Vitantonio Gioia - (original) (raw)

Papers by Vitantonio Gioia

Research paper thumbnail of Schmoller

Routledge eBooks, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Some Concluding Remarks

Routledge eBooks, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco

Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of El impacto de la digitalización en la economía. El caso italiano

The impact of digitization of the economy on the skills and professional qualifications, and their impact on working conditions and labor: Volumen I, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1346-682-8, págs. 237-351, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of What's in a Name? Reducing False Positive Blood Cultures by Making Care Truely ‘Accountable’

American Journal of Infection Control, 2015

Following the initiation of the "free-choice" policy, HCW vaccination rates increased from 63% to... more Following the initiation of the "free-choice" policy, HCW vaccination rates increased from 63% to 87% and 53% to 86% at Hospital A and Hospital B, respectively, compared to 2013-2014 vaccination rates. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports that improved influenza vaccination compliance may be achieved by offering HCWs a choice between taking influenza vaccine or wearing a mask during influenza season. Implementation of a "free-choice" vaccination policy dramatically improves vaccination compliance at a Pennsylvania healthcare system.

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco

Research paper thumbnail of El impacto de la digitalización en la economía. El caso italiano

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Digitalisation on the Economy. The Italian case

Research paper thumbnail of A proposito di Max Weber e religione. Se la razionalit\ue0 produce irrazionalit\ue0

Introduzione all'importante contributo di Barro e McCleary, con il quale si cerca di portare ... more Introduzione all'importante contributo di Barro e McCleary, con il quale si cerca di portare all'interno del dibattito economico contemporaneo la constatazione che fattori irrazionali quali la religione contano all'interno dello sviluppo economico. Nello specifico nella prefazione si approfondiscono i rapporti, le similitudini e le differenze tra il pensiero di Max Weber e l'opera presente

Research paper thumbnail of 引文网络加速转化医学T1-T2-T3阶段的转化进程

Dougherty和Conway的转化医学“3T”模式体现了T1(基础研究到临床有效性研究)、他(临床有效性研究到临床疗效研究)、仍(临床疗效研究到与经济有关的研究和改进医疗服务质量)阶段的相互... more Dougherty和Conway的转化医学“3T”模式体现了T1(基础研究到临床有效性研究)、他(临床有效性研究到临床疗效研究)、仍(临床疗效研究到与经济有关的研究和改进医疗服务质量)阶段的相互转化过程,可作为测量转化研究的基础框架。文献之间的引用与被引用关系形成的“引文网络(citationnetwork)”揭示出具体领域的转化地带、转化路径和转化时滞,可使科研人员把握该领域转化研究的关键内容与路线图,促进研究从上游吸收和向下游转化,最终加速转化医学进程。利用文献的引文网络可对不同研究阶段之间的转化关系进行测量。本文基于文献“引文网络”分析方法,介绍“3T”模式下的转化研究测量模型。

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola austriaca : dalla teoria del valore alla scienza delle finanze

Gli economisti italiani e la scuola austriaca : dalla teoria del valore alla scienza delle finanze, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Bruno Hildebrand : die historische Perspektive eines liberalen Ökonomen . Bruno Hildebrand und die "Nationalökonomie der Gegenwart und Zukunft" . Bruno Hildebrands Kritik an Adam Smith . Bruno Hildebrand und der Pauperismus . Die Stufenlehre aus heutiger Sicht : einige Bemerkungen zu Hildebrands ...

Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of 19例肾腺瘤的组织病理学观察

Research paper thumbnail of I fattori soggettivi nel «moderno capitalismo». La complicata ricezione italiana e le questioni insolute nel pensiero di W. Sombart

Studi e saggi

W. Sombart has always represented "a significant intellectual puzzle", but, beyond the ... more W. Sombart has always represented "a significant intellectual puzzle", but, beyond the contradictory (often overemphasised) aspects of his thought, he continues to be an interesting object of study, because of the innovative capacities that he showed in the analysis of the many original phenomena characterising the historical evolution of "modern capitalism". His innovative approach emerges in his interpretation, not always linear and univocal, of thinkers such as Marx and Schmoller, in his analysis of the relationship between religion and capitalism (and in his comparison with M. Weber on this specific aspect), and, finally, in his reconstruction of the distinctive features of the phases of development of capitalism analysed in his Der moderne Kapitalismus.

Research paper thumbnail of Individualism and Social Change

Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the stru... more Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the structure of modern society. He criticizes on the one hand Hegel and many representatives of the ‘Hegelian left’, on the other hand ‘vulgar materialism’ and Feuerbach. Nevertheless, it remains true that in Marxism (especially in Second-International Marxism) ‘individualism’ was seen negatively and, consequently, the individual and their activities were always pushed towards the background, in order to emphasize the relevance of collective factors (classes, state, political parties, etc) for explaining social change. The question is whether this outcome has its roots in Marxian analyses or it is the result of a theoretical distortion by early Marxist orthodoxy, due to the lack of knowledge of young Marx’s significant works: the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right was published in 1927, the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the German Ideology were published in full version ...

Research paper thumbnail of Markets Science and Social Changes Proudhon and the Legacy of Enlightenment

Vita e Pensiero, 2012

This paper is focused on an often neglected aspect of Proudhon’s thought: his rich confrontation ... more This paper is focused on an often neglected aspect of Proudhon’s thought: his rich confrontation with the theoretical legacy of the Enlightenment authors (Rousseau, Diderot, A. Smith, Condorcet, etc.) about the nature of ‘‘commercial society’’ and the idea of social progress. Through the rethinking of the Enlightenment views, Proudhon builds an approach designed to inquire into the relationships between scientific advances and the increased awareness of social agents, in order to analyse the causes of economic and social changes. In this perspective Proudhon creates a new category of social progress that can explain the theoretical evolution of the social sciences and the dynamics of capitalistic society. At the centre of his analysis we find both an interesting and original reflection about the relationship between individuals and society, and about the evolution of human nature with reference to the idea of social 'Justice'.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione

Negli scritti che seguono sono evidenziati il distintivo tratto umano di Eugenio Zagari e la sua ... more Negli scritti che seguono sono evidenziati il distintivo tratto umano di Eugenio Zagari e la sua grande disponibilità nei riguardi di studenti, giovani ricercatori e colleghi. Nel necrologio dei suoi allievi è stata ricordato l'ampio ventaglio di ricerche in cui si è impegnato, promuovendo dibattiti ampi e fruttuosi (Canale, Forges Davanzati, Palmieri, Patalano, Realfonzo 2020). La sua curiosità scientifica lo ha portato a lavorare non solo su temi prevalenti nei dibattiti contemporanei (keynesismo, monetarismo, meridionalismo e sviluppo economico italiano, ecc.), ma anche su aspetti, piuttosto trascurati, dell'evoluzione dell'economia politica. Basti ricordare i suoi studi sulla fisiocrazia e sul mercantilismo in un periodo in cui gli economisti, con rare eccezioni, erano soliti guardare al passato esclusivamente attraverso le lenti del presente, condannandolo ad una sostanziale irrilevanza. Il solo modo di riconsiderare teorie e sistemi scientifici del passato era, infatti, legato al largo prevalere di quell'approccio interpretativo che Aurelio Macchioro definiva, brillantemente, come "precursorismo": teorie e categorie del passato erano considerate solo se interpretabili, in qualche modo, come anticipazioni di teorie economiche mainstream. Era un approccio, denunciava Zagari, che isolava e destoricizzava teorie che, solo se considerate all'interno di sistemi scientifici coerenti (anche se superati) e nei contesti storici di riferimento, potevano evidenziare il loro significato, mostrando al contempo il loro specifico contributo agli avanzamenti della conoscenza economica. D'altra parte, l'idea di uno sviluppo lineare e univoco della scienza portava ad escludere non solo i sistemi teorici del passato, ma anche pezzi importanti dell'evoluzione contemporanea dell'economia politica. Da qui lo sforzo di Zagari di ritornare su figure trascurate del marxismo italiano come Antonio Graziadei ed Enrico Leone (cosa che stimolò l'interesse di alcuni-allora-giovani storici del pensiero economico) o sul corporativismo italiano (in collaborazione con Ombretta Mancini e Francesco Perillo), con lo scopo di valutare «l'influenza che le teorie corporative ebbero sulla cultura italiana e sugli economisti in particolare», emancipandosi da quel «processo di rimozione» che aveva impedito un'analisi approfondita di questo fenomeno (Zagari 1982, I, pp. 13-14). Tuttavia, in questa breve introduzione alla sezione monografica a lui dedicata, voglio soprattutto soffermarmi sui ricchi rapporti che Zagari ha intrattenuto con il nostro Ateneo. Egli ha partecipato attivamente agli incontri nazionali degli storici del pensiero economico che sono stati organizzati a Lecce, e ha portato avanti, attraverso Cosimo Perrotta e il sottoscritto, un dialogo continuo su alcuni momenti rilevanti della storia del pensiero economico. Zagari ha seguito con grande interesse gli sviluppi di un pluriennale progetto scientifico, proposto e realizzato da Perrotta (tra la seconda metà degli anni '80 e la prima metà degli anni '90), con lo scopo di riflettere, attraverso l'organizzazione di seminari che hanno coinvolto studiosi italiani e di altri paesi

Research paper thumbnail of The reception of Robert Owen's thought in ninteenth- and twentieth-century Italy

History of European Ideas, 2020

ABSTRACT This article examines the reception of Owen's thought in nineteenth- and twentieth-c... more ABSTRACT This article examines the reception of Owen's thought in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italy. The articles shows that while Owen attracted the attentionof Piedmontese liberals in the early 1820s, such as Giovanni Arrivabene, and were integrated into the wider Risorgimento, they were, as the Guiseppe Manzzini's work demonstrated, eclipsed by what were considered more the immediate political objectives of the Risorgimento. Where Owen's ideas did attract widespread interest was on the question of educational reform. This was because education was very much bound up with questions of individual independence, autonomy, and self-governance that were also integral to the political objectives of the Risorgimento. The article traces the impact of Owen's educational thought not only in the nineteenth-century Italian context but in the twentieth century as well. It shows how Owen's reflections on the role of education in character formation would prove important to twentieth-century Italian political and social thought.

Research paper thumbnail of Individualism and Social Change. An Unexpected Theoretical Dilemma in Marxian Analysis

Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the stru... more Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the structure of modern society. He criticizes on the one hand Hegel and many representatives of the ‘Hegelian left’, on the other hand ‘vulgar materialism’ and Feuerbach. Nevertheless, it remains true that in Marxism (especially in Second-International Marxism) ‘individualism’ was seen negatively and, consequently, the individual and their activities were always pushed towards the background, in order to emphasize the relevance of collective factors (classes, state, political parties, etc) for explaining social change. The question is whether this outcome has its roots in Marxian analyses or it is the result of a theoretical distortion by early Marxist orthodoxy, due to the lack of knowledge of young Marx’s significant works: the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right was published in 1927, the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the German Ideology were published in full version ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pace e diritti umani nel Mediterraneo. Migranti, rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. Atti della Rassegna

Research paper thumbnail of Schmoller

Routledge eBooks, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Some Concluding Remarks

Routledge eBooks, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco

Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of El impacto de la digitalización en la economía. El caso italiano

The impact of digitization of the economy on the skills and professional qualifications, and their impact on working conditions and labor: Volumen I, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1346-682-8, págs. 237-351, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of What's in a Name? Reducing False Positive Blood Cultures by Making Care Truely ‘Accountable’

American Journal of Infection Control, 2015

Following the initiation of the "free-choice" policy, HCW vaccination rates increased from 63% to... more Following the initiation of the "free-choice" policy, HCW vaccination rates increased from 63% to 87% and 53% to 86% at Hospital A and Hospital B, respectively, compared to 2013-2014 vaccination rates. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports that improved influenza vaccination compliance may be achieved by offering HCWs a choice between taking influenza vaccine or wearing a mask during influenza season. Implementation of a "free-choice" vaccination policy dramatically improves vaccination compliance at a Pennsylvania healthcare system.

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola storica tedesca dell'economia : storia di un equivoco

Research paper thumbnail of El impacto de la digitalización en la economía. El caso italiano

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Digitalisation on the Economy. The Italian case

Research paper thumbnail of A proposito di Max Weber e religione. Se la razionalit\ue0 produce irrazionalit\ue0

Introduzione all'importante contributo di Barro e McCleary, con il quale si cerca di portare ... more Introduzione all'importante contributo di Barro e McCleary, con il quale si cerca di portare all'interno del dibattito economico contemporaneo la constatazione che fattori irrazionali quali la religione contano all'interno dello sviluppo economico. Nello specifico nella prefazione si approfondiscono i rapporti, le similitudini e le differenze tra il pensiero di Max Weber e l'opera presente

Research paper thumbnail of 引文网络加速转化医学T1-T2-T3阶段的转化进程

Dougherty和Conway的转化医学“3T”模式体现了T1(基础研究到临床有效性研究)、他(临床有效性研究到临床疗效研究)、仍(临床疗效研究到与经济有关的研究和改进医疗服务质量)阶段的相互... more Dougherty和Conway的转化医学“3T”模式体现了T1(基础研究到临床有效性研究)、他(临床有效性研究到临床疗效研究)、仍(临床疗效研究到与经济有关的研究和改进医疗服务质量)阶段的相互转化过程,可作为测量转化研究的基础框架。文献之间的引用与被引用关系形成的“引文网络(citationnetwork)”揭示出具体领域的转化地带、转化路径和转化时滞,可使科研人员把握该领域转化研究的关键内容与路线图,促进研究从上游吸收和向下游转化,最终加速转化医学进程。利用文献的引文网络可对不同研究阶段之间的转化关系进行测量。本文基于文献“引文网络”分析方法,介绍“3T”模式下的转化研究测量模型。

Research paper thumbnail of Gli economisti italiani e la scuola austriaca : dalla teoria del valore alla scienza delle finanze

Gli economisti italiani e la scuola austriaca : dalla teoria del valore alla scienza delle finanze, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Bruno Hildebrand : die historische Perspektive eines liberalen Ökonomen . Bruno Hildebrand und die "Nationalökonomie der Gegenwart und Zukunft" . Bruno Hildebrands Kritik an Adam Smith . Bruno Hildebrand und der Pauperismus . Die Stufenlehre aus heutiger Sicht : einige Bemerkungen zu Hildebrands ...

Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of 19例肾腺瘤的组织病理学观察

Research paper thumbnail of I fattori soggettivi nel «moderno capitalismo». La complicata ricezione italiana e le questioni insolute nel pensiero di W. Sombart

Studi e saggi

W. Sombart has always represented "a significant intellectual puzzle", but, beyond the ... more W. Sombart has always represented "a significant intellectual puzzle", but, beyond the contradictory (often overemphasised) aspects of his thought, he continues to be an interesting object of study, because of the innovative capacities that he showed in the analysis of the many original phenomena characterising the historical evolution of "modern capitalism". His innovative approach emerges in his interpretation, not always linear and univocal, of thinkers such as Marx and Schmoller, in his analysis of the relationship between religion and capitalism (and in his comparison with M. Weber on this specific aspect), and, finally, in his reconstruction of the distinctive features of the phases of development of capitalism analysed in his Der moderne Kapitalismus.

Research paper thumbnail of Individualism and Social Change

Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the stru... more Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the structure of modern society. He criticizes on the one hand Hegel and many representatives of the ‘Hegelian left’, on the other hand ‘vulgar materialism’ and Feuerbach. Nevertheless, it remains true that in Marxism (especially in Second-International Marxism) ‘individualism’ was seen negatively and, consequently, the individual and their activities were always pushed towards the background, in order to emphasize the relevance of collective factors (classes, state, political parties, etc) for explaining social change. The question is whether this outcome has its roots in Marxian analyses or it is the result of a theoretical distortion by early Marxist orthodoxy, due to the lack of knowledge of young Marx’s significant works: the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right was published in 1927, the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the German Ideology were published in full version ...

Research paper thumbnail of Markets Science and Social Changes Proudhon and the Legacy of Enlightenment

Vita e Pensiero, 2012

This paper is focused on an often neglected aspect of Proudhon’s thought: his rich confrontation ... more This paper is focused on an often neglected aspect of Proudhon’s thought: his rich confrontation with the theoretical legacy of the Enlightenment authors (Rousseau, Diderot, A. Smith, Condorcet, etc.) about the nature of ‘‘commercial society’’ and the idea of social progress. Through the rethinking of the Enlightenment views, Proudhon builds an approach designed to inquire into the relationships between scientific advances and the increased awareness of social agents, in order to analyse the causes of economic and social changes. In this perspective Proudhon creates a new category of social progress that can explain the theoretical evolution of the social sciences and the dynamics of capitalistic society. At the centre of his analysis we find both an interesting and original reflection about the relationship between individuals and society, and about the evolution of human nature with reference to the idea of social 'Justice'.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione

Negli scritti che seguono sono evidenziati il distintivo tratto umano di Eugenio Zagari e la sua ... more Negli scritti che seguono sono evidenziati il distintivo tratto umano di Eugenio Zagari e la sua grande disponibilità nei riguardi di studenti, giovani ricercatori e colleghi. Nel necrologio dei suoi allievi è stata ricordato l'ampio ventaglio di ricerche in cui si è impegnato, promuovendo dibattiti ampi e fruttuosi (Canale, Forges Davanzati, Palmieri, Patalano, Realfonzo 2020). La sua curiosità scientifica lo ha portato a lavorare non solo su temi prevalenti nei dibattiti contemporanei (keynesismo, monetarismo, meridionalismo e sviluppo economico italiano, ecc.), ma anche su aspetti, piuttosto trascurati, dell'evoluzione dell'economia politica. Basti ricordare i suoi studi sulla fisiocrazia e sul mercantilismo in un periodo in cui gli economisti, con rare eccezioni, erano soliti guardare al passato esclusivamente attraverso le lenti del presente, condannandolo ad una sostanziale irrilevanza. Il solo modo di riconsiderare teorie e sistemi scientifici del passato era, infatti, legato al largo prevalere di quell'approccio interpretativo che Aurelio Macchioro definiva, brillantemente, come "precursorismo": teorie e categorie del passato erano considerate solo se interpretabili, in qualche modo, come anticipazioni di teorie economiche mainstream. Era un approccio, denunciava Zagari, che isolava e destoricizzava teorie che, solo se considerate all'interno di sistemi scientifici coerenti (anche se superati) e nei contesti storici di riferimento, potevano evidenziare il loro significato, mostrando al contempo il loro specifico contributo agli avanzamenti della conoscenza economica. D'altra parte, l'idea di uno sviluppo lineare e univoco della scienza portava ad escludere non solo i sistemi teorici del passato, ma anche pezzi importanti dell'evoluzione contemporanea dell'economia politica. Da qui lo sforzo di Zagari di ritornare su figure trascurate del marxismo italiano come Antonio Graziadei ed Enrico Leone (cosa che stimolò l'interesse di alcuni-allora-giovani storici del pensiero economico) o sul corporativismo italiano (in collaborazione con Ombretta Mancini e Francesco Perillo), con lo scopo di valutare «l'influenza che le teorie corporative ebbero sulla cultura italiana e sugli economisti in particolare», emancipandosi da quel «processo di rimozione» che aveva impedito un'analisi approfondita di questo fenomeno (Zagari 1982, I, pp. 13-14). Tuttavia, in questa breve introduzione alla sezione monografica a lui dedicata, voglio soprattutto soffermarmi sui ricchi rapporti che Zagari ha intrattenuto con il nostro Ateneo. Egli ha partecipato attivamente agli incontri nazionali degli storici del pensiero economico che sono stati organizzati a Lecce, e ha portato avanti, attraverso Cosimo Perrotta e il sottoscritto, un dialogo continuo su alcuni momenti rilevanti della storia del pensiero economico. Zagari ha seguito con grande interesse gli sviluppi di un pluriennale progetto scientifico, proposto e realizzato da Perrotta (tra la seconda metà degli anni '80 e la prima metà degli anni '90), con lo scopo di riflettere, attraverso l'organizzazione di seminari che hanno coinvolto studiosi italiani e di altri paesi

Research paper thumbnail of The reception of Robert Owen's thought in ninteenth- and twentieth-century Italy

History of European Ideas, 2020

ABSTRACT This article examines the reception of Owen's thought in nineteenth- and twentieth-c... more ABSTRACT This article examines the reception of Owen's thought in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italy. The articles shows that while Owen attracted the attentionof Piedmontese liberals in the early 1820s, such as Giovanni Arrivabene, and were integrated into the wider Risorgimento, they were, as the Guiseppe Manzzini's work demonstrated, eclipsed by what were considered more the immediate political objectives of the Risorgimento. Where Owen's ideas did attract widespread interest was on the question of educational reform. This was because education was very much bound up with questions of individual independence, autonomy, and self-governance that were also integral to the political objectives of the Risorgimento. The article traces the impact of Owen's educational thought not only in the nineteenth-century Italian context but in the twentieth century as well. It shows how Owen's reflections on the role of education in character formation would prove important to twentieth-century Italian political and social thought.

Research paper thumbnail of Individualism and Social Change. An Unexpected Theoretical Dilemma in Marxian Analysis

Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the stru... more Marx (especially in his youth) develops an original analysis of individualism, rooted in the structure of modern society. He criticizes on the one hand Hegel and many representatives of the ‘Hegelian left’, on the other hand ‘vulgar materialism’ and Feuerbach. Nevertheless, it remains true that in Marxism (especially in Second-International Marxism) ‘individualism’ was seen negatively and, consequently, the individual and their activities were always pushed towards the background, in order to emphasize the relevance of collective factors (classes, state, political parties, etc) for explaining social change. The question is whether this outcome has its roots in Marxian analyses or it is the result of a theoretical distortion by early Marxist orthodoxy, due to the lack of knowledge of young Marx’s significant works: the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right was published in 1927, the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the German Ideology were published in full version ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pace e diritti umani nel Mediterraneo. Migranti, rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. Atti della Rassegna