Liliek Wiratmo - (original) (raw)
Papers by Liliek Wiratmo
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
This research aims to adoption of VET in the Indonesian Science Techno Park (STP) to support busi... more This research aims to adoption of VET in the Indonesian Science Techno Park (STP) to support business incubation and community empowerment in the maritime field. Research and development (R&D) was used in this study to improve STP exploration to more effective and efficient. This research approach uses SOAR analysis to determine STP's strategy to build its future through collaboration, understanding, and action. The approach involves the analysis of relevant documents, observations, and interviews. This research focuses on three important aspects of VET adaptation in the Science and Techno Park (STP) program, are the following: (1) education and training to produce competent personnel; (2) adaptation and transfer of technology to produce innovative products; and (3) becoming a business incubator to produce new entrepreneurs. The results show that STP has developed various VET programs adapted to the maritime sector. These programs have been successful in increasing the skills of...
Journal of Dedicators Community
Berbicara merupakan keterampilan vital bagi seorang guru. Karena mereka tidak banyak menyampaikan... more Berbicara merupakan keterampilan vital bagi seorang guru. Karena mereka tidak banyak menyampaikan materi kepada peserta didik/siswa namun harus mampu menanamkan pemahaman tentang materi yang disampaikan. Di masa normal sebelum pandemi persoalan berbicara dapat dikatakan lebih mudah diatasi, namun di masa pandemi menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Proses pembelajaran yang semula dilaksanakan secara luring dan memungkinkan guru dan murid dapat bertemu bahkan bersentuhan menjadi tantangan saat harus dilakukan secara daring. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah guru SD Muhammadiyah 08 Kota Semarang. Metode yang digunakan terbagi dalam empat sesi: paparan materi, pendalaman, praktik dan evaluasi hasil praktik public speaking. Dalam evaluasi praktik terungkap ada hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui, sejak persiapan hingga saat berbicara serta persoalan-persoalan teknis. Melalui kegiatan ini peserta merasa memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai cara berbicara di depan publik...
SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, 2021
Semenjak WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi maka negara-negara di dunia membuat berbagai per... more Semenjak WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi maka negara-negara di dunia membuat berbagai peraturan sebagai upaya menghambat penyebaran virus tersebut sambil melakukan vaksinasi untuk membentuk sistem kekebalan tubuh. Kebijakan bekerja dan belajar dari rumah menimbulkan berbagai persoalan, sosial, ekonomi dan sebagainya. Dunia pendidikan adalah salah satu yang harus menyesuaikan dengan kondisi tersebut. Proses pembelajaran yang semula dilakukan di sekolah/kampus harus dilakukan secara daring. Persoalannya tidak semua siap dengan tuntutan tersebut, terutama di jenjang pendidikan dasar. Persoalannya sangat kompleks, karena tidak hanya berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran, namun juga memunculkan persoalan dalam relasi guru dan orang tua. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus penelitian yang dilakukan bulan Oktober 2020 ini mengungkap komunikasi empatik di SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang. Selain menghadapi persoalannya sebagai pendidik, para guru juga menghadapi kendala y...
*Veteran* University of National Development Yogyakarta, Dec 1, 2010
The widespread ulinary programs in television has brought domestic activity into the public spher... more The widespread ulinary programs in television has brought domestic activity into the public sphere. When start to be shown at public domain, such as shops, hotel, restaurant and even television, the activity which was originally conceived as women's work in the house begin to be possesed by men. The emergence of men as host chef in the culinary program confirms the dominance of men in public spaces, which is packaged as a television performance that shown how men as it is but also show their ability in food processing. This is different when we enter the era which women host no longer placed as a mother who cooked for the family, but as chef and host with 'catchy' packaging. This paper highlights how the culinary program seen from the sex based job classification, how male dominance in the culinary program on television, as well as how women compete to fight for culinary stage on screen.
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, Jul 10, 2021
Pandemi Covid-19 memengaruhi cara manusia beraktivitas, termasuk cara pembelajaran yang semula ha... more Pandemi Covid-19 memengaruhi cara manusia beraktivitas, termasuk cara pembelajaran yang semula hampir semua dilakukan secara offline (luring-luar jaringan) menjadi online (daring-dalam jaringan). Namun tidak semua lembaga pendidikan dapat melakukan perubahan tersebut dengan mudah. Salah satunya adalah SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang. Empat penyebab kesulitan tersebut adalah: masalah sosial budaya, minimnya sarana dan prasarana, terbatasnya kompetensi guru dalam penggunaan teknologi digital serta ekonomi orang tua. Mengacu pada persoalan tersebut dilakukan pendampingan pengembangan pembelajaran digital. Peserta kegiatan adalah 30 orang guru dari kelas satu hingga enam. Tujuan kegiatan ini membantu SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang dalam penggunaan teknologi digital yang menunjang metode pembelajaran jarak jauh khususnya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan awal berupa paparan dan diskusi tentang pembelajaran digital untuk memetakan kebutuhan sekolah yang fokus pada pembuatan konten serta kebutuhan sarana penunjang pembuatan konten pembelajaran digital. Kegiatan kedua penyerahan dan pemasangan mini studio. Dalam seleuruh kegiatan peserta tidak hanya menerima materi namun juga praktik membuat konten digital menggunakan mini studio. Peserta menunjukkan minat yang tinggi yang tampak dari antusiasme pada saat diskusi maupun praktik pembuatan konten pembelajaran digital.
representamen, 2020
The use of digital media is no longer dominated by adults. It has also become a part of children ... more The use of digital media is no longer dominated by adults. It has also become a part of children who are born as digital natives. This condition is certainly a challenge for parents because it is not possible to keep their children away from digital technology which offers various benefits. Therefore we need adults who are able to provide assistance to children in utilizing digital media. This article reveals how the patterns of parenting (in this case mothers) to children in utilizing digital media, what are the challenges faced and how to deal with these challenges. To answer this question, a qualitative descriptive approach was used. The informants who are the main data sources are working women and housewives who have children aged under five to 18 years, who are selected from the owners of active Facebook accounts (who in July uploaded their status, photos or other information). The findings of the study indicate that there are three patterns of mentoring, which were carried ou...
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2020
Merebaknya Coronavirus Desease-19 (COVID-19) di awal tahun 2020 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena v... more Merebaknya Coronavirus Desease-19 (COVID-19) di awal tahun 2020 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena virus ini belum dikenal sebelumnya. Penyebaran yang cepat dan luas serta peningkatan tajam jumlah pasien positif terjangkit dan yang meninggal membuat WHO pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020 menetapkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi. Penetapkan ini menuntut semua Negara mengambil berbagai angkah kebijakan sesuai kondisi masing-masing. Namun demikian, tidak semua masyarakat memahani kondisi ini dengan baik. Oleh karena itu perlu kerjasama berbagai pihak untuk mendukung melakukan sosialisasi agar pemutusan rantai penyebaran COVID-19 dapat segera dirasakan hasilnya. Salah satu kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan di Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon, wilayah dengan penduduk terpadat di Kota Semarang. Sosialisasi dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu luar jaringan (luring/offline dan dalam jaringan (daring/online) sebagai upaya untuk menjangkau lebih banyak warga yang menjadikan gawai sebagai sarana komunikasi sehari...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2015
Criminal event is one of the interesting topics presented in the mass media. In the heyday of tel... more Criminal event is one of the interesting topics presented in the mass media. In the heyday of television crime news in Indonesia, he is not only present in regular news, but also served in a variety of package, such as documentaries or docudrama. One of the programs that are interesting to study is Sidik program ever aired on TPI (now MNC TV). In contrast to other crime news program, this program is unique because there is an element of entertainment through the display Kong Jaing as host. This paper reveal the pattern of mixing between crime news with entertainment. To achieve these objectives an examination of the text and interviews with informan. The results showed no mixing of crime news with entertainment that performed through physical appearance and verbal humor. This condition has blurred between the principles of journalism with entertainment, which softens crime.
The existence of women’s magazine expected as medium to give new spirit through article presentat... more The existence of women’s magazine expected as medium to give new spirit through article presentation that empower woman position on public domain. However, the reality is reversed. Those presentation and ideas contain tend to establish women’s magazine as lifestyle shaper and place woman as market for a variety of product
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Issuance of Government Regulation No. 11 in 2005 is expected to become entrance to the transforma... more Issuance of Government Regulation No. 11 in 2005 is expected to become entrance to the transformation of local government-owned radio (RSPD / RKPD) into LPPL Radio. Its presence is expected to become counter-strike to the invasion of private broadcasting program that emphasize the commercial aspect as well as provide a few spaces for the public to express their aspirations. But until the 12nd year since the birth of the Broadcasting Act, the transformation has not realized as it should be. This study examined the institutional problems the constraints the transformation of local government-owned radio becomes Radio LPPL as the mandate of the Broadcasting Act, which covers aspects SOTK, budget and permits. The objects of this study are seven (7) local government radio stations in Central Java. Data collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. This study will contribute to the development of radio LPPL as public owned.
The growth of media industry, both press and broadcasts (radio and television) increase the compe... more The growth of media industry, both press and broadcasts (radio and television) increase the competition of media content to reach a large number of audiences through variety of rubric and broadcast programs. But this competetition doesn’t followed with a good and save to consume content quality. Now on, female become the marketing frontline as well as product target that the media offer. To face that condition, female need to have a good acknowledge about media industry so they can filter the offered informations
Jurnal The Messenger, Jul 29, 2016
Local Public Broadcasting radio is broadcasting reform that seeks to restore the sovereignty of t... more Local Public Broadcasting radio is broadcasting reform that seeks to restore the sovereignty of the people as the owners of the frequencies through
New media allows anyone to produce, reproduce, distribute, and access various kinds of messages a... more New media allows anyone to produce, reproduce, distribute, and access various kinds of messages and uses, including online Public Relations (Online PR). This study aims to analyze websites of local governments (district and the city) as a means of Online PR and to find model of utilization Online PR. This study uses qualitative method reinforced by benchmarking of functional between government website management and service display. The results show a model of utilization of local government website as a tool for online PR.
A. Integrasi Nasional dan Pluraritas Masyarakat Indonesia …………………… 178 B. Strategi Integrasi …………... more A. Integrasi Nasional dan Pluraritas Masyarakat Indonesia …………………… 178 B. Strategi Integrasi ……………………………………………………………….. 190 C. Integrasi Nasional Indonesia …………………………………………………… 192 DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………………………… 199 iii KATA PENGANTAR
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
This research aims to adoption of VET in the Indonesian Science Techno Park (STP) to support busi... more This research aims to adoption of VET in the Indonesian Science Techno Park (STP) to support business incubation and community empowerment in the maritime field. Research and development (R&D) was used in this study to improve STP exploration to more effective and efficient. This research approach uses SOAR analysis to determine STP's strategy to build its future through collaboration, understanding, and action. The approach involves the analysis of relevant documents, observations, and interviews. This research focuses on three important aspects of VET adaptation in the Science and Techno Park (STP) program, are the following: (1) education and training to produce competent personnel; (2) adaptation and transfer of technology to produce innovative products; and (3) becoming a business incubator to produce new entrepreneurs. The results show that STP has developed various VET programs adapted to the maritime sector. These programs have been successful in increasing the skills of...
Journal of Dedicators Community
Berbicara merupakan keterampilan vital bagi seorang guru. Karena mereka tidak banyak menyampaikan... more Berbicara merupakan keterampilan vital bagi seorang guru. Karena mereka tidak banyak menyampaikan materi kepada peserta didik/siswa namun harus mampu menanamkan pemahaman tentang materi yang disampaikan. Di masa normal sebelum pandemi persoalan berbicara dapat dikatakan lebih mudah diatasi, namun di masa pandemi menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Proses pembelajaran yang semula dilaksanakan secara luring dan memungkinkan guru dan murid dapat bertemu bahkan bersentuhan menjadi tantangan saat harus dilakukan secara daring. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah guru SD Muhammadiyah 08 Kota Semarang. Metode yang digunakan terbagi dalam empat sesi: paparan materi, pendalaman, praktik dan evaluasi hasil praktik public speaking. Dalam evaluasi praktik terungkap ada hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui, sejak persiapan hingga saat berbicara serta persoalan-persoalan teknis. Melalui kegiatan ini peserta merasa memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai cara berbicara di depan publik...
SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, 2021
Semenjak WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi maka negara-negara di dunia membuat berbagai per... more Semenjak WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi maka negara-negara di dunia membuat berbagai peraturan sebagai upaya menghambat penyebaran virus tersebut sambil melakukan vaksinasi untuk membentuk sistem kekebalan tubuh. Kebijakan bekerja dan belajar dari rumah menimbulkan berbagai persoalan, sosial, ekonomi dan sebagainya. Dunia pendidikan adalah salah satu yang harus menyesuaikan dengan kondisi tersebut. Proses pembelajaran yang semula dilakukan di sekolah/kampus harus dilakukan secara daring. Persoalannya tidak semua siap dengan tuntutan tersebut, terutama di jenjang pendidikan dasar. Persoalannya sangat kompleks, karena tidak hanya berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran, namun juga memunculkan persoalan dalam relasi guru dan orang tua. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus penelitian yang dilakukan bulan Oktober 2020 ini mengungkap komunikasi empatik di SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang. Selain menghadapi persoalannya sebagai pendidik, para guru juga menghadapi kendala y...
*Veteran* University of National Development Yogyakarta, Dec 1, 2010
The widespread ulinary programs in television has brought domestic activity into the public spher... more The widespread ulinary programs in television has brought domestic activity into the public sphere. When start to be shown at public domain, such as shops, hotel, restaurant and even television, the activity which was originally conceived as women's work in the house begin to be possesed by men. The emergence of men as host chef in the culinary program confirms the dominance of men in public spaces, which is packaged as a television performance that shown how men as it is but also show their ability in food processing. This is different when we enter the era which women host no longer placed as a mother who cooked for the family, but as chef and host with 'catchy' packaging. This paper highlights how the culinary program seen from the sex based job classification, how male dominance in the culinary program on television, as well as how women compete to fight for culinary stage on screen.
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, Jul 10, 2021
Pandemi Covid-19 memengaruhi cara manusia beraktivitas, termasuk cara pembelajaran yang semula ha... more Pandemi Covid-19 memengaruhi cara manusia beraktivitas, termasuk cara pembelajaran yang semula hampir semua dilakukan secara offline (luring-luar jaringan) menjadi online (daring-dalam jaringan). Namun tidak semua lembaga pendidikan dapat melakukan perubahan tersebut dengan mudah. Salah satunya adalah SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang. Empat penyebab kesulitan tersebut adalah: masalah sosial budaya, minimnya sarana dan prasarana, terbatasnya kompetensi guru dalam penggunaan teknologi digital serta ekonomi orang tua. Mengacu pada persoalan tersebut dilakukan pendampingan pengembangan pembelajaran digital. Peserta kegiatan adalah 30 orang guru dari kelas satu hingga enam. Tujuan kegiatan ini membantu SD Muhammadiyah 08 Semarang dalam penggunaan teknologi digital yang menunjang metode pembelajaran jarak jauh khususnya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan awal berupa paparan dan diskusi tentang pembelajaran digital untuk memetakan kebutuhan sekolah yang fokus pada pembuatan konten serta kebutuhan sarana penunjang pembuatan konten pembelajaran digital. Kegiatan kedua penyerahan dan pemasangan mini studio. Dalam seleuruh kegiatan peserta tidak hanya menerima materi namun juga praktik membuat konten digital menggunakan mini studio. Peserta menunjukkan minat yang tinggi yang tampak dari antusiasme pada saat diskusi maupun praktik pembuatan konten pembelajaran digital.
representamen, 2020
The use of digital media is no longer dominated by adults. It has also become a part of children ... more The use of digital media is no longer dominated by adults. It has also become a part of children who are born as digital natives. This condition is certainly a challenge for parents because it is not possible to keep their children away from digital technology which offers various benefits. Therefore we need adults who are able to provide assistance to children in utilizing digital media. This article reveals how the patterns of parenting (in this case mothers) to children in utilizing digital media, what are the challenges faced and how to deal with these challenges. To answer this question, a qualitative descriptive approach was used. The informants who are the main data sources are working women and housewives who have children aged under five to 18 years, who are selected from the owners of active Facebook accounts (who in July uploaded their status, photos or other information). The findings of the study indicate that there are three patterns of mentoring, which were carried ou...
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2020
Merebaknya Coronavirus Desease-19 (COVID-19) di awal tahun 2020 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena v... more Merebaknya Coronavirus Desease-19 (COVID-19) di awal tahun 2020 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena virus ini belum dikenal sebelumnya. Penyebaran yang cepat dan luas serta peningkatan tajam jumlah pasien positif terjangkit dan yang meninggal membuat WHO pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020 menetapkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi. Penetapkan ini menuntut semua Negara mengambil berbagai angkah kebijakan sesuai kondisi masing-masing. Namun demikian, tidak semua masyarakat memahani kondisi ini dengan baik. Oleh karena itu perlu kerjasama berbagai pihak untuk mendukung melakukan sosialisasi agar pemutusan rantai penyebaran COVID-19 dapat segera dirasakan hasilnya. Salah satu kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan di Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon, wilayah dengan penduduk terpadat di Kota Semarang. Sosialisasi dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu luar jaringan (luring/offline dan dalam jaringan (daring/online) sebagai upaya untuk menjangkau lebih banyak warga yang menjadikan gawai sebagai sarana komunikasi sehari...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2015
Criminal event is one of the interesting topics presented in the mass media. In the heyday of tel... more Criminal event is one of the interesting topics presented in the mass media. In the heyday of television crime news in Indonesia, he is not only present in regular news, but also served in a variety of package, such as documentaries or docudrama. One of the programs that are interesting to study is Sidik program ever aired on TPI (now MNC TV). In contrast to other crime news program, this program is unique because there is an element of entertainment through the display Kong Jaing as host. This paper reveal the pattern of mixing between crime news with entertainment. To achieve these objectives an examination of the text and interviews with informan. The results showed no mixing of crime news with entertainment that performed through physical appearance and verbal humor. This condition has blurred between the principles of journalism with entertainment, which softens crime.
The existence of women’s magazine expected as medium to give new spirit through article presentat... more The existence of women’s magazine expected as medium to give new spirit through article presentation that empower woman position on public domain. However, the reality is reversed. Those presentation and ideas contain tend to establish women’s magazine as lifestyle shaper and place woman as market for a variety of product
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Issuance of Government Regulation No. 11 in 2005 is expected to become entrance to the transforma... more Issuance of Government Regulation No. 11 in 2005 is expected to become entrance to the transformation of local government-owned radio (RSPD / RKPD) into LPPL Radio. Its presence is expected to become counter-strike to the invasion of private broadcasting program that emphasize the commercial aspect as well as provide a few spaces for the public to express their aspirations. But until the 12nd year since the birth of the Broadcasting Act, the transformation has not realized as it should be. This study examined the institutional problems the constraints the transformation of local government-owned radio becomes Radio LPPL as the mandate of the Broadcasting Act, which covers aspects SOTK, budget and permits. The objects of this study are seven (7) local government radio stations in Central Java. Data collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. This study will contribute to the development of radio LPPL as public owned.
The growth of media industry, both press and broadcasts (radio and television) increase the compe... more The growth of media industry, both press and broadcasts (radio and television) increase the competition of media content to reach a large number of audiences through variety of rubric and broadcast programs. But this competetition doesn’t followed with a good and save to consume content quality. Now on, female become the marketing frontline as well as product target that the media offer. To face that condition, female need to have a good acknowledge about media industry so they can filter the offered informations
Jurnal The Messenger, Jul 29, 2016
Local Public Broadcasting radio is broadcasting reform that seeks to restore the sovereignty of t... more Local Public Broadcasting radio is broadcasting reform that seeks to restore the sovereignty of the people as the owners of the frequencies through
New media allows anyone to produce, reproduce, distribute, and access various kinds of messages a... more New media allows anyone to produce, reproduce, distribute, and access various kinds of messages and uses, including online Public Relations (Online PR). This study aims to analyze websites of local governments (district and the city) as a means of Online PR and to find model of utilization Online PR. This study uses qualitative method reinforced by benchmarking of functional between government website management and service display. The results show a model of utilization of local government website as a tool for online PR.
A. Integrasi Nasional dan Pluraritas Masyarakat Indonesia …………………… 178 B. Strategi Integrasi …………... more A. Integrasi Nasional dan Pluraritas Masyarakat Indonesia …………………… 178 B. Strategi Integrasi ……………………………………………………………….. 190 C. Integrasi Nasional Indonesia …………………………………………………… 192 DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………………………… 199 iii KATA PENGANTAR