Dedi Wardianto - (original) (raw)
Papers by Dedi Wardianto
Agroteknika, Jun 30, 2018
Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan merupakan kegiatan pengolahan tanah yang dilakukan setelah dan... more Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan merupakan kegiatan pengolahan tanah yang dilakukan setelah dan sebelum penanaman. Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan koret dan cangkul. Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan secara manual memerlukan lebih banyak waktu, tenaga dan biaya. Alat pembumbn dan pembuat bedengan terdiri dari garu pegas dan bajak piring yang jarang digunakan karena kurang efektif saat penggunaan di lahan. Alat pembumbun dapat digunakan pada berbagai jarak tanam dengan menyesuaikan letak piringan dan rear wheel traktor terhadap barisan tanaman. Alat pembuatan bedengan akan membentuk bedengan dengan lebar bedengan atas 55 cm, lebar bedengan bawah 1 m, tinggi bedengan 25 cm dan jarak antar bedengan atau alur adalah 30 cm. Dalam 1 kali lintasan alat pembuat bedengan dapat membuat 1 bedengan dengan dengan 1 alur sedangkan alat pembumbun akan membumbun 2 baris tanaman. Dari uji kinerja alat, didapat kapasitas kerja alat pembuat bedengan adalah 0.2767 ha/jam dan kapasitas alat pembumbun 0.371 ha/jam. Untuk pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan, biaya pokok dan BEP berturutturut adalah Rp. 199.533 /ha dan 19,21 ha/tahun dan Rp. 271.517/ha dan 20,90 ha/tahun.
Menara Ilmu, Jun 26, 2018
Pompa adalah suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari tekanan yang lebih rendah ke... more Pompa adalah suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari tekanan yang lebih rendah ke tekanan yang lebih tinggi dan/ atau posisi yang lebih rendah ke posisi yang lebih tinggi. Salah satu jenis pompa yang banyak dipakai untuk kebutuhan industri adalah pompa sentrifugal. Pada pompa centrifugal salah satu komponen yang penting adalah bearing sebagai penumpu poros untuk menggerakkan impeler pada pompa centrifugal. Akibat adanya gaya-gaya yang timbul sebagai akibat dari putaran pada impeler pompa, timbul gaya aksial yang menyebabkan bantalan/ bearing tipe 6305 mudah mengalami kerusakan. Oleh sebab itu, digunakan bantalan/ bearing tipe 7305 BE sebagai pengganti bantalan tipe 6305 yang sanggup menerima gaya-gaya aksial yang ditimbulkan akibat putaran pada poros impeler pompa. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa Akibat putaran dari impeller maka timbul juga gaya aksial sehingga bearing tipe 6305 tidak dapat mengatasi gaya-gaya yang timbul tersebut. Penggunaan angular contact ball bearing tipe 7305 BE menggantikan deep groove ball bearing tipe 6305 pada pompa centrifugal produksi RRC tipe XA40/26 dapat meningkatkan umur bearing hingga 200%. Kata kunci : pompa centrifugal, angular contact ball bearing, gaya aksial. PENDAHULUAN Dewasa ini pompa semakin banyak digunakan dan penggunaannya semakin bermacam-macam. Dahulu pompa hanya digunakan untuk memindahkan air saja tetapi sekarang penggunaannya semakin luas yaitu juga digunakan untuk memindahkan bahanbahan kimia serta benda cair lainnya. Pompa merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk mempermudah kerja manusia terutama untuk memindahkan benda yang berupa fluida cair.
Menara Ilmu, Aug 7, 2017
Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs ... more Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 175 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the lubricating oil temperature in the lower guide bearing genarator resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 10 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise lubricating oil temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze using the tool RCFA (root cause failure analysis) which is an investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the analysis, we concluded that the formulation RCFA rise oil temparature of lower guide bearing oil due to low flow rate of lubricating oil resulting decline in maximum heat transfer is from 71 kW to 45.54 kW and due to the clearance between the bearing of the shaft does not correspond with the allowed values the manufacturer of the engine when viewed with shaft deflection values that occurred in unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant evidenced by thermal produced (Hg) greater value five-fold in the amount of 14.133 kW.
Rang Teknik Journal, Jan 4, 2020
Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumat... more Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 68 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the temperature in the turbine guide bearing resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 5 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise bearing temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the rise in temperature of turbine guide bearing not caused by the cooling water flow rate, from the results of calculations that heat transfer has increased after doing major overhaul that is from 94,296 kW to 102,154 kW. Rise bearing temperature of turbine guide bearing due to the clearance between the bearing of the shaft does not correspond with the allowed values the manufacturer of the engine when viewed with shaft deflection values that occurred in unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant evidenced by thermal produced (Hg) greater value 16,6 % in the amount of 14.133 kW.
This study aimed to develop an innovative propeller turbine design to facilitate easy manufacturi... more This study aimed to develop an innovative propeller turbine design to facilitate easy manufacturing and maintenance processes, leading to a reduction in costs. Furthermore, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was employed to identify the most optimal model and design for the propeller turbine. Problem-solving within the AHP framework was guided by three fundamental principles, namely decomposition, Comparative Judgment, and Logical Consistency. The procedure included problem decomposition, assessment/ weighting to compare elements, matrix preparation and consistency testing, setting priorities for each hierarchy, priority synthesis, and decision-making. To establish a benchmark, three types of propeller turbines currently available in the market served as references. Meanwhile, the selection criteria for the model were based on several factors, including power factor, time efficiency, ease of manufacture, as well as production and maintenance costs. Considering the criteri...
IOP conference series, Apr 24, 2020
A series of activities was occupied to reveal the failure event of the pump bearing of SKF 6313 t... more A series of activities was occupied to reveal the failure event of the pump bearing of SKF 6313 type. As the result of macroscopic and microscopic analysis, it was triggered by maintenance lack along the operation. The failure was proved by the metallographic test that there was a deformation caused heat that of the cooling distribution lack due to nonmaintenance periodically. The high local temperature cause the bearing life (L.10 standard) reduces, therefore it make a degradation of strength. Bearing life tends to decrease, according to the life calculation it should operate up to 8000 hours, but in fact, it is only operate between 2000-4000 hours. The bearings was made from the high carbon steel that follow the AISI-SAE 1095 standard, the chemical composition were 0.917% C, 0.41% Mn, 0.030% S. The deformation on the surface between two sides contacted ball of bearings was visible that of the suffered erosion due to friction, it could be predicted because of the lubrication lack, so it triggered an increasing of local contact temperature.
this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve... more this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve students' understanding of gasoline motors. With the cluster random sampling technique in selecting samples one control class and one experimental class were selected. After being given treatment in each class, obtained post-test data. This post-test data were analysed using the t test. The average post-test results showed that the experimental class was higher than the mean of the control class. Thus it means that learning problem based project learning is more effective than conventional models.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
In this paper, an analysis of the mechanical components of the Screw Press Machine is carried out... more In this paper, an analysis of the mechanical components of the Screw Press Machine is carried out in the form of an analysis of the design of mechanical components, maintenance cycles and remaining life. From the design analysis of mechanical components, it is known that the stresses that occur in the screw are in the form of nominal shear stresses of 18.18 N/mm², axial stresses of -10.41 N/mm², bending stresses of 54.66 N/mm², and shear stresses acting on the base screw of 65.41 N/mm². The number of press cycles that occur in one hour is 121 cycles. Number in the press cycle that occurs in the worm screw press is 2.625x105 cycles. In field conditions with pressure fluctuating between 30-40 bars, the life time of using a worm screw press is around 2169.43 hours.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Electricity is a strategic energy resource and is very important for the livelihood of many peopl... more Electricity is a strategic energy resource and is very important for the livelihood of many people. The government has tried to free Indonesia from the electricity crisis and is trying to find alternative uses of new and renewable energy (EBT). The government has committed that NRE will continue to be developed to ensure energy security in Indonesia and meet the growing demand for electricity. The government has set a target of 23% share of clean energy in the national energy mix in 2025 and 31% in 2030 through the National Energy Policy (KEN) and the General National Energy Plan (RUEN). To succeed the government program is to take advantage of the potential energy sources that exist around people's residences. However, one of the obstacles is the remote location so that access is difficult. In addition, the village community lacks knowledge about microhydro technology. Therefore it is necessary to design a turbine that is not complicated to manufacture. The complexity is in the...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
The research conducted in this paper is related to the Effect of Camshaft Racing on Motor Matic P... more The research conducted in this paper is related to the Effect of Camshaft Racing on Motor Matic Performance. For Performance Testing such as power, torque, engine speed, acceleration at engine speed of 6000 to 9000 rpm. Performance testing using a dyno test tool type Super Dyno 50L. The results of this test are used to compare the performance of an automatic motorcycle using a standard camshaft (STD) and a Racing camshaft (BRT). From this study it was found that the performance for the Racing camshaft (BRT) increased compared to the standard camshaft performance (STD), the acceleration value was 6.2% to 4.5%, speed 1.0% to 0.6%, power 9.0% to 4.5%. 16.2%, torque 6.1% to 2.9%. In general, it can be said that camshaft Racing (BRT) has better performance.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Pompa hidram adalah pompa air dengan memanfaatkan energi potensial (EP = mgh) yang dipunyai oleh ... more Pompa hidram adalah pompa air dengan memanfaatkan energi potensial (EP = mgh) yang dipunyai oleh air karena ada perbedaan ketinggian letak dengan rumah pompa (elevasi) dan energi kinetik (EK = ½ mV2) yang terjadi ketika air mengalir dari reservoir sumber air di dalam pipa intake menuju rumah pompa hidram sehingga menimbulkan tekanan dinamik air atau palu air (water hammer) sehingga air tersebut dapat dipindah dari permukaan yang lebih tinggi dari rumah pompa (H2 = ± 50 meter s/d 500 meter dari rumah pompa. Perbedaan elevasi ini minimal ± 1 meter debit air yang dipompakan (minimal) 7 liter tiap menit tergantung pada diameter Æ pompa dan tipe pompa yang dipasang. Secara matematik konstruktif pemasangan pompa ini standarnya panjang pipa intake (pipa masuk sama dengan 5 s/d 10 kali tinggi terjun air (H1 atau L intake = 5 s/d 10 x H1). H1 = tinggi terjun (vertikal faall) L intake = panjang pipa intake.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Mesin perajang talas ini akan bekerja ketika motor listrik dihidupkan maka akan berputar kemudian... more Mesin perajang talas ini akan bekerja ketika motor listrik dihidupkan maka akan berputar kemudian gerak putar dari mesin ditransmisikan ke pulley dengan menggunakan v-belt untuk menggerakkan poros maka piringan tempat pisau akan berputar dan talas siap untuk dirajang. Setelah talas dirajang maka akan keluar melalui corong. Selama ini industri atau produk-produk mesin industri menunjukkan kemampuan yang sangat pesat, baik dari segi volume maupun segi keragaman produk yang dihasilkan. Perkembangan produk tidak hanya di tandai dengan terpenuhnya kepentingan masyarakat akan produk industri baik skala kecil maupun besar, tetapi juga mengarah ke arah ekspor yang akan meningkatkan devisa bagi negara Indonesia. Komonitas pertanian sangatlah banyak salah satunya adalah talas, dikarenakan musim yang cocok dengan wilayah Indonesia. Dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi tepat guna dapat ditemukan alat–alat teknologi yang dapat mengolah hasil tani, jadi dibuatkan lah pemikiran bagaimana meningk...
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Abstrak Turbin vortex adalah turbin yang beroperasi dengan memanfaatkan aliran vortex sebagai pen... more Abstrak Turbin vortex adalah turbin yang beroperasi dengan memanfaatkan aliran vortex sebagai penggerak sudu-sudu turbin yang kemudian poros turbin dihubungkan ke generator untuk mengkonversi energi mekanis poros kedalam bentuk energi listrik. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian terhadap turbin vortex dengan head 1 m, debit aliran 0,12 m3/s. dalam proses pengujian akan di gunakan 3 jenis sudu, yaitu sudu lurus, sudu lengkung dan sudu lengkung bersirip. Setelah dilakukan pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa daya tertinggi terdapat pada sudu lengkung sebesar 959,08 watt dan berikutnya sudu lengkung bersirip 714.38 watt, sedang kan daya terendah terdapat pada jenis sudu lurus 582.48 Watt. Untuk putaran yang dihasilkan dapat terlihat pada grafik dibawah, Putaran tertinggi terdapat pada sudu lengkung bersirip sebesar 540,00 rpm dan berikutnya sudu lengkung 517.67 rpm, sedang kan putran terendah terdapat pada jenis sudu lurus 510.67 rpm. Untuk effisiensi masing masin s...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Heat Exchanger 212-E9 is one part of the working fluid Debutanizer unit with seawater on inner tu... more Heat Exchanger 212-E9 is one part of the working fluid Debutanizer unit with seawater on inner tubes and H2S on the outside of the tubes. These tubes have failed in the form of leakage. Here the analysis of leakage and the remaining life of the tubes are based on data from the inspection and analysis of general corrosion of the tubes. Part inlet tube erosion-corrosion as well as there are some leaks in the tubes. From the results of inspections in the field, erosion-corrosion of the inlet tube caused by the flow of seawater on the inlet tube containing a solution/coarse material. While the leakage that occurs in tubes due to the H2S concentration is too high, which is equal to 2 mol % H2S. In fact, the recommended H2S concentration is 0.32 mol % H2S. The high level of concentration of H2S is not suitable with the level of material resistance tubes. In the analysis of remaining life obtained maximum corrosion rate in the tubes of 0.2372 mm/year. With the usage time now is 6 year obta...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Energy sources that can be renewed in Indonesia according to Asean energy sources, one of which i... more Energy sources that can be renewed in Indonesia according to Asean energy sources, one of which is microhydro that uses water as a source of energy from a turbine. The potential energy of water is converted into kinetic energy in the nozzles. The water coming out of the nozzle that has a high speed hits the turbine blade. After hitting the blade direction the flow velocity changes so that the momentum changes (impulses) so that the turbine wheel will rotate. Pelton Turbines are impulse turbines which consist of a set of road blades that are rotated by a jet of water sprayed from one or more devices called nozzles. Pelton Turbine is one of the most efficient and suitable types of water turbines used for high head and small flow discharge. Pelton turbines have several advantages including turbine efficiency which is relatively stable at various changes in flow discharge. The purpose of this writing is to find out and provide insight into the torque and power of the Pelton turbine and ...
Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs ... more Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 175 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the lubricating oil temperature in the lower guide bearing genarator resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 10 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise lubricating oil temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze using the tool RCFA (root cause failure analysis) which is an investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the analysis, we concluded that the formulation RCFA rise oil temparature of lower guide bearing oil due to low flow rate of lubricating oil resulting decline in maximum heat transfer is from 71 kW to 45.54 kW and due to the clearance between the bearing...
this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve... more this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve students' understanding of gasoline motors. With the cluster random sampling technique in selecting samples one control class and one experimental class were selected. After being given treatment in each class, obtained post-test data. This post-test data were analysed using the t test. The average post-test results showed that the experimental class was higher than the mean of the control class. Thus it means that learning problem based project learning is more effective than conventional models.
Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumat... more Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 68 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the temperature in the turbine guide bearing resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 5 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise bearing temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the rise in temperature of turbine guide bearing not caused by the cooling water flow rate, from the results of calculations that heat transfer has increased after doing major overhaul that is from 94,296 kW to 102,154 kW. Rise bearing temperature of turbine guide bearing due to the clearance between the bearing...
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI, 2020
Gambir is a specific plant for Indonesia with the central area of West Sumatra Province. Gambir... more Gambir is a specific plant for Indonesia with the central area of West Sumatra Province. Gambir plant processed products are widely used for medicines, cosmetics and dyes. Gambir production has been going on for more than a century in the central villages of West Sumatra Province, but there are still many problems in gambir production that are detrimental to gambir farmers. The problems felt by gambir farmers so far include the fluctuating price of processed gambir products and tend to be cheap. The low price of processed farmers' gambir is because the production process is traditional and mixes with other ingredients so it is not hygienic. Furthermore, the low price of processed gambir products is because they are only sold to collectors in village markets (monopsony market structure). Seeing the above problems, the solution as well as the wishes of the community, first is training and assistance for pure and hygienic gambier processing. Both training and assistance in sellin...
Agroteknika, Jun 30, 2018
Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan merupakan kegiatan pengolahan tanah yang dilakukan setelah dan... more Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan merupakan kegiatan pengolahan tanah yang dilakukan setelah dan sebelum penanaman. Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan koret dan cangkul. Pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan secara manual memerlukan lebih banyak waktu, tenaga dan biaya. Alat pembumbn dan pembuat bedengan terdiri dari garu pegas dan bajak piring yang jarang digunakan karena kurang efektif saat penggunaan di lahan. Alat pembumbun dapat digunakan pada berbagai jarak tanam dengan menyesuaikan letak piringan dan rear wheel traktor terhadap barisan tanaman. Alat pembuatan bedengan akan membentuk bedengan dengan lebar bedengan atas 55 cm, lebar bedengan bawah 1 m, tinggi bedengan 25 cm dan jarak antar bedengan atau alur adalah 30 cm. Dalam 1 kali lintasan alat pembuat bedengan dapat membuat 1 bedengan dengan dengan 1 alur sedangkan alat pembumbun akan membumbun 2 baris tanaman. Dari uji kinerja alat, didapat kapasitas kerja alat pembuat bedengan adalah 0.2767 ha/jam dan kapasitas alat pembumbun 0.371 ha/jam. Untuk pembumbunan dan pembuatan bedengan, biaya pokok dan BEP berturutturut adalah Rp. 199.533 /ha dan 19,21 ha/tahun dan Rp. 271.517/ha dan 20,90 ha/tahun.
Menara Ilmu, Jun 26, 2018
Pompa adalah suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari tekanan yang lebih rendah ke... more Pompa adalah suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari tekanan yang lebih rendah ke tekanan yang lebih tinggi dan/ atau posisi yang lebih rendah ke posisi yang lebih tinggi. Salah satu jenis pompa yang banyak dipakai untuk kebutuhan industri adalah pompa sentrifugal. Pada pompa centrifugal salah satu komponen yang penting adalah bearing sebagai penumpu poros untuk menggerakkan impeler pada pompa centrifugal. Akibat adanya gaya-gaya yang timbul sebagai akibat dari putaran pada impeler pompa, timbul gaya aksial yang menyebabkan bantalan/ bearing tipe 6305 mudah mengalami kerusakan. Oleh sebab itu, digunakan bantalan/ bearing tipe 7305 BE sebagai pengganti bantalan tipe 6305 yang sanggup menerima gaya-gaya aksial yang ditimbulkan akibat putaran pada poros impeler pompa. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa Akibat putaran dari impeller maka timbul juga gaya aksial sehingga bearing tipe 6305 tidak dapat mengatasi gaya-gaya yang timbul tersebut. Penggunaan angular contact ball bearing tipe 7305 BE menggantikan deep groove ball bearing tipe 6305 pada pompa centrifugal produksi RRC tipe XA40/26 dapat meningkatkan umur bearing hingga 200%. Kata kunci : pompa centrifugal, angular contact ball bearing, gaya aksial. PENDAHULUAN Dewasa ini pompa semakin banyak digunakan dan penggunaannya semakin bermacam-macam. Dahulu pompa hanya digunakan untuk memindahkan air saja tetapi sekarang penggunaannya semakin luas yaitu juga digunakan untuk memindahkan bahanbahan kimia serta benda cair lainnya. Pompa merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk mempermudah kerja manusia terutama untuk memindahkan benda yang berupa fluida cair.
Menara Ilmu, Aug 7, 2017
Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs ... more Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 175 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the lubricating oil temperature in the lower guide bearing genarator resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 10 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise lubricating oil temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze using the tool RCFA (root cause failure analysis) which is an investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the analysis, we concluded that the formulation RCFA rise oil temparature of lower guide bearing oil due to low flow rate of lubricating oil resulting decline in maximum heat transfer is from 71 kW to 45.54 kW and due to the clearance between the bearing of the shaft does not correspond with the allowed values the manufacturer of the engine when viewed with shaft deflection values that occurred in unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant evidenced by thermal produced (Hg) greater value five-fold in the amount of 14.133 kW.
Rang Teknik Journal, Jan 4, 2020
Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumat... more Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 68 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the temperature in the turbine guide bearing resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 5 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise bearing temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the rise in temperature of turbine guide bearing not caused by the cooling water flow rate, from the results of calculations that heat transfer has increased after doing major overhaul that is from 94,296 kW to 102,154 kW. Rise bearing temperature of turbine guide bearing due to the clearance between the bearing of the shaft does not correspond with the allowed values the manufacturer of the engine when viewed with shaft deflection values that occurred in unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant evidenced by thermal produced (Hg) greater value 16,6 % in the amount of 14.133 kW.
This study aimed to develop an innovative propeller turbine design to facilitate easy manufacturi... more This study aimed to develop an innovative propeller turbine design to facilitate easy manufacturing and maintenance processes, leading to a reduction in costs. Furthermore, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was employed to identify the most optimal model and design for the propeller turbine. Problem-solving within the AHP framework was guided by three fundamental principles, namely decomposition, Comparative Judgment, and Logical Consistency. The procedure included problem decomposition, assessment/ weighting to compare elements, matrix preparation and consistency testing, setting priorities for each hierarchy, priority synthesis, and decision-making. To establish a benchmark, three types of propeller turbines currently available in the market served as references. Meanwhile, the selection criteria for the model were based on several factors, including power factor, time efficiency, ease of manufacture, as well as production and maintenance costs. Considering the criteri...
IOP conference series, Apr 24, 2020
A series of activities was occupied to reveal the failure event of the pump bearing of SKF 6313 t... more A series of activities was occupied to reveal the failure event of the pump bearing of SKF 6313 type. As the result of macroscopic and microscopic analysis, it was triggered by maintenance lack along the operation. The failure was proved by the metallographic test that there was a deformation caused heat that of the cooling distribution lack due to nonmaintenance periodically. The high local temperature cause the bearing life (L.10 standard) reduces, therefore it make a degradation of strength. Bearing life tends to decrease, according to the life calculation it should operate up to 8000 hours, but in fact, it is only operate between 2000-4000 hours. The bearings was made from the high carbon steel that follow the AISI-SAE 1095 standard, the chemical composition were 0.917% C, 0.41% Mn, 0.030% S. The deformation on the surface between two sides contacted ball of bearings was visible that of the suffered erosion due to friction, it could be predicted because of the lubrication lack, so it triggered an increasing of local contact temperature.
this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve... more this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve students' understanding of gasoline motors. With the cluster random sampling technique in selecting samples one control class and one experimental class were selected. After being given treatment in each class, obtained post-test data. This post-test data were analysed using the t test. The average post-test results showed that the experimental class was higher than the mean of the control class. Thus it means that learning problem based project learning is more effective than conventional models.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
In this paper, an analysis of the mechanical components of the Screw Press Machine is carried out... more In this paper, an analysis of the mechanical components of the Screw Press Machine is carried out in the form of an analysis of the design of mechanical components, maintenance cycles and remaining life. From the design analysis of mechanical components, it is known that the stresses that occur in the screw are in the form of nominal shear stresses of 18.18 N/mm², axial stresses of -10.41 N/mm², bending stresses of 54.66 N/mm², and shear stresses acting on the base screw of 65.41 N/mm². The number of press cycles that occur in one hour is 121 cycles. Number in the press cycle that occurs in the worm screw press is 2.625x105 cycles. In field conditions with pressure fluctuating between 30-40 bars, the life time of using a worm screw press is around 2169.43 hours.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Electricity is a strategic energy resource and is very important for the livelihood of many peopl... more Electricity is a strategic energy resource and is very important for the livelihood of many people. The government has tried to free Indonesia from the electricity crisis and is trying to find alternative uses of new and renewable energy (EBT). The government has committed that NRE will continue to be developed to ensure energy security in Indonesia and meet the growing demand for electricity. The government has set a target of 23% share of clean energy in the national energy mix in 2025 and 31% in 2030 through the National Energy Policy (KEN) and the General National Energy Plan (RUEN). To succeed the government program is to take advantage of the potential energy sources that exist around people's residences. However, one of the obstacles is the remote location so that access is difficult. In addition, the village community lacks knowledge about microhydro technology. Therefore it is necessary to design a turbine that is not complicated to manufacture. The complexity is in the...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
The research conducted in this paper is related to the Effect of Camshaft Racing on Motor Matic P... more The research conducted in this paper is related to the Effect of Camshaft Racing on Motor Matic Performance. For Performance Testing such as power, torque, engine speed, acceleration at engine speed of 6000 to 9000 rpm. Performance testing using a dyno test tool type Super Dyno 50L. The results of this test are used to compare the performance of an automatic motorcycle using a standard camshaft (STD) and a Racing camshaft (BRT). From this study it was found that the performance for the Racing camshaft (BRT) increased compared to the standard camshaft performance (STD), the acceleration value was 6.2% to 4.5%, speed 1.0% to 0.6%, power 9.0% to 4.5%. 16.2%, torque 6.1% to 2.9%. In general, it can be said that camshaft Racing (BRT) has better performance.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Pompa hidram adalah pompa air dengan memanfaatkan energi potensial (EP = mgh) yang dipunyai oleh ... more Pompa hidram adalah pompa air dengan memanfaatkan energi potensial (EP = mgh) yang dipunyai oleh air karena ada perbedaan ketinggian letak dengan rumah pompa (elevasi) dan energi kinetik (EK = ½ mV2) yang terjadi ketika air mengalir dari reservoir sumber air di dalam pipa intake menuju rumah pompa hidram sehingga menimbulkan tekanan dinamik air atau palu air (water hammer) sehingga air tersebut dapat dipindah dari permukaan yang lebih tinggi dari rumah pompa (H2 = ± 50 meter s/d 500 meter dari rumah pompa. Perbedaan elevasi ini minimal ± 1 meter debit air yang dipompakan (minimal) 7 liter tiap menit tergantung pada diameter Æ pompa dan tipe pompa yang dipasang. Secara matematik konstruktif pemasangan pompa ini standarnya panjang pipa intake (pipa masuk sama dengan 5 s/d 10 kali tinggi terjun air (H1 atau L intake = 5 s/d 10 x H1). H1 = tinggi terjun (vertikal faall) L intake = panjang pipa intake.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Mesin perajang talas ini akan bekerja ketika motor listrik dihidupkan maka akan berputar kemudian... more Mesin perajang talas ini akan bekerja ketika motor listrik dihidupkan maka akan berputar kemudian gerak putar dari mesin ditransmisikan ke pulley dengan menggunakan v-belt untuk menggerakkan poros maka piringan tempat pisau akan berputar dan talas siap untuk dirajang. Setelah talas dirajang maka akan keluar melalui corong. Selama ini industri atau produk-produk mesin industri menunjukkan kemampuan yang sangat pesat, baik dari segi volume maupun segi keragaman produk yang dihasilkan. Perkembangan produk tidak hanya di tandai dengan terpenuhnya kepentingan masyarakat akan produk industri baik skala kecil maupun besar, tetapi juga mengarah ke arah ekspor yang akan meningkatkan devisa bagi negara Indonesia. Komonitas pertanian sangatlah banyak salah satunya adalah talas, dikarenakan musim yang cocok dengan wilayah Indonesia. Dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi tepat guna dapat ditemukan alat–alat teknologi yang dapat mengolah hasil tani, jadi dibuatkan lah pemikiran bagaimana meningk...
Jurnal Teknologi dan Vokasi
Abstrak Turbin vortex adalah turbin yang beroperasi dengan memanfaatkan aliran vortex sebagai pen... more Abstrak Turbin vortex adalah turbin yang beroperasi dengan memanfaatkan aliran vortex sebagai penggerak sudu-sudu turbin yang kemudian poros turbin dihubungkan ke generator untuk mengkonversi energi mekanis poros kedalam bentuk energi listrik. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian terhadap turbin vortex dengan head 1 m, debit aliran 0,12 m3/s. dalam proses pengujian akan di gunakan 3 jenis sudu, yaitu sudu lurus, sudu lengkung dan sudu lengkung bersirip. Setelah dilakukan pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa daya tertinggi terdapat pada sudu lengkung sebesar 959,08 watt dan berikutnya sudu lengkung bersirip 714.38 watt, sedang kan daya terendah terdapat pada jenis sudu lurus 582.48 Watt. Untuk putaran yang dihasilkan dapat terlihat pada grafik dibawah, Putaran tertinggi terdapat pada sudu lengkung bersirip sebesar 540,00 rpm dan berikutnya sudu lengkung 517.67 rpm, sedang kan putran terendah terdapat pada jenis sudu lurus 510.67 rpm. Untuk effisiensi masing masin s...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Heat Exchanger 212-E9 is one part of the working fluid Debutanizer unit with seawater on inner tu... more Heat Exchanger 212-E9 is one part of the working fluid Debutanizer unit with seawater on inner tubes and H2S on the outside of the tubes. These tubes have failed in the form of leakage. Here the analysis of leakage and the remaining life of the tubes are based on data from the inspection and analysis of general corrosion of the tubes. Part inlet tube erosion-corrosion as well as there are some leaks in the tubes. From the results of inspections in the field, erosion-corrosion of the inlet tube caused by the flow of seawater on the inlet tube containing a solution/coarse material. While the leakage that occurs in tubes due to the H2S concentration is too high, which is equal to 2 mol % H2S. In fact, the recommended H2S concentration is 0.32 mol % H2S. The high level of concentration of H2S is not suitable with the level of material resistance tubes. In the analysis of remaining life obtained maximum corrosion rate in the tubes of 0.2372 mm/year. With the usage time now is 6 year obta...
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Energy sources that can be renewed in Indonesia according to Asean energy sources, one of which i... more Energy sources that can be renewed in Indonesia according to Asean energy sources, one of which is microhydro that uses water as a source of energy from a turbine. The potential energy of water is converted into kinetic energy in the nozzles. The water coming out of the nozzle that has a high speed hits the turbine blade. After hitting the blade direction the flow velocity changes so that the momentum changes (impulses) so that the turbine wheel will rotate. Pelton Turbines are impulse turbines which consist of a set of road blades that are rotated by a jet of water sprayed from one or more devices called nozzles. Pelton Turbine is one of the most efficient and suitable types of water turbines used for high head and small flow discharge. Pelton turbines have several advantages including turbine efficiency which is relatively stable at various changes in flow discharge. The purpose of this writing is to find out and provide insight into the torque and power of the Pelton turbine and ...
Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs ... more Singkarak hydro power plant is one of the largest power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 175 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Singkarak hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the lubricating oil temperature in the lower guide bearing genarator resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 10 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise lubricating oil temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze using the tool RCFA (root cause failure analysis) which is an investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the analysis, we concluded that the formulation RCFA rise oil temparature of lower guide bearing oil due to low flow rate of lubricating oil resulting decline in maximum heat transfer is from 71 kW to 45.54 kW and due to the clearance between the bearing...
this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve... more this study aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-project based learning model to improve students' understanding of gasoline motors. With the cluster random sampling technique in selecting samples one control class and one experimental class were selected. After being given treatment in each class, obtained post-test data. This post-test data were analysed using the t test. The average post-test results showed that the experimental class was higher than the mean of the control class. Thus it means that learning problem based project learning is more effective than conventional models.
Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumat... more Maninjau hydro power plant is one of power generation to meet the electricity needs of West Sumatra with a capacity of 68 MW with four units generating machine. Unit 4 Maninjau hydro power plant experiencing abnormalities of the temperature in the turbine guide bearing resulting in decreased generation unit installed capacity of 5 MW and the changing patterns of operation and maintenance. This thesis aims to find the root of the problem that caused the rise bearing temperature as well as finding a solution fixes the problem. The method used to analyze investigation process to determine the main causes of a failure mode. From the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the rise in temperature of turbine guide bearing not caused by the cooling water flow rate, from the results of calculations that heat transfer has increased after doing major overhaul that is from 94,296 kW to 102,154 kW. Rise bearing temperature of turbine guide bearing due to the clearance between the bearing...
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI, 2020
Gambir is a specific plant for Indonesia with the central area of West Sumatra Province. Gambir... more Gambir is a specific plant for Indonesia with the central area of West Sumatra Province. Gambir plant processed products are widely used for medicines, cosmetics and dyes. Gambir production has been going on for more than a century in the central villages of West Sumatra Province, but there are still many problems in gambir production that are detrimental to gambir farmers. The problems felt by gambir farmers so far include the fluctuating price of processed gambir products and tend to be cheap. The low price of processed farmers' gambir is because the production process is traditional and mixes with other ingredients so it is not hygienic. Furthermore, the low price of processed gambir products is because they are only sold to collectors in village markets (monopsony market structure). Seeing the above problems, the solution as well as the wishes of the community, first is training and assistance for pure and hygienic gambier processing. Both training and assistance in sellin...