Werner Bailer - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Werner Bailer

Research paper thumbnail of Semantics of Temporal Media Content Descriptions

The temporal structure of multimedia content is an important aspect of the description of time-ba... more The temporal structure of multimedia content is an important aspect of the description of time-based media and needed in many applications. Expressive con- tent description languages, such as MPEG-7, provide tools for describing the temporal decomposition of content into segments. Although the semantics of temporal decom- position are apparent, the validation of the semantics of the temporal decompositions (e.g. temporal

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Research paper thumbnail of Deploying Multimedia Metadata on the Semantic Web

Semantics and Digital Media Technologies, 2007

Abstract—The effective and efficient deployment,of multimedia metadata,along with the content is ... more Abstract—The effective and efficient deployment,of multimedia metadata,along with the content is a critical shortcoming,regard- ing multimedia,applications on the Semantic Web. A large set of multimedia,metadata,formats have been used for years in diverse applications. The deployment,of these formats,in the context of the Semantic Web is, however, problematic since a framework allowing agents to directly access and process existing multimedia metadata descriptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Joanneum research at trecvid 2005–camera motion detection

Proceedings of TRECVID …

Submitted runs Our approach is based on feature tracking, clustering the feature trajectories and... more Submitted runs Our approach is based on feature tracking, clustering the feature trajectories and selecting the cluster representing dominant motion. The parameters for the decision about the presence of certain types of camera motion from the estimated motion parameter ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A description infrastructure for audiovisual media processing systems based on MPEG-7

Journal of Universal Knowledge …, 2006

Abstract: We present a case study of establishing a description infrastructure for media processi... more Abstract: We present a case study of establishing a description infrastructure for media processing systems. The description infrastructure consists of an internal metadata model and access tools for using it. Based on an analysis of requirements, we selected, out of a set of candidates, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Content-based Video Retrieval and Summarization using MPEG7

Retrieval in current multimedia databases is usually limited to browsing and searching based on l... more Retrieval in current multimedia databases is usually limited to browsing and searching based on low-level visual features and explicit textual descriptors. Semantic aspects of visual information are mainly described in full text attributes or mapped onto specialized, application specific description schemes. Result lists of queries are commonly represented by textual descriptions and single key frames. This approach is valid for

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Research paper thumbnail of Object Re-detection Using SIFT and MPEG-7 Color Descriptors

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007

Abstract. Information about the occurrence of objects in videos and their interactions conveys an... more Abstract. Information about the occurrence of objects in videos and their interactions conveys an important part of the semantics of audio-visual content and can be used to narrow the semantic gap in video analysis, retrieval and summarization. Object re-detection, which aims at ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A framework for multimedia content abstraction and its application to rushes exploration

Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval - CIVR '07, 2007

... This work contributes to the activities of the IST research network of excellence K-SPACE (ht... more ... This work contributes to the activities of the IST research network of excellence K-SPACE (http://www.k-space.eu, FP6-027026) funded by the 6th Framework Pro-gramme of the European Union. ... JOANNEUM RESEARCH at TRECVID 2005 – camera motion detection. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Video Browsing Tool for Content Management in Postproduction

International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2010

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This paper will present the contribution of the European PrestoSpace project to the study and dev... more This paper will present the contribution of the European PrestoSpace project to the study and development of a Metadata Access and Delivery ( MAD) platform for multimedia and television broadcast archives. The MAD system aims at generating, validating and delivering to archive users metadata created by automatic and semi- automatic information extraction processes. The MAD publication platform employs audiovisual content

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Research paper thumbnail of The MPEG-‐7 Audiovisual Description Profile standard for describing results of automatic annotation techniques

Broadcast archives are valuable, and adding metadata is a crucial part of both the archival proce... more Broadcast archives are valuable, and adding metadata is a crucial part of both the archival process and the re-activation of archive content. Metadata standards are crucial to enable interoperable content exchange. As manual annotation is very time consuming and expensive, many archives lack the resources to perform this task and rely on automatic extraction of time-coded metadata. These technologies have in common that they produce metadata on a fine level of granularity, e.g., per segment, frame or even regions in a frame. The EBU MIM-SCAIE working group has developed the MPEG-7 Audiovisual Description Profile (AVDP), which reduces the complexity of the overall MPEG-7 MDS schema by selecting only the subset needed for broadcasting. This paper describes this profile and some selected applications that are able to work with AVDP.

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>MPEG-7-based description infrastructure for an audiovisual content analysis and retrieval system</title>

Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005, 2005

ABSTRACT To address the standardization issues of perceptually based image quality for printing s... more ABSTRACT To address the standardization issues of perceptually based image quality for printing systems, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC28, the standardization committee for office equipment chartered the W1.1 project with the responsibility of drafting a proposal for an international standard for the evaluation of printed image quality1. An ISO draft Standard2, ISO/WD 19751-1, Office Equipment - Appearance-based image quality standards for printers - Part 1: Overview, Procedure and Common Methods, 2004 describes the overview of this multi-part appearance-based image quality standard. One of the ISO 19751 multi-part Standard&quot;s tasks is to address the appearance-based gloss and gloss uniformity issues (in ISO 19751-2). This paper summarizes the current status and technical progress since the last two updates3, 4. In particular, we will be discussion our attempt to include 75 degree gloss (G75) objective measurement5 in differential gloss and within-page gloss uniformity. The result for a round-robin experiment involving objective measurement of differential gloss using G60 and G75 gloss measurement geometry is described. The results for two perceptual-based round-robin experiments relating to haze effect on the perception of gloss, and gloss artifacts (gloss streaks/bands, gloss graininess/mottle) are discussed.© (2005) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>An innovative system for formulating complex, combined content-based and keyword-based queries</title>

Internet Imaging V, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A C++ library for handling MPEG7 descriptions

We present a C++ library implementing part 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the MPEG 7 multimedia content descrip... more We present a C++ library implementing part 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the MPEG 7 multimedia content description standard, including the updated version finalized in 2004. The library supports handling of MPEG-7 descriptions as trees of typed objects, supporting (de)serialization from/to XML. It has convenient and powerful features such as creation of subtrees by XPath statements and is extensible

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Research paper thumbnail of The Detailed Audiovisual Profile: Enabling Interoperability between MPEG-7 Based Systems

2006 12th International Multi-Media Modelling Conference, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of An MPEG-7 Extension for Describing Visual Impairments

2008 Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Quality Analysis for Film and Video Restoration

2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

A considerable amount of work in larger film and video restoration projects is dedicated to manua... more A considerable amount of work in larger film and video restoration projects is dedicated to manually exploring the audiovisual content in order to estimate the costs for restoration and to plan the restoration. Manual exploration is a significant cost factor. In this paper we propose ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enabling Multimedia Metadata Interoperability by Defining Formal Semantics of MPEG-7 Profiles

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating Rich Metadata in the TV Broadcast Archives Environment: The PrestoSpace Project

2006 Second International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution (AXMEDIS'06), 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Semantics

Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Detecting and Clustering Multiple Takes of One Scene

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantics of Temporal Media Content Descriptions

The temporal structure of multimedia content is an important aspect of the description of time-ba... more The temporal structure of multimedia content is an important aspect of the description of time-based media and needed in many applications. Expressive con- tent description languages, such as MPEG-7, provide tools for describing the temporal decomposition of content into segments. Although the semantics of temporal decom- position are apparent, the validation of the semantics of the temporal decompositions (e.g. temporal

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Research paper thumbnail of Deploying Multimedia Metadata on the Semantic Web

Semantics and Digital Media Technologies, 2007

Abstract—The effective and efficient deployment,of multimedia metadata,along with the content is ... more Abstract—The effective and efficient deployment,of multimedia metadata,along with the content is a critical shortcoming,regard- ing multimedia,applications on the Semantic Web. A large set of multimedia,metadata,formats have been used for years in diverse applications. The deployment,of these formats,in the context of the Semantic Web is, however, problematic since a framework allowing agents to directly access and process existing multimedia metadata descriptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Joanneum research at trecvid 2005–camera motion detection

Proceedings of TRECVID …

Submitted runs Our approach is based on feature tracking, clustering the feature trajectories and... more Submitted runs Our approach is based on feature tracking, clustering the feature trajectories and selecting the cluster representing dominant motion. The parameters for the decision about the presence of certain types of camera motion from the estimated motion parameter ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A description infrastructure for audiovisual media processing systems based on MPEG-7

Journal of Universal Knowledge …, 2006

Abstract: We present a case study of establishing a description infrastructure for media processi... more Abstract: We present a case study of establishing a description infrastructure for media processing systems. The description infrastructure consists of an internal metadata model and access tools for using it. Based on an analysis of requirements, we selected, out of a set of candidates, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Content-based Video Retrieval and Summarization using MPEG7

Retrieval in current multimedia databases is usually limited to browsing and searching based on l... more Retrieval in current multimedia databases is usually limited to browsing and searching based on low-level visual features and explicit textual descriptors. Semantic aspects of visual information are mainly described in full text attributes or mapped onto specialized, application specific description schemes. Result lists of queries are commonly represented by textual descriptions and single key frames. This approach is valid for

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Research paper thumbnail of Object Re-detection Using SIFT and MPEG-7 Color Descriptors

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007

Abstract. Information about the occurrence of objects in videos and their interactions conveys an... more Abstract. Information about the occurrence of objects in videos and their interactions conveys an important part of the semantics of audio-visual content and can be used to narrow the semantic gap in video analysis, retrieval and summarization. Object re-detection, which aims at ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A framework for multimedia content abstraction and its application to rushes exploration

Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval - CIVR '07, 2007

... This work contributes to the activities of the IST research network of excellence K-SPACE (ht... more ... This work contributes to the activities of the IST research network of excellence K-SPACE (http://www.k-space.eu, FP6-027026) funded by the 6th Framework Pro-gramme of the European Union. ... JOANNEUM RESEARCH at TRECVID 2005 – camera motion detection. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Video Browsing Tool for Content Management in Postproduction

International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2010

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This paper will present the contribution of the European PrestoSpace project to the study and dev... more This paper will present the contribution of the European PrestoSpace project to the study and development of a Metadata Access and Delivery ( MAD) platform for multimedia and television broadcast archives. The MAD system aims at generating, validating and delivering to archive users metadata created by automatic and semi- automatic information extraction processes. The MAD publication platform employs audiovisual content

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Research paper thumbnail of The MPEG-‐7 Audiovisual Description Profile standard for describing results of automatic annotation techniques

Broadcast archives are valuable, and adding metadata is a crucial part of both the archival proce... more Broadcast archives are valuable, and adding metadata is a crucial part of both the archival process and the re-activation of archive content. Metadata standards are crucial to enable interoperable content exchange. As manual annotation is very time consuming and expensive, many archives lack the resources to perform this task and rely on automatic extraction of time-coded metadata. These technologies have in common that they produce metadata on a fine level of granularity, e.g., per segment, frame or even regions in a frame. The EBU MIM-SCAIE working group has developed the MPEG-7 Audiovisual Description Profile (AVDP), which reduces the complexity of the overall MPEG-7 MDS schema by selecting only the subset needed for broadcasting. This paper describes this profile and some selected applications that are able to work with AVDP.

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>MPEG-7-based description infrastructure for an audiovisual content analysis and retrieval system</title>

Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005, 2005

ABSTRACT To address the standardization issues of perceptually based image quality for printing s... more ABSTRACT To address the standardization issues of perceptually based image quality for printing systems, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC28, the standardization committee for office equipment chartered the W1.1 project with the responsibility of drafting a proposal for an international standard for the evaluation of printed image quality1. An ISO draft Standard2, ISO/WD 19751-1, Office Equipment - Appearance-based image quality standards for printers - Part 1: Overview, Procedure and Common Methods, 2004 describes the overview of this multi-part appearance-based image quality standard. One of the ISO 19751 multi-part Standard&quot;s tasks is to address the appearance-based gloss and gloss uniformity issues (in ISO 19751-2). This paper summarizes the current status and technical progress since the last two updates3, 4. In particular, we will be discussion our attempt to include 75 degree gloss (G75) objective measurement5 in differential gloss and within-page gloss uniformity. The result for a round-robin experiment involving objective measurement of differential gloss using G60 and G75 gloss measurement geometry is described. The results for two perceptual-based round-robin experiments relating to haze effect on the perception of gloss, and gloss artifacts (gloss streaks/bands, gloss graininess/mottle) are discussed.© (2005) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>An innovative system for formulating complex, combined content-based and keyword-based queries</title>

Internet Imaging V, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A C++ library for handling MPEG7 descriptions

We present a C++ library implementing part 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the MPEG 7 multimedia content descrip... more We present a C++ library implementing part 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the MPEG 7 multimedia content description standard, including the updated version finalized in 2004. The library supports handling of MPEG-7 descriptions as trees of typed objects, supporting (de)serialization from/to XML. It has convenient and powerful features such as creation of subtrees by XPath statements and is extensible

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Research paper thumbnail of The Detailed Audiovisual Profile: Enabling Interoperability between MPEG-7 Based Systems

2006 12th International Multi-Media Modelling Conference, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of An MPEG-7 Extension for Describing Visual Impairments

2008 Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Quality Analysis for Film and Video Restoration

2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

A considerable amount of work in larger film and video restoration projects is dedicated to manua... more A considerable amount of work in larger film and video restoration projects is dedicated to manually exploring the audiovisual content in order to estimate the costs for restoration and to plan the restoration. Manual exploration is a significant cost factor. In this paper we propose ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enabling Multimedia Metadata Interoperability by Defining Formal Semantics of MPEG-7 Profiles

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating Rich Metadata in the TV Broadcast Archives Environment: The PrestoSpace Project

2006 Second International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution (AXMEDIS'06), 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Semantics

Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Detecting and Clustering Multiple Takes of One Scene

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008

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