Valentin Deleanu - (original) (raw)
Papers by Valentin Deleanu
Apulum: Arheologie. Istorie. …, 2004
... Fibule romane de la Apulum (II). Autores: Sorin Cocis, Horia Ciugudean, Valentin Deleanu; Loc... more ... Fibule romane de la Apulum (II). Autores: Sorin Cocis, Horia Ciugudean, Valentin Deleanu; Localización: Apulum: Arheologie. Istorie. Etnografie, ISSN 1013-428X, Vol. 41, Nº 1, 2004 , págs. 279-286. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... şi Moldoveneşti95. Mărgele de acest gen apar şi în spaŃiul slovac, la Sered II, Pra, Cervení... more ... şi Moldoveneşti95. Mărgele de acest gen apar şi în spaŃiul slovac, la Sered II, Pra, Cerveník şi Koúty96. Pentru mărgelele segment sau pentru cele foarte mici avem analogii la Sered II şi Pra (Slovacia)97. Mărgelele tubulare ...
Cercetările arheologice din ultimul deceniu, efectuate în zona Str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu (fostă Brâ... more Cercetările arheologice din ultimul deceniu, efectuate în zona Str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu (fostă Brânduşei. harta 1), au contribuit la completarea informaţiilor destul de lacunare, pe care le deţineam din acest perimetru. Harta 1 -Localizarea necropolei de la Alba Iulia -str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu 1 Ciobanu-colab. 2000, 301sqq. 2 Informaţii oferite cu multă amabilitate de către dr. Viorica Suciu, fapt pentru care îi mulţumim şi pe această cale. Materialul arheologic a fost curăţit şi restaurat în Laboratorul de Restaurare al Muzeului Naţional al Unirii Alba Iulia, cu sprijinul d-nei Daniela Ciugudean. 3 Drâmbărean -colab. 1998a, 3sq; Drâmbărean-colab. 1998 b, 187-205. 4 Dragotă-Brânda 2000, 10sq. Cod sit: 1026.09. Comunicare prezentată la Simpozionul Ştiinţific -Permanenţă şi continuitate în spaţiul cultural hunedorean, Hunedoara, 14-15 Octombrie 2000. Mulţumim şi cu acest prilej d-lui Tiberiu Groza, pentru sprijinul consistent şi amabilitatea sinceră de care a dat dovadă pe toată perioada în care s-au desfăşurat investigaţiile.
The article presents the archaeological researches carried out in the necropolis from Alba Iulia-... more The article presents the archaeological researches carried out in the necropolis from Alba Iulia-Izvorul Împăratului, a landmark site for the history of Christianity and interferences between local population and allogeneous ones from the area of 10th -11th century Transylvania.
With one exception (M. 1), all eight graves were oriented E-W (skull). The deceased (adults and children) were deposited in simple pits or lined with tile material, stone and lime (M. 5, M. 8, M. 9).
As for forearms, several variants are known: right on the abdomen or pelvis and left straight (M. 2, M. 4), both straight (M. 5, M. 7, M. 9) on the pelvis (M. 8) or on the abdomen (M. 6).
Egg offering was deposited to the left of the pelvis (M. 2), between shanks (M. 4) and to left of humerus (M. 9). Ceramic vessels were deposited in one piece, by the right of the abdomen (M. 5) and left of the skull (M. 9). One of the vessels, discovered fragmentary, was decorated with distanced incisions and the other one is not decorated. Pieces of weapons and accessories (arrow points, strap distributors, Kecel buckle) were recuperated from M. 3 and M. 8. The funeral picture is completed by a ring with channels (M. 2), 13 Giesler rings, fragmentary bead and twisted bracelets.
Elements of funeral rite and ritual date these discoveries to the latter half of 10th century. Inhumations within this necropolis start at a synchronous horizon or similar to that from Alba Iulia-Str. Brînduşei, Pîclişa and post Alba Iulia-Staţia de Salvare/beginning of phase II. Certain common habits (lining of pits, depositing of animal offering and ceramics) mirror cultural intertwinements between ethnic communities existent in this area at the turn of millennia.
Older and more recent researches from this site determine us take into consideration the following two working hypotheses: a. functionality of the necropolis would have been in connection with one of the ethnical communities from the area which is divided in two, one continuing pagan traditions and the other one that accepts Christianity; b. the first and the sole necropolis from Transylvania, used irrespective of ethnicity that had as common denominator Christianity, or more exactly its revival by Byzantine mission led by Hierotheus.
Saşii şi concet enii lor ardeleni = Die Sachsen und ihre Nachbarn in Siebenbürgen : Studia in Hon... more Saşii şi concet enii lor ardeleni = Die Sachsen und ihre Nachbarn in Siebenbürgen : Studia in Honorem Dr. Thomas Nägler / ed.: Ioan Marin iplic, Konrad Gündish. -Alba-Iulia : Altip, 2009 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-973-117-213-2 I. iplic, Ioan Marian (ed.) II. Gündisch, Konrad (ed.) 94(=112.2 Saşi)(498.4) Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Beginning with 2004 and until now, the picture of the funerary inventory from the necropolis from... more Beginning with 2004 and until now, the picture of the funerary inventory from the necropolis from Alba
Iulia – Brînduşei Street was completed with numerous Arpadian denarii chronologically spanned between
Stephen I (1000-1038) and Solomon (1063-1074).
Denarii recuperated from the graves had the following anatomical positions: 1.) mandible’s area; 2.) in
the mouth; 3.) skull’s area; 4.) under skull and 5.) on the chest. The most numerous pieces recuperated from
graves had as issuer Stephen I and may be totally placed in the H1 Kovács type (12 pieces).
The only type attested in the discoveries from Brînduşei Street has on the obverse the legend †
STEPHANVS REX, and on the reverse † REGIA CIVITAS (H1 Kovács). Emissions from king Peter (1038 - 1041;
1044 - 1046) were recovered from M. 67, M. 93 and M. 152. The pieces have on the obverse the legend †
PETRVS REX, and on the reverse † PANNONIA and may be placed in the H6 Kovács type.
Monetary emissions from king Aba Samuel (1041-1044) were evidenced in graves 216 and 217, one
being placed in the mouth and the other near the skull (H7 Kovács). The pieces that had as issuer Andrew I
(1046-1060) frame in H8 Kovács type.
A silver Arpadian denarius issued by king Béla I (1048 – 1060) was recovered from M. 141 (child),
from near the mouth (H12 Kovács ).
The two Solomon pieces (1063 – 1074) may be framed in the H 14b Kovács ( ?) and 17 type.
From our observations results that Stephen I denarii appear in association with Peter I (M. 93) or with
Andrew I (M. 137, M. 225) emissions. As far as the other artefacts are concerned, there was noticed that type 29
appears only in association with Andrew I (M. 200, M. 231) emissions. 25 Giesler rings are in connection with
Stephen I and Peter I emissions. Types 1b, 27 and torque from intertwined metal strands and hair rings with sshaped
ends appear in connection with Stephen I. Types 3, 30 Giesler, knife and hair rings with s- shaped ends
appear with Stephen I and Andrew I emissions. Bela I and Solomon emissions have in association only hair
rings with s- shaped ends. In three cases appear also perforated emissions of Stephen I, Peter I and Aba Samuel
(M. 93, M.217, M. 225).
Books by Valentin Deleanu
Vestigiile de factură romană de aici au fost completate prin descoperirea fortuită a două tezaure... more Vestigiile de factură romană de aici au fost completate prin descoperirea fortuită a două tezaure monetare. Primul tezaur cuprindea 232 de monede romane, eşalonate cronologic între domnia lui Vespasianus şi cea a lui Elagabal 2 , iar al doilea avea în componenţă 844 de monede romane, de această dată eşalonate, din punct de vedere cronologic, între domniile împăraţilor Commodus şi Gallienus 3 .
Apulum: Arheologie. Istorie. …, 2004
... Fibule romane de la Apulum (II). Autores: Sorin Cocis, Horia Ciugudean, Valentin Deleanu; Loc... more ... Fibule romane de la Apulum (II). Autores: Sorin Cocis, Horia Ciugudean, Valentin Deleanu; Localización: Apulum: Arheologie. Istorie. Etnografie, ISSN 1013-428X, Vol. 41, Nº 1, 2004 , págs. 279-286. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... şi Moldoveneşti95. Mărgele de acest gen apar şi în spaŃiul slovac, la Sered II, Pra, Cervení... more ... şi Moldoveneşti95. Mărgele de acest gen apar şi în spaŃiul slovac, la Sered II, Pra, Cerveník şi Koúty96. Pentru mărgelele segment sau pentru cele foarte mici avem analogii la Sered II şi Pra (Slovacia)97. Mărgelele tubulare ...
Cercetările arheologice din ultimul deceniu, efectuate în zona Str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu (fostă Brâ... more Cercetările arheologice din ultimul deceniu, efectuate în zona Str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu (fostă Brânduşei. harta 1), au contribuit la completarea informaţiilor destul de lacunare, pe care le deţineam din acest perimetru. Harta 1 -Localizarea necropolei de la Alba Iulia -str. Arhim. Iuliu Hossu 1 Ciobanu-colab. 2000, 301sqq. 2 Informaţii oferite cu multă amabilitate de către dr. Viorica Suciu, fapt pentru care îi mulţumim şi pe această cale. Materialul arheologic a fost curăţit şi restaurat în Laboratorul de Restaurare al Muzeului Naţional al Unirii Alba Iulia, cu sprijinul d-nei Daniela Ciugudean. 3 Drâmbărean -colab. 1998a, 3sq; Drâmbărean-colab. 1998 b, 187-205. 4 Dragotă-Brânda 2000, 10sq. Cod sit: 1026.09. Comunicare prezentată la Simpozionul Ştiinţific -Permanenţă şi continuitate în spaţiul cultural hunedorean, Hunedoara, 14-15 Octombrie 2000. Mulţumim şi cu acest prilej d-lui Tiberiu Groza, pentru sprijinul consistent şi amabilitatea sinceră de care a dat dovadă pe toată perioada în care s-au desfăşurat investigaţiile.
The article presents the archaeological researches carried out in the necropolis from Alba Iulia-... more The article presents the archaeological researches carried out in the necropolis from Alba Iulia-Izvorul Împăratului, a landmark site for the history of Christianity and interferences between local population and allogeneous ones from the area of 10th -11th century Transylvania.
With one exception (M. 1), all eight graves were oriented E-W (skull). The deceased (adults and children) were deposited in simple pits or lined with tile material, stone and lime (M. 5, M. 8, M. 9).
As for forearms, several variants are known: right on the abdomen or pelvis and left straight (M. 2, M. 4), both straight (M. 5, M. 7, M. 9) on the pelvis (M. 8) or on the abdomen (M. 6).
Egg offering was deposited to the left of the pelvis (M. 2), between shanks (M. 4) and to left of humerus (M. 9). Ceramic vessels were deposited in one piece, by the right of the abdomen (M. 5) and left of the skull (M. 9). One of the vessels, discovered fragmentary, was decorated with distanced incisions and the other one is not decorated. Pieces of weapons and accessories (arrow points, strap distributors, Kecel buckle) were recuperated from M. 3 and M. 8. The funeral picture is completed by a ring with channels (M. 2), 13 Giesler rings, fragmentary bead and twisted bracelets.
Elements of funeral rite and ritual date these discoveries to the latter half of 10th century. Inhumations within this necropolis start at a synchronous horizon or similar to that from Alba Iulia-Str. Brînduşei, Pîclişa and post Alba Iulia-Staţia de Salvare/beginning of phase II. Certain common habits (lining of pits, depositing of animal offering and ceramics) mirror cultural intertwinements between ethnic communities existent in this area at the turn of millennia.
Older and more recent researches from this site determine us take into consideration the following two working hypotheses: a. functionality of the necropolis would have been in connection with one of the ethnical communities from the area which is divided in two, one continuing pagan traditions and the other one that accepts Christianity; b. the first and the sole necropolis from Transylvania, used irrespective of ethnicity that had as common denominator Christianity, or more exactly its revival by Byzantine mission led by Hierotheus.
Saşii şi concet enii lor ardeleni = Die Sachsen und ihre Nachbarn in Siebenbürgen : Studia in Hon... more Saşii şi concet enii lor ardeleni = Die Sachsen und ihre Nachbarn in Siebenbürgen : Studia in Honorem Dr. Thomas Nägler / ed.: Ioan Marin iplic, Konrad Gündish. -Alba-Iulia : Altip, 2009 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-973-117-213-2 I. iplic, Ioan Marian (ed.) II. Gündisch, Konrad (ed.) 94(=112.2 Saşi)(498.4) Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Beginning with 2004 and until now, the picture of the funerary inventory from the necropolis from... more Beginning with 2004 and until now, the picture of the funerary inventory from the necropolis from Alba
Iulia – Brînduşei Street was completed with numerous Arpadian denarii chronologically spanned between
Stephen I (1000-1038) and Solomon (1063-1074).
Denarii recuperated from the graves had the following anatomical positions: 1.) mandible’s area; 2.) in
the mouth; 3.) skull’s area; 4.) under skull and 5.) on the chest. The most numerous pieces recuperated from
graves had as issuer Stephen I and may be totally placed in the H1 Kovács type (12 pieces).
The only type attested in the discoveries from Brînduşei Street has on the obverse the legend †
STEPHANVS REX, and on the reverse † REGIA CIVITAS (H1 Kovács). Emissions from king Peter (1038 - 1041;
1044 - 1046) were recovered from M. 67, M. 93 and M. 152. The pieces have on the obverse the legend †
PETRVS REX, and on the reverse † PANNONIA and may be placed in the H6 Kovács type.
Monetary emissions from king Aba Samuel (1041-1044) were evidenced in graves 216 and 217, one
being placed in the mouth and the other near the skull (H7 Kovács). The pieces that had as issuer Andrew I
(1046-1060) frame in H8 Kovács type.
A silver Arpadian denarius issued by king Béla I (1048 – 1060) was recovered from M. 141 (child),
from near the mouth (H12 Kovács ).
The two Solomon pieces (1063 – 1074) may be framed in the H 14b Kovács ( ?) and 17 type.
From our observations results that Stephen I denarii appear in association with Peter I (M. 93) or with
Andrew I (M. 137, M. 225) emissions. As far as the other artefacts are concerned, there was noticed that type 29
appears only in association with Andrew I (M. 200, M. 231) emissions. 25 Giesler rings are in connection with
Stephen I and Peter I emissions. Types 1b, 27 and torque from intertwined metal strands and hair rings with sshaped
ends appear in connection with Stephen I. Types 3, 30 Giesler, knife and hair rings with s- shaped ends
appear with Stephen I and Andrew I emissions. Bela I and Solomon emissions have in association only hair
rings with s- shaped ends. In three cases appear also perforated emissions of Stephen I, Peter I and Aba Samuel
(M. 93, M.217, M. 225).
Vestigiile de factură romană de aici au fost completate prin descoperirea fortuită a două tezaure... more Vestigiile de factură romană de aici au fost completate prin descoperirea fortuită a două tezaure monetare. Primul tezaur cuprindea 232 de monede romane, eşalonate cronologic între domnia lui Vespasianus şi cea a lui Elagabal 2 , iar al doilea avea în componenţă 844 de monede romane, de această dată eşalonate, din punct de vedere cronologic, între domniile împăraţilor Commodus şi Gallienus 3 .