A chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, from 1965 to 2024 (610 pub... more A chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, from 1965 to 2024 (610 publications).
Bibliografía de investigación cronológica de Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, de 1965 a 2024 (610 publicaciones)
Rare and old books on life in other worlds, ball lightning, atmospheric science, and "ancient ast... more Rare and old books on life in other worlds, ball lightning, atmospheric science, and "ancient astronauts" for sale.
Resumen En marzo y abril de 1974 se produjo en España una intensa oleada de informes de avistamie... more Resumen
En marzo y abril de 1974 se produjo en España una intensa oleada de informes de avistamientos ovni. El entonces investigador de este fenómeno y militar de profesión, Capitán de Infantería José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó realizó un estudio de aquel periodo, un ensayo de 103 páginas titulado “Breve monografía analítica del FEP-74”, publicado en septiembre de 1974 y distribuido entre los estudiosos de esta materia. A pesar de que en 1995 el Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios (CEI) de Barcelona publicó una reedición del trabajo y de ser uno de los primeros análisis estadísticos aplicados a la casuística ovni, es prácticamente desconocido. En 2024, mientras que preparaba un libro con la correspondencia que crucé en los años 70 y 80 con Ramírez y Barberó, decidí hacer la presente reedición, subiéndola en internet para acceso general a través de la plataforma Como valor añadido, he añadido un extenso comentario y valoración de dicha obra pionera, firmado por el comunicador científico, Prof. Dr. Félix Ares de Blas.
In March and April of 1974 there was an intense wave of reports of UFO sightings in Spain. UFO researcher and military by profession, Army Captain José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó made a study of that flap, an essay of 103 pages entitled “Brief analytical monograph of the FEP-74”, released in Spanish in September 1974 and distributed among a few ufologists. Despite the fact that in 1995 the CEI of Barcelona published a reprint of the work -one of the first statistical analyses applied to UFO data in Spain-, it is practically unknown. In 2024, while I was preparing a book with the correspondence I exchanged in the 70's and 80's with Ramírez and Barberó, I decided to publish the present edition, uploading it for general access through As an added value, I have included an extensive commentary and evaluation of this pioneering work, signed by the scientific communicator, Prof. Dr. Félix Ares de Blas.
Artículo publicado en MUY ESPECIAL, número 45, Enero-Febrero 2000, pp. 29-33.
Paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91-105, 1994. Abstra... more Paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91-105, 1994.
Abstract. Six well-documented UFO abductions reported in Spain are reviewed. Investigation reveals them to be the result of hoax, delusion or psychosis. On a global scale, the annual distribution of abductions plotted according to the year of report shows clusters associated to media-related triggers. Abduction narratives seem to proceed from internal sources, representing non-physical experiences of psychological origin inspired by publicized material, plus a significant number of hoaxes. A danger exists that the abduction syndrome may get out of hand.
Definition of "UFO" by the US Air Force, 12 August 1954 on the Air Force Regulation No. 200-2.
On the AAWSAP-AATIP Confusion
Initially planned as a raw review of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 202... more Initially planned as a raw review of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 2021), this 74-page paper has evolved into an examination of the distinction between AAWSAP and AATIP (the names for a DIA-situated effort to investigate UFOs/UAP and adjacent "paranormal" phenomena, 2008-2012) that analyzes and dissects the confusion and ambiguities surrounding these acronyms, includes a comprehensive chronology of facts, events, and accomplishments related to AAWSAP/AATIP and the broader UAP saga in the present century, places the current UAP problem into a larger historical perspective, lists the UAP-related legal provisions as established in the FY2024 Defense Authorization Act, assesses the aforementioned book, and finally takes a look to the future (with a special focus on the recently established AARO). It contains over 150 source links within the text plus a bibliography of 124 references, and a Cast of Characters epilog.
Inicialmente pensado como una reseña literaria del libro Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 2021), este ensayo de 74 páginas se ha transformado en un detallado examen de la distinción entre AAWSAP y AATIP (los nombres del programa de la DIA para investigar ovnis y fenómenos paranormales, 2008-2012) que analiza y disecciona la confusión y las ambigüedades que rodean estas siglas, y que además incluye una cronología integral de hechos, eventos y logros relacionados con AAWSAP/AATIP y con los UAP (FANI) en el presente siglo, coloca el problema actual de los FANI en una perspectiva histórica más amplia, enumera las disposiciones legales relacionadas con los FANI según lo establecido en la Ley de Autorización de Defensa del año fiscal 2024 en los Estados Unidos, evalúa el libro antes mencionado y finalmente dibuja lo que nos separa el futuro en cuando a esta materia de refiere (con especial atención en la AARO recientemente establecida). Contiene más de 150 enlaces a fuentes documentales dentro del texto, además de una bibliografía de 124 referencias y un epílogo con un elenco de personajes.
He recuperado una entrevista publicada en el número 13 de la revista española "Avanzada" correspo... more He recuperado una entrevista publicada en el número 13 de la revista española "Avanzada" correspondiente al 1 de abril de 1970 sobre el CEONI (1968-1973).
Boletín del Círculo de Estudios sobre Objetos No Identificados (CEONI), fundado y dirigido por Vi... more Boletín del Círculo de Estudios sobre Objetos No Identificados (CEONI), fundado y dirigido por Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1968-1973, en el campus de a Universidad de Valencia.
The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography
The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography Bibliographi... more The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography
Bibliographies are important resources for gaining an overview of the state of research on a particular subject. This bibliography (over 1,300 references) offers a comprehensive compilation of publications on psychological aspects of UFO experiences, both from academia and private UFO research. It can be the basis and inspiration for your own research.
By Jochen Ickinger, V.J. Ballester-Olmos, and Ulrich Magin (May 2024)
Book announcement / Anuncio del libro MI CORRESPONDENCIA CON ANTONIO RIBERA
A personal chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1965 to 2023. (59... more A personal chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1965 to 2023. (593 publications).
Bibliografía cronológica personal de Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, de 1965 a 2023 (593 publicaciones)
On October 17, 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), jointly with the... more On October 17, 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), jointly with the Secretary of Defense (U.S. Department of Defense), released the “Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena,” through the website of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). This article aims to review the released Report.
“Los OVNIS y la NASA: No hay datos fiables, pero quiere investigarlos” es mi reseña del estudio d... more “Los OVNIS y la NASA: No hay datos fiables, pero quiere investigarlos” es mi reseña del estudio del equipo independiente de la NASA sobre UAP (fenómenos anómalos no identificados), publicado el 14 de septiembre de 2023. Durante nueve meses, un panel de 16 científicos designadas debía crear una hoja de ruta sobre cómo manejar la investigación de UAP en el futuro próximo. Este estudio presentó sus hallazgos. Este artículo presenta mis críticas y también mis elogios.
V.J. Ballester Olmos
“UFOs and NASA: There is No Reliable Data, But We Still Want to Investigate Them” is my review of... more “UFOs and NASA: There is No Reliable Data, But We Still Want to Investigate Them” is my review of NASA’s Independent Study Team on UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), released September 14, 2023. For nine months, a panel of 16 appointed scientists was to create a roadmap for how to handle UAP research in the coming future. This study presented their findings. This paper presents my criticism and also my praise.
V.J. Ballester Olmos
The paper (in Spanish) “¡Identificados! Los OVNIS de Canarias fueron misíles Poseidón,” (Canary I... more The paper (in Spanish) “¡Identificados! Los OVNIS de Canarias fueron misíles Poseidón,” (Canary Islands UFOs identified as Poseidon missiles), authored by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Ricardo Campo Pérez, was originally published in the Revista de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica, the official journal of the Spanish Air Force, in March 2001.
Multi-observer sightings occurred on 22 November 1974, 22 June 1976, 19 November 1976, 24 March 1977, and 5 March 1979 have been explained away as result of the firing of Poseidon C-3 SLBM (Sea Launch Ballistic Missile) from submerged SSBN platforms (Strategic Submarine Ballistic Nuclear), from the East Test Range by the United States Navy.
The interested reader may found French and English translation as follows:
“Les Essais de Missiles de la Marine U.S. et les Observations d’OVNI aux Isles Canaries,” La Gazette Fortéenne, Vol. I, August 2002, pages 229-246.
“Navy Missiles Tests and the Canary Islands UFOs,” International UFO Reporter, Volume 29, Number 4, July 2005, cover, pages 3-9 and 26.
Correspondence address:
UFO sightings increase in the summer when people are outside more. Northern hemisphere UFO datab... more UFO sightings increase in the summer when people are outside more. Northern hemisphere UFO databases prove this convincingly; southern hemisphere ones less so. We explain why. Fireworks displays also increase UFO sightings and we prove this for First Night celebrations and Canada Day.
FLAPs - Periods of time when reports of ufo amass at well above average rates are variously term... more FLAPs - Periods of time when reports of ufo amass at well above average rates are variously termed 'flaps' or 'waves.' Both terms possess connotative prejudgments. Waves suggest a natural semi-rhythmic phenomenon or the arrival of masses of people, as in the waves of an invasion or waves of immigration. Capt. Edward Ruppelt of Project Blue Book defined flaps as "a condition or situation, or state of being of a group characterized by an advanced degree of confusion that has not yet reached panic proportions" and is thus diagnosing a psychology problem, a crazy time. (Ruppelt, 1956) The presence of two terms to denote these times of accelerated ufo reporting behavior reflect the absence of consensus in ufology's attempts to understand what is behind the simple arithmetical truth that ufo numbers change rather than remain constant over time.
It is not immediately obvious why the UFO phenomenon should not be a more or less constant occurrence over time whether one regards them as real or illusory. If they were alien transports connected with a survey of the planet or a study of mankind, the natural expectation would be that their presence should be methodical and unceasing. If they were accidents of circumstance or cognitive error, one would expect their occurrences to be fairly stable across time in a manner similar to the way traffic accidents remain numerically stable from year to year without showing periods of several-fold increases.
UFO waves studies usually focused on the search for a periodical pattern or some other feature gi... more UFO waves studies usually focused on the search for a periodical pattern or some other feature giving insights about the nature of UFO phenomena and the forecasting of UFO waves.
Here we prefer a more modest approach, aiming at real-time UFO waves monitoring: we describe a statistical instrument specifically designed to signal the presence of a significantly high number of UFO reports.
To do that, we need to seasonally adjust the UFO data and to find out which statistical distribution they follow. Knowing the distribution of seasonally adjusted UFO data, we can decide whether a number of UFO reports is significantly high from a statistical standpoint, thus signaling the likelihood of a wave occurring.
The present release is another major paper in the author’s series Official Reports Online (Number... more The present release is another major paper in the author’s series Official Reports Online (Number IV). It relates to the UFO declassification process in Spain during 1992-1999 and is entitled: “The Air Operative Command Searches Missing Reports.” It is a 22-page detailed report that shows the various attempts actioned by the Spanish Air Staff to find lost UFO reports within the whole structure of the Air Force. It neutralizes the sensationalist fallacy that the Spanish Air Force was not transparent or empowered during its UFO disclosure program. Profusely documented, it contains an appendix amounting to 76 additional pages of official UFO-related exhibits, administrative records and sighting information. The paper is written in Spanish.
A chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, from 1965 to 2024 (610 pub... more A chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, from 1965 to 2024 (610 publications).
Bibliografía de investigación cronológica de Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, de 1965 a 2024 (610 publicaciones)
Rare and old books on life in other worlds, ball lightning, atmospheric science, and "ancient ast... more Rare and old books on life in other worlds, ball lightning, atmospheric science, and "ancient astronauts" for sale.
Resumen En marzo y abril de 1974 se produjo en España una intensa oleada de informes de avistamie... more Resumen
En marzo y abril de 1974 se produjo en España una intensa oleada de informes de avistamientos ovni. El entonces investigador de este fenómeno y militar de profesión, Capitán de Infantería José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó realizó un estudio de aquel periodo, un ensayo de 103 páginas titulado “Breve monografía analítica del FEP-74”, publicado en septiembre de 1974 y distribuido entre los estudiosos de esta materia. A pesar de que en 1995 el Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios (CEI) de Barcelona publicó una reedición del trabajo y de ser uno de los primeros análisis estadísticos aplicados a la casuística ovni, es prácticamente desconocido. En 2024, mientras que preparaba un libro con la correspondencia que crucé en los años 70 y 80 con Ramírez y Barberó, decidí hacer la presente reedición, subiéndola en internet para acceso general a través de la plataforma Como valor añadido, he añadido un extenso comentario y valoración de dicha obra pionera, firmado por el comunicador científico, Prof. Dr. Félix Ares de Blas.
In March and April of 1974 there was an intense wave of reports of UFO sightings in Spain. UFO researcher and military by profession, Army Captain José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó made a study of that flap, an essay of 103 pages entitled “Brief analytical monograph of the FEP-74”, released in Spanish in September 1974 and distributed among a few ufologists. Despite the fact that in 1995 the CEI of Barcelona published a reprint of the work -one of the first statistical analyses applied to UFO data in Spain-, it is practically unknown. In 2024, while I was preparing a book with the correspondence I exchanged in the 70's and 80's with Ramírez and Barberó, I decided to publish the present edition, uploading it for general access through As an added value, I have included an extensive commentary and evaluation of this pioneering work, signed by the scientific communicator, Prof. Dr. Félix Ares de Blas.
Artículo publicado en MUY ESPECIAL, número 45, Enero-Febrero 2000, pp. 29-33.
Paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91-105, 1994. Abstra... more Paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91-105, 1994.
Abstract. Six well-documented UFO abductions reported in Spain are reviewed. Investigation reveals them to be the result of hoax, delusion or psychosis. On a global scale, the annual distribution of abductions plotted according to the year of report shows clusters associated to media-related triggers. Abduction narratives seem to proceed from internal sources, representing non-physical experiences of psychological origin inspired by publicized material, plus a significant number of hoaxes. A danger exists that the abduction syndrome may get out of hand.
Definition of "UFO" by the US Air Force, 12 August 1954 on the Air Force Regulation No. 200-2.
On the AAWSAP-AATIP Confusion
Initially planned as a raw review of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 202... more Initially planned as a raw review of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 2021), this 74-page paper has evolved into an examination of the distinction between AAWSAP and AATIP (the names for a DIA-situated effort to investigate UFOs/UAP and adjacent "paranormal" phenomena, 2008-2012) that analyzes and dissects the confusion and ambiguities surrounding these acronyms, includes a comprehensive chronology of facts, events, and accomplishments related to AAWSAP/AATIP and the broader UAP saga in the present century, places the current UAP problem into a larger historical perspective, lists the UAP-related legal provisions as established in the FY2024 Defense Authorization Act, assesses the aforementioned book, and finally takes a look to the future (with a special focus on the recently established AARO). It contains over 150 source links within the text plus a bibliography of 124 references, and a Cast of Characters epilog.
Inicialmente pensado como una reseña literaria del libro Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Lacatski, Kelleher & Knapp, 2021), este ensayo de 74 páginas se ha transformado en un detallado examen de la distinción entre AAWSAP y AATIP (los nombres del programa de la DIA para investigar ovnis y fenómenos paranormales, 2008-2012) que analiza y disecciona la confusión y las ambigüedades que rodean estas siglas, y que además incluye una cronología integral de hechos, eventos y logros relacionados con AAWSAP/AATIP y con los UAP (FANI) en el presente siglo, coloca el problema actual de los FANI en una perspectiva histórica más amplia, enumera las disposiciones legales relacionadas con los FANI según lo establecido en la Ley de Autorización de Defensa del año fiscal 2024 en los Estados Unidos, evalúa el libro antes mencionado y finalmente dibuja lo que nos separa el futuro en cuando a esta materia de refiere (con especial atención en la AARO recientemente establecida). Contiene más de 150 enlaces a fuentes documentales dentro del texto, además de una bibliografía de 124 referencias y un epílogo con un elenco de personajes.
He recuperado una entrevista publicada en el número 13 de la revista española "Avanzada" correspo... more He recuperado una entrevista publicada en el número 13 de la revista española "Avanzada" correspondiente al 1 de abril de 1970 sobre el CEONI (1968-1973).
Boletín del Círculo de Estudios sobre Objetos No Identificados (CEONI), fundado y dirigido por Vi... more Boletín del Círculo de Estudios sobre Objetos No Identificados (CEONI), fundado y dirigido por Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1968-1973, en el campus de a Universidad de Valencia.
The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography
The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography Bibliographi... more The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience: A Bibliography
Bibliographies are important resources for gaining an overview of the state of research on a particular subject. This bibliography (over 1,300 references) offers a comprehensive compilation of publications on psychological aspects of UFO experiences, both from academia and private UFO research. It can be the basis and inspiration for your own research.
By Jochen Ickinger, V.J. Ballester-Olmos, and Ulrich Magin (May 2024)
Book announcement / Anuncio del libro MI CORRESPONDENCIA CON ANTONIO RIBERA
A personal chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1965 to 2023. (59... more A personal chronological research bibliography by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, 1965 to 2023. (593 publications).
Bibliografía cronológica personal de Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, de 1965 a 2023 (593 publicaciones)
On October 17, 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), jointly with the... more On October 17, 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), jointly with the Secretary of Defense (U.S. Department of Defense), released the “Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena,” through the website of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). This article aims to review the released Report.
“Los OVNIS y la NASA: No hay datos fiables, pero quiere investigarlos” es mi reseña del estudio d... more “Los OVNIS y la NASA: No hay datos fiables, pero quiere investigarlos” es mi reseña del estudio del equipo independiente de la NASA sobre UAP (fenómenos anómalos no identificados), publicado el 14 de septiembre de 2023. Durante nueve meses, un panel de 16 científicos designadas debía crear una hoja de ruta sobre cómo manejar la investigación de UAP en el futuro próximo. Este estudio presentó sus hallazgos. Este artículo presenta mis críticas y también mis elogios.
V.J. Ballester Olmos
“UFOs and NASA: There is No Reliable Data, But We Still Want to Investigate Them” is my review of... more “UFOs and NASA: There is No Reliable Data, But We Still Want to Investigate Them” is my review of NASA’s Independent Study Team on UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), released September 14, 2023. For nine months, a panel of 16 appointed scientists was to create a roadmap for how to handle UAP research in the coming future. This study presented their findings. This paper presents my criticism and also my praise.
V.J. Ballester Olmos
The paper (in Spanish) “¡Identificados! Los OVNIS de Canarias fueron misíles Poseidón,” (Canary I... more The paper (in Spanish) “¡Identificados! Los OVNIS de Canarias fueron misíles Poseidón,” (Canary Islands UFOs identified as Poseidon missiles), authored by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Ricardo Campo Pérez, was originally published in the Revista de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica, the official journal of the Spanish Air Force, in March 2001.
Multi-observer sightings occurred on 22 November 1974, 22 June 1976, 19 November 1976, 24 March 1977, and 5 March 1979 have been explained away as result of the firing of Poseidon C-3 SLBM (Sea Launch Ballistic Missile) from submerged SSBN platforms (Strategic Submarine Ballistic Nuclear), from the East Test Range by the United States Navy.
The interested reader may found French and English translation as follows:
“Les Essais de Missiles de la Marine U.S. et les Observations d’OVNI aux Isles Canaries,” La Gazette Fortéenne, Vol. I, August 2002, pages 229-246.
“Navy Missiles Tests and the Canary Islands UFOs,” International UFO Reporter, Volume 29, Number 4, July 2005, cover, pages 3-9 and 26.
Correspondence address:
UFO sightings increase in the summer when people are outside more. Northern hemisphere UFO datab... more UFO sightings increase in the summer when people are outside more. Northern hemisphere UFO databases prove this convincingly; southern hemisphere ones less so. We explain why. Fireworks displays also increase UFO sightings and we prove this for First Night celebrations and Canada Day.
FLAPs - Periods of time when reports of ufo amass at well above average rates are variously term... more FLAPs - Periods of time when reports of ufo amass at well above average rates are variously termed 'flaps' or 'waves.' Both terms possess connotative prejudgments. Waves suggest a natural semi-rhythmic phenomenon or the arrival of masses of people, as in the waves of an invasion or waves of immigration. Capt. Edward Ruppelt of Project Blue Book defined flaps as "a condition or situation, or state of being of a group characterized by an advanced degree of confusion that has not yet reached panic proportions" and is thus diagnosing a psychology problem, a crazy time. (Ruppelt, 1956) The presence of two terms to denote these times of accelerated ufo reporting behavior reflect the absence of consensus in ufology's attempts to understand what is behind the simple arithmetical truth that ufo numbers change rather than remain constant over time.
It is not immediately obvious why the UFO phenomenon should not be a more or less constant occurrence over time whether one regards them as real or illusory. If they were alien transports connected with a survey of the planet or a study of mankind, the natural expectation would be that their presence should be methodical and unceasing. If they were accidents of circumstance or cognitive error, one would expect their occurrences to be fairly stable across time in a manner similar to the way traffic accidents remain numerically stable from year to year without showing periods of several-fold increases.
UFO waves studies usually focused on the search for a periodical pattern or some other feature gi... more UFO waves studies usually focused on the search for a periodical pattern or some other feature giving insights about the nature of UFO phenomena and the forecasting of UFO waves.
Here we prefer a more modest approach, aiming at real-time UFO waves monitoring: we describe a statistical instrument specifically designed to signal the presence of a significantly high number of UFO reports.
To do that, we need to seasonally adjust the UFO data and to find out which statistical distribution they follow. Knowing the distribution of seasonally adjusted UFO data, we can decide whether a number of UFO reports is significantly high from a statistical standpoint, thus signaling the likelihood of a wave occurring.
The present release is another major paper in the author’s series Official Reports Online (Number... more The present release is another major paper in the author’s series Official Reports Online (Number IV). It relates to the UFO declassification process in Spain during 1992-1999 and is entitled: “The Air Operative Command Searches Missing Reports.” It is a 22-page detailed report that shows the various attempts actioned by the Spanish Air Staff to find lost UFO reports within the whole structure of the Air Force. It neutralizes the sensationalist fallacy that the Spanish Air Force was not transparent or empowered during its UFO disclosure program. Profusely documented, it contains an appendix amounting to 76 additional pages of official UFO-related exhibits, administrative records and sighting information. The paper is written in Spanish.
Resumen/ Abstract Gracias a la inestimable ayuda de Moisés Garrido y Claudia Moctezuma y a la ge... more Resumen/ Abstract
Gracias a la inestimable ayuda de Moisés Garrido y Claudia Moctezuma y a la generosa aportación de archivos de Javier Sierra, he publicado la monografía "Mi correspondencia con Antonio Ribera", donde he dado a conocer las cartas que Ribera y yo cruzamos durante su vida, además de otros documentos de cierto valor histórico. Todo ello va en línea con las importantes premisas de transparencia y de preservación de la "cultura ufológica" del país. Moisés y Claudia han hecho un trabajo de edición soberbio e impagable, que nunca terminaré de agradecer.
Este PDF de cerca de 750 páginas comienza con un texto de introducción (páginas 5 a 16) que da paso a la documentación propiamente dicha (páginas 17 a 711) que, además de las cartas que cruzamos, incluye muchas hojas con fotografías de viajes y encuentros que tuve con Ribera entre 1966 y 2001, el año de su fallecimiento, así como otros documentos de interés. Hay dos apéndices, uno con los memoriales escritos en su día por Sierra y Garrido (páginas 712 a 718) y otro con las dedicatorias personales que Ribera tuvo la gentileza de firmarme en sus libros (páginas 719 a 744). Creo que este es un material de indudable a interés para aficionados a la ufología e historiadores de esta temática.
Thanks to Moisés Garrido and Claudia Moctezuma, who conducted an excellent scanning and editing work, as well as to writer Javier Sierra, who contributed invaluable archives, I have just compiled a 750-page PDF monograph titled "Mi correspondencia con Antonio Ribera" (My correspondence with Antonio Ribera). Ribera was a renowned ufologist of internationally prestige. I had an intense, albeit intermittent correspondence with him from 1966 until 2001, the year he passed away. Beyond our letters, we shared experiences and journeys.
The monograph includes an introduction (pages 5 to 16), the original copies of our letters, related documents, and sheets containing photographs from our meetings and congresses we shared (pages 17 to 711). It also contains one appendix with memorials written by Garrido and Sierra (pages 712 to 718), and another featuring all the personal dedications that Ribera inscribed in his books to me (pages 719 to 744). This work is a historical account of two seasoned Spanish figures involved in UFO investigation, published in the aim of preserving the local “UFO culture”.
The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony
The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony is the first major book to comprehensively focus on the ... more The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony is the first major book to comprehensively focus on the discussion and current views on problems and challenges posed by the reliability of UFO testimonies. This is a cross-disciplinary compendium of papers by 60 authors from 14 different countries. They are specialists in social, physical, and biological sciences, predominantly psychology. This volume shares thematically convergent ideas about the plausibility of and alternate explanations for an alleged close-range UFO phenomenon.
The 57 chapters in this book are divided into seven section headings: Case Studies, Psychological Perspectives, On Witness Testimony, Empirical Research, Anthropological Approach, Metrics and Scaling, and Epistemological Issues. There, the subject matter is analyzed from statistical work to clinical assessment, psychometrics, comparative and evaluation inquiry, and other topic perspectives.
The Foreword is written by Dr. Leonard S. Newman, Professor of Psychology at Syracuse University: "...if there exists any collection of papers on any topic that can claim to comprehensively summarize everything that is currently known about it. But this one comes pretty close."
This 711-page book has been released online in the portal, from where it can be downloaded for free.
Simultaneously, UPIAR Publishing House (Turin, Italy) has published two softcover, A4 format print editions, one in black & white, another in full color (ISBN: 9791281441002). The book can be purchased through this link:
Four outstanding academics have provided praise notes to this volume. This is what they said:
Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Irvine, USA. When ordinary citizens claim to have extraterrestrial encounters, such as seeing UFOs or meeting with alien beings, what should we think? Did the alien abduction really happen or was it a hoax? Is someone deliberately lying? Are they false memories? Readers will be enthralled by the fascinating case histories that are presented in The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, a volume where sixty experts examine these issues with depth and insight. These cases teach us a great deal about how humans come to believe they have experienced bizarre events that may have never occurred at all.
Steven Jay Lynn, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Binghamton University (SUNY), USA. This captivating book will appeal to anyone interested in UFOs (and who isn’t?), the vagaries of memory, eyewitness perception and misperception, critical analysis of puzzling phenomena, and evaluating scientific vs. pseudoscientific claims. This volume ranks in the elite category of essential reading for students, scientists, and the seriously curious among us, and therefore has my highest recommendation. Bravo!
Henry Otgaar, Ph.D., Professor of Legal Psychology, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and Leuven Catholic University, Belgium. Claims of UFO sightings and experiences continue to fascinate us. This book has collected a unique and diverse set of case studies and critical articles on how such experiences unfold and what the authenticity of these claims is. The collection of these different articles is truly groundbreaking and is the first-ever complete assemblage concerning the validity of UFO testimony.
Benjamin E. Zeller, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Religion, Lake Forest College, Illinois, USA. In referring to extraterrestrial contact, Carl Sagan said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This fine book seeks to contextualize what such evidence entails. Its contributors analyze UFO sightings and cases both famous and obscure, recent and historical, and quite international in scope. They draw from an impressive range of methodological, academic, and scientific perspectives, and consider such topics as the nature of cognition, memory, types of belief and testimony, psychology, and the rationality of belief. Skeptics, believers, and scholars of ufology will all find this book fascinating!
UPIAR Publisher:
Editor: V.J. Ballester-Olmos,
The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony (La fiabilidad del testimonio de los testigos de ovnis), V.J. Ballester-Olmos y Richard W. Heiden (coordinadores), es el primer libro que se centra de manera integral en la discusión y las opiniones actuales sobre los problemas y desafíos que plantea la confiabilidad de los testimonios de ovnis. Es un compendio interdisciplinario de trabajos de 60 autores de 14 países diferentes. Son especialistas en ciencias sociales, físicas y biológicas, predominantemente en psicología. Este volumen comparte ideas temáticamente convergentes sobre la plausibilidad y explicaciones alternativas de un supuesto fenómeno ovni que se manifiesta cercano al observador.
Los 57 capítulos de este libro se dividen en siete secciones: estudios de casos, perspectivas psicológicas, testimonios de testigos, investigación empírica, enfoque antropológico, métricas y escalas, y cuestiones epistemológicas. La temática queda analizada desde la evaluación clínica, la psicometría, la estadística, la investigación comparativa y de evaluación, y otras perspectivas temáticas.
El Prólogo está escrito por el Dr. Leonard S. Newman, Profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Syracuse: " existe alguna colección de documentos sobre cualquier tema que pueda pretender resumir de manera integral todo lo que se sabe actualmente al respecto. Pero este se acerca bastante".
Simultáneamente, la editorial UPIAR Publishing House (Turin, Italia) ha publicado dos ediciones en papel de tapa blanda, formato A4, una en blanco y negro y otra a todo color (ISBN: 9791281441002). El libro se puede adquirir a través del enlace:
Cuatro destacados académicos han escrito notas elogiosas acerca de este volumen.
Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Distinguida Profesora de Psicología en la Universidad de California, Irvine, EE. UU. Cuando los ciudadanos comunes afirman tener encuentros extraterrestres, como ver ovnis o encontrarse con seres extraterrestres, ¿qué debemos pensar? ¿Realmente ocurrió la abducción extraterrestre o fue un engaño? ¿Alguien está mintiendo deliberadamente? ¿Son falsos recuerdos? Los lectores quedarán cautivados por las fascinantes historias de casos que se presentan en The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, un volumen en el que sesenta expertos examinan estos temas con profundidad y perspicacia. Estos casos nos enseñan mucho sobre cómo el ser humano llega a creer que ha experimentado eventos extraños que tal vez nunca ocurrieron.
Steven Jay Lynn, Ph.D., Distinguido Profesor de Psicología, Universidad de Binghamton (SUNY), EE. UU. Este libro cautivador atraerá a cualquier persona interesada en los ovnis (¿y quién no lo está?), los caprichos de la memoria, la percepción y la percepción errónea de los testigos oculares, el análisis crítico de fenómenos desconcertantes y la evaluación de afirmaciones científicas frente a pseudocientíficas. Este volumen se ubica en la categoría élite de lectura esencial para estudiantes, científicos y los curiosos entre nosotros y, por lo tanto, tiene mi más alta recomendación. ¡Bravo!
Henry Otgaar, Ph.D., Profesor de Psicología Jurídica, Universidad de Maastricht, Países Bajos, y Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica. Las afirmaciones de avistamientos y experiencias de ovnis continúan fascinándonos. Este libro ha recopilado un conjunto único y diverso de estudios de casos y artículos críticos sobre cómo se desarrollan tales experiencias y cuál es la autenticidad de estas afirmaciones. La colección de estos diferentes artículos es verdaderamente innovadora y es el primer conjunto completo sobre la validez del testimonio OVNI.
Benjamin E. Zeller, Ph.D., Profesor y Catedrático de Religión, Lake Forest College, Illinois, EE. UU. Al referirse al contacto extraterrestre, Carl Sagan dijo que las afirmaciones extraordinarias requieren evidencia extraordinaria. Este excelente libro busca contextualizar lo que implica tal evidencia. Sus colaboradores analizan avistamientos y casos de ovnis, tanto famosos como oscuros, recientes e históricos, y de alcance internacional. Se basan en una impresionante variedad de perspectivas metodológicas, académicas y científicas, y consideran temas como la naturaleza de la cognición, la memoria, los tipos de creencias y testimonios, la psicología y la racionalidad de las creencias. ¡Los escépticos, los creyentes y los estudiosos de la ufología encontrarán fascinante este libro!
Editorial UPIAR:
Editor: V.J. Ballester-Olmos,
En 1997, cuando se cumplían cincuenta años desde el avistamiento de Kenneth Arnold de 24 de junio... more En 1997, cuando se cumplían cincuenta años desde el avistamiento de Kenneth Arnold de 24 de junio de 1947, (hecho que se tiene convencionalmente como fecha de inicio de la era ufológica), la Fundación Anomalía quiso conmemorar la efeméride con la redacción de un diccionario temático que, de alguna forma, estableciera cuál era el punto de la cuestión después de medio siglo de debates sobre una casuística tan controvertida.
En la actualidad, tras veinticinco años desde su publicación, y cuando se celebra el septuagésimo quinto aniversario del surgimiento de los ovnis, se presenta una edición revisada y corregida del Diccionario Temático de Ufología, como testimonio de la época en que fue elaborado y para facilitar su contenido a las nuevas generaciones de lectores interesados por esta materia.
ABSTRACT / RESUMEN This study analyzes the best photographs ever taken of the phenomenon known as... more ABSTRACT / RESUMEN
This study analyzes the best photographs ever taken of the phenomenon known as Marfa Lights. The images in question, captured from 2003 to 2007, have been regarded as genuine examples of anomalous lights of unknown origin appearing in Marfa, Texas. We have carried out extensive research on these images (and the correlated visual sightings) of linear tracks of lights moving close to the ground. This 174-page monograph provides a convincing, science-supported solution to this enigma. In the course of our investigation, we have set up a specific methodology using astronomical and geographical software to accurately place the events in space and time. Our work might close a long-lasting scientific debate on the real nature of the Marfa Lights.
El presente estudio analiza el mejor conjunto de fotografías que se haya tomado jamás del fenómeno conocido como Luces de Marfa. Las imágenes en cuestión, capturadas entre 2003 y 2007, han sido consideradas como ejemplos genuinos del tipo de presuntas luces anómalas de origen desconocido que se manifiestan en Marfa, Texas. Hemos sometido estas imágenes de trazas lineales de luces que se mueven cerca del suelo (y sus correspondientes avistamientos visuales) a una investigación minuciosa. Esta monografía de 174 páginas aporta una convincente solución científica para este enigma. En el curso de nuestra investigación, hemos establecido una metodología específica utilizando software astronómico y geográfico para situar con precisión los sucesos en el espacio y el tiempo. En definitiva, nuestro trabajo podría poner fin al largo debate científico sobre la verdadera naturaleza de las Luces de Marfa.
Se exponen los resultados de un estudio, finalizado en 1982, en el que se analiza el conjunto de casos ovni registrados en España en el período 1950-1978. Para el manejo de la información, unos 2.500 casos fueron codificados y tratados informáticamente por primera vez en España. De esta manera se han analizado las características de los fenómenos observados y de los testigos de estos; sus distribuciones temporal y geográfica en relación con las condiciones sociológicas, climatológicas y orográficas del lugar y momento de la observación; el vínculo entre el número de observaciones, la distribución de población y sus características socioculturales, etc.
También se ha determinado el grado de fiabilidad que objetivamente puede atribuirse a la relación entre ovnis y otros fenómenos que por entonces se consideraban de posible influencia sobre ellos, para lo cual se buscaron sistemas que permitieran calcular los coeficientes de correlación con ionizaciones atmosféricas, anomalías magnéticas, movimientos sísmicos, etc.
Como aportación fundamental del estudio, hemos determinado la expresión que permite calcular el porcentaje de observaciones que teóricamente deben producirse en cada unidad administrativa (provincia), en función de su población y densidad de esta, superficie, climatología local, orografía, aspectos socioeconómicos, etc. Los resultados teóricos aportados por esta expresión general fueron comparados con los realmente producidos (ovnis registrados), procediendo al cálculo del coeficiente de correlación entre ambas series, cuyos resultados determinaron que este se incrementaba a medida que aumentaba el número de casos estudiados hasta alcanzar un valor 0,66, con proyecciones cercanas a la unidad cuando la cifra hubiera alcanzado las 4 800 observaciones.
Estas y otras muchas conclusiones parciales han llevado a otra final: “el fenómeno OVNI está basado en la observación de hechos reales y cotidianos que, en determinadas condiciones de predisposición psicológica, originan interpretaciones o percepciones equívocas”.
Como los casi cuarenta años transcurridos desde que el estudio fue finalizado han aportado nuevas visiones científicas en muchas ramas del pensamiento, una introducción titulada “Cuarenta años después” trata de acercar aquellos resultados al conocimiento de hoy.
This monograph presents the results of a study, completed in 1982, in which a set of about 2,500 UFO cases recorded in Spain in the period 1950-1978 is analyzed. For the management of the information, all cases were coded and computer-treated for the first time in Spain. In this way, the characteristics of the observed phenomena and their witnesses have been analyzed; their temporal and geographical distributions in relation to the sociological, climatological and orographic conditions of the place and time of observation; the link between the number of observations, the distribution of the population and their sociocultural characteristics, etc.
The work established the degree of reliability that can objectively be attributed to the relationship between UFOs and other phenomena that were then considered to have a possible influence on them. To this end, systems were sought that would allow the calculation of correlation coefficients with atmospheric ionization, magnetic anomalies, seismic movements, etc.
As a fundamental contribution of the study, we have determined the expression that allows calculating the percentage of observations that theoretically should be produced in each province, according to its population and density, surface area, local climatology, orography, socioeconomic aspects, etc. The theoretical results provided by this general expression were compared with those actually produced (i.e., actually-reported UFOs), proceeding to calculate the correlation coefficient between both series, the results of which determined that this correlation increased as the number of cases studied increased to a value of 0.66, with projections close to the unit when the figure had reached 4,800 observations.
These and many other partial conclusions have led to a final conclusion: "the UFO phenomenon is based on the observation of real and daily facts that, under certain conditions of psychological predisposition, originate erroneous interpretations or perceptions.”
As the almost forty years that have passed since the study was completed have brought new scientific views in many branches of thought, we have penned an updated introduction entitled "Forty Years Later" that attempts to bring those results closer to today's knowledge.
Resumen en español/English abstract Presentación y análisis de cerca de 600 informes de "aterriza... more Resumen en español/English abstract
Presentación y análisis de cerca de 600 informes de "aterrizaje ovni" (explicados e inexplicados) ocurridos en España y Portugal hasta 1985. Libro publicado por Plaza & Janes (Barcelona), 1986. Autores: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos y Juan Antonio Fernández Peris.
Presentation and analysis of nearly 600 reports of "UFO landings" (explained and unexplained) occurred in Spain and Portugal until 1985.
Book published by Plaza & Janes (Barcelona), 1987. Authors: Vicente-JUan Ballester Olmos and Juan Antonio Fernández Peris.
CUSSAC 1967-2007. By Jean-Marc GILLOT
FRENCH PRESENTATION (see below English presentation) Ce travail est le fruit de recherches et de ... more FRENCH PRESENTATION (see below English presentation)
Ce travail est le fruit de recherches et de réflexions personnelles. Je tiens à préciser que je n’ai pas de formation scientifique (fonctionnaire du Ministère de la Justice). Mon but était en premier lieu de faire le point sur une observation ufologique déjà ancienne, celle de Cussac ; puis j’en suis venu à parler du travail des ufologues et finalement du phénomène en général. Si j'ai pris plaisir à corriger les erreurs grossières de cette affaire, je tenais surtout à laisser parler les différentes parties. Je pensais aussi que replacer l'observation dans son contexte historique était très important. J'ai privilégié une ou deux hypothèses dans la conclusion mais le dossier reste bien sur ouvert. Mon seul regret est de n'avoir pu me rendre sur place et rencontrer les deux témoins de l'observation. Il est vrai que tout a bien changé et que cela n'aurait probablement rien apporté de plus. Parfois, il m'a fallu ruser pour obtenir des informations car si j'avais dit d'emblée que je faisais des recherches sur les ovnis les portes se seraient fermées devant moi. Je remercie encore une fois les ufologues indépendants, associations et divers organismes pour leur aide. J'ai une pensée particulière pour le pilote et grand acteur de la filière hélicoptère André Morel décédé le 29 juillet 2016.
This work is the result of my own researches and thoughts. I should point out that I have no scientific background (Ministry of Justice official). I essentially aimed to take stock of an already old sighting, that of Cussac; from that I came to speak about the ufologists work and finally about the UFO phenomenon in general. If I took pleasure in correcting the gross mistakes made about the sighting, I above all intended to let the involved parties speak. I also thought it was very important to put the sighting back in its historical context. I favor one or two hypotheses in the conclusion, but the case remains of course open. My only regret is that I was unable to go on the spot and to meet the two witnesses. Of course, everything has changed, and such a visit would probably have brought nothing new. Sometimes I had to be tricky to obtain information, because if I had said at the outset that I was researching UFOs, doors would have closed in front of me. I thank once again the independent ufologists, associations and various organizations for their help. I particularly think of André Morel, pilot and influent actor in the helicopter industry, who died on July 29, 2016.
RESUMEN Esta obra del antropólogo Ignacio Cabria, originalmente publicada en 2003 por la Fundació... more RESUMEN
Esta obra del antropólogo Ignacio Cabria, originalmente publicada en 2003 por la Fundación Anomalía (España), representa un primer esfuerzo de revisión de los distintos enfoques en la investigación del fenómeno ovni desde la psicología y las ciencias sociales, particularmente la sociología y la antropología. El autor analiza las teorías y la bibliografía producidas sobre los procesos psicológicos y sociales por los cuales se producen los informes ovni, las creencias en torno al fenómeno, los aspectos simbólicos del mito extraterrestre y su continuada presencia en la cultura contemporánea.
This work by anthropologist Ignacio Cabria, originally published in 2003 by the Fundación Anomalía (Spain), represents a first effort to review the different approaches in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon from psychology and social sciences, particularly sociology and anthropology. The author analyses the theories and bibliography produced on the psychological and social processes by which the UFO reports are produced, the beliefs around the phenomenon, the symbolic aspects of the extraterrestrial myth and its continuing presence in contemporary culture.
Belgium in UFO Photographs – Volume 1 is a research book that makes no concessions to literature.... more Belgium in UFO Photographs – Volume 1 is a research book that makes no concessions to literature. It is a scientifically oriented inquiry into a collection of supposed UFO pictures taken in Belgium in the period from 1950 to 1988. But the reader will certainly find more than descriptions of UFO sightings and detailed analyses of UFO images. For instance, the included catalog not only has numerous examples of how normal folks can be deceived by common phenomena, it also reveals the dubious background against which some photographs that received worldwide endorsement made their way into UFO history.
The book is a documented history of four decades’ worth of UFO incidents that involved witnesses who provided photographic evidence (be that negatives, prints, slides, films, or videotapes), on top of their own testimony. The authors have investigated every event weighing the evidence for real anomalies occurring in our atmosphere.
Though only a small country in Central Europe, Belgium’s rich UFO patrimony serves as a representative sample of UFO phenomenology worldwide.
The book has over 400 pages, 366 illustrations (pictures, diagrams, maps, sky charts, etc.) and contains a statistical review of the cases that were studied. This is FOTOCAT Report #7 and, like the rest of the series, it is available free online.
For book collectors, printed book lovers and libraries, a printed edition in full color and large format has been published by UPIAR (Turin, Italy) and can be purchased through the publisher’s website at the following link:
The book’s foreword has been contributed by James Oberg, one of the world's leading popularizers and interpreters of space exploration. Oberg had a 22-year career as a space engineer in Houston, where he specialized in NASA space shuttle operations for orbital rendezvous. Excerpts from his foreword follow:
Vicente-Juan Ballester-Olmos and Wim van Utrecht have been practicing a methodology of research that—were it far more widespread—could help determine the better theories from the more extreme ones . . . Ballester-Olmos and Van Utrecht, like me, believe that ‘IFOs’ have lessons to teach ‘ufologists’ that are crucial to making sense of cases that remain in the ‘true UFO’ data bases . . . The newfound power of combining GOOD records keeping with Internet tools and search engines can be seen in specific cases discussed by the authors . . . In case after case, the authors apply wide knowledge of geometry, optics, meteorology, human perception, and human cultural context, to illustrate that plausible explanations often are found . . . The approach shown by Ballester-Olmos and Van Utrecht should serve as an example and as an inspiration to other ‘citizen scientists’ who have played a crucial role in providing the resources that will allow theorists with more data and wider insight to someday make more sense about what lies behind this mysterious phenomenon.
You are kindly requested to extend this information to other colleagues, organizations, scientific institutions, and/or libraries. In addition, any mention on your blog, website or magazine will be greatly appreciated, as well as any book review you might want to submit to any scientific or specialized UFO journal.
RESUMEN Un equipo de cuatro investigadores de España y Argentina ha dedicado seis años a analiza... more RESUMEN
Un equipo de cuatro investigadores de España y Argentina ha dedicado seis años a analizar los varios avistamientos OVNI ocurridos en la Antártida entre junio y agosto de 1965. Para ello se ha acumulado una documentación sin precedentes, contactando incluso con testigos supervivientes, la cual se ha sometido a una rigurosa peritación científica, sirviéndose de la mejor tecnología de apoyo disponible. Ninguna de las observaciones estudiadas tiene un nivel significativo de extrañeza. La información generada originalmente es insuficiente y hasta contradictoria. Cuando no hay una explicación concluyente, se han hallado modelos convencionales que se ajustan a los datos empíricos, lo que elimina o reduce considerablemente su valor como evidencia de que se tratara de fenómenos anómalos.
Concretamente, ha resultado que los tres avistamientos clave del 3 de julio de 1965 en las Islas Laurie y Decepción habrían consistido, muy probablemente, en observaciones de un meteoro, del satélite artificial Echo II y de estímulos astronómicos como el planeta Marte o las estrellas Spica y Arcturus.
A team of four researchers from Spain and Argentina has devoted six years to analyze the rush of UFO sightings occurred in the Antarctica between June and August 1965. To this end, an unprecedented documentation has been collected, even contacting with surviving witnesses, and it has undergone profound examination, based on a rigorous scientific appraisal and using the best available supporting technology. None of the reviewed observations have a significant level of strangeness. The information generated originally is insufficient and even contradictory. When there are not conclusive explanations, conventional models have been found that fit the empirical data, which eliminates or considerably reduces its value as evidence that they were anomalous phenomena.
It turned out that the three key sightings of July 3, 1965 in the Laurie and Deception Islands could have been caused, most probably, by observations of a meteor, the Echo II artificial satellite and astronomical stimuli like planet Mars or the stars Spica and Arcturus.
LE PHÉNOMÈNE OVNI, UN AUTRE REGARD L’idée de base est d’abord d’expliquer ce que tout le monde d... more LE PHÉNOMÈNE OVNI, UN AUTRE REGARD
L’idée de base est d’abord d’expliquer ce que tout le monde devrait savoir avant de parler d’ovni lors d’une observation. En effet, « Nos sens nous trompent ». Ensuite, appliquer ces connaissances à divers cas emblématiques de la « Vague Belge » de 1989-1992. Montrer qu’un grand nombre de conclusions hâtives sans utilisation des lois de la physique ou en négligeant des données implicites pourtant accessibles conduisaient à des conclusions erronées. Après l’analyse de divers cas, développer une série de réflexions sur les différentes thèses en présence. Montrer également que des « Hypothèses » étaient présentées comme « Faits » par les partisans de l’HET. Finalement conclure qu’il n’existe actuellement aucune preuve de véhicules extraterrestres dans la vague belge.
The basic idea is to explain what everyone should know before talking about UFOs during an observation. Indeed, "Our senses deceive us". Then, to apply this knowledge to some emblematic cases from the "Belgian UFO Wave" of 1989-1992. And to show that many hasty conclusions have led to erroneous conclusions. After the analysis of some cases, to develop several thoughts on the subject. To show that "Hypothesis" was presented as "Facts" by the believers of the ETH. Finally, to conclude that there is no actual proof of extra-terrestrial spacecraft in the "Belgian Wave".
Book review of "Belgium in UFO Photographs (Volume 1: 1950-1988)" by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos... more Book review of "Belgium in UFO Photographs (Volume 1: 1950-1988)" by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Wim van Utrecht, written by noted German UFO researcher Hans-Werner Peiniger for the Journal Für UFO-Forschung (Journal of UFO Research), issue number 235, 2018, pages 29-32.
Reseña del libro EL FENÓMENO OVNI EN CANARIAS, de Ricardo Campo Pérez (Le Canarien, 2017), por Vi... more Reseña del libro EL FENÓMENO OVNI EN CANARIAS, de Ricardo Campo Pérez (Le Canarien, 2017), por Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos. Una obra imprescindible.