Thierry Vissol - (original) (raw)

Papers by Thierry Vissol

Research paper thumbnail of Il Giornale di Libex - 2023

Il giornale di Libex, 2023

Supplemento annuale cartaceo del magazine Web serie di articoli di geopolitica, ... more Supplemento annuale cartaceo del magazine Web serie di articoli di geopolitica, analisi sociali e di società, scritti da politici, economisti, giornalisti, professori universitari e storici, tutti illustrati di vignette satiriche realizzate da vignettisti di stampa di reputazione internazionale

Research paper thumbnail of Confronti ThV Israele Palestina +Kichka:Fadi Toon 02 2024 PDF

Confronti, 2024

febbraio 2024 - Medio Oriente. Alla ricerca del dialogo perduto Intervista a FADI ABOU HASSAN (FA... more febbraio 2024 - Medio Oriente. Alla ricerca del dialogo perduto Intervista a FADI ABOU HASSAN (FADI TOON) Vignettista norvegese di origine palestinese e a MICHEL KICHKA Vignettista israeliano. A cura di THIERRY VISSOL Direttore del centro Euromediterraneo Librexpression, Fondazione Giuseppe di Vagno.

Research paper thumbnail of Annexe

Presses universitaires de Lyon eBooks, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of L'Europa alla prova del voto : risultati e sfide per il futuro

Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euro... more Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euroscettico, hanno dato un sospiro di sollievo dopo la pubblicazione dei risultati. Tra i paesi fondatori dell'Ue, l'Italia è il solo dove vince ed è al potere una maggioranza assoluta sovranista, con conseguenze negative sulla sua influenza internazionale. Nessuno dei partiti di questa maggioranza sarà nei principali gruppi politici del Parlamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia

Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a cond... more Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a condanne dei non credenti o degli eretici), ogni religione ha creato un vocabolario di esclusione. La maggioranza dei leader religiosi e dei fedeli prendono le distanze da tali forme di "estremismo", ma è di vitale importanza riflettere sulla laicità per evitare il rischio della creazione di tribù con le loro proprie regole nelle società democratiche. Quest'articolo è la versione breve di una communicazione alla conferenza "Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe" organizzata dalla European Federation for Freedom of Belief, con il supporto del Consiglio d'Europa, a Firenze i 18 e 19 gennaio 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the Steinherr Paper: “From here to EMU…”

Recherches économiques de Louvain, 1993

The paper presented by A. Steinherr has the great merit of reviewing a range of issues not usuall... more The paper presented by A. Steinherr has the great merit of reviewing a range of issues not usually discussed in the EMU debate. As a preliminary remark, however, the paper puts forward an overpessimistic interpretation of the Treaty. The changeover to a single monetary policy and to a single currency is certainly a very sensitive issue, where emotions and psychology are perhaps more important than technical questions.

Research paper thumbnail of Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire

Revue d'économie financière, 1989

Vissol Thierry. Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire. In: Revue d'économie fi... more Vissol Thierry. Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire. In: Revue d'économie financière, n°8-9, 1989. L’Europe monétaire : SME, Écu, Union monétaire, sous la direction de Michel Aguetta et Jean-Pierre Patat. pp. 48-67

Research paper thumbnail of Pauvreté et lois sociales sous la Révolution française 1789-1794

Le 23 avril 1793 en première lecture, le 29 mai en seconde lecture, deux jours avant la chute de ... more Le 23 avril 1793 en première lecture, le 29 mai en seconde lecture, deux jours avant la chute de la Gironde, la Convention votait sans amendement et à l'unanimité, mais non sans débat, l'article 23 de la déclaration des droits de l'Homme dont Barère et Condorcet avaient été les rapporteurs : "Les secours publics sont une dette sacrée, et c'est à la loi à en déterminer l'étendue et l'application". Bien que moins radical que le texte proposé par Robespierre : "La société est obligée de pourvoir..

Research paper thumbnail of Qui a peur de l'élargissement ?

Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 2003

A large majority (61%) of the citizens of the ten accession countries do support the entrance of ... more A large majority (61%) of the citizens of the ten accession countries do support the entrance of their nation into the European Union, to be compared to a smaller majority (51%) among EU member countries. Such support somewhat hides many fears as expressed in the opinion polls or in the low turnout during the accession referenda. This article summarizes and

Research paper thumbnail of The Outlook for the Euro Changeover: A Summary and General Analysis

Journal of Consumer Policy, Jun 1, 1999

In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal ... more In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal elements involved are discussed as are the psychological aspects. Various practical problems and proposed solutions are described. The possibility of resistance from the consumers in certain segments of the Member State populations is also addressed. One reason for any such resistance might be that for many citizens, the change of currency appears to have little bearing on their everyday concerns. Particular attention is devoted to the scenario for the period 1 January to 1 July 2002, during which coins and notes in euros and national monetary units can be in circulation at the same time. BACKGROUND The changeover to the euro on 1 January 1999 as provided for by the scenario adopted by the Madrid Council in December 1996 and the national arrangements in place launches a genuine dynamic process of transition. On 1 January 1999, the entire wholesale monetary environment and the exchange, financial and stock markets changed over to the euro. From this date, all types of enterprises, banks and financial institutions are able to change their accounts and activities into euros and to offer their goods and services legally in euros. Theoretically, the same is true of consumers and especially those who can benefit from using the euro, namely tourists, cross-border populations and savers. The monetary law, the Madrid scenario and the market mechanisms should therefore trigger off a dynamic process, leading to widespread use of the euro between 1999 and 2002, including among consumers for a whole series of economic, legal and sociological reasons. At the same time, there are many banks and companies which would like to take things more slowly and to wait until 1 January 2002 to make the changeover. The same is true of consumers, many of whom have no economic or political interest in changing over to the euro

Research paper thumbnail of Is There a Case for an Eu Information Television Station

"""Is there a case for an EU information television station? In 2004, there were 3... more """Is there a case for an EU information television station? In 2004, there were 3660 television channels - international, pan-European, national, regional, local, special interest and general interest - broadcasting within the EU-25. In 1990 there were only 125. In 2004, the average European spent 215 minutes each day watching television - 24 minutes (13%) more than in 1995. Digital broadcasting is changing the way people watch TV, permitting more selective behaviour and forms of interactivity. Nevertheless, "News" programmes remain a favourite: 67% of TV viewers say they watch them every day and 19% several times a week. No wonder people in the EU regard television as their main source (or even their only source) of information - including information about the EU. However, despite this high level of TV consumption, studies show that public knowledge of politics, and more specifically of EU politics, has remained at the same very low level for years. It is true that only 343 channels are broadcasting news and that EU affairs represent only a small proportion of the content provided (5 to 10% of EU News as against 50 to 60% national news). Viewers are able to process and recall the news, and thus increase their knowledge, only when programmes take their needs and expectations into account. In this respect, with very few exceptions, television is failing to achieve its true potential as a knowledge-building tool and is very far from being the 'European Public Space' it should be. This book, based on the most up-to-date statistics and ad hoc studies, presents an in-depth analysis of the TV channels' markets for information, and more specifically EU information, both from the supply (Part I) and demand (Part II) sides. It pays particular attention to the Pan-European news channels and the national Parliamentary channels (Part III) and examines their role in contributing to a more participatory democracy. Its aim is to investigate what could be done by EU decision makers to help develop an audiovisual European Public Space. Thierry Vissol, the author, is audiovisual adviser in DG Communication, the European Commission's department for EU information and communication policy. Add to favourites Recommend this publication Print publication details Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission Private author(s): Thierry Vissol Themes: Information policy Target audience: Specialised/Technical EuroVoc: information policy, communications policy, dissemination of Community information, television " ISBN 92-79-00571-5"""

Research paper thumbnail of Éric Vuillard. La guerre des pauvres Éd. Actes Sud, 2019

La structure sociale en trois ordres, theorisee des le 8e siecle, s’affirme au cours des siecles ... more La structure sociale en trois ordres, theorisee des le 8e siecle, s’affirme au cours des siecles suivants pour devenir inattaquable aux 15e et 16e siecles. Toute remise en cause est un « crime de nouvellete », condamne et puni. La societe est figee dans ce carcan. Les inegalites s’accroissent car le fosse se creuse entre riches et pauvres d’autant que les trois etats ne comprennent que la noblesse, le clerge et les bourgeois. « Ceux qui peinent la bise au cul » selon l’expression de Georges Duby, sont meprises et laisses hors de la structure sociale, si ce n’est au travers de la charite. Le Livre de Sydrac (avant 1300), tres lu jusqu’au 16e siecle, affirme qu’il ne convient pas que les pauvres se melent aux puissants car leur sort « est celui des moutons qui en l’eau se bousculent, des grenouilles qui s’ecrasent les pieds parce qu’elles sont petites » et que le pauvre doit s’effacer devant le riche « excepte dans les batailles ». Une grande part de la litterature medievale se fait l’echo du mepris et de la peur des pauvres. Pour Christine de Pisan (1363-1430 ?) « De tels gens en verite doit-on avoir peu de pitie… que mesaise aient, c’est droiture ». Eustache Deshamps (1346-1407) rencherit : « …puissans, larrons atruandez, oyseux, faillis, dont nul bien ne peut estre » et preconise : « advisez-y baillis et senechaux, prenez, pendez et ce sera bien fait » ! Cette vision de l’ordre des choses s’appuie sur la tradition chretienne pour laquelle le paradis terrestre est irremediabl

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Droit et Justice, Vecteurs Indissociables De La Construction Europeenne

Revue du marche commun et de l'Union Européenne, 2000

The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe mainta... more The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe maintains its position as a playing field in the li fe of its citizens, the situations in which conflicts of laws arise are multiplying. The inactive legal field is not a legal field, as law is the essential base of political and social activity. However, the various judicial processes: national, trans-border and European justice (of both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice) interpenetrate but also sometimes ignore themselves. In the same time, law is getting increasingly complex, its sources overlap : on a national, community and international level or on a private level (such as codes of conduct and « soft laws"), being binding or purely indicative instruments. Does the resulting European law respond to the demands of action? What must the operational objectives be? How can one (and indeed must one?) protect the balance between national and European identity and culture? From these questions run different possible and antinomic possibilities of action, which are examined: - Euro-judges versus the co-operation of magistrates ; - Subsidiarity of law versus europeanisation of law ; - Unity of law versus national cohesion of law . Their convergent responses demonstrate that the solution goes through a pragmatic and non-dogmatic attempt at conciliating these antagonisms by relying on cultural national wealth and national legal systems to construct a Community of law that expresses a shared European and national citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Droit et Justice, Vecteurs Indissociables de La Construction Européenne

Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union européenne, 2000

The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe mainta... more The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe maintains its position as a playing field in the li fe of its citizens, the situations in which conflicts of laws arise are multiplying. The inactive legal field is not a legal field, as law is the essential base of political and social activity. However, the various judicial processes: national, trans-border and European justice (of both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice) interpenetrate but also sometimes ignore themselves. In the same time, law is getting increasingly complex, its sources overlap : on a national, community and international level or on a private level (such as codes of conduct and « soft laws"), being binding or purely indicative instruments.
Does the resulting European law respond to the demands of action? What must the operational objectives be? How can one (and indeed must one?) protect the balance between national and European identity and culture? From these questions run different possible and antinomic possibilities of action, which are examined:
- Euro-judges versus the co-operation of magistrates ;
- Subsidiarity of law versus europeanisation of law ;
- Unity of law versus national cohesion of law .
Their convergent responses demonstrate that the solution goes through a pragmatic and non-dogmatic attempt at conciliating these antagonisms by relying on cultural national wealth and national legal systems to construct a Community of law that expresses a shared European and national citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of Sanzioni contro la Russia: impatto ed effetto boomerang, 2022

eu/sanzioni-contro-la-russia-impatto-ed-effetto-boomerang/thierry-vissol/ USA, NATO e Ue hanno, f... more eu/sanzioni-contro-la-russia-impatto-ed-effetto-boomerang/thierry-vissol/ USA, NATO e Ue hanno, finora, escluso l'uso di risposte militare offensive all'invasione russa dell'Ucraina, preferendo sanzioni economiche e diplomatiche all'incontro della Russia, di politici (incluso Putin) e oligarchi. Solo precauzioni difensive sono prese nel Nord-Est e Sud-Est dell'Europa, con invio di armi, aiuti umanitari e soldi all'Ucraina. Tuttavia, la situazione potrebbe cambiare, secondo l'atteggiamento della Russia verso paesi dell'Ue o della Nato. Quindi si pone il problema di sapere se le sanzioni rinforzate-alcuni esistono già dal 2014-saranno sufficienti per bloccare le velleità di Putin o, al contrario lo convinceranno ad approfittare della debolezza dei paesi occidentali e della loro paura di usare la forza per impedire di proseguire nel suo sogno imperiale.

Research paper thumbnail of Hvorfor fremme den politiske satiren

Ny Tid, 2021

Why promote political satire? FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION / The satirical, political caricature is, in ... more Why promote political satire?
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION / The satirical, political caricature is, in its essence, an excellent counterweight to abuse and oppression.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Giornale di Libex, 2022

Il Giornale di Libex, Sep 2022

This publication is the paper printed version of a supplement to the website journal www.pagina21...[ more ](;)This publication is the paper printed version of a supplement to the website journal It is a collection of papers illustrated with numerous cartoons dedicated to propaganda since WW1 to the Russian war against Ukraine. It includes several interviews an numerous cartoons of Ukrainian cartoonists and of the Russian cartoonist Zlatkovsky.

Research paper thumbnail of L Europa Alla Prova Del Voto Risultati e Sfide Per Il Futuro

Com Nuovi Tempi, 2019

Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euro... more Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euroscettico, hanno dato un sospiro di sollievo dopo la pubblicazione dei risultati. Tra i paesi fondatori dell'Ue, l'Italia è il solo dove vince ed è al potere una maggioranza assoluta sovranista, con conseguenze negative sulla sua influenza internazionale. Nessuno dei partiti di questa maggioranza sarà nei principali gruppi politici del Parlamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia

Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia, 2018

Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a cond... more Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a condanne dei non credenti o degli eretici), ogni religione ha creato un vocabolario di esclusione. La maggioranza dei leader religiosi e dei fedeli prendono le distanze da tali forme di "estremismo", ma è di vitale importanza riflettere sulla laicità per evitare il rischio della creazione di tribù con le loro proprie regole nelle società democratiche. Quest'articolo è la versione breve di una communicazione alla conferenza "Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe" organizzata dalla European Federation for Freedom of Belief, con il supporto del Consiglio d'Europa, a Firenze i 18 e 19 gennaio 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Pauvreté et lois sociales sous la Révolution française 1789-1794

Idées économiques sous la Révolution (1789-1794), 1989

La Convention fut le parlement qui a voté la première déclaration des droits de l'homme, dont... more La Convention fut le parlement qui a voté la première déclaration des droits de l'homme, dont l'article 23 proclamait: "les secours publics sont une dette sacrée, et c'est à la loi à en déterminer l'étendue et l'application". près de 3 siècles après les premières véritables législations sociales de Charles Quint, le Parlement révolutionnaire, se basant sur de multiples études historiques et internationales, a voté une série de lois sociales d'une extrème modernité. malheureusement, la chute de la Gironde, les guerres et le retour des conservateurs les dénatureront totalement. cet article analyse les travaux effectués, le contenu des dispositions prévues en les comparant avec "la Caroline" et tente d'analyser les raisons pour lesquelles seules les aspects répressifs furent mis en oeuvre.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Giornale di Libex - 2023

Il giornale di Libex, 2023

Supplemento annuale cartaceo del magazine Web serie di articoli di geopolitica, ... more Supplemento annuale cartaceo del magazine Web serie di articoli di geopolitica, analisi sociali e di società, scritti da politici, economisti, giornalisti, professori universitari e storici, tutti illustrati di vignette satiriche realizzate da vignettisti di stampa di reputazione internazionale

Research paper thumbnail of Confronti ThV Israele Palestina +Kichka:Fadi Toon 02 2024 PDF

Confronti, 2024

febbraio 2024 - Medio Oriente. Alla ricerca del dialogo perduto Intervista a FADI ABOU HASSAN (FA... more febbraio 2024 - Medio Oriente. Alla ricerca del dialogo perduto Intervista a FADI ABOU HASSAN (FADI TOON) Vignettista norvegese di origine palestinese e a MICHEL KICHKA Vignettista israeliano. A cura di THIERRY VISSOL Direttore del centro Euromediterraneo Librexpression, Fondazione Giuseppe di Vagno.

Research paper thumbnail of Annexe

Presses universitaires de Lyon eBooks, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of L'Europa alla prova del voto : risultati e sfide per il futuro

Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euro... more Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euroscettico, hanno dato un sospiro di sollievo dopo la pubblicazione dei risultati. Tra i paesi fondatori dell'Ue, l'Italia è il solo dove vince ed è al potere una maggioranza assoluta sovranista, con conseguenze negative sulla sua influenza internazionale. Nessuno dei partiti di questa maggioranza sarà nei principali gruppi politici del Parlamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia

Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a cond... more Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a condanne dei non credenti o degli eretici), ogni religione ha creato un vocabolario di esclusione. La maggioranza dei leader religiosi e dei fedeli prendono le distanze da tali forme di "estremismo", ma è di vitale importanza riflettere sulla laicità per evitare il rischio della creazione di tribù con le loro proprie regole nelle società democratiche. Quest'articolo è la versione breve di una communicazione alla conferenza "Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe" organizzata dalla European Federation for Freedom of Belief, con il supporto del Consiglio d'Europa, a Firenze i 18 e 19 gennaio 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the Steinherr Paper: “From here to EMU…”

Recherches économiques de Louvain, 1993

The paper presented by A. Steinherr has the great merit of reviewing a range of issues not usuall... more The paper presented by A. Steinherr has the great merit of reviewing a range of issues not usually discussed in the EMU debate. As a preliminary remark, however, the paper puts forward an overpessimistic interpretation of the Treaty. The changeover to a single monetary policy and to a single currency is certainly a very sensitive issue, where emotions and psychology are perhaps more important than technical questions.

Research paper thumbnail of Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire

Revue d'économie financière, 1989

Vissol Thierry. Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire. In: Revue d'économie fi... more Vissol Thierry. Le SME, socle de l'union économique et monétaire. In: Revue d'économie financière, n°8-9, 1989. L’Europe monétaire : SME, Écu, Union monétaire, sous la direction de Michel Aguetta et Jean-Pierre Patat. pp. 48-67

Research paper thumbnail of Pauvreté et lois sociales sous la Révolution française 1789-1794

Le 23 avril 1793 en première lecture, le 29 mai en seconde lecture, deux jours avant la chute de ... more Le 23 avril 1793 en première lecture, le 29 mai en seconde lecture, deux jours avant la chute de la Gironde, la Convention votait sans amendement et à l'unanimité, mais non sans débat, l'article 23 de la déclaration des droits de l'Homme dont Barère et Condorcet avaient été les rapporteurs : "Les secours publics sont une dette sacrée, et c'est à la loi à en déterminer l'étendue et l'application". Bien que moins radical que le texte proposé par Robespierre : "La société est obligée de pourvoir..

Research paper thumbnail of Qui a peur de l'élargissement ?

Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 2003

A large majority (61%) of the citizens of the ten accession countries do support the entrance of ... more A large majority (61%) of the citizens of the ten accession countries do support the entrance of their nation into the European Union, to be compared to a smaller majority (51%) among EU member countries. Such support somewhat hides many fears as expressed in the opinion polls or in the low turnout during the accession referenda. This article summarizes and

Research paper thumbnail of The Outlook for the Euro Changeover: A Summary and General Analysis

Journal of Consumer Policy, Jun 1, 1999

In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal ... more In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal elements involved are discussed as are the psychological aspects. Various practical problems and proposed solutions are described. The possibility of resistance from the consumers in certain segments of the Member State populations is also addressed. One reason for any such resistance might be that for many citizens, the change of currency appears to have little bearing on their everyday concerns. Particular attention is devoted to the scenario for the period 1 January to 1 July 2002, during which coins and notes in euros and national monetary units can be in circulation at the same time. BACKGROUND The changeover to the euro on 1 January 1999 as provided for by the scenario adopted by the Madrid Council in December 1996 and the national arrangements in place launches a genuine dynamic process of transition. On 1 January 1999, the entire wholesale monetary environment and the exchange, financial and stock markets changed over to the euro. From this date, all types of enterprises, banks and financial institutions are able to change their accounts and activities into euros and to offer their goods and services legally in euros. Theoretically, the same is true of consumers and especially those who can benefit from using the euro, namely tourists, cross-border populations and savers. The monetary law, the Madrid scenario and the market mechanisms should therefore trigger off a dynamic process, leading to widespread use of the euro between 1999 and 2002, including among consumers for a whole series of economic, legal and sociological reasons. At the same time, there are many banks and companies which would like to take things more slowly and to wait until 1 January 2002 to make the changeover. The same is true of consumers, many of whom have no economic or political interest in changing over to the euro

Research paper thumbnail of Is There a Case for an Eu Information Television Station

"""Is there a case for an EU information television station? In 2004, there were 3... more """Is there a case for an EU information television station? In 2004, there were 3660 television channels - international, pan-European, national, regional, local, special interest and general interest - broadcasting within the EU-25. In 1990 there were only 125. In 2004, the average European spent 215 minutes each day watching television - 24 minutes (13%) more than in 1995. Digital broadcasting is changing the way people watch TV, permitting more selective behaviour and forms of interactivity. Nevertheless, "News" programmes remain a favourite: 67% of TV viewers say they watch them every day and 19% several times a week. No wonder people in the EU regard television as their main source (or even their only source) of information - including information about the EU. However, despite this high level of TV consumption, studies show that public knowledge of politics, and more specifically of EU politics, has remained at the same very low level for years. It is true that only 343 channels are broadcasting news and that EU affairs represent only a small proportion of the content provided (5 to 10% of EU News as against 50 to 60% national news). Viewers are able to process and recall the news, and thus increase their knowledge, only when programmes take their needs and expectations into account. In this respect, with very few exceptions, television is failing to achieve its true potential as a knowledge-building tool and is very far from being the 'European Public Space' it should be. This book, based on the most up-to-date statistics and ad hoc studies, presents an in-depth analysis of the TV channels' markets for information, and more specifically EU information, both from the supply (Part I) and demand (Part II) sides. It pays particular attention to the Pan-European news channels and the national Parliamentary channels (Part III) and examines their role in contributing to a more participatory democracy. Its aim is to investigate what could be done by EU decision makers to help develop an audiovisual European Public Space. Thierry Vissol, the author, is audiovisual adviser in DG Communication, the European Commission's department for EU information and communication policy. Add to favourites Recommend this publication Print publication details Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission Private author(s): Thierry Vissol Themes: Information policy Target audience: Specialised/Technical EuroVoc: information policy, communications policy, dissemination of Community information, television " ISBN 92-79-00571-5"""

Research paper thumbnail of Éric Vuillard. La guerre des pauvres Éd. Actes Sud, 2019

La structure sociale en trois ordres, theorisee des le 8e siecle, s’affirme au cours des siecles ... more La structure sociale en trois ordres, theorisee des le 8e siecle, s’affirme au cours des siecles suivants pour devenir inattaquable aux 15e et 16e siecles. Toute remise en cause est un « crime de nouvellete », condamne et puni. La societe est figee dans ce carcan. Les inegalites s’accroissent car le fosse se creuse entre riches et pauvres d’autant que les trois etats ne comprennent que la noblesse, le clerge et les bourgeois. « Ceux qui peinent la bise au cul » selon l’expression de Georges Duby, sont meprises et laisses hors de la structure sociale, si ce n’est au travers de la charite. Le Livre de Sydrac (avant 1300), tres lu jusqu’au 16e siecle, affirme qu’il ne convient pas que les pauvres se melent aux puissants car leur sort « est celui des moutons qui en l’eau se bousculent, des grenouilles qui s’ecrasent les pieds parce qu’elles sont petites » et que le pauvre doit s’effacer devant le riche « excepte dans les batailles ». Une grande part de la litterature medievale se fait l’echo du mepris et de la peur des pauvres. Pour Christine de Pisan (1363-1430 ?) « De tels gens en verite doit-on avoir peu de pitie… que mesaise aient, c’est droiture ». Eustache Deshamps (1346-1407) rencherit : « …puissans, larrons atruandez, oyseux, faillis, dont nul bien ne peut estre » et preconise : « advisez-y baillis et senechaux, prenez, pendez et ce sera bien fait » ! Cette vision de l’ordre des choses s’appuie sur la tradition chretienne pour laquelle le paradis terrestre est irremediabl

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Droit et Justice, Vecteurs Indissociables De La Construction Europeenne

Revue du marche commun et de l'Union Européenne, 2000

The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe mainta... more The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe maintains its position as a playing field in the li fe of its citizens, the situations in which conflicts of laws arise are multiplying. The inactive legal field is not a legal field, as law is the essential base of political and social activity. However, the various judicial processes: national, trans-border and European justice (of both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice) interpenetrate but also sometimes ignore themselves. In the same time, law is getting increasingly complex, its sources overlap : on a national, community and international level or on a private level (such as codes of conduct and « soft laws"), being binding or purely indicative instruments. Does the resulting European law respond to the demands of action? What must the operational objectives be? How can one (and indeed must one?) protect the balance between national and European identity and culture? From these questions run different possible and antinomic possibilities of action, which are examined: - Euro-judges versus the co-operation of magistrates ; - Subsidiarity of law versus europeanisation of law ; - Unity of law versus national cohesion of law . Their convergent responses demonstrate that the solution goes through a pragmatic and non-dogmatic attempt at conciliating these antagonisms by relying on cultural national wealth and national legal systems to construct a Community of law that expresses a shared European and national citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Droit et Justice, Vecteurs Indissociables de La Construction Européenne

Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union européenne, 2000

The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe mainta... more The question of a united law for Europe arises daily, with increasing intensity. As Europe maintains its position as a playing field in the li fe of its citizens, the situations in which conflicts of laws arise are multiplying. The inactive legal field is not a legal field, as law is the essential base of political and social activity. However, the various judicial processes: national, trans-border and European justice (of both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice) interpenetrate but also sometimes ignore themselves. In the same time, law is getting increasingly complex, its sources overlap : on a national, community and international level or on a private level (such as codes of conduct and « soft laws"), being binding or purely indicative instruments.
Does the resulting European law respond to the demands of action? What must the operational objectives be? How can one (and indeed must one?) protect the balance between national and European identity and culture? From these questions run different possible and antinomic possibilities of action, which are examined:
- Euro-judges versus the co-operation of magistrates ;
- Subsidiarity of law versus europeanisation of law ;
- Unity of law versus national cohesion of law .
Their convergent responses demonstrate that the solution goes through a pragmatic and non-dogmatic attempt at conciliating these antagonisms by relying on cultural national wealth and national legal systems to construct a Community of law that expresses a shared European and national citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of Sanzioni contro la Russia: impatto ed effetto boomerang, 2022

eu/sanzioni-contro-la-russia-impatto-ed-effetto-boomerang/thierry-vissol/ USA, NATO e Ue hanno, f... more eu/sanzioni-contro-la-russia-impatto-ed-effetto-boomerang/thierry-vissol/ USA, NATO e Ue hanno, finora, escluso l'uso di risposte militare offensive all'invasione russa dell'Ucraina, preferendo sanzioni economiche e diplomatiche all'incontro della Russia, di politici (incluso Putin) e oligarchi. Solo precauzioni difensive sono prese nel Nord-Est e Sud-Est dell'Europa, con invio di armi, aiuti umanitari e soldi all'Ucraina. Tuttavia, la situazione potrebbe cambiare, secondo l'atteggiamento della Russia verso paesi dell'Ue o della Nato. Quindi si pone il problema di sapere se le sanzioni rinforzate-alcuni esistono già dal 2014-saranno sufficienti per bloccare le velleità di Putin o, al contrario lo convinceranno ad approfittare della debolezza dei paesi occidentali e della loro paura di usare la forza per impedire di proseguire nel suo sogno imperiale.

Research paper thumbnail of Hvorfor fremme den politiske satiren

Ny Tid, 2021

Why promote political satire? FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION / The satirical, political caricature is, in ... more Why promote political satire?
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION / The satirical, political caricature is, in its essence, an excellent counterweight to abuse and oppression.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Giornale di Libex, 2022

Il Giornale di Libex, Sep 2022

This publication is the paper printed version of a supplement to the website journal www.pagina21...[ more ](;)This publication is the paper printed version of a supplement to the website journal It is a collection of papers illustrated with numerous cartoons dedicated to propaganda since WW1 to the Russian war against Ukraine. It includes several interviews an numerous cartoons of Ukrainian cartoonists and of the Russian cartoonist Zlatkovsky.

Research paper thumbnail of L Europa Alla Prova Del Voto Risultati e Sfide Per Il Futuro

Com Nuovi Tempi, 2019

Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euro... more Molto osservatori, prima delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, temendo uno tsunami euroscettico, hanno dato un sospiro di sollievo dopo la pubblicazione dei risultati. Tra i paesi fondatori dell'Ue, l'Italia è il solo dove vince ed è al potere una maggioranza assoluta sovranista, con conseguenze negative sulla sua influenza internazionale. Nessuno dei partiti di questa maggioranza sarà nei principali gruppi politici del Parlamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia

Laicità, imperativo categorico per la democrazia, 2018

Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a cond... more Nonostante un credo umanistico e universalizzante dei testi sacri (mescolata pero' a condanne dei non credenti o degli eretici), ogni religione ha creato un vocabolario di esclusione. La maggioranza dei leader religiosi e dei fedeli prendono le distanze da tali forme di "estremismo", ma è di vitale importanza riflettere sulla laicità per evitare il rischio della creazione di tribù con le loro proprie regole nelle società democratiche. Quest'articolo è la versione breve di una communicazione alla conferenza "Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe" organizzata dalla European Federation for Freedom of Belief, con il supporto del Consiglio d'Europa, a Firenze i 18 e 19 gennaio 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Pauvreté et lois sociales sous la Révolution française 1789-1794

Idées économiques sous la Révolution (1789-1794), 1989

La Convention fut le parlement qui a voté la première déclaration des droits de l'homme, dont... more La Convention fut le parlement qui a voté la première déclaration des droits de l'homme, dont l'article 23 proclamait: "les secours publics sont une dette sacrée, et c'est à la loi à en déterminer l'étendue et l'application". près de 3 siècles après les premières véritables législations sociales de Charles Quint, le Parlement révolutionnaire, se basant sur de multiples études historiques et internationales, a voté une série de lois sociales d'une extrème modernité. malheureusement, la chute de la Gironde, les guerres et le retour des conservateurs les dénatureront totalement. cet article analyse les travaux effectués, le contenu des dispositions prévues en les comparant avec "la Caroline" et tente d'analyser les raisons pour lesquelles seules les aspects répressifs furent mis en oeuvre.

Research paper thumbnail of Verso la fine dell'umanità?

Towards the end of Humanity?, 2022

This is the catalogue of the 2022 Libex exhibition of editorial cartoons from international carto... more This is the catalogue of the 2022 Libex exhibition of editorial cartoons from international cartoonists illustrating the theme of the Title. In a long, documented and illustrated with historical cartoons introduction Thierry Vissol affront this theme.For the first time in its long history, humanity is in an increasing, perhaps inevitable, danger of extinction as a result of human activity.
Until recently, we were focused on the growing ecological threats and the return of deadly global pandemics. Air, water, sea and nature pollution, global warming and climate change have reached unsustainable levels.
Since 24 February 2022, the existence of planet Earth is once again threatened by a third world war or even by the outbreak of a nuclear war! A risk forgotten by the man in the street since the end of the Cold War.
With this return of tragedy, humanity is in danger of disappearing. To prevent this new form of doomsday from happening, it must reconcile itself with itself and with its history. Human beeings must understand that this is not only an environmental issue but also and above all a geopolitical, political, economic and social issue. On a global scale.
Inequality, violated rights, demography, migration, poverty, pandemics, wars, national and international power struggles and hegemonies, dictatorships, disinformation, ignorance, are all open issues that can produce global upheavals in a short time and change the course of human history.
It is urgent to act, even if it may already be too late. Yet everything is happening with a kind of general indifference. Will humans be able to forge a new destiny?

Research paper thumbnail of Cancel-liamoci, cancel-culture & politicamente corretto

Cancel-liamoci, 2021

This is the catalogue of the 2021 exhibition of editorial cartoons on the theme described in the ... more This is the catalogue of the 2021 exhibition of editorial cartoons on the theme described in the title. In the introduction, I propose the history of the cancel culture (and its censorship) since the XV century.
The Woke culture, ideology of the Cancel Culture and Politically Correct, is a belief system, an awareness of social and racial injustices (hence the term "woke"), with the imperative to act to resolve them. Wokism, with its cultural wars, typical of American politics and society and of its puritanism, dates back to the 1920s. Over time, the issues have expanded to include abortion, homosexuality, transgender rights, pornography, multiculturalism, racial views and other conflicts based on values, morality and lifestyles. It has now spread to all Western countries with race and gender identity movements and campaigns such as #BlackLivesMatter or #Metoo.
No one can question the legitimacy of battles against discrimination, against sexism and misogyny, racism, inequalities, nor the social-political importance of allowing minorities to express their discomforts and claims that are not covered by the mainstream media. However, the end can never justify the means. Especially, when through coordinated actions by collectives of defamers, through denunciation or the wide resonance offered by social networks, these forms of "fatwa" allow to censor, boycott or publicly humiliate individuals - past or present - whose opinions or behaviors are deemed offensive or judged divergent from the Woke Doxa. When the objective is to undermine the career or reputation of dissenting voices, to the point of trying to erase their traces so that their words, actions or memories are no longer mentioned or admired, their statues destroyed, as demonstrated by hundreds of cases.
More and more people in the media, in education, in publishing, even in politics - by interest, by conviction, or in the fear of becoming a target themselves, or because they fear losing their market - give credibility to these circumscribed indignations, contributing to the polarization and the radicalization of debates, to the violence of the social climate.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbasso la satira!

Abbasso la satira!, 2020

This is a catalogue of an editorial cartoons' exhibition organised by the Euro-Mediterranean cent... more This is a catalogue of an editorial cartoons' exhibition organised by the Euro-Mediterranean center Librexpression (Fondazione Giuseppe di Vagno) -Italy. It is dealing with freedom of expression, satire and censorship. Cartoons are from dozen of countries' editorial cartoonists. An extended introduction, illustrated with historical and modern cartoons, different from those exhibited, describe the story of political cartoons, their impact, their censorship and the harassment (murder or jail) of their authors, including the self censorship under the pressure of political, religious and economic powers.

Research paper thumbnail of Qui a peur de l'Elargissement?

Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, De Boeck Editor, Tome XLII, 2003/3, 2003

Introduction to the Special issue of Reflets and perspective de la vie économiques, 2003/3 Tome X... more Introduction to the Special issue of Reflets and perspective de la vie économiques, 2003/3 Tome XLII, of which I was the Editor. the Introduction offers a comparison between the enlargement to the Est-Europe with the precedents ones, in terms of development and convergence, as well as a presentation of the main themes of this special issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Dalle Rivoluzioni alle post-rivoluzioni

Fondazione Giuseppe di Vagno, 2017

Catalogo di una mostra di 55 vignette satiriche a colori, realizzate da vignettisti di 30 paesi d... more Catalogo di una mostra di 55 vignette satiriche a colori, realizzate da vignettisti di 30 paesi diversi, sul tema delle rivoluzioni nella storia, nel presente e nel futuro. E' preceduto di una introduzione sulla storia delle rivoluzioni e della satira politica su questo tema, scritta da Thierry Vissol

Research paper thumbnail of Lunapocene, Distruggeremo anche la Luna? Lunapocene, Shall we also destroy the Moon?

Lunapocene, distruggeremo anche la Luna?, 2019

This another catalogue of the annual exhibition of political cartoons organised by the Euro-Medit... more This another catalogue of the annual exhibition of political cartoons organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Center Librexpression-Foundation Giuseppe Di Vagno, on the theme of the conquest of the Moon. 55 political cartoons were selected among the best world press cartoonists, from 26 different countries. A introduction by Thierry Vissol "From Anthropocene to Lunapocene" develops an historical an sociological analysis of the way the Moon has always been a human fascination and how its cycle were used, as well as the development of the will to conquest it, and the risks that the realisation of this secular wish in the present geopolitical context do represent for humanity and for the Moon itself.

Research paper thumbnail of Era Digitale, verso una nuova servitù volontaria

Era Digitale verso una nuova servitù volontaria, 2018

This small book (66 pages in quadricromia) is a the catalogue of an exhibition of political carto... more This small book (66 pages in quadricromia) is a the catalogue of an exhibition of political cartoons organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Center Librexpression Foundation Giuseppe di Vagno, on the basis of an International competition, where more than 400 cartoonists from 55 countries participated. Only 55 cartoons were selected by the jury and exhibited in the beautiful space of the San Benedetto Cloister in Conversano(BA) Italy. It is introduce by an historical and sociological analysis of progress since the apparition of the homo sapiens, by Thierry Vissol: "Homo Sapiens, Robot & Android.

Research paper thumbnail of Europa matrigna Sovranità, identità, economie DONZELLI EDITORE

Europa matrigna Sovranità, identità, economie, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Libertà di espressione in Europa

Sinopsi: Elemento fondamentale della democrazia, diritto inviolabile e inalienabile della persona... more Sinopsi: Elemento fondamentale della democrazia, diritto inviolabile e inalienabile della persona, la libertà di espressione rimane un diritto il cui contenuto e quello dei temi ad esso collegati (tolleranza, rispetto, responsabilità…) possono condurre a molteplici declinazioni e sfumature. Per ciò rimarranno materie non consensuali se non quando conflittuali.
Dopo un riassunto dello stato delle legislazioni nell’Unione europea, delle sentenze della Corte europea dei diritti umani e di quelle della Corte di giustizia europea, questo libro propone una riflessione sui limiti che dovrebbero, o no, inquadrare questa libertà in una società democratica e tollerante. Se fosse il caso, come definire questi limiti? Chi dovrebbe farlo? Secondo quali criteri condivisi? Gli autori, giuristi, storici, giornalisti, scrittori, vignettisti satirici, propongono una varietà di punti di vista che riflettono il dibattito attuale. Un libro illustrato dal talento di decine di vignettisti italiani e non.

Research paper thumbnail of Toby, dalla pace alla guerra 1913-1918, storia esemplare di un (qualunque) soldato d'Europa

Le commemorazioni ufficiali, come quella del primo conflitto mondiale, servono talvolta a recuper... more Le commemorazioni ufficiali, come quella del primo conflitto mondiale, servono talvolta a recuperare le tessere più piccole e al contempo rivelatrici degli scenari della grande storia. Questo libro è un’occasione imperdibile per sporgersi al di là del teatro di guerra e scoprire la trama delle vite vissute da uomini e donne prima e durante questo primo suicidio dell’Europa.
Nel 1913 Toby, dopo aver viaggiato in un continente cosmopolita e innovativo, già fortemente interconnesso, parte da limoges per andare a lavorare a Norimberga. In dodici mesi, il giovane impara la lingua, lavora fianco a fianco con i tedeschi, visita i luoghi e le città. Torna in Francia nel giugno del 1914, per il servizio militare, senza neanche immaginare che due mesi dopo sarebbe esplosa la follia della guerra. L’ Europa da un giorno all’altro non è più un continente in pace, pieno di fiducia nel suo futuro, nella tecnologia e nel progresso sociale, ma un intrico di alleanze e intese contrapposte in una distruzione reciproca, sistematica e senza pietà. Toby, come milioni di altri giovani, deve scendere al l’inferno, in trincea. Quello della Woëvre, di Verdun, dell’Argonne e, a fianco delle truppe italiane, sul Piave. a lui francese, appena tornato dalla Germania, tocca sparare a quelli che qualche mese prima erano suoi amici. Ma Toby per tutta la vita affermerà: «Non ho mai ucciso un tedesco!»… È questo il filo lungo cui si dipana il racconto di quegli anni che vedranno dapprima il sorgere dei nazionalismi e poi lo scoppio del conflitto. lo storico Thierry Vissol – nipote del soldato Toby, da cui ha ereditato un archivio di inestimabile valore per la ricostruzione della vita quotidiana, in pace e poi in guerra, dell’epoca (foto, documenti ufficiali, manifesti, riviste satiriche, e poi le lettere e i diari dal fronte), oltre che raccolto la testimonianza diretta dell’esperienza vissuta – pubblica per la prima volta questo patrimonio di documenti e immagini originali. Accanto alle lettere e ai taccuini di Toby, che ci restituiscono plasticamente lo stato d’animo di un giovane nel passaggio dalla pace all’orrore, un ricchissimo apparato iconografico ci porta nel clima dell’Europa prima della guerra e poi in trincea. attraverso la vicenda del singolo, il volume offre un ampio spaccato di uno dei periodi più drammatici per il Vecchio continente.

Research paper thumbnail of E' Tutta Colpa dell'Europa, Euroscettisci ed eurocritici in 56 vignette satiriche

Crisi economica, crisi della democrazia, crisi del sistema paese…crisi: non si sente parlar d’alt... more Crisi economica, crisi della democrazia, crisi del sistema paese…crisi: non si sente parlar d’altro. E molto spesso la madre di tutti i mali, il parafulmine di tutte le lagnanze, è una sola: l’Europa, la vecchia e non proprio «cara» Unione europea. Il Vecchio continente sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale, che mette in discussione la sua centralità in un mondo multipolare. L’età media dei cittadini è sempre più elevata, le risorse e le materie prime sono scarse, lo scenario è quello di una dipendenza energetica dagli altri paesi: un quadro destabilizzante per le democrazie europee. L’Unione sembra inoltre incapace di far fronte alle molteplici sfide che la attendono, spesso intrappolata nei suoi trattati e nei suoi intricati meccanismi di governance. I sintomi di cui soffre l’Europa dipendono, secondo Thierry Vissol, da tre grandi malattie: la mancanza di memoria, la complessità delle sue istituzioni e dei meccanismi che le regolano e la confusione che ne deriva. Sulla base di questa diagnosi l’autore tenta di fare chiarezza: riportando alla luce una storia dell’Europa spesso ignorata e sgombrando il campo dai luoghi comuni e dai preconcetti che regnano nell’opinione pubblica quando si parla di Unione europea. Come contrappunto ironico e salace a questo tentativo di mettere ordine nel groviglio delle istituzioni europee, intervengono le vignette: termometro dello scetticismo degli europei nei confronti dell’Unione e riflesso di un diffuso sentimento di rabbia, funzionano anche da sensore del grado di autonomia del pensiero di un popolo, del suo livello di coscienza e della capacità di essere cittadini. Proprio con il supporto delle più belle vignette sull’Europa pubblicate negli ultimi anni e non solo, Vissol porta alla luce una verità più profonda, svelando che forse, in fondo, non è proprio tutta colpa dell’Europa…

Research paper thumbnail of Dottor B in Europa / Alla scoperta dell'Europa, viaggio a fumetti in un mondo sconosciuto

Using the letters of the alphabet, this book presents for each of them an action or a policy of t... more Using the letters of the alphabet, this book presents for each of them an action or a policy of the EU in a simple way. From A (for Azione esterna - External action), B (like BCE) to Z (for zootecnia). Each concept explained in a simple way is also declined in a satirical way by the cartoonist Maurizio Boscarol.
Several infographies complete the information, as well as a short bibliography.

Research paper thumbnail of Quo vadis Euro(pa)

"Celebrating the Euro ten years after the introduction of euro-banknotes and coins, while the Eur... more "Celebrating the Euro ten years after the introduction of euro-banknotes and coins, while the Eurozone is in great turmoil may seem hazardous. Nevertheless, the introduction of the euro is a unique experience in the whole world monetary history. Although attacked by markets and politicians, the Euro is still the second world currency, and euro-coins and notes remain a key communication tool between EU citizens and a symbol of the EU construction.
When, on the first of January 1999 eleven Member States gave up their monetary sovereignty they were hoping – and believing – to contribute to the citizens’ wellbeing and prosperity, to forge a new way to cope with the world and European challenges at stake, through the establishment of a new political entity, much stronger and more authoritative than each of them could ever be individually. Since then, notwithstanding the crisis seven other EU Member States followed suite.
However, it can be argued as to whether the Euro or the European Union are the cause or the cure of the current economic, financial and democracy crisis.
“Quo vadis Euro(pa)?” outlines the reasons, the internal and external constraints that motivated the EU leaders to create such a single currency, as well as the economic and political challenges to be resolved to make it work properly. Moreover, based on their experience as economists, privileged witnesses and actors of the Euro construction, the authors look at what did not work and why once the initial project was launched. They also suggest possible ways out of the present global crisis as well as ideas for a more efficient and democratic Euro(pe).
The book is completed by the publication of major texts issued by the President of the Commission, the President of the European Council and by a group of Foreign ministers from 11 Member States, by a commented bibliography and Chronology of the European monetary history.
Extract: "Now more than ever Europe is at risk of "explosion" but could, at the same time, make a qualitative step towards a political and economic union. However, the European Federation is yet to be defined in detail. Centripetal and centrifugal forces are in action, may they be political, economic, financial or social.
Centrifugal forces because the crisis led to the downsizing of the social protection model developed during the growth of the years 1950-1980. It caused a drop in the purchasing power of the weakest sectors of the population and a rise of unemployment rates, especially among young people.
As a consequence, the political and social situations are potentially explosive.
Centripetal forces because, until now, the crisis that have marked the history of the Union since 1951 have been a drive for the integration of Europe.
Perhaps, the greatest advantage of this crisis is that it highlights the democratic needs of a European system still to be completed.
This books aims therefore at explaining how, following the creation of a single currency, Europe’s very nature has changed. At the same time, it outlines a future vision based on concrete proposals by various specialists, including Marco Zatterin, Eric Jozsef, Stefan Collignon, Sandro Gozi, Giancarlo del Bufalo and Vincenzo Visco.”

Francesco GUI teaches Modern History at the “Sapienza” University in Rome.
Thierry VISSOL Economist and scholar. Civil servant of the European Commission, he contributed in building the EMU. Currently Special Adviser in the Representation of the European Commission in Italy.
More Info: A cura di Francesco Gui e Thierry Vissol

Research paper thumbnail of "Is there a case for an EU InformationTelevision Station?"

Is there a case for an EU information television station? In 2004, there were 3660 television c... more Is there a case for an EU information television station?
In 2004, there were 3660 television channels - international, pan-European, national, regional, local, special interest and general interest - broadcasting within the EU-25. In 1990 there were only 125. In 2004, the average European spent 215 minutes each day watching television - 24 minutes (13%) more than in 1995. Digital broadcasting is changing the way people watch TV, permitting more selective behaviour and forms of interactivity. Nevertheless, "News" programmes remain a favourite: 67% of TV viewers say they watch them every day and 19% several times a week. No wonder people in the EU regard television as their main source (or even their only source) of information - including information about the EU. However, despite this high level of TV consumption, studies show that public knowledge of politics, and more specifically of EU politics, has remained at the same very low level for years. It is true that only 343 channels are broadcasting news and that EU affairs represent only a small proportion of the content provided (5 to 10% of EU News as against 50 to 60% national news). Viewers are able to process and recall the news, and thus increase their knowledge, only when programmes take their needs and expectations into account. In this respect, with very few exceptions, television is failing to achieve its true potential as a knowledge-building tool and is very far from being the 'European Public Space' it should be. This book, based on the most up-to-date statistics and ad hoc studies, presents an in-depth analysis of the TV channels' markets for information, and more specifically EU information, both from the supply (Part I) and demand (Part II) sides. It pays particular attention to the Pan-European news channels and the national Parliamentary channels (Part III) and examines their role in contributing to a more participatory democracy. Its aim is to investigate what could be done by EU decision makers to help develop an audiovisual European Public Space. Thierry Vissol, the author, is audiovisual adviser in DG Communication, the European Commission's department for EU information and communication policy.

Add to favourites Recommend this publication Print publication details Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission
Private author(s): Thierry Vissol
Themes: Information policy
Target audience: Specialised/Technical
EuroVoc: information policy, communications policy, dissemination of Community information, television

Research paper thumbnail of De l'Europe à l'Euro

"This book is an history of European monies, monetary unions, and debates on monetary policy sinc... more "This book is an history of European monies, monetary unions, and debates on monetary policy since the antiquity, up to the Euro with numerous illustrations. It is the catalogue of an large exhibition (1.500 sqm) I invented and was curator in the European Parliament in 1996, exhibition, that went around Europe, in Japan and Australia, in a smaller format from 1996 to 2002. The last exhibition was set up in the Belgium Mint in 2001-2002.
The book is available in French and in Dutch""

Research paper thumbnail of Petit Dictionnaire de l'Euro

"Petit dictionnaire, à portée de tous, des principaux concepts, pratiques, théories, qui ont prés... more "Petit dictionnaire, à portée de tous, des principaux concepts, pratiques, théories, qui ont présidés à la construction de l'Union monétaire européenne et à sa réalisation. Ouvrage écrit avant la décision finale du passage à l'euro.
Ouvrage traduit en: Allemand, Grec, Portugais, Catalan, Turc"

Research paper thumbnail of The Outlook for the Euro Changeover: A Summary and General Analysis

Journal of Consumers Policies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, in Italian: by Franco Angeli, in French by Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union européenne, Jun 1, 1999

"In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal... more "In this paper, the procedures and problems of the changeover to the euro are reviewed. The legal elements involved are discussed as are the psychological aspects. Various practical problems and proposed solutions are described. The possibility of resistance from the consumers in certain segments of the Member State populations is also addressed. One reason for any such resistance might be that for many citizens, the change of currency appears to have little bearing on their everyday concerns.
Particular attention is devoted to the scenario for the period 1 January to 1 July 2002, during which coins and notes in euros and national monetary units can be in circulation at the same time.

Research paper thumbnail of L'économique contre l'humain?