Viggo Mortensen - (original) (raw)
Papers by Viggo Mortensen
Naeppe noget begreb er mere aktuelt i nutidig missionsteologi end begrebet kontekstualisering. I ... more Naeppe noget begreb er mere aktuelt i nutidig missionsteologi end begrebet kontekstualisering. I det nødvendige opgør med den vestlige dominans og kolonialisme inden for kristen mission melder kontekstualiseringsbegrebet sig som en selvfølgelighed, når der skal gøres op med kolonialismens etnocentrisme og kulturimperialisme. Resultatet af den proces er, at evangeliet altid forstås i en bestemt kulturel sammenhaeng; derfor kan man i grunden sige, at al teologi er kontekstuel. Det forlener teologien med et bevaegeligt element; kontekstualiseringen kan således opleves som en befrielsesbevaegelse. Enhver kultur saettes fri til at vaere modtager af evangeliet. Modersmålet bliver afgørende, og det bliver det enkelte menneske, der modtager evangeliet, som er dommer over den vellykkede kontekstualisering. Det giver anledning til fremvaeksten af lokale teologier, der tillader at man både kan møde det frigørende evangelium og bevare ens kulturelle arv og identitet. Kristendommen er med Lamin Sannehs ord ikke en religion, men en oversaettelsesbevaegelse, hvor der i mødet mellem kultur og evangelium hele tiden skabes nye udtryk for troen. Det er denne bestraebelse, som giver det 20. århundredes missionsteologi sin saerlige karakter. Det er derfor helt oplagt, at de to forfattere Flett og Wrogemann vaelger at kalde deres introduktion til tysk missionsteologi i det 20. århundrede Et spørgsmål om kontekst. Forfatterne er velmeriterede missionsteologer uddannet på de bedste universiteter i Tyskland, men samtidig godt orienterede i den internationale missionsteologiske diskurs. I dag underviser Flett i Australien, mens Wrogemann er professor i Wuppertal og leder af Institute for Intercultural eology and Interreligious Studies. De er gennem deres studier blevet opmaerksomme også på deres egen tyske kontekst. På grund af den historiske og sproglige udvikling er kendskabet til tysk missionsteologisk taenkning ikke saerlig udbredt i den angloamerikanske verden. Derfor har de sat sig for-på engelsk-at give en guidet tur gennem den tysksprogede taenkning indenfor kristen missionsteologi. Det sker ved at praesentere-igen i oversaettelse-en raekke kernetekster fra tysk missionsteologi fra Warneck og Troeltsch (der begge virker overraskende aktuelle) til Lienemann-Perin og Feldtkeller, der kommer med spaendende bud på en kommende udvikling. Det er rigtig godt gjort. Under passende overskrifter introduceres de relevante kildeskrifter, der efterfølgende saettes ind i sammenhaengen og analyseres. Det er jo noget af en turbulent historie, der på den måde oprulles. Århundredet starter med 1910 Verdensmissionskonferencens
Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, 2003
Bernd Henningsen: Die Politik des Einzelnen. Studien zur Genese der Skandinavischen Ziviltheologi... more Bernd Henningsen: Die Politik des Einzelnen. Studien zur Genese der Skandinavischen Ziviltheologie. Ludvig Holberg. Soren Kierkegaard. N. F. S. Grundtvig. Studien zur Theologie und Geistesgeschichte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Bd. 26. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen 1977. Reviewed by Viggo Mortensen. The author of this doctorate, defended in Munich, sets out to track down the Danish, and thereby in his opinion, the Scandinavian national character. The problem for him as a politologist is why the great political upheavals, not to mention revolutions are absent from Scandinavian history. He looks for the spiritual background to this in the way the 19th century understood politics. That is, he wishes to analyse the relationship between the political events and the philosophical-historical tradition. What are the causes of this ‘immunity*, which in Scandinavia has prevented ideologies from becoming mass phenomena? Henningsen has found important contributions to an understanding of th...
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik, 1989
In an introduction to tbe tbeology and moral pbilosopby of tbe Danisb tbinker, K. E. Legstrup (19... more In an introduction to tbe tbeology and moral pbilosopby of tbe Danisb tbinker, K. E. Legstrup (1905-1981), tbe starting point ist taken in bis on pbenomenological basis developed pbilosopby of creation. Tbe vibrant discussion in Denmark in tbe fifties between K. E. Legstrup an N. H. See conceming a specific cbristian etbics is evaluated and it is sbown bow Legstcups etbical tbinking developed in two directions. On tbe one band be expands bis pbilosopby of creation into metapbysical reflections in order to substantiate bis solution to tbe problern of tbe foundations of etbics. On tbe otber band be anticipates a development towards applied etbics.
Evangelische Theologie, 1987
... We want to thank the many people who contributed to the successful completion of the conferen... more ... We want to thank the many people who contributed to the successful completion of the conference — first of all Marlene Jessen, who coordinated all the organizational details together with members of the organizing com-mittee: Peter Lodberg, Marie Ramsdal Thomsen, Peter ...
Zygon®, 2002
Christianity finds itself in a new situation, one that resembles its first-century experience in ... more Christianity finds itself in a new situation, one that resembles its first-century experience in that it will be shaped by a new dominant world culture.␣ This culture is marked by three factorsthe economy, the multireligious situation, and science.␣ The author's discussion deals with the issues that arise in this engagement with culture under three rubrics:␣ dialogue between science and religion, globalization of the religious encounter, and interreligious dialogue in a globalized world.␣ The major assertions are: (1) Science and religions must avoid restrictive and expansionist relationships and work for reciprocal interaction.␣ (2) Globalization is an unavoidable, but ambiguous, historical development; religions should reject responses of "ethnification" and "primitivism" and rather engage in strategies that encourage both productive encounter and critical distance.␣ (3) Interreligious dialogue includes dialogues of life, of intellectual exchange, of religious experience, of common action, and of confrontation; this dialogue will seek to embrace truth (which involves science) and wisdom (which includes the various religious traditions) in the reciprocal interaction that is marked by love.
Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 2004
: Following Philip Jenkins's analysis of “the next Christendom” it is argued that when the c... more : Following Philip Jenkins's analysis of “the next Christendom” it is argued that when the centre of Christianity is moving southwards Christianity will change. As a translation movement, Christianity is a religion made to travel. The consequences of this development are dramatic. In the West and North the mainline churches are in decline. The diversification within Christianity will continue in a certain tension to a trend towards uniformity. This leads to new priorities in mission. The discipline, theology of religions, will gain in importance as the churches are confronted with the life and death choice between a “clash of civilisations” or a peaceful multicultural and multireligious co-existence.
... the process of communication, and the capacity to store huge amounts of information on acompu... more ... the process of communication, and the capacity to store huge amounts of information on acomputer chip. ... lot of the entirety of humanity, large numbers of people are at this time excluded from its benefits. ... Now alternatives need to be thought through, with social action accordingly ...
Naeppe noget begreb er mere aktuelt i nutidig missionsteologi end begrebet kontekstualisering. I ... more Naeppe noget begreb er mere aktuelt i nutidig missionsteologi end begrebet kontekstualisering. I det nødvendige opgør med den vestlige dominans og kolonialisme inden for kristen mission melder kontekstualiseringsbegrebet sig som en selvfølgelighed, når der skal gøres op med kolonialismens etnocentrisme og kulturimperialisme. Resultatet af den proces er, at evangeliet altid forstås i en bestemt kulturel sammenhaeng; derfor kan man i grunden sige, at al teologi er kontekstuel. Det forlener teologien med et bevaegeligt element; kontekstualiseringen kan således opleves som en befrielsesbevaegelse. Enhver kultur saettes fri til at vaere modtager af evangeliet. Modersmålet bliver afgørende, og det bliver det enkelte menneske, der modtager evangeliet, som er dommer over den vellykkede kontekstualisering. Det giver anledning til fremvaeksten af lokale teologier, der tillader at man både kan møde det frigørende evangelium og bevare ens kulturelle arv og identitet. Kristendommen er med Lamin Sannehs ord ikke en religion, men en oversaettelsesbevaegelse, hvor der i mødet mellem kultur og evangelium hele tiden skabes nye udtryk for troen. Det er denne bestraebelse, som giver det 20. århundredes missionsteologi sin saerlige karakter. Det er derfor helt oplagt, at de to forfattere Flett og Wrogemann vaelger at kalde deres introduktion til tysk missionsteologi i det 20. århundrede Et spørgsmål om kontekst. Forfatterne er velmeriterede missionsteologer uddannet på de bedste universiteter i Tyskland, men samtidig godt orienterede i den internationale missionsteologiske diskurs. I dag underviser Flett i Australien, mens Wrogemann er professor i Wuppertal og leder af Institute for Intercultural eology and Interreligious Studies. De er gennem deres studier blevet opmaerksomme også på deres egen tyske kontekst. På grund af den historiske og sproglige udvikling er kendskabet til tysk missionsteologisk taenkning ikke saerlig udbredt i den angloamerikanske verden. Derfor har de sat sig for-på engelsk-at give en guidet tur gennem den tysksprogede taenkning indenfor kristen missionsteologi. Det sker ved at praesentere-igen i oversaettelse-en raekke kernetekster fra tysk missionsteologi fra Warneck og Troeltsch (der begge virker overraskende aktuelle) til Lienemann-Perin og Feldtkeller, der kommer med spaendende bud på en kommende udvikling. Det er rigtig godt gjort. Under passende overskrifter introduceres de relevante kildeskrifter, der efterfølgende saettes ind i sammenhaengen og analyseres. Det er jo noget af en turbulent historie, der på den måde oprulles. Århundredet starter med 1910 Verdensmissionskonferencens
Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, 2003
Bernd Henningsen: Die Politik des Einzelnen. Studien zur Genese der Skandinavischen Ziviltheologi... more Bernd Henningsen: Die Politik des Einzelnen. Studien zur Genese der Skandinavischen Ziviltheologie. Ludvig Holberg. Soren Kierkegaard. N. F. S. Grundtvig. Studien zur Theologie und Geistesgeschichte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Bd. 26. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen 1977. Reviewed by Viggo Mortensen. The author of this doctorate, defended in Munich, sets out to track down the Danish, and thereby in his opinion, the Scandinavian national character. The problem for him as a politologist is why the great political upheavals, not to mention revolutions are absent from Scandinavian history. He looks for the spiritual background to this in the way the 19th century understood politics. That is, he wishes to analyse the relationship between the political events and the philosophical-historical tradition. What are the causes of this ‘immunity*, which in Scandinavia has prevented ideologies from becoming mass phenomena? Henningsen has found important contributions to an understanding of th...
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik, 1989
In an introduction to tbe tbeology and moral pbilosopby of tbe Danisb tbinker, K. E. Legstrup (19... more In an introduction to tbe tbeology and moral pbilosopby of tbe Danisb tbinker, K. E. Legstrup (1905-1981), tbe starting point ist taken in bis on pbenomenological basis developed pbilosopby of creation. Tbe vibrant discussion in Denmark in tbe fifties between K. E. Legstrup an N. H. See conceming a specific cbristian etbics is evaluated and it is sbown bow Legstcups etbical tbinking developed in two directions. On tbe one band be expands bis pbilosopby of creation into metapbysical reflections in order to substantiate bis solution to tbe problern of tbe foundations of etbics. On tbe otber band be anticipates a development towards applied etbics.
Evangelische Theologie, 1987
... We want to thank the many people who contributed to the successful completion of the conferen... more ... We want to thank the many people who contributed to the successful completion of the conference — first of all Marlene Jessen, who coordinated all the organizational details together with members of the organizing com-mittee: Peter Lodberg, Marie Ramsdal Thomsen, Peter ...
Zygon®, 2002
Christianity finds itself in a new situation, one that resembles its first-century experience in ... more Christianity finds itself in a new situation, one that resembles its first-century experience in that it will be shaped by a new dominant world culture.␣ This culture is marked by three factorsthe economy, the multireligious situation, and science.␣ The author's discussion deals with the issues that arise in this engagement with culture under three rubrics:␣ dialogue between science and religion, globalization of the religious encounter, and interreligious dialogue in a globalized world.␣ The major assertions are: (1) Science and religions must avoid restrictive and expansionist relationships and work for reciprocal interaction.␣ (2) Globalization is an unavoidable, but ambiguous, historical development; religions should reject responses of "ethnification" and "primitivism" and rather engage in strategies that encourage both productive encounter and critical distance.␣ (3) Interreligious dialogue includes dialogues of life, of intellectual exchange, of religious experience, of common action, and of confrontation; this dialogue will seek to embrace truth (which involves science) and wisdom (which includes the various religious traditions) in the reciprocal interaction that is marked by love.
Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 2004
: Following Philip Jenkins's analysis of “the next Christendom” it is argued that when the c... more : Following Philip Jenkins's analysis of “the next Christendom” it is argued that when the centre of Christianity is moving southwards Christianity will change. As a translation movement, Christianity is a religion made to travel. The consequences of this development are dramatic. In the West and North the mainline churches are in decline. The diversification within Christianity will continue in a certain tension to a trend towards uniformity. This leads to new priorities in mission. The discipline, theology of religions, will gain in importance as the churches are confronted with the life and death choice between a “clash of civilisations” or a peaceful multicultural and multireligious co-existence.
... the process of communication, and the capacity to store huge amounts of information on acompu... more ... the process of communication, and the capacity to store huge amounts of information on acomputer chip. ... lot of the entirety of humanity, large numbers of people are at this time excluded from its benefits. ... Now alternatives need to be thought through, with social action accordingly ...