Yavuz SÜMER - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
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Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
Papers by Yavuz SÜMER
Deniz ve hava araclarinda yolcularin transferini saglamak icin gecici kopru sistemi olan gecit me... more Deniz ve hava araclarinda yolcularin transferini saglamak icin gecici kopru sistemi olan gecit merdivenleri (pasarella) kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada fonksiyonel paralel pasarella tasarimi, analizi ve uretimi yapilarak deniz aracina monte edilmistir. Bu tasarim sayesinde, geleneksel pasarellalarin fonksiyonelliginin ve istiflenmis verimliliginin artirilmasi saglanarak nispeten daha uzun gecit merdivenleri elde edilmis ve yer kisintisi olan yatlara uygulanmasini kolaylastirilmistir. Tasarim asamasinda, oncelikle sistemin cubuk mekanizmalari ile kavramsal tasarimi tamamlanmistir. Ardindan 3B modellemenin gerceklesmesi adina tasarim parametrelerini kolaylikla elde edebilmek icin analitik olarak kinematik analizi yapilmis ve hareket denklemleri MATLAB yardimi ile cozulmustur. Elde edilen verilere gore sistemin 3B tasarimi bilgisayar destekli tasarim (CAD) programi SolidWorks ile ilgili kurallar (DNVGL-ST-0358) ve uygulanan yatin tasarim limitleri dikkate alinarak modellenmistir. Modeli...
In the development of lighting technologies, light emitting diode (LED) technology plays an impor... more In the development of lighting technologies, light emitting diode (LED) technology plays an important role due to its high efficiency. LED lightening is the future of indoor and outdoor illumination solutions that all around of the world there is a widespread transition to save energy and have better quality illumination via LED-based solutions. On other hand, cooling of high power LED is crucial factor to utilize LED in high performance. In addition, finned heat sink could not be efficient based on the its geometry and usage areas due to the powder, the rain and the muds effects. In this study, an un-finned heat sink LED armature consisting of aluminum sheet metal was designed using a computer-aided-design (CAD) program. Furthermore, manufacturing of the heat sinks from sheet metal plates with bending machines enables to increase variety of LED armatures cheaply according to design requirements. Then, the thermal analysis of the system was conducted for the case of natural heat con...
Deniz ve hava araclarinda yolcularin transferini saglamak icin gecici kopru sistemi olan gecit me... more Deniz ve hava araclarinda yolcularin transferini saglamak icin gecici kopru sistemi olan gecit merdivenleri (pasarella) kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada fonksiyonel paralel pasarella tasarimi, analizi ve uretimi yapilarak deniz aracina monte edilmistir. Bu tasarim sayesinde, geleneksel pasarellalarin fonksiyonelliginin ve istiflenmis verimliliginin artirilmasi saglanarak nispeten daha uzun gecit merdivenleri elde edilmis ve yer kisintisi olan yatlara uygulanmasini kolaylastirilmistir. Tasarim asamasinda, oncelikle sistemin cubuk mekanizmalari ile kavramsal tasarimi tamamlanmistir. Ardindan 3B modellemenin gerceklesmesi adina tasarim parametrelerini kolaylikla elde edebilmek icin analitik olarak kinematik analizi yapilmis ve hareket denklemleri MATLAB yardimi ile cozulmustur. Elde edilen verilere gore sistemin 3B tasarimi bilgisayar destekli tasarim (CAD) programi SolidWorks ile ilgili kurallar (DNVGL-ST-0358) ve uygulanan yatin tasarim limitleri dikkate alinarak modellenmistir. Modeli...
In the development of lighting technologies, light emitting diode (LED) technology plays an impor... more In the development of lighting technologies, light emitting diode (LED) technology plays an important role due to its high efficiency. LED lightening is the future of indoor and outdoor illumination solutions that all around of the world there is a widespread transition to save energy and have better quality illumination via LED-based solutions. On other hand, cooling of high power LED is crucial factor to utilize LED in high performance. In addition, finned heat sink could not be efficient based on the its geometry and usage areas due to the powder, the rain and the muds effects. In this study, an un-finned heat sink LED armature consisting of aluminum sheet metal was designed using a computer-aided-design (CAD) program. Furthermore, manufacturing of the heat sinks from sheet metal plates with bending machines enables to increase variety of LED armatures cheaply according to design requirements. Then, the thermal analysis of the system was conducted for the case of natural heat con...