Victor Mércia Justino - (original) (raw)
Papers by Victor Mércia Justino
Os meus agradecimentos vão, merecidamente e em primeiro lugar, para as minhas orientadoras. À Pro... more Os meus agradecimentos vão, merecidamente e em primeiro lugar, para as minhas orientadoras. À Professora Ana Maria Martins, minha orientadora, agradeço o facto de, mais do que eu próprio, ter sempre acreditado na minha capacidade de levar a bom porto uma tese de doutoramento. Agradeço ainda a exigente e rigorosa orientação, as leituras e releituras sempre atentas de todos os capítulos da tese; os comentários, as críticas e os elogios na altura certa que sempre me foram estimulantes. À Professora Anabela Gonçalves, minha co-orientadora, agradeço também a confiança, a rigorosa e estimulante orientação, as leituras e releituras sempre atentas da tese, as críticas e o constante incentivo. Aos Professores Maria Lobo, Telmo Móia e Rui Marques, membros do júri da prova de conclusão da parte curricular do doutoramento, agradeço as críticas e sugestões que fizeram ao conteúdo dos capítulos 2 e 3 da tese e espero ter conseguido integrá-las devidamente. À Professora Doutora Perpétua Gonçalves, agradeço a disponibilidade para discutir alguns aspetos desta tese, a leitura de alguns capítulos e todas as sugestões que me foi dando. Agradeço ainda a todos os que fizeram críticas, sugestões e observações durante as apresentações de partes da tese no XXXI e no XXXIII encontros da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, e no XXXIII Encontro Nacional da ENPOLL-GT Teoria da Gramática-2018. Aos meus Professores do Mestrado e do Doutoramento (Doutores Inês Duarte, Manuela
Fórum Linguístico, 2019
Este artigo discute o estatuto e a estrutura sintática das condicionais factuais de se do portugu... more Este artigo discute o estatuto e a estrutura sintática das condicionais factuais de se do português de Moçambique. Os resultados da aplicação de testes sintáticos às factuais mostram que podem ser integradas ou periféricas. Deste modo, são distintas das factuais de outras línguas, como o inglês, que são consideradas apenas periféricas (HAEGEMAN, 2003; BHATT; PANCHEVA, 2006). Do ponto de vista estrutural, as integradas ocupam uma posição relativamente baixa que é a de adjunção a VP e as periféricas, pelo contrário, posições altas na frase, em adjunção a CP ou TP (HAEGEMAN, 2003; LOBO, 2003). Para darmos conta das integradas antepostas, com base em argumentos empíricos, defendemos que são geradas por Move do interior do TP da matriz, onde são geradas, para a posição de especificador de tópico, por topicalização da oração adverbial condicional, na linha de Duarte (1987, 1996) e Valmala (2009), contrariando a hipótese de que são geradas por Merge (LOBO, 2003; IATRIDOU, 1991).
Complement Clauses in Portuguese, 2018
Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
This paper discusses the semantic typology of the conditionals of the Mozambican Portuguese (MP),... more This paper discusses the semantic typology of the conditionals of the Mozambican Portuguese (MP), focusing on the occurrence of verb tenses and mood, in comparison with European Portuguese (EP). Based on data collected through a combination of different research methods, the analysis suggests that the differences between MP and EP are limited: in both varieties, there are three semantic classes of the conditionals (factual, hypothetical and counterfactual) and the correlation between tense/mood and interpretation of conditionals is not necessarily biunivocal. However, there are some differences between MP and EP in contexts where tenses and mood are used in a more marked way in hypothetical and counterfactual conditionals. Moreover, other differences result from ambiguous EP input, and the fact that MP speakers use distinct grammatical rules: common to EP and particular rules of MP.
Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
This paper explores the relationship between tense/mood and semantic interpretation of if conditi... more This paper explores the relationship between tense/mood and semantic interpretation of if conditionals clauses in European Contemporary Portuguese. The data that we collected and analysed show that the correlation between tense/mood and conditionals interpretation is not necessarily biunivocal/simple: (i) there are formally subjunctive conditionals, which may convey factuality and (ii) indicative tenses and imperfect subjunctive, which may be ambiguous and compatible with three semantic classes of conditionals (factual, hypothetical and counterfactual).
This dissertation falls within the field of Educational Linguistics, understood in a narrow sense... more This dissertation falls within the field of Educational Linguistics, understood in a narrow sense as a domain where Linguistics and Language Teaching converge. The goal of this work is twofold: it contributes for the understanding of the use and the grammatical expression of the future subjunctive in the Portuguese variety spoken in Mozambique (MP) and proposes a sequence for teaching based on the results of the research. This proposal is inspired by the "grammar laboratory" model (Duarte 1992, 2008, among others) and empirically supported by the data we collected and analysed. These data show a considerable difference between the linguistic knowledge of the inquired subjects and the grammar of the language of teaching, standard European Portuguese (EP). In this dissertation, spoken and written data are considered. As for MP, 34 native speakers have been interviewed in order to constitute the spoken corpus; the written corpus of MP results from the application of two tests-elicited production and grammaticality judgment tests-to 23 graduation students. Concerning EP, only a written corpus has been built, using the same tasks performed by Mozambican subjects: the elicited production test was applied to 19 graduation students and the grammaticality judgment test was answered by 10 linguists. Comparing the results of the analyses of the PM and PE data, a new tendency towards the formation of the MP grammar was observed, concerning the overgeneralized use of the future subjunctive in conditional structures with se 'if'. On the other hand, we found clear evidence that the paradigm of the future subjunctive is being simplified in the sense that the MP speakers tend to extend the inflectional paradigm of regular verbs to irregular verbs. This has the effect that the future subjunctive is in the verge of converging, at the morphological level, with the inflected infinitive. This might lead to the loss of the lexicalized forms of irregular verbs. Considering grammar teaching, several methodological strategies were reviewed and examined, in particular the explicit and/or implicit approaches (Ellis, 1997), the focus on form approach (Larsen-Freeman 2009), and the discovery learning approach (Hudson 1992, 1999; Duarte 1992, 2008). Based upon some of these approaches, we propose a set of exercises exploring the distribution of tense/mood in conditionals with se 'if', as well as the inflection of irregular verbs in the future subjunctive. A distribuição e a expressão gramatical do futuro do conjuntivo no Português de Moçambique v With this work we hope to contribute to the characterization of the MP grammar as well as to the improvement of language teaching in Mozambique.
Os meus agradecimentos vão, merecidamente e em primeiro lugar, para as minhas orientadoras. À Pro... more Os meus agradecimentos vão, merecidamente e em primeiro lugar, para as minhas orientadoras. À Professora Ana Maria Martins, minha orientadora, agradeço o facto de, mais do que eu próprio, ter sempre acreditado na minha capacidade de levar a bom porto uma tese de doutoramento. Agradeço ainda a exigente e rigorosa orientação, as leituras e releituras sempre atentas de todos os capítulos da tese; os comentários, as críticas e os elogios na altura certa que sempre me foram estimulantes. À Professora Anabela Gonçalves, minha co-orientadora, agradeço também a confiança, a rigorosa e estimulante orientação, as leituras e releituras sempre atentas da tese, as críticas e o constante incentivo. Aos Professores Maria Lobo, Telmo Móia e Rui Marques, membros do júri da prova de conclusão da parte curricular do doutoramento, agradeço as críticas e sugestões que fizeram ao conteúdo dos capítulos 2 e 3 da tese e espero ter conseguido integrá-las devidamente. À Professora Doutora Perpétua Gonçalves, agradeço a disponibilidade para discutir alguns aspetos desta tese, a leitura de alguns capítulos e todas as sugestões que me foi dando. Agradeço ainda a todos os que fizeram críticas, sugestões e observações durante as apresentações de partes da tese no XXXI e no XXXIII encontros da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, e no XXXIII Encontro Nacional da ENPOLL-GT Teoria da Gramática-2018. Aos meus Professores do Mestrado e do Doutoramento (Doutores Inês Duarte, Manuela
Fórum Linguístico, 2019
Este artigo discute o estatuto e a estrutura sintática das condicionais factuais de se do portugu... more Este artigo discute o estatuto e a estrutura sintática das condicionais factuais de se do português de Moçambique. Os resultados da aplicação de testes sintáticos às factuais mostram que podem ser integradas ou periféricas. Deste modo, são distintas das factuais de outras línguas, como o inglês, que são consideradas apenas periféricas (HAEGEMAN, 2003; BHATT; PANCHEVA, 2006). Do ponto de vista estrutural, as integradas ocupam uma posição relativamente baixa que é a de adjunção a VP e as periféricas, pelo contrário, posições altas na frase, em adjunção a CP ou TP (HAEGEMAN, 2003; LOBO, 2003). Para darmos conta das integradas antepostas, com base em argumentos empíricos, defendemos que são geradas por Move do interior do TP da matriz, onde são geradas, para a posição de especificador de tópico, por topicalização da oração adverbial condicional, na linha de Duarte (1987, 1996) e Valmala (2009), contrariando a hipótese de que são geradas por Merge (LOBO, 2003; IATRIDOU, 1991).
Complement Clauses in Portuguese, 2018
Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
This paper discusses the semantic typology of the conditionals of the Mozambican Portuguese (MP),... more This paper discusses the semantic typology of the conditionals of the Mozambican Portuguese (MP), focusing on the occurrence of verb tenses and mood, in comparison with European Portuguese (EP). Based on data collected through a combination of different research methods, the analysis suggests that the differences between MP and EP are limited: in both varieties, there are three semantic classes of the conditionals (factual, hypothetical and counterfactual) and the correlation between tense/mood and interpretation of conditionals is not necessarily biunivocal. However, there are some differences between MP and EP in contexts where tenses and mood are used in a more marked way in hypothetical and counterfactual conditionals. Moreover, other differences result from ambiguous EP input, and the fact that MP speakers use distinct grammatical rules: common to EP and particular rules of MP.
Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
This paper explores the relationship between tense/mood and semantic interpretation of if conditi... more This paper explores the relationship between tense/mood and semantic interpretation of if conditionals clauses in European Contemporary Portuguese. The data that we collected and analysed show that the correlation between tense/mood and conditionals interpretation is not necessarily biunivocal/simple: (i) there are formally subjunctive conditionals, which may convey factuality and (ii) indicative tenses and imperfect subjunctive, which may be ambiguous and compatible with three semantic classes of conditionals (factual, hypothetical and counterfactual).
This dissertation falls within the field of Educational Linguistics, understood in a narrow sense... more This dissertation falls within the field of Educational Linguistics, understood in a narrow sense as a domain where Linguistics and Language Teaching converge. The goal of this work is twofold: it contributes for the understanding of the use and the grammatical expression of the future subjunctive in the Portuguese variety spoken in Mozambique (MP) and proposes a sequence for teaching based on the results of the research. This proposal is inspired by the "grammar laboratory" model (Duarte 1992, 2008, among others) and empirically supported by the data we collected and analysed. These data show a considerable difference between the linguistic knowledge of the inquired subjects and the grammar of the language of teaching, standard European Portuguese (EP). In this dissertation, spoken and written data are considered. As for MP, 34 native speakers have been interviewed in order to constitute the spoken corpus; the written corpus of MP results from the application of two tests-elicited production and grammaticality judgment tests-to 23 graduation students. Concerning EP, only a written corpus has been built, using the same tasks performed by Mozambican subjects: the elicited production test was applied to 19 graduation students and the grammaticality judgment test was answered by 10 linguists. Comparing the results of the analyses of the PM and PE data, a new tendency towards the formation of the MP grammar was observed, concerning the overgeneralized use of the future subjunctive in conditional structures with se 'if'. On the other hand, we found clear evidence that the paradigm of the future subjunctive is being simplified in the sense that the MP speakers tend to extend the inflectional paradigm of regular verbs to irregular verbs. This has the effect that the future subjunctive is in the verge of converging, at the morphological level, with the inflected infinitive. This might lead to the loss of the lexicalized forms of irregular verbs. Considering grammar teaching, several methodological strategies were reviewed and examined, in particular the explicit and/or implicit approaches (Ellis, 1997), the focus on form approach (Larsen-Freeman 2009), and the discovery learning approach (Hudson 1992, 1999; Duarte 1992, 2008). Based upon some of these approaches, we propose a set of exercises exploring the distribution of tense/mood in conditionals with se 'if', as well as the inflection of irregular verbs in the future subjunctive. A distribuição e a expressão gramatical do futuro do conjuntivo no Português de Moçambique v With this work we hope to contribute to the characterization of the MP grammar as well as to the improvement of language teaching in Mozambique.