Umi Sumbulah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Umi Sumbulah
I Indonesia baru, hingga detik inipun masih menjadi bahan perbincangan yang cukup menarik. Berbag... more I Indonesia baru, hingga detik inipun masih menjadi bahan perbincangan yang cukup menarik. Berbagai forum seminar dan dialog diselenggarakan dalam rangka mencari makna dan format ke depan sosok Indonesia baru tersebut. Berbagai tanggapan muncul dan berkem bang, baik yang bernada optimistis bahwa Indonesia Baru ,akan benar-benar terciptakan, d,m adapula yang bernacla optimistis bahwa Indonesia Baru yang dicitakan banyak , orang itu adalah angan-angan kc,song dan impian belaka. Keclua kelompok tanggapan di atas-optimistis dan pesimistis-agaknya memiliki berbagai argumen penclukung. Kelompok pertama, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia baru akan benar-benar tercipta, dengan alasan : pertama, secara sosiologis, bangsa Indonesia memiliki .potensi, yakni kemajemukan (pluralisme) tidak hanya pacla teologi, tetapi juga institusi, organisasi, clan buclaya. Disadari bahwa kemajemukan memang memiliki clua sisi, sisi konstruktif dan sisi destruktif. Sisi konstruktif itulah yang harus dikembangkan oleh ...
This study aims to analyze the development strategy of multicultural education in the process of ... more This study aims to analyze the development strategy of multicultural education in the process of transformation of Islamic educational institutions. The method used is a literature review through a qualitative approach. The results show that: (1) the foundation of the development of multicultural education consists of the foundation of religion, history, psychology, socio-culture and geography; (2) strategies to develop multicultural education in Islamic educational institutions can be implemented through two approaches, namely quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative development strategies with socialization and internalization programs through scientific activities, multicultural education innovation programs, and building a culture that accommodates multicultural spirit and values in Islamic institutions. Meanwhile, qualitative development strategies are Al-Quran and Sunnah Rosul intensive study programs, curriculum revision programs, training programs for educators, and local ...
Islam revealed its characteristics as a religion that defenses against the elements of humanity. ... more Islam revealed its characteristics as a religion that defenses against the elements of humanity. Historically, the values were applied in life since the beginning of the existence of Islam in this earth. Equality before the law, protection of society from tyranny, and protection guarantee of basic rights, are some scratches of uncontested history, from the Prophet Muhammad’s prophetic treatise that concerns with the existence of these human values. Disclosure of this fact was done through historical studies, with emphasis on the sources of the documents (relevant books), using content analysis. The results showed that the maqa>s}id al-shari’ah was a strong pillar for the necessity of implementation in life, because it was inherent to the existence of Islam as a religion and civilization, as well as experimentation of Mi>tha> q Madi> nah. But the dynamics of history and politics played its part to determine the “face” of the embodiment of universal values, which implies a...
Islam memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih agama sesuai dengan kehendak dan keyakina... more Islam memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih agama sesuai dengan kehendak dan keyakinan masing-masing, sebagaimana dalam al-Qur’an, 2: 256. Bagi para pelaku, makna konversi agama sangat berkaitan dengan dimensi paling personal yang mereka rasakan, yakni: konversi agama bermakna berubah dari yang kurang baik ke arah yang lebih baik, berpindah agama, berubah dari pilihan yang kurang tepat kepada yang tepat, dan ketepatan dalam proses panjang mencari Tuhan. Bagi para elite agama, konversi agama merupakan salah satu dimensi kebebasan beragama, yang terkait erat dengan dimensi esoteris yang dialami dan dirasakan para pelaku. Di samping itu, motif praktis-pragmatis berupa perkawinan dan promosi jabatan juga tidak dapat dihindarkan dalam kasus konversi. Dalam konteks yang lebih luas, konversi bisa dimaknai sebagai salah satu pengaruh positif hubungan antaragama dalam konteks pluralitas, namun juga bisa menjadi pengaruh negatif ketika tidak didasari keyakinan yang kuat, namun did...
Jurnal living hadis, Jan 11, 2022
This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunn... more This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunnah. Sunnah is defined differently according to the scientific field emphasized. There is a definition of sunnah according to hadith experts, ushul fiqih experts and jurists. Sunnah in terms of content, there are sunnah qauliyyah, sunnah fi'liyah and taqririyah. The degree of sunnah is second only to the Qur'an. The division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah had its seeds in the classical period of the history of Islamic law. In the contemporary period the division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyr'iyah got its perfect form. One of the scholars who developed the distribution of the sunnah is Yusuf al-Qardhawi. He emphasized a moderate understanding in understanding the sunnah. The trick is to divide the sunnah into sunnah tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah so as not to fall into an extreme understanding, as groups that claim sunnah in its various forms must be obeyed and groups that claim to separate worldly things from religions that are too extreme. This idea is an idea that is considered effective in balancing religious understanding so as not to become a group that is too extreme left or right. Especially in the midst of widespread intolerance, extremism and radicalism that is exposed to some contemporary Muslim society.
Kelompok Islam fundamentalis pada umumnya memosisikan Kristen dan Yahudi sebagai musuh Islam, bai... more Kelompok Islam fundamentalis pada umumnya memosisikan Kristen dan Yahudi sebagai musuh Islam, baik melalui kekerasan fisik maupun kultural. Wacana permusuhan tersebut, pada gilirannya memunculkan sikap rigid yang memosisikan mereka berada dalam kelompok yang berseberangan secara diametral dengan tiga kekuatan: Islam dan Barat, Islam dan Kristen, dan Islam dan Yahudi. Kelompok Islam fundamentalis memiliki kesadaran oposisi simetris terhadap tiga kekuatan (Barat, Kristen, Yahudi), terdiri dari tiga asumsi: kesadaran sempit yang menciptakan posisi simetris kita dan mereka; karakter defensif yang memandang dunia luar sebagai musuh; dan kesadaran konspiratif yang melihat dunia luar sebagai kelompok yang terorganisir secara rapi untuk menghancurkan Islam di bawah kendali Yahudi. Konstruksi para aktivis Islam fundamentalis terhadap pluralism agama dan isu-isu yang menyertainya, dapat diklasifikasikan pada dua kategori, teologis dan politis. Secara teologis, Kristen dan Yahudi dikonstruksi ...
The relationship between Islam and Christian Ranurejo Village of Situbondo fluctuated after the r... more The relationship between Islam and Christian Ranurejo Village of Situbondo fluctuated after the riot in 1996. This study focuses on understanding the history of Muslim-Christian relations, the cultural terrain of creating religious harmony, supporting and inhibiting factors for creating harmony, and riot implications for inter-religious harmony in this village. Research data were collected by using qualitative approach through in-depth interview, observation and documentation.The results reveal: 1)the portrait of Muslim-Christian relation in Ranurejo has a strong historical base as it can build harmonious relation and mutual understanding, since the village was opened by Christians and built along with the Muslims who came later; 2)the religious harmonious is created through two terrains of culture, religious and social activities; 3)Religious harmony created by tolerance and mutual respect, the wisdom of preaching, and intensive inter-religious dialogue; 4)barriers to the creation ...
Journal de Jure, 2014
One typology of new religious movements in Indonesia based on the essence of teachings was the gr... more One typology of new religious movements in Indonesia based on the essence of teachings was the group which was considered heretical by the competent authorities, namely the Kingdom of God which led by Lia Aminuddin and al -Qiyadah al-Islamiyah led by Ahmad Moshadeq. Under Act No. PNPS 1 In 1965, the two groups were assessed deviant and criminal breaking so that the perpetrator was sentenced to a maximum of 5 years in prison. Considering the provisions contained in the ICCPR which has been ratified by Indonesia, where the law is contrary to the values of human rights which have been adopted in the constitution and legislation that produced the Reform Era. Legislation which is a product of the Old Order law has been used by New Order for restrictions and co-optation to the development of religious freedom and belief in Indonesia.
Along with the development of the times, some individuals perform sex reassignment surgery becaus... more Along with the development of the times, some individuals perform sex reassignment surgery because they feel that their current body is not following their psyche. Individuals who perform sex reassignment surgery are called transsexuals. In Indonesia, after performing a sex change operation, you can apply to the District Court to get a change of identity on your residence card. When they have officially changed their gender and identity, the question that will be asked is whether the rights they will get will be the same as the rest of the general public. One of the rights of each individual is to carry out marriage, which is a marriage between a man and a woman. However, in Indonesia, there are no regulations regarding marriages carried out by transsexuals. So there is a need for a study of transsexual marriage, which would be appropriate if viewed from the perspective of natural rights theory. The purpose of this study is to describe transsexual marriage from the perspective of natural rights theory. This type of research is normative legal research using a conceptual approach. Based on the analysis carried out, it can be seen that marriages performed by transsexuals are not legal according to religion and the state because they violate the boundaries and rules that have been set by the state.
This article discusses people with HIV / AIDS, who often get negative stigma from society. This i... more This article discusses people with HIV / AIDS, who often get negative stigma from society. This is due to a lack of insight into HIV / AIDS and low public awareness. People with HIV / AIDS, like healthy people, also have rights, especially their reproductive rights. Although reproductive rights have been discussed in fiqh and human rights, their application to people with HIV / AIDS is still not optimal. This article discusses the reproductive rights of people with HIV / AIDS from the perspective of fiqh and human rights. The type of research in this article is normative juridical research, the approach is a conceptual approach. There are two legal materials in this article, namely primary legal materials from laws and secondary legal materials from books, journals, internet and newspaper articles. It was found that according to the Syafi'i Madzhab of thought, the determination lies in the will of the husband. According to the Hanafiyah Madzhab, the will is on the husband and wi...
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam
This article discusses about the dynamics of interaction and harmony among believers in 41 Christ... more This article discusses about the dynamics of interaction and harmony among believers in 41 Christian villages spread over 15 districts in East Java. Although called the Christian Villages, they are populated by Muslims, Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists. The social diversity is formed through kinship and marriage. The Christian villages, which are called “Pancasila Villages” and “Villages of Diversity”, are melting pots that unite all wisdom, teachings, mythology, and religious traditions. The current qualitative research conducted in Christian villages in Jombang, Malang, and Situbondo go into the following results: first, the esoteric-inclusive interpretation that religion is a way of life that directs its adherents to achieve peace and happiness becomes the basis for religious people to respect each other and guarantee religious freedom; second, interfaith awareness that all religions have an exoteric dimension in the variety of rites to approach God is a basic principle in buildi...
This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through th... more This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through the personality development curriculum (MPK) for UIN Malang students. Efforts to develop moderate Islam are carried out in regular lectures and student activities in ma'had. The development of moderate Islam in lectures can be seen in the design, implementation and evaluation of learning. Instilling the values of Islamic moderates in ma'had is done by training, habituation, and exemplary in everyday life. The MPK curriculum plays a very important role in the formation of moderate Islamic identity for students, training them to respect diversity, fostering historical and cultural awareness full of life values, expanding and strengthening the concept of integration between religion, nation, and state. Islamic moderate values can be seen in the achievement of MPK competency standards, namely: the development of personality and attitudes as Indonesian citizens and global citizens, the development of personality and attitudes as Muslim and Muslim students. Achieving these competencies is manifested in the figure of students who have the ulul albab personality, namely: having a spiritual depth, the majesty of morality, the breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity. Thus, the development of moderate Islamic values has implications for students' ability to counter radicalism.
Social conflict between students from a number of universities in Malang city 2014-2016, due to l... more Social conflict between students from a number of universities in Malang city 2014-2016, due to lack of awareness of the values of religious harmony, i.e.tolerance, equality, and cooperation. This article discusses FKUB's efforts in managing social and religious harmony for students with a multicultural background is to instil the principle of tolerance, equality and increase the quality and quantity of cooperation between various elements, through the program of enrichment and maintenance of social and religious harmony. The empowerment program aims to strengthen the awareness of multiculturalism, national insight, and social and religious harmony. The program of empowerment and maintenance of social harmony includes the development of tolerant and inclusive religious understanding, strengthening religious teachings, capacity building for interfaith youth leaders, visits to religious institutions, social institutions and educational institutions, and promoting equality of major...
Kekerasan berbasis agama, etnis dan gender merupakan tontonan yang bisa disaksikan setiap hari me... more Kekerasan berbasis agama, etnis dan gender merupakan tontonan yang bisa disaksikan setiap hari melalui berbagai media. Intoleransi, radikalisme dan terorisme atas nama agama sering kali menjadikan perempuan dan anak-anak sebagai korban. Perempuan dan radikalisme memiliki sisi paradoksal, di satu sisi merupakan korban dan sasaran radikalisme namun di sisi lain perempuan (dan anak) juga ada yang direkrut dan terlibat menjadi pelaku radikalisme. Di samping menjadikan perempuan dan anak-anak sebagai korban radikalisme karena suami dan ayah mereka menjadi pelaku bombing, kini muncul trend baru berupa rekrutmen perempuan sebagai martir dan “pengantin” bom bunuh diri. Dalam kasus terorisme tahun 2016, setidaknya enam (6) perempuan telah ditangkap karena terlibat aksi tersebut. Diantara mereka adalah Dian Yulia Novi, Arinda Putri Maharani, dan Anggi alias Khanza, mantan buruh migran. Meskipun secara kuantitatif terkesan kecil, namun jumlah perempuan yang terlibat radikalisme cenderungmening...
Choosing a religion is a individual right. Islam gives freedom to human beings to 93
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang fluktuasi relasi antara Islam dan Kristen di Dusun Ranurejo Situbond... more Buku ini menjelaskan tentang fluktuasi relasi antara Islam dan Kristen di Dusun Ranurejo Situbondo pasca kerusuhan 1996 yang kemudian dikenal dengan Peristiwa Sepuluh Sepuluh. Tulisan sederhana ini berupaya memahami sejarah hubungan Islam-Kristen, medan budaya penciptaan kerukunan, faktor pendukung dan penghambat penciptaan kerukunan, dan implikasi kerusuhan bagi kerukunan antarumat beragama di Dusun Ranurejo. Potret hubungan Islam-Kristen di Ranurejo memiliki basis sejarah yang kuat, sehingga mampu menumbuhkan relasi harmonis dan saling pengertian, karena desa tersebut dibuka orang-orang Kristen dan dibangun bersama dengan orang-orang Islam yang datang belakangan. Kerukunan umat beragama tercipta melalui dua medan budaya, yakni kegiatan keagamaan dan kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan. Kerukunan umat beragama tercipta karena toleransi dan saling menghormati, kearifan dakwah, dan dialog antarumat beragama yang dilakukan secara intensif. Hambatan penciptaan kerukunan umat beragama diseba...
El Harakah, 2008
Violence against women, especially domestic violence that is currently prevalent, is actually a m... more Violence against women, especially domestic violence that is currently prevalent, is actually a multilevel and multi-dimensional problem. This paper explores the roots of violence against women at various social, educational and economic levels. In the literature of feminism, the frequent form of violence against women is also the exploitation and exploitation of women, belonging to the violence of pornography, the harassment of women's image and dignity. This paper also offers some thoughts to solve them, as follows: 1) Reinterpretation of sacred texts that are just and uphold the principles of equality between men and women; 2) Internalization and socialization of equality values in multi-level and social stratification of the community regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, religion and other social level; 3) Creation of a sakinah and harmonious household situation; 4) Continuity of movement and struggle against inequality and injustice against women, baiik by men as well as ...
Compilation of Islamic laws (KHI) consists of some gender bias points such as point of Wali, Saks... more Compilation of Islamic laws (KHI) consists of some gender bias points such as point of Wali, Saksi, Nusyuz, Polygamy as well as wife-husband’s right and obligation. It is not only causing various religious understanding which are bias but also to the marriage practice and to the asymmetrical pattern of relation. Those, further, may result in gender inequality problems of which women (mostly wives) and children are the most vulnerable group to experience the problems although men may experience that such kind of problems. Fiqh as the product of Ulama’s interpretation and judgment toward normative doctrines (Qur’an and Hadith) are influenced by socio-cultural and political setting under patriarchal social system. Nurture theory on women and men’ social role contributes also to the marginalization and sub-ordination toward women in husband-wife relation in the family. Then, Counter Legal Draft (CLD) that is compiled by gender mainstreaming working group of Ministry of Religious Affair...
Jurnal Living Hadis
This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunn... more This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunnah. Sunnah is defined differently according to the scientific field emphasized. There is a definition of sunnah according to hadith experts, ushul fiqih experts and jurists. Sunnah in terms of content, there are sunnah qauliyyah, sunnah fi'liyah and taqririyah. The degree of sunnah is second only to the Qur'an. The division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah had its seeds in the classical period of the history of Islamic law. In the contemporary period the division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyr'iyah got its perfect form. One of the scholars who developed the distribution of the sunnah is Yusuf al-Qardhawi. He emphasized a moderate understanding in understanding the sunnah. The trick is to divide the sunnah into sunnah tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah so as not to fall into an extreme understanding, as groups that clai...
Egalita, Oct 11, 2012
Early marriage phenomenon in Madurese society is caused by parents' worry towards their children'... more Early marriage phenomenon in Madurese society is caused by parents' worry towards their children's behaviour, self readiness, reducing economic burden of the family, and less awareness of the importance of education. This sort of marriage implies on child care and the way the couple educate their child and tension within the marriage which is ended by divorce. People's perceptions on early marriage practice are categorized into proponent and opponent groups. The reasons for those who disagree with the marriage are couple's readiness in managing the family, couple's age maturity biologically, sociologically as well as psychologically which will influence family's life. By contrast, for those who agree with this early marriage, they propose that this marriage is practiced to save the religion and to avoid free sex. Besides, there are some parents who are proud if their children get married soon and not to be late age girl. Economic reason is another consideration for parents that the son in law will support them financially. Fenomena pernikahan dini pada masyarakat Madura disebabkan adanya kekhawatiran orang tua terhadap perilaku anak, kesiapan diri, mengurangi beban ekonomi keluarga, dan rendahnya kesadaran terhadap pentingnya pendidikan. Implikasi pernikahan dini bagi kehidupan keluarga di antaranya pada pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak yang tidak maksimal, serta pertengkaran yang seringkali berakhir pada perceraian. Pandangan masyarakat tentang pernikahan dini, dapat diklasifikasikan pada dua kategori, kurang setuju dan setuju. Masyarakat yang kurang terhadap pernikahan dini, karena belum ada kesiapan mengelola rumah tangga. Usia yang belum matang secara biologis, sosiologis maupun psikologis,
I Indonesia baru, hingga detik inipun masih menjadi bahan perbincangan yang cukup menarik. Berbag... more I Indonesia baru, hingga detik inipun masih menjadi bahan perbincangan yang cukup menarik. Berbagai forum seminar dan dialog diselenggarakan dalam rangka mencari makna dan format ke depan sosok Indonesia baru tersebut. Berbagai tanggapan muncul dan berkem bang, baik yang bernada optimistis bahwa Indonesia Baru ,akan benar-benar terciptakan, d,m adapula yang bernacla optimistis bahwa Indonesia Baru yang dicitakan banyak , orang itu adalah angan-angan kc,song dan impian belaka. Keclua kelompok tanggapan di atas-optimistis dan pesimistis-agaknya memiliki berbagai argumen penclukung. Kelompok pertama, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia baru akan benar-benar tercipta, dengan alasan : pertama, secara sosiologis, bangsa Indonesia memiliki .potensi, yakni kemajemukan (pluralisme) tidak hanya pacla teologi, tetapi juga institusi, organisasi, clan buclaya. Disadari bahwa kemajemukan memang memiliki clua sisi, sisi konstruktif dan sisi destruktif. Sisi konstruktif itulah yang harus dikembangkan oleh ...
This study aims to analyze the development strategy of multicultural education in the process of ... more This study aims to analyze the development strategy of multicultural education in the process of transformation of Islamic educational institutions. The method used is a literature review through a qualitative approach. The results show that: (1) the foundation of the development of multicultural education consists of the foundation of religion, history, psychology, socio-culture and geography; (2) strategies to develop multicultural education in Islamic educational institutions can be implemented through two approaches, namely quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative development strategies with socialization and internalization programs through scientific activities, multicultural education innovation programs, and building a culture that accommodates multicultural spirit and values in Islamic institutions. Meanwhile, qualitative development strategies are Al-Quran and Sunnah Rosul intensive study programs, curriculum revision programs, training programs for educators, and local ...
Islam revealed its characteristics as a religion that defenses against the elements of humanity. ... more Islam revealed its characteristics as a religion that defenses against the elements of humanity. Historically, the values were applied in life since the beginning of the existence of Islam in this earth. Equality before the law, protection of society from tyranny, and protection guarantee of basic rights, are some scratches of uncontested history, from the Prophet Muhammad’s prophetic treatise that concerns with the existence of these human values. Disclosure of this fact was done through historical studies, with emphasis on the sources of the documents (relevant books), using content analysis. The results showed that the maqa>s}id al-shari’ah was a strong pillar for the necessity of implementation in life, because it was inherent to the existence of Islam as a religion and civilization, as well as experimentation of Mi>tha> q Madi> nah. But the dynamics of history and politics played its part to determine the “face” of the embodiment of universal values, which implies a...
Islam memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih agama sesuai dengan kehendak dan keyakina... more Islam memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih agama sesuai dengan kehendak dan keyakinan masing-masing, sebagaimana dalam al-Qur’an, 2: 256. Bagi para pelaku, makna konversi agama sangat berkaitan dengan dimensi paling personal yang mereka rasakan, yakni: konversi agama bermakna berubah dari yang kurang baik ke arah yang lebih baik, berpindah agama, berubah dari pilihan yang kurang tepat kepada yang tepat, dan ketepatan dalam proses panjang mencari Tuhan. Bagi para elite agama, konversi agama merupakan salah satu dimensi kebebasan beragama, yang terkait erat dengan dimensi esoteris yang dialami dan dirasakan para pelaku. Di samping itu, motif praktis-pragmatis berupa perkawinan dan promosi jabatan juga tidak dapat dihindarkan dalam kasus konversi. Dalam konteks yang lebih luas, konversi bisa dimaknai sebagai salah satu pengaruh positif hubungan antaragama dalam konteks pluralitas, namun juga bisa menjadi pengaruh negatif ketika tidak didasari keyakinan yang kuat, namun did...
Jurnal living hadis, Jan 11, 2022
This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunn... more This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunnah. Sunnah is defined differently according to the scientific field emphasized. There is a definition of sunnah according to hadith experts, ushul fiqih experts and jurists. Sunnah in terms of content, there are sunnah qauliyyah, sunnah fi'liyah and taqririyah. The degree of sunnah is second only to the Qur'an. The division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah had its seeds in the classical period of the history of Islamic law. In the contemporary period the division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyr'iyah got its perfect form. One of the scholars who developed the distribution of the sunnah is Yusuf al-Qardhawi. He emphasized a moderate understanding in understanding the sunnah. The trick is to divide the sunnah into sunnah tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah so as not to fall into an extreme understanding, as groups that claim sunnah in its various forms must be obeyed and groups that claim to separate worldly things from religions that are too extreme. This idea is an idea that is considered effective in balancing religious understanding so as not to become a group that is too extreme left or right. Especially in the midst of widespread intolerance, extremism and radicalism that is exposed to some contemporary Muslim society.
Kelompok Islam fundamentalis pada umumnya memosisikan Kristen dan Yahudi sebagai musuh Islam, bai... more Kelompok Islam fundamentalis pada umumnya memosisikan Kristen dan Yahudi sebagai musuh Islam, baik melalui kekerasan fisik maupun kultural. Wacana permusuhan tersebut, pada gilirannya memunculkan sikap rigid yang memosisikan mereka berada dalam kelompok yang berseberangan secara diametral dengan tiga kekuatan: Islam dan Barat, Islam dan Kristen, dan Islam dan Yahudi. Kelompok Islam fundamentalis memiliki kesadaran oposisi simetris terhadap tiga kekuatan (Barat, Kristen, Yahudi), terdiri dari tiga asumsi: kesadaran sempit yang menciptakan posisi simetris kita dan mereka; karakter defensif yang memandang dunia luar sebagai musuh; dan kesadaran konspiratif yang melihat dunia luar sebagai kelompok yang terorganisir secara rapi untuk menghancurkan Islam di bawah kendali Yahudi. Konstruksi para aktivis Islam fundamentalis terhadap pluralism agama dan isu-isu yang menyertainya, dapat diklasifikasikan pada dua kategori, teologis dan politis. Secara teologis, Kristen dan Yahudi dikonstruksi ...
The relationship between Islam and Christian Ranurejo Village of Situbondo fluctuated after the r... more The relationship between Islam and Christian Ranurejo Village of Situbondo fluctuated after the riot in 1996. This study focuses on understanding the history of Muslim-Christian relations, the cultural terrain of creating religious harmony, supporting and inhibiting factors for creating harmony, and riot implications for inter-religious harmony in this village. Research data were collected by using qualitative approach through in-depth interview, observation and documentation.The results reveal: 1)the portrait of Muslim-Christian relation in Ranurejo has a strong historical base as it can build harmonious relation and mutual understanding, since the village was opened by Christians and built along with the Muslims who came later; 2)the religious harmonious is created through two terrains of culture, religious and social activities; 3)Religious harmony created by tolerance and mutual respect, the wisdom of preaching, and intensive inter-religious dialogue; 4)barriers to the creation ...
Journal de Jure, 2014
One typology of new religious movements in Indonesia based on the essence of teachings was the gr... more One typology of new religious movements in Indonesia based on the essence of teachings was the group which was considered heretical by the competent authorities, namely the Kingdom of God which led by Lia Aminuddin and al -Qiyadah al-Islamiyah led by Ahmad Moshadeq. Under Act No. PNPS 1 In 1965, the two groups were assessed deviant and criminal breaking so that the perpetrator was sentenced to a maximum of 5 years in prison. Considering the provisions contained in the ICCPR which has been ratified by Indonesia, where the law is contrary to the values of human rights which have been adopted in the constitution and legislation that produced the Reform Era. Legislation which is a product of the Old Order law has been used by New Order for restrictions and co-optation to the development of religious freedom and belief in Indonesia.
Along with the development of the times, some individuals perform sex reassignment surgery becaus... more Along with the development of the times, some individuals perform sex reassignment surgery because they feel that their current body is not following their psyche. Individuals who perform sex reassignment surgery are called transsexuals. In Indonesia, after performing a sex change operation, you can apply to the District Court to get a change of identity on your residence card. When they have officially changed their gender and identity, the question that will be asked is whether the rights they will get will be the same as the rest of the general public. One of the rights of each individual is to carry out marriage, which is a marriage between a man and a woman. However, in Indonesia, there are no regulations regarding marriages carried out by transsexuals. So there is a need for a study of transsexual marriage, which would be appropriate if viewed from the perspective of natural rights theory. The purpose of this study is to describe transsexual marriage from the perspective of natural rights theory. This type of research is normative legal research using a conceptual approach. Based on the analysis carried out, it can be seen that marriages performed by transsexuals are not legal according to religion and the state because they violate the boundaries and rules that have been set by the state.
This article discusses people with HIV / AIDS, who often get negative stigma from society. This i... more This article discusses people with HIV / AIDS, who often get negative stigma from society. This is due to a lack of insight into HIV / AIDS and low public awareness. People with HIV / AIDS, like healthy people, also have rights, especially their reproductive rights. Although reproductive rights have been discussed in fiqh and human rights, their application to people with HIV / AIDS is still not optimal. This article discusses the reproductive rights of people with HIV / AIDS from the perspective of fiqh and human rights. The type of research in this article is normative juridical research, the approach is a conceptual approach. There are two legal materials in this article, namely primary legal materials from laws and secondary legal materials from books, journals, internet and newspaper articles. It was found that according to the Syafi'i Madzhab of thought, the determination lies in the will of the husband. According to the Hanafiyah Madzhab, the will is on the husband and wi...
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam
This article discusses about the dynamics of interaction and harmony among believers in 41 Christ... more This article discusses about the dynamics of interaction and harmony among believers in 41 Christian villages spread over 15 districts in East Java. Although called the Christian Villages, they are populated by Muslims, Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists. The social diversity is formed through kinship and marriage. The Christian villages, which are called “Pancasila Villages” and “Villages of Diversity”, are melting pots that unite all wisdom, teachings, mythology, and religious traditions. The current qualitative research conducted in Christian villages in Jombang, Malang, and Situbondo go into the following results: first, the esoteric-inclusive interpretation that religion is a way of life that directs its adherents to achieve peace and happiness becomes the basis for religious people to respect each other and guarantee religious freedom; second, interfaith awareness that all religions have an exoteric dimension in the variety of rites to approach God is a basic principle in buildi...
This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through th... more This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through the personality development curriculum (MPK) for UIN Malang students. Efforts to develop moderate Islam are carried out in regular lectures and student activities in ma'had. The development of moderate Islam in lectures can be seen in the design, implementation and evaluation of learning. Instilling the values of Islamic moderates in ma'had is done by training, habituation, and exemplary in everyday life. The MPK curriculum plays a very important role in the formation of moderate Islamic identity for students, training them to respect diversity, fostering historical and cultural awareness full of life values, expanding and strengthening the concept of integration between religion, nation, and state. Islamic moderate values can be seen in the achievement of MPK competency standards, namely: the development of personality and attitudes as Indonesian citizens and global citizens, the development of personality and attitudes as Muslim and Muslim students. Achieving these competencies is manifested in the figure of students who have the ulul albab personality, namely: having a spiritual depth, the majesty of morality, the breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity. Thus, the development of moderate Islamic values has implications for students' ability to counter radicalism.
Social conflict between students from a number of universities in Malang city 2014-2016, due to l... more Social conflict between students from a number of universities in Malang city 2014-2016, due to lack of awareness of the values of religious harmony, i.e.tolerance, equality, and cooperation. This article discusses FKUB's efforts in managing social and religious harmony for students with a multicultural background is to instil the principle of tolerance, equality and increase the quality and quantity of cooperation between various elements, through the program of enrichment and maintenance of social and religious harmony. The empowerment program aims to strengthen the awareness of multiculturalism, national insight, and social and religious harmony. The program of empowerment and maintenance of social harmony includes the development of tolerant and inclusive religious understanding, strengthening religious teachings, capacity building for interfaith youth leaders, visits to religious institutions, social institutions and educational institutions, and promoting equality of major...
Kekerasan berbasis agama, etnis dan gender merupakan tontonan yang bisa disaksikan setiap hari me... more Kekerasan berbasis agama, etnis dan gender merupakan tontonan yang bisa disaksikan setiap hari melalui berbagai media. Intoleransi, radikalisme dan terorisme atas nama agama sering kali menjadikan perempuan dan anak-anak sebagai korban. Perempuan dan radikalisme memiliki sisi paradoksal, di satu sisi merupakan korban dan sasaran radikalisme namun di sisi lain perempuan (dan anak) juga ada yang direkrut dan terlibat menjadi pelaku radikalisme. Di samping menjadikan perempuan dan anak-anak sebagai korban radikalisme karena suami dan ayah mereka menjadi pelaku bombing, kini muncul trend baru berupa rekrutmen perempuan sebagai martir dan “pengantin” bom bunuh diri. Dalam kasus terorisme tahun 2016, setidaknya enam (6) perempuan telah ditangkap karena terlibat aksi tersebut. Diantara mereka adalah Dian Yulia Novi, Arinda Putri Maharani, dan Anggi alias Khanza, mantan buruh migran. Meskipun secara kuantitatif terkesan kecil, namun jumlah perempuan yang terlibat radikalisme cenderungmening...
Choosing a religion is a individual right. Islam gives freedom to human beings to 93
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang fluktuasi relasi antara Islam dan Kristen di Dusun Ranurejo Situbond... more Buku ini menjelaskan tentang fluktuasi relasi antara Islam dan Kristen di Dusun Ranurejo Situbondo pasca kerusuhan 1996 yang kemudian dikenal dengan Peristiwa Sepuluh Sepuluh. Tulisan sederhana ini berupaya memahami sejarah hubungan Islam-Kristen, medan budaya penciptaan kerukunan, faktor pendukung dan penghambat penciptaan kerukunan, dan implikasi kerusuhan bagi kerukunan antarumat beragama di Dusun Ranurejo. Potret hubungan Islam-Kristen di Ranurejo memiliki basis sejarah yang kuat, sehingga mampu menumbuhkan relasi harmonis dan saling pengertian, karena desa tersebut dibuka orang-orang Kristen dan dibangun bersama dengan orang-orang Islam yang datang belakangan. Kerukunan umat beragama tercipta melalui dua medan budaya, yakni kegiatan keagamaan dan kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan. Kerukunan umat beragama tercipta karena toleransi dan saling menghormati, kearifan dakwah, dan dialog antarumat beragama yang dilakukan secara intensif. Hambatan penciptaan kerukunan umat beragama diseba...
El Harakah, 2008
Violence against women, especially domestic violence that is currently prevalent, is actually a m... more Violence against women, especially domestic violence that is currently prevalent, is actually a multilevel and multi-dimensional problem. This paper explores the roots of violence against women at various social, educational and economic levels. In the literature of feminism, the frequent form of violence against women is also the exploitation and exploitation of women, belonging to the violence of pornography, the harassment of women's image and dignity. This paper also offers some thoughts to solve them, as follows: 1) Reinterpretation of sacred texts that are just and uphold the principles of equality between men and women; 2) Internalization and socialization of equality values in multi-level and social stratification of the community regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, religion and other social level; 3) Creation of a sakinah and harmonious household situation; 4) Continuity of movement and struggle against inequality and injustice against women, baiik by men as well as ...
Compilation of Islamic laws (KHI) consists of some gender bias points such as point of Wali, Saks... more Compilation of Islamic laws (KHI) consists of some gender bias points such as point of Wali, Saksi, Nusyuz, Polygamy as well as wife-husband’s right and obligation. It is not only causing various religious understanding which are bias but also to the marriage practice and to the asymmetrical pattern of relation. Those, further, may result in gender inequality problems of which women (mostly wives) and children are the most vulnerable group to experience the problems although men may experience that such kind of problems. Fiqh as the product of Ulama’s interpretation and judgment toward normative doctrines (Qur’an and Hadith) are influenced by socio-cultural and political setting under patriarchal social system. Nurture theory on women and men’ social role contributes also to the marginalization and sub-ordination toward women in husband-wife relation in the family. Then, Counter Legal Draft (CLD) that is compiled by gender mainstreaming working group of Ministry of Religious Affair...
Jurnal Living Hadis
This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunn... more This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunnah. Sunnah is defined differently according to the scientific field emphasized. There is a definition of sunnah according to hadith experts, ushul fiqih experts and jurists. Sunnah in terms of content, there are sunnah qauliyyah, sunnah fi'liyah and taqririyah. The degree of sunnah is second only to the Qur'an. The division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah had its seeds in the classical period of the history of Islamic law. In the contemporary period the division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyr'iyah got its perfect form. One of the scholars who developed the distribution of the sunnah is Yusuf al-Qardhawi. He emphasized a moderate understanding in understanding the sunnah. The trick is to divide the sunnah into sunnah tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah so as not to fall into an extreme understanding, as groups that clai...
Egalita, Oct 11, 2012
Early marriage phenomenon in Madurese society is caused by parents' worry towards their children'... more Early marriage phenomenon in Madurese society is caused by parents' worry towards their children's behaviour, self readiness, reducing economic burden of the family, and less awareness of the importance of education. This sort of marriage implies on child care and the way the couple educate their child and tension within the marriage which is ended by divorce. People's perceptions on early marriage practice are categorized into proponent and opponent groups. The reasons for those who disagree with the marriage are couple's readiness in managing the family, couple's age maturity biologically, sociologically as well as psychologically which will influence family's life. By contrast, for those who agree with this early marriage, they propose that this marriage is practiced to save the religion and to avoid free sex. Besides, there are some parents who are proud if their children get married soon and not to be late age girl. Economic reason is another consideration for parents that the son in law will support them financially. Fenomena pernikahan dini pada masyarakat Madura disebabkan adanya kekhawatiran orang tua terhadap perilaku anak, kesiapan diri, mengurangi beban ekonomi keluarga, dan rendahnya kesadaran terhadap pentingnya pendidikan. Implikasi pernikahan dini bagi kehidupan keluarga di antaranya pada pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak yang tidak maksimal, serta pertengkaran yang seringkali berakhir pada perceraian. Pandangan masyarakat tentang pernikahan dini, dapat diklasifikasikan pada dua kategori, kurang setuju dan setuju. Masyarakat yang kurang terhadap pernikahan dini, karena belum ada kesiapan mengelola rumah tangga. Usia yang belum matang secara biologis, sosiologis maupun psikologis,