Vitor Schincariol - (original) (raw)
Papers by Vitor Schincariol
Springer eBooks, 2021
This article reviews the recent growth period in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries up ... more This article reviews the recent growth period in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries up to the current crisis, to provide an assessment of trends observed in the world of labour. Our assessment includes demographic trends, the employment structure, trends in unemployment and wages and the trajectory of social, racial and gender inequalities. We argue that the LAC region has undergone significant structural changes due to shifting positions in the international division of labour. The rural exodus has persisted, but also the industrialization patterns of the past have given way to renewed emphasis on primary goods exports, as well as new specialization patterns which favour low paying jobs in services or industries of the 'maquila' type. The informal, or low productivity, sector has also expanded. The economic boom of the 2000s had some positive distributional effects, but made limited inroads into the established racial and gender hierarchies, which
Revista galega de economía, 1970
Springer eBooks, 2020
This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evalu... more This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evaluates the economic policies applied by Chávez's and Maduro's administration, which were summarized in the last chapter. Particularly, the chapter investigates and tries to elucidate the evolution of the main economic and social parameters in the nation over the period, particularly in light of two questions: why did the Venezuelan economy show declining rates of economic growth over time? And what were the reasons for the severe crisis that occurred since the beginning of the second decade of the present century? The chapter argues that these behavior results from multiple causes. They involve the following ones:
Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy: A triannual Journal of Agrarian South Network and CARES
Nelson W. Sodré was one of the main Brazilian intellectuals of the last century, with a broad ran... more Nelson W. Sodré was one of the main Brazilian intellectuals of the last century, with a broad range of concerns—historical, economic, social, and cultural. Despite his focus on Brazilian history, Sodré’s work can also be regarded as having a broader interest for the so-called peripheral, neocolonial, or simply underdeveloped nations. Much of Sodré’s work can be considered an important cultural legacy and deserves to be revisited, given its ongoing relevance in many aspects, among them: his analysis of the nature of colonial economies and their superstructural manifestations; his effort to adapt Marxism to the study of colonial and neocolonial nations and his stress on the necessity of achieving intellectual independence in the periphery; and his definition of the “people” in Brazil. Despite limitations of some of Sodré’s research hypotheses, he will be remembered not only as a great Brazilian historian but also as a great example of struggles for social emancipation.
Ciências Sociais Unisinos
O artigo discute os problemas conexos da chamada questão nacional e da revolução brasileira na ob... more O artigo discute os problemas conexos da chamada questão nacional e da revolução brasileira na obra de Nelson Werneck Sodré à luz de alguns de seus críticos, propondo uma periodização que reflita melhor as mudanças de seu enfoque ao longo do tempo. Busca-se mostrar como a abordagem do autor evoluiu à luz das transformações da história do Brasil, mediante uma leitura de seus trabalhos que mescla o método da contextualização histórica e o da evolução diacrônica. A hipótese que se busca demonstrar é a de que a questão nacional evolui na obra do autor ao longo de três etapas; além de um primeiro período pré-marxista, o segundo seria referente ao chamado nacionalismo de tipo etapista e o terceiro referente à dependência. Concluímos que, diferentemente do que certa literatura crítica afirma, a abordagem de Sodré não pode ser considerada como estática e desvinculada das mudanças históricas pelas quais passou o Brasil, antes refletindo-a.
Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais
The article describes the following aspects regarding the pandemic of Covid-19 in Brazil: 1. the ... more The article describes the following aspects regarding the pandemic of Covid-19 in Brazil: 1. the positive statistical correlation between votes for Bolsonaro in the 2018’s presidential elections and deaths caused by Covid-19, at the descriptive level of federal units; 2. the uncorrelated relation between votes for Bolsonaro and the popular adhesion to the vaccination campaign after June 2021; 3. the drop in death rates after June 2021 and the persistence of the correlation between proportional deaths and votes after it. In light of this empirical analysis, we suggest some paths for future historical and sociological research on the causal mechanisms for this apparent association.
Esta dissertação ilustra como o regime fordista de acumulação brasileiro foi induzido à sua crise... more Esta dissertação ilustra como o regime fordista de acumulação brasileiro foi induzido à sua crise na década de oitenta, pelas políticas de ajuste econômico patrocinadas pelo FMI, e como na década seguinte a política de liberalização da economia terminou por reformatá-lo. Destacam-se as alterações estruturais na economia neste novo ambiente pós-fordista, e evidencia-se como este novo regime de acumulação não permitiu uma ampliação do produto e renda. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Política econômica; abertura comercial; liberalização econômica; fordismo; pós-fordismo; acumulação de capital; acumulação flexível; classes trabalhadoras; desemprego; crise econômica.
Society and Economy in Venezuela
This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evalu... more This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evaluates the economic policies applied by Chávez's and Maduro's administration, which were summarized in the last chapter. Particularly, the chapter investigates and tries to elucidate the evolution of the main economic and social parameters in the nation over the period, particularly in light of two questions: why did the Venezuelan economy show declining rates of economic growth over time? And what were the reasons for the severe crisis that occurred since the beginning of the second decade of the present century? The chapter argues that these behavior results from multiple causes. They involve the following ones:
O artigo busca resumir as politicas economicas das administracoes de Nestor e Cristina Kirchner a... more O artigo busca resumir as politicas economicas das administracoes de Nestor e Cristina Kirchner adotadas ao longo dos anos 2000 na Argentina, a luz do cenario macroeconomico domestico anterior as referidas administracoes. Faz-se tambem uma avaliacao empirica da economia argentina no periodo, utilizando-se diversas fontes oficiais de dados, bem como um balanco do desempenho economico e da politica economica adotada.
Este trabalho faz um resumo da ascensao historica de Chavez, e suas ideias sobre o socialismo. Pa... more Este trabalho faz um resumo da ascensao historica de Chavez, e suas ideias sobre o socialismo. Partindo da historia do planejamento socialista na segunda metade do seculo XX, o excerto entao discute como as ideias de Chavez foram influenciadas nao somente pelo contexto venezuelano, mas como por varias correntes do pensamento progressista latino-americano, assim como pela historia da Uniao Sovietica e do planejamento socialista. O texto e finalizado com algumas reflexoes a luz da crise economica venezuelana atual.
The paper aims to evaluate the macroeconomic performance of the economy of the United States duri... more The paper aims to evaluate the macroeconomic performance of the economy of the United States during first administration of Barack Obama (2009-2012).
Society and Economy in Venezuela
This chapter traces Brazil’s Africa policy as a function of its changing position in the world ec... more This chapter traces Brazil’s Africa policy as a function of its changing position in the world economy and the trajectory of its internal contradictions. It is argued that the country’s policy towards Africa is an expression of the evolution of its own settler capitalism and its articulation with monopoly capital and finance. Brazil’s postwar transition, marked by conservative agrarian modernization, dependent industrialization and recent deindustrialization, has seen the rapid, systematic and violent expulsion of the black majority from the countryside, with universal suffrage only being established as late as the 1980s. This set the stage for a new set of contradictions that have left their mark in domestic and foreign policy alike. In its recent re-encounter with Africa, Brazil has been externalizing a set of domestic contradictions that are most clearly manifest in its conflicted approach to agricultural cooperation. The chapter outlines the main instruments and policies of coop...
Este artigo busca analisar aspectos relativos ao problema do desenvolvimento economico na obra ta... more Este artigo busca analisar aspectos relativos ao problema do desenvolvimento economico na obra tardia de Alvaro Vieira Pinto (1909-1987). Como filosofo, Vieira Pinto tornou-se conhecido por fundamentar filosoficamente o projeto nacional-desenvolvimentista brasileiro; porem, com a publicacao recente de suas duas ultimas obras, viu-se como buscou abordar mais diretamente temas socioeconomicos, relacionados a tecnologia, a demografia, a ecologia, dentre outros. Busca-se neste artigo contribuir com a literatura sobre a obra do autor, ao analisar e criticar o modo como o autor discutiu tais questoes, tema ainda nao abordado de forma sistematica pela literatura.
This work intends to (1) analyze the categories of imperialism and dependency in the new-developm... more This work intends to (1) analyze the categories of imperialism and dependency in the new-developmentalism theory, taking the work of Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira as the most representative of this theoretical approach; (2) in light of that, the work intends to criticize the new-developmentalist approach.
O texto propoe uma reavaliacao das categorias pos-keynesianas tendo em vista o fenomeno das leis ... more O texto propoe uma reavaliacao das categorias pos-keynesianas tendo em vista o fenomeno das leis da entropia, tal como definidas por Georgescu-Roegen (1971), propondo a partir dai uma critica a economia ambiental neoclassica a partir desta reavaliacao categorial. Para tanto, faz-se de inicio uma revisao de importantes obras pos-keynesianas recentes, destacando-se sua omissao quanto ao tema (item 2). Posteriormente (secao 3), resume-se a perspectiva de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen quanto a perspectiva do fenomeno entropico. A secao subsequente (4) discute os conceitos pos-keynesianos de trabalho e investimento produtivos a luz da referida abordagem da entropia de Georgescu-Roegen. Da mesma forma, busca-se na secao 6 fazer uma reconsideracao das nocoes de longo e curto prazos, bem como das nocoes pos-keynesianas de incerteza, precos e produtividade na secao 7. O objetivo do artigo e, entao, adequar nocoes categoriais da optica pos-keynesiana segundo as nocoes de entropia, tornando-a mais...
Springer eBooks, 2021
This article reviews the recent growth period in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries up ... more This article reviews the recent growth period in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries up to the current crisis, to provide an assessment of trends observed in the world of labour. Our assessment includes demographic trends, the employment structure, trends in unemployment and wages and the trajectory of social, racial and gender inequalities. We argue that the LAC region has undergone significant structural changes due to shifting positions in the international division of labour. The rural exodus has persisted, but also the industrialization patterns of the past have given way to renewed emphasis on primary goods exports, as well as new specialization patterns which favour low paying jobs in services or industries of the 'maquila' type. The informal, or low productivity, sector has also expanded. The economic boom of the 2000s had some positive distributional effects, but made limited inroads into the established racial and gender hierarchies, which
Revista galega de economía, 1970
Springer eBooks, 2020
This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evalu... more This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evaluates the economic policies applied by Chávez's and Maduro's administration, which were summarized in the last chapter. Particularly, the chapter investigates and tries to elucidate the evolution of the main economic and social parameters in the nation over the period, particularly in light of two questions: why did the Venezuelan economy show declining rates of economic growth over time? And what were the reasons for the severe crisis that occurred since the beginning of the second decade of the present century? The chapter argues that these behavior results from multiple causes. They involve the following ones:
Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy: A triannual Journal of Agrarian South Network and CARES
Nelson W. Sodré was one of the main Brazilian intellectuals of the last century, with a broad ran... more Nelson W. Sodré was one of the main Brazilian intellectuals of the last century, with a broad range of concerns—historical, economic, social, and cultural. Despite his focus on Brazilian history, Sodré’s work can also be regarded as having a broader interest for the so-called peripheral, neocolonial, or simply underdeveloped nations. Much of Sodré’s work can be considered an important cultural legacy and deserves to be revisited, given its ongoing relevance in many aspects, among them: his analysis of the nature of colonial economies and their superstructural manifestations; his effort to adapt Marxism to the study of colonial and neocolonial nations and his stress on the necessity of achieving intellectual independence in the periphery; and his definition of the “people” in Brazil. Despite limitations of some of Sodré’s research hypotheses, he will be remembered not only as a great Brazilian historian but also as a great example of struggles for social emancipation.
Ciências Sociais Unisinos
O artigo discute os problemas conexos da chamada questão nacional e da revolução brasileira na ob... more O artigo discute os problemas conexos da chamada questão nacional e da revolução brasileira na obra de Nelson Werneck Sodré à luz de alguns de seus críticos, propondo uma periodização que reflita melhor as mudanças de seu enfoque ao longo do tempo. Busca-se mostrar como a abordagem do autor evoluiu à luz das transformações da história do Brasil, mediante uma leitura de seus trabalhos que mescla o método da contextualização histórica e o da evolução diacrônica. A hipótese que se busca demonstrar é a de que a questão nacional evolui na obra do autor ao longo de três etapas; além de um primeiro período pré-marxista, o segundo seria referente ao chamado nacionalismo de tipo etapista e o terceiro referente à dependência. Concluímos que, diferentemente do que certa literatura crítica afirma, a abordagem de Sodré não pode ser considerada como estática e desvinculada das mudanças históricas pelas quais passou o Brasil, antes refletindo-a.
Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais
The article describes the following aspects regarding the pandemic of Covid-19 in Brazil: 1. the ... more The article describes the following aspects regarding the pandemic of Covid-19 in Brazil: 1. the positive statistical correlation between votes for Bolsonaro in the 2018’s presidential elections and deaths caused by Covid-19, at the descriptive level of federal units; 2. the uncorrelated relation between votes for Bolsonaro and the popular adhesion to the vaccination campaign after June 2021; 3. the drop in death rates after June 2021 and the persistence of the correlation between proportional deaths and votes after it. In light of this empirical analysis, we suggest some paths for future historical and sociological research on the causal mechanisms for this apparent association.
Esta dissertação ilustra como o regime fordista de acumulação brasileiro foi induzido à sua crise... more Esta dissertação ilustra como o regime fordista de acumulação brasileiro foi induzido à sua crise na década de oitenta, pelas políticas de ajuste econômico patrocinadas pelo FMI, e como na década seguinte a política de liberalização da economia terminou por reformatá-lo. Destacam-se as alterações estruturais na economia neste novo ambiente pós-fordista, e evidencia-se como este novo regime de acumulação não permitiu uma ampliação do produto e renda. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Política econômica; abertura comercial; liberalização econômica; fordismo; pós-fordismo; acumulação de capital; acumulação flexível; classes trabalhadoras; desemprego; crise econômica.
Society and Economy in Venezuela
This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evalu... more This chapter makes an economic analysis of the Venezuelan economy between 1998 and 2018. It evaluates the economic policies applied by Chávez's and Maduro's administration, which were summarized in the last chapter. Particularly, the chapter investigates and tries to elucidate the evolution of the main economic and social parameters in the nation over the period, particularly in light of two questions: why did the Venezuelan economy show declining rates of economic growth over time? And what were the reasons for the severe crisis that occurred since the beginning of the second decade of the present century? The chapter argues that these behavior results from multiple causes. They involve the following ones:
O artigo busca resumir as politicas economicas das administracoes de Nestor e Cristina Kirchner a... more O artigo busca resumir as politicas economicas das administracoes de Nestor e Cristina Kirchner adotadas ao longo dos anos 2000 na Argentina, a luz do cenario macroeconomico domestico anterior as referidas administracoes. Faz-se tambem uma avaliacao empirica da economia argentina no periodo, utilizando-se diversas fontes oficiais de dados, bem como um balanco do desempenho economico e da politica economica adotada.
Este trabalho faz um resumo da ascensao historica de Chavez, e suas ideias sobre o socialismo. Pa... more Este trabalho faz um resumo da ascensao historica de Chavez, e suas ideias sobre o socialismo. Partindo da historia do planejamento socialista na segunda metade do seculo XX, o excerto entao discute como as ideias de Chavez foram influenciadas nao somente pelo contexto venezuelano, mas como por varias correntes do pensamento progressista latino-americano, assim como pela historia da Uniao Sovietica e do planejamento socialista. O texto e finalizado com algumas reflexoes a luz da crise economica venezuelana atual.
The paper aims to evaluate the macroeconomic performance of the economy of the United States duri... more The paper aims to evaluate the macroeconomic performance of the economy of the United States during first administration of Barack Obama (2009-2012).
Society and Economy in Venezuela
This chapter traces Brazil’s Africa policy as a function of its changing position in the world ec... more This chapter traces Brazil’s Africa policy as a function of its changing position in the world economy and the trajectory of its internal contradictions. It is argued that the country’s policy towards Africa is an expression of the evolution of its own settler capitalism and its articulation with monopoly capital and finance. Brazil’s postwar transition, marked by conservative agrarian modernization, dependent industrialization and recent deindustrialization, has seen the rapid, systematic and violent expulsion of the black majority from the countryside, with universal suffrage only being established as late as the 1980s. This set the stage for a new set of contradictions that have left their mark in domestic and foreign policy alike. In its recent re-encounter with Africa, Brazil has been externalizing a set of domestic contradictions that are most clearly manifest in its conflicted approach to agricultural cooperation. The chapter outlines the main instruments and policies of coop...
Este artigo busca analisar aspectos relativos ao problema do desenvolvimento economico na obra ta... more Este artigo busca analisar aspectos relativos ao problema do desenvolvimento economico na obra tardia de Alvaro Vieira Pinto (1909-1987). Como filosofo, Vieira Pinto tornou-se conhecido por fundamentar filosoficamente o projeto nacional-desenvolvimentista brasileiro; porem, com a publicacao recente de suas duas ultimas obras, viu-se como buscou abordar mais diretamente temas socioeconomicos, relacionados a tecnologia, a demografia, a ecologia, dentre outros. Busca-se neste artigo contribuir com a literatura sobre a obra do autor, ao analisar e criticar o modo como o autor discutiu tais questoes, tema ainda nao abordado de forma sistematica pela literatura.
This work intends to (1) analyze the categories of imperialism and dependency in the new-developm... more This work intends to (1) analyze the categories of imperialism and dependency in the new-developmentalism theory, taking the work of Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira as the most representative of this theoretical approach; (2) in light of that, the work intends to criticize the new-developmentalist approach.
O texto propoe uma reavaliacao das categorias pos-keynesianas tendo em vista o fenomeno das leis ... more O texto propoe uma reavaliacao das categorias pos-keynesianas tendo em vista o fenomeno das leis da entropia, tal como definidas por Georgescu-Roegen (1971), propondo a partir dai uma critica a economia ambiental neoclassica a partir desta reavaliacao categorial. Para tanto, faz-se de inicio uma revisao de importantes obras pos-keynesianas recentes, destacando-se sua omissao quanto ao tema (item 2). Posteriormente (secao 3), resume-se a perspectiva de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen quanto a perspectiva do fenomeno entropico. A secao subsequente (4) discute os conceitos pos-keynesianos de trabalho e investimento produtivos a luz da referida abordagem da entropia de Georgescu-Roegen. Da mesma forma, busca-se na secao 6 fazer uma reconsideracao das nocoes de longo e curto prazos, bem como das nocoes pos-keynesianas de incerteza, precos e produtividade na secao 7. O objetivo do artigo e, entao, adequar nocoes categoriais da optica pos-keynesiana segundo as nocoes de entropia, tornando-a mais...
Routledge, 2024
Co-authored with Vitor Schincariol. More info here:[ more ](;)Co-authored with Vitor Schincariol. More info here:
ABSTRACT - Departing from the category of 'peripheral socialism', this book offers an economic history of the Cuban revolution between 1959 and 2019, with a focus on the period that ranges between 2008 and 2018.
The core of the research is the administration of Raúl Castro and the economic and social reforms introduced by it under the concept of socialism update. The book describes Cuba’s recent economic policies and analyses the structure and dynamics of Cuba’s economic changes, offering a panoramic view which can serve as an introduction to further more detailed analyses. The book also offers an interpretation of Cuba’s socialism in light of the Latin American political economy of underdevelopment, so as to interpret Cuba’s structural economic performance.
The analytical background will enable readers to understand the contemporary crises in Cuba, with a balanced look at the triumphs and limits of its peripheral socialism. It will find an audience among scholars and researchers of economic development and history, macroeconomics, Latin American and Cuban Studies, Socialism Studies, and related areas. It will also be of interest to economists, politicians, diplomats, journalists, and NGOs.
Chapter 1 - Introduction: Cuban Revolution and Peripheral Socialism
Chapter 2 - The economic history of the Cuban Revolution: an overview, 1959-1999
Chapter 3 - Cuba in the 21st Century: reforming the peripheral socialism (2000-2010)
Chapter 4 - Socialist update: The Guidelines of Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution and its consequences (2011-2018)
Chapter 5 - Macroeconomic performance
Chapter 6 - Balance of payments
Chapter 7 - State sector and social aspects
Chapter 8 - Final remarks: crisis or peripheral?