Teddy Mantoro - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Teddy Mantoro

Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual Property Rights information system with location aware capability

ABSTRACT Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) system is an important element, which supports the ec... more ABSTRACT Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) system is an important element, which supports the economic development through the creation of innovative environments and the enhancement of competitiveness of the nation. Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) is a government office under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights-Republic of Indonesia which is responsible for the registration and protection of intellectual property including patents, trademarks, copyright, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits and trade secrets. DGIPR is also responsible for disseminating information on intellectual property (IP). Indonesia is one of the largest archipelago countries and has 33 provinces. Nowadays, many people find it difficult to obtain IP information of each province, such as: the flagship trademark, patent research or geographical indication product of a province. At the same time, there is no application or system in Indonesia that provides IP-based mobile information services. The aim of this study is to develop and disseminate the IPR information system through location awareness based on mobile devices. This system also integrates with social networks such as Facebook and twitter.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fuzzy rule-based fog–cloud computing for solar panel disturbance investigation

Cogent engineering, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance analysis of AODV and DSDV using SUMO, MOVE and NS2

VANET is a part of MANET which is specific on communication between vehicle to vehicle or between... more VANET is a part of MANET which is specific on communication between vehicle to vehicle or between vehicles to its surrounding environment infrastructure. One of the most widely used routing protocol at VANET implementation are AODV (Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) and DSDV (Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing), which are topology based routing protocol. VANET dynamic network architecture and character of the node that always move, require a reliable routing protocol, since it related to safety. This study analyzes the performance of those routing protocol. The main objective of this study is analyzing the performance of AODV compare to DSDV using simulator SUMO, MOVE and NS2.

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Research paper thumbnail of Car to car communication in VANET using Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future (CoMoSeF)

Every year, the number of traffic accidents in the world may increase as the number of vehicles. ... more Every year, the number of traffic accidents in the world may increase as the number of vehicles. These was caused by improper use of vehicles such as the location awareness of road users to obey traffic signs or a lack of tolerance or mutual respect fellow road users. Wireless communication between vehicles is expected to help reduce the number of accidents. In the near future the vehicle can be used as a means of communication and transportation. CoMoSeF is a method that use a sensor controller area network (CAN) BUS instilled in every vehicle where the sensor is functioning as communication between vehicles. This is considered as a new approach for car to car communication in VANET. The sensors connected to a mobile device that serves riders by giving information when there is a vehicle which may experience a collision with him. This study presents a simulation designed for inter-vehicle communication system using the system of CoMoSeF 802.11p. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits to the smart-city of transportation in reducing the accident rate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Realtime Indoor Navigation System for Visually Impaired Person using Direct-based Navigation

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Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic Location Authority

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Research paper thumbnail of BitTorrent

Since the advent of peer-to-peer (P2P) services and applications, they have kept on growing in po... more Since the advent of peer-to-peer (P2P) services and applications, they have kept on growing in popularity and more and more people are using them as time progresses. Currently P2P traffic occupies a significant fraction of nearly 70% internet traffic. With the traffic demand for P2P applications being the highest, the ISPs are facing problems to handle the traffic and to

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Research paper thumbnail of Morpheme Embedding for Bahasa Indonesia Using Modified Byte Pair Encoding

IEEE Access, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian news classification using convolutional neural network

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Aug 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison methods of DCT, DWT and FFT techniques approach on lossy image compression

This paper presents a study of image compression methods algorithm for compare the best technique... more This paper presents a study of image compression methods algorithm for compare the best techniques on lossy image compression. One of the major difficulties encountered in compression for lossy imagethat how to shield quality of image in a way that the compressed image constantlyidentical to the authentic, different from the types of methods that exist in the lossless image that can maintain the quality of the images authenticity. In compressing images there are also many methods that can be used with various algorithms such as Huffman code, Chandhuri and Hocquengham (BCH) Codes, Multiple-Tables Arithmetic Code, Fractal Coding, Block Truncation Coding and many other algorithms. In Transform domain, the image is for gain a rarely coefficient matrix using DWT, DCT and FFT. DCT method is almost similar to discrete Fourier transform (DFT), which works to convert a signal or image by a spatial domain into a frequency domain. Because amountvariety of images, Binary Image, RGB image, image intensity. Then adopt compressing an image to decrease the size of the data ortechniques to subtract the amount of bits required to reflect an images. Based on the results of this study using 3 methods that can perform compression image with different compression results with each method (DCT, FFT and DWT) as much as 4 variations of measurement percentage of image compression of each method starting from compressing image with size 10%, 30%, 50% and 70%. Comparing the three methods with four different variations of presentation measurement can give very accurate and clear results which method is best for compression the image of the present percentage size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Metrics evaluation for context-aware computing

1. INTRODUCTION Over the past three years at least, it has become apparent that for an Intelligen... more 1. INTRODUCTION Over the past three years at least, it has become apparent that for an Intelligent Environment project to be in a good quality, it must be evaluated. Recently, interest in understanding evaluation problems that arise from Pervasive Computing is increasing the understanding ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Convolutional Neural Network for Deepfake Video Detection with Face-Swapping Technique

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Research paper thumbnail of iLukBa ver 1.1 : indoor user location system with speech recognition for mobile users

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Research paper thumbnail of Verifying the Authenticity of Digital Certificate and Transcript Using Background Subtraction Method

Document forgery of certificate widely reported, as an important topic in verification of authent... more Document forgery of certificate widely reported, as an important topic in verification of authenticity for digital documents of certificate. The object of this study is not only digital certificate documents but also digital transcript documents as usually both digital documents can not be separated. Many studies on forgery detections show that the most case of digital documents forgery of certificate and transcript were used copy-move forgery. To solve this problem, this study proposes in recognizing forgery, segment by segment and level by level, of the target image. Each segmentation forgery can be detected using Background Subtraction approach. The level of forgery was presented by detecting the changes from certificate image to binary image with treshold of 16 pixels in obtaining all pixels. As a result, this approach is able to detect certificate or transcript forgery in the form of signature and any forgery with 1 (one) character of image size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Context Processing for Intelligent Environments

This book is one of the early efforts in building a real-life Intelligent Environment. The author... more This book is one of the early efforts in building a real-life Intelligent Environment. The author dreams that one day not only smart devices could communicate with each other but also smart houses through Context-Aware Computing (CAC) approach. CAC is a new approach in software engineering for Intelligent Environment. It is an approach in the design and construction of a context-aware application that exploits rapid changes in access to relevant information and the availability of communication and computing resources in the mobile computing environment. The goal of CAC is to make interaction between users and computers easier in a smart environment, where technology is spread throughout (pervasive), computers are everywhere at the same time (ubiquitous) and technology is embedded (ambient) to the environment. Context-aware applications need not be difficult, tedious or require the acquisition of new skills on the user part. They should be safe, easy, simple to use and should enable new functionality without the need to learn new technology. This book also proposes the evaluation of context-aware application to determine what to test, how to test and the appropriate metrics to use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential Classification Prediction of Solar and Wind Energy in Indonesia using Machine Learning with Random Forest Algorithm

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Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of Mobile Phone Sensors for Complex Human Activity Recognition

Advanced Science Letters, Jun 1, 2017

Activity recognition is a significant part of pervasive computing as it can be employed in a wide... more Activity recognition is a significant part of pervasive computing as it can be employed in a wide range of fields which include eldercare and healthcare. While previous efforts have proven to be successful in identifying simple human activities, the means for identifying complex human activities remains an on-going effort. It has been established that more often than not, in an actual circumstance, human activities are conducted in an intricate mode. The objectives of this study are (a) to examine the utilization of solely the sensors of a mobile phone to distinguish complex human activities and (b) to enhance the complex activities recognition capacity of mobile phones through the application of multiple or other forms of sensors. This endeavour reassesses earlier studies on mobile phone utilization for complex activity recognition with the emphasis on schemes directed at smart home applications. An overall configuration for a human activity recognition (HAR) scheme, as well as an analysis of the latest investigations related to the use of mobile phones for complex activity recognition is also included in this paper. We conclude with a discussion on the results obtained and the forwarding of our proposals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring a 'plug and play' smart home system for mobile user

The wireless nodes will minimize the mess of wiring and it is hoped that the system can be optimi... more The wireless nodes will minimize the mess of wiring and it is hoped that the system can be optimized to a point where it becomes ‘plug and play’ and can be set up in anyone’s home. Sensors attached to the nodes of this system will assist in sending alerts to the home owner or relevant authorities if any security issues or hazards such as a fire etc. are detected. Sensors would also communicate amongst each other to enhance the relaxation of a person in the home by minimizing and improving an occupant’s physical interaction with the home.

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust Implementation of ICN-based Mobile IoT for Next-Generation Network

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Research paper thumbnail of Security Scheme based Dual-Layer Fragile Watermarking for Medical Image

Medical imaging is a method to produce a visual representation of human body, which is used to do... more Medical imaging is a method to produce a visual representation of human body, which is used to do more accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment to patient. However, medical image can be easily attacked, and it may lead to incorrect diagnoses or treatment. To overcome the attacking issue, this study proposes a security scheme based on dual-layer fragile image watermarking to guarantee the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of both patient and any important information and the pixel data of medical images. It implements 2 LSBs of image where the 2nd LSB is used to store the patient's and any other important information, and the 1st LSB acts as a tamper detector. The proposed scheme tested on the four deadliest diseases in Indonesia. The result shows that the proposed scheme generates watermarked image without noticeable change compared to original image with PSNR value above 44dB, and the tamper detector correctly detects and localizes any tampering on the watermarked image. Moreover, compared to DICOM Standard watermarking method, the proposed scheme has shown to have a higher level of security on medical images.

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Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual Property Rights information system with location aware capability

ABSTRACT Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) system is an important element, which supports the ec... more ABSTRACT Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) system is an important element, which supports the economic development through the creation of innovative environments and the enhancement of competitiveness of the nation. Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) is a government office under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights-Republic of Indonesia which is responsible for the registration and protection of intellectual property including patents, trademarks, copyright, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits and trade secrets. DGIPR is also responsible for disseminating information on intellectual property (IP). Indonesia is one of the largest archipelago countries and has 33 provinces. Nowadays, many people find it difficult to obtain IP information of each province, such as: the flagship trademark, patent research or geographical indication product of a province. At the same time, there is no application or system in Indonesia that provides IP-based mobile information services. The aim of this study is to develop and disseminate the IPR information system through location awareness based on mobile devices. This system also integrates with social networks such as Facebook and twitter.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fuzzy rule-based fog–cloud computing for solar panel disturbance investigation

Cogent engineering, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance analysis of AODV and DSDV using SUMO, MOVE and NS2

VANET is a part of MANET which is specific on communication between vehicle to vehicle or between... more VANET is a part of MANET which is specific on communication between vehicle to vehicle or between vehicles to its surrounding environment infrastructure. One of the most widely used routing protocol at VANET implementation are AODV (Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) and DSDV (Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing), which are topology based routing protocol. VANET dynamic network architecture and character of the node that always move, require a reliable routing protocol, since it related to safety. This study analyzes the performance of those routing protocol. The main objective of this study is analyzing the performance of AODV compare to DSDV using simulator SUMO, MOVE and NS2.

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Research paper thumbnail of Car to car communication in VANET using Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future (CoMoSeF)

Every year, the number of traffic accidents in the world may increase as the number of vehicles. ... more Every year, the number of traffic accidents in the world may increase as the number of vehicles. These was caused by improper use of vehicles such as the location awareness of road users to obey traffic signs or a lack of tolerance or mutual respect fellow road users. Wireless communication between vehicles is expected to help reduce the number of accidents. In the near future the vehicle can be used as a means of communication and transportation. CoMoSeF is a method that use a sensor controller area network (CAN) BUS instilled in every vehicle where the sensor is functioning as communication between vehicles. This is considered as a new approach for car to car communication in VANET. The sensors connected to a mobile device that serves riders by giving information when there is a vehicle which may experience a collision with him. This study presents a simulation designed for inter-vehicle communication system using the system of CoMoSeF 802.11p. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits to the smart-city of transportation in reducing the accident rate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Realtime Indoor Navigation System for Visually Impaired Person using Direct-based Navigation

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Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic Location Authority

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Research paper thumbnail of BitTorrent

Since the advent of peer-to-peer (P2P) services and applications, they have kept on growing in po... more Since the advent of peer-to-peer (P2P) services and applications, they have kept on growing in popularity and more and more people are using them as time progresses. Currently P2P traffic occupies a significant fraction of nearly 70% internet traffic. With the traffic demand for P2P applications being the highest, the ISPs are facing problems to handle the traffic and to

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Research paper thumbnail of Morpheme Embedding for Bahasa Indonesia Using Modified Byte Pair Encoding

IEEE Access, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian news classification using convolutional neural network

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Aug 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison methods of DCT, DWT and FFT techniques approach on lossy image compression

This paper presents a study of image compression methods algorithm for compare the best technique... more This paper presents a study of image compression methods algorithm for compare the best techniques on lossy image compression. One of the major difficulties encountered in compression for lossy imagethat how to shield quality of image in a way that the compressed image constantlyidentical to the authentic, different from the types of methods that exist in the lossless image that can maintain the quality of the images authenticity. In compressing images there are also many methods that can be used with various algorithms such as Huffman code, Chandhuri and Hocquengham (BCH) Codes, Multiple-Tables Arithmetic Code, Fractal Coding, Block Truncation Coding and many other algorithms. In Transform domain, the image is for gain a rarely coefficient matrix using DWT, DCT and FFT. DCT method is almost similar to discrete Fourier transform (DFT), which works to convert a signal or image by a spatial domain into a frequency domain. Because amountvariety of images, Binary Image, RGB image, image intensity. Then adopt compressing an image to decrease the size of the data ortechniques to subtract the amount of bits required to reflect an images. Based on the results of this study using 3 methods that can perform compression image with different compression results with each method (DCT, FFT and DWT) as much as 4 variations of measurement percentage of image compression of each method starting from compressing image with size 10%, 30%, 50% and 70%. Comparing the three methods with four different variations of presentation measurement can give very accurate and clear results which method is best for compression the image of the present percentage size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Metrics evaluation for context-aware computing

1. INTRODUCTION Over the past three years at least, it has become apparent that for an Intelligen... more 1. INTRODUCTION Over the past three years at least, it has become apparent that for an Intelligent Environment project to be in a good quality, it must be evaluated. Recently, interest in understanding evaluation problems that arise from Pervasive Computing is increasing the understanding ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Convolutional Neural Network for Deepfake Video Detection with Face-Swapping Technique

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Research paper thumbnail of iLukBa ver 1.1 : indoor user location system with speech recognition for mobile users

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Research paper thumbnail of Verifying the Authenticity of Digital Certificate and Transcript Using Background Subtraction Method

Document forgery of certificate widely reported, as an important topic in verification of authent... more Document forgery of certificate widely reported, as an important topic in verification of authenticity for digital documents of certificate. The object of this study is not only digital certificate documents but also digital transcript documents as usually both digital documents can not be separated. Many studies on forgery detections show that the most case of digital documents forgery of certificate and transcript were used copy-move forgery. To solve this problem, this study proposes in recognizing forgery, segment by segment and level by level, of the target image. Each segmentation forgery can be detected using Background Subtraction approach. The level of forgery was presented by detecting the changes from certificate image to binary image with treshold of 16 pixels in obtaining all pixels. As a result, this approach is able to detect certificate or transcript forgery in the form of signature and any forgery with 1 (one) character of image size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Context Processing for Intelligent Environments

This book is one of the early efforts in building a real-life Intelligent Environment. The author... more This book is one of the early efforts in building a real-life Intelligent Environment. The author dreams that one day not only smart devices could communicate with each other but also smart houses through Context-Aware Computing (CAC) approach. CAC is a new approach in software engineering for Intelligent Environment. It is an approach in the design and construction of a context-aware application that exploits rapid changes in access to relevant information and the availability of communication and computing resources in the mobile computing environment. The goal of CAC is to make interaction between users and computers easier in a smart environment, where technology is spread throughout (pervasive), computers are everywhere at the same time (ubiquitous) and technology is embedded (ambient) to the environment. Context-aware applications need not be difficult, tedious or require the acquisition of new skills on the user part. They should be safe, easy, simple to use and should enable new functionality without the need to learn new technology. This book also proposes the evaluation of context-aware application to determine what to test, how to test and the appropriate metrics to use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential Classification Prediction of Solar and Wind Energy in Indonesia using Machine Learning with Random Forest Algorithm

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Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of Mobile Phone Sensors for Complex Human Activity Recognition

Advanced Science Letters, Jun 1, 2017

Activity recognition is a significant part of pervasive computing as it can be employed in a wide... more Activity recognition is a significant part of pervasive computing as it can be employed in a wide range of fields which include eldercare and healthcare. While previous efforts have proven to be successful in identifying simple human activities, the means for identifying complex human activities remains an on-going effort. It has been established that more often than not, in an actual circumstance, human activities are conducted in an intricate mode. The objectives of this study are (a) to examine the utilization of solely the sensors of a mobile phone to distinguish complex human activities and (b) to enhance the complex activities recognition capacity of mobile phones through the application of multiple or other forms of sensors. This endeavour reassesses earlier studies on mobile phone utilization for complex activity recognition with the emphasis on schemes directed at smart home applications. An overall configuration for a human activity recognition (HAR) scheme, as well as an analysis of the latest investigations related to the use of mobile phones for complex activity recognition is also included in this paper. We conclude with a discussion on the results obtained and the forwarding of our proposals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring a 'plug and play' smart home system for mobile user

The wireless nodes will minimize the mess of wiring and it is hoped that the system can be optimi... more The wireless nodes will minimize the mess of wiring and it is hoped that the system can be optimized to a point where it becomes ‘plug and play’ and can be set up in anyone’s home. Sensors attached to the nodes of this system will assist in sending alerts to the home owner or relevant authorities if any security issues or hazards such as a fire etc. are detected. Sensors would also communicate amongst each other to enhance the relaxation of a person in the home by minimizing and improving an occupant’s physical interaction with the home.

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust Implementation of ICN-based Mobile IoT for Next-Generation Network

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Research paper thumbnail of Security Scheme based Dual-Layer Fragile Watermarking for Medical Image

Medical imaging is a method to produce a visual representation of human body, which is used to do... more Medical imaging is a method to produce a visual representation of human body, which is used to do more accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment to patient. However, medical image can be easily attacked, and it may lead to incorrect diagnoses or treatment. To overcome the attacking issue, this study proposes a security scheme based on dual-layer fragile image watermarking to guarantee the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of both patient and any important information and the pixel data of medical images. It implements 2 LSBs of image where the 2nd LSB is used to store the patient's and any other important information, and the 1st LSB acts as a tamper detector. The proposed scheme tested on the four deadliest diseases in Indonesia. The result shows that the proposed scheme generates watermarked image without noticeable change compared to original image with PSNR value above 44dB, and the tamper detector correctly detects and localizes any tampering on the watermarked image. Moreover, compared to DICOM Standard watermarking method, the proposed scheme has shown to have a higher level of security on medical images.

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