Ferdinand Wowiling - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ferdinand Wowiling
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Aug 4, 2013
Abstract : Adolescent reproductive health , namely, healthy condition involving the reproductive ... more Abstract : Adolescent reproductive health , namely, healthy condition involving the reproductive system (functions, components, and processes) that are owned by teenagers, both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reproductive health disorders are often found in teenagers during menstruation, the incidence of irritation. Purpose of this study to determine the relationship with occurrence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents in SMP Negeri 8 Manado. Methods that uses cross-sectional observational analytic. Sample was the total population of the 167 respondents in accordance with inclusion criteria that have been menstruating for 3 months and are willing to respondents. The data were analyzed using SPSS univariate in the form of tables and bivariate frequency distributions using Spearman Rho correlation formula. Statistical test results showed Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficient (r)= 0.499isthe level of the relationship. Significance of the relationship between the two variables is (p)= 0.000, which indicates the value of < 0.05 was thus H1 is accepted or no relationship to the incidence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents. Conclusion no association with the incidence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents in junior STATE 8 Manado. Keywords : Reproductive Health Knowledge, Current Events Menstruation irritation. Abstrak: Kesehatan reproduksi remaja yaitu, kondisi sehat yang menyangkut system reproduksi ( fungsi, komponen, dan proses) yang dimiliki oleh remaja baik secara fisik, mental, emosional dan spiritual.Gangguan kesehatan reproduksi yang sering ditemukan pada remaja saat menstruasi, yaitu kejadian iritasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja di SMP Negeri 8 Manado. Metode Penelitian yaitu observasional analitik menggunakan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah total populasi yaitu 167 responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang sudah mengalami menstruasi selama 3 bulan terakhir dan bersedia menjadi reponden. Data yang didapat dianalisa menggunakan SPSS secara univariat dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi dan secara bivariat dengan menggunakan rumus korelasi Spearman Rho . Hasil uji statistik Speaman Rho menunjukkan Koefesien Korelasi(r) = 0,499 merupakan tingkat hubungan yang sedang. Signifikansi dari hubungan kedua variabel tersebut adalah (p) = 0,000 yang menunjukkan nilai tersebut <0.05 dengan demikian H1 diterima atau ada hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja. Kesimpulan ada hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja di SMP NEGERI 8 Manado. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Kejadian Iritasi Saat Menstruasi
Jurnal Kampus STIKES YPIB Majalengka
Pengobatan yang tidak teratur atau kelalaian dalam mengkonsumsi obat, pemakaian OAT yang tidak at... more Pengobatan yang tidak teratur atau kelalaian dalam mengkonsumsi obat, pemakaian OAT yang tidak atau kurang tepat, maupun pengobatan yang terputus dapat mengakibatkan resistensi bakteri terhadap obat. Di Puskesmas Kaladawa angka drop out rendah tetapi penderita banyak yang tidak melakukan control ulang dahak ketika berobat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Pasien Tuberculosis Paru Di Puskesmas Kaladawa Kabupaten Tegal Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan atau desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data dari Puskesmas Kaladawa semester pertama tahun 2017 sebanyak 162 orang dengan sampel sejumlah 62 responden. Analisa univariat yang digunakan yaitu chisquare. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan diketahui bahwa 36,8%) di Puskesmas Kaladawa tahun 2017 tidak patuh minum obat, 45,6% kurang mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 54,4%, Tidak ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan ...
Jurnal Keperawatan, Mar 17, 2022
Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, chil... more Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, children, adolescents, and adults, including students. In dealing with stress, students need family support in reducing the level of their stress. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between family support and stress levels of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado. Methods: this research used a quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach. There were 116 students who take online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado involved in this study. The instruments in this study used a Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) questionnaire and a Family Support questionnaire. The results of the statistical test using the Pearson Chi Square test at a significance level of 95%, showed a significant value value = 0.005 < (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between family support and the stress level of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Mar 17, 2022
Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands Distr... more Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands District Health Office in 2019 was 212 people with mental disorders spread over 15 sub-district out of 19 sub-district. In Indonesia, there are still many inappropriate ways to treat people with mental disorders, for example, wrong behavior and public perception, and high stigma and continues to grow in the community. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the public's perception and behavior towards people with mental disorders in Rarange Village Kabaruan District Talaud Islands Regency. This method study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. Sampling in this study uses a purposive sampling method involving thirteen participants. Data analysis was used based on the Colaizzi method. The results of the study obtained four themes that are public perceptions related factors that cause mental disorders, negative public perception of people with mental disorders, positive public perception of people with mental disorders, and community behavior towards people with mental disorders. The conclusion is that the public perception and behavior can make an impact on people with mental disorders depending on the good and bad perceptions and behaviors given by the community. Stigma is not only felt by people with mental disorders but also by their families. The public must be educated to better understand mental disorders.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Jan 31, 2019
The Students that would do clinical practice generally have varying levels of anxiety, starting f... more The Students that would do clinical practice generally have varying levels of anxiety, starting from no anxiety, light, medium, and serious. The coping mechanisms is medhid for resolve the stressed and anxiety. Aimed research to determine whether there is a correlation of coping mechanisms with anixiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine who will attend nursing clinical practice. The sample used is total sampling that is 73 samples.The research method used descriptive analytic with cross sectional study approach.Result, research with chi-square statistic test showed that there was correlation beetwen coping mechanisms with anxiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine who will attend nursing clinical practice with p = 0,000. Conclusion the majority of nursing students of regular semester III of Sam Ratulangi University of Manado have a coping mechanisms of adaptive and anxiety level measurable with there is correlation of coping mechanisms with anxiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine will attend nursing clinical practice.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyo... more Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyod expection and can not be predicted. The unxicty will be got if someone feel able to face it against because impugning it self. The goal of this research to get the level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. The selection of sample uses random sampling by ethnic simple random sampling. The number of sample that deived 40 people. Variable that deived is level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by category of symptom scor < 14 there’s no unxicty, scor 14 – 28 light unxicty, scor 29 – 42 sample unxicty scor 57 – 70 the most heavy unxicty or panic. From the result of research shows that level nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by simple category (57,5%). Expected there’s no attension from the member of hospital because will bwe able to infivence the service in generally and more spesificly on nurse in doing duty as profescy. Keyword s : Nurse unxicty. Abstrak: Kecemasan merupakan sebuah fenomena kognitif, dimana seseorang merasa akan terjadi sesuatu di luar kehendak dan tidak bisa diprediksi. Kecemasan akan diperoleh jika seseorang merasa tidak sanggup menghadapinya karena meragukan kemampuan diri sendiri.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 40 orang. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu memerikan tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof.dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori gejala skor <14 tidak ada kecemasan, skor 14-28 kemasan ringan, skor 29-42 kecemasan sedang, skor 43-56 kecemasan berat, dan skor 57-70 kecemasan berat sekali aatau panic.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori sedang (57,5%). Diharapkan adanya perhatian dari pihak rumah sakit karena akan dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan secara umum dan lebih khusus pada perawat dalam melaksanakan tugas profesi. Kata kunci: Kecemasan Perawat.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined,... more Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined, with a view to the needs of patients are met optimally. Provision of nursing care must be according to the standard practice that has been set. The purpose of this study was to describe the conduct of implementation of Nursing Care Standards of hallucinations patients in the Mental Hospital Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. This study uses descriptive Surveying to 23 nursing documentation in the room Katirli and Maengket. The results showed that the implementation of standardized of nursing care on clients in the Mental Hospital of hallucinations Prof. DR. VL Ratumbuysang Manado which includes the assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation and evaluation has not been carried out according to standard. It is associated by a factor of education, length of work, motivation, and the training have been followed by nurses. So that it is advisable to enhance knowledge of nurses through the training which is expected to developing the ability and skill of nurses in applying standardized of nursing care, and socialization adoption according to standard of nursing care. Keywords : Hallucinations, Nursing Standard. Abstrak: Implementasi keperawatan adalah pelaksanaan rencana tindakan yang telah ditentukan, dengan maksud agar kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi secara optimal. Pemberian asuhan keperawatan harus sesuai dengan standar praktek yang sudah ditetapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pelaksanan implementasi Standar Asuhan Keperawatan pada pasien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Suvei Deskriptif terhadap 23 dokumentasi keperawatan di ruangan Katirli dan Maengket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi standar asuhan keperawatan pada klien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof DR. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado yang meliputi pengkajian, diagnosa, perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi belum dilakukan sesuai dengan standar. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan faktor pendidikan, lama kerja, motivasi, dan pelatihan yang pernah diikuti oleh perawat. Sehinga disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat melalui pelatihan yang diharapkan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan perawat dalam menerapkan standar asuhan keperawatan, serta sosialisasi penerapan ashuan keperawatan sesuai dengan standar asuhan. Kata Kunci: Halusinasi, Standar Asuhan Keperawatan.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstrak: Perubahan fisik serta stigma negatif di masyarakat menyebabkan tekanan psikologis pada p... more Abstrak: Perubahan fisik serta stigma negatif di masyarakat menyebabkan tekanan psikologis pada pasien dengan HIV/AIDS berupa respon berduka terhadap penyakit, sehingga perawat diharapkan dapat membina hubungan interpersonal yang terapeutik mencakup perannya sebagai konselor. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari ada tidaknya pengaruh peran perawat sebagai konselor terhadap respon berduka pasien HIV-AIDS di BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Metode penelitian menggunakan pre eksperimental dengan one group pre-post test design. Responden berjumlah 15 orang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Mula-mula diukur dengan menggunakan kusioner respon berduka, selanjutnya diberikan konseling oleh perawat dalam tiga sesi pertemuan kemudian respon berduka pasien diukur lagi dengan kuisioner yang sama. Hasil Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test(α=0,05) didapatkan Nilai probabilitas=0,001. Hal ini menunjukkan nilai p
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Aug 11, 2014
Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the neg... more Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the negative effects of facebook addiction can be divided into : Personal antisocial and Dualism personality. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) with assertive behaviour of adolescent in Christian High School 1 Tomohon. The design of this study was conducted with cross sectional method, populations are all of the student in eleventh grade who have an active facebook account, selecting samples with purposive sampling. Analysis data using SPSS version 20 with chi-square test to determine the correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent. Result of the study the prevalence of facebook addiction disorder in Christian Senior School 1 Tomohon in low categories and assertive behavior in good categories. The conclusion is there is a correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent that obtained value (p=0,000 <α0,05). The advice is to reduce the use of smartphone/gadget while learning and adhering to the rules at school.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Nov 8, 2014
Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the neg... more Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the negative effects of facebook addiction can be divided into : Personal antisocial and Dualism personality. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) with assertive behaviour of adolescent in Christian High School 1 Tomohon. The design of this study was conducted with cross sectional method, populations are all of the student in eleventh grade who have an active facebook account, selecting samples with purposive sampling. Analysis data using SPSS version 20 with chi-square test to determine the correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent. Result of the study the prevalence of facebook addiction disorder in Christian Senior School 1 Tomohon in low categories and assertive behavior in good categories. The conclusion is there is a correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent that obtained value (p=0,000 <α0,05). The advice is to reduce the use of smartphone/gadget while learning and adhering to the rules at school.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Dec 8, 2014
Loss and grieving is an integral part of life. Lost is a state of the individual part with someth... more Loss and grieving is an integral part of life. Lost is a state of the individual part with something that previously existed, then there is no case, either in part or its entirety and grieving is the emotional response is expressed against loss manifested the feelings of sadness, anxiety, shortness of breath, insomnia and others. description of the stages of loss and grieving after the floods on communities in the Village Perkamil Manado City. This research uses descriptive survey method with cross sectional approach. Respondents in the study were neighbourhood 1 Perkamil village residents as much as 20 respondents. The result of the respondents have a positive response amounted to 63 people (67,7%) while the respondents have a negative response amounted to a 30 person (32,3%).
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Apr 28, 2017
Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, chil... more Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, children, adolescents, and adults, including students. In dealing with stress, students need family support in reducing the level of their stress. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between family support and stress levels of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado. Methods: this research used a quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach. There were 116 students who take online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado involved in this study. The instruments in this study used a Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) questionnaire and a Family Support questionnaire. The results of the statistical test using the Pearson Chi Square test at a significance level of 95%, showed a significant value value = 0.005 < (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: There was a sig...
Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands Distr... more Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands District Health Office in 2019 was 212 people with mental disorders spread over 15 sub-district out of 19 sub-district. In Indonesia, there are still many inappropriate ways to treat people with mental disorders, for example, wrong behavior and public perception, and high stigma and continues to grow in the community. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the public’s perception and behavior towards people with mental disorders in Rarange Village Kabaruan District Talaud Islands Regency. This method study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. Sampling in this study uses a purposive sampling method involving thirteen participants. Data analysis was used based on the Colaizzi method. The results of the study obtained four themes that are public perceptions related factors that cause mental disorders, negative public perception of people with mental ...
Tandipang fish sauce is one of the diversified products of tandipang fish. The choice of chili sa... more Tandipang fish sauce is one of the diversified products of tandipang fish. The choice of chili sauce as a diversified product is based on the reason that chili sauce is a popular product among the public and is quite in demand, especially the people of North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to make tandipang fish sauce products in jars and obtain the best quality and shelf life of tandipang fish sauces in jars. The benefits produced are as souvenirs of processed products typical of North Sulawesi. The method used is the experimental design used, namely the Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using ANOVA. Observation factors were storage time 0, 1, 2, and 3 weeks at a temperature of 28°C (room) and chili flavor variants (onion sauce, green chili sauce, and grilled rica). vary. Based on the results of the water content test, roasted rica is the best product. Because it has a low water content compared to chili and green chili sauce. Based on the results of organoleptic...
The purpose of this research is to determine the best liquid smoked tandipang fish product and de... more The purpose of this research is to determine the best liquid smoked tandipang fish product and determine the best storage capacity of liquid smoked tandipang fish. Smoking is a combination of drying techniques and the addition of chemical compounds from wood burning to maintain fish durability. Liquid smoking uses liquid smoke as a smoking medium (Utomo et al, 2012). The use of liquid smoke is to provide a specific color effect, taste, and smoky flavor. The method used in this research is experimental by conducting experiments to see a result. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) using ANOVA. The materials used are tandipang fish, liquid smoke, chemicals for quality testing and the tools used are gas ovens, drying cabinets, laboratory equipment, containers for placing tandipang fish (para-para). Liquid smoke used is liquid smoke produced by CV. Wulung Prima. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) The best liquid smoke tandipang fish p...
e-NERS, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyo... more Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyod expection and can not be predicted. The unxicty will be got if someone feel able to face it against because impugning it self. The goal of this research to get the level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. The selection of sample uses random sampling by ethnic simple random sampling. The number of sample that deived 40 people. Variable that deived is level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by category of symptom scor < 14 there’s no unxicty, scor 14 – 28 light unxicty, scor 29 – 42 sample unxicty scor 57 – 70 the most heavy unxicty or panic. From the result of research shows that level nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by simple category (57,5%). Expected there’s no attension from the member of hospital because will bwe able to infivence the service in generally and more spesificly on nurse in doing duty as profescy. Keyword s : Nurse unxicty. Abstrak: Kecemasan merupakan sebuah fenomena kognitif, dimana seseorang merasa akan terjadi sesuatu di luar kehendak dan tidak bisa diprediksi. Kecemasan akan diperoleh jika seseorang merasa tidak sanggup menghadapinya karena meragukan kemampuan diri sendiri.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 40 orang. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu memerikan tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof.dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori gejala skor <14 tidak ada kecemasan, skor 14-28 kemasan ringan, skor 29-42 kecemasan sedang, skor 43-56 kecemasan berat, dan skor 57-70 kecemasan berat sekali aatau panic.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori sedang (57,5%). Diharapkan adanya perhatian dari pihak rumah sakit karena akan dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan secara umum dan lebih khusus pada perawat dalam melaksanakan tugas profesi. Kata kunci: Kecemasan Perawat.
e-NERS, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined,... more Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined, with a view to the needs of patients are met optimally. Provision of nursing care must be according to the standard practice that has been set. The purpose of this study was to describe the conduct of implementation of Nursing Care Standards of hallucinations patients in the Mental Hospital Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. This study uses descriptive Surveying to 23 nursing documentation in the room Katirli and Maengket. The results showed that the implementation of standardized of nursing care on clients in the Mental Hospital of hallucinations Prof. DR. VL Ratumbuysang Manado which includes the assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation and evaluation has not been carried out according to standard. It is associated by a factor of education, length of work, motivation, and the training have been followed by nurses. So that it is advisable to enhance knowledge of nurses through the training which is expected to developing the ability and skill of nurses in applying standardized of nursing care, and socialization adoption according to standard of nursing care. Keywords : Hallucinations, Nursing Standard. Abstrak: Implementasi keperawatan adalah pelaksanaan rencana tindakan yang telah ditentukan, dengan maksud agar kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi secara optimal. Pemberian asuhan keperawatan harus sesuai dengan standar praktek yang sudah ditetapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pelaksanan implementasi Standar Asuhan Keperawatan pada pasien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Suvei Deskriptif terhadap 23 dokumentasi keperawatan di ruangan Katirli dan Maengket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi standar asuhan keperawatan pada klien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof DR. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado yang meliputi pengkajian, diagnosa, perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi belum dilakukan sesuai dengan standar. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan faktor pendidikan, lama kerja, motivasi, dan pelatihan yang pernah diikuti oleh perawat. Sehinga disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat melalui pelatihan yang diharapkan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan perawat dalam menerapkan standar asuhan keperawatan, serta sosialisasi penerapan ashuan keperawatan sesuai dengan standar asuhan. Kata Kunci: Halusinasi, Standar Asuhan Keperawatan.
: Family support is a form of servant behavior performed by the family both in the form of emotio... more : Family support is a form of servant behavior performed by the family both in the form of emotional support, awards, information and instrumental. Self-acceptance of the elderly is a high appreciation or not being cynical about self-relating to the elderly's willingness to open up or express thoughts, feelings, and reactions to others and able to accept his shortcomings as well as his ability to accept the advantages. The purpose of this study to analyze The relationship between the emotional support of the family and the self-acceptance of the elderly in Watutumou Village III. The research method is analytical descriptive with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling with the sample number of 60 respondents.The data collection is done by using a questionnaire and interview sheet. Processing data using computer program with Pearson chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (α =, 005). The results of this study using pearson chi-s...
: Therapeutic communication is communication that is planed and carried to asmed to help the heal... more : Therapeutic communication is communication that is planed and carried to asmed to help the healing and recovery of the patient. Anxiety is a fear that is not pleasant and can not be justified, often accompanied by physiological symptions. The purpose to test the therapeutic nurse respondents. The result based on test spearman rho correlation therapeutic communication with value obtained in levels of anxiety (p) = 0,000 where the value of α = 0,817. Conclution of this during infusion in children in the departemen of RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado. Keywords : Therapeutic Communication, Levels of Anxiety Abstrak : Komunikasi terapeutik adalah komunikasi yang direncanakan dan dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu penyembuhan atau pemulihan pasien. Kecemasan adalah suatu perasaan takut yang tidak menyenangkan dan tidak dapat dibenarkan yang sering disertai dengan gejala fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian untuk menguji hubungan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua sa...
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Aug 4, 2013
Abstract : Adolescent reproductive health , namely, healthy condition involving the reproductive ... more Abstract : Adolescent reproductive health , namely, healthy condition involving the reproductive system (functions, components, and processes) that are owned by teenagers, both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reproductive health disorders are often found in teenagers during menstruation, the incidence of irritation. Purpose of this study to determine the relationship with occurrence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents in SMP Negeri 8 Manado. Methods that uses cross-sectional observational analytic. Sample was the total population of the 167 respondents in accordance with inclusion criteria that have been menstruating for 3 months and are willing to respondents. The data were analyzed using SPSS univariate in the form of tables and bivariate frequency distributions using Spearman Rho correlation formula. Statistical test results showed Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficient (r)= 0.499isthe level of the relationship. Significance of the relationship between the two variables is (p)= 0.000, which indicates the value of < 0.05 was thus H1 is accepted or no relationship to the incidence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents. Conclusion no association with the incidence of reproductive health knowledge vaginal irritation during menstruation in adolescents in junior STATE 8 Manado. Keywords : Reproductive Health Knowledge, Current Events Menstruation irritation. Abstrak: Kesehatan reproduksi remaja yaitu, kondisi sehat yang menyangkut system reproduksi ( fungsi, komponen, dan proses) yang dimiliki oleh remaja baik secara fisik, mental, emosional dan spiritual.Gangguan kesehatan reproduksi yang sering ditemukan pada remaja saat menstruasi, yaitu kejadian iritasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja di SMP Negeri 8 Manado. Metode Penelitian yaitu observasional analitik menggunakan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah total populasi yaitu 167 responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang sudah mengalami menstruasi selama 3 bulan terakhir dan bersedia menjadi reponden. Data yang didapat dianalisa menggunakan SPSS secara univariat dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi dan secara bivariat dengan menggunakan rumus korelasi Spearman Rho . Hasil uji statistik Speaman Rho menunjukkan Koefesien Korelasi(r) = 0,499 merupakan tingkat hubungan yang sedang. Signifikansi dari hubungan kedua variabel tersebut adalah (p) = 0,000 yang menunjukkan nilai tersebut <0.05 dengan demikian H1 diterima atau ada hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja. Kesimpulan ada hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian iritasi vagina saat menstruasi pada remaja di SMP NEGERI 8 Manado. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Kejadian Iritasi Saat Menstruasi
Jurnal Kampus STIKES YPIB Majalengka
Pengobatan yang tidak teratur atau kelalaian dalam mengkonsumsi obat, pemakaian OAT yang tidak at... more Pengobatan yang tidak teratur atau kelalaian dalam mengkonsumsi obat, pemakaian OAT yang tidak atau kurang tepat, maupun pengobatan yang terputus dapat mengakibatkan resistensi bakteri terhadap obat. Di Puskesmas Kaladawa angka drop out rendah tetapi penderita banyak yang tidak melakukan control ulang dahak ketika berobat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Pasien Tuberculosis Paru Di Puskesmas Kaladawa Kabupaten Tegal Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan atau desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data dari Puskesmas Kaladawa semester pertama tahun 2017 sebanyak 162 orang dengan sampel sejumlah 62 responden. Analisa univariat yang digunakan yaitu chisquare. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan diketahui bahwa 36,8%) di Puskesmas Kaladawa tahun 2017 tidak patuh minum obat, 45,6% kurang mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 54,4%, Tidak ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan ...
Jurnal Keperawatan, Mar 17, 2022
Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, chil... more Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, children, adolescents, and adults, including students. In dealing with stress, students need family support in reducing the level of their stress. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between family support and stress levels of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado. Methods: this research used a quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach. There were 116 students who take online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado involved in this study. The instruments in this study used a Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) questionnaire and a Family Support questionnaire. The results of the statistical test using the Pearson Chi Square test at a significance level of 95%, showed a significant value value = 0.005 < (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between family support and the stress level of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Mar 17, 2022
Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands Distr... more Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands District Health Office in 2019 was 212 people with mental disorders spread over 15 sub-district out of 19 sub-district. In Indonesia, there are still many inappropriate ways to treat people with mental disorders, for example, wrong behavior and public perception, and high stigma and continues to grow in the community. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the public's perception and behavior towards people with mental disorders in Rarange Village Kabaruan District Talaud Islands Regency. This method study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. Sampling in this study uses a purposive sampling method involving thirteen participants. Data analysis was used based on the Colaizzi method. The results of the study obtained four themes that are public perceptions related factors that cause mental disorders, negative public perception of people with mental disorders, positive public perception of people with mental disorders, and community behavior towards people with mental disorders. The conclusion is that the public perception and behavior can make an impact on people with mental disorders depending on the good and bad perceptions and behaviors given by the community. Stigma is not only felt by people with mental disorders but also by their families. The public must be educated to better understand mental disorders.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Jan 31, 2019
The Students that would do clinical practice generally have varying levels of anxiety, starting f... more The Students that would do clinical practice generally have varying levels of anxiety, starting from no anxiety, light, medium, and serious. The coping mechanisms is medhid for resolve the stressed and anxiety. Aimed research to determine whether there is a correlation of coping mechanisms with anixiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine who will attend nursing clinical practice. The sample used is total sampling that is 73 samples.The research method used descriptive analytic with cross sectional study approach.Result, research with chi-square statistic test showed that there was correlation beetwen coping mechanisms with anxiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine who will attend nursing clinical practice with p = 0,000. Conclusion the majority of nursing students of regular semester III of Sam Ratulangi University of Manado have a coping mechanisms of adaptive and anxiety level measurable with there is correlation of coping mechanisms with anxiety to regular semester III Nursing Science Program Faculty Of Medicine will attend nursing clinical practice.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyo... more Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyod expection and can not be predicted. The unxicty will be got if someone feel able to face it against because impugning it self. The goal of this research to get the level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. The selection of sample uses random sampling by ethnic simple random sampling. The number of sample that deived 40 people. Variable that deived is level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by category of symptom scor < 14 there’s no unxicty, scor 14 – 28 light unxicty, scor 29 – 42 sample unxicty scor 57 – 70 the most heavy unxicty or panic. From the result of research shows that level nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by simple category (57,5%). Expected there’s no attension from the member of hospital because will bwe able to infivence the service in generally and more spesificly on nurse in doing duty as profescy. Keyword s : Nurse unxicty. Abstrak: Kecemasan merupakan sebuah fenomena kognitif, dimana seseorang merasa akan terjadi sesuatu di luar kehendak dan tidak bisa diprediksi. Kecemasan akan diperoleh jika seseorang merasa tidak sanggup menghadapinya karena meragukan kemampuan diri sendiri.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 40 orang. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu memerikan tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof.dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori gejala skor <14 tidak ada kecemasan, skor 14-28 kemasan ringan, skor 29-42 kecemasan sedang, skor 43-56 kecemasan berat, dan skor 57-70 kecemasan berat sekali aatau panic.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori sedang (57,5%). Diharapkan adanya perhatian dari pihak rumah sakit karena akan dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan secara umum dan lebih khusus pada perawat dalam melaksanakan tugas profesi. Kata kunci: Kecemasan Perawat.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined,... more Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined, with a view to the needs of patients are met optimally. Provision of nursing care must be according to the standard practice that has been set. The purpose of this study was to describe the conduct of implementation of Nursing Care Standards of hallucinations patients in the Mental Hospital Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. This study uses descriptive Surveying to 23 nursing documentation in the room Katirli and Maengket. The results showed that the implementation of standardized of nursing care on clients in the Mental Hospital of hallucinations Prof. DR. VL Ratumbuysang Manado which includes the assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation and evaluation has not been carried out according to standard. It is associated by a factor of education, length of work, motivation, and the training have been followed by nurses. So that it is advisable to enhance knowledge of nurses through the training which is expected to developing the ability and skill of nurses in applying standardized of nursing care, and socialization adoption according to standard of nursing care. Keywords : Hallucinations, Nursing Standard. Abstrak: Implementasi keperawatan adalah pelaksanaan rencana tindakan yang telah ditentukan, dengan maksud agar kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi secara optimal. Pemberian asuhan keperawatan harus sesuai dengan standar praktek yang sudah ditetapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pelaksanan implementasi Standar Asuhan Keperawatan pada pasien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Suvei Deskriptif terhadap 23 dokumentasi keperawatan di ruangan Katirli dan Maengket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi standar asuhan keperawatan pada klien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof DR. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado yang meliputi pengkajian, diagnosa, perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi belum dilakukan sesuai dengan standar. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan faktor pendidikan, lama kerja, motivasi, dan pelatihan yang pernah diikuti oleh perawat. Sehinga disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat melalui pelatihan yang diharapkan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan perawat dalam menerapkan standar asuhan keperawatan, serta sosialisasi penerapan ashuan keperawatan sesuai dengan standar asuhan. Kata Kunci: Halusinasi, Standar Asuhan Keperawatan.
e-Ners: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Mar 11, 2013
Abstrak: Perubahan fisik serta stigma negatif di masyarakat menyebabkan tekanan psikologis pada p... more Abstrak: Perubahan fisik serta stigma negatif di masyarakat menyebabkan tekanan psikologis pada pasien dengan HIV/AIDS berupa respon berduka terhadap penyakit, sehingga perawat diharapkan dapat membina hubungan interpersonal yang terapeutik mencakup perannya sebagai konselor. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari ada tidaknya pengaruh peran perawat sebagai konselor terhadap respon berduka pasien HIV-AIDS di BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Metode penelitian menggunakan pre eksperimental dengan one group pre-post test design. Responden berjumlah 15 orang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Mula-mula diukur dengan menggunakan kusioner respon berduka, selanjutnya diberikan konseling oleh perawat dalam tiga sesi pertemuan kemudian respon berduka pasien diukur lagi dengan kuisioner yang sama. Hasil Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test(α=0,05) didapatkan Nilai probabilitas=0,001. Hal ini menunjukkan nilai p
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Aug 11, 2014
Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the neg... more Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the negative effects of facebook addiction can be divided into : Personal antisocial and Dualism personality. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) with assertive behaviour of adolescent in Christian High School 1 Tomohon. The design of this study was conducted with cross sectional method, populations are all of the student in eleventh grade who have an active facebook account, selecting samples with purposive sampling. Analysis data using SPSS version 20 with chi-square test to determine the correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent. Result of the study the prevalence of facebook addiction disorder in Christian Senior School 1 Tomohon in low categories and assertive behavior in good categories. The conclusion is there is a correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent that obtained value (p=0,000 <α0,05). The advice is to reduce the use of smartphone/gadget while learning and adhering to the rules at school.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Nov 8, 2014
Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the neg... more Facebook addiction means spending excessive amounts of time on Facebook. Psychologically, the negative effects of facebook addiction can be divided into : Personal antisocial and Dualism personality. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) with assertive behaviour of adolescent in Christian High School 1 Tomohon. The design of this study was conducted with cross sectional method, populations are all of the student in eleventh grade who have an active facebook account, selecting samples with purposive sampling. Analysis data using SPSS version 20 with chi-square test to determine the correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent. Result of the study the prevalence of facebook addiction disorder in Christian Senior School 1 Tomohon in low categories and assertive behavior in good categories. The conclusion is there is a correlation between facebook addiction disorder with assertive behaviour of adolescent that obtained value (p=0,000 <α0,05). The advice is to reduce the use of smartphone/gadget while learning and adhering to the rules at school.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Dec 8, 2014
Loss and grieving is an integral part of life. Lost is a state of the individual part with someth... more Loss and grieving is an integral part of life. Lost is a state of the individual part with something that previously existed, then there is no case, either in part or its entirety and grieving is the emotional response is expressed against loss manifested the feelings of sadness, anxiety, shortness of breath, insomnia and others. description of the stages of loss and grieving after the floods on communities in the Village Perkamil Manado City. This research uses descriptive survey method with cross sectional approach. Respondents in the study were neighbourhood 1 Perkamil village residents as much as 20 respondents. The result of the respondents have a positive response amounted to 63 people (67,7%) while the respondents have a negative response amounted to a 30 person (32,3%).
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, Apr 28, 2017
Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, chil... more Background: Stress is a normal reaction to various pressures experienced by each individual, children, adolescents, and adults, including students. In dealing with stress, students need family support in reducing the level of their stress. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between family support and stress levels of students who took online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado. Methods: this research used a quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach. There were 116 students who take online learning at PSIK FK Unsrat Manado involved in this study. The instruments in this study used a Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) questionnaire and a Family Support questionnaire. The results of the statistical test using the Pearson Chi Square test at a significance level of 95%, showed a significant value value = 0.005 < (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: There was a sig...
Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands Distr... more Background The number of people with mental disorders based on data from the Talaud Islands District Health Office in 2019 was 212 people with mental disorders spread over 15 sub-district out of 19 sub-district. In Indonesia, there are still many inappropriate ways to treat people with mental disorders, for example, wrong behavior and public perception, and high stigma and continues to grow in the community. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the public’s perception and behavior towards people with mental disorders in Rarange Village Kabaruan District Talaud Islands Regency. This method study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. Sampling in this study uses a purposive sampling method involving thirteen participants. Data analysis was used based on the Colaizzi method. The results of the study obtained four themes that are public perceptions related factors that cause mental disorders, negative public perception of people with mental ...
Tandipang fish sauce is one of the diversified products of tandipang fish. The choice of chili sa... more Tandipang fish sauce is one of the diversified products of tandipang fish. The choice of chili sauce as a diversified product is based on the reason that chili sauce is a popular product among the public and is quite in demand, especially the people of North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to make tandipang fish sauce products in jars and obtain the best quality and shelf life of tandipang fish sauces in jars. The benefits produced are as souvenirs of processed products typical of North Sulawesi. The method used is the experimental design used, namely the Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using ANOVA. Observation factors were storage time 0, 1, 2, and 3 weeks at a temperature of 28°C (room) and chili flavor variants (onion sauce, green chili sauce, and grilled rica). vary. Based on the results of the water content test, roasted rica is the best product. Because it has a low water content compared to chili and green chili sauce. Based on the results of organoleptic...
The purpose of this research is to determine the best liquid smoked tandipang fish product and de... more The purpose of this research is to determine the best liquid smoked tandipang fish product and determine the best storage capacity of liquid smoked tandipang fish. Smoking is a combination of drying techniques and the addition of chemical compounds from wood burning to maintain fish durability. Liquid smoking uses liquid smoke as a smoking medium (Utomo et al, 2012). The use of liquid smoke is to provide a specific color effect, taste, and smoky flavor. The method used in this research is experimental by conducting experiments to see a result. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) using ANOVA. The materials used are tandipang fish, liquid smoke, chemicals for quality testing and the tools used are gas ovens, drying cabinets, laboratory equipment, containers for placing tandipang fish (para-para). Liquid smoke used is liquid smoke produced by CV. Wulung Prima. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) The best liquid smoke tandipang fish p...
e-NERS, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyo... more Abstract: Unxicty is cognitive phenomenom, where someone will feel something happened in our beyod expection and can not be predicted. The unxicty will be got if someone feel able to face it against because impugning it self. The goal of this research to get the level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. The selection of sample uses random sampling by ethnic simple random sampling. The number of sample that deived 40 people. Variable that deived is level illustration of nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by category of symptom scor < 14 there’s no unxicty, scor 14 – 28 light unxicty, scor 29 – 42 sample unxicty scor 57 – 70 the most heavy unxicty or panic. From the result of research shows that level nurse unxicty at IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado by simple category (57,5%). Expected there’s no attension from the member of hospital because will bwe able to infivence the service in generally and more spesificly on nurse in doing duty as profescy. Keyword s : Nurse unxicty. Abstrak: Kecemasan merupakan sebuah fenomena kognitif, dimana seseorang merasa akan terjadi sesuatu di luar kehendak dan tidak bisa diprediksi. Kecemasan akan diperoleh jika seseorang merasa tidak sanggup menghadapinya karena meragukan kemampuan diri sendiri.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 40 orang. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu memerikan tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof.dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori gejala skor <14 tidak ada kecemasan, skor 14-28 kemasan ringan, skor 29-42 kecemasan sedang, skor 43-56 kecemasan berat, dan skor 57-70 kecemasan berat sekali aatau panic.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan perawat di IGD BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado dengan kategori sedang (57,5%). Diharapkan adanya perhatian dari pihak rumah sakit karena akan dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan secara umum dan lebih khusus pada perawat dalam melaksanakan tugas profesi. Kata kunci: Kecemasan Perawat.
e-NERS, Mar 11, 2013
Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined,... more Abstract: The implementation of nursing is the execution actions plan which have been determined, with a view to the needs of patients are met optimally. Provision of nursing care must be according to the standard practice that has been set. The purpose of this study was to describe the conduct of implementation of Nursing Care Standards of hallucinations patients in the Mental Hospital Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. This study uses descriptive Surveying to 23 nursing documentation in the room Katirli and Maengket. The results showed that the implementation of standardized of nursing care on clients in the Mental Hospital of hallucinations Prof. DR. VL Ratumbuysang Manado which includes the assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation and evaluation has not been carried out according to standard. It is associated by a factor of education, length of work, motivation, and the training have been followed by nurses. So that it is advisable to enhance knowledge of nurses through the training which is expected to developing the ability and skill of nurses in applying standardized of nursing care, and socialization adoption according to standard of nursing care. Keywords : Hallucinations, Nursing Standard. Abstrak: Implementasi keperawatan adalah pelaksanaan rencana tindakan yang telah ditentukan, dengan maksud agar kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi secara optimal. Pemberian asuhan keperawatan harus sesuai dengan standar praktek yang sudah ditetapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pelaksanan implementasi Standar Asuhan Keperawatan pada pasien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Suvei Deskriptif terhadap 23 dokumentasi keperawatan di ruangan Katirli dan Maengket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi standar asuhan keperawatan pada klien halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof DR. V.L Ratumbuysang Manado yang meliputi pengkajian, diagnosa, perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi belum dilakukan sesuai dengan standar. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan faktor pendidikan, lama kerja, motivasi, dan pelatihan yang pernah diikuti oleh perawat. Sehinga disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat melalui pelatihan yang diharapkan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan perawat dalam menerapkan standar asuhan keperawatan, serta sosialisasi penerapan ashuan keperawatan sesuai dengan standar asuhan. Kata Kunci: Halusinasi, Standar Asuhan Keperawatan.
: Family support is a form of servant behavior performed by the family both in the form of emotio... more : Family support is a form of servant behavior performed by the family both in the form of emotional support, awards, information and instrumental. Self-acceptance of the elderly is a high appreciation or not being cynical about self-relating to the elderly's willingness to open up or express thoughts, feelings, and reactions to others and able to accept his shortcomings as well as his ability to accept the advantages. The purpose of this study to analyze The relationship between the emotional support of the family and the self-acceptance of the elderly in Watutumou Village III. The research method is analytical descriptive with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling with the sample number of 60 respondents.The data collection is done by using a questionnaire and interview sheet. Processing data using computer program with Pearson chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (α =, 005). The results of this study using pearson chi-s...
: Therapeutic communication is communication that is planed and carried to asmed to help the heal... more : Therapeutic communication is communication that is planed and carried to asmed to help the healing and recovery of the patient. Anxiety is a fear that is not pleasant and can not be justified, often accompanied by physiological symptions. The purpose to test the therapeutic nurse respondents. The result based on test spearman rho correlation therapeutic communication with value obtained in levels of anxiety (p) = 0,000 where the value of α = 0,817. Conclution of this during infusion in children in the departemen of RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado. Keywords : Therapeutic Communication, Levels of Anxiety Abstrak : Komunikasi terapeutik adalah komunikasi yang direncanakan dan dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu penyembuhan atau pemulihan pasien. Kecemasan adalah suatu perasaan takut yang tidak menyenangkan dan tidak dapat dibenarkan yang sering disertai dengan gejala fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian untuk menguji hubungan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua sa...