Tuba GENÇ - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Tuba GENÇ
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2011
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2011
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2009
Fifteen species of weedy plants were collected from potato fields between July and September 2006... more Fifteen species of weedy plants were collected from potato fields between July and September 2006 in Erzurum (Turkey). In total, 21 isolates of Verticillium dahliae were obtained from Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Polygonum lapathifolium and Sinapis arvensis. Of these, 15 were isolated from C. arvense, and one or two isolates from the other weed species. This is the first report of V. dahliae isolated from these weed species in Turkey. All isolates from weeds were assigned to vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) using nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants. Two VCGs were found and identified as VCG 2B (11 isolates) and VCG 4A (10 isolates) by using tester isolates of known VCGs. Pathogenicity of V. dahliae isolates was tested on potato by the root-dip method. Both VCG 2B and VCG 4A isolates from weeds were pathogenic to potato.
Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmas... more Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmasinda, bal arilarinin tasima yeteneginin kullanilmasi bir entomovektor teknolojisi olarak bilinmektedir. Bu calismada, cileklerde kursuni kuf (Botrytis cinerea) hastaligiyla biyolojik mucadelede biofungisit Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446’yi yaymada vektor olarak Apis mellifera’nin kullaniminin etkinligini belirlemek amaclanmistir. Gerecler ve Yontemler: Denemeler 2013 yilinda, Erzincan Bahce Kulturleri Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurlugu arazisinde tesaduf bloklari deneme desenine gore 4 tekerrurlu olarak yurutulmustur. Parseller 3.30 m × 4 m ebatlarinda hazirlanmis, kontrol grubu parseller tul kafesler icerisine alinmis ve her bir parseldeki 70 cilek (cv. Aromas) bitkisinde hastalikli meyve sayimlari yapilmistir. Bulgular: Bal arilari ile uygulanan Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446 preparati parsellerinde 283 adet hastalikli meyve saptanirken, tul kafesli parsellerde (bal arilari ile biofungisit uygulamasi yapilmayan) ise 915 adet hastalikli meyve saptanmistir. 2013 uretim sezonunda hastalikli meyve sayisi bakimindan uygulamalar arasindaki farklilik istatistiki olarak onemli bulunmustur. Sonuc: Bu calisma, Turkiye’de entomovektor teknolojisinde bal arilarinin kullaniminin ilk uygulamasi olan BICOPOLL projesi kapsaminda yurutulmekte ve ilk yil alinan sonuclar organik cilek yetistiriciligi icin oldukca umitvar bulunmustur. BICOPOLL, CORE Organic II baslikli Avrupa Birligi 7. Cerceve Programinca desteklenen bir ERA-NET projesidir.
Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) to disseminate biocontrol agents to strawberries for grey mo... more Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) to disseminate biocontrol agents to strawberries for grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) The products such as honey, beeswax, royal jelly, pollen and propolis of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are of obvious benefit, but they are of trivial value compared to the profoundly important role of bees as pollinators. Honey bees can transfer fungal spores and bacteria among flowers of different plant species. The ability of bees to vector fungi, bacteria, and viruses can be turned to our advantage by using them to transport biological control agents from the hive to flower, a technique known as entomovector technology. Many reports have been published lately on the use of honey bees to disseminate of microbiological control agents (MCA) to flowers. Several plant pathogenic microorganisms enter the plant through open flowers and can infect the seeds in that way. Spores of antagonistic microorganisms present on flowers can successfully compete with the possible pathogens. Disseminating antagonistic microorganisms by honeybees can reduce plant infections. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. (teleomorf; Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel) infects over 200 cultivated plant species and causes significant economic damage to crops worldwide and can be seen pre and post-harvest. Biological control applications of B. cinerea, since the 1950s, is considered as a promising alternative to fungicides. Trichoderma and Clonostachys spp. are well recognized fungal antagonists of B. cinerea. The aim of this study was to review the published research works on entomovector technology in biological control of strawberry gray mould. In addition, BICOPOLL project will be introduced that the first application of entomovector technology in Turkey.
Bitkilerin cogu cicek tozlarinin yayilmasinda, boceklere bagimlidir. Bal arilari (Apis mellifera ... more Bitkilerin cogu cicek tozlarinin yayilmasinda, boceklere bagimlidir. Bal arilari (Apis mellifera L.); bal, bal mumu, ari sutu, propolis ve polen gibi gida, ilac, kozmetik ve diger bazi sanayilerde buyuk degeri olan urunleri uretmektedir. Bu urunlerin yani sira, bu bocegin asil onemi bitkilerde yaptigi tozlasmadan kaynaklanmaktadir. Dunyada uretilen gidalarin 1/3’i bal arilarinin tozlasmadaki etkinliginden kaynaklanmaktadir. Bal arilari farkli bitki turlerinin cicekleri arasinda bakteri ve fungal sporlarin tasinmasinda da rol oynamaktadir. Fungus, bakteri ve virus gibi mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenleri bitki hastaliklari ve bitki zararlisi boceklerin mucadelesinde kullanilabilmektedir. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmasinda, bal arilarinin tasima yeteneginin kullanilmasi bir entomovektor teknolojisi olarak bilinmektedir. Bu teknoloji ile bitki patojenlerine karsi cevreye zararsiz mucadele yapilmakta ve bitkilerde tozlasmanin da artirilmasiyla verim ve urun kalitesinde artis olmaktadir. Entomovektor teknolojisinin uygulama sekli; ari kovanina takilan dagitici bir aparat icerisine kullanilacak mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmeninin toz formulasyonu birakilmakta ve kovandan cikan arilarin vucutlarina bulasan bu etmenin bitkiye dagitimi saglanmaktadir. Bircok bitki patojeni bitkiye cicekten penetrasyon gerceklestirmekte ve bu yolla da tohumlar enfekte olabilmektedir. Cicekler uzerinde antagonistik mikroorganizma sporlarinin bulunmasi, olasi patojenlere karsi basarili bir mucadeleye temel olusturabilmeltedir. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin ciceklere tasinmasinda bal arilarinin kullanimiyla ilgili olarak son zamanlarda yayinlanmis bircok calisma mevcuttur. Entomovektor teknolojisinde bal arilari ilk olarak, yumusak cekirdekli meyveler, cilek, ahududu ve yaban mersini gibi bahce bitkilerinin hastaliklarinin biyolojik mucadelesinde kullanilan bakteriyel ve fungal etmenlerin dagitiminda kullanilmistir. Bu teknik baslica ates yanikligi (Erwinia amylovora) ve kursuni kuf (Botrytis cinerea) hastaliklarinin mucadelesinde kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada, bitki hastaliklarinin biyolojik mucadelesinde entomovektor teknolojisinin kullanildigi calismalarin sonuclari ozetlenmistir. Ayrica, entomovektor teknolojisinin Turkiye’deki ilk uygulamasi olan BICOPOLL projesi hakkinda da bilgi verilecektir.
Microbiological control agents (MCA) are naturally occurring bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viru... more Microbiological control agents (MCA) are naturally occurring bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses that can be used to manage pathogens and insect pests. Entomovector technology, novel technology for the application of MCA is the use of pollinating bees such as honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and bumble bees (Bombus spp.). This technology is an environmentally friendly control strategy against plant pathogens and pests that makes use of pollinators to vector powder formulations of plant protection products from the hive to the flowers and leaves of pest-infested crops and improves crop pollination resulting in increased yield and crop quality. In practice, a dispenser is attached to the hive and loaded with a powder formulation of the desired MCA. The intent is for foragers exiting the hive to become dusted with the MCA and to deliver it to the target crop. Many reports have been published lately on the use of bees to disseminate of MCA. Bees are the main animal pollinators of crops worldwide. The roles of pollinators are significant for many cultivated and uncultivated plants and many flowering plants for their reproduction, evolution and perpetuation of their species. Turkey is rich in these kinds of pollinators. The Anatolia is one of the most significant bee gene centers. For example, the Anatolian honey bee (A. m. anatoliaca) is an important bee race, which is resistant to cold weather and diseases and thus can live in hard conditions. The Caucasian honey bee (A. m. caucasica), which occur in the North-Eastern Anatolia, is one of the most important bee races in the world. The bumble bee (B. terrestris), which is located naturally in fauna of Turkey, is most important pollinator of many plants in native flora. Bombus terrestris is also used in greenhouse to their pollination efficiency and the increasing quality and quantity of crops. Turkey is one of the countries where greenhouses are abundantly used. In greenhouses 50 % of tomatoes and 15 % of peppers are cultivated. In 1997, 3500 commercial B. terrestris colonies were first introduced into Turkey. Approximately, 100.000 B. terrestris colonies are used for pollination in greenhouses in Turkey today. Here, we discuss the current status of commercial bumble bees and honey bees as pollinators in Turkey. On the other hand, BICOPOLL project began in 2011 as the first application of entomovector technology in Turkey.
Entomovector Technology is a novel application strategy using bees for the delivery of microbial ... more Entomovector Technology is a novel application strategy using bees for the delivery of microbial control agents. This technology is an environmentally friendly control strategy against plant pathogens and pests that makes use of pollinators to vector powder formulations of plant protection products from the hive to the flowers and leaves of pest-infested crops and improves crop pollination resulting in increased yield and crop quality. In practice, a dispenser is attached to the hive and loaded with a powder formulation of the desired biological control agent. Biological control in organic agricultural systems is more friendly to the environment and more sustainable than the other farming systems. The study was performed to determine the efficacy of entomovector technology in suppression of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) was tested in field conditions using Prestop Mix biopreparation (Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446). The experiments were conducted on experimental fields of Erzincan Horticultural Research Station in Erzincan, Turkey in 2014. The experimental design was completely randomized with 4 repetitions. The frigo plants of ‘Aromas’ strawberry cultivars were used. Each plot (no cage and cage) consisted of 70 strawberry plants planted in an area of 3.30 m × 4 m. The number of diseased fruit of each plot was recorded. The number of diseased fruit was averagely 139 in the treatment of Clonostachys rosea f. catenulate J1446 treatment disseminated with Apis mellifera. On the other hand, the untreated plots were calculated 432 in the diseased fruit number. There were significant differences number of diseased fruit between treatments.BICOPOLL is the first application of the use of honey bees in entomovector technology in Turkey. Results have shown that Clonostachys rosea f. catenulate J1446 can be effectively delivered by honey bees for prevention of Botrytis cinerea infection in strawberry. This method has important significance in organic farming, biocontrol is an environmentally friendly approach to control the development of grey mold. The project BICOPOLL was founded by transnational CORE Organic II Funding Body within the FP7 ERA-Network.
Adaptasyon kabiliyetinin yüksekliği sayesinde, çileğin (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) çok farklı eko... more Adaptasyon kabiliyetinin yüksekliği sayesinde, çileğin (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) çok farklı ekolojilerde yetiştiriciliği yapılmaktadır. Çilek de diğer taze meyve sebzelerde olduğu gibi, özellikle yetiştirme döneminde hüküm süren fungal hastalıklar nedeniyle önemli ürün kayıplarına uğramaktadır. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. (teleomorf; Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel) çilekte çiçek veya meyvede kurşuni küf hastalığına sebep olmakta, hem hasat öncesinde hem de hasat sonrasında çilekteki başlıca ürün kayıpları bu hastalıktan kaynaklanmaktadır. Hastalık ile mücadelede çiçeklenme dönemindeki fungisit uygulamaları hastalığın engellenmesinde kullanılan en etkili ve yaygın yöntemdir. Ancak, B. cinerea'nın fungisitlere karşı kazandığı dayanıklılık, meyveler üzerindeki ilaç kalıntıları, fungisitlerin çevreye olumsuz etkileri ve insanların çevreye karşı duyarlılığın artmasıyla biyolojik kontrolü de içeren alternatif mücadele yöntemlerinin önemi artmıştır. Botrytis cinerea'nın fungal antagonistler ile biyolojik mücadelesinin mümkün olduğu birçok çalışma ile ortaya konmuştur. Erzincan ilinde hastalıklı çileklerden izole edilen B. cinerea S-TR-20 izolatının farklı (10 3 , 10 4 ve 10 5 konidi/ml) konsantrasyonlarına fungal antagonistlerin (Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (syn. Gliocladium catenulatum), C. rosea f. rosea (syn. G. roseum) ve Trichoderma asperellum) farklı (10 3 , 10 4 ve 10 5 konidi/ml) konsantrasyonlarının etkilerinin araştırılması amacıyla in vitro da bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. Yeni açmış çilek (cv. Fern) çiçekleri, içlerinde 15 ml su agarı bulunan plastik petri kaplarına bırakılmış ve petal yaprakların dip kısımları, 10 µl patojen ve antagonistlerin farklı konsantrasyonlarında hazırlanan spor süspansiyonları ile inokule edilmiştir. Çilek çiçeklerindeki hastalık şiddetleri ve hastalık kontrol değerleri inokulasyondan dört gün sonra değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, hastalık şiddeti bakımından B. cinerea'nın spor konsantrasyonları arasında istatistiki olarak önemli bir fark saptanmamıştır. C. catenulata, C. rosea ve T. asperellum'un 10 5 konidi/ml konsantrasyonlarının çilek çiçeklerindeki hastalık kontrol değerleri önemli bulunmuştur.
Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 2014
Özet: Organik gübreler ve ekim sıklığının organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü hastalığı ... more Özet: Organik gübreler ve ekim sıklığının organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü hastalığı etmenlerine etkisi 2008-09 ürün yılında Erzurum sulamasız koĢullarında incelenmiĢtir. Tesadüf blokları deneme planında faktöriyel düzenlemeye göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülen araĢtırmada; 2 buğday çeĢidi (Doğu-88 ve Kırik), 2 ekim sıklığı (475 tohum/m 2 ve 625 tohum/m 2) ve 7 gübre kaynağı (Kontrol, standart inorganik (NP), Biyo-Organik, Biyo-Organik SR, Leonardit, Organik Gübre ve sığır gübresi) yer almıĢtır. Organik buğdayın kök boğazından yapılan izolasyonlarda Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium urticae, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Chaetomium spp., Chrysosporium spp., Cladosporium spp. Curvularia pallescens, Fusarium spp., Microdochium nivale, Mucor spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Clonostachys spp., Ulocladium atrum ve steril misel tespit edilmiĢtir. Kullanılan ekim sıklıkları arasında fungus florası bakımından herhangi bir fark tespit edilememiĢtir. Organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü etmenleri üzerine etkisi bakımından kullanılan gübre kaynakları arasında ise farklılıklar saptanmıĢtır..
The effects of organic fertilizers and sowing density on root and crown rot disease agents of org... more The effects of organic fertilizers and sowing density on root and crown rot disease agents of organic wheat were investigated during the 2008-09 seasons; in Erzurum (Turkey) at dry agriculture conditions. Experiment design was factorial with completely randomized block design having 4 replications. Factors were two wheat cultivars (Dogu-88 and Kirik), two sowing density (475 seeds m -2 and 625 seeds m -2 ) and seven fertilizer sources (control, standard inorganic (NP), Bio-Organic, Bio-Organic SR, Leonardit, Organic fertilizer and cattle manure). Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium urticae, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Chaetomium spp., Chrysosporium spp., Cladosporium spp. Curvularia pallescens, Fusarium spp., Microdochium nivale, Mucor spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Clonostachys spp., Ulocladium atrum and sterile mycelia were isolated from crown of organic wheat. Significant differences were not found in the mycoflora among the sowing density. However, there were differences a...
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2011
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2011
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2009
Fifteen species of weedy plants were collected from potato fields between July and September 2006... more Fifteen species of weedy plants were collected from potato fields between July and September 2006 in Erzurum (Turkey). In total, 21 isolates of Verticillium dahliae were obtained from Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Polygonum lapathifolium and Sinapis arvensis. Of these, 15 were isolated from C. arvense, and one or two isolates from the other weed species. This is the first report of V. dahliae isolated from these weed species in Turkey. All isolates from weeds were assigned to vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) using nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants. Two VCGs were found and identified as VCG 2B (11 isolates) and VCG 4A (10 isolates) by using tester isolates of known VCGs. Pathogenicity of V. dahliae isolates was tested on potato by the root-dip method. Both VCG 2B and VCG 4A isolates from weeds were pathogenic to potato.
Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmas... more Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmasinda, bal arilarinin tasima yeteneginin kullanilmasi bir entomovektor teknolojisi olarak bilinmektedir. Bu calismada, cileklerde kursuni kuf (Botrytis cinerea) hastaligiyla biyolojik mucadelede biofungisit Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446’yi yaymada vektor olarak Apis mellifera’nin kullaniminin etkinligini belirlemek amaclanmistir. Gerecler ve Yontemler: Denemeler 2013 yilinda, Erzincan Bahce Kulturleri Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurlugu arazisinde tesaduf bloklari deneme desenine gore 4 tekerrurlu olarak yurutulmustur. Parseller 3.30 m × 4 m ebatlarinda hazirlanmis, kontrol grubu parseller tul kafesler icerisine alinmis ve her bir parseldeki 70 cilek (cv. Aromas) bitkisinde hastalikli meyve sayimlari yapilmistir. Bulgular: Bal arilari ile uygulanan Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446 preparati parsellerinde 283 adet hastalikli meyve saptanirken, tul kafesli parsellerde (bal arilari ile biofungisit uygulamasi yapilmayan) ise 915 adet hastalikli meyve saptanmistir. 2013 uretim sezonunda hastalikli meyve sayisi bakimindan uygulamalar arasindaki farklilik istatistiki olarak onemli bulunmustur. Sonuc: Bu calisma, Turkiye’de entomovektor teknolojisinde bal arilarinin kullaniminin ilk uygulamasi olan BICOPOLL projesi kapsaminda yurutulmekte ve ilk yil alinan sonuclar organik cilek yetistiriciligi icin oldukca umitvar bulunmustur. BICOPOLL, CORE Organic II baslikli Avrupa Birligi 7. Cerceve Programinca desteklenen bir ERA-NET projesidir.
Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) to disseminate biocontrol agents to strawberries for grey mo... more Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) to disseminate biocontrol agents to strawberries for grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) The products such as honey, beeswax, royal jelly, pollen and propolis of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are of obvious benefit, but they are of trivial value compared to the profoundly important role of bees as pollinators. Honey bees can transfer fungal spores and bacteria among flowers of different plant species. The ability of bees to vector fungi, bacteria, and viruses can be turned to our advantage by using them to transport biological control agents from the hive to flower, a technique known as entomovector technology. Many reports have been published lately on the use of honey bees to disseminate of microbiological control agents (MCA) to flowers. Several plant pathogenic microorganisms enter the plant through open flowers and can infect the seeds in that way. Spores of antagonistic microorganisms present on flowers can successfully compete with the possible pathogens. Disseminating antagonistic microorganisms by honeybees can reduce plant infections. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. (teleomorf; Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel) infects over 200 cultivated plant species and causes significant economic damage to crops worldwide and can be seen pre and post-harvest. Biological control applications of B. cinerea, since the 1950s, is considered as a promising alternative to fungicides. Trichoderma and Clonostachys spp. are well recognized fungal antagonists of B. cinerea. The aim of this study was to review the published research works on entomovector technology in biological control of strawberry gray mould. In addition, BICOPOLL project will be introduced that the first application of entomovector technology in Turkey.
Bitkilerin cogu cicek tozlarinin yayilmasinda, boceklere bagimlidir. Bal arilari (Apis mellifera ... more Bitkilerin cogu cicek tozlarinin yayilmasinda, boceklere bagimlidir. Bal arilari (Apis mellifera L.); bal, bal mumu, ari sutu, propolis ve polen gibi gida, ilac, kozmetik ve diger bazi sanayilerde buyuk degeri olan urunleri uretmektedir. Bu urunlerin yani sira, bu bocegin asil onemi bitkilerde yaptigi tozlasmadan kaynaklanmaktadir. Dunyada uretilen gidalarin 1/3’i bal arilarinin tozlasmadaki etkinliginden kaynaklanmaktadir. Bal arilari farkli bitki turlerinin cicekleri arasinda bakteri ve fungal sporlarin tasinmasinda da rol oynamaktadir. Fungus, bakteri ve virus gibi mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenleri bitki hastaliklari ve bitki zararlisi boceklerin mucadelesinde kullanilabilmektedir. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan ciceklere tasinmasinda, bal arilarinin tasima yeteneginin kullanilmasi bir entomovektor teknolojisi olarak bilinmektedir. Bu teknoloji ile bitki patojenlerine karsi cevreye zararsiz mucadele yapilmakta ve bitkilerde tozlasmanin da artirilmasiyla verim ve urun kalitesinde artis olmaktadir. Entomovektor teknolojisinin uygulama sekli; ari kovanina takilan dagitici bir aparat icerisine kullanilacak mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmeninin toz formulasyonu birakilmakta ve kovandan cikan arilarin vucutlarina bulasan bu etmenin bitkiye dagitimi saglanmaktadir. Bircok bitki patojeni bitkiye cicekten penetrasyon gerceklestirmekte ve bu yolla da tohumlar enfekte olabilmektedir. Cicekler uzerinde antagonistik mikroorganizma sporlarinin bulunmasi, olasi patojenlere karsi basarili bir mucadeleye temel olusturabilmeltedir. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mucadele etmenlerinin ciceklere tasinmasinda bal arilarinin kullanimiyla ilgili olarak son zamanlarda yayinlanmis bircok calisma mevcuttur. Entomovektor teknolojisinde bal arilari ilk olarak, yumusak cekirdekli meyveler, cilek, ahududu ve yaban mersini gibi bahce bitkilerinin hastaliklarinin biyolojik mucadelesinde kullanilan bakteriyel ve fungal etmenlerin dagitiminda kullanilmistir. Bu teknik baslica ates yanikligi (Erwinia amylovora) ve kursuni kuf (Botrytis cinerea) hastaliklarinin mucadelesinde kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada, bitki hastaliklarinin biyolojik mucadelesinde entomovektor teknolojisinin kullanildigi calismalarin sonuclari ozetlenmistir. Ayrica, entomovektor teknolojisinin Turkiye’deki ilk uygulamasi olan BICOPOLL projesi hakkinda da bilgi verilecektir.
Microbiological control agents (MCA) are naturally occurring bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viru... more Microbiological control agents (MCA) are naturally occurring bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses that can be used to manage pathogens and insect pests. Entomovector technology, novel technology for the application of MCA is the use of pollinating bees such as honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and bumble bees (Bombus spp.). This technology is an environmentally friendly control strategy against plant pathogens and pests that makes use of pollinators to vector powder formulations of plant protection products from the hive to the flowers and leaves of pest-infested crops and improves crop pollination resulting in increased yield and crop quality. In practice, a dispenser is attached to the hive and loaded with a powder formulation of the desired MCA. The intent is for foragers exiting the hive to become dusted with the MCA and to deliver it to the target crop. Many reports have been published lately on the use of bees to disseminate of MCA. Bees are the main animal pollinators of crops worldwide. The roles of pollinators are significant for many cultivated and uncultivated plants and many flowering plants for their reproduction, evolution and perpetuation of their species. Turkey is rich in these kinds of pollinators. The Anatolia is one of the most significant bee gene centers. For example, the Anatolian honey bee (A. m. anatoliaca) is an important bee race, which is resistant to cold weather and diseases and thus can live in hard conditions. The Caucasian honey bee (A. m. caucasica), which occur in the North-Eastern Anatolia, is one of the most important bee races in the world. The bumble bee (B. terrestris), which is located naturally in fauna of Turkey, is most important pollinator of many plants in native flora. Bombus terrestris is also used in greenhouse to their pollination efficiency and the increasing quality and quantity of crops. Turkey is one of the countries where greenhouses are abundantly used. In greenhouses 50 % of tomatoes and 15 % of peppers are cultivated. In 1997, 3500 commercial B. terrestris colonies were first introduced into Turkey. Approximately, 100.000 B. terrestris colonies are used for pollination in greenhouses in Turkey today. Here, we discuss the current status of commercial bumble bees and honey bees as pollinators in Turkey. On the other hand, BICOPOLL project began in 2011 as the first application of entomovector technology in Turkey.
Entomovector Technology is a novel application strategy using bees for the delivery of microbial ... more Entomovector Technology is a novel application strategy using bees for the delivery of microbial control agents. This technology is an environmentally friendly control strategy against plant pathogens and pests that makes use of pollinators to vector powder formulations of plant protection products from the hive to the flowers and leaves of pest-infested crops and improves crop pollination resulting in increased yield and crop quality. In practice, a dispenser is attached to the hive and loaded with a powder formulation of the desired biological control agent. Biological control in organic agricultural systems is more friendly to the environment and more sustainable than the other farming systems. The study was performed to determine the efficacy of entomovector technology in suppression of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) was tested in field conditions using Prestop Mix biopreparation (Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata J1446). The experiments were conducted on experimental fields of Erzincan Horticultural Research Station in Erzincan, Turkey in 2014. The experimental design was completely randomized with 4 repetitions. The frigo plants of ‘Aromas’ strawberry cultivars were used. Each plot (no cage and cage) consisted of 70 strawberry plants planted in an area of 3.30 m × 4 m. The number of diseased fruit of each plot was recorded. The number of diseased fruit was averagely 139 in the treatment of Clonostachys rosea f. catenulate J1446 treatment disseminated with Apis mellifera. On the other hand, the untreated plots were calculated 432 in the diseased fruit number. There were significant differences number of diseased fruit between treatments.BICOPOLL is the first application of the use of honey bees in entomovector technology in Turkey. Results have shown that Clonostachys rosea f. catenulate J1446 can be effectively delivered by honey bees for prevention of Botrytis cinerea infection in strawberry. This method has important significance in organic farming, biocontrol is an environmentally friendly approach to control the development of grey mold. The project BICOPOLL was founded by transnational CORE Organic II Funding Body within the FP7 ERA-Network.
Adaptasyon kabiliyetinin yüksekliği sayesinde, çileğin (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) çok farklı eko... more Adaptasyon kabiliyetinin yüksekliği sayesinde, çileğin (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) çok farklı ekolojilerde yetiştiriciliği yapılmaktadır. Çilek de diğer taze meyve sebzelerde olduğu gibi, özellikle yetiştirme döneminde hüküm süren fungal hastalıklar nedeniyle önemli ürün kayıplarına uğramaktadır. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. (teleomorf; Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel) çilekte çiçek veya meyvede kurşuni küf hastalığına sebep olmakta, hem hasat öncesinde hem de hasat sonrasında çilekteki başlıca ürün kayıpları bu hastalıktan kaynaklanmaktadır. Hastalık ile mücadelede çiçeklenme dönemindeki fungisit uygulamaları hastalığın engellenmesinde kullanılan en etkili ve yaygın yöntemdir. Ancak, B. cinerea'nın fungisitlere karşı kazandığı dayanıklılık, meyveler üzerindeki ilaç kalıntıları, fungisitlerin çevreye olumsuz etkileri ve insanların çevreye karşı duyarlılığın artmasıyla biyolojik kontrolü de içeren alternatif mücadele yöntemlerinin önemi artmıştır. Botrytis cinerea'nın fungal antagonistler ile biyolojik mücadelesinin mümkün olduğu birçok çalışma ile ortaya konmuştur. Erzincan ilinde hastalıklı çileklerden izole edilen B. cinerea S-TR-20 izolatının farklı (10 3 , 10 4 ve 10 5 konidi/ml) konsantrasyonlarına fungal antagonistlerin (Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (syn. Gliocladium catenulatum), C. rosea f. rosea (syn. G. roseum) ve Trichoderma asperellum) farklı (10 3 , 10 4 ve 10 5 konidi/ml) konsantrasyonlarının etkilerinin araştırılması amacıyla in vitro da bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. Yeni açmış çilek (cv. Fern) çiçekleri, içlerinde 15 ml su agarı bulunan plastik petri kaplarına bırakılmış ve petal yaprakların dip kısımları, 10 µl patojen ve antagonistlerin farklı konsantrasyonlarında hazırlanan spor süspansiyonları ile inokule edilmiştir. Çilek çiçeklerindeki hastalık şiddetleri ve hastalık kontrol değerleri inokulasyondan dört gün sonra değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, hastalık şiddeti bakımından B. cinerea'nın spor konsantrasyonları arasında istatistiki olarak önemli bir fark saptanmamıştır. C. catenulata, C. rosea ve T. asperellum'un 10 5 konidi/ml konsantrasyonlarının çilek çiçeklerindeki hastalık kontrol değerleri önemli bulunmuştur.
Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 2014
Özet: Organik gübreler ve ekim sıklığının organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü hastalığı ... more Özet: Organik gübreler ve ekim sıklığının organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü hastalığı etmenlerine etkisi 2008-09 ürün yılında Erzurum sulamasız koĢullarında incelenmiĢtir. Tesadüf blokları deneme planında faktöriyel düzenlemeye göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülen araĢtırmada; 2 buğday çeĢidi (Doğu-88 ve Kırik), 2 ekim sıklığı (475 tohum/m 2 ve 625 tohum/m 2) ve 7 gübre kaynağı (Kontrol, standart inorganik (NP), Biyo-Organik, Biyo-Organik SR, Leonardit, Organik Gübre ve sığır gübresi) yer almıĢtır. Organik buğdayın kök boğazından yapılan izolasyonlarda Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium urticae, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Chaetomium spp., Chrysosporium spp., Cladosporium spp. Curvularia pallescens, Fusarium spp., Microdochium nivale, Mucor spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Clonostachys spp., Ulocladium atrum ve steril misel tespit edilmiĢtir. Kullanılan ekim sıklıkları arasında fungus florası bakımından herhangi bir fark tespit edilememiĢtir. Organik buğdayın kök ve kök boğazı çürüklüğü etmenleri üzerine etkisi bakımından kullanılan gübre kaynakları arasında ise farklılıklar saptanmıĢtır..
The effects of organic fertilizers and sowing density on root and crown rot disease agents of org... more The effects of organic fertilizers and sowing density on root and crown rot disease agents of organic wheat were investigated during the 2008-09 seasons; in Erzurum (Turkey) at dry agriculture conditions. Experiment design was factorial with completely randomized block design having 4 replications. Factors were two wheat cultivars (Dogu-88 and Kirik), two sowing density (475 seeds m -2 and 625 seeds m -2 ) and seven fertilizer sources (control, standard inorganic (NP), Bio-Organic, Bio-Organic SR, Leonardit, Organic fertilizer and cattle manure). Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium urticae, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Chaetomium spp., Chrysosporium spp., Cladosporium spp. Curvularia pallescens, Fusarium spp., Microdochium nivale, Mucor spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Clonostachys spp., Ulocladium atrum and sterile mycelia were isolated from crown of organic wheat. Significant differences were not found in the mycoflora among the sowing density. However, there were differences a...