Valeska Rojas - (original) (raw)
Papers by Valeska Rojas
doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by pee... more doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2017
BACKGROUND Evidence on the effect of systemic exercise programs to improve the standing balance w... more BACKGROUND Evidence on the effect of systemic exercise programs to improve the standing balance with the Nintendo Wii system is very limited and its post-treatment effectiveness is unknown in cerebral palsy (CP) patients. AIM Primary aim was to compare the effect of Nintendo Wii balance board (Wii-therapy) and standard physiotherapy (SPT), on the performance of standing balance in children and adolescents with CP. Secondary aim was to determine the post-treatment effectiveness of Wii-therapy and SPT. DESIGN Two-arm, matched-pairs, parallel-groups, randomized, controlled clinical trial. SETTING Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre in the city of Talca. POPULATION Patients with CP type spastic hemiplegia (SHE) and spastic diplegia (SDI), aged 7 to 14 years, and level I or II of GMFCS or GMFCS-ER. Were excluded patients with FSIQ<80, epilepsy, previous surgeries and application of Botulinum Toxin-A in the lower limb, uncorrected vision and hearing disorders. METHODS Thirty-two CP patients (10.7±3.2 years old) were randomly assigned to either Wii-therapy (SDI=7; SHE=9) or SPT intervention (SDI=7; SHE=9). In each group, patients received three sessions per week over a period of 6 weeks. Standing balance was assessed at baseline and every 2 weeks. Additionally, two follow-up assessments (4 additional weeks) were performed to determine post-treatment effectiveness. Standing balance was quantified on force platform obtaining the outcomes area of center-of-pressure (CoP) sway (CoPSway), standard deviation in the medial-lateral (SDML) and the anterior-posterior (SDAP) directions, and velocity in both directions (VML and VAP). RESULTS Compared to SPT, Wii-therapy significantly reduced the CoPSway (P=0.02) and SDAP in the eyes-open condition (P=0.01). However, the effects wane after 2-4 weeks. Post-hoc analysis revealed that only SHE children benefited from Wii-therapy. CONCLUSIONS Wii-therapy was better than SPT in improving standing balance in patients with CP, but improves the balance only in SHE patients. Also, Wii-therapy effectiveness waned 2-4 weeks after the end the intervention. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT A systematic exercise program like Wii-therapy using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board device can be considered to improves the standing balance in patients with CP, specifically in the SHE type. This program is easy to transfer to physiotherapists and rehabilitation centers.
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 2020
BACKGROUND: Older adults require special attention during cognitive-motor tasks since automatic p... more BACKGROUND: Older adults require special attention during cognitive-motor tasks since automatic postural control is reduced. AIM: To analyze the effect of physical exercise on dual-task processing of healthy older women performing standing balance. METHOD: Sixteen healthy older women were assessed in a quiet standing position with eyes open/closed (single-task, EO, and EC) and with a cognitive task (dual-task, DT) using a Wii Balance Board. All individuals performed training (aerobic, strength, and virtual reality exercises) at moderate effort. Center of pressure (CoP) anteroposterior and mediolateral displacement were analyzed over time pre- and post-training. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare pre- and post-training. RESULTS: Greater variability in CoP was observed pre- compared to post-training. In the DT, there was a significance decrease in post-training variability compared to pre-training (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Physical exercise programs for older adults may contribute t...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019
Background Single-and dual-tasks are influenced by age-related impaired postural balance. Aim of ... more Background Single-and dual-tasks are influenced by age-related impaired postural balance. Aim of this study was to analyze the Center of Pressure (CoP) oscillation during static balance in the presence or absence of cognitive task on older women. Methods Thirty-one healthy older women were assessed in a stand quiet position with open/closed eyes (single-task, OE and CE) and with cognitive task (dual-task, DT) through Wii Balance Board. Sway area, total displacement and CoP oscillation (CO) based on the number of times that CoP traveled through anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. Friedman test was used to compare OE, CE and DT. Dual-task interference percentage was used to quantify the cognitive load on balance whereas Spearman correlation coefficient was used to assess the association of cognitive domains and CO. Results The CO was significantly higher in DT than in single-tasks and participants were unable to maintain their limits of stability in mediolateral direction. The cost of DT interference was 30.5%, which is partially explained by the deviation of attention from postural control to spatial and temporal orientation. Conclusion Our findings show that cognitive load during DT impairs balance in mediolateral direction, thus indicating the use of WBB to assess cognitive interference on postural control.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019
Physical Therapy in Sport, 2018
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified... more Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. The express permission of the copyright holder must be obtained for any use of this material other than for purposes permitted by law. • Users may freely distribute the URL that is used to identify this publication. • Users may download and/or print one copy of the publication from the University of Birmingham research portal for the purpose of private study or non-commercial research. • User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of 'fair dealing' under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (?) • Users may not further distribute the material nor use it for the purposes of commercial gain. Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive.
Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, 2019
There is enough evidence that, nowadays, the sedentary lifestyle is one of the major health probl... more There is enough evidence that, nowadays, the sedentary lifestyle is one of the major health problems worldwide, linked to many chronic diseases, including mental comorbidities, systemic hypertension, metabolic dysregulation, and cancer. Although health societies recommend engagement to physical activities, there is an overwhelming number of people remaining sedentary, even knowing the health benefits of regular exercises. One of the main factors that justifies this scenario is the lack of motivation, which is a barrier to people intended to start new habits for health. Considering this previous information, new alternatives for exercises may help people engage in a healthier lifestyle. Technology has contributed to this with devices that allow movements based on virtual reality approaches, including the exergames. These are games available even in commercial devices, as video-games, that allow people to work with different physical components. Furthermore, exergames add cognitive ga...
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2019
caRtes-Velásquez 2, 3) , MaRia eliana alboRnoz-VeRduGo 4) , alex soto-Poblete 5) , Renato s. Mont... more caRtes-Velásquez 2, 3) , MaRia eliana alboRnoz-VeRduGo 4) , alex soto-Poblete 5) , Renato s. MonteiRo-junioR 6) , edith elGueta-cancino 7)
Medical Hypotheses, 2018
For many years lactate was seen as a metabolite from glucose metabolism. However, since the last ... more For many years lactate was seen as a metabolite from glucose metabolism. However, since the last century researchers have shown that this molecule has an important role on liver, muscle, and brain metabolism. Lactate traffics along whole body mediating many biological processes depending on specific situations. For example, glucose is the main substrate used during exercise but lactate released by striated skeletal muscle is used by own muscle as secondary fuel. On the other hand, neuronal firing in the brain is almost totally lactate-dependent. In addition, lactate has an important role on BDNFmediated neuroplasticity. As this molecule has a pleiotropic role in the body, it was called as "lactormone" in 2009. Here we show basic concepts on peripheral and central metabolism and discuss neurobiological pathways of lactate, including an alternative hypothesis on lactate released during exercise.
Journal of sport rehabilitation, Jan 17, 2017
Kinesio taping is commonly used in sports and rehabilitation settings with the aim of prevention ... more Kinesio taping is commonly used in sports and rehabilitation settings with the aim of prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. However, limited evidence exists regarding the effects of 24 and 72 h of kinesio taping on trunk and lower limb neuromuscular and kinetic performance during a vertical jump. The purpose of this study was to analyze the short-term effects of kinesio taping on the height and ground reaction force during a vertical jump, in addition to trunk and lower limb muscle latency and recruitment order. Single-group pretest-posttest. University Laboratory. 12 male athletes from different sport (track and field, basketball, and soccer). They completed a single squat and countermovement jump at basal time (no kinesio taping), 24 and 72 h of kinesio taping application on the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius medialis, and longissimus. Muscle onset latencies were assessed by electromyography during a squat and countermovement jump, i...
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017
Graded motor imagery (GMI) and mirror therapy (MT) is thought to improve pain in patients with co... more Graded motor imagery (GMI) and mirror therapy (MT) is thought to improve pain in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types 1 and 2. However, the evidence is limited and analysis are not independent between types of CRPS. The purpose of this review was to analyze the effects of GMI and MT on pain in independent groups of patients with CRPS types 1 and 2. Searches for literature published between 1990 and 2016 were conducted in databases. Randomized controlled trials that compared GMI or MT with other treatments for CRPS types 1 and 2 were included. Six articles met the inclusion criteria and were classified from moderate to high quality. The total sample was composed of 171 participants with CRPS type 1. Three studies presented GMI with 3 components and three studies only used the MT. The studies were heterogeneous in terms of sample size and the disorders that triggered CRPS type 1. There were no trials that included participants with CRPS type 2. GMI and MT can improve pain in patients with CRPS type 1; however, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend these therapies over other treatments given the small size and heterogeneity of the studied population.
Fisioterapia, 2017
Cómo citar este artículo: Guzmán-Muñoz EE, et al. Retraso de la latencia de activación de los mús... more Cómo citar este artículo: Guzmán-Muñoz EE, et al. Retraso de la latencia de activación de los músculos de cadera y rodilla en individuos con acortamiento de la banda iliotibial. Fisioterapia. 2016.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2016
This study aimed to explore the possibility of improving functional balance using an exercise pro... more This study aimed to explore the possibility of improving functional balance using an exercise program with Nintendo and the Balance Board peripheral in subjects with cerebral palsy. [Subjects and Methods] This study included 4 male outpatients of a neurological center. All participants received an exercise program based on the use of Nintendo with the Balance Board peripheral. Training consisted of three 25-min sessions per week for 6 weeks. Each session was guided by a physical therapist. Timed up-and-go and one-leg standing tests were conducted before and after the intervention. [Results] All subjects showed significant improvements in the results of the timed up-and-go test. However, there were no significant changes in the results of the one-leg standing test. [Conclusion] The exercise protocol involving Nintendo with the Balance Board peripheral appears to improve functional dynamic balance in patients with cerebral palsy. However, static functional balance does not improve after 6 weeks of training.
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2016
Previous studies show that the scapular muscle recruitment order could possibly change according ... more Previous studies show that the scapular muscle recruitment order could possibly change according to the characteristics of the postural task. We aimed to compare the activation latencies of serratus anterior (SA), upper, middle, and lower trapezius (UT, MT and LT, respectively) between an unpredictable perturbation (sudden arm destabilization) and a predictable task (voluntary arm raise) and, to determine the differences in the muscle recruitment order in each task. The electromyographic signals of 23 participants were recorded while the tasks were performed. All scapular muscles showed earlier onset latency in the voluntary arm raise than in the sudden arm destabilization. No significant differences were observed in the muscle recruitment order for the sudden arm destabilization (p>0.05). Conversely, for voluntary arm raise the MT, LT SA and anterior deltoid (AD) were activated significantly earlier than the UT (p<0.001). Scapular muscles present a specific recruitment order during a predictable task: SA was activated prior to the AD and the UT after the AD, in a recruitment order of SA, AD, UT, MT, and LT. While in an unpredictable motor task, all muscles were activated after the destabilization without a specific recruitment order, but rather a simultaneous activation.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2016
This study aimed to determine the correlation between center of pressure and functional balance i... more This study aimed to determine the correlation between center of pressure and functional balance in non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi. [Subjects and Methods] For the study, nine non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi who were able to maintain a standing posture and walk independently were recruited. Timed one-leg standing and timed up-and-go tests were used as functional balance tests and force platform to measure the center of pressure. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the timed up-and-go/timed one-leg standing test scores and center of pressure parameter values. [Results] None of the correlations was statistically significant, but moderate correlations were observed between the pairs timed one-leg standing/sway area of center of pressure, timed one-leg standing/standard deviation of center of pressure in the mediolateral direction, timed one-leg standing/mean velocity of center of pressure in the anteroposterior direction, and timed up-and-go test sway area of center of pressure. [Conclusion] Timed one-leg standing is more appropriate than timed up-and-go test for the measurement of functional balance in non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: This study sought to evaluate the effects of a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (NW... more ABSTRACT Objective: This study sought to evaluate the effects of a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (NWBB) intervention on ankle spasticity and static standing balance in young people with spastic cerebral palsy (SCP). Methods: Ten children and adolescents (aged 72–204 months) with SCP participated in an exercise program with NWBB. The intervention lasted 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week, 25 minutes for each session. Ankle spasticity was assessed using the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS), and static standing balance was quantified using posturographic measures (center-of-pressure [CoP] measures). Pre- and post-intervention measures were compared. Results: Significant decreases of spasticity in the ankle plantar flexor muscles (p < 0.01). There was also a significant reduction in the CoP sway area (p = 0.04), CoP mediolateral velocity (p =0.03), and CoP anterior–posterior velocity (p = 0.03). Conclusion: A 6-session NWBB program reduces the spasticity at the ankle plantar flexors and improves the static standing balance in young people with SCP.
Revista Facultad De Ingenieria, Mar 1, 2013
The elderly in Chile and in the world, is a growing population, characterized by their motor skil... more The elderly in Chile and in the world, is a growing population, characterized by their motor skills suffer a progressive and natural deterioration highlight the balance as a loss most affected by facilitating falls and therefore severe trauma injuries, such as hip fracture. This work seeks re-educate balance and postural control in older adults through the use of virtual reality. The study populations included 20 older individuals (mean= 69 years). All participants gave written, informed consent to participate in the study. The subjects were training with a intervention model of tree times a week during 8 weeks with 20 minutes per session. Two test were applied: bipedal stance and Tándem stance, and was performed four times, before the intervention at 3, 6 and 8 weeks of the training. In bipedal stance there were significant changes in the area and velocity of displacement of the center of pressure (DCoP) in open eyes phase. The area that represent about a 30% of the beginning value...
Maintenance the standing postural control and in a simple motor act requires that sensory inputs ... more Maintenance the standing postural control and in a simple motor act requires that sensory inputs be organized with the motor system of perfect way. Those aspects were evaluated in an ataxic patient through a static posturographic platform. Two models were measured one in standing position and during throw away a ball. A significant difference was found during the simple motor act where the subject uses all sensorial systems but the higher statistical reliability was found in vestibular and propioceptive systems ensuring the maintenance of postural control and avoiding a fall. Below we present a case report exploratory and descriptive.
Objetivo: cuantificar las diferencias en la excursión del centro de presión (COP) en una població... more Objetivo: cuantificar las diferencias en la excursión del centro de presión (COP) en una población de adultos mayores y una de niños.
doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by pee... more doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2017
BACKGROUND Evidence on the effect of systemic exercise programs to improve the standing balance w... more BACKGROUND Evidence on the effect of systemic exercise programs to improve the standing balance with the Nintendo Wii system is very limited and its post-treatment effectiveness is unknown in cerebral palsy (CP) patients. AIM Primary aim was to compare the effect of Nintendo Wii balance board (Wii-therapy) and standard physiotherapy (SPT), on the performance of standing balance in children and adolescents with CP. Secondary aim was to determine the post-treatment effectiveness of Wii-therapy and SPT. DESIGN Two-arm, matched-pairs, parallel-groups, randomized, controlled clinical trial. SETTING Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre in the city of Talca. POPULATION Patients with CP type spastic hemiplegia (SHE) and spastic diplegia (SDI), aged 7 to 14 years, and level I or II of GMFCS or GMFCS-ER. Were excluded patients with FSIQ<80, epilepsy, previous surgeries and application of Botulinum Toxin-A in the lower limb, uncorrected vision and hearing disorders. METHODS Thirty-two CP patients (10.7±3.2 years old) were randomly assigned to either Wii-therapy (SDI=7; SHE=9) or SPT intervention (SDI=7; SHE=9). In each group, patients received three sessions per week over a period of 6 weeks. Standing balance was assessed at baseline and every 2 weeks. Additionally, two follow-up assessments (4 additional weeks) were performed to determine post-treatment effectiveness. Standing balance was quantified on force platform obtaining the outcomes area of center-of-pressure (CoP) sway (CoPSway), standard deviation in the medial-lateral (SDML) and the anterior-posterior (SDAP) directions, and velocity in both directions (VML and VAP). RESULTS Compared to SPT, Wii-therapy significantly reduced the CoPSway (P=0.02) and SDAP in the eyes-open condition (P=0.01). However, the effects wane after 2-4 weeks. Post-hoc analysis revealed that only SHE children benefited from Wii-therapy. CONCLUSIONS Wii-therapy was better than SPT in improving standing balance in patients with CP, but improves the balance only in SHE patients. Also, Wii-therapy effectiveness waned 2-4 weeks after the end the intervention. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT A systematic exercise program like Wii-therapy using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board device can be considered to improves the standing balance in patients with CP, specifically in the SHE type. This program is easy to transfer to physiotherapists and rehabilitation centers.
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 2020
BACKGROUND: Older adults require special attention during cognitive-motor tasks since automatic p... more BACKGROUND: Older adults require special attention during cognitive-motor tasks since automatic postural control is reduced. AIM: To analyze the effect of physical exercise on dual-task processing of healthy older women performing standing balance. METHOD: Sixteen healthy older women were assessed in a quiet standing position with eyes open/closed (single-task, EO, and EC) and with a cognitive task (dual-task, DT) using a Wii Balance Board. All individuals performed training (aerobic, strength, and virtual reality exercises) at moderate effort. Center of pressure (CoP) anteroposterior and mediolateral displacement were analyzed over time pre- and post-training. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare pre- and post-training. RESULTS: Greater variability in CoP was observed pre- compared to post-training. In the DT, there was a significance decrease in post-training variability compared to pre-training (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Physical exercise programs for older adults may contribute t...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019
Background Single-and dual-tasks are influenced by age-related impaired postural balance. Aim of ... more Background Single-and dual-tasks are influenced by age-related impaired postural balance. Aim of this study was to analyze the Center of Pressure (CoP) oscillation during static balance in the presence or absence of cognitive task on older women. Methods Thirty-one healthy older women were assessed in a stand quiet position with open/closed eyes (single-task, OE and CE) and with cognitive task (dual-task, DT) through Wii Balance Board. Sway area, total displacement and CoP oscillation (CO) based on the number of times that CoP traveled through anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. Friedman test was used to compare OE, CE and DT. Dual-task interference percentage was used to quantify the cognitive load on balance whereas Spearman correlation coefficient was used to assess the association of cognitive domains and CO. Results The CO was significantly higher in DT than in single-tasks and participants were unable to maintain their limits of stability in mediolateral direction. The cost of DT interference was 30.5%, which is partially explained by the deviation of attention from postural control to spatial and temporal orientation. Conclusion Our findings show that cognitive load during DT impairs balance in mediolateral direction, thus indicating the use of WBB to assess cognitive interference on postural control.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019
Physical Therapy in Sport, 2018
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified... more Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. The express permission of the copyright holder must be obtained for any use of this material other than for purposes permitted by law. • Users may freely distribute the URL that is used to identify this publication. • Users may download and/or print one copy of the publication from the University of Birmingham research portal for the purpose of private study or non-commercial research. • User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of 'fair dealing' under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (?) • Users may not further distribute the material nor use it for the purposes of commercial gain. Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive.
Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, 2019
There is enough evidence that, nowadays, the sedentary lifestyle is one of the major health probl... more There is enough evidence that, nowadays, the sedentary lifestyle is one of the major health problems worldwide, linked to many chronic diseases, including mental comorbidities, systemic hypertension, metabolic dysregulation, and cancer. Although health societies recommend engagement to physical activities, there is an overwhelming number of people remaining sedentary, even knowing the health benefits of regular exercises. One of the main factors that justifies this scenario is the lack of motivation, which is a barrier to people intended to start new habits for health. Considering this previous information, new alternatives for exercises may help people engage in a healthier lifestyle. Technology has contributed to this with devices that allow movements based on virtual reality approaches, including the exergames. These are games available even in commercial devices, as video-games, that allow people to work with different physical components. Furthermore, exergames add cognitive ga...
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2019
caRtes-Velásquez 2, 3) , MaRia eliana alboRnoz-VeRduGo 4) , alex soto-Poblete 5) , Renato s. Mont... more caRtes-Velásquez 2, 3) , MaRia eliana alboRnoz-VeRduGo 4) , alex soto-Poblete 5) , Renato s. MonteiRo-junioR 6) , edith elGueta-cancino 7)
Medical Hypotheses, 2018
For many years lactate was seen as a metabolite from glucose metabolism. However, since the last ... more For many years lactate was seen as a metabolite from glucose metabolism. However, since the last century researchers have shown that this molecule has an important role on liver, muscle, and brain metabolism. Lactate traffics along whole body mediating many biological processes depending on specific situations. For example, glucose is the main substrate used during exercise but lactate released by striated skeletal muscle is used by own muscle as secondary fuel. On the other hand, neuronal firing in the brain is almost totally lactate-dependent. In addition, lactate has an important role on BDNFmediated neuroplasticity. As this molecule has a pleiotropic role in the body, it was called as "lactormone" in 2009. Here we show basic concepts on peripheral and central metabolism and discuss neurobiological pathways of lactate, including an alternative hypothesis on lactate released during exercise.
Journal of sport rehabilitation, Jan 17, 2017
Kinesio taping is commonly used in sports and rehabilitation settings with the aim of prevention ... more Kinesio taping is commonly used in sports and rehabilitation settings with the aim of prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. However, limited evidence exists regarding the effects of 24 and 72 h of kinesio taping on trunk and lower limb neuromuscular and kinetic performance during a vertical jump. The purpose of this study was to analyze the short-term effects of kinesio taping on the height and ground reaction force during a vertical jump, in addition to trunk and lower limb muscle latency and recruitment order. Single-group pretest-posttest. University Laboratory. 12 male athletes from different sport (track and field, basketball, and soccer). They completed a single squat and countermovement jump at basal time (no kinesio taping), 24 and 72 h of kinesio taping application on the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius medialis, and longissimus. Muscle onset latencies were assessed by electromyography during a squat and countermovement jump, i...
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017
Graded motor imagery (GMI) and mirror therapy (MT) is thought to improve pain in patients with co... more Graded motor imagery (GMI) and mirror therapy (MT) is thought to improve pain in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types 1 and 2. However, the evidence is limited and analysis are not independent between types of CRPS. The purpose of this review was to analyze the effects of GMI and MT on pain in independent groups of patients with CRPS types 1 and 2. Searches for literature published between 1990 and 2016 were conducted in databases. Randomized controlled trials that compared GMI or MT with other treatments for CRPS types 1 and 2 were included. Six articles met the inclusion criteria and were classified from moderate to high quality. The total sample was composed of 171 participants with CRPS type 1. Three studies presented GMI with 3 components and three studies only used the MT. The studies were heterogeneous in terms of sample size and the disorders that triggered CRPS type 1. There were no trials that included participants with CRPS type 2. GMI and MT can improve pain in patients with CRPS type 1; however, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend these therapies over other treatments given the small size and heterogeneity of the studied population.
Fisioterapia, 2017
Cómo citar este artículo: Guzmán-Muñoz EE, et al. Retraso de la latencia de activación de los mús... more Cómo citar este artículo: Guzmán-Muñoz EE, et al. Retraso de la latencia de activación de los músculos de cadera y rodilla en individuos con acortamiento de la banda iliotibial. Fisioterapia. 2016.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2016
This study aimed to explore the possibility of improving functional balance using an exercise pro... more This study aimed to explore the possibility of improving functional balance using an exercise program with Nintendo and the Balance Board peripheral in subjects with cerebral palsy. [Subjects and Methods] This study included 4 male outpatients of a neurological center. All participants received an exercise program based on the use of Nintendo with the Balance Board peripheral. Training consisted of three 25-min sessions per week for 6 weeks. Each session was guided by a physical therapist. Timed up-and-go and one-leg standing tests were conducted before and after the intervention. [Results] All subjects showed significant improvements in the results of the timed up-and-go test. However, there were no significant changes in the results of the one-leg standing test. [Conclusion] The exercise protocol involving Nintendo with the Balance Board peripheral appears to improve functional dynamic balance in patients with cerebral palsy. However, static functional balance does not improve after 6 weeks of training.
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2016
Previous studies show that the scapular muscle recruitment order could possibly change according ... more Previous studies show that the scapular muscle recruitment order could possibly change according to the characteristics of the postural task. We aimed to compare the activation latencies of serratus anterior (SA), upper, middle, and lower trapezius (UT, MT and LT, respectively) between an unpredictable perturbation (sudden arm destabilization) and a predictable task (voluntary arm raise) and, to determine the differences in the muscle recruitment order in each task. The electromyographic signals of 23 participants were recorded while the tasks were performed. All scapular muscles showed earlier onset latency in the voluntary arm raise than in the sudden arm destabilization. No significant differences were observed in the muscle recruitment order for the sudden arm destabilization (p>0.05). Conversely, for voluntary arm raise the MT, LT SA and anterior deltoid (AD) were activated significantly earlier than the UT (p<0.001). Scapular muscles present a specific recruitment order during a predictable task: SA was activated prior to the AD and the UT after the AD, in a recruitment order of SA, AD, UT, MT, and LT. While in an unpredictable motor task, all muscles were activated after the destabilization without a specific recruitment order, but rather a simultaneous activation.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2016
This study aimed to determine the correlation between center of pressure and functional balance i... more This study aimed to determine the correlation between center of pressure and functional balance in non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi. [Subjects and Methods] For the study, nine non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi who were able to maintain a standing posture and walk independently were recruited. Timed one-leg standing and timed up-and-go tests were used as functional balance tests and force platform to measure the center of pressure. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the timed up-and-go/timed one-leg standing test scores and center of pressure parameter values. [Results] None of the correlations was statistically significant, but moderate correlations were observed between the pairs timed one-leg standing/sway area of center of pressure, timed one-leg standing/standard deviation of center of pressure in the mediolateral direction, timed one-leg standing/mean velocity of center of pressure in the anteroposterior direction, and timed up-and-go test sway area of center of pressure. [Conclusion] Timed one-leg standing is more appropriate than timed up-and-go test for the measurement of functional balance in non-faller elderly practitioners of Tai Chi.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: This study sought to evaluate the effects of a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (NW... more ABSTRACT Objective: This study sought to evaluate the effects of a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (NWBB) intervention on ankle spasticity and static standing balance in young people with spastic cerebral palsy (SCP). Methods: Ten children and adolescents (aged 72–204 months) with SCP participated in an exercise program with NWBB. The intervention lasted 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week, 25 minutes for each session. Ankle spasticity was assessed using the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS), and static standing balance was quantified using posturographic measures (center-of-pressure [CoP] measures). Pre- and post-intervention measures were compared. Results: Significant decreases of spasticity in the ankle plantar flexor muscles (p < 0.01). There was also a significant reduction in the CoP sway area (p = 0.04), CoP mediolateral velocity (p =0.03), and CoP anterior–posterior velocity (p = 0.03). Conclusion: A 6-session NWBB program reduces the spasticity at the ankle plantar flexors and improves the static standing balance in young people with SCP.
Revista Facultad De Ingenieria, Mar 1, 2013
The elderly in Chile and in the world, is a growing population, characterized by their motor skil... more The elderly in Chile and in the world, is a growing population, characterized by their motor skills suffer a progressive and natural deterioration highlight the balance as a loss most affected by facilitating falls and therefore severe trauma injuries, such as hip fracture. This work seeks re-educate balance and postural control in older adults through the use of virtual reality. The study populations included 20 older individuals (mean= 69 years). All participants gave written, informed consent to participate in the study. The subjects were training with a intervention model of tree times a week during 8 weeks with 20 minutes per session. Two test were applied: bipedal stance and Tándem stance, and was performed four times, before the intervention at 3, 6 and 8 weeks of the training. In bipedal stance there were significant changes in the area and velocity of displacement of the center of pressure (DCoP) in open eyes phase. The area that represent about a 30% of the beginning value...
Maintenance the standing postural control and in a simple motor act requires that sensory inputs ... more Maintenance the standing postural control and in a simple motor act requires that sensory inputs be organized with the motor system of perfect way. Those aspects were evaluated in an ataxic patient through a static posturographic platform. Two models were measured one in standing position and during throw away a ball. A significant difference was found during the simple motor act where the subject uses all sensorial systems but the higher statistical reliability was found in vestibular and propioceptive systems ensuring the maintenance of postural control and avoiding a fall. Below we present a case report exploratory and descriptive.
Objetivo: cuantificar las diferencias en la excursión del centro de presión (COP) en una població... more Objetivo: cuantificar las diferencias en la excursión del centro de presión (COP) en una población de adultos mayores y una de niños.