Thomas Winkler - (original) (raw)

Papers by Thomas Winkler

Research paper thumbnail of Mixed Reality Environments As Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children

Proceedings of ED-MEDIA, 2002

Abstract. Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct k... more Abstract. Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct knowledge from their experiences in the world. People construct new knowledge with particular effectiveness when they engage in constructing personally meaningful products, that is ...

Research paper thumbnail of InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes

In this article we describe a computer-based novel learning space for learning at school which di... more In this article we describe a computer-based novel learning space for learning at school which digitally extends learning spaces in a new way. We implemented the InteractiveSchoolWall (ISW). Interactive navigation and self-determined information structuring allow for active learning in an informal way. The pedagogical implications of this presentation and interaction tool are explained with respect to the requirements of Open Learning. The technical construction of the ISW follows the logic of a novel cloud space, which allows the use of personalized and semantically enriched multimedia objects. We also present an evaluation using log-file analysis and questionnaires for the students of the school to gather information about the use and the affinity for the applications running on the ISW. The results are discussed regarding the further strategy for the ISW. Finally we discuss to what extent the interactive structure of the ISW encourages the reflective handling of complex knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Pervasive Computing in der Schule

In der KiMM-Initiative (Kids in Media and Motion) reichern wir den alltäglichen, physischen Lernr... more In der KiMM-Initiative (Kids in Media and Motion) reichern wir den alltäglichen, physischen Lernraum der Kinder in der Schule mit einer Vielzahl, miteinander verschränkten digitalen Medien an. Unsere Welt wird zunehmend komplexer und Computersysteme werden zunehmend zu einem selbstverständlichen Bestandteil unserer alltäglichen Lebensumgebung. Aber gleichzeitig wird die digitale Technologie zunehmend unsichtbar, versteckt sich mehr und mehr in den Gegenständern unserer Alltagswelt. Schon aus diesem Grunde sollte der Einsatz und die Vermittlung digitaler interaktiver Technologien in der Schule neu bedacht werden. Am IMIS entwickelten wir im Rahmen der KiMM-Initiative das Konzept des Pervasive Computing in der Schule. Es besteht aus fünf ineinander verwobenen Elementen, die ein projekt-und fächerübergreifendes Lehren und Lernen in der Schule reflektieren und unterstützen. Es werden Schülerinnen und Schüler von der 1. bis zur 13. Jahrgangsstufe mit steigender Systemkomplexität vertraut gemacht. Pervasive Computing soll so zum selbstverständlichen Kompetenzbereich für die kommende Generation werden.

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experiental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality Continuum

Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM, 2002

Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct know ledge ... more Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct know ledge from their experiences in the world. Especially children need to learn through their senses and through physical activity. However, there are few experiental learning environments for school children available, which involve the senses and physical activity. Reasons put forward for this situation are the nature of the concepts to be learned and partly the lack of manipulative learning material. This contribution introduces a collaborative and constructive learning space for elementary school children designed along the virtuality continuum. It was designed through recent teaching experiments with elementary school children. The learning space itself is actively, collaboratively and constructively designed by the children themselves and allows making semiotic learning experiences during interaction with each other and with elements of the learning space along the virtuality continuum.

Research paper thumbnail of Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room

The formation of linked thought patterns, the ability of expressing oneself in an artistic and wr... more The formation of linked thought patterns, the ability of expressing oneself in an artistic and written form, spatial sense and modern media skills based on reflection are effectively promoted if children in schools are taught in such an interdisciplinary way that they creatively enrich their physical environment through multimedia and interactive systems. This paper is divided into three parts: first we shall explain the theoretical foundation of the school project, "Takelwerk," which was planned, accomplished and evaluated within the framework of the KiMM-initiative. Afterwards, we will describe how the children in this project created a visually complex and linguistically abstract network with links to concrete strands in the physical environment through designing and programming an interactive, non linear storytelling room. And finally, we shall present and interpret the results of the evaluation of this project.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitally Augmented Multisensory Learning Spaces An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetic Creation and Computational Modelling in Schools

This paper concerns the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science ... more This paper concerns the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science and digital media in schools. It explains how interdisciplinary, digitally extended learning environments can be created with the help of free or low cost software and hardware applications. Such learning environments focus especially on the idea that sensorial perception and co-construction of knowledge is an integrated part of any creative learning process.

Research paper thumbnail of Die "SystemWusel" - Systemisches Denken angebunden an die physische Wahrnehmung

Im selber Entwerfen und Gestalten (in selbstbestimmten Designprozessen), im Entwickeln eigener, a... more Im selber Entwerfen und Gestalten (in selbstbestimmten Designprozessen), im Entwickeln eigener, auch digitaler Modelle und im selber Programmieren von komplexen Verhaltensmustern sehen wir im Projekt ArtDeCom einen Weg, wie systemisches Denkens konkret im Schulunterricht vermittelt werden kann. Mittels ikonischer Programmiersoftware, Mikrocomputern, Sensoren und Aktuatoren[1] können Schülerinnen und Schüler eigene Modelle von komplexen Systemen planen und gestalten, die unmittelbar auf (Um-)Welteinflüsse reagieren. Multisensueller Verbindungen an die physische (Um-)Welt und deren Einflüsse auf den Designprozess sind dabei von besonderer Bedeutung. Mit dem Erstellen der interaktiven Installation " SystemWusel " wurde dies praktisch im Schulunterricht erprobt: Schülerinnen und Schüler eines Projektkurses im 13. Jahrgang des " Carl-Jacob-Burckhard-Gymnasiums (Lübeck) entwickelten die " SystemWusel " , vier Objekte, bzw. digitale Wesen unterschiedlicher Größe. M...

Research paper thumbnail of YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education

The aim of this paper is to discuss the pertinence of experience of hypertext structures regardin... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the pertinence of experience of hypertext structures regarding the development of perceptual patterns when using contemporary time based interactive media. Therefore we discuss first the idea of time based hypermedia and related works in arts and education. Then we describe the design and implementation of the pilot project WeHype 1 , where hypervideos were created at school using YouTube Annotations. Then we focus on the transfer of the experiences at school into teacher education. Results of a comparative evaluation verify that, due to the fact that youngsters communicate and interact more in social nets, they are more familiar with hypermedia spaces than their teachers. Furthermore the evaluation shows, that teachers as well as students think that the easy-to-use tool YouTube Annotations is suitable for understanding hyper-structures and leads to sustainable learning. This leads us to reflect about the importance of artistic approaches for understanding non-linear narrative structures using video. Finally we discuss why teaching with interactive time based hypermedia should be transferred into teacher education.

Research paper thumbnail of Ästhetisch-informatische Bildung

Das Projekt ArtDeCom basiert auf einem innovativen Ansatz bezüglich der Verwendung digitaler Tech... more Das Projekt ArtDeCom basiert auf einem innovativen Ansatz bezüglich der Verwendung digitaler Technologien in einer handlungs- und körperbezogenen Unterrichtsform. Die gleichzeitige Förderung von informatisch-kognitiven und musisch-künstlerischen Fähigkeiten erfolgte durch herkömmlich materielle als auch durch neue digitale Medien in Form von Mixed-Reality-Applikationen. (Der Text wurde in erweiteter Form mit Links zu Videos auch unter dem Titel ArtDeCom: "Ästhetische und informatische Kompetenzbildung" auf "" veröffentlicht: )

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation and Computational Modelling at School

This paper is about the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science ... more This paper is about the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science and digital media in schools. It explains how interdisciplinary, digitally extended learning-environments can be cr eated with the help of free or low cost applications. Such learning environments focus especially on the idea that sensorial perception and co-construction of knowledge should be an integrated part of a creative learning process.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation

In this paper the authors explain, that the way of using digital technology in media art can be p... more In this paper the authors explain, that the way of using digital technology in media art can be productive for teaching by means of digital technology. After a short description of the author's research background and the state of art in this field of research, we point out certain parallels between art and education. We exemplify, why media art technology was relevant in an inter-disciplinary collaboration of two teachers of a fifth grade. In linking the subjects diet and digestion in biology with the forms of expression of digital media art, children at school were enabled to reflect their own eating habits in a specific way. But it wasnt merely the production of media in form of videos and animations which made the difference. Rather it was the building of tangibles by the kids themselves and therefore the relation to the physical reality of life was created. This becomes obvious by the results of an evaluation. The findings are discussed and the conclusion punctuates the pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School Projects

Proceedings of ICEC …, 2007

Different approaches have been proposed on the use of digital and interactive technology in mobil... more Different approaches have been proposed on the use of digital and interactive technology in mobile learning contexts. In line with recent findings in the literature, we suggest that mobile learning systems benefit from an iterative design and development process within a holistic, socio-technical system view. This system view makes allowance for the complex dynamics between teachers, students, researchers, the multiplicity of contextual factors, and the specifications and requirements of the digital devices and applications, as well as their interrelations. Iterative design and development incorporates evaluation results of mobile learning scenarios that were designed according to system-based analyses. The school projects described in this paper, as well as their evaluation results, served as an integral part in creating a dynamic optimization process for the design and development of digital and interactive systems for mobile learning contexts in primary and secondary schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school?: Consequences of connecting the physical world with interactive 3D-worlds to hybrid experience and acting spaces to promote sophisticated social behavior

Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2004

Are you wearing clothes from Nike, H&M or Esprit? Tongue, eyebrow or bellybutton piercing? Tattoo... more Are you wearing clothes from Nike, H&M or Esprit? Tongue, eyebrow or bellybutton piercing? Tattoos on the upper arm, shoulder or lower back? Image is so important, and not only nowadays. Identity has always used the body as its primary source of reference. Today, there are possibilities available to each individual through MUDs (multiuser dungeons or multiuser dimensions) with their

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality-Environments in Interdisciplinary Education Processes

Although multimedia computers are becoming widespread in the consumer market, little research has... more Although multimedia computers are becoming widespread in the consumer market, little research has been undertaken into the computer as a shapeable medium based on an understanding of algorithms. Most educational research was focused on the computer simply as a tool or a resource for archiving data. The paper looks at a new interdisciplinary approach introduce the computer as a medium in general education. It discusses the impact of hybrid learning environments to support the development of a broader concept of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Die Interactive School Wall–eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects

Interaktive Kulturen: Workshop-Band: Proceedings der Workshops der Mensch & Computer 2010-10. Fachübergreifende Konferenz für Interaktive und Kooperative Medien, DeLFI 2010-die 8. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik eV und der Entertainment Interfaces 2010, 2010

SchülerInnen haben mit Moles individuelle mobile Lernpfade erstellt und an außerschulischen Lerno... more SchülerInnen haben mit Moles individuelle mobile Lernpfade erstellt und an außerschulischen Lernorten Medienobjekte annotiert oder erzeugt. Zurück in der Schule werden sie vor der ISW durch einen RFID-Token identifiziert. Sie rufen ihre Multimediaobjekte auf und sortieren und annotieren diese gemeinsam weiter. Das Lernszenario ermöglicht in der Verschränkung von Ambientem-und Mobilem Lernen kooperatives, körper-und raumbezogenes Handeln mit multimodalen und multikodalen ...

Research paper thumbnail of Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht (Design of Multi-Sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environments in School Education)

Research paper thumbnail of Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäten/Tangicons: A Tangible Educational Game with Cognitive, Motor and Social Activities

Research paper thumbnail of Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im Kontext

… of Mensch und …, 2008

Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die iterative Entwicklung der Applikation Moles... more Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die iterative Entwicklung der Applikation Moles (Mobile Learning Exploration System). Mit Moles werden Entdeckungstouren, fachliche Exkursionen aber auch mobile Lernspiele für Kinder und ...

Research paper thumbnail of WeWrite:'on-the-fly'interactive writing on electronic textiles with mobile phones

Proceedings of the 8th …, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Mixed Reality Environments As Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children

Proceedings of ED-MEDIA, 2002

Abstract. Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct k... more Abstract. Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct knowledge from their experiences in the world. People construct new knowledge with particular effectiveness when they engage in constructing personally meaningful products, that is ...

Research paper thumbnail of InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes

In this article we describe a computer-based novel learning space for learning at school which di... more In this article we describe a computer-based novel learning space for learning at school which digitally extends learning spaces in a new way. We implemented the InteractiveSchoolWall (ISW). Interactive navigation and self-determined information structuring allow for active learning in an informal way. The pedagogical implications of this presentation and interaction tool are explained with respect to the requirements of Open Learning. The technical construction of the ISW follows the logic of a novel cloud space, which allows the use of personalized and semantically enriched multimedia objects. We also present an evaluation using log-file analysis and questionnaires for the students of the school to gather information about the use and the affinity for the applications running on the ISW. The results are discussed regarding the further strategy for the ISW. Finally we discuss to what extent the interactive structure of the ISW encourages the reflective handling of complex knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Pervasive Computing in der Schule

In der KiMM-Initiative (Kids in Media and Motion) reichern wir den alltäglichen, physischen Lernr... more In der KiMM-Initiative (Kids in Media and Motion) reichern wir den alltäglichen, physischen Lernraum der Kinder in der Schule mit einer Vielzahl, miteinander verschränkten digitalen Medien an. Unsere Welt wird zunehmend komplexer und Computersysteme werden zunehmend zu einem selbstverständlichen Bestandteil unserer alltäglichen Lebensumgebung. Aber gleichzeitig wird die digitale Technologie zunehmend unsichtbar, versteckt sich mehr und mehr in den Gegenständern unserer Alltagswelt. Schon aus diesem Grunde sollte der Einsatz und die Vermittlung digitaler interaktiver Technologien in der Schule neu bedacht werden. Am IMIS entwickelten wir im Rahmen der KiMM-Initiative das Konzept des Pervasive Computing in der Schule. Es besteht aus fünf ineinander verwobenen Elementen, die ein projekt-und fächerübergreifendes Lehren und Lernen in der Schule reflektieren und unterstützen. Es werden Schülerinnen und Schüler von der 1. bis zur 13. Jahrgangsstufe mit steigender Systemkomplexität vertraut gemacht. Pervasive Computing soll so zum selbstverständlichen Kompetenzbereich für die kommende Generation werden.

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experiental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality Continuum

Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM, 2002

Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct know ledge ... more Learning is an active, constructive and collaborative process, where people construct know ledge from their experiences in the world. Especially children need to learn through their senses and through physical activity. However, there are few experiental learning environments for school children available, which involve the senses and physical activity. Reasons put forward for this situation are the nature of the concepts to be learned and partly the lack of manipulative learning material. This contribution introduces a collaborative and constructive learning space for elementary school children designed along the virtuality continuum. It was designed through recent teaching experiments with elementary school children. The learning space itself is actively, collaboratively and constructively designed by the children themselves and allows making semiotic learning experiences during interaction with each other and with elements of the learning space along the virtuality continuum.

Research paper thumbnail of Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room

The formation of linked thought patterns, the ability of expressing oneself in an artistic and wr... more The formation of linked thought patterns, the ability of expressing oneself in an artistic and written form, spatial sense and modern media skills based on reflection are effectively promoted if children in schools are taught in such an interdisciplinary way that they creatively enrich their physical environment through multimedia and interactive systems. This paper is divided into three parts: first we shall explain the theoretical foundation of the school project, "Takelwerk," which was planned, accomplished and evaluated within the framework of the KiMM-initiative. Afterwards, we will describe how the children in this project created a visually complex and linguistically abstract network with links to concrete strands in the physical environment through designing and programming an interactive, non linear storytelling room. And finally, we shall present and interpret the results of the evaluation of this project.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitally Augmented Multisensory Learning Spaces An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetic Creation and Computational Modelling in Schools

This paper concerns the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science ... more This paper concerns the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science and digital media in schools. It explains how interdisciplinary, digitally extended learning environments can be created with the help of free or low cost software and hardware applications. Such learning environments focus especially on the idea that sensorial perception and co-construction of knowledge is an integrated part of any creative learning process.

Research paper thumbnail of Die "SystemWusel" - Systemisches Denken angebunden an die physische Wahrnehmung

Im selber Entwerfen und Gestalten (in selbstbestimmten Designprozessen), im Entwickeln eigener, a... more Im selber Entwerfen und Gestalten (in selbstbestimmten Designprozessen), im Entwickeln eigener, auch digitaler Modelle und im selber Programmieren von komplexen Verhaltensmustern sehen wir im Projekt ArtDeCom einen Weg, wie systemisches Denkens konkret im Schulunterricht vermittelt werden kann. Mittels ikonischer Programmiersoftware, Mikrocomputern, Sensoren und Aktuatoren[1] können Schülerinnen und Schüler eigene Modelle von komplexen Systemen planen und gestalten, die unmittelbar auf (Um-)Welteinflüsse reagieren. Multisensueller Verbindungen an die physische (Um-)Welt und deren Einflüsse auf den Designprozess sind dabei von besonderer Bedeutung. Mit dem Erstellen der interaktiven Installation " SystemWusel " wurde dies praktisch im Schulunterricht erprobt: Schülerinnen und Schüler eines Projektkurses im 13. Jahrgang des " Carl-Jacob-Burckhard-Gymnasiums (Lübeck) entwickelten die " SystemWusel " , vier Objekte, bzw. digitale Wesen unterschiedlicher Größe. M...

Research paper thumbnail of YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education

The aim of this paper is to discuss the pertinence of experience of hypertext structures regardin... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the pertinence of experience of hypertext structures regarding the development of perceptual patterns when using contemporary time based interactive media. Therefore we discuss first the idea of time based hypermedia and related works in arts and education. Then we describe the design and implementation of the pilot project WeHype 1 , where hypervideos were created at school using YouTube Annotations. Then we focus on the transfer of the experiences at school into teacher education. Results of a comparative evaluation verify that, due to the fact that youngsters communicate and interact more in social nets, they are more familiar with hypermedia spaces than their teachers. Furthermore the evaluation shows, that teachers as well as students think that the easy-to-use tool YouTube Annotations is suitable for understanding hyper-structures and leads to sustainable learning. This leads us to reflect about the importance of artistic approaches for understanding non-linear narrative structures using video. Finally we discuss why teaching with interactive time based hypermedia should be transferred into teacher education.

Research paper thumbnail of Ästhetisch-informatische Bildung

Das Projekt ArtDeCom basiert auf einem innovativen Ansatz bezüglich der Verwendung digitaler Tech... more Das Projekt ArtDeCom basiert auf einem innovativen Ansatz bezüglich der Verwendung digitaler Technologien in einer handlungs- und körperbezogenen Unterrichtsform. Die gleichzeitige Förderung von informatisch-kognitiven und musisch-künstlerischen Fähigkeiten erfolgte durch herkömmlich materielle als auch durch neue digitale Medien in Form von Mixed-Reality-Applikationen. (Der Text wurde in erweiteter Form mit Links zu Videos auch unter dem Titel ArtDeCom: "Ästhetische und informatische Kompetenzbildung" auf "" veröffentlicht: )

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation and Computational Modelling at School

This paper is about the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science ... more This paper is about the rehabilitation of aesthetics in the context of teaching computer science and digital media in schools. It explains how interdisciplinary, digitally extended learning-environments can be cr eated with the help of free or low cost applications. Such learning environments focus especially on the idea that sensorial perception and co-construction of knowledge should be an integrated part of a creative learning process.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation

In this paper the authors explain, that the way of using digital technology in media art can be p... more In this paper the authors explain, that the way of using digital technology in media art can be productive for teaching by means of digital technology. After a short description of the author's research background and the state of art in this field of research, we point out certain parallels between art and education. We exemplify, why media art technology was relevant in an inter-disciplinary collaboration of two teachers of a fifth grade. In linking the subjects diet and digestion in biology with the forms of expression of digital media art, children at school were enabled to reflect their own eating habits in a specific way. But it wasnt merely the production of media in form of videos and animations which made the difference. Rather it was the building of tangibles by the kids themselves and therefore the relation to the physical reality of life was created. This becomes obvious by the results of an evaluation. The findings are discussed and the conclusion punctuates the pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School Projects

Proceedings of ICEC …, 2007

Different approaches have been proposed on the use of digital and interactive technology in mobil... more Different approaches have been proposed on the use of digital and interactive technology in mobile learning contexts. In line with recent findings in the literature, we suggest that mobile learning systems benefit from an iterative design and development process within a holistic, socio-technical system view. This system view makes allowance for the complex dynamics between teachers, students, researchers, the multiplicity of contextual factors, and the specifications and requirements of the digital devices and applications, as well as their interrelations. Iterative design and development incorporates evaluation results of mobile learning scenarios that were designed according to system-based analyses. The school projects described in this paper, as well as their evaluation results, served as an integral part in creating a dynamic optimization process for the design and development of digital and interactive systems for mobile learning contexts in primary and secondary schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school?: Consequences of connecting the physical world with interactive 3D-worlds to hybrid experience and acting spaces to promote sophisticated social behavior

Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2004

Are you wearing clothes from Nike, H&M or Esprit? Tongue, eyebrow or bellybutton piercing? Tattoo... more Are you wearing clothes from Nike, H&M or Esprit? Tongue, eyebrow or bellybutton piercing? Tattoos on the upper arm, shoulder or lower back? Image is so important, and not only nowadays. Identity has always used the body as its primary source of reference. Today, there are possibilities available to each individual through MUDs (multiuser dungeons or multiuser dimensions) with their

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality-Environments in Interdisciplinary Education Processes

Although multimedia computers are becoming widespread in the consumer market, little research has... more Although multimedia computers are becoming widespread in the consumer market, little research has been undertaken into the computer as a shapeable medium based on an understanding of algorithms. Most educational research was focused on the computer simply as a tool or a resource for archiving data. The paper looks at a new interdisciplinary approach introduce the computer as a medium in general education. It discusses the impact of hybrid learning environments to support the development of a broader concept of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Die Interactive School Wall–eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects

Interaktive Kulturen: Workshop-Band: Proceedings der Workshops der Mensch & Computer 2010-10. Fachübergreifende Konferenz für Interaktive und Kooperative Medien, DeLFI 2010-die 8. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik eV und der Entertainment Interfaces 2010, 2010

SchülerInnen haben mit Moles individuelle mobile Lernpfade erstellt und an außerschulischen Lerno... more SchülerInnen haben mit Moles individuelle mobile Lernpfade erstellt und an außerschulischen Lernorten Medienobjekte annotiert oder erzeugt. Zurück in der Schule werden sie vor der ISW durch einen RFID-Token identifiziert. Sie rufen ihre Multimediaobjekte auf und sortieren und annotieren diese gemeinsam weiter. Das Lernszenario ermöglicht in der Verschränkung von Ambientem-und Mobilem Lernen kooperatives, körper-und raumbezogenes Handeln mit multimodalen und multikodalen ...

Research paper thumbnail of Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht (Design of Multi-Sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environments in School Education)

Research paper thumbnail of Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäten/Tangicons: A Tangible Educational Game with Cognitive, Motor and Social Activities

Research paper thumbnail of Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im Kontext

… of Mensch und …, 2008

Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die iterative Entwicklung der Applikation Moles... more Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die iterative Entwicklung der Applikation Moles (Mobile Learning Exploration System). Mit Moles werden Entdeckungstouren, fachliche Exkursionen aber auch mobile Lernspiele für Kinder und ...

Research paper thumbnail of WeWrite:'on-the-fly'interactive writing on electronic textiles with mobile phones

Proceedings of the 8th …, 2009