Tonci Rezic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Tonci Rezic
Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam - Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition, 2022
Evolucijski gledano, znanstveni dokazi upućuju da je život nastao u pretečama vodenih ekosustava ... more Evolucijski gledano, znanstveni dokazi upućuju da je život nastao u pretečama vodenih ekosustava kao nakupinama toplog blata bogatog hranjivim tvarima i mineralima. Ove vrste blata, također zvane peloidi, nastaju nakupljanjem organskih tvari i njihovim miješanjem sa anorganskim tvarima iz gline. Miješanje pospješuju slatka i morska voda bogate mineralima. Nalazišta peloida su često plitke i zatvorene lagune, stalno izložene visokom UV zračenju, koncentraciji soli i temperaturi, zapravo ekstremna okruženja za život brojnih mikroorganizama. Mikroorganizmi koriste minerale iz okoliša, razlažu organske tvari, dakle ostatke biljaka i drugih makro i mikroorganizama i prilikom prilagodbe na okolišne uvjete sintetiziraju široku paletu primarnih i sekundarnih metabolita s ciljem obrane i prilagodbe na ekstremne uvjete okoliša. Na ovaj način sintetizirani metaboliti imaju brojno i raznoliko djelovanje, a svoju potencijalnu primjenu pronalaze u biotehnološkoj, kozmetičkoj i farmaceutskoj industriji. Unatoč dva tisućljeća stare i dokazane uporabe u ljekovite i medicinske svrhe, ali i jake turističke i medijske promocije, u modernom je razdoblju mali broj znanstvenika svoje znanje i sposobnost okušao u istraživanju ljekovitosti i dokazivanja dobrobiti ili pak štetnosti uporabe i terapije ninskim peloidom na ljudsko tijelo. Studija temeljena na znanstvenom istraživanju, zajedno sa sastavljanjem racionalnog i održivog plana uporabe ninskog peloida kao prirodnog resursa, bila bi temelj potencijalne komercijalizacije nalazišta i njegove primjene u medicinskoj, farmaceutskoj i biotehnološkoj industriji.
MOJ Food Processing & Technology, Jul 18, 2017
Microalgae Euglena gracilis was used for lipid production. Photo-mixotrophic cultivation was done... more Microalgae Euglena gracilis was used for lipid production. Photo-mixotrophic cultivation was done in self-constructed photobioreactor. During cultivation carbon source, stirrer speed, aeration rate and light source were changed to provide suitable cultivation condition for algae biomass and lipid production. It was find out that the changing from heterotrophic to autotrophic condition increase lipid production. Stirrer speed and aeration rate has a more pronounced effect on the biomass production. Due to the optimization of cultivation conditions, lipid production was increased from 0.4% to 30% of biomass dry weight in a single bioreactor. During autotrophic cultivation CO 2 increase lipid production in the E. gracilis cells but it has negative impact on the biomass production.
The tri-enzyme system pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O), laccase, and catalase was chosen to study the mos... more The tri-enzyme system pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O), laccase, and catalase was chosen to study the most influential parameters in the homogeneous and heterogeneous application of a complex redox machinery. P2O, which reduces oxygen or alternative electron acceptors and oxidizes aldoses to the corresponding 2-keto-sugars, was immobilized on eleven agarose or acrylic resins using varying coupling methods and the binding capacity was determined. An acrylic carrier (Amberzyme Oxirane) with the most suitable properties was selected for further testing. To increase the reaction rate, laccase was introduced to provide a competing electron acceptor, benzoquinone, which shows with P2O a three-fold higher turnover number than oxygen. Catalase was used to eliminate residual hydrogen peroxide and applied in different amounts to determine the influence of the hydrogen peroxide concentration on the turnover stability.
Kemija u Industriji, Jan 16, 2023
With the growing awareness of environmental protection, we are increasingly turning to natural en... more With the growing awareness of environmental protection, we are increasingly turning to natural energy sources and natural materials. Of great importance in this regard are biopolymers, which are completely degradable in nature. Among the most important biopolymers are chitin and chitosan, which are second only to cellulose. Large amounts of chitin and chitosan are found in the biosphere as important components of the exoskeleton of many organisms, and as waste from global fishing companies. Therefore, policymakers, environmentalists, and industry are promoting the use of these marine polysaccharides as renewable sources. This paper describes the physicochemical and biological properties, and the different methods used to extract chitin and chitosan mainly from marine wastes. Chitin can be obtained by chemical and biological extraction, and this paper compares these two methods with emphasis on enzymatic deproteinisation, bacterial fermentation, and enzymatic deacetylation. Due to their biodegradability, non-toxicity, biocompatibility, and bioactivity, these marine polymers are widely used in the modern production of biomedical and pharmaceutical products.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Dec 8, 2021
SummaryThe aim of the study was to observe the sustainability parameters of high voltage electric... more SummaryThe aim of the study was to observe the sustainability parameters of high voltage electrical discharge (HVED) as a novel technology for extraction of phenolic compounds from oregano. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of HVED was evaluated and compared with conventional extraction methods–infusion and maceration. The results showed that HVED extraction with nitrogen gave 2.19%–34.04% higher yield of phenolic compounds compared to infusion and 6.13%–90.95% higher yield compared to maceration, depending on the voltage and treatment time used for HVED. The environmental pillar of LCA, assessed by global warming potential, ranged from 1.130 to 4.635 kg CO2e for HVED samples treated with nitrogen and from 1.207 to 4.487 kg CO2e for samples treated with argon, which was mainly related to the duration of treatment. Other pillars of sustainability, namely society, economy, food safety and quality, were discussed. HVED was found to be the more sustainable technology (based on the results from LCA), with prospects for future scale‐up for the food industry.
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Jan 12, 2018
Jarosite waste samples from Trepça Zinc Industry in Kosovo were subjected to two batch leaching t... more Jarosite waste samples from Trepça Zinc Industry in Kosovo were subjected to two batch leaching tests as an attempt to characterize the leaching behavior and mobility of minor and major elements of jarosite waste. To achieve this, deionized water and synthetic acidic rain leaching tests were employed. A two-step acidic treatment in microwave digestion system were used to dissolve jarosite waste samples, followed by determination of Al,
Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam
Lignocelulozna biomasa je važan obnovljivi izvor energije i koristi se kao sirovina u proizvodnji... more Lignocelulozna biomasa je važan obnovljivi izvor energije i koristi se kao sirovina u proizvodnji biogoriva druge generacije. Zbog vrlo složene strukture, učinkovita enzimska hidroliza lignoceluloznebiomase je ključni izazov današnjice. Litička polisaharidna monooksigenaza (LPMO) je nedavno otkrivena vrsta enzima koji sadrže bakar, a imaju značajnu ulogu u oksidativnoj razgradnji netopivih biljnih polisaharida i topivih oligosaharida. Stoga je prepoznat kao jedan od bitnih enzima u održivoj pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase, a važnost ovog enzima potvrđena je brojnim istraživanjima. Nakon reduktivne aktivacije, LPMO cijepa supstrat i potiče razgradnju biomase hidrolitičkim enzimima. U ovom preglednom radu, opisana je uloga LPMO u razgradnji lignocelulozne biomase s naglaskom na strukturu LPMO i mehanizma djelovanja LPMO na celuloznim supstratima.
Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam
Nanoceluloza je prirodan i biorazgradiv materijal koji se dobiva iz obnovljivih lignoceluloznih s... more Nanoceluloza je prirodan i biorazgradiv materijal koji se dobiva iz obnovljivih lignoceluloznih sirovina kao sto su drvna biomasa, poljoprivredni ostaci i ostaci iz proizvodnje celuloze i papira. U posljednje vrijeme nanoceluloza kao zeleni materijal modernog doba zadobiva sve veći interes zbog svojih atraktivnih karakteristika kao što su izvrsna mehanička svojstva, velika površina te veliki broj hidroksilnih skupina koji omogućava veliki raspon modifikacija materijala. U ovome radu biti će opisani načini proizvodnje nanoceluloze iz lignoceluloznih sirovina korištenjem mehaničkih i fizikalno-kemijskih metoda, a poseban naglasak će bit dan na metode predobrade korištenjem enzima.
Knjiga Sažetaka, Radionica u sklopu projekta "Primjena mikroreaktora u praćenju antioksidacijske aktivnosti samoniklog bilja (MICRO-AA), 2016
VIII. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, 2010
Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam - Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition, 2014
Sažetak Biomasa mikroalgi predstavlja vrijednu sirovinu za proizvodnju farmaceutskih, prehrambeni... more Sažetak Biomasa mikroalgi predstavlja vrijednu sirovinu za proizvodnju farmaceutskih, prehrambenih i kozmetičkih proizvoda (proteina, masnih kiselina, vitamina, anti-oksidansa, pigmenata, lijekova i imunostimulansa), te proizvodnju biogoriva (biodizela). Temelj učinkovite proizvodnje biomase mikroalgi za dobivanje biogoriva primjena je bioprocesno inženjerskih znanja povezanih s izborom mikroalge, hranjive podloge, uvjeta i postupka vođenja bioprocesa u različitim bioreaktorskim sustavima, te metode izdvajanja i pročišćavanja biomase mikroalgi. Kriteriji izbora mikroalge određeni su fiziološkim potencijalom i mogućnošću mikroalge da uspješno nakuplja lipide tijekom bioprocesa. Izbor hranjive podloge, uvjeta i postupka vođenja bioprocesa ključni su za proizvodnju biomase mikroalgi s velikim udjelom lipida. Za dobivanje što veće količine biomase mikroalgi s ciljem proizvodnje biogoriva koriste se različiti bioreaktorski sustavi s jednom ili više podjedinica koji su opremljeni različit...
Bioresource Technology, 2021
Lytic-polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) is one of the most important involved in biocatalytic l... more Lytic-polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) is one of the most important involved in biocatalytic lignocellulose degradation, and therefore inhibition of LPMO has significant effects on all related processes. Structural causality model (SCM) were established to evaluate impact of phenolic by-products in lignocellulose hydrolysates on LPMO activity. The molecular descriptors GATS4c, ATS2m, BIC3 and VR2_Dzs were found to be significant in describing inhibition. The causalities of the molecular descriptors and LPMO activity are determined by evaluating the directed acyclic graph (DAG) and the d-separation algorithm. The maximum causality for LPMO activation is β= 0.79 by BIC3 and the maximum causality of inhibition is β= -0.56 for the GATS4c descriptor. The model has the potential to predict the inhibition of LPMO and its application could be useful in selecting an appropriate lignocellulose pretreatment method to minimise the production of a potent inhibitor. This will subsequently lead tomore efficient lignocellulose degradation process.
Molecules, 2020
The effect of different hydrodistillation pretreatments, namely, reflux extraction, reflux extrac... more The effect of different hydrodistillation pretreatments, namely, reflux extraction, reflux extraction with the addition of cell wall-degrading enzymes, and ultrasound, on the yield and chemical composition of essential oils of sage, bay laurel, and rosemary was examined. All pretreatments improved essential oil yield compared to no-pretreatment control (40–64% yield increase), while the oil quality remained mostly unchanged (as shown by statistical analysis of GC-MS results). However, enzyme-assisted reflux extraction pretreatment did not significantly outperform reflux extraction (no-enzyme control), suggesting that the observed yield increase was mostly a consequence of reflux extraction and enzymatic activity had only a minute effect. Thus, we show that ultrasound and reflux extraction pretreatments are beneficial in the production of essential oils of selected Mediterranean plants, but the application of enzymes has to be carefully re-evaluated.
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
In this research, the impact of chemical agents on the growth of Euglena gracilis and contaminant... more In this research, the impact of chemical agents on the growth of Euglena gracilis and contaminants (S. cerevisiae and B. subtilis) in different cultivation media was studied. E. gracilis was cultivated on modified Hutner and complex medium in Erlenmeyer flasks and a stirred tank bioreactor. H 2 O 2 and antimycin were used as suppressors of contaminant growth activities during algae cultivation. The use of antimycin as a chemical suppressor of contaminants is not recommendable because of its significant impact on the E. gracilis growth. At a H 2 O 2 concentration of 5 mg L-1 contaminant growth activities were almost completely suppressed. In these conditions, E. gracilis is capable to grow, but a further increase of H 2 O 2 concentration is related to significant reduction of algae growth. H 2 O 2 as a suppressor of contaminants has great potential for industrial application, but its optimal concentration for a particular bioprocess has to be determined in order to obtain the maximal bioprocess efficiency.
Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam - Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition, 2022
Evolucijski gledano, znanstveni dokazi upućuju da je život nastao u pretečama vodenih ekosustava ... more Evolucijski gledano, znanstveni dokazi upućuju da je život nastao u pretečama vodenih ekosustava kao nakupinama toplog blata bogatog hranjivim tvarima i mineralima. Ove vrste blata, također zvane peloidi, nastaju nakupljanjem organskih tvari i njihovim miješanjem sa anorganskim tvarima iz gline. Miješanje pospješuju slatka i morska voda bogate mineralima. Nalazišta peloida su često plitke i zatvorene lagune, stalno izložene visokom UV zračenju, koncentraciji soli i temperaturi, zapravo ekstremna okruženja za život brojnih mikroorganizama. Mikroorganizmi koriste minerale iz okoliša, razlažu organske tvari, dakle ostatke biljaka i drugih makro i mikroorganizama i prilikom prilagodbe na okolišne uvjete sintetiziraju široku paletu primarnih i sekundarnih metabolita s ciljem obrane i prilagodbe na ekstremne uvjete okoliša. Na ovaj način sintetizirani metaboliti imaju brojno i raznoliko djelovanje, a svoju potencijalnu primjenu pronalaze u biotehnološkoj, kozmetičkoj i farmaceutskoj industriji. Unatoč dva tisućljeća stare i dokazane uporabe u ljekovite i medicinske svrhe, ali i jake turističke i medijske promocije, u modernom je razdoblju mali broj znanstvenika svoje znanje i sposobnost okušao u istraživanju ljekovitosti i dokazivanja dobrobiti ili pak štetnosti uporabe i terapije ninskim peloidom na ljudsko tijelo. Studija temeljena na znanstvenom istraživanju, zajedno sa sastavljanjem racionalnog i održivog plana uporabe ninskog peloida kao prirodnog resursa, bila bi temelj potencijalne komercijalizacije nalazišta i njegove primjene u medicinskoj, farmaceutskoj i biotehnološkoj industriji.
MOJ Food Processing & Technology, Jul 18, 2017
Microalgae Euglena gracilis was used for lipid production. Photo-mixotrophic cultivation was done... more Microalgae Euglena gracilis was used for lipid production. Photo-mixotrophic cultivation was done in self-constructed photobioreactor. During cultivation carbon source, stirrer speed, aeration rate and light source were changed to provide suitable cultivation condition for algae biomass and lipid production. It was find out that the changing from heterotrophic to autotrophic condition increase lipid production. Stirrer speed and aeration rate has a more pronounced effect on the biomass production. Due to the optimization of cultivation conditions, lipid production was increased from 0.4% to 30% of biomass dry weight in a single bioreactor. During autotrophic cultivation CO 2 increase lipid production in the E. gracilis cells but it has negative impact on the biomass production.
The tri-enzyme system pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O), laccase, and catalase was chosen to study the mos... more The tri-enzyme system pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O), laccase, and catalase was chosen to study the most influential parameters in the homogeneous and heterogeneous application of a complex redox machinery. P2O, which reduces oxygen or alternative electron acceptors and oxidizes aldoses to the corresponding 2-keto-sugars, was immobilized on eleven agarose or acrylic resins using varying coupling methods and the binding capacity was determined. An acrylic carrier (Amberzyme Oxirane) with the most suitable properties was selected for further testing. To increase the reaction rate, laccase was introduced to provide a competing electron acceptor, benzoquinone, which shows with P2O a three-fold higher turnover number than oxygen. Catalase was used to eliminate residual hydrogen peroxide and applied in different amounts to determine the influence of the hydrogen peroxide concentration on the turnover stability.
Kemija u Industriji, Jan 16, 2023
With the growing awareness of environmental protection, we are increasingly turning to natural en... more With the growing awareness of environmental protection, we are increasingly turning to natural energy sources and natural materials. Of great importance in this regard are biopolymers, which are completely degradable in nature. Among the most important biopolymers are chitin and chitosan, which are second only to cellulose. Large amounts of chitin and chitosan are found in the biosphere as important components of the exoskeleton of many organisms, and as waste from global fishing companies. Therefore, policymakers, environmentalists, and industry are promoting the use of these marine polysaccharides as renewable sources. This paper describes the physicochemical and biological properties, and the different methods used to extract chitin and chitosan mainly from marine wastes. Chitin can be obtained by chemical and biological extraction, and this paper compares these two methods with emphasis on enzymatic deproteinisation, bacterial fermentation, and enzymatic deacetylation. Due to their biodegradability, non-toxicity, biocompatibility, and bioactivity, these marine polymers are widely used in the modern production of biomedical and pharmaceutical products.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Dec 8, 2021
SummaryThe aim of the study was to observe the sustainability parameters of high voltage electric... more SummaryThe aim of the study was to observe the sustainability parameters of high voltage electrical discharge (HVED) as a novel technology for extraction of phenolic compounds from oregano. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of HVED was evaluated and compared with conventional extraction methods–infusion and maceration. The results showed that HVED extraction with nitrogen gave 2.19%–34.04% higher yield of phenolic compounds compared to infusion and 6.13%–90.95% higher yield compared to maceration, depending on the voltage and treatment time used for HVED. The environmental pillar of LCA, assessed by global warming potential, ranged from 1.130 to 4.635 kg CO2e for HVED samples treated with nitrogen and from 1.207 to 4.487 kg CO2e for samples treated with argon, which was mainly related to the duration of treatment. Other pillars of sustainability, namely society, economy, food safety and quality, were discussed. HVED was found to be the more sustainable technology (based on the results from LCA), with prospects for future scale‐up for the food industry.
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Jan 12, 2018
Jarosite waste samples from Trepça Zinc Industry in Kosovo were subjected to two batch leaching t... more Jarosite waste samples from Trepça Zinc Industry in Kosovo were subjected to two batch leaching tests as an attempt to characterize the leaching behavior and mobility of minor and major elements of jarosite waste. To achieve this, deionized water and synthetic acidic rain leaching tests were employed. A two-step acidic treatment in microwave digestion system were used to dissolve jarosite waste samples, followed by determination of Al,
Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam
Lignocelulozna biomasa je važan obnovljivi izvor energije i koristi se kao sirovina u proizvodnji... more Lignocelulozna biomasa je važan obnovljivi izvor energije i koristi se kao sirovina u proizvodnji biogoriva druge generacije. Zbog vrlo složene strukture, učinkovita enzimska hidroliza lignoceluloznebiomase je ključni izazov današnjice. Litička polisaharidna monooksigenaza (LPMO) je nedavno otkrivena vrsta enzima koji sadrže bakar, a imaju značajnu ulogu u oksidativnoj razgradnji netopivih biljnih polisaharida i topivih oligosaharida. Stoga je prepoznat kao jedan od bitnih enzima u održivoj pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase, a važnost ovog enzima potvrđena je brojnim istraživanjima. Nakon reduktivne aktivacije, LPMO cijepa supstrat i potiče razgradnju biomase hidrolitičkim enzimima. U ovom preglednom radu, opisana je uloga LPMO u razgradnji lignocelulozne biomase s naglaskom na strukturu LPMO i mehanizma djelovanja LPMO na celuloznim supstratima.
Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam
Nanoceluloza je prirodan i biorazgradiv materijal koji se dobiva iz obnovljivih lignoceluloznih s... more Nanoceluloza je prirodan i biorazgradiv materijal koji se dobiva iz obnovljivih lignoceluloznih sirovina kao sto su drvna biomasa, poljoprivredni ostaci i ostaci iz proizvodnje celuloze i papira. U posljednje vrijeme nanoceluloza kao zeleni materijal modernog doba zadobiva sve veći interes zbog svojih atraktivnih karakteristika kao što su izvrsna mehanička svojstva, velika površina te veliki broj hidroksilnih skupina koji omogućava veliki raspon modifikacija materijala. U ovome radu biti će opisani načini proizvodnje nanoceluloze iz lignoceluloznih sirovina korištenjem mehaničkih i fizikalno-kemijskih metoda, a poseban naglasak će bit dan na metode predobrade korištenjem enzima.
Knjiga Sažetaka, Radionica u sklopu projekta "Primjena mikroreaktora u praćenju antioksidacijske aktivnosti samoniklog bilja (MICRO-AA), 2016
VIII. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, 2010
Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam - Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition, 2014
Sažetak Biomasa mikroalgi predstavlja vrijednu sirovinu za proizvodnju farmaceutskih, prehrambeni... more Sažetak Biomasa mikroalgi predstavlja vrijednu sirovinu za proizvodnju farmaceutskih, prehrambenih i kozmetičkih proizvoda (proteina, masnih kiselina, vitamina, anti-oksidansa, pigmenata, lijekova i imunostimulansa), te proizvodnju biogoriva (biodizela). Temelj učinkovite proizvodnje biomase mikroalgi za dobivanje biogoriva primjena je bioprocesno inženjerskih znanja povezanih s izborom mikroalge, hranjive podloge, uvjeta i postupka vođenja bioprocesa u različitim bioreaktorskim sustavima, te metode izdvajanja i pročišćavanja biomase mikroalgi. Kriteriji izbora mikroalge određeni su fiziološkim potencijalom i mogućnošću mikroalge da uspješno nakuplja lipide tijekom bioprocesa. Izbor hranjive podloge, uvjeta i postupka vođenja bioprocesa ključni su za proizvodnju biomase mikroalgi s velikim udjelom lipida. Za dobivanje što veće količine biomase mikroalgi s ciljem proizvodnje biogoriva koriste se različiti bioreaktorski sustavi s jednom ili više podjedinica koji su opremljeni različit...
Bioresource Technology, 2021
Lytic-polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) is one of the most important involved in biocatalytic l... more Lytic-polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) is one of the most important involved in biocatalytic lignocellulose degradation, and therefore inhibition of LPMO has significant effects on all related processes. Structural causality model (SCM) were established to evaluate impact of phenolic by-products in lignocellulose hydrolysates on LPMO activity. The molecular descriptors GATS4c, ATS2m, BIC3 and VR2_Dzs were found to be significant in describing inhibition. The causalities of the molecular descriptors and LPMO activity are determined by evaluating the directed acyclic graph (DAG) and the d-separation algorithm. The maximum causality for LPMO activation is β= 0.79 by BIC3 and the maximum causality of inhibition is β= -0.56 for the GATS4c descriptor. The model has the potential to predict the inhibition of LPMO and its application could be useful in selecting an appropriate lignocellulose pretreatment method to minimise the production of a potent inhibitor. This will subsequently lead tomore efficient lignocellulose degradation process.
Molecules, 2020
The effect of different hydrodistillation pretreatments, namely, reflux extraction, reflux extrac... more The effect of different hydrodistillation pretreatments, namely, reflux extraction, reflux extraction with the addition of cell wall-degrading enzymes, and ultrasound, on the yield and chemical composition of essential oils of sage, bay laurel, and rosemary was examined. All pretreatments improved essential oil yield compared to no-pretreatment control (40–64% yield increase), while the oil quality remained mostly unchanged (as shown by statistical analysis of GC-MS results). However, enzyme-assisted reflux extraction pretreatment did not significantly outperform reflux extraction (no-enzyme control), suggesting that the observed yield increase was mostly a consequence of reflux extraction and enzymatic activity had only a minute effect. Thus, we show that ultrasound and reflux extraction pretreatments are beneficial in the production of essential oils of selected Mediterranean plants, but the application of enzymes has to be carefully re-evaluated.
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
In this research, the impact of chemical agents on the growth of Euglena gracilis and contaminant... more In this research, the impact of chemical agents on the growth of Euglena gracilis and contaminants (S. cerevisiae and B. subtilis) in different cultivation media was studied. E. gracilis was cultivated on modified Hutner and complex medium in Erlenmeyer flasks and a stirred tank bioreactor. H 2 O 2 and antimycin were used as suppressors of contaminant growth activities during algae cultivation. The use of antimycin as a chemical suppressor of contaminants is not recommendable because of its significant impact on the E. gracilis growth. At a H 2 O 2 concentration of 5 mg L-1 contaminant growth activities were almost completely suppressed. In these conditions, E. gracilis is capable to grow, but a further increase of H 2 O 2 concentration is related to significant reduction of algae growth. H 2 O 2 as a suppressor of contaminants has great potential for industrial application, but its optimal concentration for a particular bioprocess has to be determined in order to obtain the maximal bioprocess efficiency.