Oguz Can Turgay - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Oguz Can Turgay
... 論文名, 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または... more ... 論文名, 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-3 Management Effect on Soil Ergosterol Concentration in Some Japanese Soils. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata ...
... または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 The Measurement of Biomass NRN in Different Land Use The Effect of Soil... more ... または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 The Measurement of Biomass NRN in Different Land Use The Effect of Soil Enzyme Activities in Biomass NRN Measurements. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata University. Nonaka Masanori; Niigata University. 本文を読む/探す. ...
... 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービ... more ... 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 Effects of Land-Use Change on Soil Microbial Biomass in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata Univ ...
Ecophysiology, Abiotic Stress Responses and Utilization of Halophytes, 2019
Stress environments hinder the crop growth and development, and under ever-increasing food demand... more Stress environments hinder the crop growth and development, and under ever-increasing food demand circumstances, concerns of food security have asked for exploring options to overcome such stress conditions. High soluble/exchangeable salt stress referred to as salinity stress resulting from environmental characteristics (i.e., climate and soil parent material) and human-induced factors such as fertilization and irrigation poses serious threats to crop production in saline areas on different extents ranging from low to very high, categorically. This stress affects the plant growth through osmotic stress, which ultimately leads to several physiological disruptions including oxidative stress, nutrient imbalance, and water uptake problems. Subsequently, halophytes gained importance for their accumulation capability leading toward the development of phytoremediation techniques when manipulated through anthropogenic activities. The diversity of halophytes in such conditions offered a huge...
Biology and Fertility of Soils
The effects of protists on an indigenous soil bacterial community, putative bacterial genes invol... more The effects of protists on an indigenous soil bacterial community, putative bacterial genes involved in N-cycling, and the rice plant growth were studied in poultry litter biochar (PL) and rice husk biochar (RH) amended (with two application doses: 2% and 4% w/w) paddy field soil. The bacterial community composition, which was evaluated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, was significantly and differentially affected by the protists, the PL and the RH. The effects of protists on the bacterial community composition were decreased by the RH and the PL treatments. The number of protist-affected bioindicator bacterial taxa was decreased from 90 to 46, 29, 43, and 21 in the 2% RH-, 4% RH-, 2% PL-, and 4% PL-treated soils, respectively. The presence of the protist significantly increased the abundance of the putative bacterial genes involved in mineralisation, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), and NO 3 - assimilation, and the same occurred with PL treatments. The rice plant growth and N uptake were always higher in the presence of protists and PL amendments. Overall our results suggest a new insight into the effects of biochar on the bacterial community via altering the trophic interactions.
Biology and Fertility of Soils
Biochar-induced changes in microbial communities are exclusively derived from the studies on the ... more Biochar-induced changes in microbial communities are exclusively derived from the studies on the soil bacterial and fungal communities, and we lack an understanding of how biochar can affect taxonomic and functional communities of protists. Here, the short-term effects of two biochars originating from rice husk and poultry litter (hereinafter referred to as RH and PL, respectively) on taxonomic and functional community compositions of protists in a rice rhizosphere were studied using high-throughput sequencing. Soil physicochemical properties were differentially affected by the RH and PL amendments. The relative abundance of Stramenopiles , mainly oomycetes ( Peronosporomycetes ), was increased in the RH-amended soil, which was correlated with the increased total pore volume and C/N ratio. In the PL amended soil, the relative abundances of Amoebozoa , Alveolata , and Excavata were increased, and those increases were correlated with the enhanced pH and nutrient conditions. Among functional groups, the relative abundance of phagotrophic protists increased by the PL amendment, while the relative abundance of plant pathogens was decreased by both the RH and PL amendments. Network analysis indicated that phagotrophs were the keystone group and were sensitive to the biochar amendments. The keystone taxa in each biochar treatment were different: Cercozoa ( Rhizaria ) in control, Conosa ( Amoebozoa ) in RH, and Discoba ( Excavata ) in PL. The impact of biochar on protist communities correlated with its physicochemical properties, which depends on the source material.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
ABSTRACT Central Anatolia, which suffers from salinity, alkalinity, and drought stresses, is one ... more ABSTRACT Central Anatolia, which suffers from salinity, alkalinity, and drought stresses, is one of the most important cultivation regions of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Turkey. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could promote barley production under several stresses; however, only a little information is available for AMF community composition in Turkish arable soils. In this study, barley root samples were collected from eight sites in the Central Anatolian region during the growing season (GS: April) and the harvest season (HS: July) in 2012, and the composition of AMF communities were elucidated based on the partial sequence of the AMF 18S rRNA gene using high-throughput sequencing technology. As a result, barley-AMF symbioses in this region were highly dominated by Glomeraceae (71.8% in GS and 59.2% in HS), followed by Claroideoglomeraceae (10.3% in GS and 15.9% in HS), Gigasporaceae (9.1% in GS and 13.1% in HS), and Acaulosporaceae (5.8% in GS and 7.7% in HS). Compared to Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae families, communities of Acaulosporaceae, Diversisporaceae, Paraglomeraceae, and Gigasporaceae consisted of fewer AMF species. The AMF evenness significantly increased from GS to HS. The most dominant AMF sequence, VTX00248 in the MaarjAM database, was closely related to Rhizophagus, which occupied 25.8% and 14.7% of the total AMF sequences in GS and HS, respectively. The relative abundance of AMF related to Rhizophagus tended to be reduced in HS, suggesting that the species could form mycorrhiza in the early stages of barley growth in this region. On the other hand, the relative abundance of Claroideoglomeraceae and Scutellosporaceae tended to increase in HS. Soil CaCO3 content significantly influenced AMF community compositions in GS, while soil pH and EC showed no significant impact on AMF community compositions. Based on discriminant analysis, 11 VTXs (related Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, and Glomus) showed higher abundance in the barley roots grown in the soil with relatively high CaCO3 content, suggesting that these sequences might be adapted to such an environment.
Phytoremediation is an expanding field of research in environmental studies due to the benefits o... more Phytoremediation is an expanding field of research in environmental studies due to the benefits of its cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness. The use of this technology in saline and alkaline soils can be a promising approach because soil salinity inhibits crop growth and causes tremendous yield losses in many regions of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. However, little is known about the plants that can be applicable in the phytoremediation of saline soils and role of their rhizobacteria in the phytoremediation processes. In this study, we examined sodium (Na) uptake by the halophyte Salsola grandis and screened Na resistant rhizobacteria inhabiting in an extremely saline soil environment. S. grandis could uptake Na at the value of 15447 mg · kg -1 and transported Na to stem and leaves from roots. We found that 50 out of the 131 strains were Na resistant and 8 out of these 50 strains contributed to the growth of S. grandis . Using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, we determined these eight strains to be within the genera Arthrobacter spp. and Bacillus spp. Moreover, four of the eight strains (A22, WP5, B14, AP20) showed traits of being both siderophore and indole-3-acetic acid producers. Therefore, these eight strains appear to be suitable candidates for plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria of S. grandis .
Tuzluluk- alkalilik Turkiye tarimindaki onemli sorunlardan biridir. Artan nufus ve onun ihtiyacla... more Tuzluluk- alkalilik Turkiye tarimindaki onemli sorunlardan biridir. Artan nufus ve onun ihtiyaclari, surdurulebilir kullanim icin arastirmacilari bu topraklarin farkli iyilestirme alternatifleri uzerinde calismaya mecbur eder. Tuzlu- alkali topraklardaki tuz ve sodyum birikimi, ana materyalin bozunmasi yoluyla ya da toprak ve su kaynaklarinin uygun olmayan yonetimini iceren antropojenik faaliyetlerden kaynaklanir. Asiri tuzluluk ozmotik basinci artirir ve toprakta suyu bitkiler icin daha az kullanilabilir kilar. Bununla birlikte asiri sodiklik, su ve hava hareketini, kok penetrasyonunu ve topraktaki gelisimi etkileyen yapisal sorunlara neden olur. Tuzlu- alkali topraklarin islahi icin yaygin olarak kullanilan yaklasimlar sulama yoluyla ust katmanlardaki tuzlari gidermek ve sodyum fazlasi ile kimyasal degisim gerceklestirebilecek bir kalsiyum kaynagi ile topragi muamele etmektir. Tuzlu-alkali topraklar genellikle degisen derinliklerde kalsit gibi dogal kalsiyum kaynaklari icerir. Ancak, kalsit yeterince cozunebilir degildir ve daha fazla cozunebilir olan kalsiyum mineralleri (vaterit ve aragonit vb.) topraklarda yaygin olarak bulunmaz. Bu nedenle, alkali topraklar genellikle jips uygulanmasi yoluyla islah edilir. Diger taraftan, jips uygulamalari gibi kimyasal iyilestirme yaklasimlari her kosulda ekonomik olmayabilir. Diger yandan 90’li yillarin basindan itibaren yapilmis bazi bilimsel arastirmalar tuzlu- alkali topraklarin bu kosullara adapte olmus ve rizosfer bolgesindeki dogal mekanizmalarla topraktan tuz toplayan bazi tuzcul bitkiler (Halocnemum, Arthrochnemum ve Puccinellia) tarafindan da islah edilebilecegini gostermistir. Bu mekanizma cogunlukla, katyon degisim yerlerinde etkili bir kalsiyum-sodyum alis verisi icin yeterli kalsiyum seviyeleri temin etmek amaciyla dogal kalsitin kok bolgesi icinde iyi derecede cozunmesine dayalidir. Bu vejetatif islah mekanizmasini yonetmek icin, rizosfer mikroorganizmalari ile onlarin tuzlu alkali ortamlardaki konukcu bitkileri arasindaki simbiyotik iliskileri anlamak cok onemlidir. Bitki kokleri ile mikoriza olarak adlandirilan toprak kokenli mantarlar arasindaki iliski bu anlamda bitki- toprak ekosistemi icinde onemli bir rol oynamaktadir. Arbuskuler Mikoriza Funguslar (AMF) karasal ekosistemlerdeki bitkilerin %80’i ile simbiyoz icindedir ve olumsuz kosullara karsi bitkilerin yasama direncini artirici ozellikler sergiler. Bazi AMF turlerinin cesitliligi ile topragin pH, fosfor duzeyi, tuzluluk, toprak bozunmasi, bitki ortusu veya hidrolojik ozellikleri arasinda iliskiler oldugu belirlenmistir. Ornegin toprak pH’sindaki artis, besin maddesi miktaridaki azalma ve toprak tuzluluk duzeyindeki artislar AMF kolonizasyonunda ve spor yogunlugunda azalmaya neden olabilmektedir. Diger taraftan, tuzlu-alkali topraklarda ve bataklik topraklari gibi zorlu kosullarda gelisen bitkilerin kok bolgelerinde yasayan bazi AMF turleri, sozkonusu bitkilerin besin maddesi ve su alinim mekanizmalarini destekleyerek asiri tuzlu kosullarda bitkinin tuzluluk toleransini ve buyumesini gelistirebilmektedir. AMF zorunlu simbiyoz oldugundan, tuzlu-alkali topraklar gibi siradisi ekosistemlerde toprak mantar komunitesi ile bitki arasindaki iliskilerin anlasilmasi acisindan onemli bir konudur. Cunku AMF cesitliligi ile tuzlu-alkali toprak ozellikleri arasindaki iliski bu topraklarin tarimsal ve cevresel yonetimini gelistirmek icin kullanilabilir. Bazi AMF turlerinin konukcusu oldugu bitkinin tuza dayanikliligini destekledigini ifade eden arastirmalar olmasina ragmen Turkiye kosullarinda bu konudaki bilgilerimiz henuz yetersizdir. Bu bilgilerin isiginda, bu calismanin amaci iyi drene olabilen tuzlu-alkali topraklarda arpa (Hordeum vulgare) gibi yuksek dayanimli bir bitki ve yine tuza dayanikli tuzcul bitkilerin kok bolgesindeki AMF cesitliligini arastirmaktir. Orta Anadolu, tuzluluk –alkalilik sorunu yasayan ve bu nedenle yukarida belirtilen kosullara uyan genis alanlari ile Turkiye'nin uygun bolgelerinden biridir. Turkiyenin tuzlu- alkali toprak kosullarinda yasam suren AMF turlerinin DNA duzeyinde belirlenmis cesitliligi ile konukcusu oldugu bitki ve toprak ozellikleri arasindaki iliskileri irdeleyen bir bilgi mevcut degildir. Abstract Soil salinity and alkalinity are important bottlenecks in the agriculture in Turkey. The most common applications used for salinity-alkalinity problems are leaching of salts located in upper soil horizons by irrigation and amending soil with Sodium to exchange it with a proper cation (i.e. calcium) so that excessive sodium can be mobilized through cataion exchange process and then can be leached through deeper soil layers by irrigation water. In general, gypsum is commonly used for the reclamation of alkaline soils but adding soil with gypsum may not be economic in some cases. In the beginning of 90s, it was demonstrated that saline-alkaline soil conditions can be remediated by certain halotolerant plant species (i.e. Halocnemum ve Arthrochnemum Puccinellia)…
Arid Land Research and Management, 2016
ABSTRACT A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal... more ABSTRACT A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations with crops in semi-arid zones on Leptosols in Turkey. Therefore, using molecular ecological techniques, we studied the effects of different management practices (without fertilization, chemical fertilization, farmyard manure, and plant compost amendments) on AM fungal communities associated with wheat roots. Experiments were conducted in a field established in 1996 in southern Mediterranean Turkey where soil productivity is low owing to unfavorable climatic effects and soil characteristics. We determined 201 partial sequences of AM fungal nuclear ribosomal large subunit genes. The higher AM fungal richness was found in the control treatment without fertilization and plant compost treatments compared with the chemical fertilization and farmyard manure treatments. Clones related to Rhizophagus were found in all treatments and accounted for 37% of the total AM fungal clones, whereas those of Funneliformis were dominant under chemical fertilization. Redundancy analysis based on the frequency of operational taxonomic units revealed that AM fungal communities were divided into three groups, namely, the control treatment, the chemical fertilization treatment, and the organic treatments (farmyard manure and plant compost treatments). Although different organic amendments supported relatively similar AM fungal communities, plant compost induced higher AM fungal richness than farmyard manure fertilization.
Turkiye Toprak Bilimine modern biyoteknolojik yontem ve yaklasimlarin kazandirilmasi ve Turkiye T... more Turkiye Toprak Bilimine modern biyoteknolojik yontem ve yaklasimlarin kazandirilmasi ve Turkiye Topraklarina ozgu AMF cesitliliginin gun isigina cikarilmasi ve kayit altina alinmasi icin Ankara Universitesi ve Japonya’nin Niigata Universitesi arasinda imazlanmis isbirligine dayanarak 2009 yilindan beri gerceklestirilen ogrenci degisimleri ile yurutulen arastirma faliyetlerinde Turkiye Topraklarina ozgu endemik AMF turlerinin olabilecegine iliskin bilgilere ulasilmistir. Bu bilgiler “Molecular diversity of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in three different agricultural regions of Turkey” basligi altinda Japanese Soil Science and Plant Nutrition adli SCI dergide 2014 yilinda yayinlanmistir (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2014.890916). Bu arastirmanin amaci yayinlanan bulgulari gelistirmek ve endemik turlerin varligini daha spesifik bir olcekte degerlendirmektir. Bu amaca yonelik olarak Rize, Trabzon ve Artvin cay tarimi alanlarindan toplanan toprak ve cay-kok orneklerinde molekuler ve morfolojik spor analizlerinin yapilarak AMF cesitliligi irdelenmis ve ayrica toprak ozellikleri ve toprak yonetiminin AMF cesitliligi ile iliskileri de degerlendirilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular (i) Glomeraceae, Claroideoglomeraceae ve Acaulosporaceae familyalarinin asidik cay topraklarindaki mikorizal simbiyozu sagladigini; (ii) Farkli toprak yonetimleri (organik ve ticari gubreleme) acisindan mikorizal mantar topluluk yapisi uzerinde bir degisim yaratmadigini ve (iii) mevcut degisimin EC ve toprak organik maddesi gibi faktorlerle daha yakindan ilgili oldugunu; ve (iv) farkli illerdeki ticari gubreleme faaliyetlerinin pH, EC ve organik madde icerigi gibi toprak ozellikleri arasinda onemli bir ayrim yaratmadigini gostermistir. AbstractIn order to modernize the methodologies in Turkish Soil Science and investigate AMF diversity of different soils of Turkey, a group of researchers and students from Ankara University, Turkey and Niigata University, Japan has been conducting field surveys in different agro-environmental zones of Turkey and investigating AMF diversity under different soil managements since 2009. The preliminary findings of these surveys revealed that there may be endemic AMF species in Turkish soils including East Black Sea Region, Turkey. These findings were published in the journal of Japanese Soil Science and Plant Nutrition recently (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2014.890916). The primary aim of this fast track project work was to validate and improve previous findings by conducting more specific field survey through East Black Sea Region, Turkey. To do that, AMF biodiversity was evaluated by applying molecular and morphological AMF spore- and AMF-DNA analysis in the samples collected from tea plantations of Rize, Trabzon and Artvin Provinces. Second, the relationships between AMF diversity and soil characteristics in relation to organic tea farming activities initiated early 2000s was also inveastigated.The results indicated that Glomeraceae were dominant and AM fungal species belonging to family Glomeraceae, Claroideoglomeraceae and Acaulosporaceae could maintain the symbiosis in tea cultivated acidic soils. No clear difference in AM fungal T-RF profiles was found among different fertilization managements. AM fungal community seemed to be influenced by soil EC and organic matter content. Fertilization practices had a slight effect on soil chemical characteristics i.e. soil pH, EC and organic carbon contents.
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, Jul 25, 1999
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, Mar 25, 2000
... TURGAY OGUZ CAN; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata Unive... more ... TURGAY OGUZ CAN; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University. HARAGUCHI Akira; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University. 本文を読む/探す. ...
Environmental Pollution, 2012
Brassicaceae are scattered all over the world, where they exclusively grow on serpentine rocks in... more Brassicaceae are scattered all over the world, where they exclusively grow on serpentine rocks in Western Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, Philippines, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Cuba, eastern Canada, and western north America. Although serpentine rocks cover only less than 1% of the earth’s surface their worldwide distribution has recently attracted many researchers in exploring their distinctive potential for phytoremediation plant communities, mainly members of Brassicaceae plant family inhabiting on serpentine rocks of these countries. On the other hand, the majority of Brassicaceae plant family are slow-growing plants producing little biomass and their use for phytoextraction purposes may not be practical, especially when bioavailable metal concentration is high in the contaminated conditions. Therefore, recently emerging practices in the field of phytoremediation have pointed out various focuses such as the utility of high-biomass crops such as maize, peas, oats and Indian mustard and associated soil practices including application of synthetic chelators such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetate and elemental sulphur to enhance metal uptake by these plants. These approaches may meet the conditions required for the phytoremediation. However, one of the most critical components of phytoextraction process is the bioavailability of heavy metals meaning the portion of the metals that is available for absorption into living organisms such as plants. It has been known that various plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) associated with plant roots may provide some beneficial effects on plant growth and nutrition through a series of well known mechanisms, namely, nitrogen fixation, production of phytohormones and siderophores, and transformation of nutrients once they are either applied to seeds or incorporated into the soil. Similarly, heavy metal mobility and availability can substantially be driven by PGPR populations through their release of chelating agents, acidification, and phosphate solubilization in rhizosphere. Miscellaneous PGPR were also shown to tolerate heavy metals in different ways including the mechanisms of exclusion, active removal, biosorption, precipitation, and extra- or intracellular bioaccumulation. Since these processes may affect the solubility and the bioavailability of heavy metals to the plant and hence modifying their toxic effects, interactions between hyperaccumulator plants such as Brassicaceae spp., and metal tolerant or resistant PGPR are considered to have an increasing biotechnological potential in the remediation of anthropogenically polluted soils. Present chapter/review considers the role of PGPR on soil-heavy metal-plant interactions and more specifically bioaccumulation of toxic metals by Brassicaceae plant family.
Enzyme activities Organic matter pH Soil characteristics Soil depth Surface fire Soil properties ... more Enzyme activities Organic matter pH Soil characteristics Soil depth Surface fire Soil properties after low-intensity surface fires have relatively less studied in comparison to moderate to high-intensity crown fires. A mixed forest stand dominated by Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), Fagus orientalis (oriental beech) and Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana (Anatolian black pine), which had been burnt by a surface fire in December 2011 near Bursa, Turkey was studied. Soil samples were taken from two depths as 0-15 and 15-30 cm respectively, from burned and unburned (control) sites after a week after fire and seven months later in July 2012. The samples were analysed to determine a series of soil chemical (electrical conductivity, pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and organic matter content) physical (soil texture) and biochemical characteristics (β-Glycosidase and phosphatase enzyme activities). We tested the effect of fire, soil depth and season on each variable by three-way ANOVA analysis. The results indicated that soil nitrogen and organic matter were not affected by fire, while soil depth and sampling season had significant effects on these variables. Electrical conductivity was higher in the soil surface than in deeper layers, but not affected by fire. Fire resulted in a significant increase in soil pH and decrease in phosphorus, and those variables have not recovered by seven months after fire. Soil biological properties did not significantly change after fire, but season was significant effect on the enzyme activities. Soil physical components were slightly changed after fire, by which resulted in higher sand (%), lower silt (%) and lower clay (%) in the burned sites. However, these changes were not affected the coarse-textured structure of the soil (sandy loam). Overall, present results pointed out that soil chemical, physical and biological properties do not considerably change after surface fires in the studied mixed forest, except a few variables. In conclusion, we found that surface fires have limited effect on soil properties. This study contributes to our insights on the fire effects on soil properties in surface-fire ecosystems.
Arid Land Research and Management, 2014
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
... 論文名, 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または... more ... 論文名, 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-3 Management Effect on Soil Ergosterol Concentration in Some Japanese Soils. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata ...
... または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 The Measurement of Biomass NRN in Different Land Use The Effect of Soil... more ... または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 The Measurement of Biomass NRN in Different Land Use The Effect of Soil Enzyme Activities in Biomass NRN Measurements. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata University. Nonaka Masanori; Niigata University. 本文を読む/探す. ...
... 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービ... more ... 著者名, 著者所属, 刊行物名, ISSN, 巻, 号, ページ, 出版者, 参考文献, 出版年, 年から 年まで. すべて CiNiiに本文あり CiNiiに本文あり、または連携サービスへのリンクあり. 5-4 Effects of Land-Use Change on Soil Microbial Biomass in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Turgay Oguz Can; Niigata Univ ...
Ecophysiology, Abiotic Stress Responses and Utilization of Halophytes, 2019
Stress environments hinder the crop growth and development, and under ever-increasing food demand... more Stress environments hinder the crop growth and development, and under ever-increasing food demand circumstances, concerns of food security have asked for exploring options to overcome such stress conditions. High soluble/exchangeable salt stress referred to as salinity stress resulting from environmental characteristics (i.e., climate and soil parent material) and human-induced factors such as fertilization and irrigation poses serious threats to crop production in saline areas on different extents ranging from low to very high, categorically. This stress affects the plant growth through osmotic stress, which ultimately leads to several physiological disruptions including oxidative stress, nutrient imbalance, and water uptake problems. Subsequently, halophytes gained importance for their accumulation capability leading toward the development of phytoremediation techniques when manipulated through anthropogenic activities. The diversity of halophytes in such conditions offered a huge...
Biology and Fertility of Soils
The effects of protists on an indigenous soil bacterial community, putative bacterial genes invol... more The effects of protists on an indigenous soil bacterial community, putative bacterial genes involved in N-cycling, and the rice plant growth were studied in poultry litter biochar (PL) and rice husk biochar (RH) amended (with two application doses: 2% and 4% w/w) paddy field soil. The bacterial community composition, which was evaluated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, was significantly and differentially affected by the protists, the PL and the RH. The effects of protists on the bacterial community composition were decreased by the RH and the PL treatments. The number of protist-affected bioindicator bacterial taxa was decreased from 90 to 46, 29, 43, and 21 in the 2% RH-, 4% RH-, 2% PL-, and 4% PL-treated soils, respectively. The presence of the protist significantly increased the abundance of the putative bacterial genes involved in mineralisation, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), and NO 3 - assimilation, and the same occurred with PL treatments. The rice plant growth and N uptake were always higher in the presence of protists and PL amendments. Overall our results suggest a new insight into the effects of biochar on the bacterial community via altering the trophic interactions.
Biology and Fertility of Soils
Biochar-induced changes in microbial communities are exclusively derived from the studies on the ... more Biochar-induced changes in microbial communities are exclusively derived from the studies on the soil bacterial and fungal communities, and we lack an understanding of how biochar can affect taxonomic and functional communities of protists. Here, the short-term effects of two biochars originating from rice husk and poultry litter (hereinafter referred to as RH and PL, respectively) on taxonomic and functional community compositions of protists in a rice rhizosphere were studied using high-throughput sequencing. Soil physicochemical properties were differentially affected by the RH and PL amendments. The relative abundance of Stramenopiles , mainly oomycetes ( Peronosporomycetes ), was increased in the RH-amended soil, which was correlated with the increased total pore volume and C/N ratio. In the PL amended soil, the relative abundances of Amoebozoa , Alveolata , and Excavata were increased, and those increases were correlated with the enhanced pH and nutrient conditions. Among functional groups, the relative abundance of phagotrophic protists increased by the PL amendment, while the relative abundance of plant pathogens was decreased by both the RH and PL amendments. Network analysis indicated that phagotrophs were the keystone group and were sensitive to the biochar amendments. The keystone taxa in each biochar treatment were different: Cercozoa ( Rhizaria ) in control, Conosa ( Amoebozoa ) in RH, and Discoba ( Excavata ) in PL. The impact of biochar on protist communities correlated with its physicochemical properties, which depends on the source material.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
ABSTRACT Central Anatolia, which suffers from salinity, alkalinity, and drought stresses, is one ... more ABSTRACT Central Anatolia, which suffers from salinity, alkalinity, and drought stresses, is one of the most important cultivation regions of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Turkey. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could promote barley production under several stresses; however, only a little information is available for AMF community composition in Turkish arable soils. In this study, barley root samples were collected from eight sites in the Central Anatolian region during the growing season (GS: April) and the harvest season (HS: July) in 2012, and the composition of AMF communities were elucidated based on the partial sequence of the AMF 18S rRNA gene using high-throughput sequencing technology. As a result, barley-AMF symbioses in this region were highly dominated by Glomeraceae (71.8% in GS and 59.2% in HS), followed by Claroideoglomeraceae (10.3% in GS and 15.9% in HS), Gigasporaceae (9.1% in GS and 13.1% in HS), and Acaulosporaceae (5.8% in GS and 7.7% in HS). Compared to Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae families, communities of Acaulosporaceae, Diversisporaceae, Paraglomeraceae, and Gigasporaceae consisted of fewer AMF species. The AMF evenness significantly increased from GS to HS. The most dominant AMF sequence, VTX00248 in the MaarjAM database, was closely related to Rhizophagus, which occupied 25.8% and 14.7% of the total AMF sequences in GS and HS, respectively. The relative abundance of AMF related to Rhizophagus tended to be reduced in HS, suggesting that the species could form mycorrhiza in the early stages of barley growth in this region. On the other hand, the relative abundance of Claroideoglomeraceae and Scutellosporaceae tended to increase in HS. Soil CaCO3 content significantly influenced AMF community compositions in GS, while soil pH and EC showed no significant impact on AMF community compositions. Based on discriminant analysis, 11 VTXs (related Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, and Glomus) showed higher abundance in the barley roots grown in the soil with relatively high CaCO3 content, suggesting that these sequences might be adapted to such an environment.
Phytoremediation is an expanding field of research in environmental studies due to the benefits o... more Phytoremediation is an expanding field of research in environmental studies due to the benefits of its cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness. The use of this technology in saline and alkaline soils can be a promising approach because soil salinity inhibits crop growth and causes tremendous yield losses in many regions of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. However, little is known about the plants that can be applicable in the phytoremediation of saline soils and role of their rhizobacteria in the phytoremediation processes. In this study, we examined sodium (Na) uptake by the halophyte Salsola grandis and screened Na resistant rhizobacteria inhabiting in an extremely saline soil environment. S. grandis could uptake Na at the value of 15447 mg · kg -1 and transported Na to stem and leaves from roots. We found that 50 out of the 131 strains were Na resistant and 8 out of these 50 strains contributed to the growth of S. grandis . Using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, we determined these eight strains to be within the genera Arthrobacter spp. and Bacillus spp. Moreover, four of the eight strains (A22, WP5, B14, AP20) showed traits of being both siderophore and indole-3-acetic acid producers. Therefore, these eight strains appear to be suitable candidates for plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria of S. grandis .
Tuzluluk- alkalilik Turkiye tarimindaki onemli sorunlardan biridir. Artan nufus ve onun ihtiyacla... more Tuzluluk- alkalilik Turkiye tarimindaki onemli sorunlardan biridir. Artan nufus ve onun ihtiyaclari, surdurulebilir kullanim icin arastirmacilari bu topraklarin farkli iyilestirme alternatifleri uzerinde calismaya mecbur eder. Tuzlu- alkali topraklardaki tuz ve sodyum birikimi, ana materyalin bozunmasi yoluyla ya da toprak ve su kaynaklarinin uygun olmayan yonetimini iceren antropojenik faaliyetlerden kaynaklanir. Asiri tuzluluk ozmotik basinci artirir ve toprakta suyu bitkiler icin daha az kullanilabilir kilar. Bununla birlikte asiri sodiklik, su ve hava hareketini, kok penetrasyonunu ve topraktaki gelisimi etkileyen yapisal sorunlara neden olur. Tuzlu- alkali topraklarin islahi icin yaygin olarak kullanilan yaklasimlar sulama yoluyla ust katmanlardaki tuzlari gidermek ve sodyum fazlasi ile kimyasal degisim gerceklestirebilecek bir kalsiyum kaynagi ile topragi muamele etmektir. Tuzlu-alkali topraklar genellikle degisen derinliklerde kalsit gibi dogal kalsiyum kaynaklari icerir. Ancak, kalsit yeterince cozunebilir degildir ve daha fazla cozunebilir olan kalsiyum mineralleri (vaterit ve aragonit vb.) topraklarda yaygin olarak bulunmaz. Bu nedenle, alkali topraklar genellikle jips uygulanmasi yoluyla islah edilir. Diger taraftan, jips uygulamalari gibi kimyasal iyilestirme yaklasimlari her kosulda ekonomik olmayabilir. Diger yandan 90’li yillarin basindan itibaren yapilmis bazi bilimsel arastirmalar tuzlu- alkali topraklarin bu kosullara adapte olmus ve rizosfer bolgesindeki dogal mekanizmalarla topraktan tuz toplayan bazi tuzcul bitkiler (Halocnemum, Arthrochnemum ve Puccinellia) tarafindan da islah edilebilecegini gostermistir. Bu mekanizma cogunlukla, katyon degisim yerlerinde etkili bir kalsiyum-sodyum alis verisi icin yeterli kalsiyum seviyeleri temin etmek amaciyla dogal kalsitin kok bolgesi icinde iyi derecede cozunmesine dayalidir. Bu vejetatif islah mekanizmasini yonetmek icin, rizosfer mikroorganizmalari ile onlarin tuzlu alkali ortamlardaki konukcu bitkileri arasindaki simbiyotik iliskileri anlamak cok onemlidir. Bitki kokleri ile mikoriza olarak adlandirilan toprak kokenli mantarlar arasindaki iliski bu anlamda bitki- toprak ekosistemi icinde onemli bir rol oynamaktadir. Arbuskuler Mikoriza Funguslar (AMF) karasal ekosistemlerdeki bitkilerin %80’i ile simbiyoz icindedir ve olumsuz kosullara karsi bitkilerin yasama direncini artirici ozellikler sergiler. Bazi AMF turlerinin cesitliligi ile topragin pH, fosfor duzeyi, tuzluluk, toprak bozunmasi, bitki ortusu veya hidrolojik ozellikleri arasinda iliskiler oldugu belirlenmistir. Ornegin toprak pH’sindaki artis, besin maddesi miktaridaki azalma ve toprak tuzluluk duzeyindeki artislar AMF kolonizasyonunda ve spor yogunlugunda azalmaya neden olabilmektedir. Diger taraftan, tuzlu-alkali topraklarda ve bataklik topraklari gibi zorlu kosullarda gelisen bitkilerin kok bolgelerinde yasayan bazi AMF turleri, sozkonusu bitkilerin besin maddesi ve su alinim mekanizmalarini destekleyerek asiri tuzlu kosullarda bitkinin tuzluluk toleransini ve buyumesini gelistirebilmektedir. AMF zorunlu simbiyoz oldugundan, tuzlu-alkali topraklar gibi siradisi ekosistemlerde toprak mantar komunitesi ile bitki arasindaki iliskilerin anlasilmasi acisindan onemli bir konudur. Cunku AMF cesitliligi ile tuzlu-alkali toprak ozellikleri arasindaki iliski bu topraklarin tarimsal ve cevresel yonetimini gelistirmek icin kullanilabilir. Bazi AMF turlerinin konukcusu oldugu bitkinin tuza dayanikliligini destekledigini ifade eden arastirmalar olmasina ragmen Turkiye kosullarinda bu konudaki bilgilerimiz henuz yetersizdir. Bu bilgilerin isiginda, bu calismanin amaci iyi drene olabilen tuzlu-alkali topraklarda arpa (Hordeum vulgare) gibi yuksek dayanimli bir bitki ve yine tuza dayanikli tuzcul bitkilerin kok bolgesindeki AMF cesitliligini arastirmaktir. Orta Anadolu, tuzluluk –alkalilik sorunu yasayan ve bu nedenle yukarida belirtilen kosullara uyan genis alanlari ile Turkiye'nin uygun bolgelerinden biridir. Turkiyenin tuzlu- alkali toprak kosullarinda yasam suren AMF turlerinin DNA duzeyinde belirlenmis cesitliligi ile konukcusu oldugu bitki ve toprak ozellikleri arasindaki iliskileri irdeleyen bir bilgi mevcut degildir. Abstract Soil salinity and alkalinity are important bottlenecks in the agriculture in Turkey. The most common applications used for salinity-alkalinity problems are leaching of salts located in upper soil horizons by irrigation and amending soil with Sodium to exchange it with a proper cation (i.e. calcium) so that excessive sodium can be mobilized through cataion exchange process and then can be leached through deeper soil layers by irrigation water. In general, gypsum is commonly used for the reclamation of alkaline soils but adding soil with gypsum may not be economic in some cases. In the beginning of 90s, it was demonstrated that saline-alkaline soil conditions can be remediated by certain halotolerant plant species (i.e. Halocnemum ve Arthrochnemum Puccinellia)…
Arid Land Research and Management, 2016
ABSTRACT A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal... more ABSTRACT A minimal amount of information is currently available concerning arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations with crops in semi-arid zones on Leptosols in Turkey. Therefore, using molecular ecological techniques, we studied the effects of different management practices (without fertilization, chemical fertilization, farmyard manure, and plant compost amendments) on AM fungal communities associated with wheat roots. Experiments were conducted in a field established in 1996 in southern Mediterranean Turkey where soil productivity is low owing to unfavorable climatic effects and soil characteristics. We determined 201 partial sequences of AM fungal nuclear ribosomal large subunit genes. The higher AM fungal richness was found in the control treatment without fertilization and plant compost treatments compared with the chemical fertilization and farmyard manure treatments. Clones related to Rhizophagus were found in all treatments and accounted for 37% of the total AM fungal clones, whereas those of Funneliformis were dominant under chemical fertilization. Redundancy analysis based on the frequency of operational taxonomic units revealed that AM fungal communities were divided into three groups, namely, the control treatment, the chemical fertilization treatment, and the organic treatments (farmyard manure and plant compost treatments). Although different organic amendments supported relatively similar AM fungal communities, plant compost induced higher AM fungal richness than farmyard manure fertilization.
Turkiye Toprak Bilimine modern biyoteknolojik yontem ve yaklasimlarin kazandirilmasi ve Turkiye T... more Turkiye Toprak Bilimine modern biyoteknolojik yontem ve yaklasimlarin kazandirilmasi ve Turkiye Topraklarina ozgu AMF cesitliliginin gun isigina cikarilmasi ve kayit altina alinmasi icin Ankara Universitesi ve Japonya’nin Niigata Universitesi arasinda imazlanmis isbirligine dayanarak 2009 yilindan beri gerceklestirilen ogrenci degisimleri ile yurutulen arastirma faliyetlerinde Turkiye Topraklarina ozgu endemik AMF turlerinin olabilecegine iliskin bilgilere ulasilmistir. Bu bilgiler “Molecular diversity of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in three different agricultural regions of Turkey” basligi altinda Japanese Soil Science and Plant Nutrition adli SCI dergide 2014 yilinda yayinlanmistir (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2014.890916). Bu arastirmanin amaci yayinlanan bulgulari gelistirmek ve endemik turlerin varligini daha spesifik bir olcekte degerlendirmektir. Bu amaca yonelik olarak Rize, Trabzon ve Artvin cay tarimi alanlarindan toplanan toprak ve cay-kok orneklerinde molekuler ve morfolojik spor analizlerinin yapilarak AMF cesitliligi irdelenmis ve ayrica toprak ozellikleri ve toprak yonetiminin AMF cesitliligi ile iliskileri de degerlendirilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular (i) Glomeraceae, Claroideoglomeraceae ve Acaulosporaceae familyalarinin asidik cay topraklarindaki mikorizal simbiyozu sagladigini; (ii) Farkli toprak yonetimleri (organik ve ticari gubreleme) acisindan mikorizal mantar topluluk yapisi uzerinde bir degisim yaratmadigini ve (iii) mevcut degisimin EC ve toprak organik maddesi gibi faktorlerle daha yakindan ilgili oldugunu; ve (iv) farkli illerdeki ticari gubreleme faaliyetlerinin pH, EC ve organik madde icerigi gibi toprak ozellikleri arasinda onemli bir ayrim yaratmadigini gostermistir. AbstractIn order to modernize the methodologies in Turkish Soil Science and investigate AMF diversity of different soils of Turkey, a group of researchers and students from Ankara University, Turkey and Niigata University, Japan has been conducting field surveys in different agro-environmental zones of Turkey and investigating AMF diversity under different soil managements since 2009. The preliminary findings of these surveys revealed that there may be endemic AMF species in Turkish soils including East Black Sea Region, Turkey. These findings were published in the journal of Japanese Soil Science and Plant Nutrition recently (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2014.890916). The primary aim of this fast track project work was to validate and improve previous findings by conducting more specific field survey through East Black Sea Region, Turkey. To do that, AMF biodiversity was evaluated by applying molecular and morphological AMF spore- and AMF-DNA analysis in the samples collected from tea plantations of Rize, Trabzon and Artvin Provinces. Second, the relationships between AMF diversity and soil characteristics in relation to organic tea farming activities initiated early 2000s was also inveastigated.The results indicated that Glomeraceae were dominant and AM fungal species belonging to family Glomeraceae, Claroideoglomeraceae and Acaulosporaceae could maintain the symbiosis in tea cultivated acidic soils. No clear difference in AM fungal T-RF profiles was found among different fertilization managements. AM fungal community seemed to be influenced by soil EC and organic matter content. Fertilization practices had a slight effect on soil chemical characteristics i.e. soil pH, EC and organic carbon contents.
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, Jul 25, 1999
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, Mar 25, 2000
... TURGAY OGUZ CAN; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata Unive... more ... TURGAY OGUZ CAN; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University. HARAGUCHI Akira; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University. 本文を読む/探す. ...
Environmental Pollution, 2012
Brassicaceae are scattered all over the world, where they exclusively grow on serpentine rocks in... more Brassicaceae are scattered all over the world, where they exclusively grow on serpentine rocks in Western Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, Philippines, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Cuba, eastern Canada, and western north America. Although serpentine rocks cover only less than 1% of the earth’s surface their worldwide distribution has recently attracted many researchers in exploring their distinctive potential for phytoremediation plant communities, mainly members of Brassicaceae plant family inhabiting on serpentine rocks of these countries. On the other hand, the majority of Brassicaceae plant family are slow-growing plants producing little biomass and their use for phytoextraction purposes may not be practical, especially when bioavailable metal concentration is high in the contaminated conditions. Therefore, recently emerging practices in the field of phytoremediation have pointed out various focuses such as the utility of high-biomass crops such as maize, peas, oats and Indian mustard and associated soil practices including application of synthetic chelators such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetate and elemental sulphur to enhance metal uptake by these plants. These approaches may meet the conditions required for the phytoremediation. However, one of the most critical components of phytoextraction process is the bioavailability of heavy metals meaning the portion of the metals that is available for absorption into living organisms such as plants. It has been known that various plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) associated with plant roots may provide some beneficial effects on plant growth and nutrition through a series of well known mechanisms, namely, nitrogen fixation, production of phytohormones and siderophores, and transformation of nutrients once they are either applied to seeds or incorporated into the soil. Similarly, heavy metal mobility and availability can substantially be driven by PGPR populations through their release of chelating agents, acidification, and phosphate solubilization in rhizosphere. Miscellaneous PGPR were also shown to tolerate heavy metals in different ways including the mechanisms of exclusion, active removal, biosorption, precipitation, and extra- or intracellular bioaccumulation. Since these processes may affect the solubility and the bioavailability of heavy metals to the plant and hence modifying their toxic effects, interactions between hyperaccumulator plants such as Brassicaceae spp., and metal tolerant or resistant PGPR are considered to have an increasing biotechnological potential in the remediation of anthropogenically polluted soils. Present chapter/review considers the role of PGPR on soil-heavy metal-plant interactions and more specifically bioaccumulation of toxic metals by Brassicaceae plant family.
Enzyme activities Organic matter pH Soil characteristics Soil depth Surface fire Soil properties ... more Enzyme activities Organic matter pH Soil characteristics Soil depth Surface fire Soil properties after low-intensity surface fires have relatively less studied in comparison to moderate to high-intensity crown fires. A mixed forest stand dominated by Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), Fagus orientalis (oriental beech) and Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana (Anatolian black pine), which had been burnt by a surface fire in December 2011 near Bursa, Turkey was studied. Soil samples were taken from two depths as 0-15 and 15-30 cm respectively, from burned and unburned (control) sites after a week after fire and seven months later in July 2012. The samples were analysed to determine a series of soil chemical (electrical conductivity, pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and organic matter content) physical (soil texture) and biochemical characteristics (β-Glycosidase and phosphatase enzyme activities). We tested the effect of fire, soil depth and season on each variable by three-way ANOVA analysis. The results indicated that soil nitrogen and organic matter were not affected by fire, while soil depth and sampling season had significant effects on these variables. Electrical conductivity was higher in the soil surface than in deeper layers, but not affected by fire. Fire resulted in a significant increase in soil pH and decrease in phosphorus, and those variables have not recovered by seven months after fire. Soil biological properties did not significantly change after fire, but season was significant effect on the enzyme activities. Soil physical components were slightly changed after fire, by which resulted in higher sand (%), lower silt (%) and lower clay (%) in the burned sites. However, these changes were not affected the coarse-textured structure of the soil (sandy loam). Overall, present results pointed out that soil chemical, physical and biological properties do not considerably change after surface fires in the studied mixed forest, except a few variables. In conclusion, we found that surface fires have limited effect on soil properties. This study contributes to our insights on the fire effects on soil properties in surface-fire ecosystems.
Arid Land Research and Management, 2014
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.