Vladan Hanulík - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Vladan Hanulík
Univerzita Pardubice eBooks, 2018
Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolizati... more Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolization discourses of the therapeutic field and non-conventional hydropathical healing discourse in the first half of19th century. Study of foundation and operation of cold-water cure institute of Vincenz Priessnitz in Grafenberg is based on the analysis of the corpus of hydropathical literature, administrative files and private letters. The intention of this research is to problematize current ideas about the homogeneous nature of the medical activities in the first half of the 19th century and demonstrate the reception of non-conventional therapeutic activities both by disciplining authorities and the patients.
A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a p... more A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinions and reflections of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes, and their voices and opinions were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result, interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect.
Univerzita Pardubice eBooks, 2005
Dynamis, Dec 30, 2021
In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newl... more In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newly established educational approach in the Buergerspital in 1754. In the second half of the 18th century, clinical teaching at medical faculties contributed to the shift of power relationships between doctors and patients. The medical gaze that the doctor and the patient directed towards each other regulated the patients' as well as the physicians' behavior in the setting of hospital medicine, but this does not mean that a wholesale transformation of the medical field took place. Patients were not mere passive objects of externally controlled processes but influential agents of medical process. Middle-and upper-class patients sought assistance from their family general practitioners even at the beginning of the 20th century, and the relationships between these family doctors and their patients were more equal. Up to the end of the 19th century, physician-patient contact often comprised traditional methods of consultation by letter, and physicians saw and treated their patients predominantly in the patient's homes. A doctor's medical authority was not solely based on his knowledge, skills, and reputation among colleagues at the medical faculty. As in the early modern tradition of doctor-patient encounters, patients continued to play the role of ultimate arbiter of the performativity of physicians.
Dynamis, Dec 30, 2021
In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newl... more In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newly established educational approach in the Buergerspital in 1754. In the second half of the 18th century, clinical teaching at medical faculties contributed to the shift of power relationships between doctors and patients. The medical gaze that the doctor and the patient directed towards each other regulated the patients' as well as the physicians' behavior in the setting of hospital medicine, but this does not mean that a wholesale transformation of the medical field took place. Patients were not mere passive objects of externally controlled processes but influential agents of medical process. Middle-and upper-class patients sought assistance from their family general practitioners even at the beginning of the 20th century, and the relationships between these family doctors and their patients were more equal. Up to the end of the 19th century, physician-patient contact often comprised traditional methods of consultation by letter, and physicians saw and treated their patients predominantly in the patient's homes. A doctor's medical authority was not solely based on his knowledge, skills, and reputation among colleagues at the medical faculty. As in the early modern tradition of doctor-patient encounters, patients continued to play the role of ultimate arbiter of the performativity of physicians.
"A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experienc... more "A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinion and reflection of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes and their voice and opinion were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result, interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect."Efekt bílého pláště se projevuje fyzickou reakcí pacientů na interakci s lékaři v průběhu léčby. V historickém období předmoderní léčby u lůžka pacienta disponovali lékaři mizivou profesní mocí, terapeutický nihilismus navíc u pacientů způsoboval nedůvěru ve výsledky profesionální péče. Podoba vztahu lékaře a pacienta byla definována zpochybněním role lékařů jako osob, které by měly znát podstatu tajemství přírody. V 19. století se však postavení pacientů díky procesu modernizace léčebného pole a vědeckému pokroku významně proměnilo. Subjektivní reflexe zdravotního stavu a osobní názory pacientů se postupně staly díky zavádění moderních diagnostických nástrojů a techniky pro lékaře irelevantní. Pro účely lékařského vyšetření nakonec už nemuselo být přítomno ani samotné tělo pacienta. Ke stanovení diagnózy potřebovali odborníci již jen vzorky pacientových tkání, krve, buněk či genů, ne jeho hlas a názor. Integrální součástí moderního lékařství se stala hierarchická a nevyrovnaná podoba vztahu mezi oběma stranami léčebného procesu. Jako důsledek daného vývoje je dnes interakce mezi lékaři a pacienty provázena úzkostí, strachem a pocitem méněcennosti, jež jsou kulturně vtělesněny do těl pacientů v podobě efektu bílého pláště
Studie reflektuje historický nástin obrysu služebného personálu v lázeňském provozu. V době gründ... more Studie reflektuje historický nástin obrysu služebného personálu v lázeňském provozu. V době gründerského kapitalismu došlo na Jesenicku k ekonomickému vzestupu slezského rolníka do postavení jednoho z nejmajetnějších mužů regionu. Z ekonomického vzestupu však profitovala celá řada osob, kterým lázně přinesly možnost profesního uplatnění. Pro místní populaci byla profesní dráha lazebníků a lazebnic cestou k ekonomickému a sociálnímu vzestupu. Ti, o jejichž osudu jsme informováni, využili nabízené možnosti k finančnímu zabezpečení, přičemž navazovali vztahy především navzájem mezi sebou, jak dokládá řada sňatků, které uzavírali. Z ušetřených peněz zakoupili nemovitosti a případně do budoucna začali i provozovat jiný druh živnosti.The case study of spa attendants' history focuses on the Silesian spa Graefeneberg in the 19th century. During this time, the founder of spa facilities in the region of Freiwaldau (Jeseník), Vinzenz Priessnitz, established the economic growth of the regi...
Although midwives were incorporated into the administrative system governing the conditions of bi... more Although midwives were incorporated into the administrative system governing the conditions of birth delivery, female midwifery became the target of verbal attacks from the leading authorities of scientific medicine. In professional medical journals, the opinion was repeatedly represented by articles accentuating the archaic element of midwives’ obstetric practice and, in particular, the lack of education and subsequent ability to absorb modern knowledge to improve obstetric practice. Professional discourse was constantly questioning the female midwives’ capabilities, which, together with constantly increasing number of female midwives, resulted in the lack of guaranteed financial support for female midwives’ professional practice. Thus, as a profession, midwifery mostly could not provide an opportunity in terms of economic and social independence.Studie reflektuje vývoj reflexe profese porodních babiček v diskurzu odborné lékařské literatury v druhé polovině 19. století. Ačkoli byl...
Práce se zabývá návštěvností lázní v českých zemích v první polovině 19. století. Komparuje stati... more Práce se zabývá návštěvností lázní v českých zemích v první polovině 19. století. Komparuje statistická data o návštěvnosti lázní Karlovy Vary, teplice, Mariánské Lázně a Gräfenberg. Sleduje také zastoupení aristokracie ve jmenovaných lázních.Katedra historických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
Disertační práce představuje analýzu vzájemného prolínání diskurzů profesionalizace a monopolizac... more Disertační práce představuje analýzu vzájemného prolínání diskurzů profesionalizace a monopolizace léčebného pole a nekonvenčního léčebného systému hydropatie v 1. polovině 19. století. Výzkum recepce vzniku a působení vodoléčebných lázní Gräfenberg Vincenze Priessnitze je založen ne rozboru korpusu hydropatické literatury, souboru textů úřední provenience a pramenů osobní povahy. Cílem práce je problematizovat dosavadní představy o homogenní povaze výkonu léčebných aktivit v první polovině 19. století a představit recepci provozování nekonvenčních terapeutických aktivit ze strany disciplinačních orgánů i pacientů.Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolization discourses of the therapeutic field and non-conventional hydropathical healing discourse in the first half of19th century. Study of foundation and operation of cold-water cure institute of Vincenz Priessnitz in Gräfenberg is based on the analysis of the corpus of hydropathic...
Článek představuje analýzu rodového archivu členů choltické větve hraběcí rodiny Thun-Hohenstein ... more Článek představuje analýzu rodového archivu členů choltické větve hraběcí rodiny Thun-Hohenstein s cílem zachytit jejich reflexi pobytu v lázních v 19. století.Article is based on the analysis of letters, diaries and memoirs of family members of Choltice branch of counts von Thun-Hohenstein with the purpose to summarize their reflections of sociability in local spa districts in 19th century Czech lands
Masarykův ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2019
A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a p... more A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in
the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of
bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power
and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were
marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood
the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinions
and reflections of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed
to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using
samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes, and their voices and opinions were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result,
interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an
inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect.
Univerzita Pardubice eBooks, 2018
Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolizati... more Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolization discourses of the therapeutic field and non-conventional hydropathical healing discourse in the first half of19th century. Study of foundation and operation of cold-water cure institute of Vincenz Priessnitz in Grafenberg is based on the analysis of the corpus of hydropathical literature, administrative files and private letters. The intention of this research is to problematize current ideas about the homogeneous nature of the medical activities in the first half of the 19th century and demonstrate the reception of non-conventional therapeutic activities both by disciplining authorities and the patients.
A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a p... more A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinions and reflections of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes, and their voices and opinions were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result, interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect.
Univerzita Pardubice eBooks, 2005
Dynamis, Dec 30, 2021
In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newl... more In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newly established educational approach in the Buergerspital in 1754. In the second half of the 18th century, clinical teaching at medical faculties contributed to the shift of power relationships between doctors and patients. The medical gaze that the doctor and the patient directed towards each other regulated the patients' as well as the physicians' behavior in the setting of hospital medicine, but this does not mean that a wholesale transformation of the medical field took place. Patients were not mere passive objects of externally controlled processes but influential agents of medical process. Middle-and upper-class patients sought assistance from their family general practitioners even at the beginning of the 20th century, and the relationships between these family doctors and their patients were more equal. Up to the end of the 19th century, physician-patient contact often comprised traditional methods of consultation by letter, and physicians saw and treated their patients predominantly in the patient's homes. A doctor's medical authority was not solely based on his knowledge, skills, and reputation among colleagues at the medical faculty. As in the early modern tradition of doctor-patient encounters, patients continued to play the role of ultimate arbiter of the performativity of physicians.
Dynamis, Dec 30, 2021
In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newl... more In Vienna, the tradition of clinical teaching began with Anton de Haen's introduction of the newly established educational approach in the Buergerspital in 1754. In the second half of the 18th century, clinical teaching at medical faculties contributed to the shift of power relationships between doctors and patients. The medical gaze that the doctor and the patient directed towards each other regulated the patients' as well as the physicians' behavior in the setting of hospital medicine, but this does not mean that a wholesale transformation of the medical field took place. Patients were not mere passive objects of externally controlled processes but influential agents of medical process. Middle-and upper-class patients sought assistance from their family general practitioners even at the beginning of the 20th century, and the relationships between these family doctors and their patients were more equal. Up to the end of the 19th century, physician-patient contact often comprised traditional methods of consultation by letter, and physicians saw and treated their patients predominantly in the patient's homes. A doctor's medical authority was not solely based on his knowledge, skills, and reputation among colleagues at the medical faculty. As in the early modern tradition of doctor-patient encounters, patients continued to play the role of ultimate arbiter of the performativity of physicians.
"A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experienc... more "A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinion and reflection of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes and their voice and opinion were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result, interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect."Efekt bílého pláště se projevuje fyzickou reakcí pacientů na interakci s lékaři v průběhu léčby. V historickém období předmoderní léčby u lůžka pacienta disponovali lékaři mizivou profesní mocí, terapeutický nihilismus navíc u pacientů způsoboval nedůvěru ve výsledky profesionální péče. Podoba vztahu lékaře a pacienta byla definována zpochybněním role lékařů jako osob, které by měly znát podstatu tajemství přírody. V 19. století se však postavení pacientů díky procesu modernizace léčebného pole a vědeckému pokroku významně proměnilo. Subjektivní reflexe zdravotního stavu a osobní názory pacientů se postupně staly díky zavádění moderních diagnostických nástrojů a techniky pro lékaře irelevantní. Pro účely lékařského vyšetření nakonec už nemuselo být přítomno ani samotné tělo pacienta. Ke stanovení diagnózy potřebovali odborníci již jen vzorky pacientových tkání, krve, buněk či genů, ne jeho hlas a názor. Integrální součástí moderního lékařství se stala hierarchická a nevyrovnaná podoba vztahu mezi oběma stranami léčebného procesu. Jako důsledek daného vývoje je dnes interakce mezi lékaři a pacienty provázena úzkostí, strachem a pocitem méněcennosti, jež jsou kulturně vtělesněny do těl pacientů v podobě efektu bílého pláště
Studie reflektuje historický nástin obrysu služebného personálu v lázeňském provozu. V době gründ... more Studie reflektuje historický nástin obrysu služebného personálu v lázeňském provozu. V době gründerského kapitalismu došlo na Jesenicku k ekonomickému vzestupu slezského rolníka do postavení jednoho z nejmajetnějších mužů regionu. Z ekonomického vzestupu však profitovala celá řada osob, kterým lázně přinesly možnost profesního uplatnění. Pro místní populaci byla profesní dráha lazebníků a lazebnic cestou k ekonomickému a sociálnímu vzestupu. Ti, o jejichž osudu jsme informováni, využili nabízené možnosti k finančnímu zabezpečení, přičemž navazovali vztahy především navzájem mezi sebou, jak dokládá řada sňatků, které uzavírali. Z ušetřených peněz zakoupili nemovitosti a případně do budoucna začali i provozovat jiný druh živnosti.The case study of spa attendants' history focuses on the Silesian spa Graefeneberg in the 19th century. During this time, the founder of spa facilities in the region of Freiwaldau (Jeseník), Vinzenz Priessnitz, established the economic growth of the regi...
Although midwives were incorporated into the administrative system governing the conditions of bi... more Although midwives were incorporated into the administrative system governing the conditions of birth delivery, female midwifery became the target of verbal attacks from the leading authorities of scientific medicine. In professional medical journals, the opinion was repeatedly represented by articles accentuating the archaic element of midwives’ obstetric practice and, in particular, the lack of education and subsequent ability to absorb modern knowledge to improve obstetric practice. Professional discourse was constantly questioning the female midwives’ capabilities, which, together with constantly increasing number of female midwives, resulted in the lack of guaranteed financial support for female midwives’ professional practice. Thus, as a profession, midwifery mostly could not provide an opportunity in terms of economic and social independence.Studie reflektuje vývoj reflexe profese porodních babiček v diskurzu odborné lékařské literatury v druhé polovině 19. století. Ačkoli byl...
Práce se zabývá návštěvností lázní v českých zemích v první polovině 19. století. Komparuje stati... more Práce se zabývá návštěvností lázní v českých zemích v první polovině 19. století. Komparuje statistická data o návštěvnosti lázní Karlovy Vary, teplice, Mariánské Lázně a Gräfenberg. Sleduje také zastoupení aristokracie ve jmenovaných lázních.Katedra historických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
Disertační práce představuje analýzu vzájemného prolínání diskurzů profesionalizace a monopolizac... more Disertační práce představuje analýzu vzájemného prolínání diskurzů profesionalizace a monopolizace léčebného pole a nekonvenčního léčebného systému hydropatie v 1. polovině 19. století. Výzkum recepce vzniku a působení vodoléčebných lázní Gräfenberg Vincenze Priessnitze je založen ne rozboru korpusu hydropatické literatury, souboru textů úřední provenience a pramenů osobní povahy. Cílem práce je problematizovat dosavadní představy o homogenní povaze výkonu léčebných aktivit v první polovině 19. století a představit recepci provozování nekonvenčních terapeutických aktivit ze strany disciplinačních orgánů i pacientů.Doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the mutual impact of professionalization and monopolization discourses of the therapeutic field and non-conventional hydropathical healing discourse in the first half of19th century. Study of foundation and operation of cold-water cure institute of Vincenz Priessnitz in Gräfenberg is based on the analysis of the corpus of hydropathic...
Článek představuje analýzu rodového archivu členů choltické větve hraběcí rodiny Thun-Hohenstein ... more Článek představuje analýzu rodového archivu členů choltické větve hraběcí rodiny Thun-Hohenstein s cílem zachytit jejich reflexi pobytu v lázních v 19. století.Article is based on the analysis of letters, diaries and memoirs of family members of Choltice branch of counts von Thun-Hohenstein with the purpose to summarize their reflections of sociability in local spa districts in 19th century Czech lands
Masarykův ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2019
A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a p... more A white coat effect is the term used to describe the situation in which a patient experiences a physical reaction on interaction with a physician in connection with medical treatment. The white coat effect is historically rooted in
the process of differentiation in the style of thought regarding patients’ status and their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the period of
bedside medicine, the medical profession commanded little corporate power
and therapeutic nihilism led patients to distrust the outcomes of professional treatment. Relationships between medical professionals and patients were
marked by patients’ mistrust in the doctor as a professional who understood
the secrets of nature. With modern scientific progress in the nineteenth century, the patient’s status changed significantly. The patient’s personal opinions
and reflections of their health condition became irrelevant after the introduction of modern diagnostic tools. The patient’s body no longer even needed
to be present for the medical examination: diagnosis could take place using
samples of the patient’s tissue, blood, cells or genes, and their voices and opinions were not required. Hierarchical and imbalanced interactions between patients and physicians became an integral part of modern medicine. As a result,
interaction with medical professionals is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and an
inferiority complex, physically embodied in the white coat effect.