Totok Pujianto - (original) (raw)

Papers by Totok Pujianto

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Digital Pada Usaha Jamu Si Nok Dengan Menggunakan Metode Sostac

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Apr 11, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Media Sosial Equine Black Garlic Menggunakan Model Dagmar

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Feb 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Jual Beli Pisang Pada UKM Kampung Cau Padjadjaran Jawa Barat


Pisang merupakan buah yang populer di Indonesia, dimana perkebunan pisang dapat ditemukan dari Ac... more Pisang merupakan buah yang populer di Indonesia, dimana perkebunan pisang dapat ditemukan dari Aceh hingga Papua, dengan total panen 105.801 ton pada tahun 2019. Kampung Cau Padjadjaran (KCP), dengan petani mitra di berbagai daerah, merupakan salah satu Usaha Kecil Menengah yang mengelola petani pisang di Jawa Barat. Persoalannya, pembelian dan penjualan pisang antara UKM KCP, konsumen, dan petani masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga proses transaksi menjadi lebih lama. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dibuatlah aplikasi berbasis Android untuk mengelola transaksi jual beli UKM KCP. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan smartphone mereka untuk memeriksa stok pisang dan memproses transaksi dengan menginstal aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan metode Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) dan framework Android Studio, serta database Firebase yang menggunakan teknologi cloud. Aplikasi ini bernama MyBanana, dan memiliki beberapa fitur yang membantu konsumen, petani, dan UKM KCP dalam mengelola d...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bisnis Toko Kue dengan Pendekatan Analisis SWOT dan Analisis Prospektif

JKBM (Jurnal Konsep Bisnis dan Manajemen), Nov 30, 2022

Pertumbuhan bisnis di Indonesia saat ini tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Persaingan bisnis menjadi se... more Pertumbuhan bisnis di Indonesia saat ini tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Persaingan bisnis menjadi semakin ketat dan menuntut para pelaku usaha untuk terus melakukan inovasi. Toko Kue Aisyah sebagai bisnis yang baru beroperasi harus bisa bersaing dengan pelaku usaha lainnya. Sehingga dibutuhkan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang dapat memberikan perubahan di masa datang pada. Oleh karena itu, upaya penyusunan strategi pengembangan bisnis pada Toko Kue Aisyah kemudian menggunakan pendekatan metode analisis SWOT dan metode analisis prospektif. Metode analisis SWOT dapat mengidentifikasi kondisi internal dan eksternal bisnis serta memberikan rekomendasi strategi berdasarkan kondisi yang ada dengan didasari oleh faktor internal (strength dan weakness) dan faktor eksternal (opportunity dan threat) pada Toko Kue Aisyah. Penggunaan analisis prospektif dapat memberikan gambaran formulasi strategi dengan melibatkan pembuat keputusan (stakeholder) yang didasari oleh kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan dan menentukan strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menghadapi kondisi di masa mendatang. Hasil penyusunan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk diterapkan yaitu merekrut tenaga kerja baru, konsisten menerapkan quality control pada proses produksi dan melakukan pemantauan serta evaluasi bahan baku.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Pada Proses Produksi Teh Hitam Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control


Peningkatan jumlah konsumsi teh di dunia mendorong perkembangan produksi pengolahan teh yang bera... more Peningkatan jumlah konsumsi teh di dunia mendorong perkembangan produksi pengolahan teh yang berada di Indonesia untuk mampu bersaing di pasar internasional. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai jual dan daya saing suatu produk yaitu kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. PTPN IV Unit Tobasari sebagai salah satu industri pengolahan teh hitam yang berada di Kabupaten Simalungun masih menemukan produk cacat dalam proses produksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan pengendalian mutu produk teh hitam yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PTPN IV Unit Tobasari, mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab penyimpangan mutu produk dan memberikan tindakan korektif atau usulan perbaikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) dengan menggunakan alat bantu data statistik. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif yang dapat dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan kondisi penelitian berdasarkan fakta. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) pengendalian kualitas dilakukan pada pendekatan penerimaan bahan baku, proses produksi dan pendekatan produk akhir tetapi hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat produk yang masih berada di luar batas kendali statistik; (2) faktor-faktor penyebab penyimpangan mutu teh hitam adalah faktor manusia, faktor bahan baku, faktor metode, faktor mesin dan faktor lingkungan; (3) Tindakan korektif atau usulan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu peningkatan kualitas bahan baku, peningkatan kemampuan kerja, perbaikan metode, dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Desain Kemasan Black Garlic Honey dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD)


Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk diversifikasi, mengandung black garlic, madu, dan propolis. P... more Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk diversifikasi, mengandung black garlic, madu, dan propolis. Produk Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk baru sehingga dibutuhkan perancangan kemasan premium dengan menggunakan metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) untuk mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen dan respon teknis. Atribut kebutuhan konsumen diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap konsumen dan pengolahan data dilakukan melalui diagram House of Quality (HOQ). Terdapat 9 atribut kebutuhan konsumen dan 11 respon teknis. Atribut kebutuhan konsumen untuk kemasan Black Garlic Honey adalah bahan yang digunakan aman dan tidak mudah rusak, mencantumkan informasi produk yang jelas dan lengkap, dapat melindungi produk, desain yang menarik, tulisan jelas dan mudah dibaca, kemudahan konsumen untuk membuka dan menutup, mudah untuk dibawa, komposisi warna yang menarik dan elegan, serta ukuran yang sesuai dengan produk yang dikemas. Respon teknis dengan nilai bobot teknis paling tinggi adalah 'penyesuaian ukuran, bentuk dan bahan kemasan dengan ukuran dan berat produk', 'perancangan desain visual kemasan yang menarik', 'pemilihan jenis penutup kemasan yang mudah dibuka dan ditutup kembali'. Terdapat 3 hasil rancangan desain kemasan untuk 3 varian jenis produk Black Garlic Honey yang diterima oleh produsen dan responden, dengan menggunakan kombinasi warna cream, coklat muda, dan coklat tua, dan grafis berupa foto produk dan logo. Pertama, kombinasi black garlic utuh dengan madu dengan kemasan jar kaca 250 gr. Kedua, kombinasi black garlic yang dihaluskan dengan madu yang dengan kemasan botol plastik PET 150 gr. Ketiga, kombinasi black garlic yang dihaluskan dengan madu dan propolis dengan kemasan sachet 20 gr.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi pengirisan mesin slicer ubi kayu: (Manihot Esculenta. Erantz)

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2 : PE-bags with Ethylene Removers stored at 10 0 C±2 0 C

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Titik Kritis Halal pada Proses Produksi di Komunitas UKM Aksara Cimahi Menggunakan Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)

Aksara Small Medium Enterprises Community on Cimahi is a community of SMEs that produces snacks, ... more Aksara Small Medium Enterprises Community on Cimahi is a community of SMEs that produces snacks, the majority of SMEs already have halal certification but the existence of halal certification does not guarantee that the UMKM is always halal because based on the results of research at SMEs are still vulnerable to halal critical points. This study used the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) method to analyze which risks are the priority of halal critical points to be evaluated immediately, by calculating which Risk Priority Number (RPN) is the highest. Some risks that can cause halal critical points are formula changes that produce new products (80%), do not have a halal certified supplier (60%), production space is close to contamination (50%), the absence of the halal logo on the raw material that is used (40%). The risks that become halal critical points can cause a loss of the halal status of the products.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Influencer Pada Media Sosial Instagram Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Frutivez

Mimbar agribisnis, Aug 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas pada Proses Pengolahan Teh Hijau Menggunakan Metode Lean Six Sigma

Green tea is produced by deactivating polyphenol oxidase enzymes in tea leaves at temperatures ra... more Green tea is produced by deactivating polyphenol oxidase enzymes in tea leaves at temperatures ranging from 90 to 110 °C. The quality of green tea is influenced by the quality of the shoots used during tea processing. The study conducted an analysis of the raw material quality for harvested tea shoots using the PMS method, while the resulting product quality was assessed based on grading and organoleptic properties. This research employed the lean six sigma method to examine the quality parameters of the products and identify waste in the green tea processing at the PPTK Gambung Green Tea Factory. The study also proposed quality control enhancements for green tea. By utilizing the DMAI stages of the lean six sigma method, the study identified problems and their causes in the green tea processing. The parameters of the study focused on the processing techniques and the resulting products. The findings revealed a higher proportion of secondgrade (Jikeng) tea compared to other grades. It was determined that high-quality green tea should possess a greater composition of pekoe grade. The green tea product met the requirements specified by the green tea SNI (Indonesian National Standard) in terms of water content, appearance of dry green tea, liquor water, and infused leaves. Non-conformities in the stalk grade indicated issues related to raw materials, machinery, labor, and the environment. Waste in the form of defects and waiting time resulted from factors such as raw materials, machinery, methods, and labor. Improvements in quality control are necessary to enhance the quality of green tea products and minimize waste during the green tea processing.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Contribution of Technology Components in Production Activities at PT Z Using Technometric Method

Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, Dec 14, 2017

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) dan nil... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) dan nilai kontribusi komponen teknologi yang meliputi technoware, humanware, infoware, dan orgaware di PT Z dengan komoditas utama kopi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengamatan terhadap perusahaan dan wawancara kepada 10 orang karyawan dan 4 orang trainee. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode Teknometrik didukung metode SMART (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique) dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai TCC PT Z adalah 0,7255. Berdasarkan nilai TCC, PT Z termasuk klasifikasi sangat baik dan berdasarkan tingkat teknologi memiliki tingkat teknologi modern. Nilai kontribusi komponen teknologi orgaware mempunyai kontribusi yang paling tinggi (0,9444), kemudian infoware (0,8241), humanware (0,6283), dan terkecil technoware (0,4954). Hasil diagram posisi analisis SWOT komponen technoware, infoware, orgaware pada kuadran I, sedangkan komponen humanware pada kuadran II. Hasil penilaian kontribusi teknologi ini dikaitkan dengan pilihan strateginya bahwa sekalipun perusahaan kopi, dalam penerapan teknologi perlu siaga menyesuaikan kecepatan perubahan teknologi yang cepat. Upaya penyesuaian ini sangat dibantu dengan sangat terbukanya ketersediaan informasi teknologi. Keadaan ini bisa menjadi rujukan bagi perusahaan sejenis.

Research paper thumbnail of Study and characterization of powder mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) bone gelatin through hydrolysis of hydrochloric acid

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2018

The acid solvent experimental studies on gelatin producing by utilizing snapper fishes scales was... more The acid solvent experimental studies on gelatin producing by utilizing snapper fishes scales waste (Lutjanus camphecanus sp.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Quality Function Deployment untuk Peningkatan Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Kualitas Produk UKM Sanders Milk Donut

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Oct 1, 2021

In order to improve product quality concerning of The Sanders Milk Donuts (as Small Medium Entrep... more In order to improve product quality concerning of The Sanders Milk Donuts (as Small Medium Entreprise) accordance with consumer satisfaction and the winning of market competition, The Sanders has conducted research to determine the priority improvements based on consumers needs. The steps taken by the company in relation to this research include identifying the consumers product attributes performance levels and technical response components to be improved in terms of the basic components of technology and human labor. The data collected from 100 respondents and analize based on direct observation and brainstorming with Sanders Milk Donuts using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method. The results show that there are eight attributes of consumer needs that have been fulfilled by Sanders Milk and there are four technical response components that need to be improved from the technoware aspect and eight technical response components that need to be improved from the humanware aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Planning and Inventory Control Analysis at Perum Bulog West Java Regional Division

With expanded population, rice consumption in Indonesia is also increasing. Hence rice supply mus... more With expanded population, rice consumption in Indonesia is also increasing. Hence rice supply must be managed by Perum Bulog as the handler. Perum Bulog responsibility includes raskin distribution, government rice reserve distribution for emergency and disaster, rice distribution to government agencies and rice distribution among Perum Bulog regional division. Particularly in Perum Bulog West Java Province as one of the largest rice producer in Indonesia. The problems foundwere how to organize and inventory all those rice provided in West Java Province so it can be distributed evenly and efficiently. Solution to these problems will be soughtusing Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and approached with Period Order Quantity (POQ).Following complete analysis, it is noted that the largest rice procurement in the last five years happened in 2012 with 585.869.610,53 kg rice produced, and the lowest is going on in 2014. This stock instability is affected by several factors such as crop failures, or unpredictable climate changes thus caused several rice redeployments from DKI Jakarta, Central Java, and South Sulawesi regional division. For 2016, the cumulative cost of supplies calculated was Rp. 4.659.583.712.750,62 with ordering period as much as 71 times and will save the cost of supplies by Rp. 22.118.461.655,86 than planned by Perum Bulog West Java regional division.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Condition and Rules of Lean Implementation Practice in Agro-SMEs

Journal of industrial and information technology in agriculture, Dec 29, 2017

This research aims to identify current condition and rules of lean manufacturing (LM) implementat... more This research aims to identify current condition and rules of lean manufacturing (LM) implementation in Agro-Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The current condition aspects are identification of waste, LM techniques and methods, the reason and barriers on LM implementation in SMEs. Exploring the behavior of SMEs on implementing LM which supporting to generate productivity and efficiency on production system are important to be identified. Initially, LM concept are implemented in manufacturing industry especially in automotive industry. Nowadays this concept has been implemented by other sector included Small and Medium-size Enterprise. However, it has still a few number of Agro-SMEs implementing LM concept. The data from Indonesia Statistic revealed that the proportion of SME-agro based are in the total of SME in Indonesia. It insinuated that Agro-SMEs has a significant potency for national economic if their productivity increase. LM providing chance to improve productivity and efficiency in. Many research had conducted to explore LM implementation in various sector. Unfortunately, Research on LM implementation in Agro-SMEs has still a few number. Research was conducted in 12 Agro-SMEs around Sumedang and Bandung. Selected SMEs referring to the use of horticulture and plantation commodity as a raw material. The data collected by field observation and deep interview to the owner, management-level, and employer. The data presented through description of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The result shows that the motion becomes a dominant waste in SMEs at 30%, while over production activity contributes waste at 22%, waiting aspect at 17%, inventory at 13 %, defect and transportation at 9%. Motion generates negative impact to work productivity and effectivity, for instance increase of time consume unimportant activity at work, WIP of product, cost for labor, and cost production. In terms of Method and techniques implemented in Agro-SME, Continuous improvement (Kaizen) and 5 S outnumbered to other methods and techniques at 50%. Other method and techniques such as Teamwork and 5Why had contributed at 41.6%, TQM and Work standardization at 33.33%, and Jidoka at 16.67% as well as Kanban system, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and SMED 0%. In terms of the reason on implementing LM, Improving the quality of product becoming a larger proportion which affecting the LM implementation at 36%. In other hand, knowledge outnumbered to others aspect. It contributes 35% as the most barrier factor on LM implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Application Development To Manage Data And Information On Lettuce Production Companies

Journal of industrial and information technology in agriculture, Aug 13, 2017

As a producer of lettuce plants, the company X (as a case object) needs to improve the informatio... more As a producer of lettuce plants, the company X (as a case object) needs to improve the information system more effectively and efficiently in order to support the increase of production. Therefore, it is necessary to build a management information system that provides information quickly and accurately. The implementation of this research using Waterfall Method. This research begins with the analysis of the needs of all users, then designing data flow diagrams, designing databases using SQL, entity relationship diagrams, normalization, the latter is the design of information structures including user interfaces. After that done programming activities using PHP programming language. This app is verified and validated. The information needs of the company are as follows: There are four parties as users of the information system; Information should be submitted and accessible as soon as possible; The manager can view the information of each division; To each division and vice versa; Managers can monitor the service level of marketing division and division of production; Each division can manage data; There needs to be model information about the agenda of each division. The app provides a shared menu for admins and users. Users are managers, marketing divisions, production divisions, and home packaging divisions. Each user has the same menu ie homepage, schedule, and reports. As for the manager plus menu monitoring. The final application prototype gives users satisfactory results. Each user is also given a menu to manage the database with features: inserting, searching, editing, and deleting data. The database comes with a dynamic and flexible user interface as a medium of data exchange and information between relevant divisions and media support in decisionmaking at the managerial level.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengukuran kinerja green manufacturing pada industri tahu sumedang untuk meningkatkan kinerja terhadap lingkungan menggunakan GSCOR dan LCA

Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, May 30, 2022

The application of an environmentally sound industry is one of the environmental conservation iss... more The application of an environmentally sound industry is one of the environmental conservation issues and a global issue in the industry. The application of an environmentally sound industry can be implemented in the Green Manufacturing system. The tofu industry in the production process uses a high volume of water, resulting in a high volume of liquid waste, which can pollute the environment. The problem with the Sari Kedelai industry is that there has not been a performance measurement on the environment and an analysis of the resulting impact. This study aims to measure the performance of Green Manufacturing with the GSCOR (Green Supply Chain Operations Reference) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methods as well as formulate suggestions for improvements to the Sari Kedele industry in the context of implementing Green Manufacturing. The results of performance measurement using the GSCOR method in the Sari Kedele industry has a value of 79.78 which was included in the good category. Environmental impact analysis is assessed with a focus on GHG emissions (Greenhouse Gases) that uses LCA with an ISO 14040 approach resulting in a GHG emission value of CO2-eq/kg tofu of 3.7107.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis User Experience pada Warehouse Marketplace dengan Metode Heuristic Evaluation

JuTISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi), Apr 30, 2020

A warehouse marketplace is a platform that brings together businesses or people who need a wareho... more A warehouse marketplace is a platform that brings together businesses or people who need a warehouse with a warehouse provider. Because this type of marketplace is relatively new, there are still many shortcomings, especially in the User Experience (UX) section. The features offered by this marketplace are still very limited, so it is difficult to attract potential users. The purpose of this study is to analyze and improve User Experience in the warehouse marketplace. Heuristic evaluation will be used as a UX analyzer method and Google Material Design as a reference of design principles for revising the previous UX. The evaluation results will be useful for two parties. For user to navigate the marketplace easier so that the conversion from visitors to buyers increases. For startups in warehouse category which want to use websites as a marketing and leasing facility to have a good User Experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Neraca Bahan Makanan Dalam Rangka Penyusunan Strategi Dan Kebijakan Ketahanan Pangan Kota Bandung Hingga Tahun 2020

Pemetaan kondisi pangan Kota Bandung perlu dideskripsikan untuk penyusunan rencana strategis dan ... more Pemetaan kondisi pangan Kota Bandung perlu dideskripsikan untuk penyusunan rencana strategis dan aksi pemantapan ketahanan pangan sampai tahun 2010. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode deskriptif analitik melalui pendekatan analisis Neraca Bahan Makanan untuk mendeskripsikan Pola Pangan Harapan (PPH) dan proyeksi pemenuhan bahan makanan yang berorientasi pada pemenuhan kecukupan energi dan gizi dari sejumlah bahan makanan pokok hingga tahun 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kota Bandung telah memenuhi kecukupan energi pada tahun 2008 yaitu 2.591 Kal/kap/hari, Namun dengan asupan protein sebesar 67,75 g/kap/hari, belum memenuhi gizi yang diharapkan. Sedang ketersediaan pangan baru mencapai skor PPH 78,3. Kata kunci : Neraca bahan makanan, Pola pangan harapan

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Digital Pada Usaha Jamu Si Nok Dengan Menggunakan Metode Sostac

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Apr 11, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Media Sosial Equine Black Garlic Menggunakan Model Dagmar

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Feb 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Jual Beli Pisang Pada UKM Kampung Cau Padjadjaran Jawa Barat


Pisang merupakan buah yang populer di Indonesia, dimana perkebunan pisang dapat ditemukan dari Ac... more Pisang merupakan buah yang populer di Indonesia, dimana perkebunan pisang dapat ditemukan dari Aceh hingga Papua, dengan total panen 105.801 ton pada tahun 2019. Kampung Cau Padjadjaran (KCP), dengan petani mitra di berbagai daerah, merupakan salah satu Usaha Kecil Menengah yang mengelola petani pisang di Jawa Barat. Persoalannya, pembelian dan penjualan pisang antara UKM KCP, konsumen, dan petani masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga proses transaksi menjadi lebih lama. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dibuatlah aplikasi berbasis Android untuk mengelola transaksi jual beli UKM KCP. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan smartphone mereka untuk memeriksa stok pisang dan memproses transaksi dengan menginstal aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan metode Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) dan framework Android Studio, serta database Firebase yang menggunakan teknologi cloud. Aplikasi ini bernama MyBanana, dan memiliki beberapa fitur yang membantu konsumen, petani, dan UKM KCP dalam mengelola d...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bisnis Toko Kue dengan Pendekatan Analisis SWOT dan Analisis Prospektif

JKBM (Jurnal Konsep Bisnis dan Manajemen), Nov 30, 2022

Pertumbuhan bisnis di Indonesia saat ini tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Persaingan bisnis menjadi se... more Pertumbuhan bisnis di Indonesia saat ini tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Persaingan bisnis menjadi semakin ketat dan menuntut para pelaku usaha untuk terus melakukan inovasi. Toko Kue Aisyah sebagai bisnis yang baru beroperasi harus bisa bersaing dengan pelaku usaha lainnya. Sehingga dibutuhkan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang dapat memberikan perubahan di masa datang pada. Oleh karena itu, upaya penyusunan strategi pengembangan bisnis pada Toko Kue Aisyah kemudian menggunakan pendekatan metode analisis SWOT dan metode analisis prospektif. Metode analisis SWOT dapat mengidentifikasi kondisi internal dan eksternal bisnis serta memberikan rekomendasi strategi berdasarkan kondisi yang ada dengan didasari oleh faktor internal (strength dan weakness) dan faktor eksternal (opportunity dan threat) pada Toko Kue Aisyah. Penggunaan analisis prospektif dapat memberikan gambaran formulasi strategi dengan melibatkan pembuat keputusan (stakeholder) yang didasari oleh kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan dan menentukan strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menghadapi kondisi di masa mendatang. Hasil penyusunan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk diterapkan yaitu merekrut tenaga kerja baru, konsisten menerapkan quality control pada proses produksi dan melakukan pemantauan serta evaluasi bahan baku.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Pada Proses Produksi Teh Hitam Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control


Peningkatan jumlah konsumsi teh di dunia mendorong perkembangan produksi pengolahan teh yang bera... more Peningkatan jumlah konsumsi teh di dunia mendorong perkembangan produksi pengolahan teh yang berada di Indonesia untuk mampu bersaing di pasar internasional. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai jual dan daya saing suatu produk yaitu kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. PTPN IV Unit Tobasari sebagai salah satu industri pengolahan teh hitam yang berada di Kabupaten Simalungun masih menemukan produk cacat dalam proses produksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan pengendalian mutu produk teh hitam yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PTPN IV Unit Tobasari, mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab penyimpangan mutu produk dan memberikan tindakan korektif atau usulan perbaikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) dengan menggunakan alat bantu data statistik. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif yang dapat dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan kondisi penelitian berdasarkan fakta. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) pengendalian kualitas dilakukan pada pendekatan penerimaan bahan baku, proses produksi dan pendekatan produk akhir tetapi hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat produk yang masih berada di luar batas kendali statistik; (2) faktor-faktor penyebab penyimpangan mutu teh hitam adalah faktor manusia, faktor bahan baku, faktor metode, faktor mesin dan faktor lingkungan; (3) Tindakan korektif atau usulan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu peningkatan kualitas bahan baku, peningkatan kemampuan kerja, perbaikan metode, dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Desain Kemasan Black Garlic Honey dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD)


Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk diversifikasi, mengandung black garlic, madu, dan propolis. P... more Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk diversifikasi, mengandung black garlic, madu, dan propolis. Produk Black Garlic Honey merupakan produk baru sehingga dibutuhkan perancangan kemasan premium dengan menggunakan metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) untuk mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen dan respon teknis. Atribut kebutuhan konsumen diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap konsumen dan pengolahan data dilakukan melalui diagram House of Quality (HOQ). Terdapat 9 atribut kebutuhan konsumen dan 11 respon teknis. Atribut kebutuhan konsumen untuk kemasan Black Garlic Honey adalah bahan yang digunakan aman dan tidak mudah rusak, mencantumkan informasi produk yang jelas dan lengkap, dapat melindungi produk, desain yang menarik, tulisan jelas dan mudah dibaca, kemudahan konsumen untuk membuka dan menutup, mudah untuk dibawa, komposisi warna yang menarik dan elegan, serta ukuran yang sesuai dengan produk yang dikemas. Respon teknis dengan nilai bobot teknis paling tinggi adalah 'penyesuaian ukuran, bentuk dan bahan kemasan dengan ukuran dan berat produk', 'perancangan desain visual kemasan yang menarik', 'pemilihan jenis penutup kemasan yang mudah dibuka dan ditutup kembali'. Terdapat 3 hasil rancangan desain kemasan untuk 3 varian jenis produk Black Garlic Honey yang diterima oleh produsen dan responden, dengan menggunakan kombinasi warna cream, coklat muda, dan coklat tua, dan grafis berupa foto produk dan logo. Pertama, kombinasi black garlic utuh dengan madu dengan kemasan jar kaca 250 gr. Kedua, kombinasi black garlic yang dihaluskan dengan madu yang dengan kemasan botol plastik PET 150 gr. Ketiga, kombinasi black garlic yang dihaluskan dengan madu dan propolis dengan kemasan sachet 20 gr.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi pengirisan mesin slicer ubi kayu: (Manihot Esculenta. Erantz)

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2 : PE-bags with Ethylene Removers stored at 10 0 C±2 0 C

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Titik Kritis Halal pada Proses Produksi di Komunitas UKM Aksara Cimahi Menggunakan Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)

Aksara Small Medium Enterprises Community on Cimahi is a community of SMEs that produces snacks, ... more Aksara Small Medium Enterprises Community on Cimahi is a community of SMEs that produces snacks, the majority of SMEs already have halal certification but the existence of halal certification does not guarantee that the UMKM is always halal because based on the results of research at SMEs are still vulnerable to halal critical points. This study used the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) method to analyze which risks are the priority of halal critical points to be evaluated immediately, by calculating which Risk Priority Number (RPN) is the highest. Some risks that can cause halal critical points are formula changes that produce new products (80%), do not have a halal certified supplier (60%), production space is close to contamination (50%), the absence of the halal logo on the raw material that is used (40%). The risks that become halal critical points can cause a loss of the halal status of the products.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Influencer Pada Media Sosial Instagram Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Frutivez

Mimbar agribisnis, Aug 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas pada Proses Pengolahan Teh Hijau Menggunakan Metode Lean Six Sigma

Green tea is produced by deactivating polyphenol oxidase enzymes in tea leaves at temperatures ra... more Green tea is produced by deactivating polyphenol oxidase enzymes in tea leaves at temperatures ranging from 90 to 110 °C. The quality of green tea is influenced by the quality of the shoots used during tea processing. The study conducted an analysis of the raw material quality for harvested tea shoots using the PMS method, while the resulting product quality was assessed based on grading and organoleptic properties. This research employed the lean six sigma method to examine the quality parameters of the products and identify waste in the green tea processing at the PPTK Gambung Green Tea Factory. The study also proposed quality control enhancements for green tea. By utilizing the DMAI stages of the lean six sigma method, the study identified problems and their causes in the green tea processing. The parameters of the study focused on the processing techniques and the resulting products. The findings revealed a higher proportion of secondgrade (Jikeng) tea compared to other grades. It was determined that high-quality green tea should possess a greater composition of pekoe grade. The green tea product met the requirements specified by the green tea SNI (Indonesian National Standard) in terms of water content, appearance of dry green tea, liquor water, and infused leaves. Non-conformities in the stalk grade indicated issues related to raw materials, machinery, labor, and the environment. Waste in the form of defects and waiting time resulted from factors such as raw materials, machinery, methods, and labor. Improvements in quality control are necessary to enhance the quality of green tea products and minimize waste during the green tea processing.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Contribution of Technology Components in Production Activities at PT Z Using Technometric Method

Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, Dec 14, 2017

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) dan nil... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) dan nilai kontribusi komponen teknologi yang meliputi technoware, humanware, infoware, dan orgaware di PT Z dengan komoditas utama kopi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengamatan terhadap perusahaan dan wawancara kepada 10 orang karyawan dan 4 orang trainee. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode Teknometrik didukung metode SMART (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique) dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai TCC PT Z adalah 0,7255. Berdasarkan nilai TCC, PT Z termasuk klasifikasi sangat baik dan berdasarkan tingkat teknologi memiliki tingkat teknologi modern. Nilai kontribusi komponen teknologi orgaware mempunyai kontribusi yang paling tinggi (0,9444), kemudian infoware (0,8241), humanware (0,6283), dan terkecil technoware (0,4954). Hasil diagram posisi analisis SWOT komponen technoware, infoware, orgaware pada kuadran I, sedangkan komponen humanware pada kuadran II. Hasil penilaian kontribusi teknologi ini dikaitkan dengan pilihan strateginya bahwa sekalipun perusahaan kopi, dalam penerapan teknologi perlu siaga menyesuaikan kecepatan perubahan teknologi yang cepat. Upaya penyesuaian ini sangat dibantu dengan sangat terbukanya ketersediaan informasi teknologi. Keadaan ini bisa menjadi rujukan bagi perusahaan sejenis.

Research paper thumbnail of Study and characterization of powder mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) bone gelatin through hydrolysis of hydrochloric acid

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2018

The acid solvent experimental studies on gelatin producing by utilizing snapper fishes scales was... more The acid solvent experimental studies on gelatin producing by utilizing snapper fishes scales waste (Lutjanus camphecanus sp.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Quality Function Deployment untuk Peningkatan Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Kualitas Produk UKM Sanders Milk Donut

JEPA (Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis), Oct 1, 2021

In order to improve product quality concerning of The Sanders Milk Donuts (as Small Medium Entrep... more In order to improve product quality concerning of The Sanders Milk Donuts (as Small Medium Entreprise) accordance with consumer satisfaction and the winning of market competition, The Sanders has conducted research to determine the priority improvements based on consumers needs. The steps taken by the company in relation to this research include identifying the consumers product attributes performance levels and technical response components to be improved in terms of the basic components of technology and human labor. The data collected from 100 respondents and analize based on direct observation and brainstorming with Sanders Milk Donuts using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method. The results show that there are eight attributes of consumer needs that have been fulfilled by Sanders Milk and there are four technical response components that need to be improved from the technoware aspect and eight technical response components that need to be improved from the humanware aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Planning and Inventory Control Analysis at Perum Bulog West Java Regional Division

With expanded population, rice consumption in Indonesia is also increasing. Hence rice supply mus... more With expanded population, rice consumption in Indonesia is also increasing. Hence rice supply must be managed by Perum Bulog as the handler. Perum Bulog responsibility includes raskin distribution, government rice reserve distribution for emergency and disaster, rice distribution to government agencies and rice distribution among Perum Bulog regional division. Particularly in Perum Bulog West Java Province as one of the largest rice producer in Indonesia. The problems foundwere how to organize and inventory all those rice provided in West Java Province so it can be distributed evenly and efficiently. Solution to these problems will be soughtusing Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and approached with Period Order Quantity (POQ).Following complete analysis, it is noted that the largest rice procurement in the last five years happened in 2012 with 585.869.610,53 kg rice produced, and the lowest is going on in 2014. This stock instability is affected by several factors such as crop failures, or unpredictable climate changes thus caused several rice redeployments from DKI Jakarta, Central Java, and South Sulawesi regional division. For 2016, the cumulative cost of supplies calculated was Rp. 4.659.583.712.750,62 with ordering period as much as 71 times and will save the cost of supplies by Rp. 22.118.461.655,86 than planned by Perum Bulog West Java regional division.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Condition and Rules of Lean Implementation Practice in Agro-SMEs

Journal of industrial and information technology in agriculture, Dec 29, 2017

This research aims to identify current condition and rules of lean manufacturing (LM) implementat... more This research aims to identify current condition and rules of lean manufacturing (LM) implementation in Agro-Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The current condition aspects are identification of waste, LM techniques and methods, the reason and barriers on LM implementation in SMEs. Exploring the behavior of SMEs on implementing LM which supporting to generate productivity and efficiency on production system are important to be identified. Initially, LM concept are implemented in manufacturing industry especially in automotive industry. Nowadays this concept has been implemented by other sector included Small and Medium-size Enterprise. However, it has still a few number of Agro-SMEs implementing LM concept. The data from Indonesia Statistic revealed that the proportion of SME-agro based are in the total of SME in Indonesia. It insinuated that Agro-SMEs has a significant potency for national economic if their productivity increase. LM providing chance to improve productivity and efficiency in. Many research had conducted to explore LM implementation in various sector. Unfortunately, Research on LM implementation in Agro-SMEs has still a few number. Research was conducted in 12 Agro-SMEs around Sumedang and Bandung. Selected SMEs referring to the use of horticulture and plantation commodity as a raw material. The data collected by field observation and deep interview to the owner, management-level, and employer. The data presented through description of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The result shows that the motion becomes a dominant waste in SMEs at 30%, while over production activity contributes waste at 22%, waiting aspect at 17%, inventory at 13 %, defect and transportation at 9%. Motion generates negative impact to work productivity and effectivity, for instance increase of time consume unimportant activity at work, WIP of product, cost for labor, and cost production. In terms of Method and techniques implemented in Agro-SME, Continuous improvement (Kaizen) and 5 S outnumbered to other methods and techniques at 50%. Other method and techniques such as Teamwork and 5Why had contributed at 41.6%, TQM and Work standardization at 33.33%, and Jidoka at 16.67% as well as Kanban system, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and SMED 0%. In terms of the reason on implementing LM, Improving the quality of product becoming a larger proportion which affecting the LM implementation at 36%. In other hand, knowledge outnumbered to others aspect. It contributes 35% as the most barrier factor on LM implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Application Development To Manage Data And Information On Lettuce Production Companies

Journal of industrial and information technology in agriculture, Aug 13, 2017

As a producer of lettuce plants, the company X (as a case object) needs to improve the informatio... more As a producer of lettuce plants, the company X (as a case object) needs to improve the information system more effectively and efficiently in order to support the increase of production. Therefore, it is necessary to build a management information system that provides information quickly and accurately. The implementation of this research using Waterfall Method. This research begins with the analysis of the needs of all users, then designing data flow diagrams, designing databases using SQL, entity relationship diagrams, normalization, the latter is the design of information structures including user interfaces. After that done programming activities using PHP programming language. This app is verified and validated. The information needs of the company are as follows: There are four parties as users of the information system; Information should be submitted and accessible as soon as possible; The manager can view the information of each division; To each division and vice versa; Managers can monitor the service level of marketing division and division of production; Each division can manage data; There needs to be model information about the agenda of each division. The app provides a shared menu for admins and users. Users are managers, marketing divisions, production divisions, and home packaging divisions. Each user has the same menu ie homepage, schedule, and reports. As for the manager plus menu monitoring. The final application prototype gives users satisfactory results. Each user is also given a menu to manage the database with features: inserting, searching, editing, and deleting data. The database comes with a dynamic and flexible user interface as a medium of data exchange and information between relevant divisions and media support in decisionmaking at the managerial level.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengukuran kinerja green manufacturing pada industri tahu sumedang untuk meningkatkan kinerja terhadap lingkungan menggunakan GSCOR dan LCA

Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, May 30, 2022

The application of an environmentally sound industry is one of the environmental conservation iss... more The application of an environmentally sound industry is one of the environmental conservation issues and a global issue in the industry. The application of an environmentally sound industry can be implemented in the Green Manufacturing system. The tofu industry in the production process uses a high volume of water, resulting in a high volume of liquid waste, which can pollute the environment. The problem with the Sari Kedelai industry is that there has not been a performance measurement on the environment and an analysis of the resulting impact. This study aims to measure the performance of Green Manufacturing with the GSCOR (Green Supply Chain Operations Reference) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methods as well as formulate suggestions for improvements to the Sari Kedele industry in the context of implementing Green Manufacturing. The results of performance measurement using the GSCOR method in the Sari Kedele industry has a value of 79.78 which was included in the good category. Environmental impact analysis is assessed with a focus on GHG emissions (Greenhouse Gases) that uses LCA with an ISO 14040 approach resulting in a GHG emission value of CO2-eq/kg tofu of 3.7107.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis User Experience pada Warehouse Marketplace dengan Metode Heuristic Evaluation

JuTISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi), Apr 30, 2020

A warehouse marketplace is a platform that brings together businesses or people who need a wareho... more A warehouse marketplace is a platform that brings together businesses or people who need a warehouse with a warehouse provider. Because this type of marketplace is relatively new, there are still many shortcomings, especially in the User Experience (UX) section. The features offered by this marketplace are still very limited, so it is difficult to attract potential users. The purpose of this study is to analyze and improve User Experience in the warehouse marketplace. Heuristic evaluation will be used as a UX analyzer method and Google Material Design as a reference of design principles for revising the previous UX. The evaluation results will be useful for two parties. For user to navigate the marketplace easier so that the conversion from visitors to buyers increases. For startups in warehouse category which want to use websites as a marketing and leasing facility to have a good User Experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Neraca Bahan Makanan Dalam Rangka Penyusunan Strategi Dan Kebijakan Ketahanan Pangan Kota Bandung Hingga Tahun 2020

Pemetaan kondisi pangan Kota Bandung perlu dideskripsikan untuk penyusunan rencana strategis dan ... more Pemetaan kondisi pangan Kota Bandung perlu dideskripsikan untuk penyusunan rencana strategis dan aksi pemantapan ketahanan pangan sampai tahun 2010. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode deskriptif analitik melalui pendekatan analisis Neraca Bahan Makanan untuk mendeskripsikan Pola Pangan Harapan (PPH) dan proyeksi pemenuhan bahan makanan yang berorientasi pada pemenuhan kecukupan energi dan gizi dari sejumlah bahan makanan pokok hingga tahun 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kota Bandung telah memenuhi kecukupan energi pada tahun 2008 yaitu 2.591 Kal/kap/hari, Namun dengan asupan protein sebesar 67,75 g/kap/hari, belum memenuhi gizi yang diharapkan. Sedang ketersediaan pangan baru mencapai skor PPH 78,3. Kata kunci : Neraca bahan makanan, Pola pangan harapan