credit vs. Payment Services: Financial Development and Economic Activity Revisited

Documentos De Trabajo, May 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Uncertainty and Portfolio Dollarization. The Argentine Case in the Last Half Century

Ensayos Economicos, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of How much do SMEs borrow from the banking system in Argentina?

Using data from the Argentine Central Banks' Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SM... more Using data from the Argentine Central Banks' Central de Deudores, we study bank lending to SMEs and to larger firms over the period July 1998 to 2000. We consider three definitions of SMEs: system wide debt of less than $2.5 million, less than 200 workers, and a bivarate definitions that combines those two ones. We compare lending to SMEs by banks in groups determined by geographical and ownership characteristics and find little bias against SMEs from bank consolidation or from increased international ownership. We did find that during the business downturn delimited by our data, that large firm borrowing crowded out SMEs in the early period and government borrowing crowded out private borrowing over the whole period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bank Competition in Argentina: 1997-1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Dangerous Liaisons? An Empirical Assessment of Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Regimes

The role of the exchange rate under inflation targeting (IT) remains an unresolved issue in liter... more The role of the exchange rate under inflation targeting (IT) remains an unresolved issue in literature and policy discussions -and a challenge for central banks implementing IT, especially in developing countries. This paper aims at assessing whether there is a relation between the nominal exchange rate regime and inflation performance in IT countries. We use a panel of 22 countries

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