Tommy Sutarto - (original) (raw)
Papers by Tommy Sutarto
Perencanaan sistem jaringan irigasi di Desa Manunggal Daya Kecamatan Sebulu bertujuan untuk menin... more Perencanaan sistem jaringan irigasi di Desa Manunggal Daya Kecamatan Sebulu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas beras di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, sehingga mencegah defisit kebutuhan beras. Perhitungan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai evapotranspirasi (Etc) tanaman acuan, nilai debit andalan (Q80) dari Sungai Kumpa Kiri, kebutuhan pengambilan air irigasi (DR), serta dimensi dari saluran pembawa yang direncanakan. Perhitungan evapotranspirasi (Eto) tanaman acuan menggunakan metode Penanaman modifikasi Nedeco/Prosida. Perhitungan debit andalan (Q80) menggunakan metode F.J. Mock. Perhitungan kebutuhan pengambilan air irigasi menggunakan metode pola dan jadwal tanam optimum. Perhitungan dimensi saluran menggunakan teori Manning. Debit andalan (Q80) yang tersedia pada Sungai Kumpa Kiri rata-rata adalah 169,98 L/det. Berdasarkan debit andalan yang tersedia di Sungai Kumpa Kiri maka luas areal yang dapat dialiri untuk pola dan jadwal tanam optimum padi-padi-palawija masing-masi...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The objectives of this study are: 1) to capture the existing condition of the river channel in Sa... more The objectives of this study are: 1) to capture the existing condition of the river channel in Sangatta River estuary, including the bathymetry of the river bed, and the cross-sectional dimensions of the river, 2) to design a stable navigation channel in Sangatta River estuary that allows less maintenance dredging and improves navigability of the channel during a critical condition when the water level is at the lowest, and 3) to test the effectiveness of the stable cross section in term of the availability of navigable depth. This research is divided into five stages, namely: 1) preparatory stage and preliminary survey, 2) main surveys, 3) hydrological and hydraulic analysis, 4) waterway design, and 5) dredging plan. The hydraulic analysis also includes determining the water level and depth profiles before and after dredging. HEC-RAS software is used to simulate, for each month, the water level and depth profiles in the channel at a critical condition when the sea water level is at...
Matrix: Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika, 2019
Erosi tebing sungai terjadi dalam dua model utama, yakni erosi gerusan dan longsor tebing. Erosi ... more Erosi tebing sungai terjadi dalam dua model utama, yakni erosi gerusan dan longsor tebing. Erosi gerusan ditandai dengan tergerusnya butiran atau bongkahan tanah dari permukaan tebing akibat daya gerus air sungai. Meskipun erosi gerusan memiliki peran yang penting sebagai pemicu longsor tebing, pengetahuan tentang erosi gerusan masih tertinggal di belakang dan belum ada metode terpercaya untuk mengukur kedalaman atau panjang erosi gerusan. Hal ini disebabkan karena erosi gerusan berlangsung di bawah muka air dan magnitudo erosi sangat kecil dalam skala millimeter hingga centimeter saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan teknik pengukuran erosi gerusan dengan menanam sensor cahaya (Photo Electronic Erosion Pin) ke dalam tebing sungai. Panjang erosi gerusan berbanding lurus dengan panjang sensor yang tersingkap dan terkena cahaya matahari. Empat buah sensor ditanam dalam suatu tebing sungai, masing-masing di puncak, tengah atas, tengah bawah, dan dasar tebing. Kee...
Stage-discharge relations constitute a viable, alternative technique for estimating accurately fl... more Stage-discharge relations constitute a viable, alternative technique for estimating accurately flow for ungaged sites. In this research, the authors have utilized pressure transducers and Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry techniques to develop stage-discharge relations at eleven sites in the Hungry Canyon Area (HCA) of southwestern Iowa under different hydrologic conditions. They have employed these data to calibrate and verify an established hydrologic model and then they have used this model to provide a stage-discharge relation for different hydrologic conditions (i.e. rating curves). The benefits of the project are numerous including that the discharge data will be used for a number of purposes, including operational decision making in the HCA about the design of water-control and conveyance structures, input for hydraulic and hydrologic models, and calculation of sediment and other water-quality constituents transport and “loads”, and for decision making. This project has ...
Key Engineering Materials, 2021
The goal of this study is to experimentally evaluate the performance of sucrose and lignosulfonat... more The goal of this study is to experimentally evaluate the performance of sucrose and lignosulfonate acid as a concrete retarder. The initial and final setting times of concrete are obtained for various dosages of those admixtures. Besides, the impact of those retarders to the compressive strength of concrete is also explored. A total of 13 (thirteen) mix samples are made, in a laboratory, by adding various dosages of those admixtures into the reference mixtures. Those samples are tested using a concrete mortar penetrometer and a compression-testing machine to obtain their setting times and compressive strengths. Sucrose addition with a dosage of 0.01%, 0.014%, and 0.019% (by weight of cement) increases the initial setting time by 102.67%, 117.54%, and 138.89% and extends the final setting time by 57.70%, 72.83%, and 99.47%. The addition of liquid lignosulfonate acid by 0.6% (by weight of cement) causes the initial setting time to grow by 68.77% from 4.46 to 7.52 hours. Similarly, the...
Kepadatan penduduk dan kecilnya penampang sungai menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir di... more Kepadatan penduduk dan kecilnya penampang sungai menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir di Sungai Dama. Maka tujuan dari tugas akhir ini ialah meninjau kembali dimensi Sungai Dama terhadap debit banjir rencana kala ulang 10 tahun. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana dan debit eksisting sungai dilakukan dalam beberapa segmen aliran. Debit banjir rencana dihitung dengan metode HSS Nakayasu. Debit banjir Q 10 pada STA 0+000 – STA 0+650 adalah7,814 m³/detik dengan debit eksisting 12,0067 m³/detik; Q 10 pada STA 0+650 - 1+350 adalah 14,518 m 3 /detik dan debit eksisting 7,417 m 3 /detik; Q 10 pada STA 1+350 - 2+275 adalah 22,944 m 3 /detik dan debit eksisting 13,0672 m 3 /detik; Q 10 pada STA 2+275 - 2+625 adalah 25,263 m 3 /detik dan debit eksistingnya 25,4304 m 3 /detik. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perlu dilakukan perubahan penampang sungai. Dimensi kanal yang direncanakan berbentuk persegi dengan ukuran sebagai berikut: STA 0+000 – STA 0+650 memiliki lebar 3,2...
Beton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang telah umum digunakan untuk bangunan gedung dan j... more Beton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang telah umum digunakan untuk bangunan gedung dan jalan. Kalimantan Timur sebagai daerah yang sedang berkembang pesat terutama untuk sektor pembangunan. Beton banyak digunakan karena memiliki kelebihan daripada bahan lain, diantaranya harganya relatif murah, memiliki kekuatan yang baik, tahan lama dan tahan terhadap api. Dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan terutama untuk mempermudah proses pengecoran diperlukan bahan tambah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan superplasticizer dan fly ash sebagai bahan tambah pada campuran beton dengan fariasi yang berbeda, untuk superplasticizer menggunakan 3 bahan produk superplasticizer yang berbeda yaitu produk Sika, BASF dan normet dengan kadar 0.3%,0,6%,0,9%,1,2% dan 1,5% dan untuk kadar fly ash sebesar 10 %. Dari komposisi tersebut kemudian dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kuat tekan beton optimum untuk produk Sika sebesar 42,81 MPa dengan kadar superplasticizer 0,3 %, pr...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
The purpose if this study is to develop a methodology for quantifying stream bank erosion using P... more The purpose if this study is to develop a methodology for quantifying stream bank erosion using Photo Electronic Erosion Pin (PEEP) that could adequately capture retreat length magnitude and timing information in response to changes in water stage. PEEP’s operational principle is based on sunlight exposure and intensity (“photo”=light).Four PEEPs were inserted into the stream bank near the mouth of Clear Creek, Iowa City, USA. PEEPs B1, B2, B3, and B4 were deployed at the crest, upper midbank, lower midbank, and toe of the right bank, respectively. The deployment of PEEP has been complemented with a statistical treatment of the retreat length time series data through the performance of a moving average to identify ubiquitous key bank erosion events in terms of magnitude and their frequency of occurrence for bank erosion. In concert to this effort, a unique and systematic PEEP data processing routine (e.g., filtering, correcting and smoothing) has been also developed to remove the ef...
Banjir bagi masyarakat Kota Samarinda merupakan hal yang umum dan sering terjadi. Setiap tahunnya... more Banjir bagi masyarakat Kota Samarinda merupakan hal yang umum dan sering terjadi. Setiap tahunnya debit banjir semakin meningkat karena air yang meresap kedalam tanah semakin berkurang seiring dengan perubahan tata guna lahan, banyaknya penebangan hutan, serta kurangnya kesadaran dari masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan. Maka dari itu diperlukan peresapan seperti sumur resapan ini, karena selain menampung banjir serta meningkatkan cadangan air tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang dimensi dan menghitung berapa jumlah sumur resapan yang diperlukan sehingga dengan adanya sumur resapan ini dengan harapan 100% banjir akan tertampung. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan analisis frekuensi adalah metode Gumbel, Log Pearson Tipe III, Log Normal, dan Normal. Pada perhitungan debit banjir rencana menggunakan metode HSS Nakayasu. Dari hasil perhitungan didapat hujan rencana kala ulang 10 tahun adalah 56.8864 m 3 /detik untuk outlet primer Gelatik, 20.6253m 3 /detik untuk outlet s...
Penggunaan agregat kasar Palu di Kalimantan Timur khususnya di Samarinda sudah sering terlambat p... more Penggunaan agregat kasar Palu di Kalimantan Timur khususnya di Samarinda sudah sering terlambat penerimaannya oleh karena itu peneliti menggati agregat kasar dengan mengunakan material yang berasal dari Desa Lebak Cilong, Kecamatan Muara wis Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur , kemudian penggantian sebagian semen menggunakan abu sekam padi karena material tersebut sering dianggap limbah dari penggilingan padi. Sekam padi di Indonesia yang dihasilkan selama ini melimpah, sayangnya material tersebut umumnya hanya digunakan untuk bahan bakar pembakaran batu bata merah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi campuran beton acuan dengan kuat tekan fc’ 30 MPa menggunakan agregat kasar Palu, agregat halus Palu, dan semen sebagai bahan pengikat, membandingkan kuat tekan beton menggunakan agregat kasar Palu dan agregat kasar Lebak Cilong pada komposisi yang sama, jika kuat tekan agregat kasar Lebak Cilong tidak tercapai maka merubah komposisi agregat kasar Lebak Cilo...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purposes of this manuscript are in two folds e.g.: first, to promote two novel techniques usi... more The purposes of this manuscript are in two folds e.g.: first, to promote two novel techniques using field-laboratory protocols, each for quantifying surface and mass fluvial erosion, second, to capture and highlight the regime change in the mode of bank erosion from surface to mass fluvial erosion based on real monitoring and measurements on a streambank face. In this study, conduit erosion flume and Photo Electronic Erosion Pin (PEEP) sensor technique were used for monitoring and measuring surface and mass fluvial erosions, respectively. Using those techniques the τ c,sf and τ c,mf , two key parameters which determine the onset of surface and mass fluvial erosion, can be determined successfully. The PEEP sensor can measure the mass fluvial erosion occurred under water, even capture the quasi-continues nature of erosion. More importantly, using these two methods, the presence of two regimes in the low amplitude of bank erosion, e.g. surface fluvial erosion and mass fluvial erosion c...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
Stream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial... more Stream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial erosion is a quasi-continuous entrainment of individual soil grains or grain flocs or chunks from the bank face due to the hydrodynamic shear flow action. It occurs under water with retreat lengths in millimeter or centimeter scale. The interaction between fluvial erosion and mass failure determines the shape and retreat rate of the stream bank. It is not rare, fluvial erosion which occurs at the bank toe later triggers slumping of soil mass known as mass failure. Despite its importance, the mechanism of fluvial erosion is less understood. This is predominantly due to lack of technique for measuring two key bank soil parameters that determine fluvial erosion rate, e.g., erosion shear strength tauC\tau_{C}tauC and erodibility coefficient M. The main purpose of this manuscript is to provide a short review on various techniques for measuring tauC\tau_{C}tauC and M proposed and applied in previous studies. The advantages and limitations of each technique are discussed to get a glimpse on where we stand and what challenges remain to be overcome.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Groundwater table on slope stability are important contributing factors to slope failures. Parame... more Groundwater table on slope stability are important contributing factors to slope failures. Parametric studies were carried out to study the effect of groundwater table position in affecting slope stability. Six different groundwater table corresponding to the wettest, typical, and driest were used in the numerical analyses using Geo Studio. In order to monitor slope stability, GeoStudio software is frequently applied to landslide stability analysis. In this paper, Jalan Poros Berau-Tanjung Selor slope stability prediction in East Borneo was subjected by GeoStudio software, while limit equilibrium method was adopted to calculate the safety factor in the slip surface based on five different groundwater table. Overall, the analyses shows that the five different groundwater table give the different safety factor. From this matter, retaining wall has planned with two layer, based on the critical condition which show by minimum safety factor.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of physical properties, more specifical... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of physical properties, more specifically the bulk density and water content, to the erosional strength of streambank soils. Thirty (30) soil samples were extracted from the crest, midbank and toe of the bank at Clear Creek in Iowa City, Iowa. Out of those thirty (30) samples, six (6) samples were tested in the standard soil laboratory for obtaining their bulk density and particle size distribution, six (6) samples were tested their bulk density and heterogeneity using Gamma radiation scanning, and eighteen (18) samples were tested their erosional strengthr*f. In addition, six (6) pure Kaolinite-clay samples were constructed with various degrees of consolidation or age and water content for measuring their T>-:f using conduit flume technique. The results of the conduit flume tests revealed an increasing trend in magnitude of Hf moving from the crest to the toe of the bank. The T
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi, 2019
ABSTRACTStream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion.... more ABSTRACTStream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial erosion is a quasi-continuous entrainment of individual soil grains or grain flocs or chunks from the bank face due to the hydrodynamic shear flow action. It occurs under water with retreat lengths in millimeter or centimeter scale. The interaction between fluvial erosion and mass failure determines the shape and retreat rate of the stream bank (Rinaldi et al., 2008). It is not rare, fluvial erosion which occurs at the bank toe later triggers slumping of soil mass known as mass failure. Despite its importance, the mechanism of fluvial erosion is less understood. This is predominantly due to lack of technique for measuring two key bank soil parameters that determine fluvial erosion rate, e.g., erosion shear strength τcand the erodibility coefficient M (Papanicolaou et al., 2007, Grabowski et al., 2011, Sutarto et al., 2014a). The goal of this manuscript is to provide a short revi...
for all their help, constructive discussions, and the good times that we have shared together.
Perencanaan sistem jaringan irigasi di Desa Manunggal Daya Kecamatan Sebulu bertujuan untuk menin... more Perencanaan sistem jaringan irigasi di Desa Manunggal Daya Kecamatan Sebulu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas beras di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, sehingga mencegah defisit kebutuhan beras. Perhitungan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai evapotranspirasi (Etc) tanaman acuan, nilai debit andalan (Q80) dari Sungai Kumpa Kiri, kebutuhan pengambilan air irigasi (DR), serta dimensi dari saluran pembawa yang direncanakan. Perhitungan evapotranspirasi (Eto) tanaman acuan menggunakan metode Penanaman modifikasi Nedeco/Prosida. Perhitungan debit andalan (Q80) menggunakan metode F.J. Mock. Perhitungan kebutuhan pengambilan air irigasi menggunakan metode pola dan jadwal tanam optimum. Perhitungan dimensi saluran menggunakan teori Manning. Debit andalan (Q80) yang tersedia pada Sungai Kumpa Kiri rata-rata adalah 169,98 L/det. Berdasarkan debit andalan yang tersedia di Sungai Kumpa Kiri maka luas areal yang dapat dialiri untuk pola dan jadwal tanam optimum padi-padi-palawija masing-masi...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The objectives of this study are: 1) to capture the existing condition of the river channel in Sa... more The objectives of this study are: 1) to capture the existing condition of the river channel in Sangatta River estuary, including the bathymetry of the river bed, and the cross-sectional dimensions of the river, 2) to design a stable navigation channel in Sangatta River estuary that allows less maintenance dredging and improves navigability of the channel during a critical condition when the water level is at the lowest, and 3) to test the effectiveness of the stable cross section in term of the availability of navigable depth. This research is divided into five stages, namely: 1) preparatory stage and preliminary survey, 2) main surveys, 3) hydrological and hydraulic analysis, 4) waterway design, and 5) dredging plan. The hydraulic analysis also includes determining the water level and depth profiles before and after dredging. HEC-RAS software is used to simulate, for each month, the water level and depth profiles in the channel at a critical condition when the sea water level is at...
Matrix: Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika, 2019
Erosi tebing sungai terjadi dalam dua model utama, yakni erosi gerusan dan longsor tebing. Erosi ... more Erosi tebing sungai terjadi dalam dua model utama, yakni erosi gerusan dan longsor tebing. Erosi gerusan ditandai dengan tergerusnya butiran atau bongkahan tanah dari permukaan tebing akibat daya gerus air sungai. Meskipun erosi gerusan memiliki peran yang penting sebagai pemicu longsor tebing, pengetahuan tentang erosi gerusan masih tertinggal di belakang dan belum ada metode terpercaya untuk mengukur kedalaman atau panjang erosi gerusan. Hal ini disebabkan karena erosi gerusan berlangsung di bawah muka air dan magnitudo erosi sangat kecil dalam skala millimeter hingga centimeter saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan teknik pengukuran erosi gerusan dengan menanam sensor cahaya (Photo Electronic Erosion Pin) ke dalam tebing sungai. Panjang erosi gerusan berbanding lurus dengan panjang sensor yang tersingkap dan terkena cahaya matahari. Empat buah sensor ditanam dalam suatu tebing sungai, masing-masing di puncak, tengah atas, tengah bawah, dan dasar tebing. Kee...
Stage-discharge relations constitute a viable, alternative technique for estimating accurately fl... more Stage-discharge relations constitute a viable, alternative technique for estimating accurately flow for ungaged sites. In this research, the authors have utilized pressure transducers and Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry techniques to develop stage-discharge relations at eleven sites in the Hungry Canyon Area (HCA) of southwestern Iowa under different hydrologic conditions. They have employed these data to calibrate and verify an established hydrologic model and then they have used this model to provide a stage-discharge relation for different hydrologic conditions (i.e. rating curves). The benefits of the project are numerous including that the discharge data will be used for a number of purposes, including operational decision making in the HCA about the design of water-control and conveyance structures, input for hydraulic and hydrologic models, and calculation of sediment and other water-quality constituents transport and “loads”, and for decision making. This project has ...
Key Engineering Materials, 2021
The goal of this study is to experimentally evaluate the performance of sucrose and lignosulfonat... more The goal of this study is to experimentally evaluate the performance of sucrose and lignosulfonate acid as a concrete retarder. The initial and final setting times of concrete are obtained for various dosages of those admixtures. Besides, the impact of those retarders to the compressive strength of concrete is also explored. A total of 13 (thirteen) mix samples are made, in a laboratory, by adding various dosages of those admixtures into the reference mixtures. Those samples are tested using a concrete mortar penetrometer and a compression-testing machine to obtain their setting times and compressive strengths. Sucrose addition with a dosage of 0.01%, 0.014%, and 0.019% (by weight of cement) increases the initial setting time by 102.67%, 117.54%, and 138.89% and extends the final setting time by 57.70%, 72.83%, and 99.47%. The addition of liquid lignosulfonate acid by 0.6% (by weight of cement) causes the initial setting time to grow by 68.77% from 4.46 to 7.52 hours. Similarly, the...
Kepadatan penduduk dan kecilnya penampang sungai menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir di... more Kepadatan penduduk dan kecilnya penampang sungai menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir di Sungai Dama. Maka tujuan dari tugas akhir ini ialah meninjau kembali dimensi Sungai Dama terhadap debit banjir rencana kala ulang 10 tahun. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana dan debit eksisting sungai dilakukan dalam beberapa segmen aliran. Debit banjir rencana dihitung dengan metode HSS Nakayasu. Debit banjir Q 10 pada STA 0+000 – STA 0+650 adalah7,814 m³/detik dengan debit eksisting 12,0067 m³/detik; Q 10 pada STA 0+650 - 1+350 adalah 14,518 m 3 /detik dan debit eksisting 7,417 m 3 /detik; Q 10 pada STA 1+350 - 2+275 adalah 22,944 m 3 /detik dan debit eksisting 13,0672 m 3 /detik; Q 10 pada STA 2+275 - 2+625 adalah 25,263 m 3 /detik dan debit eksistingnya 25,4304 m 3 /detik. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perlu dilakukan perubahan penampang sungai. Dimensi kanal yang direncanakan berbentuk persegi dengan ukuran sebagai berikut: STA 0+000 – STA 0+650 memiliki lebar 3,2...
Beton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang telah umum digunakan untuk bangunan gedung dan j... more Beton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang telah umum digunakan untuk bangunan gedung dan jalan. Kalimantan Timur sebagai daerah yang sedang berkembang pesat terutama untuk sektor pembangunan. Beton banyak digunakan karena memiliki kelebihan daripada bahan lain, diantaranya harganya relatif murah, memiliki kekuatan yang baik, tahan lama dan tahan terhadap api. Dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan terutama untuk mempermudah proses pengecoran diperlukan bahan tambah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan superplasticizer dan fly ash sebagai bahan tambah pada campuran beton dengan fariasi yang berbeda, untuk superplasticizer menggunakan 3 bahan produk superplasticizer yang berbeda yaitu produk Sika, BASF dan normet dengan kadar 0.3%,0,6%,0,9%,1,2% dan 1,5% dan untuk kadar fly ash sebesar 10 %. Dari komposisi tersebut kemudian dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kuat tekan beton optimum untuk produk Sika sebesar 42,81 MPa dengan kadar superplasticizer 0,3 %, pr...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
The purpose if this study is to develop a methodology for quantifying stream bank erosion using P... more The purpose if this study is to develop a methodology for quantifying stream bank erosion using Photo Electronic Erosion Pin (PEEP) that could adequately capture retreat length magnitude and timing information in response to changes in water stage. PEEP’s operational principle is based on sunlight exposure and intensity (“photo”=light).Four PEEPs were inserted into the stream bank near the mouth of Clear Creek, Iowa City, USA. PEEPs B1, B2, B3, and B4 were deployed at the crest, upper midbank, lower midbank, and toe of the right bank, respectively. The deployment of PEEP has been complemented with a statistical treatment of the retreat length time series data through the performance of a moving average to identify ubiquitous key bank erosion events in terms of magnitude and their frequency of occurrence for bank erosion. In concert to this effort, a unique and systematic PEEP data processing routine (e.g., filtering, correcting and smoothing) has been also developed to remove the ef...
Banjir bagi masyarakat Kota Samarinda merupakan hal yang umum dan sering terjadi. Setiap tahunnya... more Banjir bagi masyarakat Kota Samarinda merupakan hal yang umum dan sering terjadi. Setiap tahunnya debit banjir semakin meningkat karena air yang meresap kedalam tanah semakin berkurang seiring dengan perubahan tata guna lahan, banyaknya penebangan hutan, serta kurangnya kesadaran dari masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan. Maka dari itu diperlukan peresapan seperti sumur resapan ini, karena selain menampung banjir serta meningkatkan cadangan air tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang dimensi dan menghitung berapa jumlah sumur resapan yang diperlukan sehingga dengan adanya sumur resapan ini dengan harapan 100% banjir akan tertampung. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan analisis frekuensi adalah metode Gumbel, Log Pearson Tipe III, Log Normal, dan Normal. Pada perhitungan debit banjir rencana menggunakan metode HSS Nakayasu. Dari hasil perhitungan didapat hujan rencana kala ulang 10 tahun adalah 56.8864 m 3 /detik untuk outlet primer Gelatik, 20.6253m 3 /detik untuk outlet s...
Penggunaan agregat kasar Palu di Kalimantan Timur khususnya di Samarinda sudah sering terlambat p... more Penggunaan agregat kasar Palu di Kalimantan Timur khususnya di Samarinda sudah sering terlambat penerimaannya oleh karena itu peneliti menggati agregat kasar dengan mengunakan material yang berasal dari Desa Lebak Cilong, Kecamatan Muara wis Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur , kemudian penggantian sebagian semen menggunakan abu sekam padi karena material tersebut sering dianggap limbah dari penggilingan padi. Sekam padi di Indonesia yang dihasilkan selama ini melimpah, sayangnya material tersebut umumnya hanya digunakan untuk bahan bakar pembakaran batu bata merah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi campuran beton acuan dengan kuat tekan fc’ 30 MPa menggunakan agregat kasar Palu, agregat halus Palu, dan semen sebagai bahan pengikat, membandingkan kuat tekan beton menggunakan agregat kasar Palu dan agregat kasar Lebak Cilong pada komposisi yang sama, jika kuat tekan agregat kasar Lebak Cilong tidak tercapai maka merubah komposisi agregat kasar Lebak Cilo...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purposes of this manuscript are in two folds e.g.: first, to promote two novel techniques usi... more The purposes of this manuscript are in two folds e.g.: first, to promote two novel techniques using field-laboratory protocols, each for quantifying surface and mass fluvial erosion, second, to capture and highlight the regime change in the mode of bank erosion from surface to mass fluvial erosion based on real monitoring and measurements on a streambank face. In this study, conduit erosion flume and Photo Electronic Erosion Pin (PEEP) sensor technique were used for monitoring and measuring surface and mass fluvial erosions, respectively. Using those techniques the τ c,sf and τ c,mf , two key parameters which determine the onset of surface and mass fluvial erosion, can be determined successfully. The PEEP sensor can measure the mass fluvial erosion occurred under water, even capture the quasi-continues nature of erosion. More importantly, using these two methods, the presence of two regimes in the low amplitude of bank erosion, e.g. surface fluvial erosion and mass fluvial erosion c...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
Stream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial... more Stream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial erosion is a quasi-continuous entrainment of individual soil grains or grain flocs or chunks from the bank face due to the hydrodynamic shear flow action. It occurs under water with retreat lengths in millimeter or centimeter scale. The interaction between fluvial erosion and mass failure determines the shape and retreat rate of the stream bank. It is not rare, fluvial erosion which occurs at the bank toe later triggers slumping of soil mass known as mass failure. Despite its importance, the mechanism of fluvial erosion is less understood. This is predominantly due to lack of technique for measuring two key bank soil parameters that determine fluvial erosion rate, e.g., erosion shear strength tauC\tau_{C}tauC and erodibility coefficient M. The main purpose of this manuscript is to provide a short review on various techniques for measuring tauC\tau_{C}tauC and M proposed and applied in previous studies. The advantages and limitations of each technique are discussed to get a glimpse on where we stand and what challenges remain to be overcome.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Groundwater table on slope stability are important contributing factors to slope failures. Parame... more Groundwater table on slope stability are important contributing factors to slope failures. Parametric studies were carried out to study the effect of groundwater table position in affecting slope stability. Six different groundwater table corresponding to the wettest, typical, and driest were used in the numerical analyses using Geo Studio. In order to monitor slope stability, GeoStudio software is frequently applied to landslide stability analysis. In this paper, Jalan Poros Berau-Tanjung Selor slope stability prediction in East Borneo was subjected by GeoStudio software, while limit equilibrium method was adopted to calculate the safety factor in the slip surface based on five different groundwater table. Overall, the analyses shows that the five different groundwater table give the different safety factor. From this matter, retaining wall has planned with two layer, based on the critical condition which show by minimum safety factor.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of physical properties, more specifical... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of physical properties, more specifically the bulk density and water content, to the erosional strength of streambank soils. Thirty (30) soil samples were extracted from the crest, midbank and toe of the bank at Clear Creek in Iowa City, Iowa. Out of those thirty (30) samples, six (6) samples were tested in the standard soil laboratory for obtaining their bulk density and particle size distribution, six (6) samples were tested their bulk density and heterogeneity using Gamma radiation scanning, and eighteen (18) samples were tested their erosional strengthr*f. In addition, six (6) pure Kaolinite-clay samples were constructed with various degrees of consolidation or age and water content for measuring their T>-:f using conduit flume technique. The results of the conduit flume tests revealed an increasing trend in magnitude of Hf moving from the crest to the toe of the bank. The T
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi, 2019
ABSTRACTStream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion.... more ABSTRACTStream bank erosion manifests in two main modes, namely mass failure and fluvial erosion. Fluvial erosion is a quasi-continuous entrainment of individual soil grains or grain flocs or chunks from the bank face due to the hydrodynamic shear flow action. It occurs under water with retreat lengths in millimeter or centimeter scale. The interaction between fluvial erosion and mass failure determines the shape and retreat rate of the stream bank (Rinaldi et al., 2008). It is not rare, fluvial erosion which occurs at the bank toe later triggers slumping of soil mass known as mass failure. Despite its importance, the mechanism of fluvial erosion is less understood. This is predominantly due to lack of technique for measuring two key bank soil parameters that determine fluvial erosion rate, e.g., erosion shear strength τcand the erodibility coefficient M (Papanicolaou et al., 2007, Grabowski et al., 2011, Sutarto et al., 2014a). The goal of this manuscript is to provide a short revi...
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