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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of mega-events on destination competitiveness and corruption perception in South American countries

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the a... more Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the academic literature. The corruption affects countries' business environment, generating negative image and barriers, so hindering its' ability to compete as a global player. This paper analyses this relation in the tourism industry in a sample of South American countries through a comparison within a five-year period based on the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) with the variation of Corruption Perception Index (CPI). An exploratory analysis to verify the upward and downward in these monitors was performed. The relation between TTCI and CPI was verified by a regression analysis. This research contributes directly to addressing a topic rarely explored in the tourism area, the influence of corruption perception in destination competitiveness. The results confirm that corruption perception impacts on tourism competitiveness of countries, but in presence of strong sources of tourism attractiveness, such as Mega events, this relation was reduced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Key success factors on loyalty of festival visitors: the mediating effect of festival experience and festival image

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

This study, based on systems theory, information processing theory, image theory, stimulus-organi... more This study, based on systems theory, information processing theory, image theory, stimulus-organism-response theory, and reasoned action theory, was conducted with festival visitors to investigate the effects of key success factors on festival experience, festival image, and festival loyalty. In addition, the effect of key success factors on festival loyalty through the mediator role of festival experience and festival image was investigated. This research developed a model by bringing together festival key success factors, festival experience (emotional and cognitive experience), festival image (emotional and cognitive experience), and festival loyalty. Study data were gathered from participants joining the Orange Blossom Festival in Turkey. Path analysis and structural equation modelling analysis showed that key festival success factors, festival experience, and festival image all significantly increase festival loyalty. Festival experience and festival image both play a mediating role on the effect of key festival success factors on festival loyalty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Near and similar restaurants: competitors or allies?

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

The proximity of businesses targeting the same market segment, meeting the same needs and operati... more The proximity of businesses targeting the same market segment, meeting the same needs and operating in a similar way is generally believed to indicate more competition. However, this situation can be beneficial for the companies involved, and it may not necessarily generate an adverse environment. This study sought to analyse a group of restaurants that operate under similar conditions and that are located within the same area in order to identify the potential benefits and drawbacks of choosing this strategy to deal with market pressures. The research was based on a sample of 1,358 customers from 52 small restaurants. Diverse information-gathering techniques were combined such as observations, interviews and surveys. The data gathered was used to characterise different groups of variables' behaviour based on descriptive statistics. In addition, bivariate statistics were utilised to test the hypotheses, while multivariate statistics were used to conduct correspondence analysis. The results reveal that, in the cases analysed, the parties involved benefit from the existing condition when a process of distribution of demand is present and advertising expenses are minimised.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the influence of audiences' subjective well-being in sport event: the moderating role of leisure engagement

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

Drawing on leisure coping theory, this study examines how negative impacts of sport events influe... more Drawing on leisure coping theory, this study examines how negative impacts of sport events influence audiences' subjective well-being, which further affects the support of the event. Leisure engagement is further employed to test its moderating effect of this relationship. By distributing questionnaires on-site during the ongoing four days of the Macau Grand Prix 2018, 620 valid audiences were surveyed. The findings suggest that (a) audiences' perceived negative impact of the Macau Grand Prix negatively influence their subjective well-being, (b) when the leisure engagement was low, the negative relationship between negative impact of the Macau Grand Prix and audiences' subjective well-being was alleviated, and (c) the indirect effects of audiences' perceived negative impact on support for sport events via subjective well-being was buffered by leisure engagement, such that the indirect effects were only found in dyads with lower leisure engagement, but not in dyads with higher leisure engagement. Theoretical contribution and practical implications for Macau government and organization of the Macau Grand Prix were also discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational resilience: a proposal of an integrated model and research agenda

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This theoretical essay seeks to shed light on and synthesise the concept of resilience in relatio... more This theoretical essay seeks to shed light on and synthesise the concept of resilience in relation to employees and organisations and to propose an integrated analysis model. The results include a research agenda embracing methodological aspects and thematic connections, which can contribute to an expanded debate on the construct of resilience that involves differentiated levels of analysis. A historic review of the concept's discussion and its specificities are presented, including the following organisational resilience constructs. The first is the procedural, dynamic and ecosystemic capacity activated by people (i.e. individual resilience) and processes (i.e. systemic resilience) in the face of adversity. The second is the generation of responses that facilitate the recovery of balance. The last construct is healthy adaptation through key elements' activation through subjective (i.e. internal) and objective (i.e. external) plans, which can be reinforced or renewed during the entire process. This approach thus ensures the sustainability of resilience-related results and/or the expansion of individuals and organisations' capacity for resilience. Resumo Este ensaio teórico visa esclarecer e sintetizar os conceitos de resiliência em relação a empregados e organizações, bem como propor um modelo de análise integrado que fundamente uma agenda de pesquisa e contemple aspectos metodológicos e conexões temáticas, podendo contribuir para um debate sobre o construto que envolva níveis diferenciados de análise. Dessa forma, será apresentada uma revisão histórica da discussão do construto e suas especificidades, incluindo os seguintes conceitos de resiliência organizacional: capacidade processual, dinâmica e ecossistêmica ativada por pessoas (resiliência individual) e processos (resiliência sistêmica) diante de adversidades, possibilitando a geração de uma resposta que permita a recuperação do equilíbrio e a realização de uma adaptação saudável por meio da ativação de elementos, nos planos subjetivos ou internos e objetivos ou externos, que poderão ser reforçados ou renovados durante o processo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do resultado resiliente e/ou a expansão da capacidade de resiliência. Palavras-chave: Resiliência, resiliência organizacional, resiliência individual, resiliência sistêmica.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors that affect perceptions of tourism resources' value: the case of the Caminito del Rey

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study's primary objective was to analyse the factors influencing overall customer satisfacti... more This study's primary objective was to analyse the factors influencing overall customer satisfaction with tourism resources by applying two similar techniques with different approaches. A survey was conducted between June and December 2017, producing a total of 171 valid forms. Importance performance analysis (IPA) and asymmetric impact-performance analysis (AIPA) were used to process the data. The results suggest that El Caminito managers give low priority to generating tourist information about and satisfaction with this resource's features. In addition, managers need to concentrate on improving signposting. IPA highlighted that the environment's assessment is an overexploited factor, but AIPA suggested that this factor can still contribute to shaping customer satisfaction. The AIPA's results also show that environmental cleanliness and El Caminito's regular cleaning are fundamental factors in visitors' high general satisfaction. This study's systematic use of these analytical tools facilitated the identification of factors that add to or reduce the value of tourism resources, thereby helping to improve these resources' quality and sustainability. The findings' application could ultimately enhance this destination's competitiveness and its overall success. Resumo Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la formación de la satisfacción general del consumidor hacia un recurso turístico aplicando dos técnicas similares con diferentes enfoques. El Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento (IPA) y el Análisis Asimétrico de Importancia-Rendimiento (AIPA) se utilizaron para procesar los datos. Para cumplir con el objetivo, se realizó una encuesta, entre los meses de junio y diciembre de 2017, con un total de 171 encuestas válidas. Los resultados tanto del IPA como del AIPA sugieren que los gestores del Caminito deberían concentrarse en mejorar la señalización del lugar. En cambio, deberían darle poca prioridad a la generación de información turística y a la satisfacción con el entorno urbano. Sin embargo, mientras que el IPA considera la valoración del entorno medioambiental como un factor sobreexplotado el AIPA sugiere que aún puede contribuir. Asimismo, el AIPA coloca la limpieza medioambiental y la limpieza del caminito como factores fundamentales para alcanzar cifras altas en la satisfacción general de los usuarios. El uso sistemático de estas herramientas permite conocer qué factores añaden o merman valor a un recurso turístico, ayudando a mejorar la calidad y la sostenibilidad del recurso, mejorando finalmente la competitividad del destino y su éxito global. Además, estas herramientas pueden ayudar a trazar una estrategia de comunicación y diferenciación de marca del destino. Palabras clave: Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento, Caminito del Rey, modelo Asimétrico de Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento, recurso turístico, satisfacción general del consumidor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Careers: workers' perceptions of organisational support for their professional growth

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study focused on the concept of career, taking into consideration the changes this construct... more This study focused on the concept of career, taking into consideration the changes this construct has undergone over the years: from traditional approaches to contemporary perspectives. The research included analysing organisational policies and practices, as well as recognising the importance of workers' views regarding these phenomena. The study specifically sought to understand more fully organisations' career management strategies in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The data collection included both Human Resources Departments' stated positions and employees' perceptions of their opportunities for professional growth and the available career planning mechanisms. Secondary data were obtained from the 'Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar-2016' ('The Best Companies to Work for-2016) survey, which also provided a methodological framework. The results highlight organisations' concerns regarding subsidising their employees' career development, although this support varies according to hierarchical level and company size. Resumo Este artigo trata do tema carreira tendo como contexto as modificações que esse conceito vem sofrendo ao longo dos anos: de uma abordagem tradicional (linear) a um enfoque contemporâneo (múltipla e sem fronteiras). A pesquisa revisita o tema analisando as políticas e práticas organizacionais, e também (re)conhecendo a importância do olhar do próprio trabalhador sobre o fenômeno. Seu objetivo se traduz em compreender a gestão de carreiras em organizações do estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil), considerando os posicionamentos adotados pelas áreas de Recursos Humanos e a percepção dos empregados quanto às possibilidades de crescimento profissional e mecanismos para planejamento de carreira. Toma-se como base metodológica, dados secundários obtidos da pesquisa "As Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar" (2016). Os resultados apontam para uma preocupação das organizações em subsidiar o desenvolvimento da carreira dos seus profissionais, ainda que haja distinções deste apoio em relação aos níveis hierárquicos e porte da empresa. Palavras-chave: Planejamento de carreira, desenvolvimento da carreira, recursos humanos, crescimento profissional, melhores empresas para trabalhar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cross-cultural impact of (in)genuine, smiling celebrities in online advertising

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

Promoting products via Instagram is a rapidly growing phenomenon in the world of online advertisi... more Promoting products via Instagram is a rapidly growing phenomenon in the world of online advertising. These advertisements' ability to stand out and obtain desired consumer outcomes has become increasingly challenging due to the enormous amount of advertisements already present on this platform. One strategy that can be useful is celebrity endorsement, which has-because of celebrities' credibility and attractive characteristics-proven to be an effective way to create favourable attitudes and stronger purchase intentions. The present study investigated the effects of an Instagram advertisement with an (in)genuine, smiling celebrity on consumers' behaviour. More specifically, this study examined differences between consumers from two countries: the Netherlands and Spain. An online experiment with two conditions was conducted (i.e. ingenuine vs genuine, smiling celebrity). The sample included 174 Dutch and 137 Spanish participants. The results reveal that the type of smile significantly affects consumers' purchase intentions. Attitudes towards the celebrity also influence the effect of the type of smile on purchase intention. National background was thus found to play a moderating role. Resumen La promoción de productos a través de Instagram es un fenómeno en muy crecimiento en el mundo de la publicidad en línea. Destacar con estos anuncios y obtener los resultados deseados para el consumidor se vuelve cada vez más desafiante debido a la enorme cantidad de anuncios que ya se han implementado en esta plataforma. Una estrategia que podría usarse es el respaldo de las celebridades, que es una táctica que, teniendo en cuenta las características creíbles y atractivas de las celebridades, ha demostrado ser efectiva para crear actitudes favorables e intenciones de compra más altas. El presente estudio investigó el efecto de una (in)genuina celebridad sonriente en el comportamiento del consumidor en un anuncio de Instagram. Específicamente, este estudio abordó las diferencias entre los consumidores de dos culturas: los Países Bajos y España. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en línea con dos condiciones (ingenio versus celebridad sonriente genuina). Este estudio tuvo 174 participantes holandeses y 137 españoles. Los resultados revelaron que el tipo de sonrisa afectaba la intención de compra. Las actitudes hacia la celebridad influent el efecto del tipo de sonrisa en la intención de compra. Los antecedentes culturales jugaron un papel moderador. Palabras clave: Comportamiento del consumidor, publicidad en línea, marketing de persuasión, celebridades, intercultural, Instagram.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourist destinations' competitiveness: demand and performance factors

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study sought to determine whether tourists and experts have different views on factors that ... more This study sought to determine whether tourists and experts have different views on factors that impact tourism in destinations. A qualitative approach was applied using the critical incident technique, which allows respondents to express their specific needs and expectations. The data were collected through open-ended questions. The answers were recorded, and notes were taken about the interviewees and their narratives' most relevant aspects. The data were then submitted to content analysis and examined by applying the Brazilian competitiveness model. A total of 77 interviews were processed, and 209 critical incidents were identified. The results show that half the critical incidents do not fit into the analysis categories in the Brazilian competitiveness model, so nine 'new categories' emerged from the process. Thus, differences exist between visitors' and experts' perspectives on what is more important about tourism in destinations. Resumo O presente artigo busca responder se existe a diferença de visão entre especialistas e turistas sobre factores que impactam o turismo em um destino. Este trabalho baseou-se em uma abordagem qualitativa e adoptou o Método de Incidentes Críticos, que permite ao respondente expressar necessidades e expectativas específicas. A recolha de dados foi realizada por meio de perguntas abertas, tendo o seu conteúdo sido gravado, e realizados apontamentos sobre os entrevistados, assim como dos trechos relevantes da narrativa. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo e à luz do modelo brasileiro de competitividade. Foram consideradas 77 entrevistas e classificados 209 incidentes críticos. Os resultados mostraram que metade dos incidentes críticos não se encaixavam nas categorias de análise propostas no modelo brasileiro de competitividade, surgindo nove "novas categorias". Há, portanto, uma diferença entre a perspectiva do visitante e a do especialista em relação ao que, de fato, é mais importante sobre turismo no destino. Palavras-chave: Brasil, turismo, competitividade, método de incidente crítico, desempenho do destino.

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Research paper thumbnail of An application of geomarketing to coastal tourism areas

Tourism & Management Studies

Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in term... more Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in terms of tourists' preferences, behaviours, needs, expectations, purchase and consumption patterns and analogous attitudes. The result is a 'territorial segmentation' of tourists' demands in accordance with tourism areas' geographical characteristics. This study sought to examine the benefits and disadvantages of applying geomarketing to territorial segmentation of demand in coastal tourism areas. An empirical analysis was conducted of data on tourist accommodation establishments specialising in family tourism in Costa Adeje, Spain. The findings include that the tourist accommodation variable is essential to any successful segmentation process, including the micro-segmentation of coastal tourism areas. This variable facilitates the grouping of consumers with similar demands in a market based on shared needs, habits or attitudes and, from the supply side, on areas' characteristics. The latter territorial aspects are crucial to public and private decision-making processes. Thus, geomarketing is an ideal technique for understanding tourists. Resumen El geomarketing permite delimitar unidades geográficas con cierto grado de homogeneidad en cuanto a las preferencias, comportamientos, necesidades, conductas de compra, expectativas, patrones de consumo y actitudes análogas de los turistas. Así, agrupa a consumidores similares dentro de un mercado desde el punto de vista de la demanda, sino también de las características de la oferta. El resultado es la "segmentación territorial" de la demanda. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las potencialidades y debilidades de la aplicación del geomarketing en los procesos de segmentación territorial de la demanda en las áreas turísticas de litoral. Se presenta un análisis empírico de los hoteles especializados en turismo familiar en Costa Adeje (España). La principal conclusión es que es que las cualidades (categoría, tipología, etc.) de los alojamientos turísticos son esenciales en cualquier proceso de segmentación, e incluso, la microsegmentación de los turistas en las áreas turísticas de litoral. Ello convierte al geomarketing en una metodología y una técnica adecuada para comprender a los turistas. Palabras clave: Área turística de litoral, comportamiento del consumidor, geomarketing, segmentación territorial, turismo familiar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing attractiveness and image recognition of Bulgaria as a tourism destination Aumento da atratividade e reconhecimento da imagem da Bulgária como destino turístico

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

The concept of tourism destination attractiveness does not constitute a new topic in the scientif... more The concept of tourism destination attractiveness does not constitute a new topic in the scientific literature in the field of tourism. On the contrary, attention has been brought towards it since last century's 60 years. For a relatively long period, however, the existing studies show out that they not only did not lead to the creation of a single platform for evaluation, but rather have resulted in a fragmentation of the researchers' opinions. At present, numerous authors have been trying to identify the destination's attractiveness and factors influencing tourists' decision-making process to assess a given area as a desirable vacation spot. The attractiveness of the area does not only depend on the characteristics of its corresponding site and the local population, but also from tourist cognitive image perception of the destination. The present paper comprises the results from two separate studies conducted in parallel from 2011 to 2014 and it aims to outline the various factors that could influence the process of increasing of attractiveness and image recognition of Bulgaria as a tourism destination. For this purpose, a multifactorial analysis of the whole tourism destination of Bulgaria was applied alongside with a cultural profiling of an almost iconic and landmark micro destination for cultural tourism such as the town of Plovdiv (or the ancient Phillipopolis found by the king Phillip the Second, the father of Alexander the Great). Resumo O conceito de atratividade do destino turístico não constitui um novo tópico na literatura científica no campo do turismo. Pelo contrário, a atenção foi focada nesse tema desde os últimos 60 anos do século passado. Por um período relativamente longo, no entanto, os estudos existentes mostram que eles não só não levaram à criação de uma única plataforma de avaliação, mas que resultaram numa fragmentação das opiniões dos investigadores. Atualmente, numerosos autores têm tentado identificar a atratividade do destino e os fatores que influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão dos turistas para avaliar uma determinada área como um local de férias desejável. A atratividade da região não depende apenas das suas características físicas e da população local, mas também da perceção da imagem cognitiva turística do destino. O presente trabalho compreende os resultados de dois estudos separados realizados em paralelo de 2011 a 2014 e pretende esboçar os vários fatores que podem influenciar o processo do aumento da atratividade e reconhecimento da imagem da Bulgária como destino turístico. Para tal, foi feita uma análise multifatorial do destino turístico Bulgária como um todo e foi aplicada ao lado de um perfil cultural de um micro-destino quase icónico e histórico para o turismo cultural, como a cidade de Plovdiv (ou a antiga Phillipopolis, fundada pelo rei Filipe II, O pai de Alexandre, o Grande). Palavras-chave: Atratividade do destino, reconhecimento da imagem, análise fatorial, análise semântica.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the effective tax rate in the tourism sector: a dynamic panel data model Determinantes del tipo impositivo efectivo en el sector turístico: un modelo dinámico con datos de panel

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

This paper presents a dynamic model of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) in the tourism sector. A dyna... more This paper presents a dynamic model of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) in the tourism sector. A dynamic model where the lagged endogenous variable ETR has been included as a regressor to identify the dynamic structure of the variable due to the existence of temporal adjustments between the short and long run in ETR payments has been estimated. The empirical analysis based on a panel data set over the 2008-2013 period explores the determinants of the ETR variable by using a Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimator controlling for heterogeneity in the tourism sector. The Arellano-Bond system GMM estimator has been used to estimate the model. The study seeks to shed light on the determinants of tax burden in the tourism sector covering the lack of studies on this topic. The findings obtained suggest that the ETR borne is determined by size, financing structure and type of entity. We deem the finding of the existence of non-linear relationships between ETR and size and financing structure relevant. Resumen Este artículo presenta un modelo dinámico para el Tipo Impositivo Efectivo (TIE) en el sector turístico. Este modelo dinámico ha sido estimado usando la variable endógena retardada TIE como regresor para identificar la estructura dinámica de dicha variable, debido a la existencia de ajustes entre el corto y largo plazo en los pagos del TIE. El análisis empírico basado en datos de panel en el periodo 2008-2013 explora los determinantes de la variable TIE utilizándose el estimador del Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM) controlando la heterogeneidad en el sector turístico. El estimador de Arellano-Bond ha sido utilizado para estimar el modelo. Este estudio busca arrojar luz sobre los determinantes de las cargas impositivas en el sector turístico debido a la escasez de estudios en esta materia. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el TIE se encuentra determinado por el tamaño, la estructura financiera y el tipo de empresa. Igualmente consideramos relevante el hallazgo de relaciones no lineales entre el TIE y el tamaño y la estructura de financiación. Palabras clave: Tipo impositivo efectivo, tamaño de la empresa, estructura financiera, datos de panel dinámico, ROA.

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Research paper thumbnail of Film-induced tourism: a systematic literature review Turismo cinematográfico: revisão sistemática da literatura

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

The "film-induced tourism" concept serves for the study of tourism visits made to a destination o... more The "film-induced tourism" concept serves for the study of tourism visits made to a destination or attraction resulting from its featuring in cinema films, television series or promotional videos. This phenomenon falls within the field of "film-induced versus destination branding image" research, a fairly recently established field, and with this article correspondingly seeking to carry out analysis of the contents and systematisation of this area based on the contents of the Web of Science database. Thus, this article consists of the application of a systematic survey involving the summary and evaluation based upon the interpretation of the results returned. The sample contains only those articles published in English language journals and explicitly excluding conference proceedings or commentaries. We thus sought to grasp the perspectives adopted by both empirical and theoretical studies, the themes studied and the main conclusions of those studies analysed here. The results convey the diversity of both the quantitative and qualitative studies and the various future lines of research defined in accordance with the gaps detected in the results returned. Keywords: Destination branding image, language of tourism, film tourism, promotional film, film-induced tourism. Resumo O conceito de "film-induced tourism" é aplicado ao estudo das visitas turísticas a um destino ou atracão turística pelo resultado da exposição a filmes de cinema, series televisivas, ou vídeos promocionais. Este fenómeno enquadra-se no campo de investigação de "film-induced versus destination branding image", sendo consideravelmente recente e nesse sentido o presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise de conteúdo e sistematização dos artigos sobre esse campo, tendo como base de dados a web of science. O propósito do trabalho consistiu na aplicação de uma revisão sistemática envolvendo a síntese e a avaliação com base na interpretação. Foram mantidos na base apenas os artigos que tivessem sido publicados em periódicos no idioma inglês e não fossem proceedings ou comentários. Procurou-se perceber em que perspetiva os estudos empíricos foram analisados, quais as temáticas estudadas e as principais conclusões dos estudos analisados. Os resultados apresentam uma diversidade de estudos quantitativos e qualitativos e várias futuras linhas de investigação foram delineadas em função dos gaps detetados nos resultados encontrados. Palavras-chave: Branding da imagem de destinos, linguagem do turismo, filme turístico, filme promocional, turismo cinematográfico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Similarities and correlation between resident tourist overnights and Google Trends information in Portugal and its tourism regions

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

Over the last years, we observed an exponential growth in the number of tourism consumers that us... more Over the last years, we observed an exponential growth in the number of tourism consumers that use the Internet as a source of information during a destination selection process. Google Trends is a tool that displays data, almost in real time, on the interest of people in a particular topic based on search trends. This paper demonstrates that Google Trends is a tool that can provide useful and relevant information about the interests of individuals in relation to domestic tourism destinations at national and regional levels. Our findings indicate that overnights spent in hotel establishments by the residents in Portugal are strongly correlated with the Google index, mainly in mainland Portugal, Alentejo and Algarve regions, and that the results improve when more municipalities names and the national or the regional tourism brands are included as search terms. Resumo Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um crescimento exponencial no número de consumidores de turismo que utiliza a Internet como fonte de informação no processo de seleção do destino turístico. O Google Trends é uma ferramenta que disponibilizada dados, quase em tempo real, sobre o interesse das pessoas num determinado tema com base nas tendências de pesquisa. Este artigo demonstra que o Google Trends é uma ferramenta que disponibiliza informação útil e relevante sobre os interesses dos indivíduos em relação aos destinos de turismo doméstico ao nível nacional e regional. Os resultados indicam que as dormidas dos residentes em Portugal nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros estão fortemente correlacionadas com o índice do Google, principalmente em Portugal continental, na região do Alentejo e do Algarve, e que os resultados melhoram quando são incluídos como termos de pesquisa mais nomes de municípios e a marca de turismo nacional ou das regiões de turismo. Palavras-chave: Google Trends, turismo doméstico, dados de pesquisa, Portugal, big data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Destination image on the DMO's platforms: official website and social media Imagen del destino en las plataformas de la OGD: sitio web oficial y medios sociales

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

Tourists usually configure and develop ideas about possible destinations based on information pre... more Tourists usually configure and develop ideas about possible destinations based on information previously gathered from both social media and the official web of the destination management organization (DMO). In spite of the relevance of said information sources, there have not been many studies evaluating how these different sources influence the destination image. This research proposes a model intended to explain the image creation process of a destination taking into account both the DMO's online platforms and the perceived psychological distance. The proposed model is tested with an empirical study including a questionnaire which collects data from 264 participants. The validity of the model is reviewed through PLS analysis. Results show that the psychological distance does not influence the overall destination image. In addition, the overall destination image can be estimated to a larger extent when tourists approach social media as their main source of information. Implications and conclusions are discussed. Resumen Los turistas se forman una imagen del destino teniendo en cuenta la información recibida a través de canales como los medios sociales y la web oficial de la Organización Gestora del Destino (OGD). A pesar de la relevancia de estos canales pocos trabajos han analizado las posibles diferencias en su influencia en la formación de la imagen. Adicionalmente, el efecto de la distancia psicológica en el proceso de construcción de la imagen del destino no ha sido suficientemente evaluado en un contexto online. En esta investigación se propone un modelo para explicar la formación de la imagen del destino en función de la fuente de información online empleada y de la distancia psicológica percibida. El modelo propuesto es contrastado con un estudio empírico con 264 encuestados, mediante un análisis PLS. Los resultados muestran que la distancia psicológica no influye en la imagen global del destino. Además, la imagen global del destino puede estimarse en mayor medida cuando los turistas abordan los medios sociales como su principal fuente de información. Se discuten las implicaciones y las conclusiones. Palabras clave: Imagen del destino, distancia psicológica, sitio web oficial de turismo, medios sociales, OGD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predictors of review sites usage in hotels

The tourism industry has been strongly impacted by the consumer use of review sites. Since review... more The tourism industry has been strongly impacted by the consumer use of review sites. Since review travel sites such as TripAdvisor allowed accommodations to create own profiles with information, hotels began incorporating these actions into their engaging customers programming. Despite the benefits that review sites can offer to customers, hotels and accommodations, its implementation is not developed and exploited in all its possibilities, and little is known about hotels use of this review sites. This study explores the topic trough quantitative methodology, conducting multiple correlation analysis of data obtained from a sample of 301 hotel managers. Managers consider they are committed to this type of platforms and are capable of use it accurately. Also it was found evidence of correlation between use of TripAdvisor and hotel characteristics (size, ownership structure, and category). Furthermore, multiple regression analysis shows competence and commitment as the most important predictors of use intensity. Resumen La industria del turismo se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el uso las plataformas de valoración por parte de los consumidores. Dado que sitios como TripAdvisor permiten a los alojamientos crear perfiles propios, los hoteles han comenzado a incorporar estas acciones en sus programas de compromiso y fidelización de clientes. A pesar de los beneficios que estas webs pueden ofrecer tanto a clientes como a hoteles, su implementación no se ha desarrollado en todas sus posibilidades, y poco se sabe sobre el uso que de ellas hacen los hoteles. Esta investigación explora este tema mediante una metodología cuantitativa, realizando análisis de correlación múltiple con datos obtenidos de 301 gerentes de hoteles. Los gerentes consideran que están comprometidos con este tipo de plataformas y son capaces de usarlas con precisión. Además, encontramos evidencias de correlación entre el uso de TripAdvisor y las características del hotel (tamaño, estructura de propiedad y categoría). Igualmente, el análisis de regresión múltiple muestra la capacidad y el compromiso como los predictores más importantes de la intensidad de su uso.

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreign training in Jordan's international hotel chains: a quantitative investigation Formação fora do país em cadeias hoteleiras internacionais da Jordânia: uma Investigação quantitativa

This paper draws on the perceptions of middle managers in Jordan to identify what determines uppe... more This paper draws on the perceptions of middle managers in Jordan to identify what determines upper management's decision in International Hotel Chains (IHC) to invest in out-of-country training (OCT). A model employing the presence of relationships between 'attitudes', 'benefits and usefulness', 'barriers' and 'IHC's decision' to invest in OCT, was proposed and examined. A total of 261 middle managers from IHCs in Jordan provided responses to a structured survey. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the dimensions for each construct. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the relationships among the four constructs of the study. The results showed a direct relationship between attitudes and benefits/usefulness to IHC's decision to invest in OCT, and demonstrated the mediating role of attitudes in the inverse relationship between barriers and IHC's decision to invest in OCT.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting hotel booking cancellations to decrease uncertainty and increase revenue Previsão de cancelamentos de reservas de hotéis para diminuir a incerteza e aumentar a receita

Booking cancellations have a substantial impact in demand-management decisions in the hospitality... more Booking cancellations have a substantial impact in demand-management decisions in the hospitality industry. Cancellations limit the production of accurate forecasts, a critical tool in terms of revenue management performance. To circumvent the problems caused by booking cancellations, hotels implement rigid cancellation policies and overbooking strategies, which can also have a negative influence on revenue and reputation. Using data sets from four resort hotels and addressing booking cancellation prediction as a classification problem in the scope of data science, authors demonstrate that it is possible to build models for predicting booking cancellations with accuracy results in excess of 90%. This demonstrates that despite what was assumed by Morales and Wang (2010) it is possible to predict with high accuracy whether a booking will be canceled. Results allow hotel managers to accurately predict net demand and build better forecasts, improve cancellation policies, define better overbooking tactics and thus use more assertive pricing and inventory allocation strategies.

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Research paper thumbnail of How can brand equity for tourism destinations be used to preview tourists' destination choice? An overview from the top of Tower of Babel Como prever as escolhas dos turistas a partir do valor das marcas de destinos turísticos?Uma visão geral a partir do topo da Torre de Babel

Customer-based brand equity for tourism destinations (CBBE-TD) is a helpful construct to assess d... more Customer-based brand equity for tourism destinations (CBBE-TD) is a helpful construct to assess destination branding effectiveness. However, it would be even more useful if it could be integrated into a wider methodological approach articulating destination brand assessment with the destination choice process. This paper describes a new research programme – Favourite Destinations Worldwide – that includes three interrelated innovative tools: (1) the destination brand choice model that allows a better conceptualization of CBBE-TD in the context of destination choice; (2) the Tower of Babel platform, a multilingual online survey for data gathering, to assess CBBE-TD of all destinations competing in the world market; and (3) the Destination Brand Gnosis, a propriety software for qualitative data analysis, transforming the meta-data into a system for constantly evaluating brand attractiveness. Additionally, for illustrative purposes empirical data from two national samples is presented: Portuguese (N = 524) and Brazilian (N = 955). Besides presenting the preferred destination brands for Brazilian and Portuguese tourists, the results confirm a basic assumption supporting this research program related to the geographic polarization of the most valued destination brands: " dream destination brands " correspond to destinations located farther from respondents' home-places, in other continents, requiring long-haul air travel, while " favourite destination brands " are predominantly destinations located nearer, in respondents' own countries or neighbouring countries. Resumo: O constructo " customer-based brand equity " de destinos turísticos (CBBE-TD) é útil na avaliação da eficácia das marcas de destinos turísticos. Mas seria ainda mais útil se fosse integrado numa abordagem ampla que articulasse a avaliação das marcas de destino com o processo de escolha de destinos. Este artigo descreve um novo programa de pesquisa-Favorite Destinations Worldwide-que inclui três ferramentas inovadoras inter-relacionadas: (1) o destination choice model que transpõe o CBBE-TD para o contexto da escolha de destinos; (2) a plataforma Tower of Babel, um inquérito online multilingue para avaliação do CBBE-TD de todos os destinos existentes no mercado mundial; e (3) o Destination Brand Gnosis, um software de análise de dados qualitativos que transforma meta-dados num sistema de monitorização da atratividade de marcas. Para ilustrar os propósitos desta abordagem empírica, são apresentados os resultados da amostra portuguesa (N = 524) e da brasileira (N = 955). Além de serem elencadas as marcas de destino preferidas dos brasileiros e portugueses, os resultados confirmam um pressuposto básico subjacente a este programa de investigação, que consiste na polarização geográfica das marcas de destino mais valiosas: as marcas de destino de sonho correspondem a destinos localizados longe da área de residência, noutros continentes, que exigem viagens aéreas de longo curso; já as marcas de destinos favoritos remetem para locais mais próximos, nos países de residência ou em países vizinhos. Palavras Chave: Valor da marca, escolha de destinos, destinos de sonho, destinos favoritos.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the April Fair on Seville hotel room prices: measurement through a hedonic approach Impacto de la Feria de Abril en los precios de las habitaciones de hotel de Sevilla: medida a través de una aproximación hedónica

Despite its importance as a tourist attraction, sparse research regarding tourism and hospitality... more Despite its importance as a tourist attraction, sparse research regarding tourism and hospitality has been focused on Seville's April Fair. That is why the main purpose of this paper is to assess the impact the April Fair and other key elements have on hotels, using the well-known hedonic price model and a database of 1,548 items compiled using TripAdvisor. The results suggest that although the April Fair has a significant and positive effect on the prices of hotel rooms, these results are mixed during the fair. Specifically, the effects of the April Fair can be felt during the weekdays when fairgoers add to those visiting the city on business. However, during the weekend, fair prices do not differ from a non-April day fair. In addition, prices on Sunday Fair are lower than average prices on non-April Fair days. This has important implications for both hotels and organisers of the event. In addition, the results show how the category begins to lose importance in relation to the assessment of the quality perceived by customers. Some implications and solutions are discussed below.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of mega-events on destination competitiveness and corruption perception in South American countries

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the a... more Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the academic literature. The corruption affects countries' business environment, generating negative image and barriers, so hindering its' ability to compete as a global player. This paper analyses this relation in the tourism industry in a sample of South American countries through a comparison within a five-year period based on the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) with the variation of Corruption Perception Index (CPI). An exploratory analysis to verify the upward and downward in these monitors was performed. The relation between TTCI and CPI was verified by a regression analysis. This research contributes directly to addressing a topic rarely explored in the tourism area, the influence of corruption perception in destination competitiveness. The results confirm that corruption perception impacts on tourism competitiveness of countries, but in presence of strong sources of tourism attractiveness, such as Mega events, this relation was reduced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Key success factors on loyalty of festival visitors: the mediating effect of festival experience and festival image

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

This study, based on systems theory, information processing theory, image theory, stimulus-organi... more This study, based on systems theory, information processing theory, image theory, stimulus-organism-response theory, and reasoned action theory, was conducted with festival visitors to investigate the effects of key success factors on festival experience, festival image, and festival loyalty. In addition, the effect of key success factors on festival loyalty through the mediator role of festival experience and festival image was investigated. This research developed a model by bringing together festival key success factors, festival experience (emotional and cognitive experience), festival image (emotional and cognitive experience), and festival loyalty. Study data were gathered from participants joining the Orange Blossom Festival in Turkey. Path analysis and structural equation modelling analysis showed that key festival success factors, festival experience, and festival image all significantly increase festival loyalty. Festival experience and festival image both play a mediating role on the effect of key festival success factors on festival loyalty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Near and similar restaurants: competitors or allies?

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

The proximity of businesses targeting the same market segment, meeting the same needs and operati... more The proximity of businesses targeting the same market segment, meeting the same needs and operating in a similar way is generally believed to indicate more competition. However, this situation can be beneficial for the companies involved, and it may not necessarily generate an adverse environment. This study sought to analyse a group of restaurants that operate under similar conditions and that are located within the same area in order to identify the potential benefits and drawbacks of choosing this strategy to deal with market pressures. The research was based on a sample of 1,358 customers from 52 small restaurants. Diverse information-gathering techniques were combined such as observations, interviews and surveys. The data gathered was used to characterise different groups of variables' behaviour based on descriptive statistics. In addition, bivariate statistics were utilised to test the hypotheses, while multivariate statistics were used to conduct correspondence analysis. The results reveal that, in the cases analysed, the parties involved benefit from the existing condition when a process of distribution of demand is present and advertising expenses are minimised.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the influence of audiences' subjective well-being in sport event: the moderating role of leisure engagement

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

Drawing on leisure coping theory, this study examines how negative impacts of sport events influe... more Drawing on leisure coping theory, this study examines how negative impacts of sport events influence audiences' subjective well-being, which further affects the support of the event. Leisure engagement is further employed to test its moderating effect of this relationship. By distributing questionnaires on-site during the ongoing four days of the Macau Grand Prix 2018, 620 valid audiences were surveyed. The findings suggest that (a) audiences' perceived negative impact of the Macau Grand Prix negatively influence their subjective well-being, (b) when the leisure engagement was low, the negative relationship between negative impact of the Macau Grand Prix and audiences' subjective well-being was alleviated, and (c) the indirect effects of audiences' perceived negative impact on support for sport events via subjective well-being was buffered by leisure engagement, such that the indirect effects were only found in dyads with lower leisure engagement, but not in dyads with higher leisure engagement. Theoretical contribution and practical implications for Macau government and organization of the Macau Grand Prix were also discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational resilience: a proposal of an integrated model and research agenda

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This theoretical essay seeks to shed light on and synthesise the concept of resilience in relatio... more This theoretical essay seeks to shed light on and synthesise the concept of resilience in relation to employees and organisations and to propose an integrated analysis model. The results include a research agenda embracing methodological aspects and thematic connections, which can contribute to an expanded debate on the construct of resilience that involves differentiated levels of analysis. A historic review of the concept's discussion and its specificities are presented, including the following organisational resilience constructs. The first is the procedural, dynamic and ecosystemic capacity activated by people (i.e. individual resilience) and processes (i.e. systemic resilience) in the face of adversity. The second is the generation of responses that facilitate the recovery of balance. The last construct is healthy adaptation through key elements' activation through subjective (i.e. internal) and objective (i.e. external) plans, which can be reinforced or renewed during the entire process. This approach thus ensures the sustainability of resilience-related results and/or the expansion of individuals and organisations' capacity for resilience. Resumo Este ensaio teórico visa esclarecer e sintetizar os conceitos de resiliência em relação a empregados e organizações, bem como propor um modelo de análise integrado que fundamente uma agenda de pesquisa e contemple aspectos metodológicos e conexões temáticas, podendo contribuir para um debate sobre o construto que envolva níveis diferenciados de análise. Dessa forma, será apresentada uma revisão histórica da discussão do construto e suas especificidades, incluindo os seguintes conceitos de resiliência organizacional: capacidade processual, dinâmica e ecossistêmica ativada por pessoas (resiliência individual) e processos (resiliência sistêmica) diante de adversidades, possibilitando a geração de uma resposta que permita a recuperação do equilíbrio e a realização de uma adaptação saudável por meio da ativação de elementos, nos planos subjetivos ou internos e objetivos ou externos, que poderão ser reforçados ou renovados durante o processo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do resultado resiliente e/ou a expansão da capacidade de resiliência. Palavras-chave: Resiliência, resiliência organizacional, resiliência individual, resiliência sistêmica.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors that affect perceptions of tourism resources' value: the case of the Caminito del Rey

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study's primary objective was to analyse the factors influencing overall customer satisfacti... more This study's primary objective was to analyse the factors influencing overall customer satisfaction with tourism resources by applying two similar techniques with different approaches. A survey was conducted between June and December 2017, producing a total of 171 valid forms. Importance performance analysis (IPA) and asymmetric impact-performance analysis (AIPA) were used to process the data. The results suggest that El Caminito managers give low priority to generating tourist information about and satisfaction with this resource's features. In addition, managers need to concentrate on improving signposting. IPA highlighted that the environment's assessment is an overexploited factor, but AIPA suggested that this factor can still contribute to shaping customer satisfaction. The AIPA's results also show that environmental cleanliness and El Caminito's regular cleaning are fundamental factors in visitors' high general satisfaction. This study's systematic use of these analytical tools facilitated the identification of factors that add to or reduce the value of tourism resources, thereby helping to improve these resources' quality and sustainability. The findings' application could ultimately enhance this destination's competitiveness and its overall success. Resumo Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la formación de la satisfacción general del consumidor hacia un recurso turístico aplicando dos técnicas similares con diferentes enfoques. El Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento (IPA) y el Análisis Asimétrico de Importancia-Rendimiento (AIPA) se utilizaron para procesar los datos. Para cumplir con el objetivo, se realizó una encuesta, entre los meses de junio y diciembre de 2017, con un total de 171 encuestas válidas. Los resultados tanto del IPA como del AIPA sugieren que los gestores del Caminito deberían concentrarse en mejorar la señalización del lugar. En cambio, deberían darle poca prioridad a la generación de información turística y a la satisfacción con el entorno urbano. Sin embargo, mientras que el IPA considera la valoración del entorno medioambiental como un factor sobreexplotado el AIPA sugiere que aún puede contribuir. Asimismo, el AIPA coloca la limpieza medioambiental y la limpieza del caminito como factores fundamentales para alcanzar cifras altas en la satisfacción general de los usuarios. El uso sistemático de estas herramientas permite conocer qué factores añaden o merman valor a un recurso turístico, ayudando a mejorar la calidad y la sostenibilidad del recurso, mejorando finalmente la competitividad del destino y su éxito global. Además, estas herramientas pueden ayudar a trazar una estrategia de comunicación y diferenciación de marca del destino. Palabras clave: Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento, Caminito del Rey, modelo Asimétrico de Análisis de Importancia-Rendimiento, recurso turístico, satisfacción general del consumidor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Careers: workers' perceptions of organisational support for their professional growth

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study focused on the concept of career, taking into consideration the changes this construct... more This study focused on the concept of career, taking into consideration the changes this construct has undergone over the years: from traditional approaches to contemporary perspectives. The research included analysing organisational policies and practices, as well as recognising the importance of workers' views regarding these phenomena. The study specifically sought to understand more fully organisations' career management strategies in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The data collection included both Human Resources Departments' stated positions and employees' perceptions of their opportunities for professional growth and the available career planning mechanisms. Secondary data were obtained from the 'Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar-2016' ('The Best Companies to Work for-2016) survey, which also provided a methodological framework. The results highlight organisations' concerns regarding subsidising their employees' career development, although this support varies according to hierarchical level and company size. Resumo Este artigo trata do tema carreira tendo como contexto as modificações que esse conceito vem sofrendo ao longo dos anos: de uma abordagem tradicional (linear) a um enfoque contemporâneo (múltipla e sem fronteiras). A pesquisa revisita o tema analisando as políticas e práticas organizacionais, e também (re)conhecendo a importância do olhar do próprio trabalhador sobre o fenômeno. Seu objetivo se traduz em compreender a gestão de carreiras em organizações do estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil), considerando os posicionamentos adotados pelas áreas de Recursos Humanos e a percepção dos empregados quanto às possibilidades de crescimento profissional e mecanismos para planejamento de carreira. Toma-se como base metodológica, dados secundários obtidos da pesquisa "As Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar" (2016). Os resultados apontam para uma preocupação das organizações em subsidiar o desenvolvimento da carreira dos seus profissionais, ainda que haja distinções deste apoio em relação aos níveis hierárquicos e porte da empresa. Palavras-chave: Planejamento de carreira, desenvolvimento da carreira, recursos humanos, crescimento profissional, melhores empresas para trabalhar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cross-cultural impact of (in)genuine, smiling celebrities in online advertising

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

Promoting products via Instagram is a rapidly growing phenomenon in the world of online advertisi... more Promoting products via Instagram is a rapidly growing phenomenon in the world of online advertising. These advertisements' ability to stand out and obtain desired consumer outcomes has become increasingly challenging due to the enormous amount of advertisements already present on this platform. One strategy that can be useful is celebrity endorsement, which has-because of celebrities' credibility and attractive characteristics-proven to be an effective way to create favourable attitudes and stronger purchase intentions. The present study investigated the effects of an Instagram advertisement with an (in)genuine, smiling celebrity on consumers' behaviour. More specifically, this study examined differences between consumers from two countries: the Netherlands and Spain. An online experiment with two conditions was conducted (i.e. ingenuine vs genuine, smiling celebrity). The sample included 174 Dutch and 137 Spanish participants. The results reveal that the type of smile significantly affects consumers' purchase intentions. Attitudes towards the celebrity also influence the effect of the type of smile on purchase intention. National background was thus found to play a moderating role. Resumen La promoción de productos a través de Instagram es un fenómeno en muy crecimiento en el mundo de la publicidad en línea. Destacar con estos anuncios y obtener los resultados deseados para el consumidor se vuelve cada vez más desafiante debido a la enorme cantidad de anuncios que ya se han implementado en esta plataforma. Una estrategia que podría usarse es el respaldo de las celebridades, que es una táctica que, teniendo en cuenta las características creíbles y atractivas de las celebridades, ha demostrado ser efectiva para crear actitudes favorables e intenciones de compra más altas. El presente estudio investigó el efecto de una (in)genuina celebridad sonriente en el comportamiento del consumidor en un anuncio de Instagram. Específicamente, este estudio abordó las diferencias entre los consumidores de dos culturas: los Países Bajos y España. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en línea con dos condiciones (ingenio versus celebridad sonriente genuina). Este estudio tuvo 174 participantes holandeses y 137 españoles. Los resultados revelaron que el tipo de sonrisa afectaba la intención de compra. Las actitudes hacia la celebridad influent el efecto del tipo de sonrisa en la intención de compra. Los antecedentes culturales jugaron un papel moderador. Palabras clave: Comportamiento del consumidor, publicidad en línea, marketing de persuasión, celebridades, intercultural, Instagram.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourist destinations' competitiveness: demand and performance factors

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study sought to determine whether tourists and experts have different views on factors that ... more This study sought to determine whether tourists and experts have different views on factors that impact tourism in destinations. A qualitative approach was applied using the critical incident technique, which allows respondents to express their specific needs and expectations. The data were collected through open-ended questions. The answers were recorded, and notes were taken about the interviewees and their narratives' most relevant aspects. The data were then submitted to content analysis and examined by applying the Brazilian competitiveness model. A total of 77 interviews were processed, and 209 critical incidents were identified. The results show that half the critical incidents do not fit into the analysis categories in the Brazilian competitiveness model, so nine 'new categories' emerged from the process. Thus, differences exist between visitors' and experts' perspectives on what is more important about tourism in destinations. Resumo O presente artigo busca responder se existe a diferença de visão entre especialistas e turistas sobre factores que impactam o turismo em um destino. Este trabalho baseou-se em uma abordagem qualitativa e adoptou o Método de Incidentes Críticos, que permite ao respondente expressar necessidades e expectativas específicas. A recolha de dados foi realizada por meio de perguntas abertas, tendo o seu conteúdo sido gravado, e realizados apontamentos sobre os entrevistados, assim como dos trechos relevantes da narrativa. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo e à luz do modelo brasileiro de competitividade. Foram consideradas 77 entrevistas e classificados 209 incidentes críticos. Os resultados mostraram que metade dos incidentes críticos não se encaixavam nas categorias de análise propostas no modelo brasileiro de competitividade, surgindo nove "novas categorias". Há, portanto, uma diferença entre a perspectiva do visitante e a do especialista em relação ao que, de fato, é mais importante sobre turismo no destino. Palavras-chave: Brasil, turismo, competitividade, método de incidente crítico, desempenho do destino.

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Research paper thumbnail of An application of geomarketing to coastal tourism areas

Tourism & Management Studies

Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in term... more Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in terms of tourists' preferences, behaviours, needs, expectations, purchase and consumption patterns and analogous attitudes. The result is a 'territorial segmentation' of tourists' demands in accordance with tourism areas' geographical characteristics. This study sought to examine the benefits and disadvantages of applying geomarketing to territorial segmentation of demand in coastal tourism areas. An empirical analysis was conducted of data on tourist accommodation establishments specialising in family tourism in Costa Adeje, Spain. The findings include that the tourist accommodation variable is essential to any successful segmentation process, including the micro-segmentation of coastal tourism areas. This variable facilitates the grouping of consumers with similar demands in a market based on shared needs, habits or attitudes and, from the supply side, on areas' characteristics. The latter territorial aspects are crucial to public and private decision-making processes. Thus, geomarketing is an ideal technique for understanding tourists. Resumen El geomarketing permite delimitar unidades geográficas con cierto grado de homogeneidad en cuanto a las preferencias, comportamientos, necesidades, conductas de compra, expectativas, patrones de consumo y actitudes análogas de los turistas. Así, agrupa a consumidores similares dentro de un mercado desde el punto de vista de la demanda, sino también de las características de la oferta. El resultado es la "segmentación territorial" de la demanda. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las potencialidades y debilidades de la aplicación del geomarketing en los procesos de segmentación territorial de la demanda en las áreas turísticas de litoral. Se presenta un análisis empírico de los hoteles especializados en turismo familiar en Costa Adeje (España). La principal conclusión es que es que las cualidades (categoría, tipología, etc.) de los alojamientos turísticos son esenciales en cualquier proceso de segmentación, e incluso, la microsegmentación de los turistas en las áreas turísticas de litoral. Ello convierte al geomarketing en una metodología y una técnica adecuada para comprender a los turistas. Palabras clave: Área turística de litoral, comportamiento del consumidor, geomarketing, segmentación territorial, turismo familiar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing attractiveness and image recognition of Bulgaria as a tourism destination Aumento da atratividade e reconhecimento da imagem da Bulgária como destino turístico

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

The concept of tourism destination attractiveness does not constitute a new topic in the scientif... more The concept of tourism destination attractiveness does not constitute a new topic in the scientific literature in the field of tourism. On the contrary, attention has been brought towards it since last century's 60 years. For a relatively long period, however, the existing studies show out that they not only did not lead to the creation of a single platform for evaluation, but rather have resulted in a fragmentation of the researchers' opinions. At present, numerous authors have been trying to identify the destination's attractiveness and factors influencing tourists' decision-making process to assess a given area as a desirable vacation spot. The attractiveness of the area does not only depend on the characteristics of its corresponding site and the local population, but also from tourist cognitive image perception of the destination. The present paper comprises the results from two separate studies conducted in parallel from 2011 to 2014 and it aims to outline the various factors that could influence the process of increasing of attractiveness and image recognition of Bulgaria as a tourism destination. For this purpose, a multifactorial analysis of the whole tourism destination of Bulgaria was applied alongside with a cultural profiling of an almost iconic and landmark micro destination for cultural tourism such as the town of Plovdiv (or the ancient Phillipopolis found by the king Phillip the Second, the father of Alexander the Great). Resumo O conceito de atratividade do destino turístico não constitui um novo tópico na literatura científica no campo do turismo. Pelo contrário, a atenção foi focada nesse tema desde os últimos 60 anos do século passado. Por um período relativamente longo, no entanto, os estudos existentes mostram que eles não só não levaram à criação de uma única plataforma de avaliação, mas que resultaram numa fragmentação das opiniões dos investigadores. Atualmente, numerosos autores têm tentado identificar a atratividade do destino e os fatores que influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão dos turistas para avaliar uma determinada área como um local de férias desejável. A atratividade da região não depende apenas das suas características físicas e da população local, mas também da perceção da imagem cognitiva turística do destino. O presente trabalho compreende os resultados de dois estudos separados realizados em paralelo de 2011 a 2014 e pretende esboçar os vários fatores que podem influenciar o processo do aumento da atratividade e reconhecimento da imagem da Bulgária como destino turístico. Para tal, foi feita uma análise multifatorial do destino turístico Bulgária como um todo e foi aplicada ao lado de um perfil cultural de um micro-destino quase icónico e histórico para o turismo cultural, como a cidade de Plovdiv (ou a antiga Phillipopolis, fundada pelo rei Filipe II, O pai de Alexandre, o Grande). Palavras-chave: Atratividade do destino, reconhecimento da imagem, análise fatorial, análise semântica.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the effective tax rate in the tourism sector: a dynamic panel data model Determinantes del tipo impositivo efectivo en el sector turístico: un modelo dinámico con datos de panel

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

This paper presents a dynamic model of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) in the tourism sector. A dyna... more This paper presents a dynamic model of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) in the tourism sector. A dynamic model where the lagged endogenous variable ETR has been included as a regressor to identify the dynamic structure of the variable due to the existence of temporal adjustments between the short and long run in ETR payments has been estimated. The empirical analysis based on a panel data set over the 2008-2013 period explores the determinants of the ETR variable by using a Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimator controlling for heterogeneity in the tourism sector. The Arellano-Bond system GMM estimator has been used to estimate the model. The study seeks to shed light on the determinants of tax burden in the tourism sector covering the lack of studies on this topic. The findings obtained suggest that the ETR borne is determined by size, financing structure and type of entity. We deem the finding of the existence of non-linear relationships between ETR and size and financing structure relevant. Resumen Este artículo presenta un modelo dinámico para el Tipo Impositivo Efectivo (TIE) en el sector turístico. Este modelo dinámico ha sido estimado usando la variable endógena retardada TIE como regresor para identificar la estructura dinámica de dicha variable, debido a la existencia de ajustes entre el corto y largo plazo en los pagos del TIE. El análisis empírico basado en datos de panel en el periodo 2008-2013 explora los determinantes de la variable TIE utilizándose el estimador del Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM) controlando la heterogeneidad en el sector turístico. El estimador de Arellano-Bond ha sido utilizado para estimar el modelo. Este estudio busca arrojar luz sobre los determinantes de las cargas impositivas en el sector turístico debido a la escasez de estudios en esta materia. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el TIE se encuentra determinado por el tamaño, la estructura financiera y el tipo de empresa. Igualmente consideramos relevante el hallazgo de relaciones no lineales entre el TIE y el tamaño y la estructura de financiación. Palabras clave: Tipo impositivo efectivo, tamaño de la empresa, estructura financiera, datos de panel dinámico, ROA.

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Research paper thumbnail of Film-induced tourism: a systematic literature review Turismo cinematográfico: revisão sistemática da literatura

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

The "film-induced tourism" concept serves for the study of tourism visits made to a destination o... more The "film-induced tourism" concept serves for the study of tourism visits made to a destination or attraction resulting from its featuring in cinema films, television series or promotional videos. This phenomenon falls within the field of "film-induced versus destination branding image" research, a fairly recently established field, and with this article correspondingly seeking to carry out analysis of the contents and systematisation of this area based on the contents of the Web of Science database. Thus, this article consists of the application of a systematic survey involving the summary and evaluation based upon the interpretation of the results returned. The sample contains only those articles published in English language journals and explicitly excluding conference proceedings or commentaries. We thus sought to grasp the perspectives adopted by both empirical and theoretical studies, the themes studied and the main conclusions of those studies analysed here. The results convey the diversity of both the quantitative and qualitative studies and the various future lines of research defined in accordance with the gaps detected in the results returned. Keywords: Destination branding image, language of tourism, film tourism, promotional film, film-induced tourism. Resumo O conceito de "film-induced tourism" é aplicado ao estudo das visitas turísticas a um destino ou atracão turística pelo resultado da exposição a filmes de cinema, series televisivas, ou vídeos promocionais. Este fenómeno enquadra-se no campo de investigação de "film-induced versus destination branding image", sendo consideravelmente recente e nesse sentido o presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise de conteúdo e sistematização dos artigos sobre esse campo, tendo como base de dados a web of science. O propósito do trabalho consistiu na aplicação de uma revisão sistemática envolvendo a síntese e a avaliação com base na interpretação. Foram mantidos na base apenas os artigos que tivessem sido publicados em periódicos no idioma inglês e não fossem proceedings ou comentários. Procurou-se perceber em que perspetiva os estudos empíricos foram analisados, quais as temáticas estudadas e as principais conclusões dos estudos analisados. Os resultados apresentam uma diversidade de estudos quantitativos e qualitativos e várias futuras linhas de investigação foram delineadas em função dos gaps detetados nos resultados encontrados. Palavras-chave: Branding da imagem de destinos, linguagem do turismo, filme turístico, filme promocional, turismo cinematográfico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Similarities and correlation between resident tourist overnights and Google Trends information in Portugal and its tourism regions

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

Over the last years, we observed an exponential growth in the number of tourism consumers that us... more Over the last years, we observed an exponential growth in the number of tourism consumers that use the Internet as a source of information during a destination selection process. Google Trends is a tool that displays data, almost in real time, on the interest of people in a particular topic based on search trends. This paper demonstrates that Google Trends is a tool that can provide useful and relevant information about the interests of individuals in relation to domestic tourism destinations at national and regional levels. Our findings indicate that overnights spent in hotel establishments by the residents in Portugal are strongly correlated with the Google index, mainly in mainland Portugal, Alentejo and Algarve regions, and that the results improve when more municipalities names and the national or the regional tourism brands are included as search terms. Resumo Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um crescimento exponencial no número de consumidores de turismo que utiliza a Internet como fonte de informação no processo de seleção do destino turístico. O Google Trends é uma ferramenta que disponibilizada dados, quase em tempo real, sobre o interesse das pessoas num determinado tema com base nas tendências de pesquisa. Este artigo demonstra que o Google Trends é uma ferramenta que disponibiliza informação útil e relevante sobre os interesses dos indivíduos em relação aos destinos de turismo doméstico ao nível nacional e regional. Os resultados indicam que as dormidas dos residentes em Portugal nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros estão fortemente correlacionadas com o índice do Google, principalmente em Portugal continental, na região do Alentejo e do Algarve, e que os resultados melhoram quando são incluídos como termos de pesquisa mais nomes de municípios e a marca de turismo nacional ou das regiões de turismo. Palavras-chave: Google Trends, turismo doméstico, dados de pesquisa, Portugal, big data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Destination image on the DMO's platforms: official website and social media Imagen del destino en las plataformas de la OGD: sitio web oficial y medios sociales

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

Tourists usually configure and develop ideas about possible destinations based on information pre... more Tourists usually configure and develop ideas about possible destinations based on information previously gathered from both social media and the official web of the destination management organization (DMO). In spite of the relevance of said information sources, there have not been many studies evaluating how these different sources influence the destination image. This research proposes a model intended to explain the image creation process of a destination taking into account both the DMO's online platforms and the perceived psychological distance. The proposed model is tested with an empirical study including a questionnaire which collects data from 264 participants. The validity of the model is reviewed through PLS analysis. Results show that the psychological distance does not influence the overall destination image. In addition, the overall destination image can be estimated to a larger extent when tourists approach social media as their main source of information. Implications and conclusions are discussed. Resumen Los turistas se forman una imagen del destino teniendo en cuenta la información recibida a través de canales como los medios sociales y la web oficial de la Organización Gestora del Destino (OGD). A pesar de la relevancia de estos canales pocos trabajos han analizado las posibles diferencias en su influencia en la formación de la imagen. Adicionalmente, el efecto de la distancia psicológica en el proceso de construcción de la imagen del destino no ha sido suficientemente evaluado en un contexto online. En esta investigación se propone un modelo para explicar la formación de la imagen del destino en función de la fuente de información online empleada y de la distancia psicológica percibida. El modelo propuesto es contrastado con un estudio empírico con 264 encuestados, mediante un análisis PLS. Los resultados muestran que la distancia psicológica no influye en la imagen global del destino. Además, la imagen global del destino puede estimarse en mayor medida cuando los turistas abordan los medios sociales como su principal fuente de información. Se discuten las implicaciones y las conclusiones. Palabras clave: Imagen del destino, distancia psicológica, sitio web oficial de turismo, medios sociales, OGD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predictors of review sites usage in hotels

The tourism industry has been strongly impacted by the consumer use of review sites. Since review... more The tourism industry has been strongly impacted by the consumer use of review sites. Since review travel sites such as TripAdvisor allowed accommodations to create own profiles with information, hotels began incorporating these actions into their engaging customers programming. Despite the benefits that review sites can offer to customers, hotels and accommodations, its implementation is not developed and exploited in all its possibilities, and little is known about hotels use of this review sites. This study explores the topic trough quantitative methodology, conducting multiple correlation analysis of data obtained from a sample of 301 hotel managers. Managers consider they are committed to this type of platforms and are capable of use it accurately. Also it was found evidence of correlation between use of TripAdvisor and hotel characteristics (size, ownership structure, and category). Furthermore, multiple regression analysis shows competence and commitment as the most important predictors of use intensity. Resumen La industria del turismo se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el uso las plataformas de valoración por parte de los consumidores. Dado que sitios como TripAdvisor permiten a los alojamientos crear perfiles propios, los hoteles han comenzado a incorporar estas acciones en sus programas de compromiso y fidelización de clientes. A pesar de los beneficios que estas webs pueden ofrecer tanto a clientes como a hoteles, su implementación no se ha desarrollado en todas sus posibilidades, y poco se sabe sobre el uso que de ellas hacen los hoteles. Esta investigación explora este tema mediante una metodología cuantitativa, realizando análisis de correlación múltiple con datos obtenidos de 301 gerentes de hoteles. Los gerentes consideran que están comprometidos con este tipo de plataformas y son capaces de usarlas con precisión. Además, encontramos evidencias de correlación entre el uso de TripAdvisor y las características del hotel (tamaño, estructura de propiedad y categoría). Igualmente, el análisis de regresión múltiple muestra la capacidad y el compromiso como los predictores más importantes de la intensidad de su uso.

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreign training in Jordan's international hotel chains: a quantitative investigation Formação fora do país em cadeias hoteleiras internacionais da Jordânia: uma Investigação quantitativa

This paper draws on the perceptions of middle managers in Jordan to identify what determines uppe... more This paper draws on the perceptions of middle managers in Jordan to identify what determines upper management's decision in International Hotel Chains (IHC) to invest in out-of-country training (OCT). A model employing the presence of relationships between 'attitudes', 'benefits and usefulness', 'barriers' and 'IHC's decision' to invest in OCT, was proposed and examined. A total of 261 middle managers from IHCs in Jordan provided responses to a structured survey. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the dimensions for each construct. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the relationships among the four constructs of the study. The results showed a direct relationship between attitudes and benefits/usefulness to IHC's decision to invest in OCT, and demonstrated the mediating role of attitudes in the inverse relationship between barriers and IHC's decision to invest in OCT.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting hotel booking cancellations to decrease uncertainty and increase revenue Previsão de cancelamentos de reservas de hotéis para diminuir a incerteza e aumentar a receita

Booking cancellations have a substantial impact in demand-management decisions in the hospitality... more Booking cancellations have a substantial impact in demand-management decisions in the hospitality industry. Cancellations limit the production of accurate forecasts, a critical tool in terms of revenue management performance. To circumvent the problems caused by booking cancellations, hotels implement rigid cancellation policies and overbooking strategies, which can also have a negative influence on revenue and reputation. Using data sets from four resort hotels and addressing booking cancellation prediction as a classification problem in the scope of data science, authors demonstrate that it is possible to build models for predicting booking cancellations with accuracy results in excess of 90%. This demonstrates that despite what was assumed by Morales and Wang (2010) it is possible to predict with high accuracy whether a booking will be canceled. Results allow hotel managers to accurately predict net demand and build better forecasts, improve cancellation policies, define better overbooking tactics and thus use more assertive pricing and inventory allocation strategies.

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Research paper thumbnail of How can brand equity for tourism destinations be used to preview tourists' destination choice? An overview from the top of Tower of Babel Como prever as escolhas dos turistas a partir do valor das marcas de destinos turísticos?Uma visão geral a partir do topo da Torre de Babel

Customer-based brand equity for tourism destinations (CBBE-TD) is a helpful construct to assess d... more Customer-based brand equity for tourism destinations (CBBE-TD) is a helpful construct to assess destination branding effectiveness. However, it would be even more useful if it could be integrated into a wider methodological approach articulating destination brand assessment with the destination choice process. This paper describes a new research programme – Favourite Destinations Worldwide – that includes three interrelated innovative tools: (1) the destination brand choice model that allows a better conceptualization of CBBE-TD in the context of destination choice; (2) the Tower of Babel platform, a multilingual online survey for data gathering, to assess CBBE-TD of all destinations competing in the world market; and (3) the Destination Brand Gnosis, a propriety software for qualitative data analysis, transforming the meta-data into a system for constantly evaluating brand attractiveness. Additionally, for illustrative purposes empirical data from two national samples is presented: Portuguese (N = 524) and Brazilian (N = 955). Besides presenting the preferred destination brands for Brazilian and Portuguese tourists, the results confirm a basic assumption supporting this research program related to the geographic polarization of the most valued destination brands: " dream destination brands " correspond to destinations located farther from respondents' home-places, in other continents, requiring long-haul air travel, while " favourite destination brands " are predominantly destinations located nearer, in respondents' own countries or neighbouring countries. Resumo: O constructo " customer-based brand equity " de destinos turísticos (CBBE-TD) é útil na avaliação da eficácia das marcas de destinos turísticos. Mas seria ainda mais útil se fosse integrado numa abordagem ampla que articulasse a avaliação das marcas de destino com o processo de escolha de destinos. Este artigo descreve um novo programa de pesquisa-Favorite Destinations Worldwide-que inclui três ferramentas inovadoras inter-relacionadas: (1) o destination choice model que transpõe o CBBE-TD para o contexto da escolha de destinos; (2) a plataforma Tower of Babel, um inquérito online multilingue para avaliação do CBBE-TD de todos os destinos existentes no mercado mundial; e (3) o Destination Brand Gnosis, um software de análise de dados qualitativos que transforma meta-dados num sistema de monitorização da atratividade de marcas. Para ilustrar os propósitos desta abordagem empírica, são apresentados os resultados da amostra portuguesa (N = 524) e da brasileira (N = 955). Além de serem elencadas as marcas de destino preferidas dos brasileiros e portugueses, os resultados confirmam um pressuposto básico subjacente a este programa de investigação, que consiste na polarização geográfica das marcas de destino mais valiosas: as marcas de destino de sonho correspondem a destinos localizados longe da área de residência, noutros continentes, que exigem viagens aéreas de longo curso; já as marcas de destinos favoritos remetem para locais mais próximos, nos países de residência ou em países vizinhos. Palavras Chave: Valor da marca, escolha de destinos, destinos de sonho, destinos favoritos.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the April Fair on Seville hotel room prices: measurement through a hedonic approach Impacto de la Feria de Abril en los precios de las habitaciones de hotel de Sevilla: medida a través de una aproximación hedónica

Despite its importance as a tourist attraction, sparse research regarding tourism and hospitality... more Despite its importance as a tourist attraction, sparse research regarding tourism and hospitality has been focused on Seville's April Fair. That is why the main purpose of this paper is to assess the impact the April Fair and other key elements have on hotels, using the well-known hedonic price model and a database of 1,548 items compiled using TripAdvisor. The results suggest that although the April Fair has a significant and positive effect on the prices of hotel rooms, these results are mixed during the fair. Specifically, the effects of the April Fair can be felt during the weekdays when fairgoers add to those visiting the city on business. However, during the weekend, fair prices do not differ from a non-April day fair. In addition, prices on Sunday Fair are lower than average prices on non-April Fair days. This has important implications for both hotels and organisers of the event. In addition, the results show how the category begins to lose importance in relation to the assessment of the quality perceived by customers. Some implications and solutions are discussed below.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Magical World of Disney: building relationships with clients from the brand personality

Tourism & Management Studies, 2020

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between brand personality and customer ... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between brand personality and customer relationship perception in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. We performed a survey with 283 Brazilian visitors of Disney parks, using Structural Equation Modeling. Brand personality, the second-order factor, was formed by first-order factors (Credibility, Joy, Sophistication, Audacity and Sensitivity), all of them with positive effects on customer relationship perception. The prediction was 29%, considered a great effect. Hence, we confirm the relation between brand personality and relationship perception and the Credibility dimension as the main driver of long-term relationships in the T&H sector. Our discussion contributes to the body of knowledge of relationship marketing and branding, especially in identifying the nature of the relationship between these marketing variables. Research on brand management can benefit from our results since they put light into the interaction between brand and customers, and the main aspects sustaining these interactions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of a measurement scale of service quality, image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in traditional trade

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

The retail industry's ability to create satisfactory experiences for consumers remains to a consi... more The retail industry's ability to create satisfactory experiences for consumers remains to a considerable degree in the hands of management and retail staff. This research's central purpose was to validate an instrument that assesses the perceived quality of service, brand image, customer satisfaction and loyalty to traditional retail stores in Portugal. The findings suggest that the scale's 28 items can be grouped into four main dimensions and applied to Portuguese traditional retail businesses with good results. In addition, this questionnaire can be a useful tool for traditional retail stores seeking to understand customers' perceptions. The assessment scale also facilitates the ongoing search for customer satisfaction and loyalty by revealing their drivers and moving traditional trade further along the path towards quality service and better brand image. These strategies, in turn, are reflected in excellent organisational performance and higher profitability. A capacidade de criar uma experiência agradável para o consumidor permanece, em grande medida, nas mãos da gerência e da equipa comercial. O objetivo central desta investigação é validar um instrumento para avaliar a qualidade de serviço percebida, a imagem de marca, a satisfação e a lealdade do cliente às lojas de comércio tradicional, em Portugal. Os resultados sugerem que os 28 itens da escala podem ser agrupados em quatro dimensões principais e também podem ser aplicados com confiança ao retalho tradicional Português. Adicionalmente, este estudo pode ser considerado uma ferramenta útil para as lojas de comércio tradicional, ajudando-as a diagnosticar as perceções dos clientes, numa busca contínua pela satisfação e lealdade dos clientes, e ainda para indagar sobre os fatores que fomentam essas mudanças, caminhando rumo ao serviço de qualidade e à imagem corporativa, que se refletem em excelente desempenho organizacional e maior rentabilidade. Palavras-chave: SERVPERF, imagem de marca, satisfação, lealdade, retalho português.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of ruminative thought style and workplace ostracism on turnover intention of hotel employees: the mediating effect of organizational identification

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This study’s primary objective was to examine ruminative thought style and workplace ostracism’s ... more This study’s primary objective was to examine ruminative thought
style and workplace ostracism’s effects on hotel employees’ turnover
intention. A secondary objective was to investigate these effects
through the mediator role of organisational identification. The data
were collected by convenience sampling between 1 June and 1
October 2018 from employees of 12 5-star hotel businesses in
Bodrum, Turkey, yielding 432 valid survey forms. The results show
that ruminative thought style and workplace ostracism increase hotel
employees’ turnover intention, while organisational identification
decreases it. In addition, the latter variable plays a significant
mediating role between ruminative thought styles and turnover
intentions. Thus, managers need to create good working
environments, support and participate in social activities with their
team, make employees feel that they are a part of their organisation
and frequently reiterate that each team member is valued.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of female entrepreneurship: an empirical evidence in the Municipality of León in Nicaragua

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

Estudio del emprendimiento en mujeres: evidencia empírica en el municipio de León en Nicaragua Ab... more Estudio del emprendimiento en mujeres: evidencia empírica en el municipio de León en Nicaragua Abstract Women's entrepreneurship is one of the main challenges in economic growth. In this sense, within the context of creating new companies, it can be considered as one of the main mechanisms that contributes to achieve the desired wellbeing in society. Women's entrepreneurship reduces unemployment, increases innovation, improves competitiveness and favors economic growth significantly. This article aims to analyze the influence of the socioeconomic and psychosocial factors involved in female entrepreneurship. For this purpose, we used a sample of 101 women entrepreneurs in the municipality of León, Nicaragua. We applied Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis, in order to find out the relationship between the considered factors. Some results indicate that all variables considered have a significant influence on the probability of entrepreneurship. The capacity of entrepreneurial women increases when they have skills, knowledge and an early contact in the business world. Keywords: Female entrepreneurship, socio-demographic and psychosocial factors. Resumen El espíritu empresarial de las mujeres es uno de los principales desafíos del crecimiento económico. En este sentido, en el contexto de la creación de nuevas empresas, puede considerarse como uno de los principales mecanismos que contribuyen a lograr el bienestar deseado en la sociedad. El espíritu empresarial de las mujeres reduce el desempleo, aumenta la innovación, mejora la competitividad y favorece significativamente el crecimiento económico. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de los factores socioeconómicos y psicosociales involucrados en el emprendimiento femenino. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 101 mujeres emprendedoras en el municipio de León, Nicaragua. Se aplicó análisis Factorial y de Regresión, con el fin de conocer la relación entre los factores considerados. Algunos resultados indican que todas las variables tienen una influencia significativa en la probabilidad de emprendimiento. La capacidad de las mujeres emprendedoras aumenta cuando tienen habilidades, conocimientos y un contacto temprano con el mundo de los negocios. Palabras clave: Mujer, emprendimiento, factores socioeconómicos y psicosociales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship as a dynamic field of study: a bibliometric analysis of research output El emprendimiento como campo dinámico de studio: un análisis bibliométrico de rendimiento

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

The present study's objective was to carry out a systematic literature review whose main value li... more The present study's objective was to carry out a systematic literature review whose main value lies in updating and analysing the current state of scientific production in the field of entrepreneurship based on the best known international bibliographic databases, Web of Science and Scopus. To this end, the relevant papers published in indexed international journals were selected from both databases. The most-cited research was identified by setting a standardised threshold number of citations based on the H-index called 'H-Classics', which is sensitive to the particular characteristics of each research area. This study analysed the most important authors, years of greater production, journals, cited authors, themes, subject areas, text typology, countries, institutional affiliations and keywords. The results are rankings of journals and authors based on the weights given by both databases' H-index for citation frequency. Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL) cuya principal utilidad sea la de actualizar y analizar el estado de la producción científica en el campo del entrepreneurship según las dos bases de datos bibliográficas más reconocidas a nivel internacional: Web o Science (WOS) y Scopus. Para ello se han recuperado una selección de documentos publicados en las revistas internacionales indexadas en ambas bases de datos. La selección de documentos más citados se realizó fijando un umbral de citación estandarizado basado en el índice H denominado H-Classics sensible a las características propias de cualquier disciplina de investigación. Se analizan los autores más relevantes, años de mayor producción, revistas, autores referenciados, temas, áreas de conocimiento, tipología documental, países, afiliaciones y palabras clave. Los resultados aportan un ranking de revistas y autores aplicando una ponderación del H-Index por su frecuencia respectiva en cada base de datos. Palabras clave: Revisión de la literatura, índice H, entrepreneurship.

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of ethical dilemmas in the accounting A influência dos dilemas éticos na contabilidade

Tourism & Management Studies, 2017

In this study a theoretical model of five dimensions is explained-Rest (1986) ethical decision ma... more In this study a theoretical model of five dimensions is explained-Rest (1986) ethical decision making process; Jones (1991) moral intensity; need for cognition; personal attributes and financial information-in order to understand the conditions that lead policymakers to manipulate information and to understand the ethical issues in decision-making that lead or not, to a more useful accounting. The sample, by convenience, consisting of 442 individuals and this empirical study was conducted through a survey by an online questionnaire. Data collection was performed using SurveyMonkey software and the model analysed by Structural Equation Analysis method. A structural model was obtained, seeming to indicate that the process of ethical and moral intensity decisions is associated with the individual need for cognition. The utility of accounting, preparation and presentation of financial statements are positively related to the educational level. In this sense, the results and the profitability of capital influence the moral intensity, it seems possible to conclude about the positive influence of academic ethics intention and accounting utility. Resumo Neste estudo é explicado um modelo teórico de cinco dimensões-Rest (1986) processo de tomada de decisão ética; Jones (1991) intensidade moral; necessidade de cognição; atributos pessoais e informações financeiras-com o objetivo de compreender as condições que levam os legisladores a manipular informações e a compreender as questões éticas na tomada de decisões que conduzem ou não a uma contabilidade mais útil. A amostra, por conveniência, composta por 442 indivíduos e o presente estudo empírico foram realizados através de um questionário online. A recolha de dados foi efetuada utilizando o software SurveyMonkey e o modelo foi analisado pelo método de Análise de Equações Estruturais. Foi obtido um modelo estrutural, que parece indicar que o processo de decisão ética e de intensidade moral está associado à necessidade individual de cognição. A utilidade da contabilidade, preparação e apresentação das demonstrações financeiras estão positivamente relacionadas com o nível educacional. Nesse sentido, os resultados e a rentabilidade do capital influenciam a intensidade moral, parecendo possível concluir sobre a influência positiva da intenção ética académica e da utilidade da contabilidade. Palavras-chave: Ética, utilidade, contabilidade, comportamento, necessidade de cognição.

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge internalization as a measure of results for organizational knowledge transfer: proposition of a theoretical framework Internalização do conhecimento como medida de resultados da transferência de conhecimento organizacional: a proposição de um framework teórico

As this is result of the transfer of knowledge, most studies on this subject have considered the ... more As this is result of the transfer of knowledge, most studies on this subject have considered the implementation of organizational knowledge as a positive result and as the end of the transfer process; internalization as active adoption of knowledge has seldom been investigated. This is assuming that it is only when knowledge is internalized by the recipient company that the transfer process really becomes effective and incorporated into organizational routine. The aim of this paper is propose a theoretical framework using internalization as the variable to analyze the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer process. For this, a comprehensive literature review was conducted that resulted in the identification of important variables that moderate the internalization: the disseminative capacity and the absorptive capacity. Moreover, this article proposes an analysis of internalization from a multidimensional perspective, considering the appropriation of knowledge and time taken to internalize as extension factors of knowledge internalization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Managerial competences and their management: a study in Brazilian inns of a historic city (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais

Competências gerenciais e sua gestão: um estudo em pousadas de uma cidade histórica brasileira (T... more Competências gerenciais e sua gestão: um estudo em pousadas de uma cidade histórica brasileira (Tiradentes, MG) Abstract Tourism has become prominent on the national scene, both for national authorities and society. In this environment, the hotels' branch manager plays a key role in which managerial competences are required to manage the project and the provision of services. For this reason, the objective of this research was to identify and analyze the management competences of hotel managers in Tiradentes (Minas Gerais, Brazil). For that, a field research with descriptive, qualitative and quantitative approach was carried out. It was observed that inns are family-owned businesses with little training in the area and the main role of managers is to be a mentor, focusing on human relationships. The inns contribute to the management of competences process, which occurs mainly due to an individual's daily action in the organization, also as with formal training incentives. Finally, we present the research limitations and suggestions for future research. Resumo O turismo se tornou proeminente no cenário brasileiro, tanto para as autoridades nacionais e quanto a sociedade. Neste ambiente, os gestores da hotelaria desempenham um papel fundamental no qual competências são necessárias para gerenciar o projeto e a prestação de serviços. Por esta razão, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar as competências gerenciais de gestores de pousadas em Tiradentes (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Para isso, uma pesquisa de campo com abordagem descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa foi realizada. Observou-se que as pousadas são empresas familiares, cujos gestores têm pouca formação na área e seu principal papel é ser um mentor, concentrando-se nas relações humanas. As pousadas também contribuem para a gestão das competências profissionais, o que ocorre principalmente devido à ação diária do próprio indivíduo na organização, assim como com incentivos à formação formal. Por fim, limitações da pesquisa e sugestões para futuras investigações foram apresentadas.

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Research paper thumbnail of The main barriers of Portuguese entrepreneurship ecosystem: Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach As principais barreiras ao Ecossistema Empreendedor Português: Modelagem estrutural interpretativa

This study is based on the technique Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), in order to delinea... more This study is based on the technique Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), in order to delineate a flowchart that shows the main ten barriers (and their relationships) influencing the development of Portuguese Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Through a process of modelling it was possible to reach a graphical representation that shows the operating sequence of these barriers in order to understand the logic of their relationship. The results show a model represented by a flowchart consisting of 10 barriers, three of them that are positioned at the base of the model have political-legislative features with high level of range in all the remaining barriers, so a political involvement, carefully measured, could contribute to the improvement of the Portuguese Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. The final model is a useful tool that can be adopted by key decision-makers and players in the Ecosystem in order to optimize the selection of measures enabling the entrepreneurial activity in Portugal. Resumo: Este estudo baseia-se na técnica Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), com vista a delinear um fluxograma que apresente as dez principais barreiras (e respetivas relações) influenciadoras do desenvolvimento do Ecossistema Empreendedor Português. Através de um processo de modelação foi possível chegar a uma representação gráfica que mostra a sequência operacional destas barreiras com vista a compreender a lógica da sua relação. Os resultados mostram um modelo representado por um fluxograma constituído por 10 barreiras, três das quais, posicionadas na base do modelo possuem características politico-legislativas com elevado nível de alcance em todas as restantes, pelo que um envolvimento político, cuidadosamente calibrado, poderia vir a contribuir para a melhoria das condições do ecossistema empreendedor português. O modelo final, é um instrumento útil que pode ser adotado pelos principais decisores e atores do Ecossistema no sentido de otimizar a seleção de medidas dinamizadoras da atividade empreendedora em Portugal.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the influencers of materialism in adolescence

This work presents results of a research whose objective was to identify the influencers attribut... more This work presents results of a research whose objective was to identify the influencers attributes in degree of materialism among Brazilian adolescents. The literature review has contemplated discussions about the materialism among adolescents that culminated in the proposition of a theoretical model to be tested empirically. The model was composed of three influencer variables materialism (age, economic class, gender) and by seven influencer constructs (communication with friends, communication with parents, effect of peers, media exposure, attitudes to the adverts, attraction of celebrities and self-esteem). The field research involved 1.353 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years of primary and secondary education, from private and public schools. For the data analysis modeling of structural equations was used. Among the results, we can highlight the significant influence of constructs of communication with friends and effect of peers in the degree of materialism among adolescents. Resumo Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi identificar os atributos influenciadores no nível de materialismo entre adolescentes no Brasil. A revisão da literatura contemplou discussões acerca do materialismo entre adolescentes que culminaram na proposição de um modelo teórico a ser testado empiricamente. O modelo foi composto por três variáveis influenciadoras do materialismo (idade, classe econômica e gênero) e sete construtos influenciadores (comunicação com os amigos, comunicação com os pais, efeito de pares, exposição à mídia, atitudes frente à publicidade, atração de celebridades e auto-estima). O trabalho de campo envolveu 1.353 adolescentes com idade entre 11 a 18 anos de escolas públicas e privadas em nível de educação fundamental e médio. Para a análise dos dados a modelagem de equações estruturais foi utilizada. Entre os resultados, pode-se enfatizar que os maiores influenciadores do nível de materialismo entre adolescentes são os construtos comunicação com os amigos e efeitos de pares. Palavras-chave: Consumo, materialismo, efeito de pares, atração de celebridade, adolescentes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Motivational factors in sales team management and their influence on individual performance

This study analysed the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors of sales teams and these fac... more This study analysed the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors of sales teams and these factors' influence on team members' performance in a pharmaceutical industry context. A quantitative survey was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to a sample of 326 salespeople working in Portugal. The data were analysed using two statistical approaches: descriptive analysis of the variables and structural equation analysis. The results show that the intrinsic factors that best explain sales teams' motivation are 'personal goals' and 'skills acquired'. Extrinsic factors that best explain motivation in this context are 'transparency and loyalty in interactions with bosses' and 'trust in the company'. 'Participation in the growth of the company's business' and 'attitude' are the factors that most influence team performance in terms of results and behaviour, respectively. Resumo Este estudo analisou os factores motivacionais intrínsecos e extrínsecos da equipa de vendas e a sua influência no desempenho dos membros da equipa no contexto da indústria farmacêutica. Foi efectuada uma pesquisa quantitativa, distribuindo um questionário a uma amostra de 326 comerciais que actuam em Portugal. Os dados foram analisados com recurso a duas abordagens estatísticas: a análise descritiva das variáveis, e análise de equações estruturais. Os resultados revelam que os factores intrínsecos que melhor explicam a motivação da equipa de vendas são as " metas pessoais " e " competências adquiridas ". Os factores extrínsecos que melhor explicam a motivação neste contexto são a " transparência e lealdade no contacto com as chefias " e " confiança na empresa ". A " participação no crescimento dos negócios da empresa " e a " Atitude " são os factores com maior peso no desempenho ao nível dos resultados e comportamental, respectivamente.

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Research paper thumbnail of To what extent does human capital diversity moderate the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance: Evidence from Spanish firms

The purpose of this research study is to explore the moderating effect the diversity of human cap... more The purpose of this research study is to explore the moderating effect the diversity of human capital may have on the relationship between HRM practices and business performance. To this end, factors determining of human capital diversity have been used.
With a sample of more than one hundred Spanish companies we have carried out a factor analysis-principal axis factoring with varimax rotation- on identified HRM practices and perceived organizational performance as factors with good factor loadings, and consistent with the proposed model.
Our findings indicate that the human capital factors such as “education level," “functional specialization” and “length of service” condition the effects of HRM-practices on organizational performance.
The literature pays little attention to non-linear models. Examining the factors' determining human capital diversity casts some light on the black box of the relationship between human resources practices and organizational performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Knowledge Transfer: analysis in Spanish family businesses

This study tries to answer the following research questions in the context of family-owned firms:... more This study tries to answer the following research questions in the context of family-owned firms: How is knowledge management related to entrepreneurship? How are knowledge management and entrepreneurship related to business performance? How does the family influence the above relationships? To answer these questions we performed a study to firms belonging to Family Business Regional Associations. The methodology used to analyze these relationships is based on a structural equation approach (SEM), specifically Partial Least Squares (PLS). The main value of this study is the proposition of two models. The first model analyzes the relationship among Knowledge Transfer (KT), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Performance (PERF). The second model studies the Family Influence (FI) as a moderating variable of such relationships. As conclusion, in these family firms KT has a significant positive effect on EO, and the latter on PERF. FI strengthening moderates the relationship between KT and EO and PERF. The implications for managers are clear. Our study provides a theoretical and empirical basis for further study on KT and EO in family business.

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Research paper thumbnail of Time perception: A study of young Brazilian workers Percepções temporais: Um estudo com jovens trabalhadores brasileiros

Given the importance of time as a category of analysis in organisational research, this study's o... more Given the importance of time as a category of analysis in organisational research, this study's objective was to analyse the time perceptions of young Brazilian workers. The study was guided by the five time dimensions proposed by Bluedorn and Jaussi (2007): polychronicity, speed, punctuality, temporal depth and entrainment. The field work consisted of a descriptive case study, paired with a quantitative analysis of data collected with a structured, closed and self-administered questionnaire based on Paiva, Dutra, Santos and Barros's (2013) Time Perception Scale. The data were analysed using univariate and bivariate statistics. Monochronic, slow and punctual behaviours, with past temporal depth, predominate among young workers. The results also show that respondents are highly temporally entrained from various perspectives, particularly entrainment through synchrony, followed by entrainment through leadership and conduction. Based on these findings, the contributions and limitations of the study are presented, and new possibilities for future research are suggested.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacities in export performance Influência da orientação empreendedora e das capacidades abortivas no desempenho das exportações

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the influence that entrepreneurial orientation and a... more The main purpose of this study is to analyze the influence that entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity have on export performance of small and medium-sized footwear companies. Therefore, this research adopted a quantitative methodological approach, conducting a descriptive, exploratory and transversal empirical study, having applied a questionnaire to a sample of Portuguese companies exporting footwear. From this study it was possible to conclude that entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity enhance export performance of Portuguese footwear companies in foreign markets. It also underline the contribution of this study to the theory of strategic management, since it is known that it encompasses deliberate and emerging initiatives, including the use of resources and capabilities to improve business performance. This study presents entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity as strategic determinants which contribute positively to the export performance. Resumo O objetivo fundamental deste estudo é analisar a influência que a orientação empreendedora e as capacidades absortivas têm no desempenho das exportações das pequenas e médias empresas de calçado. Para tal, adotamos nesta investigação uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa, realizando um estudo empírico descritivo, exploratório e transversal, tendo aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de empresas portuguesas exportadoras de calçado. Foi-nos possível concluir deste estudo que a orientação empreendedora e as capacidades absortivas melhoraram o desempenho das exportações das empresas portuguesas de calçado em mercados estrangeiros. Destacamos ainda a sua contribuição para a teoria da gestão estratégica, a qual abrange iniciativas deliberadas e emergentes, incluindo a utilização de recursos e capacidades para melhorar o desempenho do negócio. Este estudo apresenta a orientação empreendedora e as capacidades absortivas como determinantes estratégicos que contribuem positivamente para o desempenho das exportações.

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Research paper thumbnail of Portuguese and Brazilian national cultures, organizational culture and trust: an analysis of impacts

The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of trace constituents of Brazilian an... more The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of trace constituents of Brazilian and Portuguese cultures on the establishment of relationships of trust. For this purpose the head office of a Portuguese multinational company and its subsidiary in Brazil were investigated, by means of research of a qualitative nature, utilizing the case study method. Regarding data collection, twelve interviews were carried out with managers drawn from both countries, based on an interview script developed from a wide-ranging review of the literature on the theme, especially that written from the anthropological perspective, as proposed by Schein (1986). The reports of the interviews gave evidence of the relevance of a more effective management of cultural artefacts, in particular greater attention to the sharing of values, in order to foster the building of stronger bonds of trust and to stimulate cultural contexts more in tune with contemporary organizational discourse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Are companies less environmentally-friendly due to the crisis? Evidence from Europe

Academicians and managers are worried about what is going to happen with the Environmental Respon... more Academicians and managers are worried about what is going to happen with the Environmental Responsibilities of companies due to the worsening of their financial situation caused by the severe economic crisis that is significantly affecting them. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the crisis on the environmental behavior of companies from the European countries that are suffering the financial crisis most (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) through a data panel study between 2005 and 2012.
The results show surprisingly that proactive, environmentally-friendly actions have not decreased during the crisis but rather that the crisis has meant an increase in environmental commitment. This is strongly motivated by the Product Innovation actions which attain the highest increase

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychographic determinants of private-label adoption: a feasibility study in the Portuguese yogurt market

This study seeks to point out the main psychographic determinants of private-label brand pronenes... more This study seeks to point out the main psychographic determinants of private-label brand proneness in a specific industry: the Portuguese yogurt market. This is a booming industry for store brands in Portugal, which account for nearly half of the total market share. An in-depth interview was held with a sales and marketing expert of the leading yogurt company in Portugal. Next, we conducted a survey targeting consumers of yogurt. Based on the results of a Tobit regression, we conclude that consumers base their decisions about private label versus national brands on three different types of variables: price-related variables, quality-related variables and variables related to involvement with the product category. Managerial implications are also discussed

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Research paper thumbnail of Value-in-use in a B2B food service logistic context

The main objective of this research is to understand the way a provider participates and contribu... more The main objective of this research is to understand the way a provider participates and contributes in the value co-creation process and identify the drivers that contribute to it. Given the nature of the phenomena under study a qualitative research approach was chosen to conduct this study. To reach a deep understanding about the phenomena in the B2B empirical context where it takes place, a case study was conducted and data was collected through semi-structured interviews to key informants involved in the process. A link between value-in-use dimensions emerged suggesting the importance to the logistic provider to adapt its operation and internal organization in order to better contribute to the value creation process. The mechanisms that influence the experience lived by the logistic provider’s customer were identified and point to the importance of interactions and building a strong relationship in order to create a trust and collaborative environment between companies

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Research paper thumbnail of Grocery consumer relational perceptions in green consumption context

An exchange perspective of the relationship customer-grocery recognizes the important role that b... more An exchange perspective of the relationship customer-grocery
recognizes the important role that both the seller and the shopper assume in their relationships. Today consumers are increasingly considering green consumption, which has led to a situation where retailers expend substantial resources in response to this challenge. However, this consumption has remained lackluster justifying the need for greater knowledge about consumers’ behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to characterize groups of customers based on their perceptions of value, satisfaction with retailers as well as on risk perceived associated with their environmentally consumption practices. As a result of cluster analysis, we obtained a consumers’ typology differing in their relational benefits,
satisfaction and risks perceptions. Some suggestions are given to retailers and also recommendations about the need to closely consider their product offerings to ascertain what aspects contribute to the value considered by shoppers

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Research paper thumbnail of Make or buy in the hotel marketing department: transaction costs, financial and relational performance

Tourism & Management Studies

Make or buy in the hotel marketing department: transaction costs, financial and relational perfor... more Make or buy in the hotel marketing department: transaction costs, financial and relational performance Hacer o comprar en el departamento de marketing del hotel: costes de transacción, resultado financiero y relacional Abstract The outsourcing of hotel marketing is one of the strategic decisions that can help hotels manage the distribution channels more efficiently. This study analyzes the factors determining the outsourcing of hotel sales and marketing activities. It uses the transaction costs framework, complemented by the analysis of performance costs and quality. In this context, the possible impact of outsourcing the marketing department on relational and financial performance is analyzed. The results of the study clearly show a close relationship between these variables and current outsourcing. In addition, the increase in outsourcing is determined by low relational quality. These results lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to create new systems and procedures in sales and marketing activities to offer new competitive solutions through outsourcing. Resumo La externalización del marketing hotelero es una de las decisiones estratégicas que pueden ayudar a los hoteles a gestionar los canales de distribución de manera más eficiente. Este estudio analiza los factores que determinan la externalización de las actividades de ventas y marketing del hotel. Para ello se usa el marco de costes de transacción, complementado por el análisis de los costes y la calidad del desempeño. En este contexto, se analiza el posible impacto de la externalización del departamento de marketing en el resultado relacional y financiero. Los resultados del estudio muestran claramente una estrecha relación entre estas variables y externalización actual. Además, el aumento de la subcontratación está determinado por una baja calidad relacional. Estos resultados llevan a la conclusión de que es necesario crear nuevos sistemas y procedimientos en las actividades de ventas y marketing para ofrecer nuevas soluciones competitivas a través de la externalización.

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