Tuba Aktaş - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Tuba Aktaş
The approaches that study national and international immigration movements were concentrated on t... more The approaches that study national and international immigration movements were concentrated on the effects of immigration on national economies. Studies on immigration–development relationship date back to 1950’s in economical literature. In the unlimited labor supply development model by Lewis (1954), the development process starts with the transfer of labor from rural areas to modern sectors. Neo-classical immigration theory represents the optimist point of view by highlighting the positive effects of immigration, while dependency and structuralism represent the pessimist point of view by concentrating on the negative effects of immigration. It could be stated that the optimism towards the immigration prevailed pre-oil shock period, while the pessimist views dominated the post oil shock era (1973–1990) in this axis.It was noted that the optimism for immigration resurfaced during 1990’s and especially in 2000’s and became the target of criticism. The main objective of this study i...
Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2011
Bolgesel kalkinmanin basarilmasinda ihracat onemli bir politika aracidir. Genel olarak ihracatin ... more Bolgesel kalkinmanin basarilmasinda ihracat onemli bir politika aracidir. Genel olarak ihracatin bolge kalkinmasina katkida bulundugu ve kalkinmis bolgelerin ihracattan daha fazla pay aldigi dusunulur. Bu calismanin amaci; Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi’nde 1996-2010 doneminde kalkinma ile ihracat iliskisini incelemektir. Devlet Planlama Teskilati (2003)’nin illerin kalkinmislik duzeyine iliskin siniflandirmasi kalkinma gostergesi olarak esas alinmistir. Ihracat verileri ise Dis Ticaret Mustesarligi (DTM) ve Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’ndan (TUIK’den) elde edilmistir. Bu cercevede Guneydogu Anadolu (TRC) Bolgesindeki illerin, bolge ve Turkiye ihracatindan aldiklari paylar sosyo-ekonomik kalkinmislik duzeyleri ile iliskilendirilmistir. Calismada oncelikle bolgenin sosyo-ekonomik, cografi ve demografik yapisina deginilmistir. Daha sonra Istatistiki Bolge Birimleri Siniflandirmasi (IBBS) sistemi esas alinarak, bolgede one cikan sanayiler, bolgenin sosyo-ekonomik kalkinmislik duzeyi ve bolgeye yonelik kamu yatirimlari incelenmistir. Son olarak ise bolge ihracatinin yapisi ve gelisimi ile ihracat kalkinma iliskisi ele alinmistir. Sonucta Turkiye’de ve Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi’nde genel olarak illerin kalkinmislik duzeyleri yukseldikce ihracattan aldiklari payin da arttigi gorulmustur.
Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
Uluslararasi isgucu hareketliligi, cogunlukla goc alan ulke konumundaki gelismis ulkeler acisinda... more Uluslararasi isgucu hareketliligi, cogunlukla goc alan ulke konumundaki gelismis ulkeler acisindan iktisadi boyutuyla genis bir tartisma ortami bulmaktadir. Bu calismada, ucret odakli isgucu gocunun ekonomik etkilerinin goc alan-goc veren ulkeler acisindan incelenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Calisma, uluslararasi isgucu gocunun isgucu piyasasi uzerindeki kisa donemli ve statik ekonomik etkilerini ortaya koymanin yaninda; dinamik ve uzun donemli etkilerini de tartisarak literature katki saglamayi amaclamaktadir. Gocun isgucu piyasalarina etkisini irdeledigimiz neoklasik analizde, uluslararasi gocun goc alan ulkede ekonominin cikti duzeyini yukselttigi ancak etkinlik kazanimlarini toplumda adil bir bicimde dagitmadigi anlasilmaktadir. Goc veren ulke acisindan konu incelendiginde ise, yerli isgucunun ucret duzeyinin yukseldigi, sermayedarin ise gocten olumsuz yonde etkilendigi gorulmektedir.
Proceedings of the 41st International Academic Conference, Venice, 2018
Labour productivity is seen as a significant determinant of welfare level in the long run. In thi... more Labour productivity is seen as a significant determinant of welfare level in the long run. In this perspective,in the study focus on evaluating determinants of labour productivity. This study aims to reveal the determinants of Turkey's aggregate labour productivity using annual data for the 1970-2015 period. We use vector autoregressive (VAR) model. In the study labour productivity is determined by real net capital stock, wage, secondary education, and trade openness, Johansen cointegration test results show that there is no cointegration between variables in the long-run. Granger casuality test results show that there is a casuality from secondary education to labour productivity in the short-run. There is also a casuality from wage to productivity in the short-run.
Economics Literature, 2021
In the literature, it is possible to come across studies examining the effect of foreign direct i... more In the literature, it is possible to come across studies examining the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on income inequality. In this study, a literature review has been conducted in order to better consideration the effect of FDI on income inequality. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to reveal the effect of FDI on income inequality within the framework of theoretical approaches based on empirical study findings. In addition, the study aims to contribute to the debates on the effects of foreign direct investment on income inequality. The findings of the studies on the relationship between FDI and income inequality shows differences. In some of the studies examined, there are findings supporting that FDI increases income and wage inequality. On the other hand, some other studies have found evidences that FDI reduces income inequality. Otherwise, there are also studies showing that FDI does not have a significant effect on income inequality.
The approaches that study national and international immigration movements were concentrated on t... more The approaches that study national and international immigration movements were concentrated on the effects of immigration on national economies. Studies on immigration–development relationship date back to 1950’s in economical literature. In the unlimited labor supply development model by Lewis (1954), the development process starts with the transfer of labor from rural areas to modern sectors. Neo-classical immigration theory represents the optimist point of view by highlighting the positive effects of immigration, while dependency and structuralism represent the pessimist point of view by concentrating on the negative effects of immigration. It could be stated that the optimism towards the immigration prevailed pre-oil shock period, while the pessimist views dominated the post oil shock era (1973–1990) in this axis.It was noted that the optimism for immigration resurfaced during 1990’s and especially in 2000’s and became the target of criticism. The main objective of this study i...
Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2011
Bolgesel kalkinmanin basarilmasinda ihracat onemli bir politika aracidir. Genel olarak ihracatin ... more Bolgesel kalkinmanin basarilmasinda ihracat onemli bir politika aracidir. Genel olarak ihracatin bolge kalkinmasina katkida bulundugu ve kalkinmis bolgelerin ihracattan daha fazla pay aldigi dusunulur. Bu calismanin amaci; Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi’nde 1996-2010 doneminde kalkinma ile ihracat iliskisini incelemektir. Devlet Planlama Teskilati (2003)’nin illerin kalkinmislik duzeyine iliskin siniflandirmasi kalkinma gostergesi olarak esas alinmistir. Ihracat verileri ise Dis Ticaret Mustesarligi (DTM) ve Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’ndan (TUIK’den) elde edilmistir. Bu cercevede Guneydogu Anadolu (TRC) Bolgesindeki illerin, bolge ve Turkiye ihracatindan aldiklari paylar sosyo-ekonomik kalkinmislik duzeyleri ile iliskilendirilmistir. Calismada oncelikle bolgenin sosyo-ekonomik, cografi ve demografik yapisina deginilmistir. Daha sonra Istatistiki Bolge Birimleri Siniflandirmasi (IBBS) sistemi esas alinarak, bolgede one cikan sanayiler, bolgenin sosyo-ekonomik kalkinmislik duzeyi ve bolgeye yonelik kamu yatirimlari incelenmistir. Son olarak ise bolge ihracatinin yapisi ve gelisimi ile ihracat kalkinma iliskisi ele alinmistir. Sonucta Turkiye’de ve Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi’nde genel olarak illerin kalkinmislik duzeyleri yukseldikce ihracattan aldiklari payin da arttigi gorulmustur.
Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
Uluslararasi isgucu hareketliligi, cogunlukla goc alan ulke konumundaki gelismis ulkeler acisinda... more Uluslararasi isgucu hareketliligi, cogunlukla goc alan ulke konumundaki gelismis ulkeler acisindan iktisadi boyutuyla genis bir tartisma ortami bulmaktadir. Bu calismada, ucret odakli isgucu gocunun ekonomik etkilerinin goc alan-goc veren ulkeler acisindan incelenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Calisma, uluslararasi isgucu gocunun isgucu piyasasi uzerindeki kisa donemli ve statik ekonomik etkilerini ortaya koymanin yaninda; dinamik ve uzun donemli etkilerini de tartisarak literature katki saglamayi amaclamaktadir. Gocun isgucu piyasalarina etkisini irdeledigimiz neoklasik analizde, uluslararasi gocun goc alan ulkede ekonominin cikti duzeyini yukselttigi ancak etkinlik kazanimlarini toplumda adil bir bicimde dagitmadigi anlasilmaktadir. Goc veren ulke acisindan konu incelendiginde ise, yerli isgucunun ucret duzeyinin yukseldigi, sermayedarin ise gocten olumsuz yonde etkilendigi gorulmektedir.
Proceedings of the 41st International Academic Conference, Venice, 2018
Labour productivity is seen as a significant determinant of welfare level in the long run. In thi... more Labour productivity is seen as a significant determinant of welfare level in the long run. In this perspective,in the study focus on evaluating determinants of labour productivity. This study aims to reveal the determinants of Turkey's aggregate labour productivity using annual data for the 1970-2015 period. We use vector autoregressive (VAR) model. In the study labour productivity is determined by real net capital stock, wage, secondary education, and trade openness, Johansen cointegration test results show that there is no cointegration between variables in the long-run. Granger casuality test results show that there is a casuality from secondary education to labour productivity in the short-run. There is also a casuality from wage to productivity in the short-run.
Economics Literature, 2021
In the literature, it is possible to come across studies examining the effect of foreign direct i... more In the literature, it is possible to come across studies examining the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on income inequality. In this study, a literature review has been conducted in order to better consideration the effect of FDI on income inequality. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to reveal the effect of FDI on income inequality within the framework of theoretical approaches based on empirical study findings. In addition, the study aims to contribute to the debates on the effects of foreign direct investment on income inequality. The findings of the studies on the relationship between FDI and income inequality shows differences. In some of the studies examined, there are findings supporting that FDI increases income and wage inequality. On the other hand, some other studies have found evidences that FDI reduces income inequality. Otherwise, there are also studies showing that FDI does not have a significant effect on income inequality.