Juhana Vartiainen - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Juhana Vartiainen

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Swedish social democracy: victims of success?

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1998

ABSTRACT The economic policies of Swedish Social Democrats were not the product of one centralize... more ABSTRACT The economic policies of Swedish Social Democrats were not the product of one centralized authority but, rather, a series of initiatives influenced by many political actors and inspired by egalitarian preferences. We focus on three policy areas. First, the welfare state is a central achievement of Social Democracy. Although its expansion is over, it has cemented Social Democracy's position in power and is still popular among the electorate. Second, the labour-market model is in crisis. The centralized Rehn/Meidner model is not working, coordination of wage bargaining has turned out to be difficult, and the trade unions' radical politics of the 1970s alienated Swedish employers from social concertation. Finally, macroeconomic management has had to struggle with inflationary pressures, and the overheating of the late 1980s and the subsequent deflationary shock led to a sharp increase in unemployment in the 1990s. Many of these problems are related to Social Democracy's internal strains. Copyright 1998 by Oxford University Press.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter Seven. The Economics of Successful State Intervention in Industrial Transformation

Research paper thumbnail of En strategi för Finland

Finland har efter 2007 haft en svag ekonomisk utveckling, och den samlade produktionen och syssel... more Finland har efter 2007 haft en svag ekonomisk utveckling, och den samlade produktionen och sysselsättningen ligger fortfarande under 2008-nivån. Finland har påverkats av den globala lågkonjunkturen, men ekonomins svaghet beror också starkt på inhemska faktorer. Konkurrenskraften har försämrats tydligt efter 2007. Lönebildningen har inte anpassats till den sjunkande produktiviteten. Den försämrade konkurrenskraften för exportindustrin har förstärkt effekten av den internationella krisen, så att både produktion och sysselsättning i den internationellt konkurrensutsatta sektorn har sjunkit kraftigt. Den höga kostnadsnivån i förhållande till euroområdet kommer att dämpa den ekonomiska utvecklingen under detta och nästa årtionde. Läget förvärras av att arbetsmarknadens parter inte verkar vara överens om en lämplig lönesättningsmodell som skulle säkerställa en bättre konkurrenskraft och skapa positiva förväntningar bland investerare. De långfristiga utsikterna för landets offentliga finan...

Research paper thumbnail of Turbokapitalismin helvetinnäyt

... ”Lyhyttä historiaa” tuskin olisi olemassa ilman lamaa, ja Suomen lama oli ainutkertaisen syvä... more ... ”Lyhyttä historiaa” tuskin olisi olemassa ilman lamaa, ja Suomen lama oli ainutkertaisen syvä kovin supisuomalaisista syistä. Yhtä luontevaa on mielestäni myös se, että juuri Juha Siltalan ikäpolvesta nousee tämän prosessin kuvaaja. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Nordic Social Models in Turbulent Times:Consolidation and Flexible Adaptation

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomiska drivkrafter för arbete

Research paper thumbnail of Industrin Och Pandemin

Research paper thumbnail of Kansalaistulo konkreettisena utopiana

Tiede & edistys, Mar 1, 1989


Research paper thumbnail of Acknowledgements. Thanks to Per Gunnar Berglund, Amit Bhadhuri, Wendy Carlin, Tom

conference participants and participants at Peter Hall and Suzanne Berger's seminar in Harva... more conference participants and participants at Peter Hall and Suzanne Berger's seminar in Harvard for advice, suggestions and commentsZITIERWEISE / CITATION Das vorliegende Dokument ist die pdf-Version zu einem Discussion Paper des WZB. Obschon es inhaltlich identisch zur Druckversion Andrew ist, können

Research paper thumbnail of Social Policy as a Development Tool

Research paper thumbnail of Erään tekstiiliyrityksen tarina : ekskursio ranskalaiseen poliittiseen taloustieteeseen

Tiede & edistys, 1986


Research paper thumbnail of Nordic Collective Agreements – A Continuous Institution in a Changing Economic Environment

The Nordic Varieties of Capitalism, 2011

ABSTRACT The chapter presents a historical and economic analysis of Nordic wage formation, with a... more ABSTRACT The chapter presents a historical and economic analysis of Nordic wage formation, with a special focus on how collective agreements really work. A stereotypical interpretation of the evolution of Nordic wage bargaining systems is that a centralised setting of wages has gradually been substituted with more decentralised pay bargaining. This overlooks the fact that central organisations could never really control wage levels, even in the golden age of centralised bargaining. Instead, central pay bargains defined minimum wage changes that ensured that local conflicts would be ruled out. Moreover, the central stipulations could often be overruled or adjusted at the local level. Following insights of Teulings and Hartog, we argue that the main function of Nordic collective agreements has always been to rule out local conflicts that would otherwise be initiated to seek local rents. Thus, collective agreements combine macroeconomic flexibility with adequate investment incentives at the local level. In this crucial sense, Nordic collective agreements are a completely stable institution. The most important transformation that has taken place is that formal peak bargaining on mean pay increases has been substituted with pattern bargaining where the manufacturing industry acts as a wage leader. Economic theory suggests that this almost amounts to centralised pay setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and equity in Finland 1

This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the “long” 20th century with a special emphasi... more This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the “long” 20th century with a special emphasis on policies for equity and growth. We argue that Finland developed from a poor, vulnerable and conflict-prone country to a modern economy in part through policies geared at both growth and equity, such as land reform and compulsory schooling. The state participated in economic activity both indirectly and directly in the post-war period, implementing many social policy reforms that facilitated the functioning of the labour market and led to greater equity. Centralised collective bargaining was just one of the many means through which central government intervened in the economy. Both the long-run growth record and the equality of different kinds of economic outcomes are fairly positive. This suggests that facilitating economic growth through such policies that further more equitable outcomes may at least in the case of Finland have met with some success. JEL Codes: J50, N33, N34, O52

Research paper thumbnail of Sukupuolten palkkaeron tilastointi ja analyysi

Research paper thumbnail of Suomen talouspolitiikan pitkä linja

Research paper thumbnail of Hyvinvointivaltio ja markkinatalous

Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltiomalli elaa huomattavaa poliittista korkeasuhdannetta. Sen nimeen v... more Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltiomalli elaa huomattavaa poliittista korkeasuhdannetta. Sen nimeen vannovat niin pohjoismaiset aanestajakunnat kuin myos suuri osa eurooppalaisista ja taloustieteilijoista (ks. esim. Svallfors 1989, 2012). Atlanttista talousliberalismia edustava The Economist omisti vuonna 2013 pohjoismaiselle mallille kokonaisen erikoisliitteen, joka ihasteli pohjoismaisen mallin markkinaehtoisuutta ja elinvoimaisuutta. Eurooppalaista talouspoliittista oikeaoppisuutta edustava Financial Times suhtautuu niin ikaan pohjoismaiseen hyvinvointivaltioon paakirjoituksissaan nykyaan myonteisesti. Ilmio on historiallisesti uusi. Kylman sodan aikana vastakkain olivat kommunismi ja kapitalismi, eika poliittisessa keskustelussa ollut paljoakaan tilaa nyansseille. Ruotsi on edustanut anglosaksisessa keskustelussa pohjoismaisen sosialismin arkkitapausta, ja Ruotsia pidettiinkin yleisesti puolimatkan asemana sosialismin ja markkinatalouden valilla. Kylman sodan polyn laskeuduttua asen...

Research paper thumbnail of Can Nordic Social Corporatism Survive? Challenges to the Labor Market

The Challenge of Globalization and Institution Building, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Discussion Paper No . 2006 / 06 Growth and Equity in Finland

This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the ‘long’ twentieth century with a special em... more This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the ‘long’ twentieth century with a special emphasis on policies for equity and growth. We argue that Finland developed from a poor, vulnerable, and conflict-prone country to a modern economy in part through policies geared at both growth and equity, such as land reform and compulsory schooling. The state participated in economic activity both indirectly and directly in the post-war period, implementing many social policy reforms that facilitated the functioning of the labour market and led to greater equity. Centralised collective bargaining was just one of the many means through which central government intervened in the economy. Both the long-run growth record and the equality of different kinds of economic outcomes are fairly positive. This suggests that facilitating economic growth through such policies that further more equitable outcomes may at least in the case of Finland have met with some success.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk, Distributional Conflict and the Mobilisation of Resources

Research paper thumbnail of Kansantaloustiede, talouspolitiikka ja hyvinvointivaltio - juhlakirja Jukka Pekkarisen kunniaksi

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Swedish social democracy: victims of success?

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1998

ABSTRACT The economic policies of Swedish Social Democrats were not the product of one centralize... more ABSTRACT The economic policies of Swedish Social Democrats were not the product of one centralized authority but, rather, a series of initiatives influenced by many political actors and inspired by egalitarian preferences. We focus on three policy areas. First, the welfare state is a central achievement of Social Democracy. Although its expansion is over, it has cemented Social Democracy's position in power and is still popular among the electorate. Second, the labour-market model is in crisis. The centralized Rehn/Meidner model is not working, coordination of wage bargaining has turned out to be difficult, and the trade unions' radical politics of the 1970s alienated Swedish employers from social concertation. Finally, macroeconomic management has had to struggle with inflationary pressures, and the overheating of the late 1980s and the subsequent deflationary shock led to a sharp increase in unemployment in the 1990s. Many of these problems are related to Social Democracy's internal strains. Copyright 1998 by Oxford University Press.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter Seven. The Economics of Successful State Intervention in Industrial Transformation

Research paper thumbnail of En strategi för Finland

Finland har efter 2007 haft en svag ekonomisk utveckling, och den samlade produktionen och syssel... more Finland har efter 2007 haft en svag ekonomisk utveckling, och den samlade produktionen och sysselsättningen ligger fortfarande under 2008-nivån. Finland har påverkats av den globala lågkonjunkturen, men ekonomins svaghet beror också starkt på inhemska faktorer. Konkurrenskraften har försämrats tydligt efter 2007. Lönebildningen har inte anpassats till den sjunkande produktiviteten. Den försämrade konkurrenskraften för exportindustrin har förstärkt effekten av den internationella krisen, så att både produktion och sysselsättning i den internationellt konkurrensutsatta sektorn har sjunkit kraftigt. Den höga kostnadsnivån i förhållande till euroområdet kommer att dämpa den ekonomiska utvecklingen under detta och nästa årtionde. Läget förvärras av att arbetsmarknadens parter inte verkar vara överens om en lämplig lönesättningsmodell som skulle säkerställa en bättre konkurrenskraft och skapa positiva förväntningar bland investerare. De långfristiga utsikterna för landets offentliga finan...

Research paper thumbnail of Turbokapitalismin helvetinnäyt

... ”Lyhyttä historiaa” tuskin olisi olemassa ilman lamaa, ja Suomen lama oli ainutkertaisen syvä... more ... ”Lyhyttä historiaa” tuskin olisi olemassa ilman lamaa, ja Suomen lama oli ainutkertaisen syvä kovin supisuomalaisista syistä. Yhtä luontevaa on mielestäni myös se, että juuri Juha Siltalan ikäpolvesta nousee tämän prosessin kuvaaja. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Nordic Social Models in Turbulent Times:Consolidation and Flexible Adaptation

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomiska drivkrafter för arbete

Research paper thumbnail of Industrin Och Pandemin

Research paper thumbnail of Kansalaistulo konkreettisena utopiana

Tiede & edistys, Mar 1, 1989


Research paper thumbnail of Acknowledgements. Thanks to Per Gunnar Berglund, Amit Bhadhuri, Wendy Carlin, Tom

conference participants and participants at Peter Hall and Suzanne Berger's seminar in Harva... more conference participants and participants at Peter Hall and Suzanne Berger's seminar in Harvard for advice, suggestions and commentsZITIERWEISE / CITATION Das vorliegende Dokument ist die pdf-Version zu einem Discussion Paper des WZB. Obschon es inhaltlich identisch zur Druckversion Andrew ist, können

Research paper thumbnail of Social Policy as a Development Tool

Research paper thumbnail of Erään tekstiiliyrityksen tarina : ekskursio ranskalaiseen poliittiseen taloustieteeseen

Tiede & edistys, 1986


Research paper thumbnail of Nordic Collective Agreements – A Continuous Institution in a Changing Economic Environment

The Nordic Varieties of Capitalism, 2011

ABSTRACT The chapter presents a historical and economic analysis of Nordic wage formation, with a... more ABSTRACT The chapter presents a historical and economic analysis of Nordic wage formation, with a special focus on how collective agreements really work. A stereotypical interpretation of the evolution of Nordic wage bargaining systems is that a centralised setting of wages has gradually been substituted with more decentralised pay bargaining. This overlooks the fact that central organisations could never really control wage levels, even in the golden age of centralised bargaining. Instead, central pay bargains defined minimum wage changes that ensured that local conflicts would be ruled out. Moreover, the central stipulations could often be overruled or adjusted at the local level. Following insights of Teulings and Hartog, we argue that the main function of Nordic collective agreements has always been to rule out local conflicts that would otherwise be initiated to seek local rents. Thus, collective agreements combine macroeconomic flexibility with adequate investment incentives at the local level. In this crucial sense, Nordic collective agreements are a completely stable institution. The most important transformation that has taken place is that formal peak bargaining on mean pay increases has been substituted with pattern bargaining where the manufacturing industry acts as a wage leader. Economic theory suggests that this almost amounts to centralised pay setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and equity in Finland 1

This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the “long” 20th century with a special emphasi... more This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the “long” 20th century with a special emphasis on policies for equity and growth. We argue that Finland developed from a poor, vulnerable and conflict-prone country to a modern economy in part through policies geared at both growth and equity, such as land reform and compulsory schooling. The state participated in economic activity both indirectly and directly in the post-war period, implementing many social policy reforms that facilitated the functioning of the labour market and led to greater equity. Centralised collective bargaining was just one of the many means through which central government intervened in the economy. Both the long-run growth record and the equality of different kinds of economic outcomes are fairly positive. This suggests that facilitating economic growth through such policies that further more equitable outcomes may at least in the case of Finland have met with some success. JEL Codes: J50, N33, N34, O52

Research paper thumbnail of Sukupuolten palkkaeron tilastointi ja analyysi

Research paper thumbnail of Suomen talouspolitiikan pitkä linja

Research paper thumbnail of Hyvinvointivaltio ja markkinatalous

Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltiomalli elaa huomattavaa poliittista korkeasuhdannetta. Sen nimeen v... more Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltiomalli elaa huomattavaa poliittista korkeasuhdannetta. Sen nimeen vannovat niin pohjoismaiset aanestajakunnat kuin myos suuri osa eurooppalaisista ja taloustieteilijoista (ks. esim. Svallfors 1989, 2012). Atlanttista talousliberalismia edustava The Economist omisti vuonna 2013 pohjoismaiselle mallille kokonaisen erikoisliitteen, joka ihasteli pohjoismaisen mallin markkinaehtoisuutta ja elinvoimaisuutta. Eurooppalaista talouspoliittista oikeaoppisuutta edustava Financial Times suhtautuu niin ikaan pohjoismaiseen hyvinvointivaltioon paakirjoituksissaan nykyaan myonteisesti. Ilmio on historiallisesti uusi. Kylman sodan aikana vastakkain olivat kommunismi ja kapitalismi, eika poliittisessa keskustelussa ollut paljoakaan tilaa nyansseille. Ruotsi on edustanut anglosaksisessa keskustelussa pohjoismaisen sosialismin arkkitapausta, ja Ruotsia pidettiinkin yleisesti puolimatkan asemana sosialismin ja markkinatalouden valilla. Kylman sodan polyn laskeuduttua asen...

Research paper thumbnail of Can Nordic Social Corporatism Survive? Challenges to the Labor Market

The Challenge of Globalization and Institution Building, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Discussion Paper No . 2006 / 06 Growth and Equity in Finland

This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the ‘long’ twentieth century with a special em... more This paper reviews Finnish economic history during the ‘long’ twentieth century with a special emphasis on policies for equity and growth. We argue that Finland developed from a poor, vulnerable, and conflict-prone country to a modern economy in part through policies geared at both growth and equity, such as land reform and compulsory schooling. The state participated in economic activity both indirectly and directly in the post-war period, implementing many social policy reforms that facilitated the functioning of the labour market and led to greater equity. Centralised collective bargaining was just one of the many means through which central government intervened in the economy. Both the long-run growth record and the equality of different kinds of economic outcomes are fairly positive. This suggests that facilitating economic growth through such policies that further more equitable outcomes may at least in the case of Finland have met with some success.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk, Distributional Conflict and the Mobilisation of Resources

Research paper thumbnail of Kansantaloustiede, talouspolitiikka ja hyvinvointivaltio - juhlakirja Jukka Pekkarisen kunniaksi