Wojtek Lamentowicz - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Wojtek Lamentowicz

Research paper thumbnail of Coopération, compétition turbulente ou Guerre froide : le grand jeu stratégique entre la Chine et les USA 2022-2049

Naqd (Alger), Mar 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe And Democracy: The Case Of Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Human Rights in the Transition from Authoritarian to Pluralistic Regimes

Research paper thumbnail of The convolution of facts and norms: new approach to legal reasoning and interpretation

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Jan 10, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Wicked Problems and Gordian Knots: an Increased Risk of the Tsunami Effect in Modern Governance

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2017

Chair in eory & Philosophy of Law Business & Administration, University in Gdynia. 2 See more on ... more Chair in eory & Philosophy of Law Business & Administration, University in Gdynia. 2 See more on a broader context of strategic thinking in my latest book Strategia państwa: teoria państwa aktywnego wobec zmian spontanicznych, Elipsa, Warszawa 2015. Some ideas are elaborated in-depth and presented as moral realism in the theory of law in my forthcoming book Status prawny i dynamika porządku prawnego to be published by the University of Lodz in 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Nongovernmental Think Tanks in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Targeted Killing by Drones

The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on mor... more The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on moral and legal issues involved in military use of drones in wars of today. The main goal was to study the main lines of argument ant its relevance to military practice of targeted killing. We found that legal criticism is on the increase but the military practice continues. We stress the moral risk of using the autonomous weapons. In conclusion, we suggest the need for new both domestic and international regulations of any use of drones before they become fully autonomous and beyond control. Timing is crucial. If humans will not control the technology, the technology will control humans. New UN convention on smart weapons and the conditions under which its use should be allowed is a matter of practical necessity as the number of states using it increases so fast.

Research paper thumbnail of Europeizacja prawa administracyjnego, Tom 3, System prawa administracyjnego, red. Roman Hauser, Zygmunt Niewiadomski, Andrzej Wróbel, Warszawa 2014

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2015

Książka jest dziełem zbiorowym i stanowi część wielkiego projektu badawczego, który rzadko jest p... more Książka jest dziełem zbiorowym i stanowi część wielkiego projektu badawczego, który rzadko jest podejmowany przez znawców prawa w Polsce. Projekt ma na celu całościowe opracowanie analityczne jednej z głównych gałęzi prawa polskiego-prawa administracyjnego. Od 2009 roku liczne zespoły autorskie koordynowane przez Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN opracowały dwanaście tomów tworzących system wiedzy o prawie administracyjnym w Polsce z licznymi porównaniami z instytucjami prawnymi innych państw Europy. Samo przypomnienie tytułów kolejnych tomów pokazuje nadzwyczajny zakres ambicji poznawczych PT Autorów tego projektu-Instytucje prawa administracyjnego. Tom 1, Konstytucyjne podstawy funkcjonowania administracji publicznej. Tom 2, Europeizacja prawa administracyjnego. Tom 3, Wykładnia w prawie administracyjnym. Tom 4, Prawne formy działania administracji. Tom 5, Podmioty administrujące. Tom 6, Prawo administracyjne materialne. Tom 7, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Tom 8A, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Tom 8B, Prawo procesowe administracyjne. Tom 9, Stosunek służbowy. Tom 11, Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza w administracji. Tom 12. Takie wielkie, wielotomowe, systematyczne opracowania całej gałęzi prawa są dobrą tradycją nauk prawnych w Niemczech, Szwajcarii, Austrii i w innych państwach zachodniej Europy. W Polsce takie kolosalne, systematyzacyjne i systemotwórcze projekty nie były podejmowane. Ta innowacja edytorska i badawcza ma na pewno znaczenie kulturotwórcze, bowiem zachęca naukę i praktykę prawniczą do bardziej holistycznego myślenia o prawie, o budowaniu wiedzy o systemach, jakimi są poszczególne gałęzie prawa. Trudno powiedzieć, jaki krąg adresatów ma taka całość złożona z wielu tysięcy stron-czy są to sami uczeni tworzący wiedzę o prawie, praktycy procesu administrowania i urzędnicy stosujący prawo administracyjne, studenci wydziałów prawa i administracji, inne zainteresowane osoby? Czy raczej przydatna będzie dla adwokatów, radców prawnych, sędziów, aplikantów? Sami PT Autorzy są uczonymi akademickimi i praktykamisędziami sądów administracyjnych, adwokatami, radcami, specjalistami

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe and Democracy

Research paper thumbnail of Reasons to obey or disobey the law: pragmatic necessity of recourse to the legitimacy of the law-implementing institutions and procedural justice

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Jul 18, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Emergence of the Legal Order

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Oct 5, 2019

My argument in this essay is very simple. Legal order consists of much more than a legal system (... more My argument in this essay is very simple. Legal order consists of much more than a legal system (the law): this is a non positivist approach in jurisprudence. Both the legal system and the legal order are made by many decisions of many participants and not only by the legislative authorities of the State. The wider context of the legal order and the legal system is of course a social order and the spontaneous interactions between public and private power on the one hand and public and private property on the other are the most significant sources of the dynamism of the law and the legal order. Last but not least, I want to make it clear that law and the legal order should be perceived as an emergent process of changes and not as stable and rationally designed structures. The emerging legal order and the law as its normative component is permanently driven by a competitive cooperation of many actors, by intentional decisions and actions undertaken by persons who are motivated by their concern about their legal status 1 .

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution des structures politiques de l'Europe : un point de vue polonais

Politique étrangère, 1991

The Evolving Political Architecture of Europe : a View from Poland, by Wojtek Lamentowicz The pap... more The Evolving Political Architecture of Europe : a View from Poland, by Wojtek Lamentowicz The paper explores four policy options of the East-Central European states as for as the future of the Warsaw Pact is concerned and concludes that there is no real opportunity for revival of the Soviet dominated military and political coordination in Central Europe. The author argues that Central European governments — ie. Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary — are highly interested in extended responsibility for NATO. Old and new missions of NATO are being discussed and the sequence of reasons for the extended responsibility is being presented : bad experience with the WTO, preventing security strategies from being re-nationalized, non military threats to stability, preventing the security vacuum and unpredictable futures, eliminating barriers which separate Central Europe from the West, assurance of being on the same side as Germany, opportunity to reform NATO by preparing for the bilateral security agreements betgween NATO and Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

Research paper thumbnail of Coopération, compétition turbulente ou Guerre froide : le grand jeu stratégique entre la Chine et les USA 2022-2049

Naqd (Alger), Mar 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of La philosophie et la technique. Le progrès technique et la centralisation du pouvoir: réflexions sceptiques

Research paper thumbnail of 《两个铁球同时着地》(第一课时)教学(一)



1. Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work 2. The Decline of Pow... more 1. Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work 2. The Decline of Power and Its Effects on Democratization: The Case of the Polish United Workers Party 3. Democratization of the Economy as a Precondition for the Emergence of a Democratic Society in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe and Democracy the Case of Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Targeted Killing by Drones

Technology, Society and Sustainability, 2017

The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on mor... more The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on moral and legal issues involved in military use of drones in wars of today. The main goal was to study the main lines of argument ant its relevance to military practice of targeted killing. We found that legal criticism is on the increase but the military practice continues. We stress the moral risk of using the autonomous weapons. In conclusion, we suggest the need for new both domestic and international regulations of any use of drones before they become fully autonomous and beyond control. Timing is crucial. If humans will not control the technology, the technology will control humans. New UN convention on smart weapons and the conditions under which its use should be allowed is a matter of practical necessity as the number of states using it increases so fast.

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptation through Political Crises in Post-War Poland

Evolution of the Polish political system is analyzed in this paper in terms of objective and subj... more Evolution of the Polish political system is analyzed in this paper in terms of objective and subjective antagonisms. Firstly, ’crises ’ of 1956 and 1980 are compared, focusing on cyclical characters of political processes in Poland. Similarities are stressed between 1956 and 1980 upheavals with regard to demands for democracy, justice and social welfare- permanent domains of frustration. Secondly, a typical political cycle is outlined. Its eight phases are described and compared for the periods 1956-1970 and 1970-1980, from the point of view which treats them as devices for adaptation to environments undergoing both internal and external changes. Finally, a discussioa is given of factors responsible for the stability of political alienation in Poland, pointing out the main sources of the bureaucratization: genesis and the type of political system, intrinsic structural contradictions, certain properties of in-stitutional structures, and deformation of politicians ’ and administrators...

Research paper thumbnail of Coopération, compétition turbulente ou Guerre froide : le grand jeu stratégique entre la Chine et les USA 2022-2049

Naqd (Alger), Mar 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe And Democracy: The Case Of Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Human Rights in the Transition from Authoritarian to Pluralistic Regimes

Research paper thumbnail of The convolution of facts and norms: new approach to legal reasoning and interpretation

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Jan 10, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Wicked Problems and Gordian Knots: an Increased Risk of the Tsunami Effect in Modern Governance

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2017

Chair in eory & Philosophy of Law Business & Administration, University in Gdynia. 2 See more on ... more Chair in eory & Philosophy of Law Business & Administration, University in Gdynia. 2 See more on a broader context of strategic thinking in my latest book Strategia państwa: teoria państwa aktywnego wobec zmian spontanicznych, Elipsa, Warszawa 2015. Some ideas are elaborated in-depth and presented as moral realism in the theory of law in my forthcoming book Status prawny i dynamika porządku prawnego to be published by the University of Lodz in 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Nongovernmental Think Tanks in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Targeted Killing by Drones

The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on mor... more The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on moral and legal issues involved in military use of drones in wars of today. The main goal was to study the main lines of argument ant its relevance to military practice of targeted killing. We found that legal criticism is on the increase but the military practice continues. We stress the moral risk of using the autonomous weapons. In conclusion, we suggest the need for new both domestic and international regulations of any use of drones before they become fully autonomous and beyond control. Timing is crucial. If humans will not control the technology, the technology will control humans. New UN convention on smart weapons and the conditions under which its use should be allowed is a matter of practical necessity as the number of states using it increases so fast.

Research paper thumbnail of Europeizacja prawa administracyjnego, Tom 3, System prawa administracyjnego, red. Roman Hauser, Zygmunt Niewiadomski, Andrzej Wróbel, Warszawa 2014

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2015

Książka jest dziełem zbiorowym i stanowi część wielkiego projektu badawczego, który rzadko jest p... more Książka jest dziełem zbiorowym i stanowi część wielkiego projektu badawczego, który rzadko jest podejmowany przez znawców prawa w Polsce. Projekt ma na celu całościowe opracowanie analityczne jednej z głównych gałęzi prawa polskiego-prawa administracyjnego. Od 2009 roku liczne zespoły autorskie koordynowane przez Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN opracowały dwanaście tomów tworzących system wiedzy o prawie administracyjnym w Polsce z licznymi porównaniami z instytucjami prawnymi innych państw Europy. Samo przypomnienie tytułów kolejnych tomów pokazuje nadzwyczajny zakres ambicji poznawczych PT Autorów tego projektu-Instytucje prawa administracyjnego. Tom 1, Konstytucyjne podstawy funkcjonowania administracji publicznej. Tom 2, Europeizacja prawa administracyjnego. Tom 3, Wykładnia w prawie administracyjnym. Tom 4, Prawne formy działania administracji. Tom 5, Podmioty administrujące. Tom 6, Prawo administracyjne materialne. Tom 7, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Tom 8A, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Tom 8B, Prawo procesowe administracyjne. Tom 9, Stosunek służbowy. Tom 11, Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza w administracji. Tom 12. Takie wielkie, wielotomowe, systematyczne opracowania całej gałęzi prawa są dobrą tradycją nauk prawnych w Niemczech, Szwajcarii, Austrii i w innych państwach zachodniej Europy. W Polsce takie kolosalne, systematyzacyjne i systemotwórcze projekty nie były podejmowane. Ta innowacja edytorska i badawcza ma na pewno znaczenie kulturotwórcze, bowiem zachęca naukę i praktykę prawniczą do bardziej holistycznego myślenia o prawie, o budowaniu wiedzy o systemach, jakimi są poszczególne gałęzie prawa. Trudno powiedzieć, jaki krąg adresatów ma taka całość złożona z wielu tysięcy stron-czy są to sami uczeni tworzący wiedzę o prawie, praktycy procesu administrowania i urzędnicy stosujący prawo administracyjne, studenci wydziałów prawa i administracji, inne zainteresowane osoby? Czy raczej przydatna będzie dla adwokatów, radców prawnych, sędziów, aplikantów? Sami PT Autorzy są uczonymi akademickimi i praktykamisędziami sądów administracyjnych, adwokatami, radcami, specjalistami

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe and Democracy

Research paper thumbnail of Reasons to obey or disobey the law: pragmatic necessity of recourse to the legitimacy of the law-implementing institutions and procedural justice

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Jul 18, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Emergence of the Legal Order

Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, Oct 5, 2019

My argument in this essay is very simple. Legal order consists of much more than a legal system (... more My argument in this essay is very simple. Legal order consists of much more than a legal system (the law): this is a non positivist approach in jurisprudence. Both the legal system and the legal order are made by many decisions of many participants and not only by the legislative authorities of the State. The wider context of the legal order and the legal system is of course a social order and the spontaneous interactions between public and private power on the one hand and public and private property on the other are the most significant sources of the dynamism of the law and the legal order. Last but not least, I want to make it clear that law and the legal order should be perceived as an emergent process of changes and not as stable and rationally designed structures. The emerging legal order and the law as its normative component is permanently driven by a competitive cooperation of many actors, by intentional decisions and actions undertaken by persons who are motivated by their concern about their legal status 1 .

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution des structures politiques de l'Europe : un point de vue polonais

Politique étrangère, 1991

The Evolving Political Architecture of Europe : a View from Poland, by Wojtek Lamentowicz The pap... more The Evolving Political Architecture of Europe : a View from Poland, by Wojtek Lamentowicz The paper explores four policy options of the East-Central European states as for as the future of the Warsaw Pact is concerned and concludes that there is no real opportunity for revival of the Soviet dominated military and political coordination in Central Europe. The author argues that Central European governments — ie. Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary — are highly interested in extended responsibility for NATO. Old and new missions of NATO are being discussed and the sequence of reasons for the extended responsibility is being presented : bad experience with the WTO, preventing security strategies from being re-nationalized, non military threats to stability, preventing the security vacuum and unpredictable futures, eliminating barriers which separate Central Europe from the West, assurance of being on the same side as Germany, opportunity to reform NATO by preparing for the bilateral security agreements betgween NATO and Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

Research paper thumbnail of Coopération, compétition turbulente ou Guerre froide : le grand jeu stratégique entre la Chine et les USA 2022-2049

Naqd (Alger), Mar 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of La philosophie et la technique. Le progrès technique et la centralisation du pouvoir: réflexions sceptiques

Research paper thumbnail of 《两个铁球同时着地》(第一课时)教学(一)



1. Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work 2. The Decline of Pow... more 1. Political Culture and Institution-Building: Democratic Evolution at Work 2. The Decline of Power and Its Effects on Democratization: The Case of the Polish United Workers Party 3. Democratization of the Economy as a Precondition for the Emergence of a Democratic Society in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Eastern Europe and Democracy the Case of Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Targeted Killing by Drones

Technology, Society and Sustainability, 2017

The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on mor... more The essay makes a critical review of the legal debate in the USA and in the United Nations on moral and legal issues involved in military use of drones in wars of today. The main goal was to study the main lines of argument ant its relevance to military practice of targeted killing. We found that legal criticism is on the increase but the military practice continues. We stress the moral risk of using the autonomous weapons. In conclusion, we suggest the need for new both domestic and international regulations of any use of drones before they become fully autonomous and beyond control. Timing is crucial. If humans will not control the technology, the technology will control humans. New UN convention on smart weapons and the conditions under which its use should be allowed is a matter of practical necessity as the number of states using it increases so fast.

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptation through Political Crises in Post-War Poland

Evolution of the Polish political system is analyzed in this paper in terms of objective and subj... more Evolution of the Polish political system is analyzed in this paper in terms of objective and subjective antagonisms. Firstly, ’crises ’ of 1956 and 1980 are compared, focusing on cyclical characters of political processes in Poland. Similarities are stressed between 1956 and 1980 upheavals with regard to demands for democracy, justice and social welfare- permanent domains of frustration. Secondly, a typical political cycle is outlined. Its eight phases are described and compared for the periods 1956-1970 and 1970-1980, from the point of view which treats them as devices for adaptation to environments undergoing both internal and external changes. Finally, a discussioa is given of factors responsible for the stability of political alienation in Poland, pointing out the main sources of the bureaucratization: genesis and the type of political system, intrinsic structural contradictions, certain properties of in-stitutional structures, and deformation of politicians ’ and administrators...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategia panstwa okladka

Just a front cover of the book uploaded after proofs.


Strategia państwa: teoria państwa aktywnego wobec sił spontanicznych, 2015

The modern state is studied as strategy maker par excellence despite of all globalization process... more The modern state is studied as strategy maker par excellence despite of all globalization process. The long story of the State is not over now. It is both descriptive and normative study in strategy making and on the limits to strategic operations of ruling groups in the institutional framework of liberał democracy. Wicked problems, Gordian knots and the increasing speed of spontaneous changes may lead to the Tsunami Effect in strategic thinking when no strategy works and proves to be satisfactory.

Research paper thumbnail of WL STATUS PRAWNY book final

Status prawny i dynamika porzadku prawnego , 2017

Legal status of persons is not regarded highly enough in contemporary legal theory. My purpose is... more Legal status of persons is not regarded highly enough in contemporary legal theory. My purpose is to show the relevance and the importance of the legal status in understanding the interest games in social orders.
Legal status is presented as a convolution of legal norms and social recognition i.e a set of social facts.


Work in progress on dynamism of law-fact convolution. To be continued. Do not quote please.