Umi Hanifah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Umi Hanifah
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 7th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar, MSCEIS 2019, 12 October 2019, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 2020
The research purpose is to identify student' critical thinking ability in problem solving based o... more The research purpose is to identify student' critical thinking ability in problem solving based on their cognitive styles. The research subjects are two student who have reflective or impulsive cognitive style. The data were collected by giving cognitive style, mathematics ability, and problem solving tests, and interview. The research result showed that the reflective student has seven indicators of critical thinking ability; they are the ability to comprehend and express the meaning of information, distinguish relevant and irrelevant information, analyze the data, collect and organize information, find ways of completion, draw conclusions, and evaluate the completion. Based on the level of critical thinking, she is very critical. While impulsive student has four of the seven indicators of critical thinking ability, they are the ability to comprehend and express the meaning of information, distinguish relevant and irrelevant information, collect and organize information, and draw conclusions.
KABILAH : Journal of Social Community, 2019
Abstrak: Tujuan workshop ini pada khususnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kinerj... more Abstrak: Tujuan workshop ini pada khususnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kinerja belajar siswa di sekolah, meningkatkan mutu proses pembelajaran di kelas, meningkatkan kualitas penggunaan media, alat bantu belajar, dan sumber belajar lainnya, meningkatkan, memperbaiki maupun menjaga kualitas prosedur dan alat evaluasi yang digunakan untuk mengukur proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Selain itu, workshop ini juga dimaksudkan untuk membantu guru-guru dalam upaya peningkatan atau perbaikan terhadap masalah-masalah pendidikan anak di sekolah serta peningkatan dan perbaikan terhadap kualitas penerapan kurikulum dan pengembangan kompetensi siswa di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan ini adalah metode ceramah, latihan, dan evaluasi. Secara umum, hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah cukup baik dan reponsif (dari rata-rata respons peserta pasca pelatihan sebesar 80,45% yang berada pada kategori positif) artinya terdapat pemahaman para ...
This study aims to describe the students’spatial abilities based on cognitive styles differences.... more This study aims to describe the students’spatial abilities based on cognitive styles differences. In this study, spatial abilities included 5 components, namely spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation, spatial relations, and spatial orientation. This research was descriptive research with qualitative approach. Research began by determining the subject using GEFT and math ability test, and then continued by giving spatial ability test and interview. Checking the data validity used time triangulation. Data analysis in this study used data reduction, display data, and conclusion. The results showed that there are differences in spatial abilities of the two subjects. The differences were found in the components of spatial visualization, mental rotation, and spatial relations. Differences in spatial abilities are found in the methods / strategies used by each subject to solve each component problem. Differences in cognitive style suggested different choice of strategie...
Untuk mempelajari mengenai bilangan, number sense mempunyai peranan penting dan perlu dilatihkan,... more Untuk mempelajari mengenai bilangan, number sense mempunyai peranan penting dan perlu dilatihkan, terutama dalam pemecahan masalah matematika yang berkaitan dengan bilangan. Seseorang dengan number sense yang baik akan dapat memecahkan masalah yang dihadapinya dengan baik dan efisien pula. Kemampuan seseorang dalam memecahkan masalah sudah pasti berbeda-beda, terutama pada siswa dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeda. Gaya kognitif adalah cara penerimaan dan pengelolaan sikap individu terhadap informasi, maupun kebiasaan yang berkaitan dengan dunia belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan (1) profil number sense siswa SMP yang bergaya kognitif field independent dan (2) profil number sense siswa SMP yang bergaya kognitif field dependent. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 1 orang siswa SMP dengan gaya kognitif field independent dan 1 orang bergaya kognitif field dependent. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes (Tes number sense dan tes GEFT) serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa subjek field independent agak peka terhadap komponen number sense. Subjek field dependent kurang peka terhadap komponen number sense.
This study aims at describing the students' spatial abilities based on cognitive styles and sex d... more This study aims at describing the students' spatial abilities based on cognitive styles and sex differences. Spatial abilities in this study include 5 components, namely spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation, spatial relations, and spatial orientation. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subjects in this research were 4 students of junior high school, there were 1 male FI, 1 male FD, 1 female FI, and 1 female FI. The results showed that there are differences in spatial abilities of the four subjects that are on the components of spatial visualization, mental rotation, and spatial relations. The differences in spatial abilities were found in methods / strategies used by each subject to solve each component problem. The differences in cognitive styles and sex suggested different choice of strategies used to solve problems. The male students imagined the figures but female students needed the media to solve the problem. Besides sex, the cognitive style differences also have an effect on solving a problem. In addition, FI students were not affected by distracting information but FD students could be affected by distracting information. This research was expected to contribute knowledge and insight to the readers, especially for math teachers in terms of the spatial ability of the students so that they can optimize their students' spatial ability.
The aim of this research is to discover the different and the effectiveness of mathable and ICT. ... more The aim of this research is to discover the different and the effectiveness of mathable and ICT. Development model in this research was the ADDIE model ((analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The study was conducted in SMP Wachid Hasyim 1 Surabaya and the sample of this research is students of VII A and VII B which mathable was used in VII A and ICT was used in VII B. The result of the research and development is the average score of VII A is 73,90 and the average score of VII B is 76,00. From the results, the ICT is more effective than mathable if the media is used in the learning of number in SMP Wachid Hasyim 1 Surabaya
Keywords: Mathable, ICT, ADDIE
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 7th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar, MSCEIS 2019, 12 October 2019, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 2020
The research purpose is to identify student' critical thinking ability in problem solving based o... more The research purpose is to identify student' critical thinking ability in problem solving based on their cognitive styles. The research subjects are two student who have reflective or impulsive cognitive style. The data were collected by giving cognitive style, mathematics ability, and problem solving tests, and interview. The research result showed that the reflective student has seven indicators of critical thinking ability; they are the ability to comprehend and express the meaning of information, distinguish relevant and irrelevant information, analyze the data, collect and organize information, find ways of completion, draw conclusions, and evaluate the completion. Based on the level of critical thinking, she is very critical. While impulsive student has four of the seven indicators of critical thinking ability, they are the ability to comprehend and express the meaning of information, distinguish relevant and irrelevant information, collect and organize information, and draw conclusions.
KABILAH : Journal of Social Community, 2019
Abstrak: Tujuan workshop ini pada khususnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kinerj... more Abstrak: Tujuan workshop ini pada khususnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kinerja belajar siswa di sekolah, meningkatkan mutu proses pembelajaran di kelas, meningkatkan kualitas penggunaan media, alat bantu belajar, dan sumber belajar lainnya, meningkatkan, memperbaiki maupun menjaga kualitas prosedur dan alat evaluasi yang digunakan untuk mengukur proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Selain itu, workshop ini juga dimaksudkan untuk membantu guru-guru dalam upaya peningkatan atau perbaikan terhadap masalah-masalah pendidikan anak di sekolah serta peningkatan dan perbaikan terhadap kualitas penerapan kurikulum dan pengembangan kompetensi siswa di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan ini adalah metode ceramah, latihan, dan evaluasi. Secara umum, hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah cukup baik dan reponsif (dari rata-rata respons peserta pasca pelatihan sebesar 80,45% yang berada pada kategori positif) artinya terdapat pemahaman para ...
This study aims to describe the students’spatial abilities based on cognitive styles differences.... more This study aims to describe the students’spatial abilities based on cognitive styles differences. In this study, spatial abilities included 5 components, namely spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation, spatial relations, and spatial orientation. This research was descriptive research with qualitative approach. Research began by determining the subject using GEFT and math ability test, and then continued by giving spatial ability test and interview. Checking the data validity used time triangulation. Data analysis in this study used data reduction, display data, and conclusion. The results showed that there are differences in spatial abilities of the two subjects. The differences were found in the components of spatial visualization, mental rotation, and spatial relations. Differences in spatial abilities are found in the methods / strategies used by each subject to solve each component problem. Differences in cognitive style suggested different choice of strategie...
Untuk mempelajari mengenai bilangan, number sense mempunyai peranan penting dan perlu dilatihkan,... more Untuk mempelajari mengenai bilangan, number sense mempunyai peranan penting dan perlu dilatihkan, terutama dalam pemecahan masalah matematika yang berkaitan dengan bilangan. Seseorang dengan number sense yang baik akan dapat memecahkan masalah yang dihadapinya dengan baik dan efisien pula. Kemampuan seseorang dalam memecahkan masalah sudah pasti berbeda-beda, terutama pada siswa dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeda. Gaya kognitif adalah cara penerimaan dan pengelolaan sikap individu terhadap informasi, maupun kebiasaan yang berkaitan dengan dunia belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan (1) profil number sense siswa SMP yang bergaya kognitif field independent dan (2) profil number sense siswa SMP yang bergaya kognitif field dependent. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 1 orang siswa SMP dengan gaya kognitif field independent dan 1 orang bergaya kognitif field dependent. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes (Tes number sense dan tes GEFT) serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa subjek field independent agak peka terhadap komponen number sense. Subjek field dependent kurang peka terhadap komponen number sense.
This study aims at describing the students' spatial abilities based on cognitive styles and sex d... more This study aims at describing the students' spatial abilities based on cognitive styles and sex differences. Spatial abilities in this study include 5 components, namely spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation, spatial relations, and spatial orientation. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subjects in this research were 4 students of junior high school, there were 1 male FI, 1 male FD, 1 female FI, and 1 female FI. The results showed that there are differences in spatial abilities of the four subjects that are on the components of spatial visualization, mental rotation, and spatial relations. The differences in spatial abilities were found in methods / strategies used by each subject to solve each component problem. The differences in cognitive styles and sex suggested different choice of strategies used to solve problems. The male students imagined the figures but female students needed the media to solve the problem. Besides sex, the cognitive style differences also have an effect on solving a problem. In addition, FI students were not affected by distracting information but FD students could be affected by distracting information. This research was expected to contribute knowledge and insight to the readers, especially for math teachers in terms of the spatial ability of the students so that they can optimize their students' spatial ability.
The aim of this research is to discover the different and the effectiveness of mathable and ICT. ... more The aim of this research is to discover the different and the effectiveness of mathable and ICT. Development model in this research was the ADDIE model ((analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The study was conducted in SMP Wachid Hasyim 1 Surabaya and the sample of this research is students of VII A and VII B which mathable was used in VII A and ICT was used in VII B. The result of the research and development is the average score of VII A is 73,90 and the average score of VII B is 76,00. From the results, the ICT is more effective than mathable if the media is used in the learning of number in SMP Wachid Hasyim 1 Surabaya
Keywords: Mathable, ICT, ADDIE