Volodymyr Zhezhukha - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Volodymyr Zhezhukha
Економічний аналіз, May 5, 2014
International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Studies in systems, decision and control, 2023
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
Ìnvesticìï: praktika ta dosvìd, Nov 10, 2022
A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR THE FORMATION AND USE OF REENGINEERING SYSTEMS IN AN ENTERPRISE У статті з... more A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR THE FORMATION AND USE OF REENGINEERING SYSTEMS IN AN ENTERPRISE У статті з використанням системного підходу побудовано концептуальну модель формування і використання систем реінжинірингу на підприємстві, яка, інтегруючи інформаційну, управлінську та економічну складові, уможливлює налагоджене і взаємоузгоджене виконання робіт із докорінної перебудови бізнес-процесів для досягнення установлених критеріїв ефективності, а також визначає документально-інформаційне підгрунтя формалізування відповідних процесів для дієвішого задоволення потреб клієнтів та підвищення ефективності результатів бізнесу. Окреслено основні параметри системного підходу до здійснення реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів, що дало змогу виявити і зрозуміти ключові взаємозв'язки між компонентами системи реінжинірингу. Розглянуто поєднання й інтегрування так званого "класичного" та "інноваційного" начала у межах зазначених систем. Наголошено на важливості і практичній значущості системного мислення у системах реінжинірингу. Розглянуто проблематику цілей таких систем, а також їхні входи та виходи. Здійснено експрес-тестування розробленої концептуальної моделі формування та використання систем реінжинірингу на підприємстві на предмет відповідності ознакам системи. У межах цієї моделі виокремлено та охарактеризовано низку блоків, які з позиції системного підходу можна розглядати як окремі підсистеми (інформаційна, економічна, управлінська складові та складова використання систем реінжинірингу). In today's environment, managers and business owners have an actual application to shape and keep up-to-date a business model that will be successful and enable the business entity to grow. Often such initiatives require changes in business processes of a fundamental nature. With this in mind, building a conceptual model for the formation and use of reengineering systems in the enterprise is essential. This model should integrate the relevant elements to ensure the effectiveness
The article develops the conceptual foundations of natural and artificial intellectualization of ... more The article develops the conceptual foundations of natural and artificial intellectualization of the enterprise, as well as the combination of artificial and natural intelligence in managing business processes in the context of modern challenges of the business environment. Based on the methods of structural design, a system model of the enterprise is developed as the basis for intelligent management. Quantitative and qualitative effects of human–cyber–physical systems, which are the result of management intellectualization, are highlighted. The possibilities of using deviation and perturbation management methods in managing the state of enterprise development with the support of decision-making and implementation of an intelligent information system are considered. The features of making managerial decisions during intelligent enterprise management are considered. The place of the human factor in such intellectual management is highlighted, in particular, in terms of improving the ...
Black Sea Economic Studies
Becoming more global and large-scale, companies' business and operational activities are incr... more Becoming more global and large-scale, companies' business and operational activities are increasingly not limited to the borders of a single country. In these circumstances, the effectiveness of companies' foreign economic activities is primarily determined by the appropriate level of competencies of the personnel involved in this area, primarily the level of development of foreign-language competencies. Moreover, such competencies concern both the managing and managed subsystem employees and the enterprise as a whole. The paper singles out the place of foreign-language competencies of managers among the competencies in general, in the conditions of foreign economic activity of enterprises. The correlation between an employee's communicative and foreign language competence is considered, and the distinctions between these concepts, taking into account the components of the structure of communication, are revealed. At the same time, it is offered to consider foreign langu...
Ekonomika ta derzhava
У статті з використанням методу експертного опитування ідентифіковано реальний стан формування і ... more У статті з використанням методу експертного опитування ідентифіковано реальний стан формування і розвитку івент-менеджменту в Україні. Наведено й охарактеризовано ключові параметри вказаного опитування. За його результатами ідентифіковано низку параметрів івент-менеджменту у вітчизняному бізнесі, а саме: рівень розуміння процесів івент-менеджменту в управлінні українськими підприємствами; рівень достатності знань щодо побудови і використання івент-менеджменту, а також рівень компетентності працівників суб'єктів господарювання у цій сфері. Виявлено також задоволеність працівників рівнем розвитку івент-менеджменту на їхньому підприємстві й ідентифіковано основні перешкоди щодо ухвалення рішень щодо вдосконалення івент-менеджменту. Визначено основні напрями діяльності суб'єктів господарювання, в яких першочергово повинно здійснюватися формування та/чи вдосконалення івент-менеджменту. Ідентифіковано основні причини виникнення проблем у сфері івент-менеджменту, джерела фінансування процесів його формування і вдосконалення на вітчизняних підприємствах, а також ключові переваги використання івент-менеджменту в українському бізнесі. Realizing the importance and necessity of event management development in the companies, owners and managers must hold input information based on the actual state of this type of management to introduce changes further, make improvements, identify potential opportunities in the direction, etc. Since there is no universal event management model, it is implemented differently by different business entities. At the same time, it is essential and relevant to see and understand particular typical contours and guidelines in domestic business. The article identified the actual state of event management formation and development in Ukraine using the method of expert interviews. It was given and characterized the critical parameters of the survey (the volume of the sample and its spatial feature, the target audience of the selection, representatives of the sampling frame, the type of expert review, the method of survey, research tools, the practice of communication with the target audience, the form of work organization, the frequency). The professionalism and representativeness of experts who participated in the study were substantiated. According to the survey, there were recognized several parameters of event management in the domestic business, namely: the level of understanding of the event management processes in the direction of Ukrainian enterprises; the level of sufficiency of knowledge concerning the construction and use of event management, as well as the level of competence of employees of business entities in this area. Also, it revealed employees' satisfaction with the event management level in their enterprises and
Data-Centric Business and Applications, 2018
The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation... more The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation in the supply-production-marketing chain based on simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes such a deviation on each link in the chain using a number of representative parameters (reliability of the supply chain, inventory management system, negative response from external marketing stakeholders, competitiveness of the marketing complex, quality of the production process, flexibility of the production process, level of planned processes violation). Given that in terms of their content the absolute majority of parameters for simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes undesirable deviation for each link in the supply-production-marketing chain are fuzzy, it is feasible and necessary to use fuzzy set tools to solve the specified problem. Also, according to the results of the performed research, a set of heuristic rules for diagnosing incidents in the supply-production-marketing chain was proposed.
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìï ta praktiki, Nov 5, 2022
The proposed approaches to building IIMS IEs (integrated IIMS) allow managers to make rational, o... more The proposed approaches to building IIMS IEs (integrated IIMS) allow managers to make rational, organisationally programmed management decisions. These approaches also provide enterprises with adaptability, resilience, survivability and development in today's Industry 4.0 era.
Advances in Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2019
The key methods for establishing the enterprises outcome from engineering projects implementation... more The key methods for establishing the enterprises outcome from engineering projects implementation, which are the most widespread ones within the international engineering activities, have been determined and characterized. The main types of costs that business entity may incur in relation to the engineering project realization have been highlighted. Based on examining the most common concepts of managerial decision-making at risk (as it is under those circumstances that managers of industrial enterprises make decisions on engineering services cost), it was proposed to use the game theory instruments for establishing the structure of engineering payments during the engineering services delivery.
Our paper makes a case for the development of a theoretical statement of stress management implem... more Our paper makes a case for the development of a theoretical statement of stress management implementation and improvement in the sphere of business enterprise, as a separate area of scientific investigation with its own investigatory goals. Achievement of the stated goal was achieved through application of system approach, morphological analysis, grouping, ordering, analysis and synthesis. Stress management in enterprises should be a separate direction of scientific research, as it has its own investigatory goal: undesirable deviations in management activity, causes of appearance, distribution, and ways of prevention, elimination or minimization of negative consequences. Moreover, stress management in enterprise as science and area of activity requires formulation of a concept that would give an opportunity to describe and explain existing facts and occurrences related to undesirable deviations. It would also become an integral part of the development of future management tools. The...
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022
Innovative Marketing
The article aims to investigate the role and features of the content and test proposed indicators... more The article aims to investigate the role and features of the content and test proposed indicators for evaluating its effectiveness within the marketing enterprise communications with the client using Internet technologies. The differences between traditional content communications and content communications using unifying content have been presented. Based on review of scientific works and statistic data and results of the studies, a system of indicators for evaluating the level of content supply cost-effectiveness is proposed: average cost of attracting one user of website, coefficient of lead generation of the Internet website, average cost of attracting one lead, content effectiveness ratio, average purchase in consequence of content supply, profit from the sale of goods in consequence of content supply, profitability of using the Internet marketing tools. This system of indicators allows monitoring of content effectiveness at key stages of enterprise-customer interaction. The pr...
European Journal of Economics and Management
The article has developed a method to assess the effectiveness of innovation activity of the empl... more The article has developed a method to assess the effectiveness of innovation activity of the employees of the enterprise management subsystem. The article substantiates the expediency of taking into account the indicators of evaluation of such efficiency in the context of three management levels in accordance with the tasks performed (indicators of intellectual, managerial and technological potential). The practical application of the proposed method to assess the efficiency of innovation activity of the employees of the management subsystem of the enterprise was carried out on the example of a number of industrial companies in Ukraine. In this case, a map of expert evaluation for self-assessment (internal evaluation directly by the manager), internal evaluation (any deputy) and external evaluation (directly by the developers of the method). The scale of values of the coefficient of innovation activity of the manager was built.
Problemi Ekonomiki, 2020
35. Laguna m., marklund J. Business process modeling, simulation and design second edition. CRC P... more 35. Laguna m., marklund J. Business process modeling, simulation and design second edition. CRC Press, taylor and Francis Group, 2013. 36. академічний тлумачний словник української мови. URL: http://sum.in.ua/s/dokorinnyj 37. Зуб а. т. принятие управленческих решений: учебник и практикум для академического бакалаврата. м. : Юрайт, 2018. 332 с. 38. мартынюк е. а. технологии реинжиниринга бизнеспроцессов предприятий. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. 2013. № 6. С. 118-121. 39. mohapatra S. the need for BPR and its history. In Business
The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation... more The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation in the supply-production-marketing chain based on simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes such a deviation on each link in the chain using a number of representative parameters (reliability of the supply chain, inventory management system, negative response from external marketing stakeholders, competitiveness of the marketing complex, quality of the production process, flexibility of the production process, level of planned processes violation). Given that in terms of their content the absolute majority of parameters for simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes undesirable deviation for each link in the supply-production-marketing chain are fuzzy, it is feasible and necessary to use fuzzy set tools to solve the specified problem. Also, according to the results of the performed research, a set of heuristic rules for diagnosing incid...
The parameters of the system engineering activities as a business trend of domestic machine-build... more The parameters of the system engineering activities as a business trend of domestic machine-building enterprises for the development of information support of decision-making in this area are established with the help of expert survey instruments. Strong and weak points of the system operation are identified. It has been characterized and reasonably formed the sample of managers of domestic engineering enterprises who were experts in the survey. According to the survey results the conclusions have been made regarding market growth of engineering services; technology, which capital should be primarily invested in; main tasks of domestic engineering in the field of engineering services in the nearest future; distinguishing of the reasons that make the machine building diversify their activities towards providing engineering services as well as the distinguishing of reasons that do not allow to do it. These developments eliminate the gap of national statistics that describes briefly th...
variables (factor characteristics), the indicators of the level of administrative systems formati... more variables (factor characteristics), the indicators of the level of administrative systems formation (R) and the level of their stability (R) were chosen to solve the problem. Appropriate calculations to verify the hypothesis were done for the activities of a number of domestic business entities.
Економічний аналіз, May 5, 2014
International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Studies in systems, decision and control, 2023
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
Ìnvesticìï: praktika ta dosvìd, Nov 10, 2022
A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR THE FORMATION AND USE OF REENGINEERING SYSTEMS IN AN ENTERPRISE У статті з... more A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR THE FORMATION AND USE OF REENGINEERING SYSTEMS IN AN ENTERPRISE У статті з використанням системного підходу побудовано концептуальну модель формування і використання систем реінжинірингу на підприємстві, яка, інтегруючи інформаційну, управлінську та економічну складові, уможливлює налагоджене і взаємоузгоджене виконання робіт із докорінної перебудови бізнес-процесів для досягнення установлених критеріїв ефективності, а також визначає документально-інформаційне підгрунтя формалізування відповідних процесів для дієвішого задоволення потреб клієнтів та підвищення ефективності результатів бізнесу. Окреслено основні параметри системного підходу до здійснення реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів, що дало змогу виявити і зрозуміти ключові взаємозв'язки між компонентами системи реінжинірингу. Розглянуто поєднання й інтегрування так званого "класичного" та "інноваційного" начала у межах зазначених систем. Наголошено на важливості і практичній значущості системного мислення у системах реінжинірингу. Розглянуто проблематику цілей таких систем, а також їхні входи та виходи. Здійснено експрес-тестування розробленої концептуальної моделі формування та використання систем реінжинірингу на підприємстві на предмет відповідності ознакам системи. У межах цієї моделі виокремлено та охарактеризовано низку блоків, які з позиції системного підходу можна розглядати як окремі підсистеми (інформаційна, економічна, управлінська складові та складова використання систем реінжинірингу). In today's environment, managers and business owners have an actual application to shape and keep up-to-date a business model that will be successful and enable the business entity to grow. Often such initiatives require changes in business processes of a fundamental nature. With this in mind, building a conceptual model for the formation and use of reengineering systems in the enterprise is essential. This model should integrate the relevant elements to ensure the effectiveness
The article develops the conceptual foundations of natural and artificial intellectualization of ... more The article develops the conceptual foundations of natural and artificial intellectualization of the enterprise, as well as the combination of artificial and natural intelligence in managing business processes in the context of modern challenges of the business environment. Based on the methods of structural design, a system model of the enterprise is developed as the basis for intelligent management. Quantitative and qualitative effects of human–cyber–physical systems, which are the result of management intellectualization, are highlighted. The possibilities of using deviation and perturbation management methods in managing the state of enterprise development with the support of decision-making and implementation of an intelligent information system are considered. The features of making managerial decisions during intelligent enterprise management are considered. The place of the human factor in such intellectual management is highlighted, in particular, in terms of improving the ...
Black Sea Economic Studies
Becoming more global and large-scale, companies' business and operational activities are incr... more Becoming more global and large-scale, companies' business and operational activities are increasingly not limited to the borders of a single country. In these circumstances, the effectiveness of companies' foreign economic activities is primarily determined by the appropriate level of competencies of the personnel involved in this area, primarily the level of development of foreign-language competencies. Moreover, such competencies concern both the managing and managed subsystem employees and the enterprise as a whole. The paper singles out the place of foreign-language competencies of managers among the competencies in general, in the conditions of foreign economic activity of enterprises. The correlation between an employee's communicative and foreign language competence is considered, and the distinctions between these concepts, taking into account the components of the structure of communication, are revealed. At the same time, it is offered to consider foreign langu...
Ekonomika ta derzhava
У статті з використанням методу експертного опитування ідентифіковано реальний стан формування і ... more У статті з використанням методу експертного опитування ідентифіковано реальний стан формування і розвитку івент-менеджменту в Україні. Наведено й охарактеризовано ключові параметри вказаного опитування. За його результатами ідентифіковано низку параметрів івент-менеджменту у вітчизняному бізнесі, а саме: рівень розуміння процесів івент-менеджменту в управлінні українськими підприємствами; рівень достатності знань щодо побудови і використання івент-менеджменту, а також рівень компетентності працівників суб'єктів господарювання у цій сфері. Виявлено також задоволеність працівників рівнем розвитку івент-менеджменту на їхньому підприємстві й ідентифіковано основні перешкоди щодо ухвалення рішень щодо вдосконалення івент-менеджменту. Визначено основні напрями діяльності суб'єктів господарювання, в яких першочергово повинно здійснюватися формування та/чи вдосконалення івент-менеджменту. Ідентифіковано основні причини виникнення проблем у сфері івент-менеджменту, джерела фінансування процесів його формування і вдосконалення на вітчизняних підприємствах, а також ключові переваги використання івент-менеджменту в українському бізнесі. Realizing the importance and necessity of event management development in the companies, owners and managers must hold input information based on the actual state of this type of management to introduce changes further, make improvements, identify potential opportunities in the direction, etc. Since there is no universal event management model, it is implemented differently by different business entities. At the same time, it is essential and relevant to see and understand particular typical contours and guidelines in domestic business. The article identified the actual state of event management formation and development in Ukraine using the method of expert interviews. It was given and characterized the critical parameters of the survey (the volume of the sample and its spatial feature, the target audience of the selection, representatives of the sampling frame, the type of expert review, the method of survey, research tools, the practice of communication with the target audience, the form of work organization, the frequency). The professionalism and representativeness of experts who participated in the study were substantiated. According to the survey, there were recognized several parameters of event management in the domestic business, namely: the level of understanding of the event management processes in the direction of Ukrainian enterprises; the level of sufficiency of knowledge concerning the construction and use of event management, as well as the level of competence of employees of business entities in this area. Also, it revealed employees' satisfaction with the event management level in their enterprises and
Data-Centric Business and Applications, 2018
The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation... more The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation in the supply-production-marketing chain based on simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes such a deviation on each link in the chain using a number of representative parameters (reliability of the supply chain, inventory management system, negative response from external marketing stakeholders, competitiveness of the marketing complex, quality of the production process, flexibility of the production process, level of planned processes violation). Given that in terms of their content the absolute majority of parameters for simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes undesirable deviation for each link in the supply-production-marketing chain are fuzzy, it is feasible and necessary to use fuzzy set tools to solve the specified problem. Also, according to the results of the performed research, a set of heuristic rules for diagnosing incidents in the supply-production-marketing chain was proposed.
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìï ta praktiki, Nov 5, 2022
The proposed approaches to building IIMS IEs (integrated IIMS) allow managers to make rational, o... more The proposed approaches to building IIMS IEs (integrated IIMS) allow managers to make rational, organisationally programmed management decisions. These approaches also provide enterprises with adaptability, resilience, survivability and development in today's Industry 4.0 era.
Advances in Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2019
The key methods for establishing the enterprises outcome from engineering projects implementation... more The key methods for establishing the enterprises outcome from engineering projects implementation, which are the most widespread ones within the international engineering activities, have been determined and characterized. The main types of costs that business entity may incur in relation to the engineering project realization have been highlighted. Based on examining the most common concepts of managerial decision-making at risk (as it is under those circumstances that managers of industrial enterprises make decisions on engineering services cost), it was proposed to use the game theory instruments for establishing the structure of engineering payments during the engineering services delivery.
Our paper makes a case for the development of a theoretical statement of stress management implem... more Our paper makes a case for the development of a theoretical statement of stress management implementation and improvement in the sphere of business enterprise, as a separate area of scientific investigation with its own investigatory goals. Achievement of the stated goal was achieved through application of system approach, morphological analysis, grouping, ordering, analysis and synthesis. Stress management in enterprises should be a separate direction of scientific research, as it has its own investigatory goal: undesirable deviations in management activity, causes of appearance, distribution, and ways of prevention, elimination or minimization of negative consequences. Moreover, stress management in enterprise as science and area of activity requires formulation of a concept that would give an opportunity to describe and explain existing facts and occurrences related to undesirable deviations. It would also become an integral part of the development of future management tools. The...
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022
Innovative Marketing
The article aims to investigate the role and features of the content and test proposed indicators... more The article aims to investigate the role and features of the content and test proposed indicators for evaluating its effectiveness within the marketing enterprise communications with the client using Internet technologies. The differences between traditional content communications and content communications using unifying content have been presented. Based on review of scientific works and statistic data and results of the studies, a system of indicators for evaluating the level of content supply cost-effectiveness is proposed: average cost of attracting one user of website, coefficient of lead generation of the Internet website, average cost of attracting one lead, content effectiveness ratio, average purchase in consequence of content supply, profit from the sale of goods in consequence of content supply, profitability of using the Internet marketing tools. This system of indicators allows monitoring of content effectiveness at key stages of enterprise-customer interaction. The pr...
European Journal of Economics and Management
The article has developed a method to assess the effectiveness of innovation activity of the empl... more The article has developed a method to assess the effectiveness of innovation activity of the employees of the enterprise management subsystem. The article substantiates the expediency of taking into account the indicators of evaluation of such efficiency in the context of three management levels in accordance with the tasks performed (indicators of intellectual, managerial and technological potential). The practical application of the proposed method to assess the efficiency of innovation activity of the employees of the management subsystem of the enterprise was carried out on the example of a number of industrial companies in Ukraine. In this case, a map of expert evaluation for self-assessment (internal evaluation directly by the manager), internal evaluation (any deputy) and external evaluation (directly by the developers of the method). The scale of values of the coefficient of innovation activity of the manager was built.
Problemi Ekonomiki, 2020
35. Laguna m., marklund J. Business process modeling, simulation and design second edition. CRC P... more 35. Laguna m., marklund J. Business process modeling, simulation and design second edition. CRC Press, taylor and Francis Group, 2013. 36. академічний тлумачний словник української мови. URL: http://sum.in.ua/s/dokorinnyj 37. Зуб а. т. принятие управленческих решений: учебник и практикум для академического бакалаврата. м. : Юрайт, 2018. 332 с. 38. мартынюк е. а. технологии реинжиниринга бизнеспроцессов предприятий. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. 2013. № 6. С. 118-121. 39. mohapatra S. the need for BPR and its history. In Business
The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation... more The article proposes a method for diagnosing the level of criticality of an undesirable deviation in the supply-production-marketing chain based on simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes such a deviation on each link in the chain using a number of representative parameters (reliability of the supply chain, inventory management system, negative response from external marketing stakeholders, competitiveness of the marketing complex, quality of the production process, flexibility of the production process, level of planned processes violation). Given that in terms of their content the absolute majority of parameters for simulating the impact of a potential or actual incident that causes undesirable deviation for each link in the supply-production-marketing chain are fuzzy, it is feasible and necessary to use fuzzy set tools to solve the specified problem. Also, according to the results of the performed research, a set of heuristic rules for diagnosing incid...
The parameters of the system engineering activities as a business trend of domestic machine-build... more The parameters of the system engineering activities as a business trend of domestic machine-building enterprises for the development of information support of decision-making in this area are established with the help of expert survey instruments. Strong and weak points of the system operation are identified. It has been characterized and reasonably formed the sample of managers of domestic engineering enterprises who were experts in the survey. According to the survey results the conclusions have been made regarding market growth of engineering services; technology, which capital should be primarily invested in; main tasks of domestic engineering in the field of engineering services in the nearest future; distinguishing of the reasons that make the machine building diversify their activities towards providing engineering services as well as the distinguishing of reasons that do not allow to do it. These developments eliminate the gap of national statistics that describes briefly th...
variables (factor characteristics), the indicators of the level of administrative systems formati... more variables (factor characteristics), the indicators of the level of administrative systems formation (R) and the level of their stability (R) were chosen to solve the problem. Appropriate calculations to verify the hypothesis were done for the activities of a number of domestic business entities.