Vespasiano Paiva - (original) (raw)
Papers by Vespasiano Paiva
Ornamental Horticulture
Cycnoches haagii Barb. Rodr. is an epiphytic orchid very targeted by collectors, but no reference... more Cycnoches haagii Barb. Rodr. is an epiphytic orchid very targeted by collectors, but no reference was found in the literature about its reproductive biology. Thus, the purpose of this study was to obtain initial information regarding pollination types and its influence on seed viability of this native orchid of the Brazilian Cerrado, in order to enable future propagation and preservation programs. Pollination among flowers of the same plant (geitonogamy) or different plants (xenogamy) were carried out. Seeds extracted from the capsules were sown in B&G medium, with full and half strength. Seeds from geitonogamic resulted in 25% of albino protocorms and consequently in albino seedlings. This phenomenon did not occur in seedlings derived from xenogamic pollination. Pigment analysis showed that even the albino seedlings presented chlorophylls and carotenoids, however, in significantly minor concentrations, 16% and 37% respectively, in relation to green seedlings. Geitonogamic and xenog...
O tamanho da semente e um atributo fisico que tem sido estudado por diversos autores, visando ava... more O tamanho da semente e um atributo fisico que tem sido estudado por diversos autores, visando avaliar a sua influencia sobre a qualidade das sementes, mostrando resultados bastante controvertidos. No entanto, criou-se uma suspeita por parte dos agricultores de que as sementes menores nao germinam bem, ocasionando desuniformidade no campo e menor produtividade O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito do tamanho das sementes sobre a germinacao e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas em tres variedades de milho: Branco, Dentado e Flintisa. Foram realizados os testes de germinacao, massa de materia seca, comprimento de parte aerea e comprimento de raiz, num delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com 4 repeticoes, sendo a analise de variância realizada no programa SANEST. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o tamanho das sementes nao influencia a germinacao e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas das variedades de milho estudadas, com excecao do compr...
Adicionalmente ao processo agricola, a remocao da vegetacao nativa para o cultivo de pastagens co... more Adicionalmente ao processo agricola, a remocao da vegetacao nativa para o cultivo de pastagens contribuiu para degradacao ambiental das areas de cerrado nos aspectos de solos, flora e fauna. Processo de restauracao florestal para recuperacao de areas degradadas e necessaria, mas antes e importante avaliar a situacao e o estagio em que se encontra a floresta nativa e a area a ser recuperada. Diante disso, objetivou-se na presente pesquisa comparar atributos fisico-hidricos de um solo ocupado por pastagem degradada e floresta nativa no cerrado da regiao nordeste do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. O experimento foi montado na Fazenda Zeca Silva em Chapadao do Sul-MS e realizado entre outubro de 2011 e marco de 2012, e conduzido no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repeticoes. Foram analisados a densidade do solo, porosidade do solo, infiltracao da agua no solo e o escoamento superficial. A cobertura do solo afetou os atributos fisico-hidricos do solo. Areas ocupadas por pa...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
The shoot maturation phase is important for growing mango tree because it precedes the floral ind... more The shoot maturation phase is important for growing mango tree because it precedes the floral induction, when plants are under stress caused by high temperatures and low water availability, that could be reduced by using plant biostimulant. Thus, the current study aimed to use a plant biostimulant containing yeast extract and amino acids to alleviate abiotic stress in mango plants, cv. Tommy Atkins, grown in semiarid environment. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with five treatments, five repetitions and five plants per plot. Treatments consisted of: T1) two foliar sprays with [biostimulant + KCl] + two foliar sprays with K2SO4; T2) No biostimulant and four foliar sprays with K2SO4; T3) three individual foliar sprays with biostimulant and one foliar spray with K2SO4; T4) two foliar sprays with biostimulant and two foliar sprays with K2SO4; and T5) two foliar sprays with [biostimulant + K2SO4] + one foliar spray with K2SO4. The variables evaluated were: i) leaf ...
Research, Society and Development
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fertirrigation with nitrogen and liqu... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fertirrigation with nitrogen and liquid bovine biofertilizer on gas exchange and leaf chlorophyll index of 'paluma' guava (Psidium guajava L.). The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments distributed in a factorial arrangement (2 × 4) referring to mineral fertilizing with N (50% and 100% of N recommended) and biofertilizer concentrations (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% of the fertirrigated volume). Variables evaluated were chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), total chlorophyll indexes (Chltotal), internal CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), net photosynthesis (A), instant carboxylation efficiency (iCE) and water use efficiency (WUE). The biofertilizer significantly affected Chl a, Chl b, Chltotal, A, gs and E, with quadratic polynomial adjustment of the results. However, there was no effect of N fertilization and interaction between the factors. Maximum index of Chl...
Ciência e Natura
This study had the objective to evaluate the initial growth and crown cover of native cerrado spe... more This study had the objective to evaluate the initial growth and crown cover of native cerrado species of different successional groups in planting forest restoration in Chapadão do Sul, MS, with an experiment installed in February of 2013 to test restoration models. Twelve species were selected, being four pioneers: Anadenanthera falcata, Cybistax antisyphilitica, Platypodium elegan and Samanea tubulosa; four early secondary species: Dipteryx alata, Sterculia striata, Alibertia edulis and Enterolobium contortisiliquum; and four late secondary species: Cedrela fissilis, Copaifera langsdorfii, Handroanthus roseo-albus and Hymenaea stilbocarpa. Diameter at soil height (DSH), total height and crown diameter were measured at 8, 14, 20 and 26 months after planting. the periodic increase in height and DSH were calculated by species, group and age, and the crown area at 26 months. The highest increases in height and DSH were from the pioneers group and from the early secondary until 26 mont...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Dec 1, 2017
The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf gas exchanges of sweet corn as a function of defo... more The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf gas exchanges of sweet corn as a function of defoliation when submitted to different irrigation depths. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme, with four irrigation depths in the plots [50, 75, 100 and 125% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc)], and three levels of defoliation in the subplots (0%, control; 35%, removal of four fully expanded leaves; 100%, total removal of the leaves-section of the aerial part) with three replicates. Defoliation was manually performed when the plant had four fully expanded leaves. It was verified that the dephs of irrigation and defoliation levels affect leaf gas exchanges in sweet corn plants, allowing the conclusion that the plant tends to activate a mechanism of photosynthetic compensation, when subjected to leaf stress, which can vary according to the degree of severity and water availability to which it is submitted. The most expressive values of gas exchanges in sweet corn plants that did not have defoliation were generally observed at irrigation depths estimated between 87 and 99% ETc and, in the treatments with defoliation, regardless of the level, at irrigation depth of 125% ETc. Desfolha em plantas de milho doce sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação e seu impacto nas trocas gasosas R E S U M O Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar as trocas gasosas foliares de plantas de milho doce em função da desfolha, quando submetidas a diferentes lâminas de irrigação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, tendo nas parcelas quatro lâminas de irrigação 50, 75, 100 e 125% da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) e nas subparcelas três níveis de desfolha (0%, testemunha; 35%, remoção de quatro folhas completamente expandidas; 100% remoção total das folhas-secção da parte aérea) com três repetições, sendo a desfolha realizada manualmente quando a planta apresentava quatro folhas completamente expandidas. Verificou-se que os níveis de irrigação e desfolha afetam as trocas gasosas foliares em plantas de milho doce, permitindo a conclusão de que a planta quando submetida a estresses foliares, tende a ativar um mecanismo de compensação fotossintética, podendo variar em função do grau de severidade e da disponibilidade hídrica a qual está submetida. Os valores mais expressivos de trocas gasosas em folhas de milho doce que não tiveram desfolha foram, de forma geral, observados nas lâminas de irrigação estimadas entre 87 e 99% da ETc e nos tratamentos com desfolha, independente do nível ocorrido, na lâmina de 125% da ETc.
This study evaluated the impact of macronutrient omission on nutritional disorders and the in vit... more This study evaluated the impact of macronutrient omission on nutritional disorders and the in vitro growth of Bletia catenulata. The experiment was performed in a growth room, with a controlled environment, in the biotechnology laboratory of the Campus of Chapadão do Sul (CPCS/UFMS). The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design, with seven treatments and four replications, corresponding to the following treatments: complete treatment (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mo), nitrogen omission (–N), phosphorus omission (–P), potassium omission (–K), calcium omission (–Ca), magnesium omission (–Mg), and sulfur omission (–S) in B. catenulata. After detecting the symptoms, plant height, leaf area, dry weight, micronutrient content in the shoot, micronutrient accumulation in the shoot, and visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency were evaluated. The –N, –P, –Ca, and –Mg treatments hindered plant growth and dry weight yield. The deficiency of each nutrient resulted i...
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant
Bixa orellana L. (annatto) is the unique exploited source for the production of bixin and norbixi... more Bixa orellana L. (annatto) is the unique exploited source for the production of bixin and norbixin natural dyes, which are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and textile industries. In tissue culture, adequate culture conditions are essential for the development of the plant. Among them, the saline composition of the culture medium and the type of explants are limiting factors. In this study, the effect of MS (Murashige and Skoog), Correia and colleagues (JADS) medium, Woody Plant Medium (WPM), and Driver Kuniyuki Walnut (DKW) culture media and wounding of hypocotyl explants on de novo shoot organogenesis (DNSO) of annatto were evaluated. It was demonstrated that JADS medium improved the nutritional status of shoots, which promoted the best development and quality of the plants generated after acclimatization, when compared to MS medium. The use of JADS medium for annatto DNSO during 45 d of culture was sufficient to regenerate and stimulate the growth of shoots, which had adequate elongation and rhizogenic responses. In addition, enlargement of the wound surface, using longitudinal sections of the hypocotyl explant cut surface down on JADS medium, significantly improved the frequency and number of newly formed shoots. This protocol enabled production of an average of 17 30-mm-long shoots per explant after 90 d of culture. These results will be useful for future studies related to annatto biotechnology.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical
Cycnoches haagii is an epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Savannah that presents a grea... more Cycnoches haagii is an epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Savannah that presents a great ornamental potential. Aiming at developing a complete seminal propagation protocol of C. haagii, as well as testing the influence of the mycorrhizal fungi presence in the process, mature seeds were germinated in vitro in the presence or absence of two fungal isolates, both belonging to the Tulasnella genus (FCH and FHC3E), in three culture media (B&G, Knudson and OMA). The percentage of germinated seeds was evaluated, and the protocorms of the four media with higher percentages were transferred to a new media, aiming at the conversion into plantlets. The seedlings were evaluated for shoot length, number of leaves, length of the largest root, number of roots and total fresh matter. The B&G medium provided a germination rate higher than 60 %, besides a higher seedling growth, contributing to 100 % of survival in the acclimatization stage, independently of the mycorrhizal fungi presence. ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica
Symbiosis between orchid seeds and mycorrhizal fungi has been reported to be a determining factor... more Symbiosis between orchid seeds and mycorrhizal fungi has been reported to be a determining factor in the success of germination and protocorm development in vitro. Th e aim of this study was to isolate and identify by molecular analysis the mycorrhizal fungus associated with Cyrtopodium paludicolum, and to evaluate its effi ciency in facilitating seed germination and development. Germination experiments were carried out using a fungus isolated from C. paludicolum (CH01) and Epidendrum secundum (M65), which has been successfully used a number of times in symbiotic germination. Th e experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with treatments of CH01, M65 as well as under asymbiotic conditions. Th e mycobiont CH01 was successfully isolated from Cyrtopodium paludicolum and identifi ed as Tulasnella sp. Treatments with both fungi reached a higher germination percentage than under asymbiotic conditions, indicating no specifi city in the relationship between Cyrtopodium paludicolum and the fungi. Th e results presented have the potential to advance research into the propagation and conservation of C. paludicolum, a native of the Cerrado biome.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
An efficient protocol for in vitro plant propagation of Cyrtopodium paludicolum has been develope... more An efficient protocol for in vitro plant propagation of Cyrtopodium paludicolum has been developed using root tips dissected from well-developed seedlings. Root tips were cultured on Knudson medium supplemented with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and/or thidiazuron (TDZ). TDZ did not induce protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) in the NAA absence, indicating phytoregulators synergistic effect. Medium supplemented with 1.34 μM NAA and 2.27 μM TDZ resulted in better response on PBLs, and subsequent shoot differentiation (55.25 shoots per explant), and in better rooting number and root length responses, favoring acclimatization with 90% of survived plants. However, the medium supplemented with only NAA (1.34 μM) resulted in 33.50 shoots per explant. Histological sections confirmed that only one PLB was induced per responsive root tip, and it showed numerous dispersed and extended meristemoids, or division centers that originated new PBLs. Additionally, this protocol could be an excellent model to study molecular aspects of root to shoot conversion.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
With the objective to investigate the in vitro behavior of salix (Salix humboldtiana Willdenow), ... more With the objective to investigate the in vitro behavior of salix (Salix humboldtiana Willdenow), leaf and nodal segments were inoculated in WPM medium supplemented with NAA and IBA. In leaf explants, the presence of these growth regulators, isolated or in combination, induced the formation of adventicious roots. Root hairs were only observed when NAA was present. In nodal explants, while the combination of 2,68 µM ANA + 2,46 µM IBA induced bud growth, the other treatments (4,92 µM IBA; 2,68 µM ANA + 4,92 µM IBA; 5,37 µM ANA + 4,92 µM IBA; 5,37 µM ANA) induced the formation of adventicious roots.
Brazilian Geographical Journal Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium, Dec 30, 2012
Revista Caatinga, 2016
ABSTRACT: A major problem affecting some upland rice cultivars is the increase in plant size when... more ABSTRACT: A major problem affecting some upland rice cultivars is the increase in plant size when subjected to high doses of nitrogen fertilizer, leading to high levels of lodging. A method to reduce the height of upland rice, and therefore lodging, would be to use plant growth regulators. However, little information exists on the effect of these regulators on plant physiological processes. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of trinexapac-ethyl application in upland rice via analysis of growth and gas exchange. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions using the BRS Primavera cultivar. A completely randomized design with eight replications was used. Treatments were carried out with and without the application of the plant growth regulator, and plants were subject to two-stage assessments in which physiological and gas-exchange indices were measured. The use of trinexapac-ethyl improved the growth of rice plants from the flowering to...
Somatic Embryogenesis: Fundamental Aspects and Applications, 2016
Our research group has pioneered the work on somatic embryogenesis of Bixa orellana (annatto), an... more Our research group has pioneered the work on somatic embryogenesis of Bixa orellana (annatto), and since then we have directed efforts in understanding several aspects of this morphogenic pathway in annatto. Here, we present a synthetic description of such works, emphasizing anatomical analyzes and the characterization of the cellular alterations that occur in the process, and the association of the SERK gene expression and somatic embryogenesis. These results are unprecedented and contribute to a better understanding of the processes involving somatic embryogenesis in the species. Advances in this area will facilitate the improvement of the mass propagation, genetic manipulation of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, and the overall breeding perspectives of the genus.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2015
Bletia catenulata is a native Brazilian orchid whose populations have suffered from predatory col... more Bletia catenulata is a native Brazilian orchid whose populations have suffered from predatory collection. Aiming at elucidating aspects of its reproductive biology and the relation with seed germination, pollination tests were carried out in flowers of plants cultivated in a greenhouse. Manual cross and self-pollination resulted in high percentage of fructification (76.7-86.7 %), being only 26.7 % for natural pollination, in which the absence of pollinators, due to flower isolation, resulted in absence of fruits. In vitro seed germination for all fruits from the different pollination processes was low, being 8.6 % the highest percentage for protocorms. Thus, B. catenulata is selfcompatible, resulting in viable seeds, but pollinator-dependent for sexual reproduction.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2015
In order to enable production of large quantities of plantlets for reintroduction programs, as we... more In order to enable production of large quantities of plantlets for reintroduction programs, as well as economic exploration, Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum seeds were sown on Knudson culture medium. After seed germination, the protocorms were inoculated on Knudson culture medium supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The obtained shoots were individually inoculated in Knudson supplemented with gibberellic acid (GA3) in order to promote elongation. Seedlings were evaluated and then transplanted into trays containing commercial substrate Plantmax(r)-HT, or crushed Acuri leaf sheath. Auxin/cytokinin ratio influenced in vitro propagation of C. saintlegerianum, resulting in increased shoot number when 2.0 mg L-1 BA was added to the culture medium in the absence or presence of 0.5 mg L-1 NAA. This species proved to be promising for massal in vitro multiplication. Despite having incremented in vitro shoots elongation, the use of GA3 is unnecessary since it ...
Ciência Rural, 2014
A busca por protocolos de micropropagação de pinhão manso tem resultado em relatos sobre dificuld... more A busca por protocolos de micropropagação de pinhão manso tem resultado em relatos sobre dificuldades na germinação in vitro de sementes recém colhidas. Nesse sentido, levantou-se a hipótese da dormência estar relacionada com a presença do endosperma. Objetivando investigar a influência do endosperma no desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões zigóticos de pinhão manso, extratos puros e filtrados de endosperma de sementes recém colhidas e armazenadas por 50 e 100 dias foram adicionados ao meio MS, no qual foram colocados embriões zigóticos isolados ou contendo endosperma. Foi possível observar que a presença do endosperma junto ao embrião exerce uma inibição à retomada do desenvolvimento do embrião. Ademais, a adição de extratos do endosperma no meio de cultivo reduziu sobremaneira o desenvolvimento dos embriões, evidenciando que além de provável inibição física, o endosperma pode contribuir com inibidores químicos no processo de germinação. Essas observações estão baseadas no perfeito ...
Ornamental Horticulture
Cycnoches haagii Barb. Rodr. is an epiphytic orchid very targeted by collectors, but no reference... more Cycnoches haagii Barb. Rodr. is an epiphytic orchid very targeted by collectors, but no reference was found in the literature about its reproductive biology. Thus, the purpose of this study was to obtain initial information regarding pollination types and its influence on seed viability of this native orchid of the Brazilian Cerrado, in order to enable future propagation and preservation programs. Pollination among flowers of the same plant (geitonogamy) or different plants (xenogamy) were carried out. Seeds extracted from the capsules were sown in B&G medium, with full and half strength. Seeds from geitonogamic resulted in 25% of albino protocorms and consequently in albino seedlings. This phenomenon did not occur in seedlings derived from xenogamic pollination. Pigment analysis showed that even the albino seedlings presented chlorophylls and carotenoids, however, in significantly minor concentrations, 16% and 37% respectively, in relation to green seedlings. Geitonogamic and xenog...
O tamanho da semente e um atributo fisico que tem sido estudado por diversos autores, visando ava... more O tamanho da semente e um atributo fisico que tem sido estudado por diversos autores, visando avaliar a sua influencia sobre a qualidade das sementes, mostrando resultados bastante controvertidos. No entanto, criou-se uma suspeita por parte dos agricultores de que as sementes menores nao germinam bem, ocasionando desuniformidade no campo e menor produtividade O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito do tamanho das sementes sobre a germinacao e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas em tres variedades de milho: Branco, Dentado e Flintisa. Foram realizados os testes de germinacao, massa de materia seca, comprimento de parte aerea e comprimento de raiz, num delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com 4 repeticoes, sendo a analise de variância realizada no programa SANEST. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o tamanho das sementes nao influencia a germinacao e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas das variedades de milho estudadas, com excecao do compr...
Adicionalmente ao processo agricola, a remocao da vegetacao nativa para o cultivo de pastagens co... more Adicionalmente ao processo agricola, a remocao da vegetacao nativa para o cultivo de pastagens contribuiu para degradacao ambiental das areas de cerrado nos aspectos de solos, flora e fauna. Processo de restauracao florestal para recuperacao de areas degradadas e necessaria, mas antes e importante avaliar a situacao e o estagio em que se encontra a floresta nativa e a area a ser recuperada. Diante disso, objetivou-se na presente pesquisa comparar atributos fisico-hidricos de um solo ocupado por pastagem degradada e floresta nativa no cerrado da regiao nordeste do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. O experimento foi montado na Fazenda Zeca Silva em Chapadao do Sul-MS e realizado entre outubro de 2011 e marco de 2012, e conduzido no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repeticoes. Foram analisados a densidade do solo, porosidade do solo, infiltracao da agua no solo e o escoamento superficial. A cobertura do solo afetou os atributos fisico-hidricos do solo. Areas ocupadas por pa...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
The shoot maturation phase is important for growing mango tree because it precedes the floral ind... more The shoot maturation phase is important for growing mango tree because it precedes the floral induction, when plants are under stress caused by high temperatures and low water availability, that could be reduced by using plant biostimulant. Thus, the current study aimed to use a plant biostimulant containing yeast extract and amino acids to alleviate abiotic stress in mango plants, cv. Tommy Atkins, grown in semiarid environment. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with five treatments, five repetitions and five plants per plot. Treatments consisted of: T1) two foliar sprays with [biostimulant + KCl] + two foliar sprays with K2SO4; T2) No biostimulant and four foliar sprays with K2SO4; T3) three individual foliar sprays with biostimulant and one foliar spray with K2SO4; T4) two foliar sprays with biostimulant and two foliar sprays with K2SO4; and T5) two foliar sprays with [biostimulant + K2SO4] + one foliar spray with K2SO4. The variables evaluated were: i) leaf ...
Research, Society and Development
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fertirrigation with nitrogen and liqu... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fertirrigation with nitrogen and liquid bovine biofertilizer on gas exchange and leaf chlorophyll index of 'paluma' guava (Psidium guajava L.). The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments distributed in a factorial arrangement (2 × 4) referring to mineral fertilizing with N (50% and 100% of N recommended) and biofertilizer concentrations (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% of the fertirrigated volume). Variables evaluated were chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), total chlorophyll indexes (Chltotal), internal CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), net photosynthesis (A), instant carboxylation efficiency (iCE) and water use efficiency (WUE). The biofertilizer significantly affected Chl a, Chl b, Chltotal, A, gs and E, with quadratic polynomial adjustment of the results. However, there was no effect of N fertilization and interaction between the factors. Maximum index of Chl...
Ciência e Natura
This study had the objective to evaluate the initial growth and crown cover of native cerrado spe... more This study had the objective to evaluate the initial growth and crown cover of native cerrado species of different successional groups in planting forest restoration in Chapadão do Sul, MS, with an experiment installed in February of 2013 to test restoration models. Twelve species were selected, being four pioneers: Anadenanthera falcata, Cybistax antisyphilitica, Platypodium elegan and Samanea tubulosa; four early secondary species: Dipteryx alata, Sterculia striata, Alibertia edulis and Enterolobium contortisiliquum; and four late secondary species: Cedrela fissilis, Copaifera langsdorfii, Handroanthus roseo-albus and Hymenaea stilbocarpa. Diameter at soil height (DSH), total height and crown diameter were measured at 8, 14, 20 and 26 months after planting. the periodic increase in height and DSH were calculated by species, group and age, and the crown area at 26 months. The highest increases in height and DSH were from the pioneers group and from the early secondary until 26 mont...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Dec 1, 2017
The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf gas exchanges of sweet corn as a function of defo... more The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf gas exchanges of sweet corn as a function of defoliation when submitted to different irrigation depths. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme, with four irrigation depths in the plots [50, 75, 100 and 125% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc)], and three levels of defoliation in the subplots (0%, control; 35%, removal of four fully expanded leaves; 100%, total removal of the leaves-section of the aerial part) with three replicates. Defoliation was manually performed when the plant had four fully expanded leaves. It was verified that the dephs of irrigation and defoliation levels affect leaf gas exchanges in sweet corn plants, allowing the conclusion that the plant tends to activate a mechanism of photosynthetic compensation, when subjected to leaf stress, which can vary according to the degree of severity and water availability to which it is submitted. The most expressive values of gas exchanges in sweet corn plants that did not have defoliation were generally observed at irrigation depths estimated between 87 and 99% ETc and, in the treatments with defoliation, regardless of the level, at irrigation depth of 125% ETc. Desfolha em plantas de milho doce sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação e seu impacto nas trocas gasosas R E S U M O Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar as trocas gasosas foliares de plantas de milho doce em função da desfolha, quando submetidas a diferentes lâminas de irrigação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, tendo nas parcelas quatro lâminas de irrigação 50, 75, 100 e 125% da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) e nas subparcelas três níveis de desfolha (0%, testemunha; 35%, remoção de quatro folhas completamente expandidas; 100% remoção total das folhas-secção da parte aérea) com três repetições, sendo a desfolha realizada manualmente quando a planta apresentava quatro folhas completamente expandidas. Verificou-se que os níveis de irrigação e desfolha afetam as trocas gasosas foliares em plantas de milho doce, permitindo a conclusão de que a planta quando submetida a estresses foliares, tende a ativar um mecanismo de compensação fotossintética, podendo variar em função do grau de severidade e da disponibilidade hídrica a qual está submetida. Os valores mais expressivos de trocas gasosas em folhas de milho doce que não tiveram desfolha foram, de forma geral, observados nas lâminas de irrigação estimadas entre 87 e 99% da ETc e nos tratamentos com desfolha, independente do nível ocorrido, na lâmina de 125% da ETc.
This study evaluated the impact of macronutrient omission on nutritional disorders and the in vit... more This study evaluated the impact of macronutrient omission on nutritional disorders and the in vitro growth of Bletia catenulata. The experiment was performed in a growth room, with a controlled environment, in the biotechnology laboratory of the Campus of Chapadão do Sul (CPCS/UFMS). The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design, with seven treatments and four replications, corresponding to the following treatments: complete treatment (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mo), nitrogen omission (–N), phosphorus omission (–P), potassium omission (–K), calcium omission (–Ca), magnesium omission (–Mg), and sulfur omission (–S) in B. catenulata. After detecting the symptoms, plant height, leaf area, dry weight, micronutrient content in the shoot, micronutrient accumulation in the shoot, and visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency were evaluated. The –N, –P, –Ca, and –Mg treatments hindered plant growth and dry weight yield. The deficiency of each nutrient resulted i...
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant
Bixa orellana L. (annatto) is the unique exploited source for the production of bixin and norbixi... more Bixa orellana L. (annatto) is the unique exploited source for the production of bixin and norbixin natural dyes, which are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and textile industries. In tissue culture, adequate culture conditions are essential for the development of the plant. Among them, the saline composition of the culture medium and the type of explants are limiting factors. In this study, the effect of MS (Murashige and Skoog), Correia and colleagues (JADS) medium, Woody Plant Medium (WPM), and Driver Kuniyuki Walnut (DKW) culture media and wounding of hypocotyl explants on de novo shoot organogenesis (DNSO) of annatto were evaluated. It was demonstrated that JADS medium improved the nutritional status of shoots, which promoted the best development and quality of the plants generated after acclimatization, when compared to MS medium. The use of JADS medium for annatto DNSO during 45 d of culture was sufficient to regenerate and stimulate the growth of shoots, which had adequate elongation and rhizogenic responses. In addition, enlargement of the wound surface, using longitudinal sections of the hypocotyl explant cut surface down on JADS medium, significantly improved the frequency and number of newly formed shoots. This protocol enabled production of an average of 17 30-mm-long shoots per explant after 90 d of culture. These results will be useful for future studies related to annatto biotechnology.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical
Cycnoches haagii is an epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Savannah that presents a grea... more Cycnoches haagii is an epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Savannah that presents a great ornamental potential. Aiming at developing a complete seminal propagation protocol of C. haagii, as well as testing the influence of the mycorrhizal fungi presence in the process, mature seeds were germinated in vitro in the presence or absence of two fungal isolates, both belonging to the Tulasnella genus (FCH and FHC3E), in three culture media (B&G, Knudson and OMA). The percentage of germinated seeds was evaluated, and the protocorms of the four media with higher percentages were transferred to a new media, aiming at the conversion into plantlets. The seedlings were evaluated for shoot length, number of leaves, length of the largest root, number of roots and total fresh matter. The B&G medium provided a germination rate higher than 60 %, besides a higher seedling growth, contributing to 100 % of survival in the acclimatization stage, independently of the mycorrhizal fungi presence. ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica
Symbiosis between orchid seeds and mycorrhizal fungi has been reported to be a determining factor... more Symbiosis between orchid seeds and mycorrhizal fungi has been reported to be a determining factor in the success of germination and protocorm development in vitro. Th e aim of this study was to isolate and identify by molecular analysis the mycorrhizal fungus associated with Cyrtopodium paludicolum, and to evaluate its effi ciency in facilitating seed germination and development. Germination experiments were carried out using a fungus isolated from C. paludicolum (CH01) and Epidendrum secundum (M65), which has been successfully used a number of times in symbiotic germination. Th e experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with treatments of CH01, M65 as well as under asymbiotic conditions. Th e mycobiont CH01 was successfully isolated from Cyrtopodium paludicolum and identifi ed as Tulasnella sp. Treatments with both fungi reached a higher germination percentage than under asymbiotic conditions, indicating no specifi city in the relationship between Cyrtopodium paludicolum and the fungi. Th e results presented have the potential to advance research into the propagation and conservation of C. paludicolum, a native of the Cerrado biome.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
An efficient protocol for in vitro plant propagation of Cyrtopodium paludicolum has been develope... more An efficient protocol for in vitro plant propagation of Cyrtopodium paludicolum has been developed using root tips dissected from well-developed seedlings. Root tips were cultured on Knudson medium supplemented with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and/or thidiazuron (TDZ). TDZ did not induce protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) in the NAA absence, indicating phytoregulators synergistic effect. Medium supplemented with 1.34 μM NAA and 2.27 μM TDZ resulted in better response on PBLs, and subsequent shoot differentiation (55.25 shoots per explant), and in better rooting number and root length responses, favoring acclimatization with 90% of survived plants. However, the medium supplemented with only NAA (1.34 μM) resulted in 33.50 shoots per explant. Histological sections confirmed that only one PLB was induced per responsive root tip, and it showed numerous dispersed and extended meristemoids, or division centers that originated new PBLs. Additionally, this protocol could be an excellent model to study molecular aspects of root to shoot conversion.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
With the objective to investigate the in vitro behavior of salix (Salix humboldtiana Willdenow), ... more With the objective to investigate the in vitro behavior of salix (Salix humboldtiana Willdenow), leaf and nodal segments were inoculated in WPM medium supplemented with NAA and IBA. In leaf explants, the presence of these growth regulators, isolated or in combination, induced the formation of adventicious roots. Root hairs were only observed when NAA was present. In nodal explants, while the combination of 2,68 µM ANA + 2,46 µM IBA induced bud growth, the other treatments (4,92 µM IBA; 2,68 µM ANA + 4,92 µM IBA; 5,37 µM ANA + 4,92 µM IBA; 5,37 µM ANA) induced the formation of adventicious roots.
Brazilian Geographical Journal Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium, Dec 30, 2012
Revista Caatinga, 2016
ABSTRACT: A major problem affecting some upland rice cultivars is the increase in plant size when... more ABSTRACT: A major problem affecting some upland rice cultivars is the increase in plant size when subjected to high doses of nitrogen fertilizer, leading to high levels of lodging. A method to reduce the height of upland rice, and therefore lodging, would be to use plant growth regulators. However, little information exists on the effect of these regulators on plant physiological processes. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of trinexapac-ethyl application in upland rice via analysis of growth and gas exchange. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions using the BRS Primavera cultivar. A completely randomized design with eight replications was used. Treatments were carried out with and without the application of the plant growth regulator, and plants were subject to two-stage assessments in which physiological and gas-exchange indices were measured. The use of trinexapac-ethyl improved the growth of rice plants from the flowering to...
Somatic Embryogenesis: Fundamental Aspects and Applications, 2016
Our research group has pioneered the work on somatic embryogenesis of Bixa orellana (annatto), an... more Our research group has pioneered the work on somatic embryogenesis of Bixa orellana (annatto), and since then we have directed efforts in understanding several aspects of this morphogenic pathway in annatto. Here, we present a synthetic description of such works, emphasizing anatomical analyzes and the characterization of the cellular alterations that occur in the process, and the association of the SERK gene expression and somatic embryogenesis. These results are unprecedented and contribute to a better understanding of the processes involving somatic embryogenesis in the species. Advances in this area will facilitate the improvement of the mass propagation, genetic manipulation of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, and the overall breeding perspectives of the genus.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2015
Bletia catenulata is a native Brazilian orchid whose populations have suffered from predatory col... more Bletia catenulata is a native Brazilian orchid whose populations have suffered from predatory collection. Aiming at elucidating aspects of its reproductive biology and the relation with seed germination, pollination tests were carried out in flowers of plants cultivated in a greenhouse. Manual cross and self-pollination resulted in high percentage of fructification (76.7-86.7 %), being only 26.7 % for natural pollination, in which the absence of pollinators, due to flower isolation, resulted in absence of fruits. In vitro seed germination for all fruits from the different pollination processes was low, being 8.6 % the highest percentage for protocorms. Thus, B. catenulata is selfcompatible, resulting in viable seeds, but pollinator-dependent for sexual reproduction.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2015
In order to enable production of large quantities of plantlets for reintroduction programs, as we... more In order to enable production of large quantities of plantlets for reintroduction programs, as well as economic exploration, Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum seeds were sown on Knudson culture medium. After seed germination, the protocorms were inoculated on Knudson culture medium supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The obtained shoots were individually inoculated in Knudson supplemented with gibberellic acid (GA3) in order to promote elongation. Seedlings were evaluated and then transplanted into trays containing commercial substrate Plantmax(r)-HT, or crushed Acuri leaf sheath. Auxin/cytokinin ratio influenced in vitro propagation of C. saintlegerianum, resulting in increased shoot number when 2.0 mg L-1 BA was added to the culture medium in the absence or presence of 0.5 mg L-1 NAA. This species proved to be promising for massal in vitro multiplication. Despite having incremented in vitro shoots elongation, the use of GA3 is unnecessary since it ...
Ciência Rural, 2014
A busca por protocolos de micropropagação de pinhão manso tem resultado em relatos sobre dificuld... more A busca por protocolos de micropropagação de pinhão manso tem resultado em relatos sobre dificuldades na germinação in vitro de sementes recém colhidas. Nesse sentido, levantou-se a hipótese da dormência estar relacionada com a presença do endosperma. Objetivando investigar a influência do endosperma no desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões zigóticos de pinhão manso, extratos puros e filtrados de endosperma de sementes recém colhidas e armazenadas por 50 e 100 dias foram adicionados ao meio MS, no qual foram colocados embriões zigóticos isolados ou contendo endosperma. Foi possível observar que a presença do endosperma junto ao embrião exerce uma inibição à retomada do desenvolvimento do embrião. Ademais, a adição de extratos do endosperma no meio de cultivo reduziu sobremaneira o desenvolvimento dos embriões, evidenciando que além de provável inibição física, o endosperma pode contribuir com inibidores químicos no processo de germinação. Essas observações estão baseadas no perfeito ...