Trilaksana Nugroho - (original) (raw)

Papers by Trilaksana Nugroho

Research paper thumbnail of Outcome Evaluation of Eyelid Laceration Surgery in Kariadi General Hospital Semarang

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Inhibition of Caspase-3 Provides Neuroprotection for Retina Ganglion Cells againts NMDA-induced Exitotoxicity in Wistar Rats

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristic of Patients with Orbital Meningioma in Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of “Senam Permata-Ku” Compared with Warm Compress on the Amplitude of Accommodation in Computer Vision Syndrome Patients

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of “Permata-Ku” Exercise on the Amplitude of Accommodation and Computer Vision Syndrome Score in Computer Users

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation Between Compliance of Spectacle Wear and Myopia Progressivity Rate in Medical Students of Diponegoro University

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit, Rasio Trombosit Limfosit, Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Tingkat Keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik

Medica Hospitalia: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Mar 31, 2023

LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam... more LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam proses aterosklerosis. Besarnya ukuran trombosit menandakan tingkat aktivitasnya. Makin besar ukuran trombosit maka proses trombosis lebih mudah terjadi karena aktivitasnya lebih tinggi. Limfopenia sering dijumpai pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) berat. Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit (RVT), Rasio Trombosit Limfosit (RTL), Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit (RRVTL) berhubungan dengan keparahan PJK. TUJUAN : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai korelasi antara nilai RVT, RTL, dan RRVTL terhadap tingkat keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik (SKK) berdasar skor Gensini. METODE : . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belah lintang dan dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 68 responden. Pasien dikelompokkan berdasar kekompleksan lesi koroner dengan skor Gensini menjadi Gensini ringan (≤20) dan Gensini berat (>20). Nilai RVT, RTL dan RRVTL kemudian dibandingkan pada 2 kelompok tersebut. HASIL : Terdapat korelasi positif antar nilai RRVTL dengan skor Gensini (r=0,217; p=0,76). Perbedaan signifikan juga didapatkan antara nilai RRVTL pada kelompok Gensini berat dan ringan (p=0,029). Titik potong nilai RRVTL 3,4 memiliki sensitivitas 80%, spesifisitas 50%, Nilai Prediksi Positif (NPP) 82% dan Nilai Prediksi Negatif (NPN) 47% (area bawah kurva 67% (95% IK 52–82); p=0,029). Nilai RRVTL ≥3,4 mempunyai risiko 1,55 kali (95% IK 0,99-2,43; p=0,034) terjadinya lesi koroner kompleks pada pasien dengan SKK. Nilai RTL berkorelasi negatif dengan skor Gensini (r=-0,057; p=0,645). Nilai RVT berkorelasi positif signifikan dengan skor Gensini (r=0,271; p=0,025) namun bukan merupakan prediktor keparahan SKK (OR= 1,26; 95% IK 0,93-1,70; p=0,205). KESIMPULAN : Nilai RRVTL ≥3,4 dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor tingkat keparahan pada pasien SKK.

Research paper thumbnail of Sleep Quality and Screen Time as The Most Influential Factor of Computer Vision Syndrome

Jurnal promosi kesehatan Indonesia, Apr 10, 2023

Anticipating the spread of the virus, the government has banned face-to-face learning through the... more Anticipating the spread of the virus, the government has banned face-to-face learning through the The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Circular No. 1 of 2020, so universities must hold all lectures online. 1 Application of the online lecture method can increase gadget consumption for students because all lectures are done from morning to evening, which can harm health, particularly vision, one of which is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS, also known as Digital Eye Strain, is a group of symptoms in vision and eyes caused by eye activity that impairs near vision before, during, or after using a device. Common CVS symptoms include headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck pain, and shoulder pain. 2 Several factors contribute to these symptoms, including poor lighting, visibility, and non-ergonomic sitting posture. 3-5 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology's online learning policy can increase gadgets consumption, so the number of CVS symptoms also increases among students. This policy is consistent with the fact that the incidence of CVS is increasing among college students. A study by Patil et al. (2019) found that 77.5% of students reported CVS. 6 Basnet et al. (2018) report that 74% of medical students who use gadgets for more than 2 hours per day suffer one or more CVS clinical symptoms. 7 The rising prevalence corresponds with increasing exposure to gadgets, which was less than 3 hours per day before the Pandemic and now is more than 3 hours per day, with visibility less than 20 feet. 8 According to Ganie (2018), this causes eye fatigue complaints. It can happen due to exposure to blue light or LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) from gadgets. 9 Blue light can cause permanent photochemical damage to the eyes because it has a short wavelength. 6 It causes the focus to shift to the front of the retina rather than the center, therefore increasing screen time can cause eye fatigue symptoms to worsen. 10 Effects of continuous gadget usage will impact melatonin production to decrease. It disrupts the circadian phase and causes poor sleep quality. Dwajani et al. (2020) discovered increasing screen time impacts sleep patterns, mental health, Background: Since the Covid-19 Pandemic hit Indonesia, college students have had many eye health complaints; one is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Factors that can increase the risk of CVS are decreased sleep quality, high computer/laptop use duration, and a non-ergonomic position. This study aimed to prove the relationship between sleep quality, visibility, and screen time on the incidence of CVS in medical students of Diponegoro University. Method: This cross-sectional study, including 147 medical students was conducted using primary data from questionnaires of Wendy Strouse Watt, Thomas H Murphy, Hospitality Eye Care Center, and to gain data on respondent identity, visibility, and screen time. Sleep quality data were taken from the PSQI and CVS data through the CVS-Q questionnaire. Chi-square, Mann-Whittney, and logistic regression of multivariate analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: From 147 subjects, 108 were CVS (73.5%), and 39 were Non-CVS (26.5%). Variables of sleep quality and screen time (total) showed a significant relationship with CVS, which had p-values of p=0.001 and p=0.009 (p<0.05). As for the visibility to CVS, there was no relationship with p=0.863. In the multivariate test, sleep quality (p=0.000; ExpB=4.342) and total screen time (p=0.006; ExpB=3.913) were the most influential variables. The results showed that Computer Vision Syndrome is ubiquitous among Diponegoro University's final-year medical students. Sleep quality and total screen time can increase the risk of CVS by four times. This study also shows that CVS still appears in the postpandemic era.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between inflammatory markers and vitamin D levels with the severity of coronary artery disease in elderly patients

Bali Medical Journal, Dec 1, 2022

Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the... more Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries. CAD is the most common cause of death worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase, especially in the elderly population. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition that involves various inflammatory markers, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). In the inflammatory process, vitamin D plays an essential role in developing atherosclerotic plaques affecting the severity of CAD. The elderly are susceptible to vitamin D deficiency and an increase in the inflammatory process related to the severity of CAD. Therefore, this study aims to prove the relationship between inflammatory markers and vitamin D levels with the severity of CAD in elderly patients. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design in stable CAD patients aged 60-75 years who had passed through coronary arteriography. The severity was assessed from the angiography results using the Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) score, which 3 cardiovascular consultants evaluated and the average outcome was calculated. TNF-α, IL-6, and vitamin D were taken during angiography and examined using high sensitivity enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). The correlation test was analyzed using Spearman's Rank correlation test. Results: A total of 38 subjects were included in this study, where 30 (78.9%) patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 64.79 years, and the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 57.9%. There was a moderately significant positive correlation between markers of inflammation TNF-α (r=0.499, p=0.001) and IL-6 (r=0.518, p=0.001) and the SYNTAX score. A weak negative correlation was also discovered between vitamin D and the SYNTAX score (r=-0.335, p=0.040). Conclusion: The levels of inflammatory markers (TNF-α and IL-6) and vitamin D correlated with the severity of CAD in elderly patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus) Extract on Adenocarcinoma Mammae by Assessing Caspase-3 Expression and Apoptosis Index: An In Vivo Study

Bioscientia medicina, Oct 21, 2022

Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence in the world, affecting women. Risk factor... more Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence in the world, affecting women. Risk factors for breast cancer include non-modifiable factors such as race, ethnicity, genetics, and age and modifiable factors including diet, physical activity, hormones, and female reproductive factors. Circulating levels of endogenous sex steroid hormones such as estradiol (E2) are associated with breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. In addition to promotive and preventive measures, cancer control efforts are also carried out through therapy. The main therapeutic measures consist of operative management, radiation, and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice in advanced breast cancer. Several combination regimens are most often used, including fluorouracil, adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide (FAC); fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC); adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC);

Research paper thumbnail of Eating Behaviour of Sheep Fed at Day And/Or Night Period

Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, Sep 1, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan domba yang diberi pakan pada siang d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan domba yang diberi pakan pada siang dan malam hari. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 12 ekor domba jantan dengan bobot badan rata-rata 20,65 + 1,89 kg, CV = 9,15% dan umur berkisar 12-18 bulan. Pakan diberikan dalam bentuk pellet sebanyak 5% dari bobot badan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan dombadibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan pertama, kedua dan ketiga masing-masing adalah pemberian pakan pada pukul 06.00-18.00 (T0618), 18.00-06.00 (T1806) dan 24 jam (T0606). Parameter yang diamati adalah lamanya waktu aktivitas makan, ruminasi, istirahat, berdiri dan berbaring (menit/hari) serta konsumsi BK (g/hari) dan kecepatan waktu makan (g/menit). Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan ANOVA menggunakan uji F dan apabila terdapat perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan waktu makan (89,71 menit/hari) dan konsumsi BK (1034,53 gram/hari) T1806 berbeda nyata lebih rendah (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan T0618 (117,78 menit/hari; 1208,75 gram/hari) dan T0606 (127,5 menit/hari; 1281,63 gram/hari). Data waktu ruminasi, istirahat, berdiri, berbaring serta kecepatan waktu makan menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) pada ketiga perlakuan. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah pemberian pakan pada malam hari dapat mengurangi waktu makan secara signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan pemberian pakan pada siang hari maupun 24 jam penuh, walaupun hal itu berpengaruh pula terhadap menurunnya konsumsi pakan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Curcumin Nanoparticles on Paracetamol-induced Liver Injury in Male Wistar Rats

Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology

Introduction: Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound that has antioxidant properties, acts as... more Introduction: Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound that has antioxidant properties, acts as a hepatoprotective, and lowers lipid peroxidation. However, curcumin's low solubility and bioavailability are its primary drawbacks and prevent its use as a therapeutic agent. In this study, curcumin nanoparticles will be created using the ultrasonic-assisted extraction method, and their effectiveness against paracetamol-induced changes in ALT, AST, SOD, MDA, and TNF-α will be compared to that of pure curcumin. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the hepatoprotective effect of curcumin nanoparticles in paracetamol- induced rats as a model for liver injury. Methods: Thirty-six male Wistar rats, aged 6 to 8 weeks, with a minimum weight of 120 grams, were used in an experimental laboratory investigation with a post-test-only group design. Rats in each group received 100 mg/kgBW pure curcumin, 100 mg/kgBW curcumin nanoparticles, and 50 mg/kgBW curcumin nanoparticles for 7 days before...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit, Rasio Trombosit Limfosit, Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Tingkat Keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik

Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical Medicine

LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam... more LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam proses aterosklerosis. Besarnya ukuran trombosit menandakan tingkat aktivitasnya. Makin besar ukuran trombosit maka proses trombosis lebih mudah terjadi karena aktivitasnya lebih tinggi. Limfopenia sering dijumpai pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) berat. Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit (RVT), Rasio Trombosit Limfosit (RTL), Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit (RRVTL) berhubungan dengan keparahan PJK. TUJUAN : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai korelasi antara nilai RVT, RTL, dan RRVTL terhadap tingkat keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik (SKK) berdasar skor Gensini. METODE : . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belah lintang dan dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 68 responden. Pasien dikelompokkan berdasar kekompleksan lesi koroner dengan skor Gensini menjadi Gensini ringan (≤20) dan Gensini berat (>20). Nilai RVT, RTL dan RRVTL kemudian dibandingkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Methane Emission Factor at Different Total Digestible Nutrients and Feeding Level in Ram

Proceedings of International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology, 2016

Effect of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and feeding level on methane emission factor was discu... more Effect of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and feeding level on methane emission factor was discussed. Methane which is a trace gas that formed from feed fermentation process in the rumen and is influenced by many factors such as feed quality and feed intake levels. Forty four individual data of methane emission and feed intake level and TDN of rams were used in this study. The TDN was determined by total collection method, and was separated into low (TDN less than 55%) and high (TDN higher than 55%), while the feeding level was calculated as the percentage of dry matter intake (DMI) to the body weight and was grouped into low (DMI less than 4%body weight; BW) and high (DMI higher than 4%BW). Methane production was measured by Facemask method. The result showed that level of TDN did not affect (P>0.05) methane production per unit dry matter intake (DMI) with an average of30.92 g/kgDMI, but significantly affected (P<0.05) methane production per unit TDN (low TDN = 0.06 vs. high TDN = 0.04 gCH 4 /gTDN; P = 0.019) and total methane production (low TDN = 28.82 vs. high TDN = 27.04 g/d; P = 0.043). In the other hand, the high feeding level significantly affected (P<0.01) methane production per unit DMI (low feeding level = 32.89 vs. high feeding level: 26.96 g/kg; P = 0.001) and methane production per unit average daily gain (ADG) (low feeding level = 0.98 vs. high feeding level = 0.35 g; P = 0.007), but did not affect (P>0.05) total methane production (average 27.37 g/d). It can be concluded that methane emission factor for rams must be calculated based on their TDN and DMI levels.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of oral phenytoin and vitamin C therapy on enterocutaneous fistula healing

Bali Medical Journal, Oct 27, 2022

Introduction: Phenytoin is reported to heal the enterocutaneous fistula. Meanwhile, vitamin C is ... more Introduction: Phenytoin is reported to heal the enterocutaneous fistula. Meanwhile, vitamin C is known to improve wound healing. The comparison of phenytoin and vitamin C in the treatment of enterocutaneous fistula is never reported. Methods: A randomized controlled trial with a post-test-only group design using artificial enterocutaneous fistula Ratus Norvegicus male Wistar rats were reported. Rats were divided into four groups randomly, namely, Control (K), Treatment 1: combined phenytoin and vitamin C (P1), Treatment 2: phenytoin (P2), and Treatment 3: vitamin C (P3). Variables under study were a number of fibroblast and angiogenesis. One Way Anova test, followed by the Post-Hoc Test, was used to test the difference among and between groups.

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of Eye Diseases at Merpati Eye Clinic Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2020-2022

Diponegoro International Medical Journal

Background: The COVID -19 pandemic that has occurred since 2020 has changed and affected all aspe... more Background: The COVID -19 pandemic that has occurred since 2020 has changed and affected all aspects of life. In health services, the pandemic has limited patients from coming to health facilities. Recording of ophthalmology cases in health facilities has an important role in providing information about eye health problems that often occur in the community to identify what are the main challenges faced in the field of eye care.Objective: This study aims to identify the characteristics of eye diseases at the Merpati Eye Polyclinic Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2020-2022.Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive study. The clinical characteristic data (gender, age, diagnosis, and Clinic) are retrieved from the medical records of patients suffering from eye diseases who underwent treatment at the Merpati Eye Clinic, Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang and was diagnosed in 2020-2022. The data obtained were processed and analyzed using the google sheets program.Results: There were ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Inflammatory Markers and Coronary Collateral Circulation Should be Evaluated Together With Cardiovascular Medications in Stable Coronary Artery Disease

Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 2014

We were grateful to read an interesting article by Uysal et al, evaluating the association of neu... more We were grateful to read an interesting article by Uysal et al, evaluating the association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) with coronary collateral circulation (CCC) in a total of 521 consecutive patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). They have found that increased NLR (odds ratio [OR]: 0.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.62-0.80; P 2.75 to predict poor CCC has 65% sensitivity and 68% specificity (area under the curve: 0.714, 95% CI: 0.66-0.75). The degree of CCC is highly variable among patients with CAD. Also, the exact pathophysiological mechanisms of CCC development have not been highlighted completely yet. There were controversial data regarding the relationship between inflammatory markers (particularly C-reactive protein [CRP]) and CCC, and also no data regarding such association with NLR level. As a simple, available, and noninvasive marker, NLR is a recently emerged better reflector of inflammation and oxidative stress which has been studied widely in several cardiovascular diseases. So, first time in the literature, the study by Uysal et al demonstrated the relationship between NLR level and CCC. However, the study should be interpreted with some drawbacks. First, the study lacks any data and correlation of NLR levels with other inflammatory markers, such as CRP. Second, as an important issue, the study by Uysal et al has no data regarding the cardiovascular medications of study population. Among the various drugs, statins should be considered during interpretation of studies with inflammatory markers. It has been known that beneficial effects of statins are not only due to the improvement in plasma lipid levels but also due to the direct action on vasculature including the improvement in endothelial function, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic actions, and attenuation of atherogenesis. Previous animal studies have shown that statins promote angiogenesis and increase CCC development. However, there are conflicting data in clinical trials. In another study, Dincer et al reported that the dosage and duration of statin therapy ( 10 mg atorvastatin-equivalent dose and on therapy for &amp;gt;3 months) were associated with enhanced CCC. Furthermore, it has been shown that antihypertensive medications might also affect NLR levels. In a study including 72 newly diagnosed patients with hypertension, Fici et al showed that nebivolol has significantly reduced the NLR levels after 6 months of treatment period. In conclusion, the results of the study by Uysal et al showed that higher levels of NLR were associated with poor CCC in stable CAD, but these results should be interpreted with some limitations, particularly statin and antihypertensive therapy among the study groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between Vitamin D Levels and Platelet Function in the Elderly Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

Bali Medical Journal

Introduction: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a degenerative disease caused by fat accumulation a... more Introduction: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a degenerative disease caused by fat accumulation and chronic inflammation. The elderly have a significant CHD risk due to the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and decreased platelet function, influencing the inflammatory response in this population. Therefore, this study aims to assess the relationship between vitamin D levels and platelet function measured by the mean platelet volume (MPV) and P-Selectin serum levels of CHD patients. Method: The cross-sectional design was carried out on stable CHD patients aged 60-75. Meanwhile, vitamin D, MPV, and P-Selectin were taken through venous blood, and an ELISA examination was performed to determine their levels in serum. A correlation test using the Pearson product-moment was also conducted between vitamin D and platelet function. Result: The subjects involved were 45 male and 16 female at 73.8% and 23.2%, respectively. The highest risk factor was dyslipidemia found in 45 (73.8%) and al...

Research paper thumbnail of Aqueous Humour Malondialdehyde Level as Oxidative Stress Marker In Types Of Glaucoma

Bali Medical Journal

Background: Angle-closure glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma in Asia, leading worse dam... more Background: Angle-closure glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma in Asia, leading worse damage due to its oxidative stress. Another type is open angle glaucoma in second line. The oxidative stress level can be known by malondialdehyde level examination. The study about MDA levels in aqueous humour in primary angle-closure and open angel glaucoma has not been done before.Objective: To determine the difference of malondialdehyde levels in aqueous humour between primary open-angle glaucoma and primary angle-closure glaucoma.Methods: This study was an analytical observational study. Nine subjects were primary open-angle glaucoma patients and ten subjects were primary angle-closure glaucoma patients. The aqueous humour was aspirated from the anterior chamber during trabeculectomy and measured the MDA levels using a spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed by Mann Whitney test.Results: There was no significant difference (p=0.095) of MDA levels in aqueous humour between primary open-a...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pemberian Fenitoin Oral dan Vitamin C Oral terhadap Jumlah Kolagen dan Diameter pada Fistula Enterokutan Tikus Wistar

Medica Hospitalia: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Nov 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Outcome Evaluation of Eyelid Laceration Surgery in Kariadi General Hospital Semarang

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Inhibition of Caspase-3 Provides Neuroprotection for Retina Ganglion Cells againts NMDA-induced Exitotoxicity in Wistar Rats

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristic of Patients with Orbital Meningioma in Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of “Senam Permata-Ku” Compared with Warm Compress on the Amplitude of Accommodation in Computer Vision Syndrome Patients

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of “Permata-Ku” Exercise on the Amplitude of Accommodation and Computer Vision Syndrome Score in Computer Users

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 12, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation Between Compliance of Spectacle Wear and Myopia Progressivity Rate in Medical Students of Diponegoro University

Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, Feb 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit, Rasio Trombosit Limfosit, Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Tingkat Keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik

Medica Hospitalia: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Mar 31, 2023

LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam... more LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam proses aterosklerosis. Besarnya ukuran trombosit menandakan tingkat aktivitasnya. Makin besar ukuran trombosit maka proses trombosis lebih mudah terjadi karena aktivitasnya lebih tinggi. Limfopenia sering dijumpai pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) berat. Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit (RVT), Rasio Trombosit Limfosit (RTL), Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit (RRVTL) berhubungan dengan keparahan PJK. TUJUAN : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai korelasi antara nilai RVT, RTL, dan RRVTL terhadap tingkat keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik (SKK) berdasar skor Gensini. METODE : . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belah lintang dan dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 68 responden. Pasien dikelompokkan berdasar kekompleksan lesi koroner dengan skor Gensini menjadi Gensini ringan (≤20) dan Gensini berat (&gt;20). Nilai RVT, RTL dan RRVTL kemudian dibandingkan pada 2 kelompok tersebut. HASIL : Terdapat korelasi positif antar nilai RRVTL dengan skor Gensini (r=0,217; p=0,76). Perbedaan signifikan juga didapatkan antara nilai RRVTL pada kelompok Gensini berat dan ringan (p=0,029). Titik potong nilai RRVTL 3,4 memiliki sensitivitas 80%, spesifisitas 50%, Nilai Prediksi Positif (NPP) 82% dan Nilai Prediksi Negatif (NPN) 47% (area bawah kurva 67% (95% IK 52–82); p=0,029). Nilai RRVTL ≥3,4 mempunyai risiko 1,55 kali (95% IK 0,99-2,43; p=0,034) terjadinya lesi koroner kompleks pada pasien dengan SKK. Nilai RTL berkorelasi negatif dengan skor Gensini (r=-0,057; p=0,645). Nilai RVT berkorelasi positif signifikan dengan skor Gensini (r=0,271; p=0,025) namun bukan merupakan prediktor keparahan SKK (OR= 1,26; 95% IK 0,93-1,70; p=0,205). KESIMPULAN : Nilai RRVTL ≥3,4 dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor tingkat keparahan pada pasien SKK.

Research paper thumbnail of Sleep Quality and Screen Time as The Most Influential Factor of Computer Vision Syndrome

Jurnal promosi kesehatan Indonesia, Apr 10, 2023

Anticipating the spread of the virus, the government has banned face-to-face learning through the... more Anticipating the spread of the virus, the government has banned face-to-face learning through the The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Circular No. 1 of 2020, so universities must hold all lectures online. 1 Application of the online lecture method can increase gadget consumption for students because all lectures are done from morning to evening, which can harm health, particularly vision, one of which is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS, also known as Digital Eye Strain, is a group of symptoms in vision and eyes caused by eye activity that impairs near vision before, during, or after using a device. Common CVS symptoms include headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck pain, and shoulder pain. 2 Several factors contribute to these symptoms, including poor lighting, visibility, and non-ergonomic sitting posture. 3-5 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology's online learning policy can increase gadgets consumption, so the number of CVS symptoms also increases among students. This policy is consistent with the fact that the incidence of CVS is increasing among college students. A study by Patil et al. (2019) found that 77.5% of students reported CVS. 6 Basnet et al. (2018) report that 74% of medical students who use gadgets for more than 2 hours per day suffer one or more CVS clinical symptoms. 7 The rising prevalence corresponds with increasing exposure to gadgets, which was less than 3 hours per day before the Pandemic and now is more than 3 hours per day, with visibility less than 20 feet. 8 According to Ganie (2018), this causes eye fatigue complaints. It can happen due to exposure to blue light or LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) from gadgets. 9 Blue light can cause permanent photochemical damage to the eyes because it has a short wavelength. 6 It causes the focus to shift to the front of the retina rather than the center, therefore increasing screen time can cause eye fatigue symptoms to worsen. 10 Effects of continuous gadget usage will impact melatonin production to decrease. It disrupts the circadian phase and causes poor sleep quality. Dwajani et al. (2020) discovered increasing screen time impacts sleep patterns, mental health, Background: Since the Covid-19 Pandemic hit Indonesia, college students have had many eye health complaints; one is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Factors that can increase the risk of CVS are decreased sleep quality, high computer/laptop use duration, and a non-ergonomic position. This study aimed to prove the relationship between sleep quality, visibility, and screen time on the incidence of CVS in medical students of Diponegoro University. Method: This cross-sectional study, including 147 medical students was conducted using primary data from questionnaires of Wendy Strouse Watt, Thomas H Murphy, Hospitality Eye Care Center, and to gain data on respondent identity, visibility, and screen time. Sleep quality data were taken from the PSQI and CVS data through the CVS-Q questionnaire. Chi-square, Mann-Whittney, and logistic regression of multivariate analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: From 147 subjects, 108 were CVS (73.5%), and 39 were Non-CVS (26.5%). Variables of sleep quality and screen time (total) showed a significant relationship with CVS, which had p-values of p=0.001 and p=0.009 (p<0.05). As for the visibility to CVS, there was no relationship with p=0.863. In the multivariate test, sleep quality (p=0.000; ExpB=4.342) and total screen time (p=0.006; ExpB=3.913) were the most influential variables. The results showed that Computer Vision Syndrome is ubiquitous among Diponegoro University's final-year medical students. Sleep quality and total screen time can increase the risk of CVS by four times. This study also shows that CVS still appears in the postpandemic era.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between inflammatory markers and vitamin D levels with the severity of coronary artery disease in elderly patients

Bali Medical Journal, Dec 1, 2022

Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the... more Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries. CAD is the most common cause of death worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase, especially in the elderly population. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition that involves various inflammatory markers, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). In the inflammatory process, vitamin D plays an essential role in developing atherosclerotic plaques affecting the severity of CAD. The elderly are susceptible to vitamin D deficiency and an increase in the inflammatory process related to the severity of CAD. Therefore, this study aims to prove the relationship between inflammatory markers and vitamin D levels with the severity of CAD in elderly patients. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design in stable CAD patients aged 60-75 years who had passed through coronary arteriography. The severity was assessed from the angiography results using the Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) score, which 3 cardiovascular consultants evaluated and the average outcome was calculated. TNF-α, IL-6, and vitamin D were taken during angiography and examined using high sensitivity enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). The correlation test was analyzed using Spearman's Rank correlation test. Results: A total of 38 subjects were included in this study, where 30 (78.9%) patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 64.79 years, and the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 57.9%. There was a moderately significant positive correlation between markers of inflammation TNF-α (r=0.499, p=0.001) and IL-6 (r=0.518, p=0.001) and the SYNTAX score. A weak negative correlation was also discovered between vitamin D and the SYNTAX score (r=-0.335, p=0.040). Conclusion: The levels of inflammatory markers (TNF-α and IL-6) and vitamin D correlated with the severity of CAD in elderly patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus) Extract on Adenocarcinoma Mammae by Assessing Caspase-3 Expression and Apoptosis Index: An In Vivo Study

Bioscientia medicina, Oct 21, 2022

Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence in the world, affecting women. Risk factor... more Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence in the world, affecting women. Risk factors for breast cancer include non-modifiable factors such as race, ethnicity, genetics, and age and modifiable factors including diet, physical activity, hormones, and female reproductive factors. Circulating levels of endogenous sex steroid hormones such as estradiol (E2) are associated with breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. In addition to promotive and preventive measures, cancer control efforts are also carried out through therapy. The main therapeutic measures consist of operative management, radiation, and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice in advanced breast cancer. Several combination regimens are most often used, including fluorouracil, adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide (FAC); fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC); adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC);

Research paper thumbnail of Eating Behaviour of Sheep Fed at Day And/Or Night Period

Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, Sep 1, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan domba yang diberi pakan pada siang d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan domba yang diberi pakan pada siang dan malam hari. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 12 ekor domba jantan dengan bobot badan rata-rata 20,65 + 1,89 kg, CV = 9,15% dan umur berkisar 12-18 bulan. Pakan diberikan dalam bentuk pellet sebanyak 5% dari bobot badan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan dombadibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan pertama, kedua dan ketiga masing-masing adalah pemberian pakan pada pukul 06.00-18.00 (T0618), 18.00-06.00 (T1806) dan 24 jam (T0606). Parameter yang diamati adalah lamanya waktu aktivitas makan, ruminasi, istirahat, berdiri dan berbaring (menit/hari) serta konsumsi BK (g/hari) dan kecepatan waktu makan (g/menit). Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan ANOVA menggunakan uji F dan apabila terdapat perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan waktu makan (89,71 menit/hari) dan konsumsi BK (1034,53 gram/hari) T1806 berbeda nyata lebih rendah (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan T0618 (117,78 menit/hari; 1208,75 gram/hari) dan T0606 (127,5 menit/hari; 1281,63 gram/hari). Data waktu ruminasi, istirahat, berdiri, berbaring serta kecepatan waktu makan menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) pada ketiga perlakuan. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah pemberian pakan pada malam hari dapat mengurangi waktu makan secara signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan pemberian pakan pada siang hari maupun 24 jam penuh, walaupun hal itu berpengaruh pula terhadap menurunnya konsumsi pakan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Curcumin Nanoparticles on Paracetamol-induced Liver Injury in Male Wistar Rats

Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology

Introduction: Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound that has antioxidant properties, acts as... more Introduction: Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound that has antioxidant properties, acts as a hepatoprotective, and lowers lipid peroxidation. However, curcumin's low solubility and bioavailability are its primary drawbacks and prevent its use as a therapeutic agent. In this study, curcumin nanoparticles will be created using the ultrasonic-assisted extraction method, and their effectiveness against paracetamol-induced changes in ALT, AST, SOD, MDA, and TNF-α will be compared to that of pure curcumin. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the hepatoprotective effect of curcumin nanoparticles in paracetamol- induced rats as a model for liver injury. Methods: Thirty-six male Wistar rats, aged 6 to 8 weeks, with a minimum weight of 120 grams, were used in an experimental laboratory investigation with a post-test-only group design. Rats in each group received 100 mg/kgBW pure curcumin, 100 mg/kgBW curcumin nanoparticles, and 50 mg/kgBW curcumin nanoparticles for 7 days before...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit, Rasio Trombosit Limfosit, Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Tingkat Keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik

Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical Medicine

LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam... more LATAR BELAKANG : Agregasi trombosit dan inflamasi yang mengalami peningkatan memiliki peran dalam proses aterosklerosis. Besarnya ukuran trombosit menandakan tingkat aktivitasnya. Makin besar ukuran trombosit maka proses trombosis lebih mudah terjadi karena aktivitasnya lebih tinggi. Limfopenia sering dijumpai pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) berat. Nilai Rerata Volume Trombosit (RVT), Rasio Trombosit Limfosit (RTL), Rasio Rerata Volume Trombosit-Limfosit (RRVTL) berhubungan dengan keparahan PJK. TUJUAN : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai korelasi antara nilai RVT, RTL, dan RRVTL terhadap tingkat keparahan Sindrom Koroner Kronik (SKK) berdasar skor Gensini. METODE : . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belah lintang dan dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 68 responden. Pasien dikelompokkan berdasar kekompleksan lesi koroner dengan skor Gensini menjadi Gensini ringan (≤20) dan Gensini berat (>20). Nilai RVT, RTL dan RRVTL kemudian dibandingkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Methane Emission Factor at Different Total Digestible Nutrients and Feeding Level in Ram

Proceedings of International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology, 2016

Effect of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and feeding level on methane emission factor was discu... more Effect of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and feeding level on methane emission factor was discussed. Methane which is a trace gas that formed from feed fermentation process in the rumen and is influenced by many factors such as feed quality and feed intake levels. Forty four individual data of methane emission and feed intake level and TDN of rams were used in this study. The TDN was determined by total collection method, and was separated into low (TDN less than 55%) and high (TDN higher than 55%), while the feeding level was calculated as the percentage of dry matter intake (DMI) to the body weight and was grouped into low (DMI less than 4%body weight; BW) and high (DMI higher than 4%BW). Methane production was measured by Facemask method. The result showed that level of TDN did not affect (P>0.05) methane production per unit dry matter intake (DMI) with an average of30.92 g/kgDMI, but significantly affected (P<0.05) methane production per unit TDN (low TDN = 0.06 vs. high TDN = 0.04 gCH 4 /gTDN; P = 0.019) and total methane production (low TDN = 28.82 vs. high TDN = 27.04 g/d; P = 0.043). In the other hand, the high feeding level significantly affected (P<0.01) methane production per unit DMI (low feeding level = 32.89 vs. high feeding level: 26.96 g/kg; P = 0.001) and methane production per unit average daily gain (ADG) (low feeding level = 0.98 vs. high feeding level = 0.35 g; P = 0.007), but did not affect (P>0.05) total methane production (average 27.37 g/d). It can be concluded that methane emission factor for rams must be calculated based on their TDN and DMI levels.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of oral phenytoin and vitamin C therapy on enterocutaneous fistula healing

Bali Medical Journal, Oct 27, 2022

Introduction: Phenytoin is reported to heal the enterocutaneous fistula. Meanwhile, vitamin C is ... more Introduction: Phenytoin is reported to heal the enterocutaneous fistula. Meanwhile, vitamin C is known to improve wound healing. The comparison of phenytoin and vitamin C in the treatment of enterocutaneous fistula is never reported. Methods: A randomized controlled trial with a post-test-only group design using artificial enterocutaneous fistula Ratus Norvegicus male Wistar rats were reported. Rats were divided into four groups randomly, namely, Control (K), Treatment 1: combined phenytoin and vitamin C (P1), Treatment 2: phenytoin (P2), and Treatment 3: vitamin C (P3). Variables under study were a number of fibroblast and angiogenesis. One Way Anova test, followed by the Post-Hoc Test, was used to test the difference among and between groups.

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of Eye Diseases at Merpati Eye Clinic Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2020-2022

Diponegoro International Medical Journal

Background: The COVID -19 pandemic that has occurred since 2020 has changed and affected all aspe... more Background: The COVID -19 pandemic that has occurred since 2020 has changed and affected all aspects of life. In health services, the pandemic has limited patients from coming to health facilities. Recording of ophthalmology cases in health facilities has an important role in providing information about eye health problems that often occur in the community to identify what are the main challenges faced in the field of eye care.Objective: This study aims to identify the characteristics of eye diseases at the Merpati Eye Polyclinic Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2020-2022.Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive study. The clinical characteristic data (gender, age, diagnosis, and Clinic) are retrieved from the medical records of patients suffering from eye diseases who underwent treatment at the Merpati Eye Clinic, Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang and was diagnosed in 2020-2022. The data obtained were processed and analyzed using the google sheets program.Results: There were ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Inflammatory Markers and Coronary Collateral Circulation Should be Evaluated Together With Cardiovascular Medications in Stable Coronary Artery Disease

Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 2014

We were grateful to read an interesting article by Uysal et al, evaluating the association of neu... more We were grateful to read an interesting article by Uysal et al, evaluating the association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) with coronary collateral circulation (CCC) in a total of 521 consecutive patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). They have found that increased NLR (odds ratio [OR]: 0.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.62-0.80; P 2.75 to predict poor CCC has 65% sensitivity and 68% specificity (area under the curve: 0.714, 95% CI: 0.66-0.75). The degree of CCC is highly variable among patients with CAD. Also, the exact pathophysiological mechanisms of CCC development have not been highlighted completely yet. There were controversial data regarding the relationship between inflammatory markers (particularly C-reactive protein [CRP]) and CCC, and also no data regarding such association with NLR level. As a simple, available, and noninvasive marker, NLR is a recently emerged better reflector of inflammation and oxidative stress which has been studied widely in several cardiovascular diseases. So, first time in the literature, the study by Uysal et al demonstrated the relationship between NLR level and CCC. However, the study should be interpreted with some drawbacks. First, the study lacks any data and correlation of NLR levels with other inflammatory markers, such as CRP. Second, as an important issue, the study by Uysal et al has no data regarding the cardiovascular medications of study population. Among the various drugs, statins should be considered during interpretation of studies with inflammatory markers. It has been known that beneficial effects of statins are not only due to the improvement in plasma lipid levels but also due to the direct action on vasculature including the improvement in endothelial function, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic actions, and attenuation of atherogenesis. Previous animal studies have shown that statins promote angiogenesis and increase CCC development. However, there are conflicting data in clinical trials. In another study, Dincer et al reported that the dosage and duration of statin therapy ( 10 mg atorvastatin-equivalent dose and on therapy for &amp;gt;3 months) were associated with enhanced CCC. Furthermore, it has been shown that antihypertensive medications might also affect NLR levels. In a study including 72 newly diagnosed patients with hypertension, Fici et al showed that nebivolol has significantly reduced the NLR levels after 6 months of treatment period. In conclusion, the results of the study by Uysal et al showed that higher levels of NLR were associated with poor CCC in stable CAD, but these results should be interpreted with some limitations, particularly statin and antihypertensive therapy among the study groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between Vitamin D Levels and Platelet Function in the Elderly Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

Bali Medical Journal

Introduction: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a degenerative disease caused by fat accumulation a... more Introduction: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a degenerative disease caused by fat accumulation and chronic inflammation. The elderly have a significant CHD risk due to the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and decreased platelet function, influencing the inflammatory response in this population. Therefore, this study aims to assess the relationship between vitamin D levels and platelet function measured by the mean platelet volume (MPV) and P-Selectin serum levels of CHD patients. Method: The cross-sectional design was carried out on stable CHD patients aged 60-75. Meanwhile, vitamin D, MPV, and P-Selectin were taken through venous blood, and an ELISA examination was performed to determine their levels in serum. A correlation test using the Pearson product-moment was also conducted between vitamin D and platelet function. Result: The subjects involved were 45 male and 16 female at 73.8% and 23.2%, respectively. The highest risk factor was dyslipidemia found in 45 (73.8%) and al...

Research paper thumbnail of Aqueous Humour Malondialdehyde Level as Oxidative Stress Marker In Types Of Glaucoma

Bali Medical Journal

Background: Angle-closure glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma in Asia, leading worse dam... more Background: Angle-closure glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma in Asia, leading worse damage due to its oxidative stress. Another type is open angle glaucoma in second line. The oxidative stress level can be known by malondialdehyde level examination. The study about MDA levels in aqueous humour in primary angle-closure and open angel glaucoma has not been done before.Objective: To determine the difference of malondialdehyde levels in aqueous humour between primary open-angle glaucoma and primary angle-closure glaucoma.Methods: This study was an analytical observational study. Nine subjects were primary open-angle glaucoma patients and ten subjects were primary angle-closure glaucoma patients. The aqueous humour was aspirated from the anterior chamber during trabeculectomy and measured the MDA levels using a spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed by Mann Whitney test.Results: There was no significant difference (p=0.095) of MDA levels in aqueous humour between primary open-a...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pemberian Fenitoin Oral dan Vitamin C Oral terhadap Jumlah Kolagen dan Diameter pada Fistula Enterokutan Tikus Wistar

Medica Hospitalia: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Nov 30, 2022