Vesna M Nikolic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Vesna M Nikolic
Technics Technologies Education Management
Sažetak Cilj istraživanja je napraviti analizu tekstova javnih natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnj... more Sažetak Cilj istraživanja je napraviti analizu tekstova javnih natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnjaka za zaštitu na radu u Hrvatskoj, te po dobivenim saznanjima izraditi jedinstveni stručni prijedlog obrasca javnog natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnjaka za zaštitu na radu, ...
Sistem zarada jednog preduzeca je od krucijalnog znacaja za radnu snagu jer ona direktno utice na... more Sistem zarada jednog preduzeca je od krucijalnog znacaja za radnu snagu jer ona direktno utice na životni standard svih zaposlenih. Stimulativni sistem zarada direktno nagrađuje nadprosecne ucinke i ukazuje na kauzalnost u odnosima sposobnosti - zalaganje - ucinak - nagrada. Cilj istraživanja je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrеdnostima i povezanostima plate i dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju su koriscene naucne metode i tehnike: anketa, za prikupljanje izvornih podataka, te statisticke metode za obradu i analizu podataka. Analiza rezultata istraživanja potvrđuje postojanje statisticki znacajnih povezanosti između svih varijabli plate i svih varijabli dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj.
Polazeci od potrebe i znacaja bezbednosti i zastite zdravlja ucenicke populacije i zaposlenih u o... more Polazeci od potrebe i znacaja bezbednosti i zastite zdravlja ucenicke populacije i zaposlenih u obrazovnim ustanovama, u radu su predstavljeni rezultati empirijskog istraživanja problematike organizacije i sprovodjenja zastite na radu u osnovnim skolama jednog gradskog podrucja. Sve osnovne skole imaju pismeno uređenu organizaciju zastite na radu zasebnim organizacijskim aktom ustanove. No, u praksi se, u potpunosti u skladu s zahtjevima propisa iz podrucja zastite na radu, provodi tek trecina propisanih mjera zastite na radu. Takvo stanje potvrđuje potrebu angažmana internog strucnjaka za zastitu na radu, tim vise sto je uz zastitu na radu zaposlenih u osnovnim skolama izražena i problematika zastite zdravlja djece-ucenika te odgojno-obrazovni aspekt zastite u cjelini.
Cilj istraživanja bio je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrijednostima i povezanostima d... more Cilj istraživanja bio je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrijednostima i povezanostima dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u hrvatskim poslovnim organizacijama. Za istraživanje je koristena metoda mrežne (online) ankete. Novcana stimulacija na placu za uspjesan rad je najvažnija (68, 10%) željena dodatna stimulacija za rad koju strucnjak za zastitu na radu ocekuje u poslovnoj organizaciji. Skolovanje na racun poslodavca najvažnija (26, 99%) je dodatna stimulacija za rad koju strucnjak za zastitu na radu ostvaruje u poslovnoj organizaciji. Dodatne stimulacije za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu na razini poslovne organizacije u vecini su (63, 19%) prosjecne. Postoje izrazito znacajne pozitivne korelacije između zavisne varijable “Ocjena zadovoljstva ostvarenim dodatnim stimulacijama za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu” i dvije nezavisne varijable: “Ukupni radni staž” i “Radni staž kod sadasnjeg poslodavca”.
Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi stanje i zastupljenost sadržaja upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao ... more Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi stanje i zastupljenost sadržaja upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao posebnog nastavnog predmeta (autonomno) ili nastavnih sadržaja iz podrucja upravljanja ljudskim resursima u okviru drugih predmeta (integralno) u studijskim programima zastite na radu u Srbiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju su koriscene metode analize sadržaja, deskriptivna i komparativna analiza. Uzorak istraživanja su cinile sve visokoskolske ustanove koje imaju neki od studijskih programa zastite na radu na podrucju Srbije, Slovenije i Hrvatske. Sve tri usklađene hipoteze po kojima su u svim studijima zastite na radu u Srbiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj zastupljeni sadržaji upravljanja ljudskim resursima u okviru posebnog predmeta - odbacuju se. U Srbiji tek u dva od 11 studijskih programa zastite na radu postoji upravljanje ljudskim resursima kao posebni predmet, dok u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj nema niti jednog studijskog programa u kojem se sadržaji upravljanja ljudskim resursima izu...
It is possible to use methods of information science to research and resolve many problems in the... more It is possible to use methods of information science to research and resolve many problems in the occupational safety system. Starting from the known theoretical facts and principles, the paper discusses the problems of internal supervision of occupational safety in major corporate systems by using the multiple criteria decision making (MDCM). As the research sample, it was taken a major corporate system HP - Croatian Post. Firstly, the elements (procedures) of internal supervision that are used by occupational safety professionals in everyday practice, are determined and they constitute the criteria of the methodology of MDCM. By taking in consideration that the most biased part of the methodology of MDCM is assigning weights to the criteria, in this paper that step has been accomplished by using AHP methods through the Expert Choice 11® tool. The team of seven occupatonal safety professionals, individually compares criteria each "with each other" in sens of how much is o...
Sistem bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu/sigurnosti na radu i ostvarivanje prava na dostojanstven (&... more Sistem bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu/sigurnosti na radu i ostvarivanje prava na dostojanstven (''pristojan'') rad u jednoj državi određeno je specificnostima same države zapravo osobenostima njenog privrednog i drustveno-ekonomskog razvoja. Razumevanje evolucije tog sistema pretpostavlja uocavanje njegovih subjekata, kreatora i ostvarioca ali i pravno-organizacionih i saznajnih kategorija koje su definisale taj sistem i kroz koji se on ispoljava. Polazeci od toga, u radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja dobijenih komparativnom analizom visokoskolskog obrazovanja inženjera zastite na radu u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj kao kljucnih subjekata u realizaciji i daljem razvoju sistema zastite na radu ovih država.
Sigurnost, 2020
SAŽETAK: Prirodne katastrofe događaju se svuda u svijetu. One predstavljaju mnoge izazove društvu... more SAŽETAK: Prirodne katastrofe događaju se svuda u svijetu. One predstavljaju mnoge izazove društvu i pojedincima. Ti izazovi zahtijevaju da ljudi i zajednice budu pripravni i sposobni za učinkovit odgovor koji će ubrzati ponovnu uspostavu društvenog poretka i funkcioniranje društva. Učinkovit odgovor neke zajednice uključuje definiranje strategija za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa, a one se sastoje od više elemenata: održavanje izgrađenog okoliša, razvoj sustava upozoravanja, razvoj znanja i sposobnosti za zajednički odgovor itd. Kako procesi upozoravanja i umanjivanja šteta nikad nisu potpuno učinkoviti, razvoj otpornog društva mora se usredotočiti na učenje i razvijanje znanja o zajednici, razumijevanje opasnosti i razvoj sposobnosti za odgovor i prilagodbu.
Safety Engineering, 2019
Occupational safety and health education is essential throughout the formal education system, and... more Occupational safety and health education is essential throughout the formal education system, and especially in the vocational secondary education system. Secondary education and training for occupational safety and health involves acquiring specific knowledge and developing certain psychophysical skills, abilities, and habits for safe work, protection of health and beyond, the environment (broader and more complex aspects of natural-scientific, technical-technological and social knowledge), development of occupational, health and environmental awareness, ethics and culture vocational guidance and psychophysical preparation according to the requirements of cultural and safe behavior in the work and environment - in the profession and occupation for which the student expressed a certain interest and ability, etc. The acquired knowledge is a good basis for their further expansion and improvement both in the work environment and in the system higher education. An analysis of the curren...
By using the "case study" method on a selected example of a higher education institutio... more By using the "case study" method on a selected example of a higher education institution, the paper analyzes e-learning on safety study programs. The analysis covers the context of the higher education institution, the existing status of application, the strategy of future e-learning development, and the characteristics of e-learning in the selected course, including a description of the course, learning objectives, teaching strategies and methods, assessment of knowledge and the role of the teacher as an e-learning tutor.
Safety Engineering, 2012
The aim of the research, which was accomplished in the process of research is the establishment o... more The aim of the research, which was accomplished in the process of research is the establishment of a comprehensive and consistent model of occupational injury information system and knowledge management, thus creating a precondition for the improvement of occupational safety system. Theoretically and practically applicable model of occupational injury information system and knowledge management has been established on the basis of the reengineering of information processes of occupational injury reporting and analysis and the possibility of application of modern information and communication technology, especially the Internet. The integrity of the model is verified through simple inclusion of all elements, participants and other stakeholders as well as the general public in the system. The consistency of the model is confirmed by the uniqueness of occupational injury information system and knowledge management.
Safety Engineering, 2016
The studies have shown the current knowledge about the problems and prospects of safety in terms ... more The studies have shown the current knowledge about the problems and prospects of safety in terms of sustainable development. The scientific research methods have been used: a content analysis of scientific literature, surveys to collect original data and statistical methods for data processing and analysis. According to the research, safety is in terms of sustainable development in business organizations. Environmental protection is assessed as the most significant component of safety in terms of sustainable development. Important are the findings based on the positive assessment of safety experts that the workers are aware of it an d that the management of the organization appreciates and supports safety in terms of sustainable development. It is especially important that the organizations appreciate the knowledge to protect and support continuous learning to improve the safety in terms of sustainable development. There is a partial connection between the dependent variables of saf...
Glasnik Sumarskog fakulteta, 2013
Mineral field ?Janja? extends over the Southwest slope of Stara Planina Mt., eastward from the vi... more Mineral field ?Janja? extends over the Southwest slope of Stara Planina Mt., eastward from the village of Kalna in the belt of beech-fir forests. Exploitation of uranium used to be performed in three mines within this area, i.e. ?Mezdreja?, ?Gabrovnica?, and ?Srneci Do?, which are now closed down. One of the consequences of mining around these mines is partial degradation of natural balance. The greatest part of the terrain consists of granite, whereas metamorphic rocks are at the periphery. A geological survey with respect to the concentration of natural radioactive elements in the soil within the area of aforementioned mines has been conducted once so far. Alluvial sediment, ground and surface waters, as well as disposal were also examined. During the field study, radioactivity was measured and the methods of emanation and hydro-geochemical assessment were used, which was followed by collecting of samples for laboratory examination. The state of elements of the environment within ...
The mathematical problems encountered by Grade 3 children are a burning issue to many countries. ... more The mathematical problems encountered by Grade 3 children are a burning issue to many countries. Given some factors contributing to poor performance, attention will be focused on those aspects of mathematics that pose challenges to Grade 3 children and their teachers. The outcome of the research will provide Grade 3 teachers with guidelines on teaching children who experience mathematical difficulties. Studies have been conducted on mathematical issues in other countries, but only a few have been conducted in disadvantaged Foundation Phase schools in South Africa. The problem of poor mathematical performance is not experienced in South Africa only, it is a universal problem
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014
This paper suggests that self-evaluation should be a significant component of teachers' daily wor... more This paper suggests that self-evaluation should be a significant component of teachers' daily work, presenting a model of systematic self-evaluation to help teachers generate classroom solutions through self-study (thus leading them to more complex forms of classroom inquiry). After a historical and theoretical perspective, the paper proposes a taxonomy that distinguishes three interrelated categories: small-scale, teacher-initiated inquiry (self-evaluation projects); teacher action research; and academic research. The hierarchical relationship between them implies an increase in complexity, with teacher-initiated inquiry being the least demanding method. The model advocates systematic work on self-study in several stages that together form a cycle. It starts with awareness of teaching areas that need attention through questionnaires, video/audio taping, checklists, and guided journals; establishment of a systematic process of self-evaluation by identifying strengths and weaknesses; setting priorities, planning a course of action, defining criteria for evaluation, and experimenting with identified areas of teaching; observing and analyzing findings; and modifying and improving teaching practice. Important principles include the following: work on tasks short enough to be completed within limited time frames; provide teachers with support during initial stages; and avoid any aspect of the process that may turn teachers off. (Contains 36 references.) (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Technics Technologies Education Management
Sažetak Cilj istraživanja je napraviti analizu tekstova javnih natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnj... more Sažetak Cilj istraživanja je napraviti analizu tekstova javnih natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnjaka za zaštitu na radu u Hrvatskoj, te po dobivenim saznanjima izraditi jedinstveni stručni prijedlog obrasca javnog natječaja za zapošljavanje stručnjaka za zaštitu na radu, ...
Sistem zarada jednog preduzeca je od krucijalnog znacaja za radnu snagu jer ona direktno utice na... more Sistem zarada jednog preduzeca je od krucijalnog znacaja za radnu snagu jer ona direktno utice na životni standard svih zaposlenih. Stimulativni sistem zarada direktno nagrađuje nadprosecne ucinke i ukazuje na kauzalnost u odnosima sposobnosti - zalaganje - ucinak - nagrada. Cilj istraživanja je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrеdnostima i povezanostima plate i dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju su koriscene naucne metode i tehnike: anketa, za prikupljanje izvornih podataka, te statisticke metode za obradu i analizu podataka. Analiza rezultata istraživanja potvrđuje postojanje statisticki znacajnih povezanosti između svih varijabli plate i svih varijabli dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj.
Polazeci od potrebe i znacaja bezbednosti i zastite zdravlja ucenicke populacije i zaposlenih u o... more Polazeci od potrebe i znacaja bezbednosti i zastite zdravlja ucenicke populacije i zaposlenih u obrazovnim ustanovama, u radu su predstavljeni rezultati empirijskog istraživanja problematike organizacije i sprovodjenja zastite na radu u osnovnim skolama jednog gradskog podrucja. Sve osnovne skole imaju pismeno uređenu organizaciju zastite na radu zasebnim organizacijskim aktom ustanove. No, u praksi se, u potpunosti u skladu s zahtjevima propisa iz podrucja zastite na radu, provodi tek trecina propisanih mjera zastite na radu. Takvo stanje potvrđuje potrebu angažmana internog strucnjaka za zastitu na radu, tim vise sto je uz zastitu na radu zaposlenih u osnovnim skolama izražena i problematika zastite zdravlja djece-ucenika te odgojno-obrazovni aspekt zastite u cjelini.
Cilj istraživanja bio je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrijednostima i povezanostima d... more Cilj istraživanja bio je doci do aktualnih i egzaktnih podataka o vrijednostima i povezanostima dodatnih stimulacija za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu u hrvatskim poslovnim organizacijama. Za istraživanje je koristena metoda mrežne (online) ankete. Novcana stimulacija na placu za uspjesan rad je najvažnija (68, 10%) željena dodatna stimulacija za rad koju strucnjak za zastitu na radu ocekuje u poslovnoj organizaciji. Skolovanje na racun poslodavca najvažnija (26, 99%) je dodatna stimulacija za rad koju strucnjak za zastitu na radu ostvaruje u poslovnoj organizaciji. Dodatne stimulacije za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu na razini poslovne organizacije u vecini su (63, 19%) prosjecne. Postoje izrazito znacajne pozitivne korelacije između zavisne varijable “Ocjena zadovoljstva ostvarenim dodatnim stimulacijama za rad strucnjaka za zastitu na radu” i dvije nezavisne varijable: “Ukupni radni staž” i “Radni staž kod sadasnjeg poslodavca”.
Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi stanje i zastupljenost sadržaja upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao ... more Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi stanje i zastupljenost sadržaja upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao posebnog nastavnog predmeta (autonomno) ili nastavnih sadržaja iz podrucja upravljanja ljudskim resursima u okviru drugih predmeta (integralno) u studijskim programima zastite na radu u Srbiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju su koriscene metode analize sadržaja, deskriptivna i komparativna analiza. Uzorak istraživanja su cinile sve visokoskolske ustanove koje imaju neki od studijskih programa zastite na radu na podrucju Srbije, Slovenije i Hrvatske. Sve tri usklađene hipoteze po kojima su u svim studijima zastite na radu u Srbiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj zastupljeni sadržaji upravljanja ljudskim resursima u okviru posebnog predmeta - odbacuju se. U Srbiji tek u dva od 11 studijskih programa zastite na radu postoji upravljanje ljudskim resursima kao posebni predmet, dok u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj nema niti jednog studijskog programa u kojem se sadržaji upravljanja ljudskim resursima izu...
It is possible to use methods of information science to research and resolve many problems in the... more It is possible to use methods of information science to research and resolve many problems in the occupational safety system. Starting from the known theoretical facts and principles, the paper discusses the problems of internal supervision of occupational safety in major corporate systems by using the multiple criteria decision making (MDCM). As the research sample, it was taken a major corporate system HP - Croatian Post. Firstly, the elements (procedures) of internal supervision that are used by occupational safety professionals in everyday practice, are determined and they constitute the criteria of the methodology of MDCM. By taking in consideration that the most biased part of the methodology of MDCM is assigning weights to the criteria, in this paper that step has been accomplished by using AHP methods through the Expert Choice 11® tool. The team of seven occupatonal safety professionals, individually compares criteria each "with each other" in sens of how much is o...
Sistem bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu/sigurnosti na radu i ostvarivanje prava na dostojanstven (&... more Sistem bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu/sigurnosti na radu i ostvarivanje prava na dostojanstven (''pristojan'') rad u jednoj državi određeno je specificnostima same države zapravo osobenostima njenog privrednog i drustveno-ekonomskog razvoja. Razumevanje evolucije tog sistema pretpostavlja uocavanje njegovih subjekata, kreatora i ostvarioca ali i pravno-organizacionih i saznajnih kategorija koje su definisale taj sistem i kroz koji se on ispoljava. Polazeci od toga, u radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja dobijenih komparativnom analizom visokoskolskog obrazovanja inženjera zastite na radu u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj kao kljucnih subjekata u realizaciji i daljem razvoju sistema zastite na radu ovih država.
Sigurnost, 2020
SAŽETAK: Prirodne katastrofe događaju se svuda u svijetu. One predstavljaju mnoge izazove društvu... more SAŽETAK: Prirodne katastrofe događaju se svuda u svijetu. One predstavljaju mnoge izazove društvu i pojedincima. Ti izazovi zahtijevaju da ljudi i zajednice budu pripravni i sposobni za učinkovit odgovor koji će ubrzati ponovnu uspostavu društvenog poretka i funkcioniranje društva. Učinkovit odgovor neke zajednice uključuje definiranje strategija za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa, a one se sastoje od više elemenata: održavanje izgrađenog okoliša, razvoj sustava upozoravanja, razvoj znanja i sposobnosti za zajednički odgovor itd. Kako procesi upozoravanja i umanjivanja šteta nikad nisu potpuno učinkoviti, razvoj otpornog društva mora se usredotočiti na učenje i razvijanje znanja o zajednici, razumijevanje opasnosti i razvoj sposobnosti za odgovor i prilagodbu.
Safety Engineering, 2019
Occupational safety and health education is essential throughout the formal education system, and... more Occupational safety and health education is essential throughout the formal education system, and especially in the vocational secondary education system. Secondary education and training for occupational safety and health involves acquiring specific knowledge and developing certain psychophysical skills, abilities, and habits for safe work, protection of health and beyond, the environment (broader and more complex aspects of natural-scientific, technical-technological and social knowledge), development of occupational, health and environmental awareness, ethics and culture vocational guidance and psychophysical preparation according to the requirements of cultural and safe behavior in the work and environment - in the profession and occupation for which the student expressed a certain interest and ability, etc. The acquired knowledge is a good basis for their further expansion and improvement both in the work environment and in the system higher education. An analysis of the curren...
By using the "case study" method on a selected example of a higher education institutio... more By using the "case study" method on a selected example of a higher education institution, the paper analyzes e-learning on safety study programs. The analysis covers the context of the higher education institution, the existing status of application, the strategy of future e-learning development, and the characteristics of e-learning in the selected course, including a description of the course, learning objectives, teaching strategies and methods, assessment of knowledge and the role of the teacher as an e-learning tutor.
Safety Engineering, 2012
The aim of the research, which was accomplished in the process of research is the establishment o... more The aim of the research, which was accomplished in the process of research is the establishment of a comprehensive and consistent model of occupational injury information system and knowledge management, thus creating a precondition for the improvement of occupational safety system. Theoretically and practically applicable model of occupational injury information system and knowledge management has been established on the basis of the reengineering of information processes of occupational injury reporting and analysis and the possibility of application of modern information and communication technology, especially the Internet. The integrity of the model is verified through simple inclusion of all elements, participants and other stakeholders as well as the general public in the system. The consistency of the model is confirmed by the uniqueness of occupational injury information system and knowledge management.
Safety Engineering, 2016
The studies have shown the current knowledge about the problems and prospects of safety in terms ... more The studies have shown the current knowledge about the problems and prospects of safety in terms of sustainable development. The scientific research methods have been used: a content analysis of scientific literature, surveys to collect original data and statistical methods for data processing and analysis. According to the research, safety is in terms of sustainable development in business organizations. Environmental protection is assessed as the most significant component of safety in terms of sustainable development. Important are the findings based on the positive assessment of safety experts that the workers are aware of it an d that the management of the organization appreciates and supports safety in terms of sustainable development. It is especially important that the organizations appreciate the knowledge to protect and support continuous learning to improve the safety in terms of sustainable development. There is a partial connection between the dependent variables of saf...
Glasnik Sumarskog fakulteta, 2013
Mineral field ?Janja? extends over the Southwest slope of Stara Planina Mt., eastward from the vi... more Mineral field ?Janja? extends over the Southwest slope of Stara Planina Mt., eastward from the village of Kalna in the belt of beech-fir forests. Exploitation of uranium used to be performed in three mines within this area, i.e. ?Mezdreja?, ?Gabrovnica?, and ?Srneci Do?, which are now closed down. One of the consequences of mining around these mines is partial degradation of natural balance. The greatest part of the terrain consists of granite, whereas metamorphic rocks are at the periphery. A geological survey with respect to the concentration of natural radioactive elements in the soil within the area of aforementioned mines has been conducted once so far. Alluvial sediment, ground and surface waters, as well as disposal were also examined. During the field study, radioactivity was measured and the methods of emanation and hydro-geochemical assessment were used, which was followed by collecting of samples for laboratory examination. The state of elements of the environment within ...
The mathematical problems encountered by Grade 3 children are a burning issue to many countries. ... more The mathematical problems encountered by Grade 3 children are a burning issue to many countries. Given some factors contributing to poor performance, attention will be focused on those aspects of mathematics that pose challenges to Grade 3 children and their teachers. The outcome of the research will provide Grade 3 teachers with guidelines on teaching children who experience mathematical difficulties. Studies have been conducted on mathematical issues in other countries, but only a few have been conducted in disadvantaged Foundation Phase schools in South Africa. The problem of poor mathematical performance is not experienced in South Africa only, it is a universal problem
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014
This paper suggests that self-evaluation should be a significant component of teachers' daily wor... more This paper suggests that self-evaluation should be a significant component of teachers' daily work, presenting a model of systematic self-evaluation to help teachers generate classroom solutions through self-study (thus leading them to more complex forms of classroom inquiry). After a historical and theoretical perspective, the paper proposes a taxonomy that distinguishes three interrelated categories: small-scale, teacher-initiated inquiry (self-evaluation projects); teacher action research; and academic research. The hierarchical relationship between them implies an increase in complexity, with teacher-initiated inquiry being the least demanding method. The model advocates systematic work on self-study in several stages that together form a cycle. It starts with awareness of teaching areas that need attention through questionnaires, video/audio taping, checklists, and guided journals; establishment of a systematic process of self-evaluation by identifying strengths and weaknesses; setting priorities, planning a course of action, defining criteria for evaluation, and experimenting with identified areas of teaching; observing and analyzing findings; and modifying and improving teaching practice. Important principles include the following: work on tasks short enough to be completed within limited time frames; provide teachers with support during initial stages; and avoid any aspect of the process that may turn teachers off. (Contains 36 references.) (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.