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Papers by William Nichols

Research paper thumbnail of A path analytic model linking foundational skills to Grade 3 state reading achievement

The Journal of Educational Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Triangulating Teacher Perception, Classroom Observations, and Student Work to Evaluate Secondary Writing Programs

Reading & Writing Quarterly, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ Perceptions of Engagement and Effectiveness of School Community Partnerships: NASA’s Online STEM Professional Development

Journal of Studies in Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Middle School Teachers’ Knowledge and Use of Comprehension Strategies in Discipline Instruction

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Reading and Math Coming Together in the Classroom

Journal of Literacy Research, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ Perceptions and Implementation of Professional Development in Writing Instruction

Journal of Studies in Education, 2016

This mixed-methods study investigated teachers’ perceptions and implementation of professional de... more This mixed-methods study investigated teachers’ perceptions and implementation of professional development in writing instruction at a United States public high school campus. A layered approach to professional development was utilized: (1) one group received weekly professional development during a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and participated on a district writing team, (2) one group received weekly professional development during a PLC and received instructional coaching, and (3) one group received only weekly professional development during a PLC. Data were gathered on teachers’ responses to their perceptions of professional development received, teachers’ body and verbal language during PLCs and professional development, reflection notes documented by teachers receiving instructional coaching, and interviews of the teachers who received instructional coaching. Analyses of the data demonstrated application of the newly learned instructional practices in the classroom in...

Research paper thumbnail of Is prosodic reading a strategy for comprehension

Journal for educational research online, 2017

Die aufstrebende Forschung zur Leseprosodie als ein Indikator fur flussiges Lesen zeigt, dass Pro... more Die aufstrebende Forschung zur Leseprosodie als ein Indikator fur flussiges Lesen zeigt, dass Prosodie bei Schulerinnen und Schulern verschiedener Altersklassen zum Leseverstandnis beitragt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde unter Verwendung der Multidimensional Fluency Scale (MDFS; Zutell & Rasinski, 1991) die Entwicklung der Leseprosodie und des Leseverstandnisses von 250 Erst-, Zweit- und Drittklasslern uber ein Schuljahr hinweg untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schulerinnen und Schuler schrittweise ihre Leseprosodie verbessern und sich bis zum Ende der zweiten Klasse dem der Jahrgangsstufe entsprechenden Niveau annahern. Wahrend sich die Lesegeschwindigkeit nicht als signifikanter Pradiktor des Leseverstandnisses erwies, konnten die Genauigkeit der Wortidentifikation und die Leseprosodie 64.9 % der Eigenvarianz beim Leseverstandnis aufklaren. Mithilfe eines Three-Step-Resamplings (Baron & Kenny, 1986) und eines Bootstrap-Resamplings zur Mediationsanalyse (Preacher & Hay...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher efficacy and attributes on the implementation of tiered instructional frameworks

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

United States federal mandates and reforms to address the needs of at-risk students have resulted... more United States federal mandates and reforms to address the needs of at-risk students have resulted in many states being required to implement evidence-based practices (EBP) and tiered systems of support (TSS). We examined the relationships between successful implementation of EBP and tiered frameworks, specifically Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) and the constructs of teacher self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and teacher attributions. Data were collected using the School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES), the Collective Efficacy Scale (CES), and Teachers’ Attributions for Student Behavior Measure (TASBM). Significant correlations were found between PBIS implementation level and 1) Instructional Strategies subscale of the TSES; 2) Collective Efficacy Scale and both of its subscales; and 3) TASBM and its Stable and Blame subscales. Significant differences in mean ratings were found between high implementing schools and low implementing ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fluency: Deep Roots in Reading Instruction

Education Sciences

Over the past two decades, reading fluency has been increasingly recognized as an important instr... more Over the past two decades, reading fluency has been increasingly recognized as an important instructional variable for success in reading. Yet, this has not always been the case. This article presents a historical review of the nature and role of fluency instruction in the United States. The roots of oral reading fluency began in an age when texts and other forms of entertainment and information were limited. Historically, in America, oral reading was the predominant means for conveying ideas and passing the time at home with the family. In the 1800s, American education’s primary method of instruction emphasized the need for being able to read aloud with expression and fluency, in order to hold the listeners’ attention and convey information. As texts and other forms of information became more available, oral reading became deemphasized, and silent reading was viewed as a better approach to developing readers’ comprehension at the cost of fluency development. With continued research...

Research paper thumbnail of Embracing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Culturally Responsive Reading Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Reciprocal Teaching for Reading Comprehension in Higher Education: A Strategy for Fostering the Deeper Understanding of Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Text Types to Improve Reading Fluency for Competent to Struggling Readers

International Journal of Instruction, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of A Cross Sectional Comparison of the Relationship between Decoding Components, Conceptual Knowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge to Reading Comprehension for Readers in Grades Four and Five

Research paper thumbnail of Research into Practice: Using Technology to Engage Students in Reading and Writing

Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted ... more Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted of investigations con ducted in actual classrooms, tak ing into account the dynamic fac tors that shape teaching and learning (Baumann, Dillon, Shockley, Alverman, & Reinking, 1996; Reinking, Labbo, & McKenna, 1997). Using these classroom investigations as the starting point, Reinking and asso ciates (1997) generated a list of pedagogical generalizations that can serve as a basis for using com puters in literacy instruction. Their list of generalizations include the following:

Research paper thumbnail of Research into Practice: Using Technology to Engage Students in Reading and Writing

Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted ... more Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted of investigations con ducted in actual classrooms, tak ing into account the dynamic fac tors that shape teaching and learning (Baumann, Dillon, Shockley, Alverman, & Reinking, 1996; Reinking, Labbo, & McKenna, 1997). Using these classroom investigations as the starting point, Reinking and asso ciates (1997) generated a list of pedagogical generalizations that can serve as a basis for using com puters in literacy instruction. Their list of generalizations include the following:

Research paper thumbnail of Building Conceptual Understanding through Vocabulary Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Improving oral reading fluency through Readers Theatre

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of teachers' instructional strategies and students' anxiety levels on students' achievement in eighth grade German and US classrooms

Research paper thumbnail of Language and Culture in Literacy Instruction: Where Have They Gone?

The Teacher Educator, 2008

... Dee Nichols b & Timothy R. Blair c ... An educational system that bases its e... more ... Dee Nichols b & Timothy R. Blair c ... An educational system that bases its expectations, delivery, and curricular content solely on the norms of the mainstream population is insufficient for students of diverse backgrounds (Nichols, Rupley, Webb-Johnson, and Tlusty, 200017. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Essential Ingredients: Phonics and Fluency Getting to Know Each Other

The Reading Teacher, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A path analytic model linking foundational skills to Grade 3 state reading achievement

The Journal of Educational Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Triangulating Teacher Perception, Classroom Observations, and Student Work to Evaluate Secondary Writing Programs

Reading & Writing Quarterly, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ Perceptions of Engagement and Effectiveness of School Community Partnerships: NASA’s Online STEM Professional Development

Journal of Studies in Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Middle School Teachers’ Knowledge and Use of Comprehension Strategies in Discipline Instruction

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Reading and Math Coming Together in the Classroom

Journal of Literacy Research, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ Perceptions and Implementation of Professional Development in Writing Instruction

Journal of Studies in Education, 2016

This mixed-methods study investigated teachers’ perceptions and implementation of professional de... more This mixed-methods study investigated teachers’ perceptions and implementation of professional development in writing instruction at a United States public high school campus. A layered approach to professional development was utilized: (1) one group received weekly professional development during a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and participated on a district writing team, (2) one group received weekly professional development during a PLC and received instructional coaching, and (3) one group received only weekly professional development during a PLC. Data were gathered on teachers’ responses to their perceptions of professional development received, teachers’ body and verbal language during PLCs and professional development, reflection notes documented by teachers receiving instructional coaching, and interviews of the teachers who received instructional coaching. Analyses of the data demonstrated application of the newly learned instructional practices in the classroom in...

Research paper thumbnail of Is prosodic reading a strategy for comprehension

Journal for educational research online, 2017

Die aufstrebende Forschung zur Leseprosodie als ein Indikator fur flussiges Lesen zeigt, dass Pro... more Die aufstrebende Forschung zur Leseprosodie als ein Indikator fur flussiges Lesen zeigt, dass Prosodie bei Schulerinnen und Schulern verschiedener Altersklassen zum Leseverstandnis beitragt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde unter Verwendung der Multidimensional Fluency Scale (MDFS; Zutell & Rasinski, 1991) die Entwicklung der Leseprosodie und des Leseverstandnisses von 250 Erst-, Zweit- und Drittklasslern uber ein Schuljahr hinweg untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schulerinnen und Schuler schrittweise ihre Leseprosodie verbessern und sich bis zum Ende der zweiten Klasse dem der Jahrgangsstufe entsprechenden Niveau annahern. Wahrend sich die Lesegeschwindigkeit nicht als signifikanter Pradiktor des Leseverstandnisses erwies, konnten die Genauigkeit der Wortidentifikation und die Leseprosodie 64.9 % der Eigenvarianz beim Leseverstandnis aufklaren. Mithilfe eines Three-Step-Resamplings (Baron & Kenny, 1986) und eines Bootstrap-Resamplings zur Mediationsanalyse (Preacher & Hay...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher efficacy and attributes on the implementation of tiered instructional frameworks

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

United States federal mandates and reforms to address the needs of at-risk students have resulted... more United States federal mandates and reforms to address the needs of at-risk students have resulted in many states being required to implement evidence-based practices (EBP) and tiered systems of support (TSS). We examined the relationships between successful implementation of EBP and tiered frameworks, specifically Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) and the constructs of teacher self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and teacher attributions. Data were collected using the School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES), the Collective Efficacy Scale (CES), and Teachers’ Attributions for Student Behavior Measure (TASBM). Significant correlations were found between PBIS implementation level and 1) Instructional Strategies subscale of the TSES; 2) Collective Efficacy Scale and both of its subscales; and 3) TASBM and its Stable and Blame subscales. Significant differences in mean ratings were found between high implementing schools and low implementing ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fluency: Deep Roots in Reading Instruction

Education Sciences

Over the past two decades, reading fluency has been increasingly recognized as an important instr... more Over the past two decades, reading fluency has been increasingly recognized as an important instructional variable for success in reading. Yet, this has not always been the case. This article presents a historical review of the nature and role of fluency instruction in the United States. The roots of oral reading fluency began in an age when texts and other forms of entertainment and information were limited. Historically, in America, oral reading was the predominant means for conveying ideas and passing the time at home with the family. In the 1800s, American education’s primary method of instruction emphasized the need for being able to read aloud with expression and fluency, in order to hold the listeners’ attention and convey information. As texts and other forms of information became more available, oral reading became deemphasized, and silent reading was viewed as a better approach to developing readers’ comprehension at the cost of fluency development. With continued research...

Research paper thumbnail of Embracing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Culturally Responsive Reading Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Reciprocal Teaching for Reading Comprehension in Higher Education: A Strategy for Fostering the Deeper Understanding of Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Text Types to Improve Reading Fluency for Competent to Struggling Readers

International Journal of Instruction, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of A Cross Sectional Comparison of the Relationship between Decoding Components, Conceptual Knowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge to Reading Comprehension for Readers in Grades Four and Five

Research paper thumbnail of Research into Practice: Using Technology to Engage Students in Reading and Writing

Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted ... more Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted of investigations con ducted in actual classrooms, tak ing into account the dynamic fac tors that shape teaching and learning (Baumann, Dillon, Shockley, Alverman, & Reinking, 1996; Reinking, Labbo, & McKenna, 1997). Using these classroom investigations as the starting point, Reinking and asso ciates (1997) generated a list of pedagogical generalizations that can serve as a basis for using com puters in literacy instruction. Their list of generalizations include the following:

Research paper thumbnail of Research into Practice: Using Technology to Engage Students in Reading and Writing

Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted ... more Recent research into the uses of computers for instruction in reading and writing have consisted of investigations con ducted in actual classrooms, tak ing into account the dynamic fac tors that shape teaching and learning (Baumann, Dillon, Shockley, Alverman, & Reinking, 1996; Reinking, Labbo, & McKenna, 1997). Using these classroom investigations as the starting point, Reinking and asso ciates (1997) generated a list of pedagogical generalizations that can serve as a basis for using com puters in literacy instruction. Their list of generalizations include the following:

Research paper thumbnail of Building Conceptual Understanding through Vocabulary Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Improving oral reading fluency through Readers Theatre

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of teachers' instructional strategies and students' anxiety levels on students' achievement in eighth grade German and US classrooms

Research paper thumbnail of Language and Culture in Literacy Instruction: Where Have They Gone?

The Teacher Educator, 2008

... Dee Nichols b & Timothy R. Blair c ... An educational system that bases its e... more ... Dee Nichols b & Timothy R. Blair c ... An educational system that bases its expectations, delivery, and curricular content solely on the norms of the mainstream population is insufficient for students of diverse backgrounds (Nichols, Rupley, Webb-Johnson, and Tlusty, 200017. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Essential Ingredients: Phonics and Fluency Getting to Know Each Other

The Reading Teacher, 2008