Yasin Yiğit - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Yasin Yiğit

Research paper thumbnail of Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenlerinin Öğrencilere Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazandırma Yeterliği Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması (Türkiye Örneği)

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 15, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Mi̇ras Öğreti̇mi̇ Bağlaminda Ahi̇li̇k: Di̇n Eği̇ti̇mi̇ Perspekti̇fi̇nden Bi̇r Değerlendi̇rme

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazandirma Yeterli̇ği̇ Ölçeği̇ni̇n Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇: Geçerli̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

İslami İlimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, Oct 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Anadolu İmam Hati̇p Li̇sesi̇ Meslek Dersleri̇ Öğreti̇m Programlari Ve Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazandirmasi Açisindan Anali̇zi̇

İslami İlimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, Oct 1, 2019

Anadolu imam hatip liseleri Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı ortaöğretim kurumlarıdır. Bu okullarda... more Anadolu imam hatip liseleri Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı ortaöğretim kurumlarıdır. Bu okullarda öğrencileri yükseköğretime hazırlama amacının yanı sıra meslekî din öğretimi de yapılmaktadır. Bu özelliği ile Anadolu imam hatip liseleri, diğer okul türlerinden ayrılmaktadır. Okullarda din öğretimi ile ilgili zorunlu derslerin ortak adı meslek dersleridir. Bu derslerde öğrencilere çeşitli bilgi, beceri ve davranışların kazandırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de problem çözme becerisidir. Bu araştırmada Anadolu imam hatip lisesi meslek dersleri öğretim programları ve ders kitaplarının problem çözme becerisi kazandırması açısından fonksiyonelliğini saptamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla nitel yöntemlere başvurulmuştur. Bu kapsamda öncelikle Anadolu imam hatip lisesi ve öğretim programları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Daha sonra öğretim programları ve ders kitapları doküman incelemesi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda Anadolu imam hatip lisesi öğretim programları ve ders kitaplarının problem çözme becerisi kazandırması açısından kısmen yeterli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitimde Kültürel Spor Ahlakı Bilinci Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi Ölçeği: Geçerlik Güvenirlik Çalışması

Pamukkale Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Bu makale, Ithenticate intihal tarama programı ile taranmıştır. Ayrıca iki hakem tarafından da in... more Bu makale, Ithenticate intihal tarama programı ile taranmıştır. Ayrıca iki hakem tarafından da incelenmiştir. / This article has been scanned with Ithenticate plagiarism screening program. Also this article has been reviewed by two referees.

Research paper thumbnail of Öğrencilerin Dijital Ortamlar Üzerinden Yapılan Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Derslerine Yönelik Tutumları (Sivas Zara İlçesi Örneği)

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Öğrencilerin Dijital Ortamlar Üzerinden Yapılan Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Derslerine Yönelik Tutumları (Sivas Zara İlçesi Örneği)

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Beş Vakit Namazın Öğretimiyle İlgili Ders İçeriklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Tetkik, 2022

Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları ve ders kitapları ülkemizde yürü... more Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları ve ders kitapları ülkemizde yürütülen eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerinde faydalanılan eğitsel materyallerin başında gelmektedir. Çünkü derslerin amaç, içerik, süreç, ölçme ve değerlendirme unsurlarının ortaya konulduğu öğretim programları, öğretmenler ve diğer paydaşlar için kılavuz işlevi görmektedir. Ders kitaplarıysa ülke genelinde tüm öğrenci ve öğretmenlere ulaşmakta, eğitim sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılmakta, içeriğin öğrencilere hangi çerçevede aktarılacağı hususunda sınır çizmektedir. Din öğretimiyle ilgili öğretim programları ve ders kitapları incelendiğinde ders içeriklerinin önemli bir bölümünün İslâm dininin ibadet esaslarıyla ilgili olduğu görülmektedir. İslâm dininin ibadet esasları içerisinde namazın ayrı bir yeri bulunmaktadır. İslâm dininde farklı namaz türleri bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de beş vakit namazdır. Beş vakit namaz, İslâm dinine göre Müslüman, akıllı ve ergen olan bireylerin yükümlü old...

Research paper thumbnail of Din Öğretiminin Amaçları Bağlamında Kültürel Aidiyet ve Kültürel Sorumluluk Bilinci

Bu makale, iTenticate aracılığıyla taranmış ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. | This articl... more Bu makale, iTenticate aracılığıyla taranmış ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. | This article, has been scanned by iThenticate and no plagiarism has been detected.

Research paper thumbnail of Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Meslek Derslerinde Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi (Sivas İli Örneği)

Eskiyeni, 2020

The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called vocati... more The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called vocational courses. In these courses, it is mainly aimed that students learn Islam from the main sources and internalize the principles of belief, worship and morality of Islam. In order to achieve this goal, students are aimed to acquire a variety of skills as well as a lot of knowledge, attitude and behavior. As a requirement of the era, skill teaching has become an important topic in recent years. To be based on the skill-based approach in education in Turkey also reveals this situation. As a requirement of this understanding, it is aimed that students gain some life skills in the courses. Some of these skills are common skills that are aimed to be gained in all courses. Others vary depending on the courses. One of the skills aimed to be acquired in all courses is the problem-solving skill. Any situation that disturbs oneself in the life process of the individual and prevents him from reaching his goals is called a problem. Problem solving skill-in case of the individual faces a problem-means adapting, developing solutions and applying them to eliminate the problem. Since it is vital for the individual and society, it is important that the students reach the goal of gaining problem-solving skills during the teaching process. Vocational courses have a particular and important place for students to achieve their goal of gaining problem-solving skills. As a matter of fact, religion is a reality that encompasses life from various angles and guides the individual throughout life. Thanks to their religious beliefs, the individual can develop different coping strategies in case of problems. In this context, it can be established the relationship between the problem-solving skill and teachings of the Islam on subjects such as patience,  Bu çalışma 24.07.2019 tarihinde sunduğumuz "Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Meslek Derslerinin Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazandırması Açısından Fonksiyonelliği (Sivas İli Örneği)" adlı doktora tezi esas alınarak hazırlanmıştır./This article is extracted from my doctorate dissertation entitled "The Functionality in Terms of Having Get the Problem-Solving Skills of Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Professional Courses (Example of Sivas Province) which we presented on 24.07.2019" (Ph.

Research paper thumbnail of Din Öğretiminde Kültürel Aidiyet ve Sorumluluk Bilinci Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi Ölçeği: Geçerlik Güvenilirlik Çalışması

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇n Öğreti̇mi̇’Nde Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazanma Amacina Eri̇şi̇m Düzeyi̇ Ölçeği̇: Geçerli̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Dokuz Eylül Ünivesitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Attainment Level for Goal to Get the Problem-Solving Skill in the Anadolu Imam Hatip High School Vocational Courses: Example of Sivas Province

Eskiyeni, 2020

The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called voca-t... more The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called voca-tional courses. In these courses, it is mainly aimed that students learn Islam from the main sources and internalize the principles of belief, worship and morality of Islam. In order to achieve this goal, students are aimed to acquire a variety of skills as well as a lot of knowledge, attitude and behavior.
As a requirement of the era, skill teaching has become an important topic in recent years. To be based on the skill-based approach in education in Turkey also reveals this situation. As a require-ment of this understanding, it is aimed that students gain some life skills in the courses. Some of these skills are common skills that are aimed to be gained in all courses. Others vary depending on the courses. One of the skills aimed to be acquired in all courses is the problem-solving skill.
Any situation that disturbs oneself in the life process of the individual and prevents him from reaching his goals is called a problem. Problem solving skill-in case of the individual faces a prob-lem- means adapting, developing solutions and applying them to eliminate the problem. Since it is vital for the individual and society, it is important that the students reach the goal of gaining problem-solving skills during the teaching process.
Vocational courses have a particular and important place for students to achieve their goal of gaining problem-solving skills. As a matter of fact, religion is a reality that encompasses life from various angles and guides the individual throughout life. Thanks to their religious beliefs, the individual can develop different coping strategies in case of problems. In this context, it can be established the relationship between the problem-solving skill and teachings of the Islam on subjects such as patience, gratitude, trust in God, contemplation, consultation, interpret favora-bly, responsibility, diligence, trust awareness, exam awareness, repentance, forgiveness, solidari-ty and effective communication. However, the question of the to what extent students achieve the goal of getting problem-solving skills in the courses is a matter that is waiting to be re-searched scientifically.
This research was conducted to determine the functionality of vocational courses, in terms of providing students problem solving skills, taught in Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools where vocational religious education is conducted at secondary level in Turkey. Furthermore, in this study, it was aimed to determine how the results change depending on the effect of demographic variables. This research was conducted to determine the functionality of vocational courses, in terms of providing students problem solving skills, taught in Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools where vocational religious education is conducted at secondary level in Turkey. Furthermore, in this study, it was aimed to determine how the results change depending on the effect of demo-graphic variables. The research is important in terms of contributing to the reflection of the skill-based teaching approach put into practice by the Ministry of National Education in practice in religious education.
In the study, 1477 students studying in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools in Sivas province were applied the Attainment Level Scale for Goal to Get the Problem-Solving Skill in the Religious Teaching. Looking at the results of the research, it has been determined that Anatolian Imam Hatip High School 11th and 12th grade students have a high level of access to the goal of gaining personal problem solving skills (=3.79), the level of access to the purpose of being sensitive to social problems is very high (=4.29), the level of access to the purpose of acquiring religious coping skills is high (=4.00), the level of access to the purpose of solving religious problems skills is high (=4.03) in vocational courses. Based on these findings, it was determined that the students have a high level of access to the purpose of gaining problem solving skills in vocational courses (=3.95).
As a result of the research, the findings regarding the independent variables are as follows:
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of gender variable, it was determined that female students (=4.04) had higher levels of achievement of problem-solving skills in reli-gious education than male students (=3.93).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of a class variable, it was determined that the difference between the mean scores of the 11th (= 3.96) and 12th grades (= 4.00) was not significant.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of learning place variable, it has been determined that the students (= 4.01) who are educated in the schools in the districts have higher levels of access to the aim of getting problem solving skills in religious education than the students (= 3.97) studying in the city center.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of a reason for choosing Anatolian Imam Hatip High School variable, a significant difference was found in favor of those who chose it entirely by their own will.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of where religious knowledge is most learned variable, it has been determined that there are a significant difference between the stu-dents (= 4.02) who learned their religious knowledge mostly from vocational courses/teachers and those (= 3.92) who learned from mosque imam/courses affiliated presidential of religious affairs and those (= 3.88) who learned from sect-religious community.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of person taken as an example in attitudes and behaviors variable, it has been determined that there is a significant difference in favor of those who took an example the vocational course teachers between the students (= 4.12) who took the vocational courses teachers as an example in their attitudes and behaviors and the students who took the example of their peers (= 3.82), historical people or heroes (= 3.89), famous artists or actors (= 3.92) or other people (= 3.88) and there was no significant difference between the other groups.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of economic situation variable it has been determined that there was not a significant relationship between students’ level of access to the goal of getting problem-solving skills and their economic status (r=-0.023; p=0.382˃0.05; N=1459).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of Transition Exam (TEOG) score variable from basic education to secondary education it has been determined that there was not a significant relationship between students' level of access to the goal of getting problem solving skills and their transition exam score from basic education to secondary education (r=0.010; p=0.703˃0.05; N=1459).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of vocational course grade point average variable, it has been determined that there is a positive and significant relationship be-tween students’ level of achievement of problem solving skill in vocational courses and their grade point average (r=0.308; p=0.000<0.05; N=1459).
As a result, it can be said that in order to increase the access of students to the goal of getting problem-solving skills in vocational courses at maximum level, teachers should be given in-service training courses on the subject, studies should be conducted to increase their awareness in the process of training at undergraduate level and the qualification of the textbooks taught in the courses should be revised.

Research paper thumbnail of Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenlerinin Öğrencilere Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazandırma Yeterliği Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması (Türkiye Örneği)

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 15, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Mi̇ras Öğreti̇mi̇ Bağlaminda Ahi̇li̇k: Di̇n Eği̇ti̇mi̇ Perspekti̇fi̇nden Bi̇r Değerlendi̇rme

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazandirma Yeterli̇ği̇ Ölçeği̇ni̇n Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇: Geçerli̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

İslami İlimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, Oct 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Anadolu İmam Hati̇p Li̇sesi̇ Meslek Dersleri̇ Öğreti̇m Programlari Ve Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazandirmasi Açisindan Anali̇zi̇

İslami İlimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, Oct 1, 2019

Anadolu imam hatip liseleri Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı ortaöğretim kurumlarıdır. Bu okullarda... more Anadolu imam hatip liseleri Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı ortaöğretim kurumlarıdır. Bu okullarda öğrencileri yükseköğretime hazırlama amacının yanı sıra meslekî din öğretimi de yapılmaktadır. Bu özelliği ile Anadolu imam hatip liseleri, diğer okul türlerinden ayrılmaktadır. Okullarda din öğretimi ile ilgili zorunlu derslerin ortak adı meslek dersleridir. Bu derslerde öğrencilere çeşitli bilgi, beceri ve davranışların kazandırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de problem çözme becerisidir. Bu araştırmada Anadolu imam hatip lisesi meslek dersleri öğretim programları ve ders kitaplarının problem çözme becerisi kazandırması açısından fonksiyonelliğini saptamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla nitel yöntemlere başvurulmuştur. Bu kapsamda öncelikle Anadolu imam hatip lisesi ve öğretim programları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Daha sonra öğretim programları ve ders kitapları doküman incelemesi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda Anadolu imam hatip lisesi öğretim programları ve ders kitaplarının problem çözme becerisi kazandırması açısından kısmen yeterli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitimde Kültürel Spor Ahlakı Bilinci Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi Ölçeği: Geçerlik Güvenirlik Çalışması

Pamukkale Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Bu makale, Ithenticate intihal tarama programı ile taranmıştır. Ayrıca iki hakem tarafından da in... more Bu makale, Ithenticate intihal tarama programı ile taranmıştır. Ayrıca iki hakem tarafından da incelenmiştir. / This article has been scanned with Ithenticate plagiarism screening program. Also this article has been reviewed by two referees.

Research paper thumbnail of Öğrencilerin Dijital Ortamlar Üzerinden Yapılan Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Derslerine Yönelik Tutumları (Sivas Zara İlçesi Örneği)

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Öğrencilerin Dijital Ortamlar Üzerinden Yapılan Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Derslerine Yönelik Tutumları (Sivas Zara İlçesi Örneği)

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Beş Vakit Namazın Öğretimiyle İlgili Ders İçeriklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Tetkik, 2022

Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları ve ders kitapları ülkemizde yürü... more Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları ve ders kitapları ülkemizde yürütülen eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerinde faydalanılan eğitsel materyallerin başında gelmektedir. Çünkü derslerin amaç, içerik, süreç, ölçme ve değerlendirme unsurlarının ortaya konulduğu öğretim programları, öğretmenler ve diğer paydaşlar için kılavuz işlevi görmektedir. Ders kitaplarıysa ülke genelinde tüm öğrenci ve öğretmenlere ulaşmakta, eğitim sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılmakta, içeriğin öğrencilere hangi çerçevede aktarılacağı hususunda sınır çizmektedir. Din öğretimiyle ilgili öğretim programları ve ders kitapları incelendiğinde ders içeriklerinin önemli bir bölümünün İslâm dininin ibadet esaslarıyla ilgili olduğu görülmektedir. İslâm dininin ibadet esasları içerisinde namazın ayrı bir yeri bulunmaktadır. İslâm dininde farklı namaz türleri bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de beş vakit namazdır. Beş vakit namaz, İslâm dinine göre Müslüman, akıllı ve ergen olan bireylerin yükümlü old...

Research paper thumbnail of Din Öğretiminin Amaçları Bağlamında Kültürel Aidiyet ve Kültürel Sorumluluk Bilinci

Bu makale, iTenticate aracılığıyla taranmış ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. | This articl... more Bu makale, iTenticate aracılığıyla taranmış ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. | This article, has been scanned by iThenticate and no plagiarism has been detected.

Research paper thumbnail of Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Meslek Derslerinde Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi (Sivas İli Örneği)

Eskiyeni, 2020

The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called vocati... more The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called vocational courses. In these courses, it is mainly aimed that students learn Islam from the main sources and internalize the principles of belief, worship and morality of Islam. In order to achieve this goal, students are aimed to acquire a variety of skills as well as a lot of knowledge, attitude and behavior. As a requirement of the era, skill teaching has become an important topic in recent years. To be based on the skill-based approach in education in Turkey also reveals this situation. As a requirement of this understanding, it is aimed that students gain some life skills in the courses. Some of these skills are common skills that are aimed to be gained in all courses. Others vary depending on the courses. One of the skills aimed to be acquired in all courses is the problem-solving skill. Any situation that disturbs oneself in the life process of the individual and prevents him from reaching his goals is called a problem. Problem solving skill-in case of the individual faces a problem-means adapting, developing solutions and applying them to eliminate the problem. Since it is vital for the individual and society, it is important that the students reach the goal of gaining problem-solving skills during the teaching process. Vocational courses have a particular and important place for students to achieve their goal of gaining problem-solving skills. As a matter of fact, religion is a reality that encompasses life from various angles and guides the individual throughout life. Thanks to their religious beliefs, the individual can develop different coping strategies in case of problems. In this context, it can be established the relationship between the problem-solving skill and teachings of the Islam on subjects such as patience,  Bu çalışma 24.07.2019 tarihinde sunduğumuz "Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Meslek Derslerinin Problem Çözme Becerisi Kazandırması Açısından Fonksiyonelliği (Sivas İli Örneği)" adlı doktora tezi esas alınarak hazırlanmıştır./This article is extracted from my doctorate dissertation entitled "The Functionality in Terms of Having Get the Problem-Solving Skills of Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Professional Courses (Example of Sivas Province) which we presented on 24.07.2019" (Ph.

Research paper thumbnail of Din Öğretiminde Kültürel Aidiyet ve Sorumluluk Bilinci Kazanma Amacına Erişim Düzeyi Ölçeği: Geçerlik Güvenilirlik Çalışması

Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇n Öğreti̇mi̇’Nde Problem Çözme Beceri̇si̇ Kazanma Amacina Eri̇şi̇m Düzeyi̇ Ölçeği̇: Geçerli̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Dokuz Eylül Ünivesitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Attainment Level for Goal to Get the Problem-Solving Skill in the Anadolu Imam Hatip High School Vocational Courses: Example of Sivas Province

Eskiyeni, 2020

The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called voca-t... more The courses related to religious education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools are called voca-tional courses. In these courses, it is mainly aimed that students learn Islam from the main sources and internalize the principles of belief, worship and morality of Islam. In order to achieve this goal, students are aimed to acquire a variety of skills as well as a lot of knowledge, attitude and behavior.
As a requirement of the era, skill teaching has become an important topic in recent years. To be based on the skill-based approach in education in Turkey also reveals this situation. As a require-ment of this understanding, it is aimed that students gain some life skills in the courses. Some of these skills are common skills that are aimed to be gained in all courses. Others vary depending on the courses. One of the skills aimed to be acquired in all courses is the problem-solving skill.
Any situation that disturbs oneself in the life process of the individual and prevents him from reaching his goals is called a problem. Problem solving skill-in case of the individual faces a prob-lem- means adapting, developing solutions and applying them to eliminate the problem. Since it is vital for the individual and society, it is important that the students reach the goal of gaining problem-solving skills during the teaching process.
Vocational courses have a particular and important place for students to achieve their goal of gaining problem-solving skills. As a matter of fact, religion is a reality that encompasses life from various angles and guides the individual throughout life. Thanks to their religious beliefs, the individual can develop different coping strategies in case of problems. In this context, it can be established the relationship between the problem-solving skill and teachings of the Islam on subjects such as patience, gratitude, trust in God, contemplation, consultation, interpret favora-bly, responsibility, diligence, trust awareness, exam awareness, repentance, forgiveness, solidari-ty and effective communication. However, the question of the to what extent students achieve the goal of getting problem-solving skills in the courses is a matter that is waiting to be re-searched scientifically.
This research was conducted to determine the functionality of vocational courses, in terms of providing students problem solving skills, taught in Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools where vocational religious education is conducted at secondary level in Turkey. Furthermore, in this study, it was aimed to determine how the results change depending on the effect of demographic variables. This research was conducted to determine the functionality of vocational courses, in terms of providing students problem solving skills, taught in Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools where vocational religious education is conducted at secondary level in Turkey. Furthermore, in this study, it was aimed to determine how the results change depending on the effect of demo-graphic variables. The research is important in terms of contributing to the reflection of the skill-based teaching approach put into practice by the Ministry of National Education in practice in religious education.
In the study, 1477 students studying in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools in Sivas province were applied the Attainment Level Scale for Goal to Get the Problem-Solving Skill in the Religious Teaching. Looking at the results of the research, it has been determined that Anatolian Imam Hatip High School 11th and 12th grade students have a high level of access to the goal of gaining personal problem solving skills (=3.79), the level of access to the purpose of being sensitive to social problems is very high (=4.29), the level of access to the purpose of acquiring religious coping skills is high (=4.00), the level of access to the purpose of solving religious problems skills is high (=4.03) in vocational courses. Based on these findings, it was determined that the students have a high level of access to the purpose of gaining problem solving skills in vocational courses (=3.95).
As a result of the research, the findings regarding the independent variables are as follows:
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of gender variable, it was determined that female students (=4.04) had higher levels of achievement of problem-solving skills in reli-gious education than male students (=3.93).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of a class variable, it was determined that the difference between the mean scores of the 11th (= 3.96) and 12th grades (= 4.00) was not significant.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of learning place variable, it has been determined that the students (= 4.01) who are educated in the schools in the districts have higher levels of access to the aim of getting problem solving skills in religious education than the students (= 3.97) studying in the city center.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of a reason for choosing Anatolian Imam Hatip High School variable, a significant difference was found in favor of those who chose it entirely by their own will.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of where religious knowledge is most learned variable, it has been determined that there are a significant difference between the stu-dents (= 4.02) who learned their religious knowledge mostly from vocational courses/teachers and those (= 3.92) who learned from mosque imam/courses affiliated presidential of religious affairs and those (= 3.88) who learned from sect-religious community.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of person taken as an example in attitudes and behaviors variable, it has been determined that there is a significant difference in favor of those who took an example the vocational course teachers between the students (= 4.12) who took the vocational courses teachers as an example in their attitudes and behaviors and the students who took the example of their peers (= 3.82), historical people or heroes (= 3.89), famous artists or actors (= 3.92) or other people (= 3.88) and there was no significant difference between the other groups.
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of economic situation variable it has been determined that there was not a significant relationship between students’ level of access to the goal of getting problem-solving skills and their economic status (r=-0.023; p=0.382˃0.05; N=1459).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of Transition Exam (TEOG) score variable from basic education to secondary education it has been determined that there was not a significant relationship between students' level of access to the goal of getting problem solving skills and their transition exam score from basic education to secondary education (r=0.010; p=0.703˃0.05; N=1459).
• The scores obtained from the scale were handled in terms of vocational course grade point average variable, it has been determined that there is a positive and significant relationship be-tween students’ level of achievement of problem solving skill in vocational courses and their grade point average (r=0.308; p=0.000<0.05; N=1459).
As a result, it can be said that in order to increase the access of students to the goal of getting problem-solving skills in vocational courses at maximum level, teachers should be given in-service training courses on the subject, studies should be conducted to increase their awareness in the process of training at undergraduate level and the qualification of the textbooks taught in the courses should be revised.