Thomas Carsey - (original) (raw)
Papers by Thomas Carsey
In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexaf... more In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer. The objectives of this study were to determine if the data collected from the tracer study could be used to develop a farfield model of the plume exiting the Boynton Inlet using limited data to develop a useful predictive result. There are few studies of the farfield movement of inlet plumes in the coastal ocean. The plume was successfully modeled with a Gaussian plume model that appears to mimic the response. It was noted that the tracer concentrated in a series of boluses that migrated north of the inlet. Because the
2015 IEEE/OES Eleveth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM), 2015
We describe a cost-effective methodology for obtaining loadings for the environmentally significa... more We describe a cost-effective methodology for obtaining loadings for the environmentally significant chemical species (silicate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and orthophosphate) through coastal inlets (Hillsboro and Boca Raton, Florida, USA). Loading were computed from field measurements obtained during an 18-month period, including four ebb tide intensive sampling efforts and biweekly water grab samples.
under whose d ir e c tio n th i s work was perform ed. I would a ls o lik e to thank p re s e n t... more under whose d ir e c tio n th i s work was perform ed. I would a ls o lik e to thank p re s e n t and p a st members of Dr. McGlynn's Research Group fo r t h e i r d is c u s s io n s and s u g g e s tio n s. This work was supported by the U nited S ta te s Atomic Energy Commision-Division of Biomedical and Environmental R esearch-F h y sics and T ech n o lo g ical Program and the L o u isian a S ta te U n iv e rs ity. F in an cial a s s is ta n c e in p r e p a r a tio n o f th is d i s s e r t a t i o n was provided by the C harles E. Coates Memorial Fund of L ouisiana S ta te U n iv e rsity Foundation donated by George H, Coates. This support and a s s is ta n c e i s g r a t e f u l l y acknowledged. F in a lly , I ex p ress my g r a ti tu d e to my w ife, Pam, and to our c h ild r e n , fo r th e i r p a tie n c e and i n s p i r a t i o n d u rin g the years of mv g rad u ate work.
The Southeast Florida coast includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach (~25.6 t... more The Southeast Florida coast includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach (~25.6 to ~26.9°N latitude), containing about 142 km of coastline extending approximately parallel to the flow of the Florida Current to the east. The region contains three non-continuous reef tracts containing ecosystems of significant economic, ecological, and aesthetic value to the 5.5 million residents therein (2010). This area also contains significant point sources of pollution, i.e., five important ocean inlets and six treated-wastewater outfalls, and two ocean dredged materials disposal sites (ODMDS) (Figure 1). The task of conserving and managing this important ecosystem is performed by Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection, including developing a consistent and effective regulatory process. In the past, standards for inland and coastal water quality were written as narrative standards, viz., in no case shall nutrient concentrations of body of water be altered so as to cause ...
On the spring 1995 cruise of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel ... more On the spring 1995 cruise of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Malcolm Baldrige, we measured very large diurnal variations in ozone concentrations in the marine boundary layer. Average diurnal variations of about 32% of the mean were observed over the tropical Indian Ocean. We simulated these observations with the Model of Chemistry in Clouds and Aerosols, a photochemical box model with detailed aerosol chemistry. The model was constrained with photolysis rates, humidity, aerosol concentrations, NO, CO, and 03 specified by shipboard observations and ozonesondes. Conventional homogeneous chemistry, where ozone photolysis to O(•D) and HOx chemistry dominate ozone destruction, can account for a diurnal variation of only about 12%. On wet sea-salt aerosols (at humidities above the deliquescence point), absorption of HOBr leads to release of BrC1 and Br2, which photolyze to produce Br atoms that may provide an additional photochemical ozone sink. After 8 days of simulation, these Br atoms reach a peak concentration of 1.2 x 107 cm-3 at noon and destroy ozone through a catalytic cycle involving BrO and HOBr. Reactive Br lost to HBr can be absorbed into the aerosol phase and reactivated. The model predicts a diurnal variation in 03 of 22% with aerosol-derived Br reaction explaining much, but not all, of the observed photochemical loss. The lifetime of ozone under these conditions is short, about 2 days. These results indicate that halogens play an important role in oxidation processes and the ozone budget in parts of the remote marine boundary layer.
Environment and Natural Resources Research, 2015
The Boynton Inlet (SE Florida, USA) is one of two tidal inlets connecting the Lake Worth Lagoon t... more The Boynton Inlet (SE Florida, USA) is one of two tidal inlets connecting the Lake Worth Lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean. To quantitate the amount of anthropogenic materials reaching the South Florida coastal ocean and reef track, nutrient fluxes through the Boynton Inlet were measured during two 48-hour intensive studies conducted on June 4-6 and September 26-28, 2007. These studies combined analyses of water samples taken at regular intervals in the Boynton Inlet with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements of the flow through the inlet. Data collected include concentrations of nutrients (silicate [Si], orthophosphate [PO 4 ], ammonium [NH 4 ], nitrate+nitrite [N+N]), isotope ratios of nitrogen, and physical parameters that included pH, salinity, total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity. The study found a significant but highly variable flux of nutrients in the eight outgoing (ebb) tidal pulses sampled. Daily fluxes of nitrate+nitrite ranged from 16 to 565 kg N, silicate from 564 to 5197 kg Si, phosphate from 154 to 309 kg P, and ammonium from 34 to 354 kg N. These results are compared with other sources of nutrient inputs into the coastal environment. Inlets are a significant source of offshore nutrients.
Tropical cyclones (TCs, hurricanes) are episodic mesoscale features of the tropical and subtropic... more Tropical cyclones (TCs, hurricanes) are episodic mesoscale features of the tropical and subtropical oceans that are likely to have a large impact on the distributions and fluxes of trace gases. The troposphere boundary layer, possibly enriched by enhanced exchange of dissolved gases from the sea surface, is transported upward as high as 15 km and redistributed over a large horizontal area. Measurements of selected trace gases should therefore be useful in understanding hurricane dynamics and structure; for example, to resolve an ongoing controversy about the lifetime of air within the eye and mixing areas of the eye wall boundary (Willoughby, Mon. Wea. Rev. 126, 3053, 1998). However, few systematic measurements of significant trace gases in TCs have been obtained. NOAA-AOML has measured ozone (O3) in eyewall crossings for a number of Atlantic TCs during the 1998 and 1999 seasons on board NOAA P-3 hurricane research flights. Ozone concentrations showed considerable variation across t...
Applied Industrial Hygiene, 1987
Abstract The sampling device recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and He... more Abstract The sampling device recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for the determination of respirable silica is a 10-mm nylon cyclone and 37-mm cassette loaded with a PVC-type filter and operated at 1.7 lpm. The device has been ...
This portion of the cruise track traversed three diverse wind and chemical regimes: pristine pola... more This portion of the cruise track traversed three diverse wind and chemical regimes: pristine polar westerlies, polluted westerlies and marine southeasterlies. Along this cruise track a large suite of chemical and meteorological data were measured. These included ozone, carbon monoxide in air and surface water, NO, NO2, NOy, peroxyacetyl nitrate, SO2 and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC). Aerosols were sampled by cascade
Biscayne Bay is a large subtropical estuary that extends from Broward County in the north to Barn... more Biscayne Bay is a large subtropical estuary that extends from Broward County in the north to Barnes Sound in the south.While average depths are shallow, the Bay also includes portions of the Intracoastal Waterway, the Port of Miami,and numerous dredged channels to support commercial and recreational boating. The highly developed and economically vibrant urban areas of Miami and Miami Beach reach to the shoreline in many parts of the Bay, especially in the north.To the south, undeveloped coastline can be found on both the east and west sides of the Bay. Overall, Biscayne Bay is widely regarded as a highly valued marine ecosystem with considerable natural value. All areas of the Bay have some level of protected status at either the national or state level. The principal goal of this study was to estimate the expected value of turbidity at selected study sites in Biscayne Bay during times when no major construction or dredging activities were taking place, using methods that allowed fo...
American Industrial Hygiene Association journal, 1987
A Large Inorganic Sampler Assembly (LISA) system has been built for the evaluation of particulate... more A Large Inorganic Sampler Assembly (LISA) system has been built for the evaluation of particulate sampling devices, including the device used in the NIOSH method for respirable silica (Method 7500). Significant features of LISA are the following: 1) The accommodation of up to 30 filter cassettes or 12 cyclone samplers; 2) high precision of particulate deposition (Sr = 2.2%); 3) micro-computerized reduction of optical particle counter data; and 4) special design features to facilitate ease of operation. The system has been used to evaluate sampler systems for a number of different airborne dusts.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 1988
One hundred and one sediment cores were collected to characterize the spatial distribution of pet... more One hundred and one sediment cores were collected to characterize the spatial distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons within and just outside Blind Pass, St. Pete Beach, Florida. Twenty-five percent of the cores exhibited levels of petroleum hydrocarbons above detection limits of the gas chromatograph/flame ionization detector (GC/FID) (0.01 mg/Kg), but at generally low concentrations. Petroleum hydrocarbon speciation studies of these samples (gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy [GC/MS]) indicate above-detection level (1 μg/Kg) petroleum hydrocarbons are similar to the non-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons found in a Bouchard 155 reference sample collected after the 1993 oil spill in the area, but are in a much degraded and weathered state. Individual petroleum hydrocarbons were, in all but one case, below the threshold effective level (TEL) described in the literature (MacDonald, 1994). The petroleum hydrocarbons were primarily found at 100-300 cm depth in Blind Pass cores. Above-det...
Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 1982
The technique of x-ray fluorescence is ideal for the analysis of metal fumes such as are produced... more The technique of x-ray fluorescence is ideal for the analysis of metal fumes such as are produced in various welding and brazing operations. Although the constitution of welding and brazing fumes is dependent on the nature of the base metal, flux, and welding material used, they typically contain the oxides of iron, nickel, chromium, and manganese (stainless steel welding). The fumes are in the form of very small particles, usually 1.0 um, and are often agglomerated into long chains. Filter samples of these fumes, as are used in industrial hygiene monitoring, may contain 30-300 ug/filter of particles on one surface of a low-mass, 37-mm membrane filter.
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2014
In June, 2004 and February, 2007, in field tracer studies were conducted on the Hollywood and Sou... more In June, 2004 and February, 2007, in field tracer studies were conducted on the Hollywood and South Central outfalls, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) as a tracer. The objective of these studies was to determine if the tracer could be detected in the farfield at significant distance, and if so, could this data be used to construct a model of the farfield plume. Prior models for farfield plume movement do not appear to comport well with the conditions in southeast Florida. Extensive research was conducted in southeast Florida on 4 outfalls, which led to the development of nearfield dilution equations for same. However farfield modeling of outfall plumes was difficult to accomplish because the tracers used are not detectable for significant distances. The SF6 resolved that problem and as a result the Hollywood outfall was used to construct a model. Two methods were investigated for modeling the plume, 1) the Eureqa formulation method and 2) the Gamma-Curve method. The concentrations in the x-y plane were first found by using the Eureqa formulation to calculate the concentration at each grid point given its depth and the concentration of the centerline at the same latitude. The plume models were generated using MATLAB that matched with the results actually seen in the field.
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 2012
In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexaf... more In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) tracer. The objectives of this study were to determine if the data collected from the tracer study could be used to develop a farfield model of the plume exiting the Boynton Inlet using limited data to develop a useful predictive result. There are few studies of the farfield movement of inlet plumes in the coastal ocean. The plume was successfully modeled with a Gaussian plume model that appears to mimic the response. It was noted that the tracer concentrated in a series of boluses that migrated north of the inlet. Because the project injected the tracer for only 4 hours during the outgoing time, a long-term result that would hide the boluses was developed. The results showed velocities lower than predicted by the measured current data. The belief is that this is partially a result of tidal influences that affect outflow from the inlet.
... P. Weiss, France PORT CALLS: Vilo do Porto, Azores, Porto Santo, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Azor... more ... P. Weiss, France PORT CALLS: Vilo do Porto, Azores, Porto Santo, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Azores CHIEF SCIENTIST: Dr. Alexander A. Pszenny ... Boulder, CO B. Bonsang, CNFIS, France D. Blake, U. Califomia, Irvine T. Church, U. of Delaware, Newark S. Kreidenweis, Col. St. ...
Results from an multilaboratory intercomparison exercise for the determination of non-methane hyd... more Results from an multilaboratory intercomparison exercise for the determination of non-methane hydrocarbons in the North Pacific troposphere are presented. Each of the ten participating labs analyzed marine air obtained on the NOAA ship R/V RESEARCHER and from a single large tank of Oregon coastal air for some or all of the following: ethane, ethylene, 1-butene, isobutene (2-methyl 1-propene), cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene, iso-pentene, n-pentane, isopentene (2-methyl 1-butene), 1-pentene, benzene, toluene, methane, carbon dioxide, and methyl chloroform. The following parameters were computed where data was sufficient for each lab and each analyte: mean mixing ratios, total precision, analytical precision, and sampling precision. Means were compared using a nonparametric procedure. Mixing ratios vs time data for the various compounds indicated that diurnal changes were minimal or absent; however, slight decreases in mixing ratios were observed for C2H6, C2H2, CH3CCl3, CO and CH4.
Theoretica Chimica Acta, 1980
The Self Consistent Modified Extended Hiickel molecular orbital method had been applied to severa... more The Self Consistent Modified Extended Hiickel molecular orbital method had been applied to several square planar complexes of platinum (II). Calculations including both the limited 5d, 6s, 6p and extended 5s, 5/), 5d, 6s, 6p starting bases for platinum were made. It is shown that in PtC1]both the nuclear quadrupole moment and minimum total energy vs. bond distance are calculated to be in good agreement with experiment, only with the extended platinum AO basis. Specific inclusion of relativistic parameters via a pseudo-relativistic approximation are shown to have a significant effect on the energy molecular energy levels, however no meaningful rationalization can be made without the simultaneous inclusion of ligand field parameters as well.
In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexaf... more In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer. The objectives of this study were to determine if the data collected from the tracer study could be used to develop a farfield model of the plume exiting the Boynton Inlet using limited data to develop a useful predictive result. There are few studies of the farfield movement of inlet plumes in the coastal ocean. The plume was successfully modeled with a Gaussian plume model that appears to mimic the response. It was noted that the tracer concentrated in a series of boluses that migrated north of the inlet. Because the
2015 IEEE/OES Eleveth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM), 2015
We describe a cost-effective methodology for obtaining loadings for the environmentally significa... more We describe a cost-effective methodology for obtaining loadings for the environmentally significant chemical species (silicate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and orthophosphate) through coastal inlets (Hillsboro and Boca Raton, Florida, USA). Loading were computed from field measurements obtained during an 18-month period, including four ebb tide intensive sampling efforts and biweekly water grab samples.
under whose d ir e c tio n th i s work was perform ed. I would a ls o lik e to thank p re s e n t... more under whose d ir e c tio n th i s work was perform ed. I would a ls o lik e to thank p re s e n t and p a st members of Dr. McGlynn's Research Group fo r t h e i r d is c u s s io n s and s u g g e s tio n s. This work was supported by the U nited S ta te s Atomic Energy Commision-Division of Biomedical and Environmental R esearch-F h y sics and T ech n o lo g ical Program and the L o u isian a S ta te U n iv e rs ity. F in an cial a s s is ta n c e in p r e p a r a tio n o f th is d i s s e r t a t i o n was provided by the C harles E. Coates Memorial Fund of L ouisiana S ta te U n iv e rsity Foundation donated by George H, Coates. This support and a s s is ta n c e i s g r a t e f u l l y acknowledged. F in a lly , I ex p ress my g r a ti tu d e to my w ife, Pam, and to our c h ild r e n , fo r th e i r p a tie n c e and i n s p i r a t i o n d u rin g the years of mv g rad u ate work.
The Southeast Florida coast includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach (~25.6 t... more The Southeast Florida coast includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach (~25.6 to ~26.9°N latitude), containing about 142 km of coastline extending approximately parallel to the flow of the Florida Current to the east. The region contains three non-continuous reef tracts containing ecosystems of significant economic, ecological, and aesthetic value to the 5.5 million residents therein (2010). This area also contains significant point sources of pollution, i.e., five important ocean inlets and six treated-wastewater outfalls, and two ocean dredged materials disposal sites (ODMDS) (Figure 1). The task of conserving and managing this important ecosystem is performed by Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection, including developing a consistent and effective regulatory process. In the past, standards for inland and coastal water quality were written as narrative standards, viz., in no case shall nutrient concentrations of body of water be altered so as to cause ...
On the spring 1995 cruise of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel ... more On the spring 1995 cruise of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Malcolm Baldrige, we measured very large diurnal variations in ozone concentrations in the marine boundary layer. Average diurnal variations of about 32% of the mean were observed over the tropical Indian Ocean. We simulated these observations with the Model of Chemistry in Clouds and Aerosols, a photochemical box model with detailed aerosol chemistry. The model was constrained with photolysis rates, humidity, aerosol concentrations, NO, CO, and 03 specified by shipboard observations and ozonesondes. Conventional homogeneous chemistry, where ozone photolysis to O(•D) and HOx chemistry dominate ozone destruction, can account for a diurnal variation of only about 12%. On wet sea-salt aerosols (at humidities above the deliquescence point), absorption of HOBr leads to release of BrC1 and Br2, which photolyze to produce Br atoms that may provide an additional photochemical ozone sink. After 8 days of simulation, these Br atoms reach a peak concentration of 1.2 x 107 cm-3 at noon and destroy ozone through a catalytic cycle involving BrO and HOBr. Reactive Br lost to HBr can be absorbed into the aerosol phase and reactivated. The model predicts a diurnal variation in 03 of 22% with aerosol-derived Br reaction explaining much, but not all, of the observed photochemical loss. The lifetime of ozone under these conditions is short, about 2 days. These results indicate that halogens play an important role in oxidation processes and the ozone budget in parts of the remote marine boundary layer.
Environment and Natural Resources Research, 2015
The Boynton Inlet (SE Florida, USA) is one of two tidal inlets connecting the Lake Worth Lagoon t... more The Boynton Inlet (SE Florida, USA) is one of two tidal inlets connecting the Lake Worth Lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean. To quantitate the amount of anthropogenic materials reaching the South Florida coastal ocean and reef track, nutrient fluxes through the Boynton Inlet were measured during two 48-hour intensive studies conducted on June 4-6 and September 26-28, 2007. These studies combined analyses of water samples taken at regular intervals in the Boynton Inlet with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements of the flow through the inlet. Data collected include concentrations of nutrients (silicate [Si], orthophosphate [PO 4 ], ammonium [NH 4 ], nitrate+nitrite [N+N]), isotope ratios of nitrogen, and physical parameters that included pH, salinity, total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity. The study found a significant but highly variable flux of nutrients in the eight outgoing (ebb) tidal pulses sampled. Daily fluxes of nitrate+nitrite ranged from 16 to 565 kg N, silicate from 564 to 5197 kg Si, phosphate from 154 to 309 kg P, and ammonium from 34 to 354 kg N. These results are compared with other sources of nutrient inputs into the coastal environment. Inlets are a significant source of offshore nutrients.
Tropical cyclones (TCs, hurricanes) are episodic mesoscale features of the tropical and subtropic... more Tropical cyclones (TCs, hurricanes) are episodic mesoscale features of the tropical and subtropical oceans that are likely to have a large impact on the distributions and fluxes of trace gases. The troposphere boundary layer, possibly enriched by enhanced exchange of dissolved gases from the sea surface, is transported upward as high as 15 km and redistributed over a large horizontal area. Measurements of selected trace gases should therefore be useful in understanding hurricane dynamics and structure; for example, to resolve an ongoing controversy about the lifetime of air within the eye and mixing areas of the eye wall boundary (Willoughby, Mon. Wea. Rev. 126, 3053, 1998). However, few systematic measurements of significant trace gases in TCs have been obtained. NOAA-AOML has measured ozone (O3) in eyewall crossings for a number of Atlantic TCs during the 1998 and 1999 seasons on board NOAA P-3 hurricane research flights. Ozone concentrations showed considerable variation across t...
Applied Industrial Hygiene, 1987
Abstract The sampling device recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and He... more Abstract The sampling device recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for the determination of respirable silica is a 10-mm nylon cyclone and 37-mm cassette loaded with a PVC-type filter and operated at 1.7 lpm. The device has been ...
This portion of the cruise track traversed three diverse wind and chemical regimes: pristine pola... more This portion of the cruise track traversed three diverse wind and chemical regimes: pristine polar westerlies, polluted westerlies and marine southeasterlies. Along this cruise track a large suite of chemical and meteorological data were measured. These included ozone, carbon monoxide in air and surface water, NO, NO2, NOy, peroxyacetyl nitrate, SO2 and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC). Aerosols were sampled by cascade
Biscayne Bay is a large subtropical estuary that extends from Broward County in the north to Barn... more Biscayne Bay is a large subtropical estuary that extends from Broward County in the north to Barnes Sound in the south.While average depths are shallow, the Bay also includes portions of the Intracoastal Waterway, the Port of Miami,and numerous dredged channels to support commercial and recreational boating. The highly developed and economically vibrant urban areas of Miami and Miami Beach reach to the shoreline in many parts of the Bay, especially in the north.To the south, undeveloped coastline can be found on both the east and west sides of the Bay. Overall, Biscayne Bay is widely regarded as a highly valued marine ecosystem with considerable natural value. All areas of the Bay have some level of protected status at either the national or state level. The principal goal of this study was to estimate the expected value of turbidity at selected study sites in Biscayne Bay during times when no major construction or dredging activities were taking place, using methods that allowed fo...
American Industrial Hygiene Association journal, 1987
A Large Inorganic Sampler Assembly (LISA) system has been built for the evaluation of particulate... more A Large Inorganic Sampler Assembly (LISA) system has been built for the evaluation of particulate sampling devices, including the device used in the NIOSH method for respirable silica (Method 7500). Significant features of LISA are the following: 1) The accommodation of up to 30 filter cassettes or 12 cyclone samplers; 2) high precision of particulate deposition (Sr = 2.2%); 3) micro-computerized reduction of optical particle counter data; and 4) special design features to facilitate ease of operation. The system has been used to evaluate sampler systems for a number of different airborne dusts.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 1988
One hundred and one sediment cores were collected to characterize the spatial distribution of pet... more One hundred and one sediment cores were collected to characterize the spatial distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons within and just outside Blind Pass, St. Pete Beach, Florida. Twenty-five percent of the cores exhibited levels of petroleum hydrocarbons above detection limits of the gas chromatograph/flame ionization detector (GC/FID) (0.01 mg/Kg), but at generally low concentrations. Petroleum hydrocarbon speciation studies of these samples (gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy [GC/MS]) indicate above-detection level (1 μg/Kg) petroleum hydrocarbons are similar to the non-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons found in a Bouchard 155 reference sample collected after the 1993 oil spill in the area, but are in a much degraded and weathered state. Individual petroleum hydrocarbons were, in all but one case, below the threshold effective level (TEL) described in the literature (MacDonald, 1994). The petroleum hydrocarbons were primarily found at 100-300 cm depth in Blind Pass cores. Above-det...
Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 1982
The technique of x-ray fluorescence is ideal for the analysis of metal fumes such as are produced... more The technique of x-ray fluorescence is ideal for the analysis of metal fumes such as are produced in various welding and brazing operations. Although the constitution of welding and brazing fumes is dependent on the nature of the base metal, flux, and welding material used, they typically contain the oxides of iron, nickel, chromium, and manganese (stainless steel welding). The fumes are in the form of very small particles, usually 1.0 um, and are often agglomerated into long chains. Filter samples of these fumes, as are used in industrial hygiene monitoring, may contain 30-300 ug/filter of particles on one surface of a low-mass, 37-mm membrane filter.
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2014
In June, 2004 and February, 2007, in field tracer studies were conducted on the Hollywood and Sou... more In June, 2004 and February, 2007, in field tracer studies were conducted on the Hollywood and South Central outfalls, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) as a tracer. The objective of these studies was to determine if the tracer could be detected in the farfield at significant distance, and if so, could this data be used to construct a model of the farfield plume. Prior models for farfield plume movement do not appear to comport well with the conditions in southeast Florida. Extensive research was conducted in southeast Florida on 4 outfalls, which led to the development of nearfield dilution equations for same. However farfield modeling of outfall plumes was difficult to accomplish because the tracers used are not detectable for significant distances. The SF6 resolved that problem and as a result the Hollywood outfall was used to construct a model. Two methods were investigated for modeling the plume, 1) the Eureqa formulation method and 2) the Gamma-Curve method. The concentrations in the x-y plane were first found by using the Eureqa formulation to calculate the concentration at each grid point given its depth and the concentration of the centerline at the same latitude. The plume models were generated using MATLAB that matched with the results actually seen in the field.
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 2012
In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexaf... more In February, 2007, a tracer study was conducted on the Boynton Inlet, Florida, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) tracer. The objectives of this study were to determine if the data collected from the tracer study could be used to develop a farfield model of the plume exiting the Boynton Inlet using limited data to develop a useful predictive result. There are few studies of the farfield movement of inlet plumes in the coastal ocean. The plume was successfully modeled with a Gaussian plume model that appears to mimic the response. It was noted that the tracer concentrated in a series of boluses that migrated north of the inlet. Because the project injected the tracer for only 4 hours during the outgoing time, a long-term result that would hide the boluses was developed. The results showed velocities lower than predicted by the measured current data. The belief is that this is partially a result of tidal influences that affect outflow from the inlet.
... P. Weiss, France PORT CALLS: Vilo do Porto, Azores, Porto Santo, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Azor... more ... P. Weiss, France PORT CALLS: Vilo do Porto, Azores, Porto Santo, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Azores CHIEF SCIENTIST: Dr. Alexander A. Pszenny ... Boulder, CO B. Bonsang, CNFIS, France D. Blake, U. Califomia, Irvine T. Church, U. of Delaware, Newark S. Kreidenweis, Col. St. ...
Results from an multilaboratory intercomparison exercise for the determination of non-methane hyd... more Results from an multilaboratory intercomparison exercise for the determination of non-methane hydrocarbons in the North Pacific troposphere are presented. Each of the ten participating labs analyzed marine air obtained on the NOAA ship R/V RESEARCHER and from a single large tank of Oregon coastal air for some or all of the following: ethane, ethylene, 1-butene, isobutene (2-methyl 1-propene), cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene, iso-pentene, n-pentane, isopentene (2-methyl 1-butene), 1-pentene, benzene, toluene, methane, carbon dioxide, and methyl chloroform. The following parameters were computed where data was sufficient for each lab and each analyte: mean mixing ratios, total precision, analytical precision, and sampling precision. Means were compared using a nonparametric procedure. Mixing ratios vs time data for the various compounds indicated that diurnal changes were minimal or absent; however, slight decreases in mixing ratios were observed for C2H6, C2H2, CH3CCl3, CO and CH4.
Theoretica Chimica Acta, 1980
The Self Consistent Modified Extended Hiickel molecular orbital method had been applied to severa... more The Self Consistent Modified Extended Hiickel molecular orbital method had been applied to several square planar complexes of platinum (II). Calculations including both the limited 5d, 6s, 6p and extended 5s, 5/), 5d, 6s, 6p starting bases for platinum were made. It is shown that in PtC1]both the nuclear quadrupole moment and minimum total energy vs. bond distance are calculated to be in good agreement with experiment, only with the extended platinum AO basis. Specific inclusion of relativistic parameters via a pseudo-relativistic approximation are shown to have a significant effect on the energy molecular energy levels, however no meaningful rationalization can be made without the simultaneous inclusion of ligand field parameters as well.