Tetiana Havrylenko - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Tetiana Havrylenko

Research paper thumbnail of Principles of Primary Education in the Context of School Reform in Ukraine in 1954–1964

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2021

The purpose of the article is to determine, characterize and trace the ways of implementation of ... more The purpose of the article is to determine, characterize and trace the ways of implementation of the principles of primary education during the school reform in Ukraine in 1954-1964 on the basis of the analysis of the legislative and normative documents, reference documentation and educational literature. The methodological basis of the study are the source studies (provided the opportunity to identify and analyze different types of sources, which highlighted the basic principles of primary education in the selected chronological framework) and historiographical (contributed to identify the problem in historical and pedagogical science) approaches, as well as epistemological principles of historicism, objectivity, systematics. To achieve the goal of the study the following methods were used: general science (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization, which became the basis for studying the outlined issue), historical and structural (contributed to the development of the research structure), historical and genetic (allowed to structure the factual information). The scientific novelty of the research is that the article reveals and characterizes the principles of primary education, implemented during the school reform in 1954-1964 in Ukraine, which was not the subject of a special study. Conclusions. Primary education in Ukraine in 1954-1964 was based on the system of principles defined and implemented in the previous decades (compulsory, accessible, free, external differentiation, Sovietization, Russification, unification, atheism), restored (joint education of children of both sexes) and proclaimed in the context of school reform (polytechnic education, the connection of school with life). We consider the revival and implementation in the author's schools (V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, I. H. Tkachenko) of the principles of humanization and child-centeredness as a positive tendency of the studied period. At the same time, we negatively assess the deepening of the principles of Sovietization, Russification, unification and atheism in primary education. We consider it a miscalculation of the state educational policy to ignore the principle of continuity, which was actualized by the pedagogical community.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Scientific Approaches to Future Doctors of Philosophy Training (Educational and Scientific Programm «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy»)

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 21, 2022

The purpose of the article is to determine and reveal modern scientific approaches in the course ... more The purpose of the article is to determine and reveal modern scientific approaches in the course of doctors of philosophy training according to the educational and scientific «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy» program based on the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, historical and pedagogical works of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Methodology. To implement the outlined purpose of the study, a set of general scientific methods was used: analysis and synthesis of philosophical, pedagogical, historical and pedagogical works of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists to ground scientific approaches in the training of the researchers of the historical and pedagogical process at the third (educational and scientific) level; systematization and generalization in order to understand the scientific context of the problem and present the results of the research. Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the educational and scientific «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy» program of training doctors of philosophy; modern scientific approaches (sociocultural, historiographical, source studies, systemic, paradigmatic, synergetic, hermeneutic, narrative, anthropological, personalistic, axiological), which are used to form the general and professional competencies of the future researchers in the field of general pedagogy and the history of pedagogy, have been characterized; the normative and selective educational components offered for mastery according to the specified educational and scientific program have been outlined. Conclusions. The use of sociocultural, historiographical, source studies, systemic, paradigmatic, synergistic, hermeneutic, narrative, anthropological, personalistic and axiological approaches in the training of future specialists with the scientific degree «Doctor of Philosophy» will ensure the improvement of the research culture in the field of pedagogical sciences, the formation of methodological, scientific and professional and research competences, which is specified in the deepening of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogy, the broadening of philosophical and cultural knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of THE RELEVANCE OF Y.F. CHEPIHA'S IDEAS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE NEW UKRAINIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL (to the 145th anniversary of the pedagogue)

Ukrainian Educational Journal, 2020

Research interests: historical and methodological aspects of Children's Literature; study on the ... more Research interests: historical and methodological aspects of Children's Literature; study on the heritage of distinguished persons of the past; methodology of teaching reading in primary school, textbooks development in Ukraine, integrated teaching of language and literature of ethnic minorities

Research paper thumbnail of Social Protection of Students in Ukraine: A Retrospective Analysis

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2021

During the second part of the twentieth century. in Ukraine, systemic signs of social protection ... more During the second part of the twentieth century. in Ukraine, systemic signs of social protection of students of general secondary education have been formed. Thanks to the joint efforts of the state and the public, comprehensive education funds, boarding schools, extended day groups, transportation of children to school, food, conditions for the development, education and training of various categories of children through the opening of boarding schools, extended day schools, sanatoriums and boarding schools , special schools and boarding schools.

Research paper thumbnail of European experience of professional training of primary school teachers

Аналіз стану розвитку європейських освітніх систем та їх динаміки показує, що сучасний етап соціа... more Аналіз стану розвитку європейських освітніх систем та їх динаміки показує, що сучасний етап соціального прогресу - це епоха глобальної реформи освіти, яка враховує світовітенденції та зміни. У статті представлено уніфікацію національних освітніх стандартів, диверсифікація освітніх моделей, механізми вдосконалення технологій навчання. З’ясовано, що водночас кожна країна прагне збагатити свій історично розвинений освітній потенціал, активно вивчаючи інноваційний досвід організації та зміст освіти інших країн. У цьому контексті питання професійної підготовки педагогів розглядається у розрізі якості освіти майбутнього вчителя початкових класів та рівня його професіоналізму, що у сумі є критеріями ефективності процесу вищої педагогічної освіти, його відповідності потребам сучасного суспільства для формування та розвитку професійно-особистісної компетентності фахівця. Наголошено, що європейські країни стикаються з проблемою модернізації підготовки вчителів, включаючи підготовку вчителів п...



Research paper thumbnail of Мethodological Principles of the Research of the Primary Education Development in Ukraine in the Second Half of the 20TH – at the Beginning of the 21ST Centuries


Research paper thumbnail of Новації в освітньому процесі початкової школи в Україні (1991-2001 рр.)


Research paper thumbnail of Primary Education in Ukraine. History and European Priorities

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, Dec 14, 2021

The article briefly discusses the main models of providing primary education in the leading count... more The article briefly discusses the main models of providing primary education in the leading countries of Europe, in particular, the organization of the educational process. Against their background and as a result of historical consideration (the long experience of the totalitarian regime), it is shown how post-Soviet Ukraine reached its transitional system of primary education. The international value of the article lies in the demonstration of the historical totalitarian influence on primary education in comparison with the countries of ancient democracies. The article may be of interest to educational historians, specialists in comparative pedagogy, etc. Goals as a determining component in the system of primary education were formed under the influence of state educational policy, the needs of society, school practice, research in the field of primary education. The invariant goals of primary education in the chosen chronological framework remained the all-round development of children of primary school age; upbringing of high moral qualities in them, the development of their mental and physical abilities, in accordance with the prevailing social and political system, acquired a communist or national connotation. It is proved that Ukrainian primary education is still at the initial stage of borrowing pan-European value and methodological systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Експериментальні дослідження українських учених у галузі початкової освіти: класи вирівнювання (1975–1982 рр.)

Педагогічний дискурс, 2015

У статті розкрито організаційно-процесуальні та результативні аспекти експериментального дослідже... more У статті розкрито організаційно-процесуальні та результативні аспекти експериментального дослідження у галузі початкової освіти, здійснюване українськими вченими в 1975–1982 рр., метою якого стала перевірка доцільності й ефективності функціонування класів вирівнювання як форми подолання шкільної неуспішності молодших школярів. Зауважено, що важливу роль у проектуванні, організації та проведенні цього дослідження відіграли наукові співробітники науково-дослідних інститутів педагогіки та психології УРСР (М.В.Богданович, Ю.З.Гільбух, А.П.Коваль, Г.Ф.Кумаріна, Н.Ф.Скрипченко та ін.). З'ясовано, що подолати відставання у знаннях і розвитку учнів дозволяли особливі організаційні та психолого-педагогічні умови, а саме: зменшення наповнюваності класів, функціонування при класах груп подовженого дня, уповільнений темп навчання, адаптація структури уроку до пізнавальних можливостей учнів, відсутність додаткових занять, оцінювання лише досягнень школярів, залучення до викладання висококвал...

Research paper thumbnail of Preparatory Classes as a Form of Preschool Education in Ukraine during the Soviet Period ( the 1920 s – 1980 s ) : The Main Periods and Development Trends

The retrospective analysis of the activity of preparatory classes as a form of preschool educatio... more The retrospective analysis of the activity of preparatory classes as a form of preschool education in Ukraine during the Soviet period is carried out in the article. The main periods and development trends of preparatory classes during the 1920s–1980s are determined and characterized. It is shown that in different periods of their functioning preparatory classes were not only oriented to the preparation of children for systematic schooling, they also arranged conditions for the lowering of school starting age.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in the Development of Textbook Creation in the Primary Education in the First Decade of State Independence of Ukraine (1991–2001)

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2020

The analysis of educational books published in the first decade of independent Ukraine allowed us... more The analysis of educational books published in the first decade of independent Ukraine allowed us to determine the following trends in the development of textbook creation in primary education: revision of the content of textbooks taking into account the principles of child-centrism, National Orientation, humanization; development of a new generation of educational literature by Ukrainian authors; preparation of unified educational books for three-year and four-year primary schools; creation of new types of textbooks and manuals – alternative, two-level, integrated, general development in nature; introduction of their testing and passing the "stamp" procedure. Along with positive trends in the development of textbook-making in primary education, we also note negative ones: deepening the problem of publishing educational literature, providing it to younger schoolchildren in a timely manner, preparing educational literature by low-professional authors, and returning payment ...


Herald of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 2021

Всеукраїнські науково-методологічні семінари з історії освіти стали традиційною формою організаці... more Всеукраїнські науково-методологічні семінари з історії освіти стали традиційною формою організації наукової діяльності істориків освіти. Їх пріоритетними завданнями є осмислення наявних і розроблення нових підходів до здійснення досліджень у галузі історії української та зарубіжної освіти; сприяння науковцям у реалізації дослідницьких завдань для одержання нового історико-педагогічного знання; популяризація історії педагогіки як важливого складника педагогічної науки. VI Всеукраїнський науково-методологічний семінар з історії освіти «Понятійно-термінологічний апарат історико-педаго-гічних досліджень: історія і сучасні підходи» відбувся 19 травня 2021 р. у рамках відзначення 30-ї річниці Незалежності України. Він був організований відділом педагогічного джерелознавства та біографістики Державної науково-педагогічної бібліотеки України імені В.О. Сухомлин-ського НАПН України спільно з Відділенням загальної педагогіки та філософії освіти НАПН України і закладами вищої освіти. У семінар...

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Transformations of the Elementary Education System in the First Decade of State Independence of Ukraine (1991-2001)

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2019

It was argued that the following transformations took place in the organization of elementary edu... more It was argued that the following transformations took place in the organization of elementary education: transition to the four year elementary school and training of children from six years in 2001; abandoning unified education through the opening of private schools, expanding the network of author schools and educational institutions for the development of abilities and talents of junior schoolchildren, dissemination of the educational complex “kindergarten - elementary school”; increase of schools and classes with the Ukrainian language of education; creation of conditions for obtaining primary education for gifted students, children of national minorities; increase in the number of elementary school teachers with higher education; exacerbation of the problem of social protection of pupils and teachers; destruction of the educational, material and technical base of the general secondary education institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernization of the Content of Primary Education in the Context of the Development of Educational Standards in Ukraine (1996–2001)

One of the main issues in 1996–2001 was the modernization of the content of education, which was ... more One of the main issues in 1996–2001 was the modernization of the content of education, which was carried out in two directions: development of the State Standard of Primary General Education, which was to provide a single educational space, determine state requirements for students' education in the context of the requirements of the standard in accordance with the needs of contemporary society and the child's personality.

Research paper thumbnail of Principles of Primary Education in the Context of School Reform in Ukraine in 1954–1964

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2021

The purpose of the article is to determine, characterize and trace the ways of implementation of ... more The purpose of the article is to determine, characterize and trace the ways of implementation of the principles of primary education during the school reform in Ukraine in 1954-1964 on the basis of the analysis of the legislative and normative documents, reference documentation and educational literature. The methodological basis of the study are the source studies (provided the opportunity to identify and analyze different types of sources, which highlighted the basic principles of primary education in the selected chronological framework) and historiographical (contributed to identify the problem in historical and pedagogical science) approaches, as well as epistemological principles of historicism, objectivity, systematics. To achieve the goal of the study the following methods were used: general science (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization, which became the basis for studying the outlined issue), historical and structural (contributed to the development of the research structure), historical and genetic (allowed to structure the factual information). The scientific novelty of the research is that the article reveals and characterizes the principles of primary education, implemented during the school reform in 1954-1964 in Ukraine, which was not the subject of a special study. Conclusions. Primary education in Ukraine in 1954-1964 was based on the system of principles defined and implemented in the previous decades (compulsory, accessible, free, external differentiation, Sovietization, Russification, unification, atheism), restored (joint education of children of both sexes) and proclaimed in the context of school reform (polytechnic education, the connection of school with life). We consider the revival and implementation in the author's schools (V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, I. H. Tkachenko) of the principles of humanization and child-centeredness as a positive tendency of the studied period. At the same time, we negatively assess the deepening of the principles of Sovietization, Russification, unification and atheism in primary education. We consider it a miscalculation of the state educational policy to ignore the principle of continuity, which was actualized by the pedagogical community.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Scientific Approaches to Future Doctors of Philosophy Training (Educational and Scientific Programm «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy»)

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 21, 2022

The purpose of the article is to determine and reveal modern scientific approaches in the course ... more The purpose of the article is to determine and reveal modern scientific approaches in the course of doctors of philosophy training according to the educational and scientific «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy» program based on the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, historical and pedagogical works of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Methodology. To implement the outlined purpose of the study, a set of general scientific methods was used: analysis and synthesis of philosophical, pedagogical, historical and pedagogical works of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists to ground scientific approaches in the training of the researchers of the historical and pedagogical process at the third (educational and scientific) level; systematization and generalization in order to understand the scientific context of the problem and present the results of the research. Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the educational and scientific «General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy» program of training doctors of philosophy; modern scientific approaches (sociocultural, historiographical, source studies, systemic, paradigmatic, synergetic, hermeneutic, narrative, anthropological, personalistic, axiological), which are used to form the general and professional competencies of the future researchers in the field of general pedagogy and the history of pedagogy, have been characterized; the normative and selective educational components offered for mastery according to the specified educational and scientific program have been outlined. Conclusions. The use of sociocultural, historiographical, source studies, systemic, paradigmatic, synergistic, hermeneutic, narrative, anthropological, personalistic and axiological approaches in the training of future specialists with the scientific degree «Doctor of Philosophy» will ensure the improvement of the research culture in the field of pedagogical sciences, the formation of methodological, scientific and professional and research competences, which is specified in the deepening of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogy, the broadening of philosophical and cultural knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of THE RELEVANCE OF Y.F. CHEPIHA'S IDEAS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE NEW UKRAINIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL (to the 145th anniversary of the pedagogue)

Ukrainian Educational Journal, 2020

Research interests: historical and methodological aspects of Children's Literature; study on the ... more Research interests: historical and methodological aspects of Children's Literature; study on the heritage of distinguished persons of the past; methodology of teaching reading in primary school, textbooks development in Ukraine, integrated teaching of language and literature of ethnic minorities

Research paper thumbnail of Social Protection of Students in Ukraine: A Retrospective Analysis

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2021

During the second part of the twentieth century. in Ukraine, systemic signs of social protection ... more During the second part of the twentieth century. in Ukraine, systemic signs of social protection of students of general secondary education have been formed. Thanks to the joint efforts of the state and the public, comprehensive education funds, boarding schools, extended day groups, transportation of children to school, food, conditions for the development, education and training of various categories of children through the opening of boarding schools, extended day schools, sanatoriums and boarding schools , special schools and boarding schools.

Research paper thumbnail of European experience of professional training of primary school teachers

Аналіз стану розвитку європейських освітніх систем та їх динаміки показує, що сучасний етап соціа... more Аналіз стану розвитку європейських освітніх систем та їх динаміки показує, що сучасний етап соціального прогресу - це епоха глобальної реформи освіти, яка враховує світовітенденції та зміни. У статті представлено уніфікацію національних освітніх стандартів, диверсифікація освітніх моделей, механізми вдосконалення технологій навчання. З’ясовано, що водночас кожна країна прагне збагатити свій історично розвинений освітній потенціал, активно вивчаючи інноваційний досвід організації та зміст освіти інших країн. У цьому контексті питання професійної підготовки педагогів розглядається у розрізі якості освіти майбутнього вчителя початкових класів та рівня його професіоналізму, що у сумі є критеріями ефективності процесу вищої педагогічної освіти, його відповідності потребам сучасного суспільства для формування та розвитку професійно-особистісної компетентності фахівця. Наголошено, що європейські країни стикаються з проблемою модернізації підготовки вчителів, включаючи підготовку вчителів п...



Research paper thumbnail of Мethodological Principles of the Research of the Primary Education Development in Ukraine in the Second Half of the 20TH – at the Beginning of the 21ST Centuries


Research paper thumbnail of Новації в освітньому процесі початкової школи в Україні (1991-2001 рр.)


Research paper thumbnail of Primary Education in Ukraine. History and European Priorities

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, Dec 14, 2021

The article briefly discusses the main models of providing primary education in the leading count... more The article briefly discusses the main models of providing primary education in the leading countries of Europe, in particular, the organization of the educational process. Against their background and as a result of historical consideration (the long experience of the totalitarian regime), it is shown how post-Soviet Ukraine reached its transitional system of primary education. The international value of the article lies in the demonstration of the historical totalitarian influence on primary education in comparison with the countries of ancient democracies. The article may be of interest to educational historians, specialists in comparative pedagogy, etc. Goals as a determining component in the system of primary education were formed under the influence of state educational policy, the needs of society, school practice, research in the field of primary education. The invariant goals of primary education in the chosen chronological framework remained the all-round development of children of primary school age; upbringing of high moral qualities in them, the development of their mental and physical abilities, in accordance with the prevailing social and political system, acquired a communist or national connotation. It is proved that Ukrainian primary education is still at the initial stage of borrowing pan-European value and methodological systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Експериментальні дослідження українських учених у галузі початкової освіти: класи вирівнювання (1975–1982 рр.)

Педагогічний дискурс, 2015

У статті розкрито організаційно-процесуальні та результативні аспекти експериментального дослідже... more У статті розкрито організаційно-процесуальні та результативні аспекти експериментального дослідження у галузі початкової освіти, здійснюване українськими вченими в 1975–1982 рр., метою якого стала перевірка доцільності й ефективності функціонування класів вирівнювання як форми подолання шкільної неуспішності молодших школярів. Зауважено, що важливу роль у проектуванні, організації та проведенні цього дослідження відіграли наукові співробітники науково-дослідних інститутів педагогіки та психології УРСР (М.В.Богданович, Ю.З.Гільбух, А.П.Коваль, Г.Ф.Кумаріна, Н.Ф.Скрипченко та ін.). З'ясовано, що подолати відставання у знаннях і розвитку учнів дозволяли особливі організаційні та психолого-педагогічні умови, а саме: зменшення наповнюваності класів, функціонування при класах груп подовженого дня, уповільнений темп навчання, адаптація структури уроку до пізнавальних можливостей учнів, відсутність додаткових занять, оцінювання лише досягнень школярів, залучення до викладання висококвал...

Research paper thumbnail of Preparatory Classes as a Form of Preschool Education in Ukraine during the Soviet Period ( the 1920 s – 1980 s ) : The Main Periods and Development Trends

The retrospective analysis of the activity of preparatory classes as a form of preschool educatio... more The retrospective analysis of the activity of preparatory classes as a form of preschool education in Ukraine during the Soviet period is carried out in the article. The main periods and development trends of preparatory classes during the 1920s–1980s are determined and characterized. It is shown that in different periods of their functioning preparatory classes were not only oriented to the preparation of children for systematic schooling, they also arranged conditions for the lowering of school starting age.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in the Development of Textbook Creation in the Primary Education in the First Decade of State Independence of Ukraine (1991–2001)

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2020

The analysis of educational books published in the first decade of independent Ukraine allowed us... more The analysis of educational books published in the first decade of independent Ukraine allowed us to determine the following trends in the development of textbook creation in primary education: revision of the content of textbooks taking into account the principles of child-centrism, National Orientation, humanization; development of a new generation of educational literature by Ukrainian authors; preparation of unified educational books for three-year and four-year primary schools; creation of new types of textbooks and manuals – alternative, two-level, integrated, general development in nature; introduction of their testing and passing the "stamp" procedure. Along with positive trends in the development of textbook-making in primary education, we also note negative ones: deepening the problem of publishing educational literature, providing it to younger schoolchildren in a timely manner, preparing educational literature by low-professional authors, and returning payment ...


Herald of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 2021

Всеукраїнські науково-методологічні семінари з історії освіти стали традиційною формою організаці... more Всеукраїнські науково-методологічні семінари з історії освіти стали традиційною формою організації наукової діяльності істориків освіти. Їх пріоритетними завданнями є осмислення наявних і розроблення нових підходів до здійснення досліджень у галузі історії української та зарубіжної освіти; сприяння науковцям у реалізації дослідницьких завдань для одержання нового історико-педагогічного знання; популяризація історії педагогіки як важливого складника педагогічної науки. VI Всеукраїнський науково-методологічний семінар з історії освіти «Понятійно-термінологічний апарат історико-педаго-гічних досліджень: історія і сучасні підходи» відбувся 19 травня 2021 р. у рамках відзначення 30-ї річниці Незалежності України. Він був організований відділом педагогічного джерелознавства та біографістики Державної науково-педагогічної бібліотеки України імені В.О. Сухомлин-ського НАПН України спільно з Відділенням загальної педагогіки та філософії освіти НАПН України і закладами вищої освіти. У семінар...

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Transformations of the Elementary Education System in the First Decade of State Independence of Ukraine (1991-2001)

Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers, 2019

It was argued that the following transformations took place in the organization of elementary edu... more It was argued that the following transformations took place in the organization of elementary education: transition to the four year elementary school and training of children from six years in 2001; abandoning unified education through the opening of private schools, expanding the network of author schools and educational institutions for the development of abilities and talents of junior schoolchildren, dissemination of the educational complex “kindergarten - elementary school”; increase of schools and classes with the Ukrainian language of education; creation of conditions for obtaining primary education for gifted students, children of national minorities; increase in the number of elementary school teachers with higher education; exacerbation of the problem of social protection of pupils and teachers; destruction of the educational, material and technical base of the general secondary education institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernization of the Content of Primary Education in the Context of the Development of Educational Standards in Ukraine (1996–2001)

One of the main issues in 1996–2001 was the modernization of the content of education, which was ... more One of the main issues in 1996–2001 was the modernization of the content of education, which was carried out in two directions: development of the State Standard of Primary General Education, which was to provide a single educational space, determine state requirements for students' education in the context of the requirements of the standard in accordance with the needs of contemporary society and the child's personality.