VALERIA LEITAO LIMA - (original) (raw)
Geografia em Questão, Sep 23, 2014
A qualidade ambiental pode ser considerada como um equilibrio entre os elementos fisicos com os t... more A qualidade ambiental pode ser considerada como um equilibrio entre os elementos fisicos com os tipos de uso e ocupacao do solo conciliando com as diversas atividades desenvolvidas neste espaco. Esta se agrava e ganha importância a medida que as cidades se expandem sem um adequado planejamento e sem considerar a dinâmica natural dos elementos fisicos da paisagem. A analise da qualidade ambiental na cidade de Osvaldo Cruz/SP teve como base a metodologia fundamentada no Planejamento da Paisagem e sua principal ferramenta e a representacao de atributos ambientais para posterior analise integrada dos mesmos. Para a analise utilizou-se o cruzamento e a representacao dos atributos: uso do solo; deficit de espacos publicos destinados a areas verdes; densidade populacional, areas susceptiveis as enchentes; ausencia de cobertura vegetal arborea. A representacao e integracao de tais atributos foram elaboradas em um SIG atraves do software Spring. Em Osvaldo Cruz/SP, verificou-se que as areas com baixa qualidade ambiental apresentaram os seguintes problemas: carencia de areas verdes e espacos publicos, ausencia de cobertura vegetal arborea, principalmente na parte central da cidade e ocorrencias de enchentes.
O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver um plano de marketing promocional para a empresa Algodao D... more O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver um plano de marketing promocional para a empresa Algodao Doce. Sendo assim, utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratoria, com uma abordagem qualitativa, usando a pesquisa documental e bibliografica, cuja coleta de dados se deu por meio da entrevista estruturada, na intencao de responder a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Quais acoes a Algodao Doce pode desenvolver para promover melhor a sua marca no mercado brasileiro de presentes e decoracoes? Apos a realizacao das entrevistas foi possivel perceber a necessidade de criar um plano de marketing promocional, estabelecendo as acoes necessarias para promover a marca. Foram definidas as seguintes acoes promocionais: o investimento publicitario em sites com o mesmo perfil da empresa, participacao de eventos com grande visibilidade para a marca, treinamento de franqueados para operar o fundo de propaganda de suas lojas, criacao de catalogos para os ciclos de vendas. E para aumentar as chances de sucesso do plano...
A traducao, como instrumento de politica cultural, e parte de um construto mais amplo da cultura ... more A traducao, como instrumento de politica cultural, e parte de um construto mais amplo da cultura nacional, sendo um elemento de construcao de identidades nacionais. No Brasil, o povo negro enfrenta uma subalternizacao persistente, tanto no aspecto material quanto da representacao. Tendo em vista estes fatos e as politicas recentes de incentivo a traducao de literatura brasileira como divulgacao internacional da cultura, o texto analisa o lugar (ou nao-lugar) do negro, inclusive da mulher negra, nas representacoes da cultura e da sociedade brasileira que emergem a partir da producao tradutoria recente de obras nacionais, sobretudo no que tange a escrita de autoras e autores negros.
A mature male mongrel dog from the Corrego Rico district, in the county of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo... more A mature male mongrel dog from the Corrego Rico district, in the county of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, was presented showing apathy, dehydration, hyporexia, and paste feces. Clinical findings included alopecia with generalized dry exfoliative dermatitis, lymphadenopathy, onicogryphosis, and dry hair. Coproparasitologic examinations and cutaneous test were negative. Immunoenzimatic assay (ELISA) using promastigote forms of Leishmania (L.) chagasi as antigens showed positive results for the presence of antibodies to Leishmania spp. Cytological analyses of popliteal lymph nodes did not show amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp., although an inflammatory reaction was observed, suggesting leishmaniosis. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of lymph nodes and the liver showed positive immunomarkers for advance amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp. This disease in human population is associated with low socio-economic condition as found in peripheral neighborhoods. This first cas...
As areas verdes sao consideradas um indicador na avaliacao da qualidade ambiental urbana e tambem... more As areas verdes sao consideradas um indicador na avaliacao da qualidade ambiental urbana e tambem obrigatorias por lei. Quando nao existem ou nao sao efetivadas no ambiente urbano interferem na qualidade do mesmo, e tambem a falta desses espacos adequados para o lazer prejudica a qualidade de vida da populacao. Este artigo e parte dos resultados da pesquisa de mestrado intitulada “Qualidade Ambiental urbana em Osvaldo Cruz/SP”. A etapa da pesquisa aqui descrita, refere-se a uma reflexao a respeito da importância dessas areas nos espacos urbanos, que apos caracterizadas revelaram o nao cumprimento de sua finalidade devido a inadequacao a lei de parcelamento do solo e ate mesmo a ausencia de vegetacao.
Agricultural Water Management, 2019
Subsurface membrane irrigation systems, controlled by changes in the water potential in the soil-... more Subsurface membrane irrigation systems, controlled by changes in the water potential in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, were used to cultivate Phaseolus vulgaris over a full growth cycle (64 days). Membrane irrigation systems used a thin polyamide film supported on either a woven hydrophilic support (FO-TFC treatment) or a non-woven hydrophobic support (RO treatment). Water use efficiency was assessed using leaf biomass per unit irrigation water and compared to conventionally irrigated plants (control). Additionally, gas exchange and fluorescence parameters, as well as stable isotopes, were used to assess the plants' physiological status. Soil water content over the growth cycle was maintained at 0.7 cm 3 cm −3 under control conditions and declined from 0.6 to 0.12 cm 3 cm −3 during plant growth, below residual moisture content, under both FO-TFC and RO membrane irrigation. Notwithstanding this, the total leaf dry matter was statistically equivalent for control plants (38.4 g) and FO-TFC treated plants (29.6 g) and approximately 68% lower for RO treated plants. The internal over external carbon concentration (C i/ C a) in the leaves and efficiency of open Photosystem II reaction centres in the light (F v '/F m ') were statistically equivalent in membrane treatments and control plants. Similarly, carbon (δ 13 C) and nitrogen (δ 15 N) isotope composition, as well as %N, of green bean pods and leaves were statistically equivalent for plants grown on FO-TFC and control, indicating no effect on beans protein content. Total bean production per parcel and plant water use efficiency (WUE) for conventional irrigation (0.24 kg at 10.2 kg m −3 WUE) was statistically equivalent to plants grown on FO-TFC treatment (0.19 kg at 12.8 kg m −3 WUE). Although the WUE for RO treatment (11.4 kg m −3) was statistically equivalent to control, the total bean production per parcel was significantly lower (0.07 kg). Results indicate that subsurface membrane irrigation may be a solution for improved water management without compromising yield production and quality.
Brain structure & function, Jan 11, 2018
The present study investigated the association of 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms... more The present study investigated the association of 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms with a time estimation task performance. One hundred and eight men in a Brazilian Northeast population (18-32 years old) participated in the experiment. The 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms were associated alone and combined to absolute error (AE) and relative error (RE) in a time estimation task (target duration: 1 s, 4 s, 7 s and 9 s). We found an association of the behavioral variable with intron 8 VNTR for the time intervals of 1 s and 9 s (p < 0.001) and polymorphisms combinatorial effect for 1 s (p ≤ 0.05). The intron 8 VNTR polymorphism and the combinatorial effect can modulate the time estimate in the domain of supra seconds, and thus our study indicates a role of the dopamine transporter in the neurobiological areas related to the time intervals judgment.
Journal of biomedical science, Jan 7, 2018
Studies at the molecular level aim to integrate genetic and neurobiological data to provide an in... more Studies at the molecular level aim to integrate genetic and neurobiological data to provide an increasingly detailed understanding of phenotypes related to the ability in time perception. This study suggests that the polymorphisms genetic SLC6A4 5-HTTLPR, 5HTR2A T102C, DRD2/ANKK1-Taq1A, SLC6A3 3'-UTR VNTR, COMT Val158Met, CLOCK genes and GABRB2 A/C as modification factor at neurochemical levels associated with several neurofunctional aspects, modifying the circadian rhythm and built-in cognitive functions in the timing. We conducted a literature review with 102 studies that met inclusion criteria to synthesize findings on genetic polymorphisms and their influence on the timing. The findings suggest an association of genetic polymorphisms on behavioral aspects related in timing. However, order to confirm the paradigm of association in the timing as a function of the molecular level, still need to be addressed future research.
Ciencia & saude coletiva, 2018
The study aims to assess perceptions of mastery of abilities in clinical management in participan... more The study aims to assess perceptions of mastery of abilities in clinical management in participants of courses oriented by competency and based on active methodologies of teaching and learning, before and after the offered training process. Three conceptual frameworks were utilized: clinical management, expectation of auto-efficacy, and the holistic concept of competency. Methodologically, an electronic instrument was made available to students of the training courses, adapted to the Likert scale, in two stages: before the courses were undertaken and after their completion. The group of subjects that participated simultaneously in both stages was comprised of 825 trainees. Average, mean, standard deviation, and the Wilcoxon test were utilized in the analysis. Generally, in terms of findings, the perception of mastery of abilities in clinical management increased after the courses, proving a positive contribution of the training process of the students. Among other aspects of their r...
Nature, 1999
Mycobacterium tuberculosis continues to kill about 3 million people every year, more than any oth... more Mycobacterium tuberculosis continues to kill about 3 million people every year, more than any other single infectious agent. This is attributed primarily to an inadequate immune response towards infecting bacteria, which suffer growth inhibition rather than death and subsequently multiply catastrophically. Although the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine is widely used, it has major limitations as a preventative measure. In addition, effective treatment requires that patients take large doses of antibacterial drug combinations for at least 6 months after diagnosis, which is difficult to achieve in many parts of the world and is further restricted by the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis. In these circumstances, immunotherapy to boost the efficiency of the immune system in infected patients could be a valuable adjunct to antibacterial chemotherapy. Here we show in mice that DNA vaccines, initially designed to prevent infection, can also have a pronounced therapeutic action. In heavily infected mice, DNA vaccinations can switch the immune response from one that is relatively inefficient and gives bacterial stasis to one that kills bacteria. Application of such immunotherapy in conjunction with conventional chemotherapeutic antibacterial drugs might result in faster or more certain cure of the disease in humans.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2009
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2016
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with several skeletal alterations, particularly in ... more Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with several skeletal alterations, particularly in conditions of poor glycaemic control. Insulin therapy is the major conservative treatment for T1DM; however, the effects of this hormone on bone markers of T1DM rats are limited, and the regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. Therefore, the evaluation of molecular and non-molecular parameters in a chronic animal model of T1DM-induced bone loss, treated with and without insulin, may help in elucidating the insulin mechanisms. Male Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: control, T1DM (T1DM rats induced with streptozotocin [STZ] at 40 mg/kg intravenously) and T1DM plus insulin therapy (T1DMI). After 8 weeks, we evaluated the serum biochemical, tibia histomorphometric and biomechanical parameters, as well as the gene expression of the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and osteocalcin (OC) of femur mRNA. Compared with T1DM, the T1DMI group showed less bone loss, which was revealed by the increased trabecular width (TbWi, p < 0.001) and trabecular bone area (BAr, p < 0.01), reduced trabecular separation (TbSp, p < 0.01) and increased Young's modulus (p < 0.05). Moreover, molecular analyses indicated that the expression of OPG and OC was up-regulated (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). In summary, the up-regulation of OPG and OC in the T1DMI group supports an anabolic effect of insulin, which was demonstrated by the maintenance of bone architecture and flexibility. These results suggest that insulin therapy may prevent T1DM-induced bone loss via the effects on the bone formation.
Anais Do Cbmfc, 2013
Influência das expressões regionais nas consultas médicas Luma Taveira Nunes. Universidade Federa... more Influência das expressões regionais nas consultas médicas Luma Taveira Nunes. Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).
Sied Enped Simposio Internacional De Educacao a Distância E Encontro De Pesquisadores Em Educacao a Distância, Jul 31, 2014
A tutoria a distância é fundamental no processo formativo do aluno dos cursos da UAB na instituiç... more A tutoria a distância é fundamental no processo formativo do aluno dos cursos da UAB na instituição em análise. Por meio desta pesquisa buscou-se delinear o seu perfil profissional, bem como, conhecer suas necessidades formativas a fim de se definir o tipo de política de formação a implantar no âmbito da UAB da instituição, tendo em vista assegurar a qualidade da formação dos tutores que atuam e expandir os cursos de formação. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários nos participantes de cursos de capacitação de tutoria do PACC no início de 2014 e analisados a partir de métodos da pesquisa social. Os resultados apresentaram aspectos a serem revisados e/ou implementados nas capacitações do tutor à distância, e outras necessidades de abordagem conceitual que podem influenciar nas definições de atuação destes profissionais nos cursos da UAB da instituição em análise.
Revista Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentavel, Oct 22, 2014
Resumo: O trabalho foi realizado na comunidade rural Olho D'Água Velho, município de Mossoró-RN, ... more Resumo: O trabalho foi realizado na comunidade rural Olho D'Água Velho, município de Mossoró-RN, através do Instituto de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Rio Grande do Norte-EMATER-RN. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um diagnóstico rural com 23 agricultores familiares beneficiados pela Chamada Pública SAF/ATER nº 010/2012, aplicando técnicas de metodologias participativas a fim de identificar os principais problemas/necessidades e potencialidades produtivas, sociais, econômicas e ambientais da comunidade. Para tanto, foram realizadas oficinas, visitas técnicas e aplicação de diagnósticos rurais participativos nas Unidades de Produção Familiar-UPFs, identificando-se, dentre outros aspectos, as principais culturas trabalhadas, área de produção vegetal, espécies animais mais explorados e quantificando-se os rebanhos bovino, caprinovino, suíno e aves caipiras. Através do estágio, obteve-se um panorama da realidade do local, dando subsídio à construção do planejamento para a melhoria da condição socioeconômica das famílias trabalhadas. Pode-se, também, observar a importância do trabalho da assistência técnica especializada para o crescimento produtivo e desenvolvimento social da agricultura familiar.
Geografia em Questão, Sep 23, 2014
A qualidade ambiental pode ser considerada como um equilibrio entre os elementos fisicos com os t... more A qualidade ambiental pode ser considerada como um equilibrio entre os elementos fisicos com os tipos de uso e ocupacao do solo conciliando com as diversas atividades desenvolvidas neste espaco. Esta se agrava e ganha importância a medida que as cidades se expandem sem um adequado planejamento e sem considerar a dinâmica natural dos elementos fisicos da paisagem. A analise da qualidade ambiental na cidade de Osvaldo Cruz/SP teve como base a metodologia fundamentada no Planejamento da Paisagem e sua principal ferramenta e a representacao de atributos ambientais para posterior analise integrada dos mesmos. Para a analise utilizou-se o cruzamento e a representacao dos atributos: uso do solo; deficit de espacos publicos destinados a areas verdes; densidade populacional, areas susceptiveis as enchentes; ausencia de cobertura vegetal arborea. A representacao e integracao de tais atributos foram elaboradas em um SIG atraves do software Spring. Em Osvaldo Cruz/SP, verificou-se que as areas com baixa qualidade ambiental apresentaram os seguintes problemas: carencia de areas verdes e espacos publicos, ausencia de cobertura vegetal arborea, principalmente na parte central da cidade e ocorrencias de enchentes.
O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver um plano de marketing promocional para a empresa Algodao D... more O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver um plano de marketing promocional para a empresa Algodao Doce. Sendo assim, utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratoria, com uma abordagem qualitativa, usando a pesquisa documental e bibliografica, cuja coleta de dados se deu por meio da entrevista estruturada, na intencao de responder a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Quais acoes a Algodao Doce pode desenvolver para promover melhor a sua marca no mercado brasileiro de presentes e decoracoes? Apos a realizacao das entrevistas foi possivel perceber a necessidade de criar um plano de marketing promocional, estabelecendo as acoes necessarias para promover a marca. Foram definidas as seguintes acoes promocionais: o investimento publicitario em sites com o mesmo perfil da empresa, participacao de eventos com grande visibilidade para a marca, treinamento de franqueados para operar o fundo de propaganda de suas lojas, criacao de catalogos para os ciclos de vendas. E para aumentar as chances de sucesso do plano...
A traducao, como instrumento de politica cultural, e parte de um construto mais amplo da cultura ... more A traducao, como instrumento de politica cultural, e parte de um construto mais amplo da cultura nacional, sendo um elemento de construcao de identidades nacionais. No Brasil, o povo negro enfrenta uma subalternizacao persistente, tanto no aspecto material quanto da representacao. Tendo em vista estes fatos e as politicas recentes de incentivo a traducao de literatura brasileira como divulgacao internacional da cultura, o texto analisa o lugar (ou nao-lugar) do negro, inclusive da mulher negra, nas representacoes da cultura e da sociedade brasileira que emergem a partir da producao tradutoria recente de obras nacionais, sobretudo no que tange a escrita de autoras e autores negros.
A mature male mongrel dog from the Corrego Rico district, in the county of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo... more A mature male mongrel dog from the Corrego Rico district, in the county of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, was presented showing apathy, dehydration, hyporexia, and paste feces. Clinical findings included alopecia with generalized dry exfoliative dermatitis, lymphadenopathy, onicogryphosis, and dry hair. Coproparasitologic examinations and cutaneous test were negative. Immunoenzimatic assay (ELISA) using promastigote forms of Leishmania (L.) chagasi as antigens showed positive results for the presence of antibodies to Leishmania spp. Cytological analyses of popliteal lymph nodes did not show amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp., although an inflammatory reaction was observed, suggesting leishmaniosis. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of lymph nodes and the liver showed positive immunomarkers for advance amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp. This disease in human population is associated with low socio-economic condition as found in peripheral neighborhoods. This first cas...
As areas verdes sao consideradas um indicador na avaliacao da qualidade ambiental urbana e tambem... more As areas verdes sao consideradas um indicador na avaliacao da qualidade ambiental urbana e tambem obrigatorias por lei. Quando nao existem ou nao sao efetivadas no ambiente urbano interferem na qualidade do mesmo, e tambem a falta desses espacos adequados para o lazer prejudica a qualidade de vida da populacao. Este artigo e parte dos resultados da pesquisa de mestrado intitulada “Qualidade Ambiental urbana em Osvaldo Cruz/SP”. A etapa da pesquisa aqui descrita, refere-se a uma reflexao a respeito da importância dessas areas nos espacos urbanos, que apos caracterizadas revelaram o nao cumprimento de sua finalidade devido a inadequacao a lei de parcelamento do solo e ate mesmo a ausencia de vegetacao.
Agricultural Water Management, 2019
Subsurface membrane irrigation systems, controlled by changes in the water potential in the soil-... more Subsurface membrane irrigation systems, controlled by changes in the water potential in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, were used to cultivate Phaseolus vulgaris over a full growth cycle (64 days). Membrane irrigation systems used a thin polyamide film supported on either a woven hydrophilic support (FO-TFC treatment) or a non-woven hydrophobic support (RO treatment). Water use efficiency was assessed using leaf biomass per unit irrigation water and compared to conventionally irrigated plants (control). Additionally, gas exchange and fluorescence parameters, as well as stable isotopes, were used to assess the plants' physiological status. Soil water content over the growth cycle was maintained at 0.7 cm 3 cm −3 under control conditions and declined from 0.6 to 0.12 cm 3 cm −3 during plant growth, below residual moisture content, under both FO-TFC and RO membrane irrigation. Notwithstanding this, the total leaf dry matter was statistically equivalent for control plants (38.4 g) and FO-TFC treated plants (29.6 g) and approximately 68% lower for RO treated plants. The internal over external carbon concentration (C i/ C a) in the leaves and efficiency of open Photosystem II reaction centres in the light (F v '/F m ') were statistically equivalent in membrane treatments and control plants. Similarly, carbon (δ 13 C) and nitrogen (δ 15 N) isotope composition, as well as %N, of green bean pods and leaves were statistically equivalent for plants grown on FO-TFC and control, indicating no effect on beans protein content. Total bean production per parcel and plant water use efficiency (WUE) for conventional irrigation (0.24 kg at 10.2 kg m −3 WUE) was statistically equivalent to plants grown on FO-TFC treatment (0.19 kg at 12.8 kg m −3 WUE). Although the WUE for RO treatment (11.4 kg m −3) was statistically equivalent to control, the total bean production per parcel was significantly lower (0.07 kg). Results indicate that subsurface membrane irrigation may be a solution for improved water management without compromising yield production and quality.
Brain structure & function, Jan 11, 2018
The present study investigated the association of 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms... more The present study investigated the association of 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms with a time estimation task performance. One hundred and eight men in a Brazilian Northeast population (18-32 years old) participated in the experiment. The 3'-UTR VNTR and intron 8 VNTR polymorphisms were associated alone and combined to absolute error (AE) and relative error (RE) in a time estimation task (target duration: 1 s, 4 s, 7 s and 9 s). We found an association of the behavioral variable with intron 8 VNTR for the time intervals of 1 s and 9 s (p < 0.001) and polymorphisms combinatorial effect for 1 s (p ≤ 0.05). The intron 8 VNTR polymorphism and the combinatorial effect can modulate the time estimate in the domain of supra seconds, and thus our study indicates a role of the dopamine transporter in the neurobiological areas related to the time intervals judgment.
Journal of biomedical science, Jan 7, 2018
Studies at the molecular level aim to integrate genetic and neurobiological data to provide an in... more Studies at the molecular level aim to integrate genetic and neurobiological data to provide an increasingly detailed understanding of phenotypes related to the ability in time perception. This study suggests that the polymorphisms genetic SLC6A4 5-HTTLPR, 5HTR2A T102C, DRD2/ANKK1-Taq1A, SLC6A3 3'-UTR VNTR, COMT Val158Met, CLOCK genes and GABRB2 A/C as modification factor at neurochemical levels associated with several neurofunctional aspects, modifying the circadian rhythm and built-in cognitive functions in the timing. We conducted a literature review with 102 studies that met inclusion criteria to synthesize findings on genetic polymorphisms and their influence on the timing. The findings suggest an association of genetic polymorphisms on behavioral aspects related in timing. However, order to confirm the paradigm of association in the timing as a function of the molecular level, still need to be addressed future research.
Ciencia & saude coletiva, 2018
The study aims to assess perceptions of mastery of abilities in clinical management in participan... more The study aims to assess perceptions of mastery of abilities in clinical management in participants of courses oriented by competency and based on active methodologies of teaching and learning, before and after the offered training process. Three conceptual frameworks were utilized: clinical management, expectation of auto-efficacy, and the holistic concept of competency. Methodologically, an electronic instrument was made available to students of the training courses, adapted to the Likert scale, in two stages: before the courses were undertaken and after their completion. The group of subjects that participated simultaneously in both stages was comprised of 825 trainees. Average, mean, standard deviation, and the Wilcoxon test were utilized in the analysis. Generally, in terms of findings, the perception of mastery of abilities in clinical management increased after the courses, proving a positive contribution of the training process of the students. Among other aspects of their r...
Nature, 1999
Mycobacterium tuberculosis continues to kill about 3 million people every year, more than any oth... more Mycobacterium tuberculosis continues to kill about 3 million people every year, more than any other single infectious agent. This is attributed primarily to an inadequate immune response towards infecting bacteria, which suffer growth inhibition rather than death and subsequently multiply catastrophically. Although the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine is widely used, it has major limitations as a preventative measure. In addition, effective treatment requires that patients take large doses of antibacterial drug combinations for at least 6 months after diagnosis, which is difficult to achieve in many parts of the world and is further restricted by the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis. In these circumstances, immunotherapy to boost the efficiency of the immune system in infected patients could be a valuable adjunct to antibacterial chemotherapy. Here we show in mice that DNA vaccines, initially designed to prevent infection, can also have a pronounced therapeutic action. In heavily infected mice, DNA vaccinations can switch the immune response from one that is relatively inefficient and gives bacterial stasis to one that kills bacteria. Application of such immunotherapy in conjunction with conventional chemotherapeutic antibacterial drugs might result in faster or more certain cure of the disease in humans.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2009
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2016
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with several skeletal alterations, particularly in ... more Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with several skeletal alterations, particularly in conditions of poor glycaemic control. Insulin therapy is the major conservative treatment for T1DM; however, the effects of this hormone on bone markers of T1DM rats are limited, and the regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. Therefore, the evaluation of molecular and non-molecular parameters in a chronic animal model of T1DM-induced bone loss, treated with and without insulin, may help in elucidating the insulin mechanisms. Male Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: control, T1DM (T1DM rats induced with streptozotocin [STZ] at 40 mg/kg intravenously) and T1DM plus insulin therapy (T1DMI). After 8 weeks, we evaluated the serum biochemical, tibia histomorphometric and biomechanical parameters, as well as the gene expression of the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and osteocalcin (OC) of femur mRNA. Compared with T1DM, the T1DMI group showed less bone loss, which was revealed by the increased trabecular width (TbWi, p < 0.001) and trabecular bone area (BAr, p < 0.01), reduced trabecular separation (TbSp, p < 0.01) and increased Young's modulus (p < 0.05). Moreover, molecular analyses indicated that the expression of OPG and OC was up-regulated (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). In summary, the up-regulation of OPG and OC in the T1DMI group supports an anabolic effect of insulin, which was demonstrated by the maintenance of bone architecture and flexibility. These results suggest that insulin therapy may prevent T1DM-induced bone loss via the effects on the bone formation.
Anais Do Cbmfc, 2013
Influência das expressões regionais nas consultas médicas Luma Taveira Nunes. Universidade Federa... more Influência das expressões regionais nas consultas médicas Luma Taveira Nunes. Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).
Sied Enped Simposio Internacional De Educacao a Distância E Encontro De Pesquisadores Em Educacao a Distância, Jul 31, 2014
A tutoria a distância é fundamental no processo formativo do aluno dos cursos da UAB na instituiç... more A tutoria a distância é fundamental no processo formativo do aluno dos cursos da UAB na instituição em análise. Por meio desta pesquisa buscou-se delinear o seu perfil profissional, bem como, conhecer suas necessidades formativas a fim de se definir o tipo de política de formação a implantar no âmbito da UAB da instituição, tendo em vista assegurar a qualidade da formação dos tutores que atuam e expandir os cursos de formação. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários nos participantes de cursos de capacitação de tutoria do PACC no início de 2014 e analisados a partir de métodos da pesquisa social. Os resultados apresentaram aspectos a serem revisados e/ou implementados nas capacitações do tutor à distância, e outras necessidades de abordagem conceitual que podem influenciar nas definições de atuação destes profissionais nos cursos da UAB da instituição em análise.
Revista Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentavel, Oct 22, 2014
Resumo: O trabalho foi realizado na comunidade rural Olho D'Água Velho, município de Mossoró-RN, ... more Resumo: O trabalho foi realizado na comunidade rural Olho D'Água Velho, município de Mossoró-RN, através do Instituto de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Rio Grande do Norte-EMATER-RN. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um diagnóstico rural com 23 agricultores familiares beneficiados pela Chamada Pública SAF/ATER nº 010/2012, aplicando técnicas de metodologias participativas a fim de identificar os principais problemas/necessidades e potencialidades produtivas, sociais, econômicas e ambientais da comunidade. Para tanto, foram realizadas oficinas, visitas técnicas e aplicação de diagnósticos rurais participativos nas Unidades de Produção Familiar-UPFs, identificando-se, dentre outros aspectos, as principais culturas trabalhadas, área de produção vegetal, espécies animais mais explorados e quantificando-se os rebanhos bovino, caprinovino, suíno e aves caipiras. Através do estágio, obteve-se um panorama da realidade do local, dando subsídio à construção do planejamento para a melhoria da condição socioeconômica das famílias trabalhadas. Pode-se, também, observar a importância do trabalho da assistência técnica especializada para o crescimento produtivo e desenvolvimento social da agricultura familiar.