Xabier Altzibar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Xabier Altzibar

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Research paper thumbnail of Eusebio Maria Azkueren nortasunaz eta harreraz argitasun batzuk:harenak ote dira "Carlistenac" bertsoak? (Eusebio Maria Azkueren bigarren mendeurren-jardunaldia)

Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria

Ikerlan honek, alde batetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren alde biografiko batzuk erakusten ditu, Lekeitiok... more Ikerlan honek, alde batetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren alde biografiko batzuk erakusten ditu, Lekeitioko Nautika Eskolako irakasle izan zen garaikoak (1862-1873). Esaterako, katedrak lan zama handia ezarri ziola baina soldatari esker kitatu ahal izan zituela zorrak, eta, bestalde, aita familiako gisa arduraz jokatu zuela bere bi ezkontzetako seme-alaben arteko batasuna eta elkar laguntza bilatuz. Bestetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren hizkuntza, idazkera eta metrika beste testu batzuetakoekin konparatuta, ikerlanak ondorioztatzen du «Carlistenac» bertsoak, Eusebio M. Azkueren poemen biltzaile eta argitaratzaile batzuek Eusebio M. Azkueren izenpean agerrarazten dituztenak, ez diratekeela harenak, Bizenta Mogelenak baizik.

Research paper thumbnail of Collocations in Basque: a test for classification

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning Text Theory Recurso Electronico Barcelona September 8 9 2011 2011 Isbn Isbn 978 84 615 1 Pags 1 12, 2011

This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at pres... more This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at present no dictionaries of collocations or word combinations in this language. We take as our reference point the taxonomy of Spanish by G. Corpas (1996), making allowances for the distinctive features of Basque morphosyntactic structures and current usage. We classify the collocations by their morphosyntactic structure and specify the base in each case, all with examples of common productions taken from the media and from spoken language. We also establish the principal lexical functions that appear in the examples.

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro XI

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro III

Ce numéro divisé en 4 parties (Langue, Littérature, Sciences humaines et sociales et Recensions, ... more Ce numéro divisé en 4 parties (Langue, Littérature, Sciences humaines et sociales et Recensions, informations) contient une vingtaine d'articles : (i) Hector Iglesias / Sur quelques similitudes toponymiques galaïco-basques et le problème que posent certaines d'entre elles, (ii) Michel Morvan/ A propos des mots basques ahuntz « chèvre » et lepo « cou, col », (iii) Michel Morvan / Onomastique basque aux Philippines..

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro IX

Research paper thumbnail of Gilen Humboldt

Hizkuntzalaria. Politikaria. Kultur eragile eta biltzailea. Euskararen jatorriari dagokionez, tes... more Hizkuntzalaria. Politikaria. Kultur eragile eta biltzailea. Euskararen jatorriari dagokionez, tesi iberistaren aldekoa zen. Euskararen berri zehatzak Europako kultur giroetan zabaltzen lehena izan zen. Filologia, poesia eta hizkuntzalaritzan ere aski trebea zela erakutsi zuen. Bi bidaia egin zituen Euskal Herrira berebiziko arreta piztu baitzion euskarak eta hizkuntza gertutik ezagutu nahi izan zuen

Research paper thumbnail of Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 2018

This encyclopedia documents the presence and impact of nationalized cultural consciousness in Eur... more This encyclopedia documents the presence and impact of nationalized cultural consciousness in European nationalism. It tracks how intellectuals, historians, philologists, novelists, poets, painters, folklorists, and composers, in an intensely collaborative transnational network, articulated the national identities and aspirations that would go on to determine European history and politics, with effects that are still felt today. Edited by Joep Leerssen, in cooperation with almost 350 authors from dozens of countries, this encyclopedia gives a clear idea of the intricate (transnational and intermedial) networks and entanglements in which all aspects of Romantic Nationalism are connected. The online Open Access edition of The Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe is available here.

Research paper thumbnail of Maiatzeko loreen egunetarako berba-aldiak: jatorrizko eskuizkribua eta 1885eko edizioa

This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcay... more This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcayan writer, J uan:Jose Moguel, since the first edition ofthis work appeared almost forty years after the death of the author. 1n fact, the edition was full of misprints, but on the other hand the editor or the person who was in charge ofpreparing the text made a lot of changes, consciously, in the morphological, lexical and graphical aspect. Most of the morphological changes are mistakes, a great deal of theam owing to misunderstanding, specially ofBizcayan forms. Many lexical forms ofthis dialect are also changed into Gipuzkoan, as the edition was made in tolosa and presumably by a native of Gipuzkoa or having in mind readers from this province too. As for the graphical aspect, the edition doesn't pay attention to the uses of the author nor to the characteristics of the marquinese classic writers in this field, and therefore the changes aim to adapt the original text to the graphical...

Research paper thumbnail of Collocations in Basque: a test for classification

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning Text Theory Recurso Electronico Barcelona September 8 9 2011 2011 Isbn Isbn 978 84 615 1 Pags 1 12, 2011

This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at pres... more This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at present no dictionaries of collocations or word combinations in this language. We take as our reference point the taxonomy of Spanish by G. Corpas (1996), making allowances for the distinctive features of Basque morphosyntactic structures and current usage. We classify the collocations by their morphosyntactic structure and specify the base in each case, all with examples of common productions taken from the media and from spoken language. We also establish the principal lexical functions that appear in the examples.

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Erramu Boneta Festschrift For Rudolf P G De Rijk 2002 Isbn 84 8373 406 0 Pags 53 72, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of kolokazioak : OEH eta egungo erabilera

Koldo Mitxelena Katedraren Iii Biltzarra Vitoria Gasteiz 2012 X 8 11 Letren Fakultateko Aula Magnan 2013 Isbn 978 84 9860 911 0 Pags 23 40, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Basque complex predicates and grammar change

Research paper thumbnail of Bizenta Mogelen gabon kantak eta 1828ko bertsoak

Bizenta Mogel (1882-1854) euskal literaturako lehen emakume idazlearen bertsoak aztertzen eta arg... more Bizenta Mogel (1882-1854) euskal literaturako lehen emakume idazlearen bertsoak aztertzen eta argitaratzen ditugu artikulu honetan. 1818-1832 bitartean, Bilboko tradizioari jarraituz, gabon-kantak jarri zituen euskara hutsean, baita 1828an Fernando VII.aren eta Maria Amaliaren omenezko bertsoak. Izan ere gabon-kantak dira Bizentaren lan pertsonal eta originalena. Bertsoen edukia (gaiak, asmoa, tonua), haietan dagoen bilakaera eta forma (hizkuntza, metrika) aztertu ditugu, eta, ondoren, testuak argitaratu, oraingo grafiari egokituz. Bizentaren gabon-kantak euskal literaturako obra garrantzitsua da. Hitz gakoak: Gabon-kantak. Eguberri-kantak. XIX. mendea. Bilbo.

Research paper thumbnail of J.A. Mogelen hasierako idazkera: hiru platika eta 1783ko dotrina

In these four selected texts, dated aproximately between 1770 and 1783, we aim to show the evolut... more In these four selected texts, dated aproximately between 1770 and 1783, we aim to show the evolution in the written Bizcayan Basque of Juan Antonio Mogel, one of the creators of the so-called literary Bizcayan Basque, before he reachead his well known and characteristical model in works like Peru Abarca or Confesino ona around 1800. In fact, the evolution is constant: in the beginning he wrote following Guipuzcoan -not Bizcayan- patterns, specially the Jesuit Sebastian Mendiburu, his main source, but shortly after he attempted to write in a more cultivated Bizcayan Basque in the catechism of 1783. Throughout all this first period he did not use at all some of the most characteristical and distinctive -from Anibarro's- graphical signs of his spelling system: doubled vowels and p (instead of f ).

Research paper thumbnail of Kardaberazen bizkaierazko dotrina: 1783ko edizioa

Aita Agustin Kardaberaz jesuita (1703-1770) misiolaria izan zen Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa eta A... more Aita Agustin Kardaberaz jesuita (1703-1770) misiolaria izan zen Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa eta Araban. Jesusen Bihotzaren debozioarenaitzindari,kofradiaksortu zituen han-hor-hemen -aberats zein pobre, gizonezko nahi andrezko-eliztar guztiei irekiak, beraietan euskarazko liburu eta sermoiak egitera bultzatuaz . .1755etik aurrera, Loiolan egon ohi dela, euskarazko liburuak idatzi eta zabaltzera jo zuen, dotrinak eta, batez ere, debozio-liburuak argitaratuaz1• Christavaren bicitza izan zen lehena, 1760ko edizioa (Iruna, A. Castilla), behintzat, ezagutzen dugularik2• Eusqueraren berri onac: eta ondoescribitceco,ondo iracurteco, ta ondo itzeguiteco Erreglac (Iruna: A. Castilla, 1761) liburutXoan Larramendi Lagundikide eta maisu hautatuari jarraitzen dio nahiz ez den hain garbizale hitz hau eao bestea erabiltzean. Ortografia kontuetan ere beren eztabaidatxoak izan zituzten, ikusiko du~unez. Egercicioac deituak (Loiolan S. Inazioaren gogo-ihardunak predikatu ohi zltuen) lau partetan argit...

Research paper thumbnail of Peru Abarca-ren kopiak eta lehen edizioa

This paper tries to contribute to a critical edition of Peru Abarca , necessary since the edition... more This paper tries to contribute to a critical edition of Peru Abarca , necessary since the editions nowadays available are based on the first one, which came out about 80 years after the death of the author and containing quite a mistakes. For that purpose, we have collected ten copies made in the nineteenth century, and studied their nature. We have also compared the first edition (1881) whit the manuscript. As a result, we think that some copies and the first edition give us some profitable criteria for making a good edition: they have as a base the manuscript but they are not simple copies of it but an essay to improve in some ways the text of the author. For instance, the first edition corrects some mistakes and complets the spaces unfilled in the manuscript. Furthermore, it is an essay to adapt the graphies of the autor to the uses at that time or modernise them.

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Hizkuntzen ikaskuntza eta erabileran axola handikoak dira hizketa-formulak. Gizalegea erakusten d... more Hizkuntzen ikaskuntza eta erabileran axola handikoak dira hizketa-formulak. Gizalegea erakusten dute, jendeen hezkuntzaren eta gizarte jokaeraren neurtzaile eta neurgailu dira, kulturaren erakusleiho. Euskaldunok gaztelerazkoak edo frantsesezkoak ere ikasi ditugu, eta askok are ingelesezkoak. Hizkuntza honetan, adib., ohargarri da zein erabiliak diren jende hezi eta «behar bezala» mintzo direnen ahotan, nolako arretaz ikasi eta zaintzen dituzten esateko moduak egoera jakinetan (esker emate, barka-eskatze, kexatze, desenkusatze ... ). Eta beraz zein baliagarri izan zaizkigun elkarrizketazko ikasbide eta kontzeptu zenbait ((situational dialogues», «interaction», etab.) ingelesa ikasterakoan. Gure eguneroko solasean beso eta esku luzea dute gaztelera nahiz frantsesezko hizketa formulek; eta ingelesezko kultura eta mintzamoldeen eragina handia da hedabide, film, publizitate, literatur itzulpen eta abarretan. Euskaraz ari garela, esamolde jator nahiz erdaren kopia huts, tradizio zaharrek...

Research paper thumbnail of Maiatzeko loreen eguneterako berba-aldiak": jatorrizko eskuizkribua eta 1885eko edizioa

This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcay... more This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcayan writer, Juan Jose Moguel, since the first edition ofthis work appeared almost forty years after the death of the author. In fact, the edition was full of misprints, but on the other hand the editor or the person who was in charge of preparing the text made a lot of changes, consciously, in the morphological, lexical and graphical aspect. Most of the morphological changes are mistakes, a great deal of theam owing to misunderstanding, specially of Bizcayan forms. Many lexical forms of this dialect are also changed into Gipuzkoan, as the edition was made in Tolosa and presumably by a native of Gipuzkoa or having in mind readers from this province too. As for the graphical aspect, the edition doesn't pay attention to the uses of the author nor to the characteristics of the marquinese classic writers in this field, and therefore the changes aim to adapt the original text to the graphic...

Research paper thumbnail of Joan Antonio Zamakola

[eu] Euskaltzale ilustratua, eskribaua eta militarra, jose bonaparteren agintaldian kargo publiko... more [eu] Euskaltzale ilustratua, eskribaua eta militarra, jose bonaparteren agintaldian kargo publiko batzuetan parte hartu zuen, idatzi zituenen artean ondoko gaiak: lehen euskal historia nazionalaren egilea , euskararen defentsa eta apologia, folklorea, astarloaren ideien zabaltzailea...

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Research paper thumbnail of Eusebio Maria Azkueren nortasunaz eta harreraz argitasun batzuk:harenak ote dira "Carlistenac" bertsoak? (Eusebio Maria Azkueren bigarren mendeurren-jardunaldia)

Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria

Ikerlan honek, alde batetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren alde biografiko batzuk erakusten ditu, Lekeitiok... more Ikerlan honek, alde batetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren alde biografiko batzuk erakusten ditu, Lekeitioko Nautika Eskolako irakasle izan zen garaikoak (1862-1873). Esaterako, katedrak lan zama handia ezarri ziola baina soldatari esker kitatu ahal izan zituela zorrak, eta, bestalde, aita familiako gisa arduraz jokatu zuela bere bi ezkontzetako seme-alaben arteko batasuna eta elkar laguntza bilatuz. Bestetik, Eusebio M. Azkueren hizkuntza, idazkera eta metrika beste testu batzuetakoekin konparatuta, ikerlanak ondorioztatzen du «Carlistenac» bertsoak, Eusebio M. Azkueren poemen biltzaile eta argitaratzaile batzuek Eusebio M. Azkueren izenpean agerrarazten dituztenak, ez diratekeela harenak, Bizenta Mogelenak baizik.

Research paper thumbnail of Collocations in Basque: a test for classification

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning Text Theory Recurso Electronico Barcelona September 8 9 2011 2011 Isbn Isbn 978 84 615 1 Pags 1 12, 2011

This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at pres... more This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at present no dictionaries of collocations or word combinations in this language. We take as our reference point the taxonomy of Spanish by G. Corpas (1996), making allowances for the distinctive features of Basque morphosyntactic structures and current usage. We classify the collocations by their morphosyntactic structure and specify the base in each case, all with examples of common productions taken from the media and from spoken language. We also establish the principal lexical functions that appear in the examples.

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro XI

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro III

Ce numéro divisé en 4 parties (Langue, Littérature, Sciences humaines et sociales et Recensions, ... more Ce numéro divisé en 4 parties (Langue, Littérature, Sciences humaines et sociales et Recensions, informations) contient une vingtaine d'articles : (i) Hector Iglesias / Sur quelques similitudes toponymiques galaïco-basques et le problème que posent certaines d'entre elles, (ii) Michel Morvan/ A propos des mots basques ahuntz « chèvre » et lepo « cou, col », (iii) Michel Morvan / Onomastique basque aux Philippines..

Research paper thumbnail of Numéro IX

Research paper thumbnail of Gilen Humboldt

Hizkuntzalaria. Politikaria. Kultur eragile eta biltzailea. Euskararen jatorriari dagokionez, tes... more Hizkuntzalaria. Politikaria. Kultur eragile eta biltzailea. Euskararen jatorriari dagokionez, tesi iberistaren aldekoa zen. Euskararen berri zehatzak Europako kultur giroetan zabaltzen lehena izan zen. Filologia, poesia eta hizkuntzalaritzan ere aski trebea zela erakutsi zuen. Bi bidaia egin zituen Euskal Herrira berebiziko arreta piztu baitzion euskarak eta hizkuntza gertutik ezagutu nahi izan zuen

Research paper thumbnail of Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 2018

This encyclopedia documents the presence and impact of nationalized cultural consciousness in Eur... more This encyclopedia documents the presence and impact of nationalized cultural consciousness in European nationalism. It tracks how intellectuals, historians, philologists, novelists, poets, painters, folklorists, and composers, in an intensely collaborative transnational network, articulated the national identities and aspirations that would go on to determine European history and politics, with effects that are still felt today. Edited by Joep Leerssen, in cooperation with almost 350 authors from dozens of countries, this encyclopedia gives a clear idea of the intricate (transnational and intermedial) networks and entanglements in which all aspects of Romantic Nationalism are connected. The online Open Access edition of The Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe is available here.

Research paper thumbnail of Maiatzeko loreen egunetarako berba-aldiak: jatorrizko eskuizkribua eta 1885eko edizioa

This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcay... more This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcayan writer, J uan:Jose Moguel, since the first edition ofthis work appeared almost forty years after the death of the author. 1n fact, the edition was full of misprints, but on the other hand the editor or the person who was in charge ofpreparing the text made a lot of changes, consciously, in the morphological, lexical and graphical aspect. Most of the morphological changes are mistakes, a great deal of theam owing to misunderstanding, specially ofBizcayan forms. Many lexical forms ofthis dialect are also changed into Gipuzkoan, as the edition was made in tolosa and presumably by a native of Gipuzkoa or having in mind readers from this province too. As for the graphical aspect, the edition doesn't pay attention to the uses of the author nor to the characteristics of the marquinese classic writers in this field, and therefore the changes aim to adapt the original text to the graphical...

Research paper thumbnail of Collocations in Basque: a test for classification

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning Text Theory Recurso Electronico Barcelona September 8 9 2011 2011 Isbn Isbn 978 84 615 1 Pags 1 12, 2011

This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at pres... more This work presents an initial attempt to classify collocations in Basque, since there are at present no dictionaries of collocations or word combinations in this language. We take as our reference point the taxonomy of Spanish by G. Corpas (1996), making allowances for the distinctive features of Basque morphosyntactic structures and current usage. We classify the collocations by their morphosyntactic structure and specify the base in each case, all with examples of common productions taken from the media and from spoken language. We also establish the principal lexical functions that appear in the examples.

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Erramu Boneta Festschrift For Rudolf P G De Rijk 2002 Isbn 84 8373 406 0 Pags 53 72, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of kolokazioak : OEH eta egungo erabilera

Koldo Mitxelena Katedraren Iii Biltzarra Vitoria Gasteiz 2012 X 8 11 Letren Fakultateko Aula Magnan 2013 Isbn 978 84 9860 911 0 Pags 23 40, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Basque complex predicates and grammar change

Research paper thumbnail of Bizenta Mogelen gabon kantak eta 1828ko bertsoak

Bizenta Mogel (1882-1854) euskal literaturako lehen emakume idazlearen bertsoak aztertzen eta arg... more Bizenta Mogel (1882-1854) euskal literaturako lehen emakume idazlearen bertsoak aztertzen eta argitaratzen ditugu artikulu honetan. 1818-1832 bitartean, Bilboko tradizioari jarraituz, gabon-kantak jarri zituen euskara hutsean, baita 1828an Fernando VII.aren eta Maria Amaliaren omenezko bertsoak. Izan ere gabon-kantak dira Bizentaren lan pertsonal eta originalena. Bertsoen edukia (gaiak, asmoa, tonua), haietan dagoen bilakaera eta forma (hizkuntza, metrika) aztertu ditugu, eta, ondoren, testuak argitaratu, oraingo grafiari egokituz. Bizentaren gabon-kantak euskal literaturako obra garrantzitsua da. Hitz gakoak: Gabon-kantak. Eguberri-kantak. XIX. mendea. Bilbo.

Research paper thumbnail of J.A. Mogelen hasierako idazkera: hiru platika eta 1783ko dotrina

In these four selected texts, dated aproximately between 1770 and 1783, we aim to show the evolut... more In these four selected texts, dated aproximately between 1770 and 1783, we aim to show the evolution in the written Bizcayan Basque of Juan Antonio Mogel, one of the creators of the so-called literary Bizcayan Basque, before he reachead his well known and characteristical model in works like Peru Abarca or Confesino ona around 1800. In fact, the evolution is constant: in the beginning he wrote following Guipuzcoan -not Bizcayan- patterns, specially the Jesuit Sebastian Mendiburu, his main source, but shortly after he attempted to write in a more cultivated Bizcayan Basque in the catechism of 1783. Throughout all this first period he did not use at all some of the most characteristical and distinctive -from Anibarro's- graphical signs of his spelling system: doubled vowels and p (instead of f ).

Research paper thumbnail of Kardaberazen bizkaierazko dotrina: 1783ko edizioa

Aita Agustin Kardaberaz jesuita (1703-1770) misiolaria izan zen Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa eta A... more Aita Agustin Kardaberaz jesuita (1703-1770) misiolaria izan zen Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa eta Araban. Jesusen Bihotzaren debozioarenaitzindari,kofradiaksortu zituen han-hor-hemen -aberats zein pobre, gizonezko nahi andrezko-eliztar guztiei irekiak, beraietan euskarazko liburu eta sermoiak egitera bultzatuaz . .1755etik aurrera, Loiolan egon ohi dela, euskarazko liburuak idatzi eta zabaltzera jo zuen, dotrinak eta, batez ere, debozio-liburuak argitaratuaz1• Christavaren bicitza izan zen lehena, 1760ko edizioa (Iruna, A. Castilla), behintzat, ezagutzen dugularik2• Eusqueraren berri onac: eta ondoescribitceco,ondo iracurteco, ta ondo itzeguiteco Erreglac (Iruna: A. Castilla, 1761) liburutXoan Larramendi Lagundikide eta maisu hautatuari jarraitzen dio nahiz ez den hain garbizale hitz hau eao bestea erabiltzean. Ortografia kontuetan ere beren eztabaidatxoak izan zituzten, ikusiko du~unez. Egercicioac deituak (Loiolan S. Inazioaren gogo-ihardunak predikatu ohi zltuen) lau partetan argit...

Research paper thumbnail of Peru Abarca-ren kopiak eta lehen edizioa

This paper tries to contribute to a critical edition of Peru Abarca , necessary since the edition... more This paper tries to contribute to a critical edition of Peru Abarca , necessary since the editions nowadays available are based on the first one, which came out about 80 years after the death of the author and containing quite a mistakes. For that purpose, we have collected ten copies made in the nineteenth century, and studied their nature. We have also compared the first edition (1881) whit the manuscript. As a result, we think that some copies and the first edition give us some profitable criteria for making a good edition: they have as a base the manuscript but they are not simple copies of it but an essay to improve in some ways the text of the author. For instance, the first edition corrects some mistakes and complets the spaces unfilled in the manuscript. Furthermore, it is an essay to adapt the graphies of the autor to the uses at that time or modernise them.

Research paper thumbnail of Hizketa formula ohikoak

Hizkuntzen ikaskuntza eta erabileran axola handikoak dira hizketa-formulak. Gizalegea erakusten d... more Hizkuntzen ikaskuntza eta erabileran axola handikoak dira hizketa-formulak. Gizalegea erakusten dute, jendeen hezkuntzaren eta gizarte jokaeraren neurtzaile eta neurgailu dira, kulturaren erakusleiho. Euskaldunok gaztelerazkoak edo frantsesezkoak ere ikasi ditugu, eta askok are ingelesezkoak. Hizkuntza honetan, adib., ohargarri da zein erabiliak diren jende hezi eta «behar bezala» mintzo direnen ahotan, nolako arretaz ikasi eta zaintzen dituzten esateko moduak egoera jakinetan (esker emate, barka-eskatze, kexatze, desenkusatze ... ). Eta beraz zein baliagarri izan zaizkigun elkarrizketazko ikasbide eta kontzeptu zenbait ((situational dialogues», «interaction», etab.) ingelesa ikasterakoan. Gure eguneroko solasean beso eta esku luzea dute gaztelera nahiz frantsesezko hizketa formulek; eta ingelesezko kultura eta mintzamoldeen eragina handia da hedabide, film, publizitate, literatur itzulpen eta abarretan. Euskaraz ari garela, esamolde jator nahiz erdaren kopia huts, tradizio zaharrek...

Research paper thumbnail of Maiatzeko loreen eguneterako berba-aldiak": jatorrizko eskuizkribua eta 1885eko edizioa

This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcay... more This article aims to draw attention to the original text of the last work of a experienced Bizcayan writer, Juan Jose Moguel, since the first edition ofthis work appeared almost forty years after the death of the author. In fact, the edition was full of misprints, but on the other hand the editor or the person who was in charge of preparing the text made a lot of changes, consciously, in the morphological, lexical and graphical aspect. Most of the morphological changes are mistakes, a great deal of theam owing to misunderstanding, specially of Bizcayan forms. Many lexical forms of this dialect are also changed into Gipuzkoan, as the edition was made in Tolosa and presumably by a native of Gipuzkoa or having in mind readers from this province too. As for the graphical aspect, the edition doesn't pay attention to the uses of the author nor to the characteristics of the marquinese classic writers in this field, and therefore the changes aim to adapt the original text to the graphic...

Research paper thumbnail of Joan Antonio Zamakola

[eu] Euskaltzale ilustratua, eskribaua eta militarra, jose bonaparteren agintaldian kargo publiko... more [eu] Euskaltzale ilustratua, eskribaua eta militarra, jose bonaparteren agintaldian kargo publiko batzuetan parte hartu zuen, idatzi zituenen artean ondoko gaiak: lehen euskal historia nazionalaren egilea , euskararen defentsa eta apologia, folklorea, astarloaren ideien zabaltzailea...