U. Linnamägi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by U. Linnamägi

Research paper thumbnail of Eesti arstide oma ajakiri 95

Research paper thumbnail of Transient epileptic amnesia – case report and overview

Research paper thumbnail of Aju ja armastus

Kaasaegsete aju-uurijate huviorbiidis on olnud domineerivalt negatiivsed ilmingud nagu raev, arev... more Kaasaegsete aju-uurijate huviorbiidis on olnud domineerivalt negatiivsed ilmingud nagu raev, arevus, hirm. See on ka loomulik, sest hirmu aluseks olevad narvivorgustikud tagasid loomariigis ellujaamise ja on evolutsiooni kaigus tugevalt kinnistunud. Onneks on viimasel ajal hakatud rohkem tahelepanu poorama ka positiivsetele tunnetele (1). Uheks enam ihaldatud tundeks on ilmselgelt armastus. Kuni praeguseni ei peeta kull terminit „armastus“ teaduslikuks moisteks, kuid seda defi neeritakse osavalt teaduslike terminite abil. Levinud valjendiks selle seisundi kirjeldamisel on naiteks „nende keemia sobib“. Tosi see on, et uhe osa eest selle tunde arengus vastutavad toesti organismi nanopeptiidid oksutotsiin ja vasopressiin. Molemad peptiidid sunteesitakse paraventrikulaarses ja supraoptilises tuumas hupotalamuses ja projektsiooniteed lopevad neurohupofuusis. Nanopeptiidid reguleerivad reproduktiivset kaitumist, olles orgastilise elamuse saamise oluliseks teguriks (2). Heaolutunde ootust j...

Research paper thumbnail of Cortical reorganisation of the sensorimotor function in hereditary spastic paraplegia

Research paper thumbnail of APRILL! Tartu Ülikooli närvikliinikus töötamine suurendab kaksikute sündimise riski "Kusagil struktuurides on kallutatud jõud" (1)

Kaesoleva retrospektiivse too eesmargiks oli selgitada kaksikute sundimise riski TU Kliinikumi ar... more Kaesoleva retrospektiivse too eesmargiks oli selgitada kaksikute sundimise riski TU Kliinikumi arstidel. Autorid kogusid informatsiooni TU Kliinikumi erinevates kliinikutes tootavatel arstidel sundinud kaksikute arvu kohta. Narvikliinikus tootavatest arstidest on teadaolevalt viiel kaksikud ning seda on statistiliselt oluliselt rohkem kui teistes osakondades tootavatel arstidel. Kaesoleva uurimistoo tulemusena voib kindlalt vaita, et tootamine arstina TU narvikliinikus on seotud kaksikute sundimise suurema riskiga. Arutelus on analuusitud nimetatud riski voimalikke sotsiaalseid ja geograafilisi pohjuseid. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (4): 235–238

Research paper thumbnail of Transitoorne epileptiline amneesia

Mooduva maluhaire voimalikke pohjusi on palju. Isoleeritud transitoorse amneesia episoodid voivad... more Mooduva maluhaire voimalikke pohjusi on palju. Isoleeritud transitoorse amneesia episoodid voivad olla ka epilepsi kliiniliseks valjenduseks. Kirjanduses on selle kohta kasutusel termin transitoorne epileptiline amneesia (TEA). TEA-le on iseloomulikud hilisemas eas algavad luhikese kestusega, sagedased ning tihti arkamisel tekkivad mooduvad maluhaired. Enamusel TEA-patsientidel (70%) esineb amneesiaatakkide korval ka teisi temporaalsagara lahtega epileptilisi avaldusi, kuid mooduv amneesia on ainsaks epilepsia kliiniliseks valjenduseks umbes kolmandikul TEApatsientidel. TEA on kliiniliselt oluline probleem, kuna korrektse diagnoosi korral on esinevatele maluhairetele olemas tohus pohjuslik ravi. Artiklis on kirjeldatud TEA haigusjuhtu vanemal naisterahval, kelle probleemiks olid 2 aasta jooksul esinenud nn malulungad, mis hairisid patsienti oluliselt ning millele ei oldud seni pohjust leitud. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(2):125−130

Research paper thumbnail of A-74Qualitative Performance of WAIS-III Block Design in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 2014

This study examines the performance of AD patients on the WAIS-III Block Design subtest to analyz... more This study examines the performance of AD patients on the WAIS-III Block Design subtest to analyze the nature of constructional deficits. The sample is 15 patients with AD (5 men and 10 women, mean age = 73.6; mean MMSE = 21.8) and 15 healthy controls (5 men and 10 women, mean age = 74.1; mean MMSE = 29.1). All participants were administered the Estonian version of WAIS-III Block Design subtest. In addition to standard scoring we also noted qualitative observations: number of moves within time limit, proportion of blocks correctly placed on each design, single block errors (divided to placement errors and rotation errors), broken configuration errors (when parameters of the model were not accounted) and design rotations (when entire design was rotated more than 30°). AD patients (M = 7.4, SD = 3.9) performed significantly worse than control group (M = 11.5, SD = 3.1), U = 176.0, p < .008. The control group made more moves than patients (U = 158.0; p < .02). They also had propo...

Research paper thumbnail of High incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia

Spinal Cord, 2012

Study design: Retrospective population-based cohort study. Objectives: To provide national data o... more Study design: Retrospective population-based cohort study. Objectives: To provide national data on epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) among the population of Estonia from 1997 to 2007. Setting: All Estonian hospitals. Methods: Medical records of patients with TSCI from all regional, central, general and rehabilitation hospitals in Estonia were retrospectively reviewed. Epidemiological characteristics, etiology, neurological level and severity of injury, concomitant injuries were analyzed. Results: A total of 595 patients with TSCI from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2007 were identified. The male to female ratio was 5.5:1. The mean age at injury was 39.0 years. The crude incidence rate was 39.7 (95% confidence interval: 36.6-43.0) per million population. The most frequent cause of TSCI was falls (41%), followed by traffic accidents (29%). Alcohol consumption preceded 43% of injuries. The lesion level was cervical in 59.4%, thoracic in 18.3% and lumbar/sacral in 22.3%. Conclusion: Compared to recent studies from Europe, where the incidence of TSCI is between 15 and 30 per million population, the incidence of TSCI in Estonia is among the highest. The rates are significantly higher in men compared with women and especially among the youngest men. The leading cause of TSCI is falls. A significant proportion of injuries are related to alcohol consumption before trauma in Estonia.

Research paper thumbnail of Health-related quality of life in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Functional MRI of the cortical sensorimotor system in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia

Spinal Cord, 2012

The study aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to ascertain changes in sensorimotor... more The study aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to ascertain changes in sensorimotor system function in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia and to correlate it with severity of spasticity and paresis. Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia. Nine patients with autosomal-dominant pure HSP and 14 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were investigated with a 1.5T fMRI scanner during flexion/extension of the right-hand fingers and right ankle. Images were analysed with a general linear model and Statistical Parametrical Mapping software. Highest Z-scores were identified from probability maps, and weighted laterality indices were calculated using combined bootstrap/histogram analysis; these were correlated with clinical severity of spasticity and paresis. During hand movements, clusters located in contralateral primary sensorimotor and premotor areas activated in both controls and patients. Bilateral activation occurred in the supplementary motor area, parietal operculum and cerebellum (predominantly ipsilateral). During the ankle task, bilateral activation was noted in the primary sensorimotor area, supplementary motor area and cerebellum. Activation clusters in HSP patients were smaller than those in controls in the sensorimotor area, especially during the ankle task, and more pronounced ipsilaterally in cerebellum both during hand and ankle motor tasks. Spasticity was significantly associated with contralateral activation in the sensory area and correlated negatively with the highest Z-scores in Brodmann areas 1-2-3 and 4. Our results suggest changes in cortical sensorimotor network function in patients with HSP compared with healthy subjects. Lower activation in patients might reflect damage to the corticospinal tract, be influenced by compensatory mechanisms, and/or be a reflection of neurorehabilitation.

Research paper thumbnail of Coping strategies in patients following subarachnoid haemorrhage

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Brain activation in the chronic phase of traumatic spinal cord injury

Research paper thumbnail of Eesti arstide oma ajakiri 95

Research paper thumbnail of Transient epileptic amnesia – case report and overview

Research paper thumbnail of Aju ja armastus

Kaasaegsete aju-uurijate huviorbiidis on olnud domineerivalt negatiivsed ilmingud nagu raev, arev... more Kaasaegsete aju-uurijate huviorbiidis on olnud domineerivalt negatiivsed ilmingud nagu raev, arevus, hirm. See on ka loomulik, sest hirmu aluseks olevad narvivorgustikud tagasid loomariigis ellujaamise ja on evolutsiooni kaigus tugevalt kinnistunud. Onneks on viimasel ajal hakatud rohkem tahelepanu poorama ka positiivsetele tunnetele (1). Uheks enam ihaldatud tundeks on ilmselgelt armastus. Kuni praeguseni ei peeta kull terminit „armastus“ teaduslikuks moisteks, kuid seda defi neeritakse osavalt teaduslike terminite abil. Levinud valjendiks selle seisundi kirjeldamisel on naiteks „nende keemia sobib“. Tosi see on, et uhe osa eest selle tunde arengus vastutavad toesti organismi nanopeptiidid oksutotsiin ja vasopressiin. Molemad peptiidid sunteesitakse paraventrikulaarses ja supraoptilises tuumas hupotalamuses ja projektsiooniteed lopevad neurohupofuusis. Nanopeptiidid reguleerivad reproduktiivset kaitumist, olles orgastilise elamuse saamise oluliseks teguriks (2). Heaolutunde ootust j...

Research paper thumbnail of Cortical reorganisation of the sensorimotor function in hereditary spastic paraplegia

Research paper thumbnail of APRILL! Tartu Ülikooli närvikliinikus töötamine suurendab kaksikute sündimise riski "Kusagil struktuurides on kallutatud jõud" (1)

Kaesoleva retrospektiivse too eesmargiks oli selgitada kaksikute sundimise riski TU Kliinikumi ar... more Kaesoleva retrospektiivse too eesmargiks oli selgitada kaksikute sundimise riski TU Kliinikumi arstidel. Autorid kogusid informatsiooni TU Kliinikumi erinevates kliinikutes tootavatel arstidel sundinud kaksikute arvu kohta. Narvikliinikus tootavatest arstidest on teadaolevalt viiel kaksikud ning seda on statistiliselt oluliselt rohkem kui teistes osakondades tootavatel arstidel. Kaesoleva uurimistoo tulemusena voib kindlalt vaita, et tootamine arstina TU narvikliinikus on seotud kaksikute sundimise suurema riskiga. Arutelus on analuusitud nimetatud riski voimalikke sotsiaalseid ja geograafilisi pohjuseid. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (4): 235–238

Research paper thumbnail of Transitoorne epileptiline amneesia

Mooduva maluhaire voimalikke pohjusi on palju. Isoleeritud transitoorse amneesia episoodid voivad... more Mooduva maluhaire voimalikke pohjusi on palju. Isoleeritud transitoorse amneesia episoodid voivad olla ka epilepsi kliiniliseks valjenduseks. Kirjanduses on selle kohta kasutusel termin transitoorne epileptiline amneesia (TEA). TEA-le on iseloomulikud hilisemas eas algavad luhikese kestusega, sagedased ning tihti arkamisel tekkivad mooduvad maluhaired. Enamusel TEA-patsientidel (70%) esineb amneesiaatakkide korval ka teisi temporaalsagara lahtega epileptilisi avaldusi, kuid mooduv amneesia on ainsaks epilepsia kliiniliseks valjenduseks umbes kolmandikul TEApatsientidel. TEA on kliiniliselt oluline probleem, kuna korrektse diagnoosi korral on esinevatele maluhairetele olemas tohus pohjuslik ravi. Artiklis on kirjeldatud TEA haigusjuhtu vanemal naisterahval, kelle probleemiks olid 2 aasta jooksul esinenud nn malulungad, mis hairisid patsienti oluliselt ning millele ei oldud seni pohjust leitud. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(2):125−130

Research paper thumbnail of A-74Qualitative Performance of WAIS-III Block Design in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 2014

This study examines the performance of AD patients on the WAIS-III Block Design subtest to analyz... more This study examines the performance of AD patients on the WAIS-III Block Design subtest to analyze the nature of constructional deficits. The sample is 15 patients with AD (5 men and 10 women, mean age = 73.6; mean MMSE = 21.8) and 15 healthy controls (5 men and 10 women, mean age = 74.1; mean MMSE = 29.1). All participants were administered the Estonian version of WAIS-III Block Design subtest. In addition to standard scoring we also noted qualitative observations: number of moves within time limit, proportion of blocks correctly placed on each design, single block errors (divided to placement errors and rotation errors), broken configuration errors (when parameters of the model were not accounted) and design rotations (when entire design was rotated more than 30°). AD patients (M = 7.4, SD = 3.9) performed significantly worse than control group (M = 11.5, SD = 3.1), U = 176.0, p < .008. The control group made more moves than patients (U = 158.0; p < .02). They also had propo...

Research paper thumbnail of High incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia

Spinal Cord, 2012

Study design: Retrospective population-based cohort study. Objectives: To provide national data o... more Study design: Retrospective population-based cohort study. Objectives: To provide national data on epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) among the population of Estonia from 1997 to 2007. Setting: All Estonian hospitals. Methods: Medical records of patients with TSCI from all regional, central, general and rehabilitation hospitals in Estonia were retrospectively reviewed. Epidemiological characteristics, etiology, neurological level and severity of injury, concomitant injuries were analyzed. Results: A total of 595 patients with TSCI from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2007 were identified. The male to female ratio was 5.5:1. The mean age at injury was 39.0 years. The crude incidence rate was 39.7 (95% confidence interval: 36.6-43.0) per million population. The most frequent cause of TSCI was falls (41%), followed by traffic accidents (29%). Alcohol consumption preceded 43% of injuries. The lesion level was cervical in 59.4%, thoracic in 18.3% and lumbar/sacral in 22.3%. Conclusion: Compared to recent studies from Europe, where the incidence of TSCI is between 15 and 30 per million population, the incidence of TSCI in Estonia is among the highest. The rates are significantly higher in men compared with women and especially among the youngest men. The leading cause of TSCI is falls. A significant proportion of injuries are related to alcohol consumption before trauma in Estonia.

Research paper thumbnail of Health-related quality of life in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Functional MRI of the cortical sensorimotor system in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia

Spinal Cord, 2012

The study aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to ascertain changes in sensorimotor... more The study aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to ascertain changes in sensorimotor system function in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia and to correlate it with severity of spasticity and paresis. Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia. Nine patients with autosomal-dominant pure HSP and 14 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were investigated with a 1.5T fMRI scanner during flexion/extension of the right-hand fingers and right ankle. Images were analysed with a general linear model and Statistical Parametrical Mapping software. Highest Z-scores were identified from probability maps, and weighted laterality indices were calculated using combined bootstrap/histogram analysis; these were correlated with clinical severity of spasticity and paresis. During hand movements, clusters located in contralateral primary sensorimotor and premotor areas activated in both controls and patients. Bilateral activation occurred in the supplementary motor area, parietal operculum and cerebellum (predominantly ipsilateral). During the ankle task, bilateral activation was noted in the primary sensorimotor area, supplementary motor area and cerebellum. Activation clusters in HSP patients were smaller than those in controls in the sensorimotor area, especially during the ankle task, and more pronounced ipsilaterally in cerebellum both during hand and ankle motor tasks. Spasticity was significantly associated with contralateral activation in the sensory area and correlated negatively with the highest Z-scores in Brodmann areas 1-2-3 and 4. Our results suggest changes in cortical sensorimotor network function in patients with HSP compared with healthy subjects. Lower activation in patients might reflect damage to the corticospinal tract, be influenced by compensatory mechanisms, and/or be a reflection of neurorehabilitation.

Research paper thumbnail of Coping strategies in patients following subarachnoid haemorrhage

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Brain activation in the chronic phase of traumatic spinal cord injury