Ari Wijayani - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ari Wijayani
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, Aug 21, 2014
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
J-PEN Borneo : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, Apr 29, 2024
Kultur jaringan atau perbanyakan tanaman secara in vitro adalah budidaya tanaman yang dilakukan d... more Kultur jaringan atau perbanyakan tanaman secara in vitro adalah budidaya tanaman yang dilakukan dalam kontainer, botol-botol dengan media khusus dan peralatan serba steril. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan tanaman baru dengan jumlah yang banyak dengan waktu yang relatif singkat. Buku ini menjelaskan tentang seluk beluk kultur jaringan, manfaat kultur jaringan, alat-alat laboratorim kultur jaringan, fasilitas laboratorium kultur jaringan, media tanam kultur jaringan, metode dan pelaksanaan kultur jaringan, beberapa macam teknik kultur jaringan, serta kultur jaringan pada berbagai macam tanaman.139 hlm, ill.; 21 cm
Kawasan di lereng Gunung Arjuna yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai sentra kopi Arjuna ada... more Kawasan di lereng Gunung Arjuna yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai sentra kopi Arjuna adalah Toyomarto, yang terletak di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang berada di ketinggian 700-1400 mdpl. Jenis kopi yang dihasilkan dari kebun Toyomarto, Singosari adalah Arabika dan Robusta. Ciri khas kopinya memiliki karakter asam manis dan aroma fruity seperti pisang, apel, dan sebagainya. Permasalahannya, di lapangan menunjukkan rendahnya kualitas kopi disebabkan belum adanya standar cara budidaya dan penanganan pascapanennya. Pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda menunjukkan perbedaan pada produksi kopinya juga. Rata-rata produksi kopi Arabica di ketinggian 1100 mdpl 55,97 ton, berbeda nyata dengan kopi yang dibudidayakan di ketinggian tempat dibawah 1000 m dpl. Sedangkan kopi Robusta produksinya tidak berbeda nyata di semua ketinggian tempat budidaya.
Vanili merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang memiliki banyak manfaat, sehingga menyebabkan van... more Vanili merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang memiliki banyak manfaat, sehingga menyebabkan vanili mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi. Selama ini tanaman vanili biasa diperbanyak secara vegetatif menggunakan stek batang, tetapi perbanyakan ini memiliki beberapa kelemahan sehingga diperlukan metode perbanyakan secara kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara macam media dengan ZPT, menentukan media dan konsentrasi ZPT yang paling tepat untuk mikrostek vanili. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama yaitu macam media yang terdiri dari media MS, media B5, dan media VW. Faktor kedua yaitu konsentrasi ZPT yang terdiri dari IAA 0,5 + kinetin 1 ppm, IAA 1,0 + kinetin 2 ppm, dan IAA 1,5 + kinetin 3 ppm. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis sidik ragam pada taraf nyata 5% dan diuji lanjut dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan macam media dan konsentrasi IAA dan kinetin terhadap parameter saat tumbuh tunas dan panjang akar. Kombinasi perlakuan M1Z3 memberikan hasil paling baik pada parameter saat tumbuh tunas, sedangkan kombinasi perlakuan M1Z2 memberikan hasil paling baik pada parameter panjang akar. Media MS dan media B5 memberikan respon yang lebih baik pada semua parameter dalam pertumbuhan mikrostek vanili secara in vitro. Pemberian IAA + kinetin pada semua konsentrasi memberikan respon yang sama, kecuali pada parameter bobot kering dalam pertumbuhan mikrostek vanili secara in vitro.
Journal of Economics and Business
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main drivers of the economy in developing countries, ... more Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main drivers of the economy in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. Several SMEs still need to be developed in Indonesia, especially for the 3T region (lagging, leading, and outermost). Sumbawa is one of these areas. The majority of SMEs in the Sumbawa area are weaving SMEs. Weaving SMEs in this region still have problems in terms of SME competitiveness, innovation, and SME creativity. Therefore, they have not been able to compete with SMEs outside the 3T area. Thus, the importance of competitive strategy and knowledge management can encourage the management of information into knowledge that can be used for strategic decision-making, especially the competitive strategy of SMEs. This study will examine the application of knowledge management to SMEs in Sumbawa and whether the applied knowledge management can encourage the creation of a competitive strategy for Sumbawa SMEs. The research was conducted by census/saturated samplin...
Perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif merupakan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tanaman baru yang mem... more Perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif merupakan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tanaman baru yang mempunyai sifat sama dengan tanaman induknya dalam jumlah yang besar. Perbanyakan secara vegetatif dengan sistem konvensional umumnya masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Oleh karena itu saat ini di beberapa negara maju telah banyak dikembangkan suatu sistem perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif yang lebih cepat dengan hasil yang lebih banyak laigi yakni dengan sistem kultur jaringan atau budi daya jaringan.139 hlm; 15 x 21 Cm
Agrivet, Jun 30, 2012
The research was to determine the best combination of Chrysanthemum explant and concentrations of... more The research was to determine the best combination of Chrysanthemum explant and concentrations of BAP (6-benzyl amino purine), the effect of the explant material and the effect concentrations of BAP (6-benzyl amino purine) in vitro culture by Murashige and Skoog medium. The experimental methode was Completely Randomizes Design (CRD) which consisted of two factors. The first factor is the explant material, consisting of three standards are: P1 = node, P2 = shoots, P3 = leaf. The second factor is the concentration of BAP which consists of four levels, namely: B1 = 0.5 ppm, 1.0 ppm = B2, B3 = 1.5 ppm, B4 = 2.0 ppm. The results showed there were significant interaction on fresh weight, dry weight, number of shoots and length of shoots. The treatment combination between bud explants with BAP 0.5 ppm, showed the best results on fresh weight, number of shoots and long shoots. Use of explant shoots, can accelerate the current growth of shoots, expanding the number and length of root buds. The addition of plant growth regulators BAP 0.5 ppm in the tissue culture medium, can spur the rapid growth of shoots, root number and length of root best.
Jurnal Sosial Sains, 2021
Kondisi lahan pertanian di Indonesia semakin mengalami kerusakan, salah satunya diakibatkan oleh ... more Kondisi lahan pertanian di Indonesia semakin mengalami kerusakan, salah satunya diakibatkan oleh perilaku petani yang lebih menggunakan pupuk anorganik dibandingkan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan serta hasil berbagai macam pupuk kandang dan konsentrasi urine kelinci terhadap tanaman mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Januari - Maret 2021 di Desa Wanantara, Kecamatan Sindang, Kabupaten Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan faktorial, dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) 2 faktor yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Faktor pertama, macam pupuk kandang yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu pupuk kandang sapi, pupuk kandang kambing, pupuk kandang ayam. Faktor kedua, konsentrasi urin kelinci yang terdiri atas 4 taraf yaitu 0 ml/l, 100ml/l, 200ml/l, 300ml/l. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (Anova) dengan taraf 5%. Uji lanjut perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan DMRT taraf 5%. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan ada...
RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2021
The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preference... more The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preferences for coffee grown on the slopes of Mount Arjuna. The two types of coffee that are most in demand in the global market are Arabica and Robusta. When viewed from the level of consumption, around 70% of the world's population are consumers of Arabica coffee, which has a mild and aromatic taste. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% of the world's population are consumers of Robusta coffee, which has a bitter taste and 50% higher caffeine content than Arabica coffee. There is another type that is grown in Toyomarto, namely the Liberica type. Toyomarto Village, which is located in Singosari District, Malang Regency, is located at an altitude of 700-1200 masl. has a fertile soil that makes a specific and unique taste in the coffee that grows around it. Organoleptic testing has been carried out at 2 different locations. The panelists really liked the sour taste of Arabica coffee and the bitter ...
Environmentally-based management is a topic that is being widely discussed in various publication... more Environmentally-based management is a topic that is being widely discussed in various publications. This study uses the mixed method with questionnaire; it is distributed to 110 respondents, also interviewing 3 informants from the management of BUMDES. The result of this study shows that environmental management and green innovation can have a positive and significant effect on the competitive advantage and performance of the company. It is hoped that the result of this study can help the government and BUMDES managers to further develop environmental management and green Innovation.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021
Development of chrysanthemum plants in the medium plains is still facing obstacles due to unfavor... more Development of chrysanthemum plants in the medium plains is still facing obstacles due to unfavorable climate. Until today, the availability of tolerant chrysanthemum seeds grown in the medium plains is not maximized so that the necessary effort in order to increase the genetic diversity as the material selection to obtain tolerant chrysanthemums grown in medium plain. This research is being conducted in order to follow up the problems of availability of tolerant chrysanthemums seeds grown in the medium plains at several stages. Stage one is the induction of callus after gamma ray irradiation in vitro. This research has been conducted in tissue culture laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta from February to June 2015. Tested regeneration media is ½ MS with the addition of IAA 0.1 mg/l; 0.2 mg/l; 0.3 mg/l; 0.4 mg/l and 0.5 mg/l. The results showed that ½MS regeneration media with the addition of IAA 0.3 mg/l spur sprouts emerge percentage (100%); ...
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020
The aim of this study, which is related to the outbreak of COVID-19, is to analyze the contributi... more The aim of this study, which is related to the outbreak of COVID-19, is to analyze the contribution of peripheral vision towards Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises’ intentions to sustain business and enhance green areas. It is important to examine peripheral vision because business people’s perception of a weak signal of changes in their external environment can have a wide impact on their long-term performance. They have to pay more careful attention, know how to interpret weak signals, and know how to act when the signal is still ambiguous. The type of study is qualitative and is based on a sample of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises business in Bayat Klaten, Central Java. Structured questions were given to batik Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises who used natural colors (not synthetic dye) in their batik coloring process. Researchers conducted data analysis with a triangulation method using documentation, interview, and direct observation in the field. The results of the s...
ABSTRACT An experiment studying the effects of nitrogen concentrations and the kinds of media on ... more ABSTRACT An experiment studying the effects of nitrogen concentrations and the kinds of media on the quantity and quality of bell pepper fruits was done in a plastic house in Purwodadi, Pakem, Sleman and at Chemical and biochemical laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gadjah Mada University. A factorial experiment was used and arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors. The first factor was growing media consisted of three levels i.e : sand, charred rice hull and a mix of them. The second factor was nitrogen concentration consisted of four levels i.e : 100 ppm, 180 ppm, 260 ppm and 340 ppm. The result showed that the best quantity and quality of bell pepper is on the combinations of 180 ppm nitrogen concentration and mix media. Key words : bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var. Grossum), hydroponiC, nitrogen concentration, growing media. INTISARI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi nitrogen dan macam media tumbuh terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas buah paprika. Percobaan dilaksanakan di desa Purwodadi, Pakem, Sleman dan Laboratorium Kimia dan biokimia, FakultasTeknologi Pertanian UGM. Percobaan dilaksanakan secara faktorial menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah media tumbuh, yakni pasir arang sekam, dan campuran keduanya. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi nitrogen, yakni 100 ppm, 180 ppm, 160 ppm dan 340. ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian nitrogen dengan konsentrasi 180 ppm pada media tumbuh campuran akan memberikan kuantitas dan kualitas buah paprika terbaik. Kata kunci : paprika, hidroponik, konsentrasi nitrogen, media tumbu
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Abaca is a type of banana plant used as paper material for securities industries, therefore, it h... more Abaca is a type of banana plant used as paper material for securities industries, therefore, it has high economic value. This study therefore aims to determine the effect of Benzyladenine (BA) and thiamine in the induction of Abaca banana shoots in vitro. It was conducted at the Biotechnology laboratory of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the laboratory experiments arranged in a 2-factor Complete Randomized Design. The first factor in the experiment was the concentration of BA (3 ppm, 4 ppm, 5 ppm) and the second was the concentration of thiamine (10 mg/L, 20 mg/L, 30 mg/L). The results showed an interaction with plantlet height parameters in the treatment of BA 3 ppm and Thiamin 20 mg/L. 5 ppm Benzyl Adenine resulted in the highest yields on shoots length, the number of leaves, and fresh weight plantlets.10 mg/l Thiamine resulted in highest yields on shoots length, number of leaves, and fresh weight plantlets.
Chrysanthemum cultivation in medium height plains is still facing obstacles where the agronomic p... more Chrysanthemum cultivation in medium height plains is still facing obstacles where the agronomic properties are not as good as in the highlands. It is important to find cultivation techniques that can improve agronomic properties of chrysanthemum. The setting of additional lighting technique remains to be learned then applied at planting chrysanthemum plain medium. The research purpose is to determine the best additional length of radiation for the improvement of agronomic properties of chrysanthemum. In addition to determining the best chrysanthemum varieties to be developed in the medium height plain as Hargobinangun. The research has been conducted in Hargobinangun, Sleman in April-August 2011 in two stages. The first stage is to determine the length of the addition of irradiation to improve the agronomic properties of chrysanthemum, namely 2,3,4 and 5 hours in the evening starting at 22:00 pm. While the second stage is to look at various kinds of flower faselife varieties, namely...
Nepenthes adalah tanaman asli Indonesia. Hidup di hutan tropis terutama di Kalimantan dan Sumatra... more Nepenthes adalah tanaman asli Indonesia. Hidup di hutan tropis terutama di Kalimantan dan Sumatra. Saat ini sudah tergolong tanaman langka yang masuk dalam CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species) terdapat dalam appendiks I dan II.
Indonesia as one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, which ultimately has an ... more Indonesia as one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, which ultimately has an impact on the coffee industry and the trend of consuming coffee. Tepal Coffee as a typical product of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara has uniqueness and superiority when compared to coffee in other regions. A National Coffee Board study revealed that it is very rare that Arabica coffee has low acidity and is only found in Tepal Coffee in Sumbawa Regency. The uniqueness is one of the advantages of Tepal Coffee which must be raised, branding, and popularized so that the market demand for Sumbawa typical coffee will have an impact on improving the welfare of Sumbawa farmers. The purpose of this research is to find out the AIDA Hierarchy of Effects Model in developing the branding communication strategy in Tepal Coffee. The method used in this study uses qualitative descriptive methods. The result has been shown that the Implementation of Brand Communication Strategy of Tepal-Sumbawa Coffee in b...
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, Aug 21, 2014
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
J-PEN Borneo : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, Apr 29, 2024
Kultur jaringan atau perbanyakan tanaman secara in vitro adalah budidaya tanaman yang dilakukan d... more Kultur jaringan atau perbanyakan tanaman secara in vitro adalah budidaya tanaman yang dilakukan dalam kontainer, botol-botol dengan media khusus dan peralatan serba steril. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan tanaman baru dengan jumlah yang banyak dengan waktu yang relatif singkat. Buku ini menjelaskan tentang seluk beluk kultur jaringan, manfaat kultur jaringan, alat-alat laboratorim kultur jaringan, fasilitas laboratorium kultur jaringan, media tanam kultur jaringan, metode dan pelaksanaan kultur jaringan, beberapa macam teknik kultur jaringan, serta kultur jaringan pada berbagai macam tanaman.139 hlm, ill.; 21 cm
Kawasan di lereng Gunung Arjuna yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai sentra kopi Arjuna ada... more Kawasan di lereng Gunung Arjuna yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai sentra kopi Arjuna adalah Toyomarto, yang terletak di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang berada di ketinggian 700-1400 mdpl. Jenis kopi yang dihasilkan dari kebun Toyomarto, Singosari adalah Arabika dan Robusta. Ciri khas kopinya memiliki karakter asam manis dan aroma fruity seperti pisang, apel, dan sebagainya. Permasalahannya, di lapangan menunjukkan rendahnya kualitas kopi disebabkan belum adanya standar cara budidaya dan penanganan pascapanennya. Pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda menunjukkan perbedaan pada produksi kopinya juga. Rata-rata produksi kopi Arabica di ketinggian 1100 mdpl 55,97 ton, berbeda nyata dengan kopi yang dibudidayakan di ketinggian tempat dibawah 1000 m dpl. Sedangkan kopi Robusta produksinya tidak berbeda nyata di semua ketinggian tempat budidaya.
Vanili merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang memiliki banyak manfaat, sehingga menyebabkan van... more Vanili merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang memiliki banyak manfaat, sehingga menyebabkan vanili mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi. Selama ini tanaman vanili biasa diperbanyak secara vegetatif menggunakan stek batang, tetapi perbanyakan ini memiliki beberapa kelemahan sehingga diperlukan metode perbanyakan secara kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara macam media dengan ZPT, menentukan media dan konsentrasi ZPT yang paling tepat untuk mikrostek vanili. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama yaitu macam media yang terdiri dari media MS, media B5, dan media VW. Faktor kedua yaitu konsentrasi ZPT yang terdiri dari IAA 0,5 + kinetin 1 ppm, IAA 1,0 + kinetin 2 ppm, dan IAA 1,5 + kinetin 3 ppm. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis sidik ragam pada taraf nyata 5% dan diuji lanjut dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan macam media dan konsentrasi IAA dan kinetin terhadap parameter saat tumbuh tunas dan panjang akar. Kombinasi perlakuan M1Z3 memberikan hasil paling baik pada parameter saat tumbuh tunas, sedangkan kombinasi perlakuan M1Z2 memberikan hasil paling baik pada parameter panjang akar. Media MS dan media B5 memberikan respon yang lebih baik pada semua parameter dalam pertumbuhan mikrostek vanili secara in vitro. Pemberian IAA + kinetin pada semua konsentrasi memberikan respon yang sama, kecuali pada parameter bobot kering dalam pertumbuhan mikrostek vanili secara in vitro.
Journal of Economics and Business
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main drivers of the economy in developing countries, ... more Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main drivers of the economy in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. Several SMEs still need to be developed in Indonesia, especially for the 3T region (lagging, leading, and outermost). Sumbawa is one of these areas. The majority of SMEs in the Sumbawa area are weaving SMEs. Weaving SMEs in this region still have problems in terms of SME competitiveness, innovation, and SME creativity. Therefore, they have not been able to compete with SMEs outside the 3T area. Thus, the importance of competitive strategy and knowledge management can encourage the management of information into knowledge that can be used for strategic decision-making, especially the competitive strategy of SMEs. This study will examine the application of knowledge management to SMEs in Sumbawa and whether the applied knowledge management can encourage the creation of a competitive strategy for Sumbawa SMEs. The research was conducted by census/saturated samplin...
Perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif merupakan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tanaman baru yang mem... more Perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif merupakan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tanaman baru yang mempunyai sifat sama dengan tanaman induknya dalam jumlah yang besar. Perbanyakan secara vegetatif dengan sistem konvensional umumnya masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Oleh karena itu saat ini di beberapa negara maju telah banyak dikembangkan suatu sistem perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif yang lebih cepat dengan hasil yang lebih banyak laigi yakni dengan sistem kultur jaringan atau budi daya jaringan.139 hlm; 15 x 21 Cm
Agrivet, Jun 30, 2012
The research was to determine the best combination of Chrysanthemum explant and concentrations of... more The research was to determine the best combination of Chrysanthemum explant and concentrations of BAP (6-benzyl amino purine), the effect of the explant material and the effect concentrations of BAP (6-benzyl amino purine) in vitro culture by Murashige and Skoog medium. The experimental methode was Completely Randomizes Design (CRD) which consisted of two factors. The first factor is the explant material, consisting of three standards are: P1 = node, P2 = shoots, P3 = leaf. The second factor is the concentration of BAP which consists of four levels, namely: B1 = 0.5 ppm, 1.0 ppm = B2, B3 = 1.5 ppm, B4 = 2.0 ppm. The results showed there were significant interaction on fresh weight, dry weight, number of shoots and length of shoots. The treatment combination between bud explants with BAP 0.5 ppm, showed the best results on fresh weight, number of shoots and long shoots. Use of explant shoots, can accelerate the current growth of shoots, expanding the number and length of root buds. The addition of plant growth regulators BAP 0.5 ppm in the tissue culture medium, can spur the rapid growth of shoots, root number and length of root best.
Jurnal Sosial Sains, 2021
Kondisi lahan pertanian di Indonesia semakin mengalami kerusakan, salah satunya diakibatkan oleh ... more Kondisi lahan pertanian di Indonesia semakin mengalami kerusakan, salah satunya diakibatkan oleh perilaku petani yang lebih menggunakan pupuk anorganik dibandingkan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan serta hasil berbagai macam pupuk kandang dan konsentrasi urine kelinci terhadap tanaman mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Januari - Maret 2021 di Desa Wanantara, Kecamatan Sindang, Kabupaten Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan faktorial, dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) 2 faktor yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Faktor pertama, macam pupuk kandang yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu pupuk kandang sapi, pupuk kandang kambing, pupuk kandang ayam. Faktor kedua, konsentrasi urin kelinci yang terdiri atas 4 taraf yaitu 0 ml/l, 100ml/l, 200ml/l, 300ml/l. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (Anova) dengan taraf 5%. Uji lanjut perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan DMRT taraf 5%. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan ada...
RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2021
The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preference... more The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preferences for coffee grown on the slopes of Mount Arjuna. The two types of coffee that are most in demand in the global market are Arabica and Robusta. When viewed from the level of consumption, around 70% of the world's population are consumers of Arabica coffee, which has a mild and aromatic taste. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% of the world's population are consumers of Robusta coffee, which has a bitter taste and 50% higher caffeine content than Arabica coffee. There is another type that is grown in Toyomarto, namely the Liberica type. Toyomarto Village, which is located in Singosari District, Malang Regency, is located at an altitude of 700-1200 masl. has a fertile soil that makes a specific and unique taste in the coffee that grows around it. Organoleptic testing has been carried out at 2 different locations. The panelists really liked the sour taste of Arabica coffee and the bitter ...
Environmentally-based management is a topic that is being widely discussed in various publication... more Environmentally-based management is a topic that is being widely discussed in various publications. This study uses the mixed method with questionnaire; it is distributed to 110 respondents, also interviewing 3 informants from the management of BUMDES. The result of this study shows that environmental management and green innovation can have a positive and significant effect on the competitive advantage and performance of the company. It is hoped that the result of this study can help the government and BUMDES managers to further develop environmental management and green Innovation.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021
Development of chrysanthemum plants in the medium plains is still facing obstacles due to unfavor... more Development of chrysanthemum plants in the medium plains is still facing obstacles due to unfavorable climate. Until today, the availability of tolerant chrysanthemum seeds grown in the medium plains is not maximized so that the necessary effort in order to increase the genetic diversity as the material selection to obtain tolerant chrysanthemums grown in medium plain. This research is being conducted in order to follow up the problems of availability of tolerant chrysanthemums seeds grown in the medium plains at several stages. Stage one is the induction of callus after gamma ray irradiation in vitro. This research has been conducted in tissue culture laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta from February to June 2015. Tested regeneration media is ½ MS with the addition of IAA 0.1 mg/l; 0.2 mg/l; 0.3 mg/l; 0.4 mg/l and 0.5 mg/l. The results showed that ½MS regeneration media with the addition of IAA 0.3 mg/l spur sprouts emerge percentage (100%); ...
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020
The aim of this study, which is related to the outbreak of COVID-19, is to analyze the contributi... more The aim of this study, which is related to the outbreak of COVID-19, is to analyze the contribution of peripheral vision towards Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises’ intentions to sustain business and enhance green areas. It is important to examine peripheral vision because business people’s perception of a weak signal of changes in their external environment can have a wide impact on their long-term performance. They have to pay more careful attention, know how to interpret weak signals, and know how to act when the signal is still ambiguous. The type of study is qualitative and is based on a sample of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises business in Bayat Klaten, Central Java. Structured questions were given to batik Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises who used natural colors (not synthetic dye) in their batik coloring process. Researchers conducted data analysis with a triangulation method using documentation, interview, and direct observation in the field. The results of the s...
ABSTRACT An experiment studying the effects of nitrogen concentrations and the kinds of media on ... more ABSTRACT An experiment studying the effects of nitrogen concentrations and the kinds of media on the quantity and quality of bell pepper fruits was done in a plastic house in Purwodadi, Pakem, Sleman and at Chemical and biochemical laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gadjah Mada University. A factorial experiment was used and arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors. The first factor was growing media consisted of three levels i.e : sand, charred rice hull and a mix of them. The second factor was nitrogen concentration consisted of four levels i.e : 100 ppm, 180 ppm, 260 ppm and 340 ppm. The result showed that the best quantity and quality of bell pepper is on the combinations of 180 ppm nitrogen concentration and mix media. Key words : bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var. Grossum), hydroponiC, nitrogen concentration, growing media. INTISARI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi nitrogen dan macam media tumbuh terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas buah paprika. Percobaan dilaksanakan di desa Purwodadi, Pakem, Sleman dan Laboratorium Kimia dan biokimia, FakultasTeknologi Pertanian UGM. Percobaan dilaksanakan secara faktorial menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah media tumbuh, yakni pasir arang sekam, dan campuran keduanya. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi nitrogen, yakni 100 ppm, 180 ppm, 160 ppm dan 340. ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian nitrogen dengan konsentrasi 180 ppm pada media tumbuh campuran akan memberikan kuantitas dan kualitas buah paprika terbaik. Kata kunci : paprika, hidroponik, konsentrasi nitrogen, media tumbu
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Abaca is a type of banana plant used as paper material for securities industries, therefore, it h... more Abaca is a type of banana plant used as paper material for securities industries, therefore, it has high economic value. This study therefore aims to determine the effect of Benzyladenine (BA) and thiamine in the induction of Abaca banana shoots in vitro. It was conducted at the Biotechnology laboratory of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the laboratory experiments arranged in a 2-factor Complete Randomized Design. The first factor in the experiment was the concentration of BA (3 ppm, 4 ppm, 5 ppm) and the second was the concentration of thiamine (10 mg/L, 20 mg/L, 30 mg/L). The results showed an interaction with plantlet height parameters in the treatment of BA 3 ppm and Thiamin 20 mg/L. 5 ppm Benzyl Adenine resulted in the highest yields on shoots length, the number of leaves, and fresh weight plantlets.10 mg/l Thiamine resulted in highest yields on shoots length, number of leaves, and fresh weight plantlets.
Chrysanthemum cultivation in medium height plains is still facing obstacles where the agronomic p... more Chrysanthemum cultivation in medium height plains is still facing obstacles where the agronomic properties are not as good as in the highlands. It is important to find cultivation techniques that can improve agronomic properties of chrysanthemum. The setting of additional lighting technique remains to be learned then applied at planting chrysanthemum plain medium. The research purpose is to determine the best additional length of radiation for the improvement of agronomic properties of chrysanthemum. In addition to determining the best chrysanthemum varieties to be developed in the medium height plain as Hargobinangun. The research has been conducted in Hargobinangun, Sleman in April-August 2011 in two stages. The first stage is to determine the length of the addition of irradiation to improve the agronomic properties of chrysanthemum, namely 2,3,4 and 5 hours in the evening starting at 22:00 pm. While the second stage is to look at various kinds of flower faselife varieties, namely...
Nepenthes adalah tanaman asli Indonesia. Hidup di hutan tropis terutama di Kalimantan dan Sumatra... more Nepenthes adalah tanaman asli Indonesia. Hidup di hutan tropis terutama di Kalimantan dan Sumatra. Saat ini sudah tergolong tanaman langka yang masuk dalam CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species) terdapat dalam appendiks I dan II.
Indonesia as one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, which ultimately has an ... more Indonesia as one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, which ultimately has an impact on the coffee industry and the trend of consuming coffee. Tepal Coffee as a typical product of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara has uniqueness and superiority when compared to coffee in other regions. A National Coffee Board study revealed that it is very rare that Arabica coffee has low acidity and is only found in Tepal Coffee in Sumbawa Regency. The uniqueness is one of the advantages of Tepal Coffee which must be raised, branding, and popularized so that the market demand for Sumbawa typical coffee will have an impact on improving the welfare of Sumbawa farmers. The purpose of this research is to find out the AIDA Hierarchy of Effects Model in developing the branding communication strategy in Tepal Coffee. The method used in this study uses qualitative descriptive methods. The result has been shown that the Implementation of Brand Communication Strategy of Tepal-Sumbawa Coffee in b...