Yasin Kişioğlu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Yasin Kişioğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Lag Vidasının Farklı Sabitleme Pozisyonunda, Dinamik Kalça Çivisi ile Tedavi Edilen İntertrokanterik Femoral Kırıklarının Kararlılığı

Bu calismada, Dinamik Kalca Civisinin (DKC) sabitlenmesinde lag vidasinin farkli konumlarina gore... more Bu calismada, Dinamik Kalca Civisinin (DKC) sabitlenmesinde lag vidasinin farkli konumlarina gore intertrokanterik femur kiriklarinin kararliligi analitik olarak incelenmektedir. Bilgisayarli tomografi goruntuleri kullanilarak olusturulan insan femurunun uc boyutlu modelinin trokanterik bolgesinde intertrokanterik femur kirigi olusturulur. DKC implanti, Solidworks programinda uc boyutlu olarak olusturulup 10 farkli pozisyonda kirik femur modeline yerlestirilir. Elde edilen modeller uzerinden belirlenen noktalarin koordinatlari Solidwork programi ile belirlenir. Bu noktalardaki statik momentler yurume esnasinda femur basina etkiyen maksimum kuvvet uygulanarak analitik olarak hesaplanir. Femur bas kisminin inferior (alt) bolgesine yerlestirilen implantta dusuk momentler hesaplandi. En yuksek moment degerleri Superior (ust) bolgesine yerlestirilen lag vidasinda hesaplandi. Analitik analiz sunu gostermistir ki; kirik kararliligi acisindan lag vidasi femur basinin inferior (alt) ya da me...

Research paper thumbnail of Design and Manufacture of the Torque Test Setup For Small and Shapeless Materials

Research paper thumbnail of Fatigue Performance Evaluations of Vehicle Toroidal Liquefied Petroleum Gas Fuel Tanks

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology

In this study, fatigue performances of the vehicle toroidal liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel ta... more In this study, fatigue performances of the vehicle toroidal liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel tanks were examined to estimate the fatigue life and its failure locations using both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) methods. The experimental investigations performed as accelerated fatigue tests were carried out using a hydraulics test unit in which the tanks were internally pressurized by hydraulic oil. The LPG tanks were subjected to repeated cyclic pressure load varying from zero to service pressure (SP) of the tank. The computerized FEA modeling of these tanks were developed in three-dimensional (3D) form using nonuniform geometrical parameters and nonlinear material properties. These models were also subjected to zero-based high cycle fatigue pressure load considering the stress life approach. The FEA modeling process was also simulated in nonhomogeneous material conditions. Therefore, the fatigue life performance and failure location of the toroidal LPG fuel tanks w...

Research paper thumbnail of Minimum Material Design for Propane Cylinder End Closures

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2008

This study addresses the design of DOT-4BA refillable cylinders using both experimental and numer... more This study addresses the design of DOT-4BA refillable cylinders using both experimental and numerical approaches. Using traditional design methods, these cylinders often experience buckling on the bottom end closure during pressure testing. A finite element analysis (FEA) design tool was developed using axisymmetric material nonlinear conditions to predict the buckling of the cylinder bottom end closures. The FEA model was also used to evaluate the influence of variations in end-closure geometry, material thickness, and strength on buckling. In addition, an optimization algorithm was employed to minimize end-closure material (weight) without buckling when they are subjected to their specified test pressure. Experimental studies were conducted via hydrostatic pressure tests with water at the R&D laboratories of a cylinder manufacturer. The axisymmetric nonlinear FEA models were developed successfully, and the obtained results are compared with experimental test results from cylinder ...

Research paper thumbnail of Failure analysis of support during profile cutting process using horizontal milling machine

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014

ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of cutting forces on the support of horizontal woodworking mi... more ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of cutting forces on the support of horizontal woodworking milling machine are examined during profile cutting process using both experimental and analytical approaches. The support modeled in 3D using SolidWorks software is a crucial component of the horizontal milling machine used to locate and fix the wood workpiece during the cutting process on the workbench. The effects of cutting forces on the support specimens are measured experimentally considering vibration and failure analyses. Analytical stresses and modal analyses of the support were also calculated using finite element-based analysis approach. Chatter vibration forces of the cutting tool which resulted from cutting forces in x-, y-, and z-directions were calculated analytically during the profile cutting process. The results showed that both cutting and chatter forces are highly effective on the support component failure of the woodworking milling machines.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Calibration Data for Contact Pressure using Fuji Pressure-sensitive Film

Injury, 2013

More than 50% of all traumatic deaths occur prior to hospital admission, 2 mandatorily conducted ... more More than 50% of all traumatic deaths occur prior to hospital admission, 2 mandatorily conducted chest decompression prior to termination of tCPR provides a survival benefit 3 and in preventable traumatic deaths, non-decompressed TP is of relevant importance. 4 Although bilateral chest decompression is recommended prior to termination of tCPR 1,3 and chest decompression-or even emergency thoracotomy on scene-is described in the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), pleural decompression prior to termination of tCPR is currently not a compulsory part of resuscitation in traumatic cardiac arrest. 5 Currently there are neither systematic training programs for tCPR nor a corresponding algorithm. Subsequently, daily forensic and emergency medicine routine shows that patients with an internal disease-related cardiac arrest (myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, arrhythmia) are commonly treated analogous to patients with trauma-related cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, external cardiac massage is ineffective in the presence of TP or pericardial tamponade (both potentially reversible causes of traumatic cardiac arrest) since elevated intrathoracic pressures hinder passive filling of the heart during diastole, and reentry of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) will not take place until TP or pericardial tamponade are reliefed, this being different to cardiac arrest from internal causes. Therapy of TP is simple when compared to prehospital emergency thoracotomy, and diagnosis of TP is easy: In pathophysiological differentiation to pneumothorax, TP consists of a valve-like connection between pleural space and atmosphere, with pleural entrance of air during inspiration which cannot disappear during expiration. Pleural pressure increases by accumulated air, and death rapidly occurs by pressure-induced contralateral displacement of mediastinum and heart. Subcutaneous emphysema of varying degrees is obligatorily present in TP. Further clinical signs are progredient dyspnea, tachypnea, attenuated/revoked breathing auscultation, hypersonorous lung percussion, tachycardia, cyanosis, hypotension, upper venous congestion (unreliable clinical sign with co-existing hemorrhagic shock!), and fulminate cardiocirculatory decompensation with pulseless electrical activity requiring CPR. Data on the incidence of TP in trauma are sparse, but TP is likely to involve frequencies in the lower single digits. We found primary survivable, isolated TP in trauma patients in 1.5%. 4 These patients must not have died. Generally, performance of emergency treatment with possible medical complications is not of medico-legal importance, but rather the medically unjustified omission of emergency medical procedures. 1 In forensic autopsy cases with TP after penetrating chest trauma, the individual case will possibly be evaluated with regard to medical malpractice in the future. To all emergency personnel out there: Please always perform bilateral chest decompression prior to termination of tCPR in patients with penetrating chest trauma!

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of burst pressures and failure locations of vehicle LPG cylinders

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Ön Kol Kaslarında Kavrama Esnasında Oluşan Kuvvetin EMG Sinyalleri ile Belirlenmesi ve Analizi

Kas kuvvetlerini insan vucuduna hasar vermeden, dogrudan olcmek mumkun olmadigi icin bu kuvvetler... more Kas kuvvetlerini insan vucuduna hasar vermeden, dogrudan olcmek mumkun olmadigi icin bu kuvvetlerin belirlenmesinde yardimci olcum ve yontemlere gereksinim vardir. Bu calismada elin kavramasi esnasinda on kol kaslarinda olusan kuvvet analiz edilmeye calisilmistir. Bunun icin farkli katilimcilarin on kol flexor kaslarindan EMG ve on kol antropometrik olcumleri alinmis, elde edilen ham veriler analiz edilerek kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliski, on kol antropometrik olcumlerinden de faydalanarak incelenmistir. Kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliskin maksimum kasilmanin %20 - %80 araliginda lineer oldugu, maksimum kasilma yuzdelerinin EMG sinyali ile analizi ve tahmininde onkolun antropometrik olcumlerinin buyuk fayda ve tahmin kolayligi sagladigi, gorulmustur. Elde edilen sonuclarin kontrolu icin bir yapay sinir agi kullanilmis, %15’luk bir hata ile onkolun antropometrik olcumlerinden, kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliskinin tahmin edilebile...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Weld Zone Properties on Burst Pressures and Failure Locations

Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 2005

The effects of weld zone properties on the burst pressures and burst failure locations of DOT-39 ... more The effects of weld zone properties on the burst pressures and burst failure locations of DOT-39 nonrefillable refrigerant cylinders were examined using the finite element analysis (FEA) approach. In order to do this, the weld zone properties were specified from the manufactured cylinders. In the computer modeling process, these cylinders were subjected to an incremental internal pressure within the material nonlinear field. The results, compared with corresponding experimental results, show that weld zone properties play an important role in determining the burst pressures and the failure locations of these cylinders.

Research paper thumbnail of Mandibula Kırıklarında Kullanılan “I” Tipi Plakların Tespit Konumlarının Karşılaştırılması

The use of mini plates is one of the common intervention methods of mandible fracture healings. T... more The use of mini plates is one of the common intervention methods of mandible fracture healings. The force carry limit values of the biomaterials that used in mandibula fixations must be well known before to the plate fixation application. Plate and fixators responds to all influences, including maximum force of bitten cases. Plate geometry and material must be determined prior to surgery because of all these factors. In this study, I type mini plates were designed with different location variations and titanium made. Each model used in its model were compared with the stress and deformation capacities aided with ANSYS ® finite element software. Finite element analysis results as in vitro studies, were obtained with mandibula plate and its titanium material. “I” type miniplates that used in two different types of mandibula fractures, accordance with under which conditions preference were expressed

Research paper thumbnail of New Hip Prosthesis Design and Evaluation with Using Finite Element Analysis

Journal of Polytechnic

Highlights ❖ The use of traditional hip prosthesis has some disadvantages due to mechanical probl... more Highlights ❖ The use of traditional hip prosthesis has some disadvantages due to mechanical problems. The main problem in the traditional prosthesis is the load transfer. The load transfer of the traditional prosthesis is not the same as the healthy femur. Because of this, the failure of the traditional prostheses occurs. The load transfer of the femur should not be changed in the prosthesis design. In this study, the new prosthesis design was developed taking into account this main issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of processing parameters of a developed new driller system for orthopedic surgery applications using Taguchi method

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014

In bone drilling process during the surgical operations, heating increases due to high bone/drill... more In bone drilling process during the surgical operations, heating increases due to high bone/drill contact friction that damages the bones and soft tissues. The overheating is usually recognized as the temperature rise exceeds 47°C, a critical limit, above which the drilling causes osteonecrosis. In this study, a new driller system is developed to prevent the overheating in orthopedic surgeries. It has a closed-circuit cooling system to reduce the undesired temperature rise during the drilling process. It is also designed and manufactured as a prototype and tested experimentally in vitro by drilling fresh bovine bones using different processing parameters. In the drilling tests, the temperature levels of the bones are measured using thermocouple sensors. Based on the measured results, the driller system provides a valuable temperature reduction around 25 % to prevent necrosis in low spindle speeds (rpm) usually preferred by surgeons. The measured temperatures from the tests of the driller system with a cooling system were compared with the use of regular bone drilling process without cooling. The optimum processing parameters of the new driller system with/without coolant are calculated using the Taguchi method, and the most effective parameter is found as rpm.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Burst Pressure and Location of the DOT-39 Refrigerant Cylinders

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2001

The burst pressure of DOT-39 refrigerant cylinders is determined using both experiment and finite... more The burst pressure of DOT-39 refrigerant cylinders is determined using both experiment and finite element analysis (FEA) approaches. The experimental burst test investigations were carried out by hydrostatic test in which the cylinders were internally pressurized with water. In the case of the FEA modeling process, these refrigerant cylinders were subjected to incremental internal pressures from zero pressure to burst pressure. Two different types of nonlinear models, uniform and nonuniform, have been developed and evaluated. These models are utilized are nonhomogeneous material conditions and analyzed in the nonlinear field. For the analysis, the required actual drawn shell properties, including weld zone properties and drawn shell thickness variations, are investigated. These properties, in addition to the blank sheet (SAE-1008) material properties, are used in the computer models. The results of the burst pressures and their locations are predicted and compared to experimental re...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of proximal tibial corrective osteotomy on menisci, tibia and tarsal bones: a finite element model study of tibia vara

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2014

Proximal tibial open wedge osteotomy (PTO) is a corrective operation used in the surgery of lower... more Proximal tibial open wedge osteotomy (PTO) is a corrective operation used in the surgery of lower extremities and is applied to patients with varus deformities for sufficient correction. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the PTO can achieve decreased stress-bearing on the tibia and tarsal bones in addition to correcting the mechanical axis of the lower limb in patients with tibia vara. Three-dimensional (3D) solid modelling of the lower extremity was carried out using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)-containing images of all of the bony elements and non-bony structures. PTO was applied to the obtained deformed model in the computer environment and the correction was carried out. Stress distributions in menisci, tibia and tarsal bones were calculated. With respect to loading on the tarsal bones, the maximum equivalent stresses on all bones decreased except for the navicula in the PTO-simulated model in the current study. These results clearly indicate that PTO can achieve decreased stresses on the tarsal bones in patients with tibia vara.

Research paper thumbnail of Cerrahi Öncesi Planlamada Üç Boyutlu Simülasyon ve İki Boyutlu Resim Editörü Programlarının Karşılaştırılması

Cerrahi oncesi sekil ve konum bozuklugu durumuna gore hasta tedavisi planlanmaktadir. Cerrahi esn... more Cerrahi oncesi sekil ve konum bozuklugu durumuna gore hasta tedavisi planlanmaktadir. Cerrahi esnasinda ve sonrasindaki olumsuz etkenler en az seviyeye indirilmesi icin bilgisayar destegi gunumuzde siklikla kullanilir hale gelmistir. Ameliyat oncesi planlama, genellikle rontgen (X-Ray) filmleri uzerinden yapilmaktadir. Buna ilave olarak bilgisayarli tomografi (BT) ve manyetik rezonans (MR) goruntulerinden elde edilen uc boyutlu (3B) modeller ile bilgisayar destekli cerrahi planlamalar da ortopedi ameliyatlari icin kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada, yaygin olarak kullanilan resim isleyici program ile bilgisayar destekli simulasyon yazilimi kullanilarak 2 modelin alt uzuv ameliyat oncesi planlama ve sanal duzeltmeleri birbirleriyle kiyaslanmistir

Research paper thumbnail of İnsan Uyluk Kemi̇ği̇ni̇n (Femur) Modellenmesi̇ Ve Yük Dağilimi Anali̇zi̇

Different dimension of caput femora affects load transfer direction from human body to femur bone... more Different dimension of caput femora affects load transfer direction from human body to femur bone. Difference in dimension of caput femora changes load distribution on all joint in connection with femur bone. Changes in the geometric dimensions of the caput femora defined as coxa vara and valga disorder. In this study, as a result of lower extremity disorder defined as vara and valga, load distribution from the human body to the femur bone were examined. The solid model of the femur obtained congruent models from Computerized Tomography (CT) images. Load distributions were calculated due to the femur structure where vara and valga disorders were considered for the standard human weight.

Research paper thumbnail of Stress distribution comparisons of foot bones in patient with tibia vara: a finite element study

Blount's disease, or tibia vara, is the most common cause of pathologic genu varum in childre... more Blount's disease, or tibia vara, is the most common cause of pathologic genu varum in children and adolescents. Changes in the loading of knee structures such as tibial articular cartilage, menisci and subcondral bone are well documented in case of genu varum. But the mechanical effects of this condition on foot bones are still questionable. In this study, the authors hypothesized that stress distributions on foot bones might increase in patients with tibia vara when compared with patients who had normal lower extremity mechanical axis. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses of human lower limb were used to investigate and compare the loading on foot bones in normal population and patient with tibia vara. The segmentation software, MIMICS was used to generate the 3D images of the bony structures of normal and varus malalignment lower extremity. Except the spaces between the adjacent surface of the phalanges fused, metatarsals, cuneiforms, cuboid, navicular, talus and cal...

Research paper thumbnail of Burst tests and volume expansions of vehicle toroidal LPG fuel tanks

This study addresses the prediction of the burst pressures and permanent volume expansions of the... more This study addresses the prediction of the burst pressures and permanent volume expansions of the vehicle toroidal LPG fuel tanks using both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) approaches. The experimental burst test investigations were carried out hydrostatically in which the cylinders were internally pressurized with water. The LPG tanks are subjected to incremental internal uniform pressure in the FEA modeling. 2D nonlinear plane models are developed and evaluated under non-uniform and axisysmmetric boundary conditions. For the analysis, the required actual shell properties including weld zone and thickness variations are investigated. Therefore, the results of the burst pressures and volume expansions are predicted and compared to experimental ones.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Salter Pelvic Osteotomy Angle on Contact Area and Pressure Distribution in the Hip Joint: An Experimental Study

The hip dysplasia is described by an irregular relation between the femoral head and the acetabul... more The hip dysplasia is described by an irregular relation between the femoral head and the acetabulum. Insufficient coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum leads the development of dysplasia in the incongruity hip joint. Several osteotomies are carried out for treatment by changing with coverage angle of the femoral head in the hip joint. In this paper, the effects of osteotomy techniques used in the surgery applications on the coverage angle are investigated experimentally. Salter osteotomy technique was applied on a patient-specific artificial hip models manufactured at different osteotomy angles. The contact pressure distribution and area were measured by using Fuji Film Prescale sensor in the hip joint. The results were compared with each other. The average contact pressure expectedly decreases as long as osteotomy coverage angle increases but, the contact area decreases unexpectedly

Research paper thumbnail of A New End-Closure Design for DOT-4BA Propane Cylinders

This study presents a new end-closure design, using a numerical approach, to eliminate the buckli... more This study presents a new end-closure design, using a numerical approach, to eliminate the buckling that occurs at the bottom end of DOT-4BA propane cylinders. When the bottom heads are subjected to test pressure they often buckle, which causes instability of the propane cylinders. That instability is the cylinder's loss of upright standing. The buckling was predicted using both experimental and numerical approaches, and a proposed solution to prevent the failure by increasing the material was previously reported. An alternative end closure design is developed in this study to eliminate the end buckling without changing the material. In order to model the new end, a computer-aided finite element analysis (FEA) design tool was employed. Two different FEA models, 2D plane and 3D shell, were created and simulated in nonlinear conditions. The results obtained from the simulations are compared to previous corresponding studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Lag Vidasının Farklı Sabitleme Pozisyonunda, Dinamik Kalça Çivisi ile Tedavi Edilen İntertrokanterik Femoral Kırıklarının Kararlılığı

Bu calismada, Dinamik Kalca Civisinin (DKC) sabitlenmesinde lag vidasinin farkli konumlarina gore... more Bu calismada, Dinamik Kalca Civisinin (DKC) sabitlenmesinde lag vidasinin farkli konumlarina gore intertrokanterik femur kiriklarinin kararliligi analitik olarak incelenmektedir. Bilgisayarli tomografi goruntuleri kullanilarak olusturulan insan femurunun uc boyutlu modelinin trokanterik bolgesinde intertrokanterik femur kirigi olusturulur. DKC implanti, Solidworks programinda uc boyutlu olarak olusturulup 10 farkli pozisyonda kirik femur modeline yerlestirilir. Elde edilen modeller uzerinden belirlenen noktalarin koordinatlari Solidwork programi ile belirlenir. Bu noktalardaki statik momentler yurume esnasinda femur basina etkiyen maksimum kuvvet uygulanarak analitik olarak hesaplanir. Femur bas kisminin inferior (alt) bolgesine yerlestirilen implantta dusuk momentler hesaplandi. En yuksek moment degerleri Superior (ust) bolgesine yerlestirilen lag vidasinda hesaplandi. Analitik analiz sunu gostermistir ki; kirik kararliligi acisindan lag vidasi femur basinin inferior (alt) ya da me...

Research paper thumbnail of Design and Manufacture of the Torque Test Setup For Small and Shapeless Materials

Research paper thumbnail of Fatigue Performance Evaluations of Vehicle Toroidal Liquefied Petroleum Gas Fuel Tanks

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology

In this study, fatigue performances of the vehicle toroidal liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel ta... more In this study, fatigue performances of the vehicle toroidal liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel tanks were examined to estimate the fatigue life and its failure locations using both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) methods. The experimental investigations performed as accelerated fatigue tests were carried out using a hydraulics test unit in which the tanks were internally pressurized by hydraulic oil. The LPG tanks were subjected to repeated cyclic pressure load varying from zero to service pressure (SP) of the tank. The computerized FEA modeling of these tanks were developed in three-dimensional (3D) form using nonuniform geometrical parameters and nonlinear material properties. These models were also subjected to zero-based high cycle fatigue pressure load considering the stress life approach. The FEA modeling process was also simulated in nonhomogeneous material conditions. Therefore, the fatigue life performance and failure location of the toroidal LPG fuel tanks w...

Research paper thumbnail of Minimum Material Design for Propane Cylinder End Closures

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2008

This study addresses the design of DOT-4BA refillable cylinders using both experimental and numer... more This study addresses the design of DOT-4BA refillable cylinders using both experimental and numerical approaches. Using traditional design methods, these cylinders often experience buckling on the bottom end closure during pressure testing. A finite element analysis (FEA) design tool was developed using axisymmetric material nonlinear conditions to predict the buckling of the cylinder bottom end closures. The FEA model was also used to evaluate the influence of variations in end-closure geometry, material thickness, and strength on buckling. In addition, an optimization algorithm was employed to minimize end-closure material (weight) without buckling when they are subjected to their specified test pressure. Experimental studies were conducted via hydrostatic pressure tests with water at the R&D laboratories of a cylinder manufacturer. The axisymmetric nonlinear FEA models were developed successfully, and the obtained results are compared with experimental test results from cylinder ...

Research paper thumbnail of Failure analysis of support during profile cutting process using horizontal milling machine

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014

ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of cutting forces on the support of horizontal woodworking mi... more ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of cutting forces on the support of horizontal woodworking milling machine are examined during profile cutting process using both experimental and analytical approaches. The support modeled in 3D using SolidWorks software is a crucial component of the horizontal milling machine used to locate and fix the wood workpiece during the cutting process on the workbench. The effects of cutting forces on the support specimens are measured experimentally considering vibration and failure analyses. Analytical stresses and modal analyses of the support were also calculated using finite element-based analysis approach. Chatter vibration forces of the cutting tool which resulted from cutting forces in x-, y-, and z-directions were calculated analytically during the profile cutting process. The results showed that both cutting and chatter forces are highly effective on the support component failure of the woodworking milling machines.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Calibration Data for Contact Pressure using Fuji Pressure-sensitive Film

Injury, 2013

More than 50% of all traumatic deaths occur prior to hospital admission, 2 mandatorily conducted ... more More than 50% of all traumatic deaths occur prior to hospital admission, 2 mandatorily conducted chest decompression prior to termination of tCPR provides a survival benefit 3 and in preventable traumatic deaths, non-decompressed TP is of relevant importance. 4 Although bilateral chest decompression is recommended prior to termination of tCPR 1,3 and chest decompression-or even emergency thoracotomy on scene-is described in the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), pleural decompression prior to termination of tCPR is currently not a compulsory part of resuscitation in traumatic cardiac arrest. 5 Currently there are neither systematic training programs for tCPR nor a corresponding algorithm. Subsequently, daily forensic and emergency medicine routine shows that patients with an internal disease-related cardiac arrest (myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, arrhythmia) are commonly treated analogous to patients with trauma-related cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, external cardiac massage is ineffective in the presence of TP or pericardial tamponade (both potentially reversible causes of traumatic cardiac arrest) since elevated intrathoracic pressures hinder passive filling of the heart during diastole, and reentry of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) will not take place until TP or pericardial tamponade are reliefed, this being different to cardiac arrest from internal causes. Therapy of TP is simple when compared to prehospital emergency thoracotomy, and diagnosis of TP is easy: In pathophysiological differentiation to pneumothorax, TP consists of a valve-like connection between pleural space and atmosphere, with pleural entrance of air during inspiration which cannot disappear during expiration. Pleural pressure increases by accumulated air, and death rapidly occurs by pressure-induced contralateral displacement of mediastinum and heart. Subcutaneous emphysema of varying degrees is obligatorily present in TP. Further clinical signs are progredient dyspnea, tachypnea, attenuated/revoked breathing auscultation, hypersonorous lung percussion, tachycardia, cyanosis, hypotension, upper venous congestion (unreliable clinical sign with co-existing hemorrhagic shock!), and fulminate cardiocirculatory decompensation with pulseless electrical activity requiring CPR. Data on the incidence of TP in trauma are sparse, but TP is likely to involve frequencies in the lower single digits. We found primary survivable, isolated TP in trauma patients in 1.5%. 4 These patients must not have died. Generally, performance of emergency treatment with possible medical complications is not of medico-legal importance, but rather the medically unjustified omission of emergency medical procedures. 1 In forensic autopsy cases with TP after penetrating chest trauma, the individual case will possibly be evaluated with regard to medical malpractice in the future. To all emergency personnel out there: Please always perform bilateral chest decompression prior to termination of tCPR in patients with penetrating chest trauma!

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of burst pressures and failure locations of vehicle LPG cylinders

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Ön Kol Kaslarında Kavrama Esnasında Oluşan Kuvvetin EMG Sinyalleri ile Belirlenmesi ve Analizi

Kas kuvvetlerini insan vucuduna hasar vermeden, dogrudan olcmek mumkun olmadigi icin bu kuvvetler... more Kas kuvvetlerini insan vucuduna hasar vermeden, dogrudan olcmek mumkun olmadigi icin bu kuvvetlerin belirlenmesinde yardimci olcum ve yontemlere gereksinim vardir. Bu calismada elin kavramasi esnasinda on kol kaslarinda olusan kuvvet analiz edilmeye calisilmistir. Bunun icin farkli katilimcilarin on kol flexor kaslarindan EMG ve on kol antropometrik olcumleri alinmis, elde edilen ham veriler analiz edilerek kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliski, on kol antropometrik olcumlerinden de faydalanarak incelenmistir. Kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliskin maksimum kasilmanin %20 - %80 araliginda lineer oldugu, maksimum kasilma yuzdelerinin EMG sinyali ile analizi ve tahmininde onkolun antropometrik olcumlerinin buyuk fayda ve tahmin kolayligi sagladigi, gorulmustur. Elde edilen sonuclarin kontrolu icin bir yapay sinir agi kullanilmis, %15’luk bir hata ile onkolun antropometrik olcumlerinden, kavrama kuvveti ve EMG sinyalleri arasindaki iliskinin tahmin edilebile...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Weld Zone Properties on Burst Pressures and Failure Locations

Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 2005

The effects of weld zone properties on the burst pressures and burst failure locations of DOT-39 ... more The effects of weld zone properties on the burst pressures and burst failure locations of DOT-39 nonrefillable refrigerant cylinders were examined using the finite element analysis (FEA) approach. In order to do this, the weld zone properties were specified from the manufactured cylinders. In the computer modeling process, these cylinders were subjected to an incremental internal pressure within the material nonlinear field. The results, compared with corresponding experimental results, show that weld zone properties play an important role in determining the burst pressures and the failure locations of these cylinders.

Research paper thumbnail of Mandibula Kırıklarında Kullanılan “I” Tipi Plakların Tespit Konumlarının Karşılaştırılması

The use of mini plates is one of the common intervention methods of mandible fracture healings. T... more The use of mini plates is one of the common intervention methods of mandible fracture healings. The force carry limit values of the biomaterials that used in mandibula fixations must be well known before to the plate fixation application. Plate and fixators responds to all influences, including maximum force of bitten cases. Plate geometry and material must be determined prior to surgery because of all these factors. In this study, I type mini plates were designed with different location variations and titanium made. Each model used in its model were compared with the stress and deformation capacities aided with ANSYS ® finite element software. Finite element analysis results as in vitro studies, were obtained with mandibula plate and its titanium material. “I” type miniplates that used in two different types of mandibula fractures, accordance with under which conditions preference were expressed

Research paper thumbnail of New Hip Prosthesis Design and Evaluation with Using Finite Element Analysis

Journal of Polytechnic

Highlights ❖ The use of traditional hip prosthesis has some disadvantages due to mechanical probl... more Highlights ❖ The use of traditional hip prosthesis has some disadvantages due to mechanical problems. The main problem in the traditional prosthesis is the load transfer. The load transfer of the traditional prosthesis is not the same as the healthy femur. Because of this, the failure of the traditional prostheses occurs. The load transfer of the femur should not be changed in the prosthesis design. In this study, the new prosthesis design was developed taking into account this main issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of processing parameters of a developed new driller system for orthopedic surgery applications using Taguchi method

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014

In bone drilling process during the surgical operations, heating increases due to high bone/drill... more In bone drilling process during the surgical operations, heating increases due to high bone/drill contact friction that damages the bones and soft tissues. The overheating is usually recognized as the temperature rise exceeds 47°C, a critical limit, above which the drilling causes osteonecrosis. In this study, a new driller system is developed to prevent the overheating in orthopedic surgeries. It has a closed-circuit cooling system to reduce the undesired temperature rise during the drilling process. It is also designed and manufactured as a prototype and tested experimentally in vitro by drilling fresh bovine bones using different processing parameters. In the drilling tests, the temperature levels of the bones are measured using thermocouple sensors. Based on the measured results, the driller system provides a valuable temperature reduction around 25 % to prevent necrosis in low spindle speeds (rpm) usually preferred by surgeons. The measured temperatures from the tests of the driller system with a cooling system were compared with the use of regular bone drilling process without cooling. The optimum processing parameters of the new driller system with/without coolant are calculated using the Taguchi method, and the most effective parameter is found as rpm.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Burst Pressure and Location of the DOT-39 Refrigerant Cylinders

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2001

The burst pressure of DOT-39 refrigerant cylinders is determined using both experiment and finite... more The burst pressure of DOT-39 refrigerant cylinders is determined using both experiment and finite element analysis (FEA) approaches. The experimental burst test investigations were carried out by hydrostatic test in which the cylinders were internally pressurized with water. In the case of the FEA modeling process, these refrigerant cylinders were subjected to incremental internal pressures from zero pressure to burst pressure. Two different types of nonlinear models, uniform and nonuniform, have been developed and evaluated. These models are utilized are nonhomogeneous material conditions and analyzed in the nonlinear field. For the analysis, the required actual drawn shell properties, including weld zone properties and drawn shell thickness variations, are investigated. These properties, in addition to the blank sheet (SAE-1008) material properties, are used in the computer models. The results of the burst pressures and their locations are predicted and compared to experimental re...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of proximal tibial corrective osteotomy on menisci, tibia and tarsal bones: a finite element model study of tibia vara

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2014

Proximal tibial open wedge osteotomy (PTO) is a corrective operation used in the surgery of lower... more Proximal tibial open wedge osteotomy (PTO) is a corrective operation used in the surgery of lower extremities and is applied to patients with varus deformities for sufficient correction. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the PTO can achieve decreased stress-bearing on the tibia and tarsal bones in addition to correcting the mechanical axis of the lower limb in patients with tibia vara. Three-dimensional (3D) solid modelling of the lower extremity was carried out using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)-containing images of all of the bony elements and non-bony structures. PTO was applied to the obtained deformed model in the computer environment and the correction was carried out. Stress distributions in menisci, tibia and tarsal bones were calculated. With respect to loading on the tarsal bones, the maximum equivalent stresses on all bones decreased except for the navicula in the PTO-simulated model in the current study. These results clearly indicate that PTO can achieve decreased stresses on the tarsal bones in patients with tibia vara.

Research paper thumbnail of Cerrahi Öncesi Planlamada Üç Boyutlu Simülasyon ve İki Boyutlu Resim Editörü Programlarının Karşılaştırılması

Cerrahi oncesi sekil ve konum bozuklugu durumuna gore hasta tedavisi planlanmaktadir. Cerrahi esn... more Cerrahi oncesi sekil ve konum bozuklugu durumuna gore hasta tedavisi planlanmaktadir. Cerrahi esnasinda ve sonrasindaki olumsuz etkenler en az seviyeye indirilmesi icin bilgisayar destegi gunumuzde siklikla kullanilir hale gelmistir. Ameliyat oncesi planlama, genellikle rontgen (X-Ray) filmleri uzerinden yapilmaktadir. Buna ilave olarak bilgisayarli tomografi (BT) ve manyetik rezonans (MR) goruntulerinden elde edilen uc boyutlu (3B) modeller ile bilgisayar destekli cerrahi planlamalar da ortopedi ameliyatlari icin kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada, yaygin olarak kullanilan resim isleyici program ile bilgisayar destekli simulasyon yazilimi kullanilarak 2 modelin alt uzuv ameliyat oncesi planlama ve sanal duzeltmeleri birbirleriyle kiyaslanmistir

Research paper thumbnail of İnsan Uyluk Kemi̇ği̇ni̇n (Femur) Modellenmesi̇ Ve Yük Dağilimi Anali̇zi̇

Different dimension of caput femora affects load transfer direction from human body to femur bone... more Different dimension of caput femora affects load transfer direction from human body to femur bone. Difference in dimension of caput femora changes load distribution on all joint in connection with femur bone. Changes in the geometric dimensions of the caput femora defined as coxa vara and valga disorder. In this study, as a result of lower extremity disorder defined as vara and valga, load distribution from the human body to the femur bone were examined. The solid model of the femur obtained congruent models from Computerized Tomography (CT) images. Load distributions were calculated due to the femur structure where vara and valga disorders were considered for the standard human weight.

Research paper thumbnail of Stress distribution comparisons of foot bones in patient with tibia vara: a finite element study

Blount's disease, or tibia vara, is the most common cause of pathologic genu varum in childre... more Blount's disease, or tibia vara, is the most common cause of pathologic genu varum in children and adolescents. Changes in the loading of knee structures such as tibial articular cartilage, menisci and subcondral bone are well documented in case of genu varum. But the mechanical effects of this condition on foot bones are still questionable. In this study, the authors hypothesized that stress distributions on foot bones might increase in patients with tibia vara when compared with patients who had normal lower extremity mechanical axis. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses of human lower limb were used to investigate and compare the loading on foot bones in normal population and patient with tibia vara. The segmentation software, MIMICS was used to generate the 3D images of the bony structures of normal and varus malalignment lower extremity. Except the spaces between the adjacent surface of the phalanges fused, metatarsals, cuneiforms, cuboid, navicular, talus and cal...

Research paper thumbnail of Burst tests and volume expansions of vehicle toroidal LPG fuel tanks

This study addresses the prediction of the burst pressures and permanent volume expansions of the... more This study addresses the prediction of the burst pressures and permanent volume expansions of the vehicle toroidal LPG fuel tanks using both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) approaches. The experimental burst test investigations were carried out hydrostatically in which the cylinders were internally pressurized with water. The LPG tanks are subjected to incremental internal uniform pressure in the FEA modeling. 2D nonlinear plane models are developed and evaluated under non-uniform and axisysmmetric boundary conditions. For the analysis, the required actual shell properties including weld zone and thickness variations are investigated. Therefore, the results of the burst pressures and volume expansions are predicted and compared to experimental ones.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Salter Pelvic Osteotomy Angle on Contact Area and Pressure Distribution in the Hip Joint: An Experimental Study

The hip dysplasia is described by an irregular relation between the femoral head and the acetabul... more The hip dysplasia is described by an irregular relation between the femoral head and the acetabulum. Insufficient coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum leads the development of dysplasia in the incongruity hip joint. Several osteotomies are carried out for treatment by changing with coverage angle of the femoral head in the hip joint. In this paper, the effects of osteotomy techniques used in the surgery applications on the coverage angle are investigated experimentally. Salter osteotomy technique was applied on a patient-specific artificial hip models manufactured at different osteotomy angles. The contact pressure distribution and area were measured by using Fuji Film Prescale sensor in the hip joint. The results were compared with each other. The average contact pressure expectedly decreases as long as osteotomy coverage angle increases but, the contact area decreases unexpectedly

Research paper thumbnail of A New End-Closure Design for DOT-4BA Propane Cylinders

This study presents a new end-closure design, using a numerical approach, to eliminate the buckli... more This study presents a new end-closure design, using a numerical approach, to eliminate the buckling that occurs at the bottom end of DOT-4BA propane cylinders. When the bottom heads are subjected to test pressure they often buckle, which causes instability of the propane cylinders. That instability is the cylinder's loss of upright standing. The buckling was predicted using both experimental and numerical approaches, and a proposed solution to prevent the failure by increasing the material was previously reported. An alternative end closure design is developed in this study to eliminate the end buckling without changing the material. In order to model the new end, a computer-aided finite element analysis (FEA) design tool was employed. Two different FEA models, 2D plane and 3D shell, were created and simulated in nonlinear conditions. The results obtained from the simulations are compared to previous corresponding studies.