Vijay Thawani - (original) (raw)

Papers by Vijay Thawani

Research paper thumbnail of Pre and post-interventional pattern of self medication in three common illnesses in staff of a tertiary hospital

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

To find the pattern of self medication in three common illnesses (diarrhea, sore throat, common c... more To find the pattern of self medication in three common illnesses (diarrhea, sore throat, common cold) in nonmedical staff of a tertiary care teaching hospital and to study the effect of IEC. This was a cross sectional study carried out in 100 randomly selected nonmedical staff members. Participants were interviewed by a semi structured questionnaire to obtain information about practice of self medication in the three illnesses. In the second phase participants were educated about proper self medication using Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) intervention. In post test the same information was obtained from the participants using the same questionnaire. Pre and post intervention data was compared to see whether intervention has resulted in any change in the pattern of self medication. For all the three diseases the use of medicines including anti microbials did not decrease significantly after intervention. During post test significantly more number of participants were aware about warning symptoms of the disease and precautions to be taken in children and pregnant women. Even during pre intervention many participants were aware about non-pharmacological measures to be adopted in the treatment of these diseases which increased after intervention, though not significantly. It is possible to improve self medication practices for the treatment of common illnesses if appropriate IEC intervention is adopted. This requires that all related stakeholders should intensify efforts to educate the general public and ensure appropriate use of OTC medicines.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Withania somnifera in patients of schizophrenia: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled pilot trial study

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Zinc in acute childhood diarrhea: Is it universally effective? Reply

Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Research paper thumbnail of Authors’ reply

Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Research paper thumbnail of Point and Counterpoint- Patent laws must be in the national interest

Research paper thumbnail of Writing patient case reports for publication

Education for health (Abingdon, England)

A case report is a description of a clinical case that has unique features. It may include a prev... more A case report is a description of a clinical case that has unique features. It may include a previously unreported clinical condition or observation of a disease, a unique use of imaging or diagnostic tool to reveal a disease, a new therapeutic intervention of a known disease, a previously unreported complication of a disease, or a new adverse event from a medication. A case report should be crisp, focused, and include few figures and references. A case report generally has a short unstructured or no abstract, a brief or no introduction, a description of the case, a discussion and a brief conclusion. Case reports are valuable sources of new and unusual information that may stimulate further research and applicability to clinical practice. Writing case reports properly is important if they are to be accepted by journals and credible and useful to readers.

Research paper thumbnail of Carbamazepine-induced erythema multiforme major in an epileptic patient with bipolar affective disorder

Journal of pharmacology & pharmacotherapeutics, 2012

Carbamazepine (CBZ) is frequently used for epilepsy and various psychiatric illnesses. It is know... more Carbamazepine (CBZ) is frequently used for epilepsy and various psychiatric illnesses. It is known for its dermatological side effects which may range from mild rash to life-threatening reactions as Stevens Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis. We hereby report a rare case of 17-year-old woman suffering from generalized tonic clonic epilepsy with comorbid bipolar affective disorder, who was initially treated with sodium valproate with partial improvement. After 19 days of addition of CBZ to the therapy, the patient developed erythema multiforme major with >60% skin involvement and oral, conjunctival, intestinal, and vaginal mucosal involvement.

Research paper thumbnail of Prices & availability of common medicines at six sites in India using a standard methodology

The Indian journal of medical research, 2007

The price and availability of medicines are key components in determining access to effective tre... more The price and availability of medicines are key components in determining access to effective treatment. Data on prices and availability of common medicines in public and private sector in different States of India are scarce. Hence, surveys were undertaken in different States of India to evaluate these metrics. During October 2004 to January 2005, six surveys were undertaken simultaneously in five States of India to assess medicine prices and availability of essential medicines (n = 21-28) using the World Health Organization and Health Action International methodology. Surveys were conducted at Chennai, Haryana, Karnataka, West Bengal, and at two sites in Maharashtra. For each medicine, data were collected for the Innovator Brand (IB), Most Sold Generic (MSG), and Lowest Priced Generic (LPG) at randomly selected public and private facilities in each site surveyed. Prices were compared to an international reference benchmark (expressed as median price ratio - MPR). The procurement p...

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiarism: An egregious form of misconduct

North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Patent laws must be in the national interest

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Economic impact of interventional study on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants in Super Speciality Hospital of Nagpur

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2008

To measure the impact of interventions on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants (A and D)... more To measure the impact of interventions on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants (A and D) for cost containment in Super Speciality Hospital (SSH) of Government Medical College, Nagpur (GMCN), India. This study was conducted from October 2003 to March 2007 in SSH of GMCN. In the pre-interventional phase (Phase-I), purchase, stocking and distribution of A and D was studied to find problem areas. Based on this formative data an intervention was planned (Phase-II) during which rationing of the A and D was done. Rational quantities needed for different A and D procedures were calculated based on recommendations of National Aids Control Organization (NACO) with modifications to suit our hospital setup. Detailed information, education, communication and training about rational use of A and D were provided to the hospital staff. In the post-interventional phase (Phase-III), the use of A and D was rationalized at the distribution level and the efficacy of in-use A and D was tested at user sites. Data about medicine expenditure, patient record and A and D usage in various departments was obtained from hospital records. Savings on A and D as against total annual medicine expenditure was calculated taking the cost of A and D in the post-intervention period. The expenditure on A and D as a result of intervention decreased by 20.7%. Out of the total medicine expenditure, the expenditure on A and D which accounted for 6.2% before intervention, decreased to 1.95% after the intervention. The information, education and communication (IEC) interventions attempted by us resulted in significant decrease in the use and expenditure of A and D.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of zinc in pediatric diarrhea

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

Zinc supplementation is a critical new intervention for treating diarrheal episodes in children. ... more Zinc supplementation is a critical new intervention for treating diarrheal episodes in children. Recent studies suggest that administration of zinc along with new low osmolarity oral rehydration solutions / salts (ORS), can reduce the duration and severity of diarrheal episodes for up to three months. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend daily 20 mg zinc supplements for 10 - 14 days for children with acute diarrhea, and 10 mg per day for infants under six months old, to curtail the severity of the episode and prevent further occurrences in the ensuing -two to three months, thereby decreasing the morbidity considerably. This article reviews the available evidence on the efficacy and safety of zinc supplementation in pediatric diarrhea and convincingly concludes that zinc supplementation has a beneficial impact on the disease outcome.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of information, education and communication intervention on awareness about rational pharmacy practice in pharmacy students

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

There is a growing indifference among the pharmacy practitioners towards their duty as informatio... more There is a growing indifference among the pharmacy practitioners towards their duty as information providers to the patients. The patients do not always get enough desired information about proper use of medicines from the prescribers also. This contributes to improper use of medicines by the patients. To bring about awareness about rational pharmacy practice in pharmacy students for better service to the patients. The final year students of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) from four colleges of Nagpur were enrolled for the study after informed consent. Their base knowledge was assessed through a written test which comprised of 27 objective questions related to rational pharmacy practice. This was followed by a series of seven articles on rational medicine use, published in leading local English news daily. The participants were reminded to read them on the day of publication of each article. As a backup, the articles were displayed on the notice board of respective colleges. Second intervention was a half day interactive session where series of six lectures were delivered to the participants on the right and wrong approaches in pharmacy practice. Posters about the do's and dont's of rational pharmacy practice were also displayed at the venue. The session was followed by a repeat test using the same pre-test to assess the change. Pre and post intervention data was compared using Fisher's Exact test. It was observed that the intervention did bring about a positive change in the attitude and knowledge of the final year Pharmacy students about rational pharmacy practice. The role of a pharmacist in health care provision is usually overlooked in India. Hence there is strong need for reinforcement in final year B. Pharm when most of the students go in for community service. Such interventions will be helpful in bringing about a positive change towards rational practice of pharmacy. This study showed that a properly timed and meticulously implemented intervention brings about a positive change in the attitude and knowledge of pharmacy students.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic analysis of drug expenditure in Government Medical College Hospital, Nagpur

... However, if the suggested ABC-VED coupling matrix model is used for prioritization, with focu... more ... However, if the suggested ABC-VED coupling matrix model is used for prioritization, with focus on the matrix group of drugs consuming more than 5% of ADE, we can ... 6. Murphy J, Yemen S. Computer-assisted inventory control utilizing ABC inventory analysis and EOQ ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transparent Communication in High Risk Infections: A Bioethical Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Deceptive Food Advertisements in India

In the increasingly health conscious society we live, the benefits to the advertisers of making h... more In the increasingly health conscious society we live, the benefits to the advertisers of making health claims about their products and services cannot be understated. Advertiser must make valid claims which can stand the test of factual truthfulness and nothing misleading should appear in the copy that goes public. The FSSAI put many products under its scanner over the misleading claims and has begun prosecution proceedings in 19 cases under the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act. In order to protect consumer interest, the government should establish an independent broadcast regulator that will design a strict code of practise particularly for tele marketing services so that only those products that do not go against FSSAI act and proven significance get endorsed in media. Consumers and their organizations must assert their rights against dishonest businessmen indulging in such practice and bring such cases to the notice of the enforcement group, which in turn have to play the role...

Research paper thumbnail of The fruits of authorship

Education for health (Abingdon, England)

Scientific paper authorship is an important academic achievement for all research professionals. ... more Scientific paper authorship is an important academic achievement for all research professionals. Being designated as an author of a paper has academic, research, social and financial implications. Signing of a manuscript as an author does confer credit but also transfers responsibility. While authors get credit for the published work, they must accept the public responsibility that goes with it. Over the past few years, there has been a rising trend in authorship abuses. The prevalent culture of "publish or perish" appears to be responsible for this. In an endeavor to ensure honest practice, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Vancouver Group, developed the criteria for authorship and said that "all persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship and all those who qualify should be listed." However, authorship irregularities continue to exist and are a cause of concern. Budding authors should be enlightened about concur...

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmacokinetic study of 11-Keto beta-Boswellic acid

Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 2004

Boswellia serrata has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of inflammatory diseases si... more Boswellia serrata has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of inflammatory diseases since antiquity. However human kinetic studies are lacking for this. Hence to better elucidate its effects in humans and determine its optimal dosing, this study was planned. Twelve healthy adult men volunteers were given capsule Wok Vel containing 333 mg of Boswellia Serrata Extract, orally, after a seven days washout period. Venous blood samples were drawn through indwelling canula from each volunteer prior to drug administration and at 30, 60, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 300, 360, 480, 600, 720, 840 minutes after drug administration. Plasma obtained after centrifuge was analyzed to measure concentration of 11-Keto beta-Boswellic Acid (KBA) by HPLC. Various kinetic parameters were then calculated from the plasma concentrations. The results are expressed as mean +/- Standard Error of Mean. The peak plasma levels (2.72 x 10(-3) +/- 0.18 micromoles/ml) of BSE were reached at 4.5 +/- 0.55 h. Th...

Research paper thumbnail of Drug utilization in indoor ANC patients of Govt Medical College Hospital, Nagpur

Journal (Academy of Hospital Administration (India)), 1997

Drug utilization in the indoor patients of ANC ward of Govt. Medical College Hospital, Nagpur was... more Drug utilization in the indoor patients of ANC ward of Govt. Medical College Hospital, Nagpur was studied in 42 patients. The prescriptions of these patients were audited to find number of drugs per prescription; prescribing trends and category-wise drug consumption. In most of the prescriptions drugs were prescribed by generic names (68.53%), Dosage form was mentioned, Frequency given, but duration was not mentioned. Dose in recommended units was not mentioned in 69.93% of prescriptions. Even though prescription of drugs was found to be rational, prescription writing was far from desired. The enquiry reveals these findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Signalled roads to memory and its degeneration

Annals of neurosciences, 2012

Brain is concerned with the thoughts, feelings, perception, learning, memory and behaviour. The p... more Brain is concerned with the thoughts, feelings, perception, learning, memory and behaviour. The present review discusses some of the prominent molecular pathways governing memory acquisition, storage and subsequent consolidation.

Research paper thumbnail of Pre and post-interventional pattern of self medication in three common illnesses in staff of a tertiary hospital

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

To find the pattern of self medication in three common illnesses (diarrhea, sore throat, common c... more To find the pattern of self medication in three common illnesses (diarrhea, sore throat, common cold) in nonmedical staff of a tertiary care teaching hospital and to study the effect of IEC. This was a cross sectional study carried out in 100 randomly selected nonmedical staff members. Participants were interviewed by a semi structured questionnaire to obtain information about practice of self medication in the three illnesses. In the second phase participants were educated about proper self medication using Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) intervention. In post test the same information was obtained from the participants using the same questionnaire. Pre and post intervention data was compared to see whether intervention has resulted in any change in the pattern of self medication. For all the three diseases the use of medicines including anti microbials did not decrease significantly after intervention. During post test significantly more number of participants were aware about warning symptoms of the disease and precautions to be taken in children and pregnant women. Even during pre intervention many participants were aware about non-pharmacological measures to be adopted in the treatment of these diseases which increased after intervention, though not significantly. It is possible to improve self medication practices for the treatment of common illnesses if appropriate IEC intervention is adopted. This requires that all related stakeholders should intensify efforts to educate the general public and ensure appropriate use of OTC medicines.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Withania somnifera in patients of schizophrenia: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled pilot trial study

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Zinc in acute childhood diarrhea: Is it universally effective? Reply

Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Research paper thumbnail of Authors’ reply

Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Research paper thumbnail of Point and Counterpoint- Patent laws must be in the national interest

Research paper thumbnail of Writing patient case reports for publication

Education for health (Abingdon, England)

A case report is a description of a clinical case that has unique features. It may include a prev... more A case report is a description of a clinical case that has unique features. It may include a previously unreported clinical condition or observation of a disease, a unique use of imaging or diagnostic tool to reveal a disease, a new therapeutic intervention of a known disease, a previously unreported complication of a disease, or a new adverse event from a medication. A case report should be crisp, focused, and include few figures and references. A case report generally has a short unstructured or no abstract, a brief or no introduction, a description of the case, a discussion and a brief conclusion. Case reports are valuable sources of new and unusual information that may stimulate further research and applicability to clinical practice. Writing case reports properly is important if they are to be accepted by journals and credible and useful to readers.

Research paper thumbnail of Carbamazepine-induced erythema multiforme major in an epileptic patient with bipolar affective disorder

Journal of pharmacology & pharmacotherapeutics, 2012

Carbamazepine (CBZ) is frequently used for epilepsy and various psychiatric illnesses. It is know... more Carbamazepine (CBZ) is frequently used for epilepsy and various psychiatric illnesses. It is known for its dermatological side effects which may range from mild rash to life-threatening reactions as Stevens Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis. We hereby report a rare case of 17-year-old woman suffering from generalized tonic clonic epilepsy with comorbid bipolar affective disorder, who was initially treated with sodium valproate with partial improvement. After 19 days of addition of CBZ to the therapy, the patient developed erythema multiforme major with >60% skin involvement and oral, conjunctival, intestinal, and vaginal mucosal involvement.

Research paper thumbnail of Prices & availability of common medicines at six sites in India using a standard methodology

The Indian journal of medical research, 2007

The price and availability of medicines are key components in determining access to effective tre... more The price and availability of medicines are key components in determining access to effective treatment. Data on prices and availability of common medicines in public and private sector in different States of India are scarce. Hence, surveys were undertaken in different States of India to evaluate these metrics. During October 2004 to January 2005, six surveys were undertaken simultaneously in five States of India to assess medicine prices and availability of essential medicines (n = 21-28) using the World Health Organization and Health Action International methodology. Surveys were conducted at Chennai, Haryana, Karnataka, West Bengal, and at two sites in Maharashtra. For each medicine, data were collected for the Innovator Brand (IB), Most Sold Generic (MSG), and Lowest Priced Generic (LPG) at randomly selected public and private facilities in each site surveyed. Prices were compared to an international reference benchmark (expressed as median price ratio - MPR). The procurement p...

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiarism: An egregious form of misconduct

North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Patent laws must be in the national interest

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Economic impact of interventional study on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants in Super Speciality Hospital of Nagpur

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2008

To measure the impact of interventions on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants (A and D)... more To measure the impact of interventions on rational use of antiseptics and disinfectants (A and D) for cost containment in Super Speciality Hospital (SSH) of Government Medical College, Nagpur (GMCN), India. This study was conducted from October 2003 to March 2007 in SSH of GMCN. In the pre-interventional phase (Phase-I), purchase, stocking and distribution of A and D was studied to find problem areas. Based on this formative data an intervention was planned (Phase-II) during which rationing of the A and D was done. Rational quantities needed for different A and D procedures were calculated based on recommendations of National Aids Control Organization (NACO) with modifications to suit our hospital setup. Detailed information, education, communication and training about rational use of A and D were provided to the hospital staff. In the post-interventional phase (Phase-III), the use of A and D was rationalized at the distribution level and the efficacy of in-use A and D was tested at user sites. Data about medicine expenditure, patient record and A and D usage in various departments was obtained from hospital records. Savings on A and D as against total annual medicine expenditure was calculated taking the cost of A and D in the post-intervention period. The expenditure on A and D as a result of intervention decreased by 20.7%. Out of the total medicine expenditure, the expenditure on A and D which accounted for 6.2% before intervention, decreased to 1.95% after the intervention. The information, education and communication (IEC) interventions attempted by us resulted in significant decrease in the use and expenditure of A and D.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of zinc in pediatric diarrhea

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

Zinc supplementation is a critical new intervention for treating diarrheal episodes in children. ... more Zinc supplementation is a critical new intervention for treating diarrheal episodes in children. Recent studies suggest that administration of zinc along with new low osmolarity oral rehydration solutions / salts (ORS), can reduce the duration and severity of diarrheal episodes for up to three months. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend daily 20 mg zinc supplements for 10 - 14 days for children with acute diarrhea, and 10 mg per day for infants under six months old, to curtail the severity of the episode and prevent further occurrences in the ensuing -two to three months, thereby decreasing the morbidity considerably. This article reviews the available evidence on the efficacy and safety of zinc supplementation in pediatric diarrhea and convincingly concludes that zinc supplementation has a beneficial impact on the disease outcome.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of information, education and communication intervention on awareness about rational pharmacy practice in pharmacy students

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011

There is a growing indifference among the pharmacy practitioners towards their duty as informatio... more There is a growing indifference among the pharmacy practitioners towards their duty as information providers to the patients. The patients do not always get enough desired information about proper use of medicines from the prescribers also. This contributes to improper use of medicines by the patients. To bring about awareness about rational pharmacy practice in pharmacy students for better service to the patients. The final year students of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) from four colleges of Nagpur were enrolled for the study after informed consent. Their base knowledge was assessed through a written test which comprised of 27 objective questions related to rational pharmacy practice. This was followed by a series of seven articles on rational medicine use, published in leading local English news daily. The participants were reminded to read them on the day of publication of each article. As a backup, the articles were displayed on the notice board of respective colleges. Second intervention was a half day interactive session where series of six lectures were delivered to the participants on the right and wrong approaches in pharmacy practice. Posters about the do's and dont's of rational pharmacy practice were also displayed at the venue. The session was followed by a repeat test using the same pre-test to assess the change. Pre and post intervention data was compared using Fisher's Exact test. It was observed that the intervention did bring about a positive change in the attitude and knowledge of the final year Pharmacy students about rational pharmacy practice. The role of a pharmacist in health care provision is usually overlooked in India. Hence there is strong need for reinforcement in final year B. Pharm when most of the students go in for community service. Such interventions will be helpful in bringing about a positive change towards rational practice of pharmacy. This study showed that a properly timed and meticulously implemented intervention brings about a positive change in the attitude and knowledge of pharmacy students.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic analysis of drug expenditure in Government Medical College Hospital, Nagpur

... However, if the suggested ABC-VED coupling matrix model is used for prioritization, with focu... more ... However, if the suggested ABC-VED coupling matrix model is used for prioritization, with focus on the matrix group of drugs consuming more than 5% of ADE, we can ... 6. Murphy J, Yemen S. Computer-assisted inventory control utilizing ABC inventory analysis and EOQ ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transparent Communication in High Risk Infections: A Bioethical Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Deceptive Food Advertisements in India

In the increasingly health conscious society we live, the benefits to the advertisers of making h... more In the increasingly health conscious society we live, the benefits to the advertisers of making health claims about their products and services cannot be understated. Advertiser must make valid claims which can stand the test of factual truthfulness and nothing misleading should appear in the copy that goes public. The FSSAI put many products under its scanner over the misleading claims and has begun prosecution proceedings in 19 cases under the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act. In order to protect consumer interest, the government should establish an independent broadcast regulator that will design a strict code of practise particularly for tele marketing services so that only those products that do not go against FSSAI act and proven significance get endorsed in media. Consumers and their organizations must assert their rights against dishonest businessmen indulging in such practice and bring such cases to the notice of the enforcement group, which in turn have to play the role...

Research paper thumbnail of The fruits of authorship

Education for health (Abingdon, England)

Scientific paper authorship is an important academic achievement for all research professionals. ... more Scientific paper authorship is an important academic achievement for all research professionals. Being designated as an author of a paper has academic, research, social and financial implications. Signing of a manuscript as an author does confer credit but also transfers responsibility. While authors get credit for the published work, they must accept the public responsibility that goes with it. Over the past few years, there has been a rising trend in authorship abuses. The prevalent culture of "publish or perish" appears to be responsible for this. In an endeavor to ensure honest practice, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Vancouver Group, developed the criteria for authorship and said that "all persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship and all those who qualify should be listed." However, authorship irregularities continue to exist and are a cause of concern. Budding authors should be enlightened about concur...

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmacokinetic study of 11-Keto beta-Boswellic acid

Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 2004

Boswellia serrata has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of inflammatory diseases si... more Boswellia serrata has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of inflammatory diseases since antiquity. However human kinetic studies are lacking for this. Hence to better elucidate its effects in humans and determine its optimal dosing, this study was planned. Twelve healthy adult men volunteers were given capsule Wok Vel containing 333 mg of Boswellia Serrata Extract, orally, after a seven days washout period. Venous blood samples were drawn through indwelling canula from each volunteer prior to drug administration and at 30, 60, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 300, 360, 480, 600, 720, 840 minutes after drug administration. Plasma obtained after centrifuge was analyzed to measure concentration of 11-Keto beta-Boswellic Acid (KBA) by HPLC. Various kinetic parameters were then calculated from the plasma concentrations. The results are expressed as mean +/- Standard Error of Mean. The peak plasma levels (2.72 x 10(-3) +/- 0.18 micromoles/ml) of BSE were reached at 4.5 +/- 0.55 h. Th...

Research paper thumbnail of Drug utilization in indoor ANC patients of Govt Medical College Hospital, Nagpur

Journal (Academy of Hospital Administration (India)), 1997

Drug utilization in the indoor patients of ANC ward of Govt. Medical College Hospital, Nagpur was... more Drug utilization in the indoor patients of ANC ward of Govt. Medical College Hospital, Nagpur was studied in 42 patients. The prescriptions of these patients were audited to find number of drugs per prescription; prescribing trends and category-wise drug consumption. In most of the prescriptions drugs were prescribed by generic names (68.53%), Dosage form was mentioned, Frequency given, but duration was not mentioned. Dose in recommended units was not mentioned in 69.93% of prescriptions. Even though prescription of drugs was found to be rational, prescription writing was far from desired. The enquiry reveals these findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Signalled roads to memory and its degeneration

Annals of neurosciences, 2012

Brain is concerned with the thoughts, feelings, perception, learning, memory and behaviour. The p... more Brain is concerned with the thoughts, feelings, perception, learning, memory and behaviour. The present review discusses some of the prominent molecular pathways governing memory acquisition, storage and subsequent consolidation.