Yousra HLAOUI - (original) (raw)

Papers by Yousra HLAOUI

Research paper thumbnail of A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement based on BPMN 2.0

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of An Interactive Composition of Workflow Applications Based on Uml Activity Diagram

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Transformation Approach Based on Homomorphic Mappings between UML Activity Diagrams and BPEL4WS Specifications of Grid Service Workflows

ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and co... more ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and compose systematically workflow models from Grid services. To be executed, workflow activity diagram models should be translated into BPEL4WS models which will be executed by the BPEL4WS engine. To reach this objective, we propose a meta-model based transformation from UML activity diagrams to BPEL4WS language. To ensure the correctness and the completion of the transformation, we propose a graph homomorphic mapping between the activity diagram and BPEL4WS language elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparaison Open Data et Archives Classiques

Research paper thumbnail of A New Approach for the Verification of BPMN Models Using Refinement Patterns

2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2018

Modeling complex workflow systems, using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), is quite a ha... more Modeling complex workflow systems, using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), is quite a hard task that cannot be done in one step. The step-wise refinement technique facilitates the understanding of complex systems by dealing with the major issues before getting involved in the details. The proposed approach allows an incrementally developing of more and more detailed models with preserving the correctness of BPMN refined models at each step. Hence, we provide a formal semantics for BPMN models based on Kripke structure and BPMN refinement patterns to provide formal verification of this correctness. This verification is ensured automatically by NuSMV model Checker based on a BPMN language to NuSMV language transformation. The refinement correctness are expressed as refinement safety properties specified with LTL (Linear Temporal Logic).

Research paper thumbnail of IoT for Real-time Accessibility Ontology Population to Context-awareness Adapt User Interfaces

2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)

Research paper thumbnail of A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach of Context-driven Adaptive User Interfaces

2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2021

Adaptive User Interfaces (AUI) have to exploit Artificial Intelligence powerful to adapt User Int... more Adaptive User Interfaces (AUI) have to exploit Artificial Intelligence powerful to adapt User Interfaces (UI)s to People With Disabilities (PWD). Thus, Machine Learning methods could master disabilities problems and barriers. In this paper, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) based approach for resolving and surmounting PWD-UI interactions barriers since RL is good for learning good behavior. Hence, we have called the approach as RL-AUIAC as Reinforcement Learning of Adaptive User Interfaces for Accessibility Context. RL-AUIAC is based on three Knowledge Layers (KL)s depending on the kind of adaptation and the resolved problem at each layer. KL uses the Exploration-Exploitation dilemma to respond to the question: what to learn from each planned-adaptation sequences? In fact, Disability Knowledge Layer (DKL)learns UI structure behavior depending on the disability profile. Modality Knowledge Layer(MKL) learns facilities of adaptation on the basis of the couple . Platform Knowledge Layer (PKL) explores-exploits platform-knowledge to learn adaptation facilities on the basis of .

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA-based Approach for Enabling Accessibility Adaptation of User Interface for Disabled People

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns for Modeling and Composing Workflows from Grid Services

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of A control system for managing the flexibility in BPMN models of cloud service workflows

2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2020

In this paper, we present a real time interactive system for running flexible workflow applicatio... more In this paper, we present a real time interactive system for running flexible workflow applications. This system facilitates the execution of these applications in terms of time execution complexity as it is based on flexibility mechanism. These workflows are built on an abstract level, through BPMN models using flexibility patterns. We define two flexibility patterns based on BPMN (Business Process Model Notation) that deals with changes of resource requirements for workflows. The provided models specify the functional view of workflows, whereas, their behavioral view is described using state-chart diagrams. A state-chart diagram represents the model specifying our real time system which controls the execution of workflow applications by making decisions on the use of flexibility actions. This execution is supported by the BPEL4WS engine that we have amended to execute flexible workflows and to be controlled by our real time system. Finally, we present some results of evaluations of our system.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward an UML-based composition of grid services workflows

Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Agent-oriented software engineering challenges for ubiquitous and pervasive computing - AUPC '08, 2008

Semi automatic and semantic composition of workflows from Web and Grid services is an important c... more Semi automatic and semantic composition of workflows from Web and Grid services is an important challenge in today's distributed applications. This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without considering lower level description of the Grid environment. To reach this objective, we propose a Model-Driven Approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing Grid services. The workflows are built on an abstract level with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the Grid. To built workflow abstract models, the proposed approach uses UML activity diagram language. As there are particular needs for modelling composed workflows of Grid services which are not fully captured by traditional workflow modelling, we propose to extend the UML activity diagram notation. These extensions deals with additional information allowing a systematic composition of workflows and containing appropriate data to describe a Grid service. These data are useful for the execution of the resulting.

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA approach for semi automatic grid services workflows composition

2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008

In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from... more In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing grid services. We focus on how to model and compose workflow applications of grid services without considering lower level description of the grid environment. The workflows are built on an abstract level using UML activity diagram language with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the grid. Also, we define a Domain Specific Language using the extension of the UML activity diagram notation. This extension deals with additional information allowing an automatic composition of workflows and containing appropriate data to describe a grid service. These data are useful for the execution of the resulting.

Research paper thumbnail of Extended UML activity diagram for composing Grid services workflows

2008 Third International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, 2008

This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without con... more This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without considering lower level description of the Grid environment. To reach this objective, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing Grid services. The workflows are built on an abstract level with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the Grid

Research paper thumbnail of Symbolic model checking supporting formal verification of Grid service workflow models specified by UML activity diagrams

2010 10th Annual International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), 2010

... Leila Jemni Benayed Research Unit in Technologies of Information and Communicati... more ... Leila Jemni Benayed Research Unit in Technologies of Information and Communication (UTIC) Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Tunis,Tunis, Tunisia Email: Abstract—Before being ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Transformation Approach Based on Homomorphic Mappings between UML Activity Diagrams and BPEL4WS Specifications of Grid Service Workflows

2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops, 2011

ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and co... more ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and compose systematically workflow models from Grid services. To be executed, workflow activity diagram models should be translated into BPEL4WS models which will be executed by the BPEL4WS engine. To reach this objective, we propose a meta-model based transformation from UML activity diagrams to BPEL4WS language. To ensure the correctness and the completion of the transformation, we propose a graph homomorphic mapping between the activity diagram and BPEL4WS language elements.

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Driven Approach for Modelling and Running Flexible Cloud Service Workflows

2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017

Cloud computing is a new model for deploying and executing flexible workflow composed of cloud se... more Cloud computing is a new model for deploying and executing flexible workflow composed of cloud services. One of the expected facilities of Cloud environments is flexibility at different levels. In this paper, we propose a Model-Driven Approach (MDA) for the specification and the execution of cloud service flexible workflow applications. We define two flexibility patterns based on BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation) that deals with changes of resource requirements for workflow. The workflows are built on an abstract level, using a BPMN model for the specification of the cloud service workflow structure based on flexibility patterns, and the state-chart diagram for the specification of the cloud service workflow behavior. The execution process is supervised by a control system which is responsible for making decisions on the execution of the workflow based on the behavior of the engine defined by the state-chart diagram.

Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence's Impacts in Disablity Human Life: Perspectives

2020 International Multi-Conference on: “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies” (OCTA), 2020

Artificial Intelligence(AI) has proved its power and efficiency into different domains(industry, ... more Artificial Intelligence(AI) has proved its power and efficiency into different domains(industry, medicine, economic, etc), hoping for giving a chance for people with disabilities to change their life for the best. Basically, AI offers many advanced tools and machine learning algorithms that could support human capabilities, needs and preferences and improve User Experience (UX). In this paper, we focus on the impact of AI in Human Machine Interaction. Likewise, we aim to demonstrate what is the impact of AI on disability Human life. Finally, we proceed by introducing a revolutionary approach of adaptive user interfaces to users with special needs.

Research paper thumbnail of From Sequence Diagrams to Event B: A Specification and Verification Approach of Flexible Workflow Applications of Cloud Services Based on Meta-model Transformation

2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2017

This paper presents a meta-model transformation based approach to reasoning about sequence diagra... more This paper presents a meta-model transformation based approach to reasoning about sequence diagrams using B event. We present an approach for the specification and the verification of flexible Workflow applications of cloud services. Our approach is based on the semiformal notation of UML sequence diagrams, and the formal method B event. We have developed a tool called SD2EventB supporting the proposed approach. This tool allows the specification of flexible Cloud service Workflow application models using predefined flexibility patterns generated automatically by this tool. Once the model is specified, it is transformed to an event B model to be verified. In order to ensure this verification, we have used the platform Rodin supporting the event B method. This platform has been integrated into our tool. The transformation, as well, has been developed as a function of our tool using the meta-model transformation environment KerMeta.

Research paper thumbnail of A Grammar Based Approach to BPMN Model Semantic Preservation using Refinement

2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)

In this paper we introduce a description mechanism for specifying the refinement approach for Bus... more In this paper we introduce a description mechanism for specifying the refinement approach for Business Process Modeling and Notations(BPMN). We present at each level of abstraction the syntax of this BPMN models by a context-free grammar. After that, for each refined BPMN, we analyze, automatically the change impact using NuSMV model checker. The change impact concerns the semantic preservation of BPMN models during the refinement process.

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA-based Approach for Enabling Accessibility Adaptation of User Interface for Disabled People

In order to eliminate accessibility barriers that may exist in the user interface at runtime, we ... more In order to eliminate accessibility barriers that may exist in the user interface at runtime, we propose, in this paper, to integrate accessibility into an infrastructure of adaptation of User Interfaces. Hence, we propose a model driven approach which consists of generating, automatically, accessibility adapted User Interfaces. To reach this goal, based on MDA principals, we develop different meta-model transformations to provide an adapted User Interface model according to received accessibility context information and a given non adapted User Interface.

Research paper thumbnail of A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement based on BPMN 2.0

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of An Interactive Composition of Workflow Applications Based on Uml Activity Diagram

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Transformation Approach Based on Homomorphic Mappings between UML Activity Diagrams and BPEL4WS Specifications of Grid Service Workflows

ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and co... more ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and compose systematically workflow models from Grid services. To be executed, workflow activity diagram models should be translated into BPEL4WS models which will be executed by the BPEL4WS engine. To reach this objective, we propose a meta-model based transformation from UML activity diagrams to BPEL4WS language. To ensure the correctness and the completion of the transformation, we propose a graph homomorphic mapping between the activity diagram and BPEL4WS language elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparaison Open Data et Archives Classiques

Research paper thumbnail of A New Approach for the Verification of BPMN Models Using Refinement Patterns

2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2018

Modeling complex workflow systems, using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), is quite a ha... more Modeling complex workflow systems, using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), is quite a hard task that cannot be done in one step. The step-wise refinement technique facilitates the understanding of complex systems by dealing with the major issues before getting involved in the details. The proposed approach allows an incrementally developing of more and more detailed models with preserving the correctness of BPMN refined models at each step. Hence, we provide a formal semantics for BPMN models based on Kripke structure and BPMN refinement patterns to provide formal verification of this correctness. This verification is ensured automatically by NuSMV model Checker based on a BPMN language to NuSMV language transformation. The refinement correctness are expressed as refinement safety properties specified with LTL (Linear Temporal Logic).

Research paper thumbnail of IoT for Real-time Accessibility Ontology Population to Context-awareness Adapt User Interfaces

2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)

Research paper thumbnail of A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach of Context-driven Adaptive User Interfaces

2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2021

Adaptive User Interfaces (AUI) have to exploit Artificial Intelligence powerful to adapt User Int... more Adaptive User Interfaces (AUI) have to exploit Artificial Intelligence powerful to adapt User Interfaces (UI)s to People With Disabilities (PWD). Thus, Machine Learning methods could master disabilities problems and barriers. In this paper, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) based approach for resolving and surmounting PWD-UI interactions barriers since RL is good for learning good behavior. Hence, we have called the approach as RL-AUIAC as Reinforcement Learning of Adaptive User Interfaces for Accessibility Context. RL-AUIAC is based on three Knowledge Layers (KL)s depending on the kind of adaptation and the resolved problem at each layer. KL uses the Exploration-Exploitation dilemma to respond to the question: what to learn from each planned-adaptation sequences? In fact, Disability Knowledge Layer (DKL)learns UI structure behavior depending on the disability profile. Modality Knowledge Layer(MKL) learns facilities of adaptation on the basis of the couple . Platform Knowledge Layer (PKL) explores-exploits platform-knowledge to learn adaptation facilities on the basis of .

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA-based Approach for Enabling Accessibility Adaptation of User Interface for Disabled People

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns for Modeling and Composing Workflows from Grid Services

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of A control system for managing the flexibility in BPMN models of cloud service workflows

2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2020

In this paper, we present a real time interactive system for running flexible workflow applicatio... more In this paper, we present a real time interactive system for running flexible workflow applications. This system facilitates the execution of these applications in terms of time execution complexity as it is based on flexibility mechanism. These workflows are built on an abstract level, through BPMN models using flexibility patterns. We define two flexibility patterns based on BPMN (Business Process Model Notation) that deals with changes of resource requirements for workflows. The provided models specify the functional view of workflows, whereas, their behavioral view is described using state-chart diagrams. A state-chart diagram represents the model specifying our real time system which controls the execution of workflow applications by making decisions on the use of flexibility actions. This execution is supported by the BPEL4WS engine that we have amended to execute flexible workflows and to be controlled by our real time system. Finally, we present some results of evaluations of our system.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward an UML-based composition of grid services workflows

Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Agent-oriented software engineering challenges for ubiquitous and pervasive computing - AUPC '08, 2008

Semi automatic and semantic composition of workflows from Web and Grid services is an important c... more Semi automatic and semantic composition of workflows from Web and Grid services is an important challenge in today's distributed applications. This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without considering lower level description of the Grid environment. To reach this objective, we propose a Model-Driven Approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing Grid services. The workflows are built on an abstract level with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the Grid. To built workflow abstract models, the proposed approach uses UML activity diagram language. As there are particular needs for modelling composed workflows of Grid services which are not fully captured by traditional workflow modelling, we propose to extend the UML activity diagram notation. These extensions deals with additional information allowing a systematic composition of workflows and containing appropriate data to describe a Grid service. These data are useful for the execution of the resulting.

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA approach for semi automatic grid services workflows composition

2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008

In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from... more In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing grid services. We focus on how to model and compose workflow applications of grid services without considering lower level description of the grid environment. The workflows are built on an abstract level using UML activity diagram language with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the grid. Also, we define a Domain Specific Language using the extension of the UML activity diagram notation. This extension deals with additional information allowing an automatic composition of workflows and containing appropriate data to describe a grid service. These data are useful for the execution of the resulting.

Research paper thumbnail of Extended UML activity diagram for composing Grid services workflows

2008 Third International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, 2008

This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without con... more This paper focuses on how to model and compose workflow applications of Grid services without considering lower level description of the Grid environment. To reach this objective, we propose a model-driven approach (MDA) for developing workflow applications from existing Grid services. The workflows are built on an abstract level with semantic and syntactic descriptions of services available on the Grid

Research paper thumbnail of Symbolic model checking supporting formal verification of Grid service workflow models specified by UML activity diagrams

2010 10th Annual International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), 2010

... Leila Jemni Benayed Research Unit in Technologies of Information and Communicati... more ... Leila Jemni Benayed Research Unit in Technologies of Information and Communication (UTIC) Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Tunis,Tunis, Tunisia Email: Abstract—Before being ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Transformation Approach Based on Homomorphic Mappings between UML Activity Diagrams and BPEL4WS Specifications of Grid Service Workflows

2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops, 2011

ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and co... more ABSTRACT We use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on UML activity diagrams to specify and compose systematically workflow models from Grid services. To be executed, workflow activity diagram models should be translated into BPEL4WS models which will be executed by the BPEL4WS engine. To reach this objective, we propose a meta-model based transformation from UML activity diagrams to BPEL4WS language. To ensure the correctness and the completion of the transformation, we propose a graph homomorphic mapping between the activity diagram and BPEL4WS language elements.

Research paper thumbnail of A Model Driven Approach for Modelling and Running Flexible Cloud Service Workflows

2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017

Cloud computing is a new model for deploying and executing flexible workflow composed of cloud se... more Cloud computing is a new model for deploying and executing flexible workflow composed of cloud services. One of the expected facilities of Cloud environments is flexibility at different levels. In this paper, we propose a Model-Driven Approach (MDA) for the specification and the execution of cloud service flexible workflow applications. We define two flexibility patterns based on BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation) that deals with changes of resource requirements for workflow. The workflows are built on an abstract level, using a BPMN model for the specification of the cloud service workflow structure based on flexibility patterns, and the state-chart diagram for the specification of the cloud service workflow behavior. The execution process is supervised by a control system which is responsible for making decisions on the execution of the workflow based on the behavior of the engine defined by the state-chart diagram.

Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence's Impacts in Disablity Human Life: Perspectives

2020 International Multi-Conference on: “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies” (OCTA), 2020

Artificial Intelligence(AI) has proved its power and efficiency into different domains(industry, ... more Artificial Intelligence(AI) has proved its power and efficiency into different domains(industry, medicine, economic, etc), hoping for giving a chance for people with disabilities to change their life for the best. Basically, AI offers many advanced tools and machine learning algorithms that could support human capabilities, needs and preferences and improve User Experience (UX). In this paper, we focus on the impact of AI in Human Machine Interaction. Likewise, we aim to demonstrate what is the impact of AI on disability Human life. Finally, we proceed by introducing a revolutionary approach of adaptive user interfaces to users with special needs.

Research paper thumbnail of From Sequence Diagrams to Event B: A Specification and Verification Approach of Flexible Workflow Applications of Cloud Services Based on Meta-model Transformation

2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2017

This paper presents a meta-model transformation based approach to reasoning about sequence diagra... more This paper presents a meta-model transformation based approach to reasoning about sequence diagrams using B event. We present an approach for the specification and the verification of flexible Workflow applications of cloud services. Our approach is based on the semiformal notation of UML sequence diagrams, and the formal method B event. We have developed a tool called SD2EventB supporting the proposed approach. This tool allows the specification of flexible Cloud service Workflow application models using predefined flexibility patterns generated automatically by this tool. Once the model is specified, it is transformed to an event B model to be verified. In order to ensure this verification, we have used the platform Rodin supporting the event B method. This platform has been integrated into our tool. The transformation, as well, has been developed as a function of our tool using the meta-model transformation environment KerMeta.

Research paper thumbnail of A Grammar Based Approach to BPMN Model Semantic Preservation using Refinement

2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)

In this paper we introduce a description mechanism for specifying the refinement approach for Bus... more In this paper we introduce a description mechanism for specifying the refinement approach for Business Process Modeling and Notations(BPMN). We present at each level of abstraction the syntax of this BPMN models by a context-free grammar. After that, for each refined BPMN, we analyze, automatically the change impact using NuSMV model checker. The change impact concerns the semantic preservation of BPMN models during the refinement process.

Research paper thumbnail of A MDA-based Approach for Enabling Accessibility Adaptation of User Interface for Disabled People

In order to eliminate accessibility barriers that may exist in the user interface at runtime, we ... more In order to eliminate accessibility barriers that may exist in the user interface at runtime, we propose, in this paper, to integrate accessibility into an infrastructure of adaptation of User Interfaces. Hence, we propose a model driven approach which consists of generating, automatically, accessibility adapted User Interfaces. To reach this goal, based on MDA principals, we develop different meta-model transformations to provide an adapted User Interface model according to received accessibility context information and a given non adapted User Interface.