Tatang Sopandi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Tatang Sopandi


Jurnal Penamas Adi Buana, Jul 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas Antimikroorganisme Ekstrak Metanol Daun Gamal (Gliricidia Sepium) Terhadap Neisseria gonorrhoeae Dan Candida albicans

Stigma, Nov 3, 2021

Penyakit infeksi menular saluran genitalia serta peningkatan resistensi mikroorganisme terhadap t... more Penyakit infeksi menular saluran genitalia serta peningkatan resistensi mikroorganisme terhadap terapi antibiotik mendapat perhatian tinggi di dunia. Tanaman gamal (Gliricidia sepium) merupakan tanaman leguminosa multiguna yang mengandung berbagai metabolit sekunder antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun gamal signifikan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae dan fungi Candida albicans. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan secara eksperimetal rancangan acak kelompok yang masing-masing perlakuan diulang 5 kali. Jenis mikroorganisme yaitu bakteri N. gonorrhoeae dan fungi C. albicans sebagai kelompok serta konsentrasi ekstrak methanol daun gamal (0, 25, 50, 100, 150 dan 200 mg/ml serta kloramfenikol) sebagai perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak daun gamal dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri N. gonorrhoeae dan fungi C. albicans. Daya hambat ekstrak methanol terhadap bakteri dan fungi tersebut meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi uji. Penelitian ini juga menunukkan bahwa daya hambat ekstrak metanol daun gamal terhadap fungi C. albicans lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bakteri N. gonorrhoeae. Hasil penelitian dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun gamal (Gliricidia sepium) terbukti menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri N. Gonorrhoeae dan C. albicans. Ekstrak metanol daun gamal berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai terapi alternatif untuk penyakit menular saluran genetalia khususnya kandidiasis vaginalis dan gonore.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikrobiologi PANGAN/P-15

Research paper thumbnail of INHIBISI PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI Salmonella spesies sv abony DAN Bacillus cereus OLEH INFUSA BIJI ADAS (Foeniculum vulgare)

The study of inhibition activity of fennel seeds ( Foeniculum vulgare ) was conducted on Salmonel... more The study of inhibition activity of fennel seeds ( Foeniculum vulgare ) was conducted on Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Fennel seeds heated at 900C for 15 min and made concentration 0; 0.147; 1.47; 147 g/l  by dilution in water. This study found concentration of fennel seed infusion significant (P< 0.05) effect on count and growth rate of Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Lowest count and growth of S. abony and B. cereus was obtained in 147 g/l concentration of fennel seed infusion.   Keywords : fennel seeds, Salmonella spesies sv abony, Bacillus cereus

Research paper thumbnail of PEMANFAATAN JERAMI NANGKA (Artocarpus heterophyllus) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU YOGHURT NANGKA

Has done research on the utilization of straw jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as a raw mater... more Has done research on the utilization of straw jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as a raw material jackfruit yogurt. The study was conducted using 400 g straw jackfruit divided into 4 treatment groups of each 100 g. Each treatment group was added water with straw comparison with water 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, and 1:6 in order to obtain the concentration in the medium straw jackfruit 333, 250, 200, and 170 g / l. Furthermore, from each treatment group divided by 5 as replication. After fermentation for 72 hours with a temperature of 28-30 º C, analyzed the number of bacteria, nitrogen, carbon, glucose, viscosity and assessment of sensory characteristics (odor, taste and color) jackfruit yogurt straw. The results showed that the use of straw as a raw material jackfruit yogurt affect the amount of bacteria, nitrogen, carbon, glucose and viscosity but had no significant effect (P < 0.05) on sensory characteristics (odor, taste and color) yogurt.   Keywords: straw jack fruit, yoghur

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas immunomodulator ekstrak etanol dari daun seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell) sebagai antivirus Newcastle disease pada ayam broiler


The aim of this study to sought determine effect of seligi leaf powder (Phyllanthus buxifolius, M... more The aim of this study to sought determine effect of seligi leaf powder (Phyllanthus buxifolius, Muell) as a feed supplement on body weight, feed consumption, fat and cholesterol level of egg quails. Eighteen of quails have aclimated for 14 days, randomly divided into 3 group and each group have treated 0, 2,5 and 5% powder of seligi leaf in feed for 7 days. The result of this study shown powder of seligi leaf significant (P< 0,05) influence on body weight, feed consumption, and  fat and cholesterol level of egg quails, but not significant (P>0,05) influence on internal quality off egg. Average of body weight quail in tread without powder of seligi leaf significant (P<0,05) lower than 2,5%  and 5% powder of seligi leaf in feed, the average consumption of the quail treated with 2.5% and 5% significant (P <0.05) lower than the diet without leaf powder seligi, the average fat content of the treated 2.5% and 5% lower than the diet without seligi leaf powder, the ave...

Research paper thumbnail of Mikrobiologi Pangan : Teori dan Praktik

Sinopsis : Hampir semua jenis pangan kecuali yang telah disterilisasi dapat mengandung berbagai j... more Sinopsis : Hampir semua jenis pangan kecuali yang telah disterilisasi dapat mengandung berbagai jenis mikroorganisme. Kajian peran mikroorganisme dalam pangan dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan mikroorganisme yang merugikan dan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme yang menguntungkan, untuk menghasilkan berbagai produk olahan pangan. Buku ini membahas bentuk, sifat, dan peranan mikroba dalam pangan, baikyang menguntungkan seperti dalam produksi pangan fermentasi maupun yang merugikan seperti kerusakan pangan dan penyebab penyakit bawaan pangan. Selain membahas informasi dasar ekologi, fisiologi, metabolisme dan genetika mikroba, buku ini menyajikan porsi yang cukup banyak untuk membahas biakan pemula dan bakteriofag, mikroorganisme dan produksi pangan fermentasi, bakteri saluran pencernaan, biopreservasi pangan, aditif pangan dan enzim mikroba, mikrobiologi kerusakan pangan, serta penyakit bawaan pangan. Materi bahasan pada setiap bab disajikan secara logis, teoretis, dan sistematis yang disertai dengan tabel dan gambar untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik pada pembaca. Pada akhir setiap bab diberikan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai stimulus dan bahan latihan.xviii,493 hal. : ilus.; 23 c

Research paper thumbnail of Formulasi Dan Pembuatan Pakan Puyuh Menuju Kemandirian Peternak DI Desa Sumberingin Kecamatan Sanankulon Kabupaten Blitar

Sumberingin village, district of Sanankulon, Blitar city, East Java is one of the village that be... more Sumberingin village, district of Sanankulon, Blitar city, East Java is one of the village that became center of poultry farms. This potential large farm was driving to the emergence of trade syndicate system of feed manufacturers, so it's easy playing the price and availability of animal feed. Beside that the spreading of low-quality animal feed was also being a potential problem. These conditions caused the farmers of suffering loss and even getting out of business. An observation indicated that the local area is a producer of potential animal feed raw materials such as tubers, legumes, tofu, soybean, molasses and bekicot/snails. Formulation science and technology of high quality animal food is needed by the farmers and it is a form of technology transfer to farmers group "Mandiri" in Sumberingin village, Sanankulon, Blitar. The availability of mechanical machines in the form of dishmill production machine, mixer, mold and dryer are beneficial to farmers. These machines can increase productivity as well as quality of their products. In addition it is also expected to decresase the quail mortality rate due to new feed formulation. It can raise the quail immunity exposure to stress and disease. Various species of medicinal plants, especially pike (Phyllantusbuxifolius), known to be iimmuno stimulant are widely available in the local village. They are easily planted and cultivated so that the transfer of science and technology of medicinal plants can be beneficially conducted. The outcomes of this program include: (1) the product of nutrient animal feed is available as needed, relatively inexpensive, can improve the quail immunity and can be produced on an ongoing basis by independent farmers. (2) an ergonomic feed production machine, relatively inexpensive, functional, appropriate and easy to operate can be owned by farmers to produce functional animal feed for the quails.

Research paper thumbnail of Egg Cholesterol and Immunity of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Diet Phillanthus buxifolius Leaves as Feed Supplement

Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 15, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Sistem Integrasi Ternak, Tanaman, Dan Ikan Pada Lahan Pekarangan Dan Teknologi Pengolahan Bahan Makanan Guna Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga DI Desa Cangkringturi, Sidoarjo

Jurnal Abadimas Adi Buana, Nov 25, 2017

Objective of KKN-PPM is to overcome the problems encountered in the village Cakringturi that the ... more Objective of KKN-PPM is to overcome the problems encountered in the village Cakringturi that the low incomes, lack of knowledge and understanding of environmental management, especially land yard. The solution to solve the problem is to empower rural communities through land use courtyard with technology integration system of livestock, crops and fish and provide food processing technology skills.Methods: Counseling, Mentoring, Training. Result: K1 program: Land yard citizens have been utilized, Product Probiofish, Aquaponics, Raising catfish in the pond Bis, The Carambola Fruit Cultivation along the river, Product instant and syrup TOGA, Vertikultur. K2 program: Competition Fun Cake in early childhood, Competition Beuty and Hijab Class, Teaching in Early Childhood Educatio. K3 Program : : Tutoring for elementary school children, Work with the community service, Yasinan, tahlilan, & diba'an, Assist Posyandu services. Distribution of poor rice, Visits to polindes,, Decorating in early childhood classrooms, Coordination with Karangtaruna, A visit to the village, Assist village. Conclusion: The entire planning of the program, both the main program, additional, or auxiliary implemented very well and smoothly by all students of KKN PPM 2015. Society and village and community leaders strongly support KKN PPM program and community empowerment have been successfully carried out.

Research paper thumbnail of REDUKSI JUMLAH BIJI CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescents) DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SARI AKAR ECENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes)

Stigma, Sep 28, 2018

Cayenne pepper is one of the important economic agricultural commodities and is widely used in th... more Cayenne pepper is one of the important economic agricultural commodities and is widely used in the food industry. However, the presence of cayenne pepper seeds is not favored by some people because if consumed can cause digestive disorders. Giberelin is one of the growth regulating substances commonly used to produce seedless fruit growth. This study aims to explore the effect of water hyacinth root extract (Eichhornia crassipes) on plant height, yield and number of cayenne pepper seeds. The study was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) of 4 extract treatments, namely 0 g / l (control), 25 g / l, 50 g / l, and 75 g / l of water hyacinth root extract, each of which was repeated six times. The results of this study indicate that the provision of water hyacinth root extract can increase plant height and yield but reduce the amount of cayenne pepper seeds. The concentration of water hyacinth root extract 75 g / l is the best water hyacinth root extract that can produce an average plant height of 65.67cm, an average yield of 206.50 fruits per plant with an average fruit yield of 170.17 gram per plant and the average number of seeds is 31.17 seeds per cayenne pepper. This study concluded that the root extract of goiter water can reduce the number of seeds and increase plant height and yield of cayenne pepper.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Replacing Corn in Layer Quail Diets with Rice Husk Distillers’ Dried Grain after Co-Culture Fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida tropicalis on the Production Performance and Quality of Eggs

International Journal of Poultry Science, Dec 15, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain from rice husks with co-culture fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 1, 2019

Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. ... more Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. The present study aimed to prove that the nutritional composition of distillers dried grain from a crude hydrolysate of rice husk fermented by cocultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis difference from unfermented crude rice husk hydrolysate and mono-cultured S. cerevisiae or C. tropicalis. Methodology and results: The effects of mono-and co-cultures S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis on the nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain were investigated. The crude rice husk hydrolysate in distilled water contained molasses, urea, sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate were fermented by mono-and co-cultures of S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis for 7 days at 28-30 °C and stored with a relative humidity of 60-70% in the dark. A mono-and a co-culture fermentation of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis increased the crude protein, crude fat, crude fibres, ash, and calcium contents of the rice husk feedstock and decreased the metabolic energy reducing sugars. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Some nutrient components of the DDG crude rice husk hydrolysate performed higher than the non-fermentation of rice husks. The finding of this study will serve as a basic reference for future studies to utilize by-product of ethanol production from rice husks for animal feed formulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Carcass Percentage of Broilers Fed Distillers Dried Grain From Rice Husks With Co-culture Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

International Journal of Poultry Science, Jan 15, 2019


The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Sub-Acute Toxicity of Pigment Derived from Penicillium resticulosum in Mice

Microbiology Indonesia, Mar 1, 2012

Pigments derived from Penicillium have different toxicities depending on the pigment components. ... more Pigments derived from Penicillium have different toxicities depending on the pigment components. This study was intended to evaluate the sub-acute toxicity of oral exposure of Balb/c mice to Penicillium resticulosum pigment. A total of 50 healthy adult male and female mice were divided into 5 treatment groups and different

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain from rice husks with co-culture fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 2019

Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. ... more Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. The present study aimed to prove that the nutritional composition of distillers dried grain from a crude hydrolysate of rice husk fermented by cocultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis difference from unfermented crude rice husk hydrolysate and mono-cultured S. cerevisiae or C. tropicalis. Methodology and results: The effects of mono-and co-cultures S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis on the nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain were investigated. The crude rice husk hydrolysate in distilled water contained molasses, urea, sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate were fermented by mono-and co-cultures of S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis for 7 days at 28-30 °C and stored with a relative humidity of 60-70% in the dark. A mono-and a co-culture fermentation of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis increased the crude protein, crude fat, crude fibres, ash, and calcium contents of the rice husk feedstock and decreased the metabolic energy reducing sugars. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Some nutrient components of the DDG crude rice husk hydrolysate performed higher than the non-fermentation of rice husks. The finding of this study will serve as a basic reference for future studies to utilize by-product of ethanol production from rice husks for animal feed formulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Carcass Percentage of Broilers Fed Distillers Dried Grain From Rice Husks With Co-culture Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Improving ethanol production by co-culturing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis from rice husk hydrolysate media

African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2017

The use of agricultural by-product as feed stock and co-culture fermentation is a good strategy f... more The use of agricultural by-product as feed stock and co-culture fermentation is a good strategy for improving the efficiency of fermentation and ethanol production. Most rice husks have low protein and nitrogen content and need to be supplemented with nitrogen for fermentation process. This research sought to determine the optimal supplementation of rice husk stream-based fermentation medium with nitrogen and molasses sources, initial pH and incubation time for maximizing ethanol production by coculturing Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis. Urea, sodium nitrate and ammonium nitrate were used as nitrogen sources and molasses was used as carbon sources. Co-cultures of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis can use different nitrogen sources and molasses for growth and ethanol production. Molasses supplemented with rice husk hydrolysate medium, initial pH and incubation period significantly influenced ethanol yield and content of nitrogen and carbon in distillers grains (DDG). Maximum ethanol yield (20.32 ± 0.42%) with nitrogen (4.40 ± 0.11%) and carbon (9.20 ± 1.01%) content of DDG were obtained in the rice husk hydrolysate medium containing 16.0 g/l urea, 12.0 g/l NaNO 3 , 12.0 g/l NH 4 NO 3 , 1.0 g/l KH 2 PO 4, 0.7 g/l MgSO 4 •7H 2 O, 20 ml/l molasses, 1.0 g/l KH 2 PO 4 and 0.7 g/l MgSO 4 •7H 2 O with initial pH 5.5 and 6 days incubation period at 28 to 29°C, 50% relative humidity in the dark for 5 d in a rotary incubator at 60 rpm.


Jurnal Penamas Adi Buana, Jul 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas Antimikroorganisme Ekstrak Metanol Daun Gamal (Gliricidia Sepium) Terhadap Neisseria gonorrhoeae Dan Candida albicans

Stigma, Nov 3, 2021

Penyakit infeksi menular saluran genitalia serta peningkatan resistensi mikroorganisme terhadap t... more Penyakit infeksi menular saluran genitalia serta peningkatan resistensi mikroorganisme terhadap terapi antibiotik mendapat perhatian tinggi di dunia. Tanaman gamal (Gliricidia sepium) merupakan tanaman leguminosa multiguna yang mengandung berbagai metabolit sekunder antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun gamal signifikan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae dan fungi Candida albicans. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan secara eksperimetal rancangan acak kelompok yang masing-masing perlakuan diulang 5 kali. Jenis mikroorganisme yaitu bakteri N. gonorrhoeae dan fungi C. albicans sebagai kelompok serta konsentrasi ekstrak methanol daun gamal (0, 25, 50, 100, 150 dan 200 mg/ml serta kloramfenikol) sebagai perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak daun gamal dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri N. gonorrhoeae dan fungi C. albicans. Daya hambat ekstrak methanol terhadap bakteri dan fungi tersebut meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi uji. Penelitian ini juga menunukkan bahwa daya hambat ekstrak metanol daun gamal terhadap fungi C. albicans lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bakteri N. gonorrhoeae. Hasil penelitian dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun gamal (Gliricidia sepium) terbukti menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri N. Gonorrhoeae dan C. albicans. Ekstrak metanol daun gamal berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai terapi alternatif untuk penyakit menular saluran genetalia khususnya kandidiasis vaginalis dan gonore.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikrobiologi PANGAN/P-15

Research paper thumbnail of INHIBISI PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI Salmonella spesies sv abony DAN Bacillus cereus OLEH INFUSA BIJI ADAS (Foeniculum vulgare)

The study of inhibition activity of fennel seeds ( Foeniculum vulgare ) was conducted on Salmonel... more The study of inhibition activity of fennel seeds ( Foeniculum vulgare ) was conducted on Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Fennel seeds heated at 900C for 15 min and made concentration 0; 0.147; 1.47; 147 g/l  by dilution in water. This study found concentration of fennel seed infusion significant (P< 0.05) effect on count and growth rate of Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Lowest count and growth of S. abony and B. cereus was obtained in 147 g/l concentration of fennel seed infusion.   Keywords : fennel seeds, Salmonella spesies sv abony, Bacillus cereus

Research paper thumbnail of PEMANFAATAN JERAMI NANGKA (Artocarpus heterophyllus) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU YOGHURT NANGKA

Has done research on the utilization of straw jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as a raw mater... more Has done research on the utilization of straw jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as a raw material jackfruit yogurt. The study was conducted using 400 g straw jackfruit divided into 4 treatment groups of each 100 g. Each treatment group was added water with straw comparison with water 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, and 1:6 in order to obtain the concentration in the medium straw jackfruit 333, 250, 200, and 170 g / l. Furthermore, from each treatment group divided by 5 as replication. After fermentation for 72 hours with a temperature of 28-30 º C, analyzed the number of bacteria, nitrogen, carbon, glucose, viscosity and assessment of sensory characteristics (odor, taste and color) jackfruit yogurt straw. The results showed that the use of straw as a raw material jackfruit yogurt affect the amount of bacteria, nitrogen, carbon, glucose and viscosity but had no significant effect (P < 0.05) on sensory characteristics (odor, taste and color) yogurt.   Keywords: straw jack fruit, yoghur

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas immunomodulator ekstrak etanol dari daun seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell) sebagai antivirus Newcastle disease pada ayam broiler


The aim of this study to sought determine effect of seligi leaf powder (Phyllanthus buxifolius, M... more The aim of this study to sought determine effect of seligi leaf powder (Phyllanthus buxifolius, Muell) as a feed supplement on body weight, feed consumption, fat and cholesterol level of egg quails. Eighteen of quails have aclimated for 14 days, randomly divided into 3 group and each group have treated 0, 2,5 and 5% powder of seligi leaf in feed for 7 days. The result of this study shown powder of seligi leaf significant (P< 0,05) influence on body weight, feed consumption, and  fat and cholesterol level of egg quails, but not significant (P>0,05) influence on internal quality off egg. Average of body weight quail in tread without powder of seligi leaf significant (P<0,05) lower than 2,5%  and 5% powder of seligi leaf in feed, the average consumption of the quail treated with 2.5% and 5% significant (P <0.05) lower than the diet without leaf powder seligi, the average fat content of the treated 2.5% and 5% lower than the diet without seligi leaf powder, the ave...

Research paper thumbnail of Mikrobiologi Pangan : Teori dan Praktik

Sinopsis : Hampir semua jenis pangan kecuali yang telah disterilisasi dapat mengandung berbagai j... more Sinopsis : Hampir semua jenis pangan kecuali yang telah disterilisasi dapat mengandung berbagai jenis mikroorganisme. Kajian peran mikroorganisme dalam pangan dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan mikroorganisme yang merugikan dan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme yang menguntungkan, untuk menghasilkan berbagai produk olahan pangan. Buku ini membahas bentuk, sifat, dan peranan mikroba dalam pangan, baikyang menguntungkan seperti dalam produksi pangan fermentasi maupun yang merugikan seperti kerusakan pangan dan penyebab penyakit bawaan pangan. Selain membahas informasi dasar ekologi, fisiologi, metabolisme dan genetika mikroba, buku ini menyajikan porsi yang cukup banyak untuk membahas biakan pemula dan bakteriofag, mikroorganisme dan produksi pangan fermentasi, bakteri saluran pencernaan, biopreservasi pangan, aditif pangan dan enzim mikroba, mikrobiologi kerusakan pangan, serta penyakit bawaan pangan. Materi bahasan pada setiap bab disajikan secara logis, teoretis, dan sistematis yang disertai dengan tabel dan gambar untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik pada pembaca. Pada akhir setiap bab diberikan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai stimulus dan bahan latihan.xviii,493 hal. : ilus.; 23 c

Research paper thumbnail of Formulasi Dan Pembuatan Pakan Puyuh Menuju Kemandirian Peternak DI Desa Sumberingin Kecamatan Sanankulon Kabupaten Blitar

Sumberingin village, district of Sanankulon, Blitar city, East Java is one of the village that be... more Sumberingin village, district of Sanankulon, Blitar city, East Java is one of the village that became center of poultry farms. This potential large farm was driving to the emergence of trade syndicate system of feed manufacturers, so it's easy playing the price and availability of animal feed. Beside that the spreading of low-quality animal feed was also being a potential problem. These conditions caused the farmers of suffering loss and even getting out of business. An observation indicated that the local area is a producer of potential animal feed raw materials such as tubers, legumes, tofu, soybean, molasses and bekicot/snails. Formulation science and technology of high quality animal food is needed by the farmers and it is a form of technology transfer to farmers group "Mandiri" in Sumberingin village, Sanankulon, Blitar. The availability of mechanical machines in the form of dishmill production machine, mixer, mold and dryer are beneficial to farmers. These machines can increase productivity as well as quality of their products. In addition it is also expected to decresase the quail mortality rate due to new feed formulation. It can raise the quail immunity exposure to stress and disease. Various species of medicinal plants, especially pike (Phyllantusbuxifolius), known to be iimmuno stimulant are widely available in the local village. They are easily planted and cultivated so that the transfer of science and technology of medicinal plants can be beneficially conducted. The outcomes of this program include: (1) the product of nutrient animal feed is available as needed, relatively inexpensive, can improve the quail immunity and can be produced on an ongoing basis by independent farmers. (2) an ergonomic feed production machine, relatively inexpensive, functional, appropriate and easy to operate can be owned by farmers to produce functional animal feed for the quails.

Research paper thumbnail of Egg Cholesterol and Immunity of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Diet Phillanthus buxifolius Leaves as Feed Supplement

Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 15, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Sistem Integrasi Ternak, Tanaman, Dan Ikan Pada Lahan Pekarangan Dan Teknologi Pengolahan Bahan Makanan Guna Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga DI Desa Cangkringturi, Sidoarjo

Jurnal Abadimas Adi Buana, Nov 25, 2017

Objective of KKN-PPM is to overcome the problems encountered in the village Cakringturi that the ... more Objective of KKN-PPM is to overcome the problems encountered in the village Cakringturi that the low incomes, lack of knowledge and understanding of environmental management, especially land yard. The solution to solve the problem is to empower rural communities through land use courtyard with technology integration system of livestock, crops and fish and provide food processing technology skills.Methods: Counseling, Mentoring, Training. Result: K1 program: Land yard citizens have been utilized, Product Probiofish, Aquaponics, Raising catfish in the pond Bis, The Carambola Fruit Cultivation along the river, Product instant and syrup TOGA, Vertikultur. K2 program: Competition Fun Cake in early childhood, Competition Beuty and Hijab Class, Teaching in Early Childhood Educatio. K3 Program : : Tutoring for elementary school children, Work with the community service, Yasinan, tahlilan, & diba'an, Assist Posyandu services. Distribution of poor rice, Visits to polindes,, Decorating in early childhood classrooms, Coordination with Karangtaruna, A visit to the village, Assist village. Conclusion: The entire planning of the program, both the main program, additional, or auxiliary implemented very well and smoothly by all students of KKN PPM 2015. Society and village and community leaders strongly support KKN PPM program and community empowerment have been successfully carried out.

Research paper thumbnail of REDUKSI JUMLAH BIJI CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescents) DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SARI AKAR ECENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes)

Stigma, Sep 28, 2018

Cayenne pepper is one of the important economic agricultural commodities and is widely used in th... more Cayenne pepper is one of the important economic agricultural commodities and is widely used in the food industry. However, the presence of cayenne pepper seeds is not favored by some people because if consumed can cause digestive disorders. Giberelin is one of the growth regulating substances commonly used to produce seedless fruit growth. This study aims to explore the effect of water hyacinth root extract (Eichhornia crassipes) on plant height, yield and number of cayenne pepper seeds. The study was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) of 4 extract treatments, namely 0 g / l (control), 25 g / l, 50 g / l, and 75 g / l of water hyacinth root extract, each of which was repeated six times. The results of this study indicate that the provision of water hyacinth root extract can increase plant height and yield but reduce the amount of cayenne pepper seeds. The concentration of water hyacinth root extract 75 g / l is the best water hyacinth root extract that can produce an average plant height of 65.67cm, an average yield of 206.50 fruits per plant with an average fruit yield of 170.17 gram per plant and the average number of seeds is 31.17 seeds per cayenne pepper. This study concluded that the root extract of goiter water can reduce the number of seeds and increase plant height and yield of cayenne pepper.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Replacing Corn in Layer Quail Diets with Rice Husk Distillers’ Dried Grain after Co-Culture Fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida tropicalis on the Production Performance and Quality of Eggs

International Journal of Poultry Science, Dec 15, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain from rice husks with co-culture fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 1, 2019

Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. ... more Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. The present study aimed to prove that the nutritional composition of distillers dried grain from a crude hydrolysate of rice husk fermented by cocultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis difference from unfermented crude rice husk hydrolysate and mono-cultured S. cerevisiae or C. tropicalis. Methodology and results: The effects of mono-and co-cultures S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis on the nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain were investigated. The crude rice husk hydrolysate in distilled water contained molasses, urea, sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate were fermented by mono-and co-cultures of S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis for 7 days at 28-30 °C and stored with a relative humidity of 60-70% in the dark. A mono-and a co-culture fermentation of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis increased the crude protein, crude fat, crude fibres, ash, and calcium contents of the rice husk feedstock and decreased the metabolic energy reducing sugars. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Some nutrient components of the DDG crude rice husk hydrolysate performed higher than the non-fermentation of rice husks. The finding of this study will serve as a basic reference for future studies to utilize by-product of ethanol production from rice husks for animal feed formulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Carcass Percentage of Broilers Fed Distillers Dried Grain From Rice Husks With Co-culture Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

International Journal of Poultry Science, Jan 15, 2019


The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Sub-Acute Toxicity of Pigment Derived from Penicillium resticulosum in Mice

Microbiology Indonesia, Mar 1, 2012

Pigments derived from Penicillium have different toxicities depending on the pigment components. ... more Pigments derived from Penicillium have different toxicities depending on the pigment components. This study was intended to evaluate the sub-acute toxicity of oral exposure of Balb/c mice to Penicillium resticulosum pigment. A total of 50 healthy adult male and female mice were divided into 5 treatment groups and different

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain from rice husks with co-culture fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 2019

Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. ... more Aims: Distillers dried grains are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. The present study aimed to prove that the nutritional composition of distillers dried grain from a crude hydrolysate of rice husk fermented by cocultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis difference from unfermented crude rice husk hydrolysate and mono-cultured S. cerevisiae or C. tropicalis. Methodology and results: The effects of mono-and co-cultures S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis on the nutrient compositions of distillers dried grain were investigated. The crude rice husk hydrolysate in distilled water contained molasses, urea, sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate were fermented by mono-and co-cultures of S. cerevisiae with C. tropicalis for 7 days at 28-30 °C and stored with a relative humidity of 60-70% in the dark. A mono-and a co-culture fermentation of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis increased the crude protein, crude fat, crude fibres, ash, and calcium contents of the rice husk feedstock and decreased the metabolic energy reducing sugars. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Some nutrient components of the DDG crude rice husk hydrolysate performed higher than the non-fermentation of rice husks. The finding of this study will serve as a basic reference for future studies to utilize by-product of ethanol production from rice husks for animal feed formulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Carcass Percentage of Broilers Fed Distillers Dried Grain From Rice Husks With Co-culture Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Improving ethanol production by co-culturing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis from rice husk hydrolysate media

African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2017

The use of agricultural by-product as feed stock and co-culture fermentation is a good strategy f... more The use of agricultural by-product as feed stock and co-culture fermentation is a good strategy for improving the efficiency of fermentation and ethanol production. Most rice husks have low protein and nitrogen content and need to be supplemented with nitrogen for fermentation process. This research sought to determine the optimal supplementation of rice husk stream-based fermentation medium with nitrogen and molasses sources, initial pH and incubation time for maximizing ethanol production by coculturing Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Candida tropicalis. Urea, sodium nitrate and ammonium nitrate were used as nitrogen sources and molasses was used as carbon sources. Co-cultures of S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis can use different nitrogen sources and molasses for growth and ethanol production. Molasses supplemented with rice husk hydrolysate medium, initial pH and incubation period significantly influenced ethanol yield and content of nitrogen and carbon in distillers grains (DDG). Maximum ethanol yield (20.32 ± 0.42%) with nitrogen (4.40 ± 0.11%) and carbon (9.20 ± 1.01%) content of DDG were obtained in the rice husk hydrolysate medium containing 16.0 g/l urea, 12.0 g/l NaNO 3 , 12.0 g/l NH 4 NO 3 , 1.0 g/l KH 2 PO 4, 0.7 g/l MgSO 4 •7H 2 O, 20 ml/l molasses, 1.0 g/l KH 2 PO 4 and 0.7 g/l MgSO 4 •7H 2 O with initial pH 5.5 and 6 days incubation period at 28 to 29°C, 50% relative humidity in the dark for 5 d in a rotary incubator at 60 rpm.