Ujang Charda - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ujang Charda

Research paper thumbnail of Hakikat Hak Kebebasan Menyampaikan Pendapat DI Muka Umum

Abstrak. Kemerdekaan berekspresi adalah hak setiap warga negara untuk menginformasikan pikiran de... more Abstrak. Kemerdekaan berekspresi adalah hak setiap warga negara untuk menginformasikan pikiran dengan lisan, tertulis, dan begitu bebas dan bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penyampaian pendapat "secara lisan", antara lain dengan cara berbicara, dialog, dan diskusi, sedangkan penyampaian pendapat "tertulis", antara lain, oleh petisi, gambar, pamflet, poster, brosur, selebaran, dan spanduk. Sementara itu yang dimaksud dengan "dll", antara lain, dengan sikap diam, dan mogok makan". Kata kunci: Hakikat, Hak, Kebebasan, Pendapat, Umum Abstract. Independence of expression is the right of every citizen to inform mind with oral, written, and so freely and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force. Submission of opinions "verbally", among others by means of speech, dialogue, and discussion, while the delivery of opinions "in writing", among others, by petition, pic...

Research paper thumbnail of Typology of Legal Research Methods in Normative and Sociological Thinking

Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Jul 30, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Penyalahgunaan Kewenangan Oleh Pejabat Administrasi Negara Dalam Pengambilan Dan Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Publik

The potential abuse of power that motivated malicious intent would be to have the perfection that... more The potential abuse of power that motivated malicious intent would be to have the perfection that is attached to the power, because the positions of power can do anything with a plea for and on behalf of its authority under the legislation. Therefore, the act of state administration in upholding the rule of law requires for its implementation, otherwise the power itself is determined by the legal limits. To that end, the law and the power of an absolute element in a society of law in the sense of community that is governed by law and that any act or authority is not misused. Keywords : legitimasi – administrasi negara – kebijakan public

Research paper thumbnail of Reformasi Politik Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia

Abstrak Paradigma pembangunan di bidang ketenagakerjaan perlu direformasi yang dulu cenderung mel... more Abstrak Paradigma pembangunan di bidang ketenagakerjaan perlu direformasi yang dulu cenderung melihat pekerja sebagai faktor produksi dan atau bagian dari komoditi, harus diubah kepada pekerja sebagai manusia Indonesia seutuhnya atau sebagai subjek/pelaku proses produksi dalam pembangunan dengan segala harkat dan martabatnya. Perubahan paradigma ini pada akhirnya akan mengarah dan menentukan politik hukum kebijakan pemerintah dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan melalui suatu perubahan yang resolutif – kompositif dengan memandang pekerja sebagai subjek dan secara proporsional memperhitungkan seluruh aspek dalam suatu kesatuan yang holistik. Agar kebijakan politik hukum yang reformatif ini tidak dipandang hanya bagus dimaterinya saja, maka perlu diimplementasikan melalui program yang titik beratnya bukan hanya sekedar instrumen tetapi akses yang mendorong kuantitatif dan mendidik kualitatif dalam membangun sistem keseimbangan antara yang seharusnya dengan kenyataan. Kata Kunci : Reformasi ; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Agroinfiltration for transient gene expression and characterisation of fungal pathogen effectors in cool-season grain legume hosts

Plant Cell Reports, 2021

Key message Modified pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vectors were used for agroinfiltration in legumes. We demonstr... more Key message Modified pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vectors were used for agroinfiltration in legumes. We demonstrate protein expression and export in pea, lentil, and faba bean; however, the method for chickpea was not successful. Abstract Agroinfiltration is a valuable research method for investigating virulence and avirulence effector proteins from pathogens and pests, where heterologous effector proteins are transiently expressed in plant leaves and hypersensitive necrosis responses and other effector functions can be assessed. Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used for agroinfiltration and the characterisation of broad-spectrum effectors. The method has also been used in other plant species including field pea, but not yet developed for chickpea, lentil, or faba bean. Here, we have modified the pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vector for expression of 6 × histidine-tagged green-fluorescent protein (GFP) and the known necrosis-inducing broad-spectrum effector necrosis and ethylene-inducing peptide (Nep1)-like protei...

Research paper thumbnail of Targeted Disruption of Scytalone Dehydratase Gene Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation Leads to Altered Melanin Production in Ascochyta lentis

Journal of Fungi, 2020

Sustainable crop production is constantly challenged by the rapid evolution of fungal pathogens e... more Sustainable crop production is constantly challenged by the rapid evolution of fungal pathogens equipped with an array of host infection strategies and survival mechanisms. One of the devastating fungal pathogens that infect lentil is the ascomycete Ascochyta lentis which causes black spot or ascochyta blight (AB) on all above ground parts of the plant. In order to explore the mechanisms involved in the pathogenicity of A. lentis, we developed a targeted gene replacement method using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) to study and characterize gene function. In this study, we investigated the role of scytalone dehydratase (SCD) in the synthesis of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin in AlKewell. Two SCD genes have been identified in AlKewell, AlSCD1 and AlSCD2. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that AlSCD1 clustered with the previously characterized fungal SCDs; thus, AlSCD1 was disrupted using the targeted gene replacement vector, pTAR-hyg-SCD1. The vector was...

Research paper thumbnail of Telaah Kritis Terhadap Inkonsistensi Konsep Hubungan Kerja Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika, 2016

Act No. 13 of 2003 provides a formula, that the employment relationship occurs because of an agre... more Act No. 13 of 2003 provides a formula, that the employment relationship occurs because of an agreement the work done by workers and employers that contains elements of employment, orders, and wages. If the work is not based on the employment agreement and is not done by workers with employers, and not mampunyai these three elements, meaning not the employment relationship. Meanwhile, the formulation of the employment agreement severely restricts the legal subject in the employment relationship, the employee who works on businessmen and entrepreneurs who run the company, either hers or not. The problem is if there are people who employ other people, but not currently in running the company, then the other person is not the workers covered by Act No. 13 of 2003. It is very clear formulation of Act No. 13 of 2003 do not understand the legal concepts of the subject law labor relations, should not the employer who become the subject of law but employers.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Kebijakan Zonasi Minimarket DI Kecamatan Subang Kabupaten Subang

Implementasi kebijakan pengaturan minimarket di Kecamatan Subang KabupatenSubang masih belum berj... more Implementasi kebijakan pengaturan minimarket di Kecamatan Subang KabupatenSubang masih belum berjalan sesuai dengan harapan, masih banyaknya ditemukanminimarket yang tidak memiliki izin usaha minimarket, dikecualikannya zonasi pendirianminimarket dengan tidak memperhatikan jarak antara minimarket dan pasar tradisional yangmenjadi penyebab utama permasalahan, dan belum ada satupun minimarket yangmenjalankan kemitraan dengan toko tradisional tetapi pemerintah daerah belum melakukantindakan tegas. Adapun faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan implementasi kebijakan zonasiminimarket dipengaruhi oleh masih lemahnya faktor komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, danstruktur birokrasi yang berdampak negatif sangat besar terhadap keberadaan pasar tradisionaldan sektor informal lainnya, sehingga sangat perlu dilakukan pengecekan kembali jarak danizin dari pendirian minimarket di Kecamatan Subang. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah KabupatenSubang harus melakukan pengawasan, pengendalian, dan penertiban se...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Pendidikan Tinggi

Research paper thumbnail of Model Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Sistem Pengupahan

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika

Indonesian government policy in the wage system not only pay attention to technical and economic ... more Indonesian government policy in the wage system not only pay attention to technical and economic aspects, but also pay attention to the legal aspects in order to encourage economic growth and expansion of employment opportunities and improving the welfare of workers and their families in the implementation of increasingly complex working relationship. To improve the welfare and productivity of workers as well as the progress of the business world, the model of wage policy Indonesian government poured into the Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 which essentially set the remuneration thorough in ensuring survival to workers in accordance with the development and capabilities of the business world in the provisions it contains settings decent income, wage policy, wage protection, minimum wages, and the imposition of penalties directed at wage system as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Tenaga Kerja

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika

Laws Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower characterized the law responsive or characterless law conser... more Laws Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower characterized the law responsive or characterless law conservative/orthodox, then the indicators to determine the character can be seen from the manufacturing process, which is not participatory, and views of the nature of the product function of law is not aspirational, whereas any interpretations have clearly opens up opportunities for different interpretations by various regulations advanced by unilateral vision of the government and not just a technical problem. Thus, it can be concluded that Laws Number 13 of 2003 is a legal product that is characterized by a conservative/orthodox.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial Dalam Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Setelah Lahirnya Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004

Abstrak Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan setelah lahirny... more Abstrak Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial dikenal dengan model penyelesaian secara sukarela melalui bipartit, konsiliasi, mediasi, dan arbitrase; dan model penyelesaian secara wajib, yaitu melalui Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial. Selain itu, adanya pembatasan bahwa hanya penyelesaian perselisihan hak dan perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja saja yang dapat diajukan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung tanpa melalui prosedur banding. Abstract Resolving industrial disputes in employment law after the enactment of Act Number 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement known as the model of voluntary bipartite settlement, conciliation, mediation and arbitration; and models of settlement shall, through the Industrial Relations Court. In addition, the restriction that only the rights and settlement of disputes over termination of employment that can be filed cassation to the Supreme Court without going through the appeal procedure.

Research paper thumbnail of Hakikat Hak Kebebasan Menyampaikan Pendapat DI Muka Umum

Abstrak. Kemerdekaan berekspresi adalah hak setiap warga negara untuk menginformasikan pikiran de... more Abstrak. Kemerdekaan berekspresi adalah hak setiap warga negara untuk menginformasikan pikiran dengan lisan, tertulis, dan begitu bebas dan bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penyampaian pendapat "secara lisan", antara lain dengan cara berbicara, dialog, dan diskusi, sedangkan penyampaian pendapat "tertulis", antara lain, oleh petisi, gambar, pamflet, poster, brosur, selebaran, dan spanduk. Sementara itu yang dimaksud dengan "dll", antara lain, dengan sikap diam, dan mogok makan". Kata kunci: Hakikat, Hak, Kebebasan, Pendapat, Umum Abstract. Independence of expression is the right of every citizen to inform mind with oral, written, and so freely and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force. Submission of opinions "verbally", among others by means of speech, dialogue, and discussion, while the delivery of opinions "in writing", among others, by petition, pic...

Research paper thumbnail of Typology of Legal Research Methods in Normative and Sociological Thinking

Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Jul 30, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Penyalahgunaan Kewenangan Oleh Pejabat Administrasi Negara Dalam Pengambilan Dan Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Publik

The potential abuse of power that motivated malicious intent would be to have the perfection that... more The potential abuse of power that motivated malicious intent would be to have the perfection that is attached to the power, because the positions of power can do anything with a plea for and on behalf of its authority under the legislation. Therefore, the act of state administration in upholding the rule of law requires for its implementation, otherwise the power itself is determined by the legal limits. To that end, the law and the power of an absolute element in a society of law in the sense of community that is governed by law and that any act or authority is not misused. Keywords : legitimasi – administrasi negara – kebijakan public

Research paper thumbnail of Reformasi Politik Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia

Abstrak Paradigma pembangunan di bidang ketenagakerjaan perlu direformasi yang dulu cenderung mel... more Abstrak Paradigma pembangunan di bidang ketenagakerjaan perlu direformasi yang dulu cenderung melihat pekerja sebagai faktor produksi dan atau bagian dari komoditi, harus diubah kepada pekerja sebagai manusia Indonesia seutuhnya atau sebagai subjek/pelaku proses produksi dalam pembangunan dengan segala harkat dan martabatnya. Perubahan paradigma ini pada akhirnya akan mengarah dan menentukan politik hukum kebijakan pemerintah dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan melalui suatu perubahan yang resolutif – kompositif dengan memandang pekerja sebagai subjek dan secara proporsional memperhitungkan seluruh aspek dalam suatu kesatuan yang holistik. Agar kebijakan politik hukum yang reformatif ini tidak dipandang hanya bagus dimaterinya saja, maka perlu diimplementasikan melalui program yang titik beratnya bukan hanya sekedar instrumen tetapi akses yang mendorong kuantitatif dan mendidik kualitatif dalam membangun sistem keseimbangan antara yang seharusnya dengan kenyataan. Kata Kunci : Reformasi ; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Agroinfiltration for transient gene expression and characterisation of fungal pathogen effectors in cool-season grain legume hosts

Plant Cell Reports, 2021

Key message Modified pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vectors were used for agroinfiltration in legumes. We demonstr... more Key message Modified pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vectors were used for agroinfiltration in legumes. We demonstrate protein expression and export in pea, lentil, and faba bean; however, the method for chickpea was not successful. Abstract Agroinfiltration is a valuable research method for investigating virulence and avirulence effector proteins from pathogens and pests, where heterologous effector proteins are transiently expressed in plant leaves and hypersensitive necrosis responses and other effector functions can be assessed. Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used for agroinfiltration and the characterisation of broad-spectrum effectors. The method has also been used in other plant species including field pea, but not yet developed for chickpea, lentil, or faba bean. Here, we have modified the pEAQ-HT-DEST1 vector for expression of 6 × histidine-tagged green-fluorescent protein (GFP) and the known necrosis-inducing broad-spectrum effector necrosis and ethylene-inducing peptide (Nep1)-like protei...

Research paper thumbnail of Targeted Disruption of Scytalone Dehydratase Gene Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation Leads to Altered Melanin Production in Ascochyta lentis

Journal of Fungi, 2020

Sustainable crop production is constantly challenged by the rapid evolution of fungal pathogens e... more Sustainable crop production is constantly challenged by the rapid evolution of fungal pathogens equipped with an array of host infection strategies and survival mechanisms. One of the devastating fungal pathogens that infect lentil is the ascomycete Ascochyta lentis which causes black spot or ascochyta blight (AB) on all above ground parts of the plant. In order to explore the mechanisms involved in the pathogenicity of A. lentis, we developed a targeted gene replacement method using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) to study and characterize gene function. In this study, we investigated the role of scytalone dehydratase (SCD) in the synthesis of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin in AlKewell. Two SCD genes have been identified in AlKewell, AlSCD1 and AlSCD2. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that AlSCD1 clustered with the previously characterized fungal SCDs; thus, AlSCD1 was disrupted using the targeted gene replacement vector, pTAR-hyg-SCD1. The vector was...

Research paper thumbnail of Telaah Kritis Terhadap Inkonsistensi Konsep Hubungan Kerja Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika, 2016

Act No. 13 of 2003 provides a formula, that the employment relationship occurs because of an agre... more Act No. 13 of 2003 provides a formula, that the employment relationship occurs because of an agreement the work done by workers and employers that contains elements of employment, orders, and wages. If the work is not based on the employment agreement and is not done by workers with employers, and not mampunyai these three elements, meaning not the employment relationship. Meanwhile, the formulation of the employment agreement severely restricts the legal subject in the employment relationship, the employee who works on businessmen and entrepreneurs who run the company, either hers or not. The problem is if there are people who employ other people, but not currently in running the company, then the other person is not the workers covered by Act No. 13 of 2003. It is very clear formulation of Act No. 13 of 2003 do not understand the legal concepts of the subject law labor relations, should not the employer who become the subject of law but employers.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Kebijakan Zonasi Minimarket DI Kecamatan Subang Kabupaten Subang

Implementasi kebijakan pengaturan minimarket di Kecamatan Subang KabupatenSubang masih belum berj... more Implementasi kebijakan pengaturan minimarket di Kecamatan Subang KabupatenSubang masih belum berjalan sesuai dengan harapan, masih banyaknya ditemukanminimarket yang tidak memiliki izin usaha minimarket, dikecualikannya zonasi pendirianminimarket dengan tidak memperhatikan jarak antara minimarket dan pasar tradisional yangmenjadi penyebab utama permasalahan, dan belum ada satupun minimarket yangmenjalankan kemitraan dengan toko tradisional tetapi pemerintah daerah belum melakukantindakan tegas. Adapun faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan implementasi kebijakan zonasiminimarket dipengaruhi oleh masih lemahnya faktor komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, danstruktur birokrasi yang berdampak negatif sangat besar terhadap keberadaan pasar tradisionaldan sektor informal lainnya, sehingga sangat perlu dilakukan pengecekan kembali jarak danizin dari pendirian minimarket di Kecamatan Subang. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah KabupatenSubang harus melakukan pengawasan, pengendalian, dan penertiban se...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Pendidikan Tinggi

Research paper thumbnail of Model Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Sistem Pengupahan

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika

Indonesian government policy in the wage system not only pay attention to technical and economic ... more Indonesian government policy in the wage system not only pay attention to technical and economic aspects, but also pay attention to the legal aspects in order to encourage economic growth and expansion of employment opportunities and improving the welfare of workers and their families in the implementation of increasingly complex working relationship. To improve the welfare and productivity of workers as well as the progress of the business world, the model of wage policy Indonesian government poured into the Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 which essentially set the remuneration thorough in ensuring survival to workers in accordance with the development and capabilities of the business world in the provisions it contains settings decent income, wage policy, wage protection, minimum wages, and the imposition of penalties directed at wage system as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Tenaga Kerja

Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika

Laws Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower characterized the law responsive or characterless law conser... more Laws Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower characterized the law responsive or characterless law conservative/orthodox, then the indicators to determine the character can be seen from the manufacturing process, which is not participatory, and views of the nature of the product function of law is not aspirational, whereas any interpretations have clearly opens up opportunities for different interpretations by various regulations advanced by unilateral vision of the government and not just a technical problem. Thus, it can be concluded that Laws Number 13 of 2003 is a legal product that is characterized by a conservative/orthodox.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial Dalam Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Setelah Lahirnya Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004

Abstrak Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan setelah lahirny... more Abstrak Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial dikenal dengan model penyelesaian secara sukarela melalui bipartit, konsiliasi, mediasi, dan arbitrase; dan model penyelesaian secara wajib, yaitu melalui Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial. Selain itu, adanya pembatasan bahwa hanya penyelesaian perselisihan hak dan perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja saja yang dapat diajukan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung tanpa melalui prosedur banding. Abstract Resolving industrial disputes in employment law after the enactment of Act Number 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement known as the model of voluntary bipartite settlement, conciliation, mediation and arbitration; and models of settlement shall, through the Industrial Relations Court. In addition, the restriction that only the rights and settlement of disputes over termination of employment that can be filed cassation to the Supreme Court without going through the appeal procedure.